A Pirate Adventure in Space.

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Beautiful like a Forest Fire
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
So you want to tell me a story, eh? Fine, listen up.

In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to slip the silky bonds of earth's atmosphere and fly free into the void beyond humanity's sheltered home. A few months later, Alan Shepard, joined the then exclusive club. Back then, space travel was the hope of humanity that would usher in an age of unparalleled prosperity and with it a utopia unknown in all of time.

Those 20th century dreamers were partially right.

As humanity spread through the Sol system, there was prosperity aplenty to be had, as long as you were the shareholder of a company with the billions of credits to spend. Yes, on occasion, some lone wanderer playing their luck and taking the chances on the frontier struck it rich, but for most of humanity, life got a lot harder and a lot more expensive.

Now in 2469, people are born to live a life of untold opulence or they are born to die toiling to earn enough to buy a lungful of stale air and a splash of recycled water. For most of humanity, destiny now follows birth, but the human spirit is nothing if not resilient. For those few souls brave or crazy enough to risk everything, well they can always do as people did in the tales of myth and legend, and run away to sail the solar seas as a Free Booter, or as most authorities call them, Pirates. The life expectancy isn't great, but to some, dieing free matters more than living in a cage. Besides, they might just do the impossible and strike it rich. Now that would be a hell of a story.

OK yup, I'm thinking pirates in space. Think Mass Effect or Cowboy Bebop mixed with Treasure Island and an Elder scrolls game. I'm still nailing down a plot, but I wanted to see who was about and might be interested in this.

@Doctor Jax @Kuno @Red Thunder @Nemopedia @DayDreamer @Ritual Lobotomy
Me! Right here! I'm interested! ✋
  • Love
Reactions: Applo
I am here because space pirates and I am always up for pirates and space 👀✨
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Ritual Lobotomy
I have a lot on my plate so this isn't a commitment for sure, but I am interested.

Eyoooh love me some adventures! I'd be interested for sure 😆
  • OMG
Reactions: Nemopedia
Hi! This looks like an awesome idea! If you're interested, I'm starting a game shortly over here:

I'd love to see your pirate group be realised as part of the larger Ordaeus galaxy we're building over there in the Phoenix Nebula game; it might be fun to have a neutral deuteragonist party flying around guardians of the galaxy style!

Or if your heart is set on this RP having it's own thread we could, if you're willing, have both games take place in the same universe and have cross-game interaction? Be as simple as having the canon name for the galaxy you're flying around in be called Ordaeus! Then we could have the big story elements of each game get mentioned in the other thread, etc.

Just a fun idea I thought I'd share!
Ok, little bit of Admin time.

I'm going to 'close' this interest check for now. If you are interested but haven't said anything yet, you are welcome to follow along but the people who have posted here, plus a few who have messaged directly will have priority.

@MiharuAya @Nemopedia @Noctis the Devious @Dusk @Kuno @Red Thunder @Ritual Lobotomy @DayDreamer @Sailor Arti @Doctor Jax

mostly I'm tagging yall so I have a list of people to refer back to. My aim is to get a OC/Signup thread up by the start of august and then you will have the whole of august to decide if what I'm aiming for is of interest to you and come up with a character. I'm away on holiday for a good part of august, but I should be available enough to answer questions etc (I think I got everyone, but if we have messaged about this RP prior to me posting this, give me a poke and I will add you onto that list.)

@Pigiron I'd like to say thank-you for the offer, but at this stage both for reasons of my own gming comfort and just my vision for the RP, I'm going to keep this RP as it's own contained thing. Best of luck with your RP, if I wasn't about to try running this I would be looking at it with great interest.
Becuase tags are being screwy apparently I shall also link the OoC here.