A Plethora of Plots

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Which one interests you the most?

  • It's the End of the World As We Know It

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Things In the Night

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • For the Crown

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • For the Right Price

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Harry Potter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marvel

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Pokemon

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Fairy Tail

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harvest Moon

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters

Small Foxx

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
High Fantasy. Medieval. Supernatural. Romance. Action. Drama. Adventure. Modern. Thriller. Dystopian.
Hi! So. I had to disappear from the interwebs for a couple of years but I'm back and ready to rumble. I have a few ideas for rps (some of them old, some of them new) so I thought I'd just toss my line in the water and see what I get! [All open world roleplays would allow characters free reign in exploration and developing plots with each other, but would feature bi-weekly events and plot drops to stitch together a bigger picture and give everyone the chance to interact with other characters]
  • It's the End of the World As We Know It: A bit overdone, maybe, but I just love a good apocalypse story. Rather than zombies, I prefer the idea of humanity suffering from biological warfare that caused incurable mutations in some while the survivors had to struggle to survive as the world crumbled around them.
  • Things In the Night: Marfield, Montana is a small town teeming with supernatural creatures. And, of course, the inevitable threat that threatens to destroy them (humans, an ancient curse, a powerful creature with an ax to grind).
  • For the Right Price: How about a story about a group of mercenaries, spies, and assassins that work for the highest bidder, though they will get off their asses for free for something like saving the world or at least a country.
  • For the Crown: An open world roleplay taking place in medieval times (perhaps fantasy is involved).​

  • Harry Potter: Just a Harry Potter-themed roleplay. Could take place at Ilvermorny (because YAS) or at Hogwarts. Either way, I love me some HP.
  • Marvel: Honestly, I have so many AU plots in my head that it's crazy. The next generation of Avengers, a group of vigilante teens, the next generation of X-Men, something based around the premise of The Gifted. Just. There's a lot. It would be a mix of comic, cinematic, and television timelines along with custom events added in for the sake of character stories.
  • Pokemon: Again, I have a lot of plots in mind. We could do a structured story or an open world type of roleplay.
  • Fairy Tail: Taking place in the year X785, ours would be the story of the newest generation of Fairy Tail Wizards. It would be an open world roleplay. (OCs: Yes. Canons: No. Relation to canons: Absolutely -- gotta love legacies!)
  • Harvest Moon: This would definitely be a slice-of-life roleplay inspired by my favorite video game series of all time. Just a small island town, though perhaps a bit more mature and complex in nature than the source.​
Looking for a Pokemon RP. In terms of others, I'll go with Fairy Tail & maybe Harvest Moon.

There's a chance I'll pop into the Marvel RP.
I voted for marvel but i'd also be up for harry potter :3
I love your ideas. In order here are the ones I am most interested in:

1. For the Crown - I am obsessed with anything medieval.
2. For the Right Price - Sounds hella interesting.
3. Pokemon - Always up for Pokemon.
4. It's the End of the World As We Know It - Love me a good apocalypse.
5. Harvest moon - One of my favorite games.

If you need help with brainstorming or anything hit me up.
what winnie said

I can create groups for Pokemon, Marvel, and For the Crown. But I feel that it's imperative that I warn everyone that I live and breathe darkness and angst. Shit might get real.
Alright. So far, the most popular ones are pokémon, marvel, and for the crown. Here's what I got--

Ever since my great existential crisis of 2k12 (which was intensified by the release of pokémon black/white and even further intensified by the release of pokémon sun/moon), I have been obsessed with the idea of a pokémon AU that's more... realistic. Imagine a pokémon world where humans are not allowed to go around assaulting and abducting pokémon all willy-nilly. Pokémon are presented as sentient creatures capable of high levels of emotion and intelligence, and yet they're treated as less than. Not in this world. The AU I have in mind revolves around a worldwide organization made up of the most elite members human society has to offer. They work in tandem with their pokémon partners to ensure that pokémon are treated fairly, making sure that they do not go back to the days of savagery. Nobody knows more about pokémon than The Keepers, and they are considered the leading authority on all things pokémon. Our characters would be those that make up the best team in the organization, traveling across all seven regions to dole out justice, keep the peace, and a few other things. Yes, there are still Champions and Elite Four and Gym Leaders and such -- the only difference is that pokémon are protected and given the option to choose whether or not they want to battle or even stay with their human companion; pokéballs that lock in and force pokémon to remain within are highly illegal. The Pokémon Equality Act (lol... PEA) came into being after the number of wild pokémon dropped drastically due to humans abducting pokémon and leaving eggs and young ones defenseless and orphaned, and the death of many pokémon in the care of humans because of poor experiments and a general lack of knowledge on how to care for them.

IF THAT'S TOO MUCH; How about a group of friends (or strangers) deciding to travel the world together? They could be new trainers, elite trainers, celebrities or nobodies. Just a group of people that love pokémon that want to see the world. Maybe a character from each region? They could be explorers and researchers!

Marvel: Casual story about a group of superfriends that sometimes decide to be heroes? Or the harrowing tale of mutants and superhumans and non-human people in general going on the run after the governments of the world turn against anyone and everyone more than ordinary? There's also... The Revengers... I mean, the Avengers Apprentice Initiative, where we could play young adults hand-picked by the Avengers to step up to the plate and avenge the world when the old fogies just can't do it anymore. Perhaps an AU based semi-loosely off of House of M, where our characters are some of the very last mutants remaining after Scarlet Witch loses her shit and erases the x-gene from 99.99% of the population, making it open season on mutants? OR JUST A GROUP OF KICKASS YOUNG ADULTS THAT ARE VIGILANTES AND DO WHAT THEY WANT WHEN THEY WANT BECAUSE FUCK THE GOVERNMENT.

For the Crown: This will take some intense world-building, but I do have an idea and I'll keep you updated on it.
I slightly apologize for my enthusiasm. And the terrible darkness that haunts these plots.

What if they don't even bother wearing any kind of disguise half the time? They're just wanted criminals that people love to hate and hate to love. They don't really commit any crimes (except occasionally harassing government officials, committing perjury, harassing cops, maybe robbing an ATM or two) and they just travel around the world fighting crime when they feel like it, chillaxin' to the max when they aren't, or partying their asses off.
Pokémon: Ever since my great existential crisis of 2k12 (which was intensified by the release of pokémon black/white and even further intensified by the release of pokémon sun/moon), I have been obsessed with the idea of a pokémon AU that's more... realistic. Imagine a pokémon world where humans are not allowed to go around assaulting and abducting pokémon all willy-nilly. Pokémon are presented as sentient creatures capable of high levels of emotion and intelligence, and yet they're treated as less than. Not in this world. The AU I have in mind revolves around a worldwide organization made up of the most elite members human society has to offer. They work in tandem with their pokémon partners to ensure that pokémon are treated fairly, making sure that they do not go back to the days of savagery. Nobody knows more about pokémon than The Keepers, and they are considered the leading authority on all things pokémon. Our characters would be those that make up the best team in the organization, traveling across all seven regions to dole out justice, keep the peace, and a few other things. Yes, there are still Champions and Elite Four and Gym Leaders and such -- the only difference is that pokémon are protected and given the option to choose whether or not they want to battle or even stay with their human companion; pokéballs that lock in and force pokémon to remain within are highly illegal. The Pokémon Equality Act (lol... PEA) came into being after the number of wild pokémon dropped drastically due to humans abducting pokémon and leaving eggs and young ones defenseless and orphaned, and the death of many pokémon in the care of humans because of poor experiments and a general lack of knowledge on how to care for them.

An interesting take to explore, that much I can say. I have this hunch that it'll evolve into a Planet of the Apes type of deal. I want to see this delve into philosophy.

IF THAT'S TOO MUCH; How about a group of friends (or strangers) deciding to travel the world together? They could be new trainers, elite trainers, celebrities or nobodies. Just a group of people that love pokémon that want to see the world. Maybe a character from each region? They could be explorers and researchers!

I'd be fine with either idea, really. The latter has more flexibility, and the themes you intend to apply can still apply to a lighter setting in various arcs while having a better balance of dark and bright.
Heh, at least you're aware of your angst, I don't even know I'm being edgy half of the time and that's worse. Also ye for enthusiasm
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If you do a Marvel thing, I should like to reserve a spot, please.

I just moved to a new apartment and my internet won't be connected until next week, so that's when I'll get the sign up, ooc, and all that shit up.
For the right price....sounds interesting.
I would be very interested in the Marvel plot! ^.^
I somehow assumed For The Right Price was medieval set as well until I read further explanation given by you and I totally got confused about the ATM part, since before that it gave me a bit of a robin hood kinda feeling. Like you know wanted by the royal/nobels but loved by the poor.

Anyway I have no time or space for another rp right now. Just came here to say that xD
I voted Marvel.. But might well be interested in some of the others.
Though I voted "For the right price" I would not say no to a Marvel one.
Dang, can't vote for two? For the Right Price and For the Crown are both my jam. Couldn't we combine For the Crown and For the Right Price, as a suggestion? They both have lots of votes.
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