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I wonder what sort of tech this world has. I'm guessing steampunk?

Also, I really want to have my character in the mechanic position, but I can't make her until I know what tech I'm dealing with, and there's sadly already one been made.

And where is @AshenAngel anyway? I've not seen them online.
Well judging from the chart, looks like there is room for multiple mechanics, cabin people and scouts! So like there's that.^^

But like yeah... don't know what happened to our GM O,o??
I wonder if Ashen had plans to make someone a GM for when they weren't gonna be here. Otherwise this'll be an RP without a GM and a butt-load of characters that need reviewing.
I wonder if Ashen had plans to make someone a GM for when they weren't gonna be here. Otherwise this'll be an RP without a GM and a butt-load of characters that need reviewing.
Idk cuz... Well they've answered questions quickly in past before. And we've t@gged them. So maybe they're busy...?
If anyone has contact with Ashen outside of Iwaku, I would like to know what's going on, GM-wise and why we haven't seen Ashen around lately.
Yeah. Dunno wut to say... cuz like I lurked their profile and they lurked this OoC like 40min ago...? O.o?? @AshenAngel its cool, bruh! Like we gots lots of peeps all interested~like in your RP now! You should come say hi right? ^^
Maybe this some type of test to see which player will crack first?
No, this is when I have three essays, an architecture project, and a broken laptop that is the only way that I can update the charts. I'm currently getting coffee for an allnighter, but once I head back home for thanksgiving break I'll answer any and all questions. @Boo Girlie BoomBoom, you are accepted and in charge for the duration of my absence because architecture was a mistake and I'm dying inside and I need turkey. But ya. I'm alive. Just a ghost. Wooooooooooooo.
Yeesh. Good luck @AshenAngel!

@TheTechnoVampire My reading of the first post is it's largely a Steampunk world, but the ship is something special. It says, "The only certainty about what powered the engine was that it wasn't steam and it wasn't diesel, and that it got the ships much farther than any other." Hope that helps ^^
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Yeesh. Good luck @AshenAngel!

@TheTechnoVampire My reading of the first post is it's largely a Steampunk world, but the ship is something special. It says, "The only certainty about what powered the engine was that it wasn't steam and it wasn't diesel, and that it got the ships much farther than any other." Hope that helps ^^
Steampunk with a little bit of magic. It would seem that the ship is powered by either some new technology (electricity?) or by magic
The Cartographer would never use her manipulators to cause drama. They're solely for manipulating people xD
And that's never led to drama before...

@Periodically Incorrect If you're interested, I'm sure Eli can convince Simon to share some biology work. ^^ Especially given that he's just using his biology background as an excuse to get on the ship. *cough*
He doesn't want to share some biology with Erica? xD

Yeah and I'm sure *that's* never led to drama either. ;D (It has, however, led me to being too distracted and missing my subway stop. Whoops.)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Not sure if this rp is still going or on a break until after Thanksgiving, but if there isn't a chef I would like to reserve that spot.

Let me know if its on a break for the upcoming holiday.~

K sooooooo... like they put the Boo Girlie in charge...? What in the ACTUAL FU~~


K. So first off then! WELCOME!! And thanks ya for your interest and awesomes k^^!! So check out what Boo did so far:

check it out, err'body k?

And please know that what ever happens here, the final say is not the Boo Girlies say. The final say goes to ASHENANGEL!!! So don't be scared k?

So like now that's done lets do a bit of Q&A stuffs!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! ;DD

Not sure if this rp is still going or on a break until after Thanksgiving, but if there isn't a chef I would like to reserve that spot.

Let me know if its on a break for the upcoming holiday.~
Hey~hey!! TY for interest k?! But like yeah, Boo is in charge until 'Murrika's Happy Eat Turkey Day!!! is done and AshenAngel gets back. Soooooo get your appie in!!! ;DD

I wonder what sort of tech this world has. I'm guessing steampunk?

Also, I really want to have my character in the mechanic position, but I can't make her until I know what tech I'm dealing with, and there's sadly already one been made.
Best thing would be to take a look at the airship on the OP and think of that as like... cutting edge tech. Everything else lets just go as cogs, steam and grease tech for now. Go wild with your idea and we can always edit later k?^^ Cuz like AshenAngel set up this RP so that we can have some input in the world building and exploration aspect. So yeah~yeah drop off an appie!!!!! :333

Aww, nards! Okay, I - Uh.
I can change mine.
K awesomes! TY^^ And don't forget that you can also support a Mechanic or in this case the Biologist and Shavynel has so kindly offered to work in a story with your charrie too k? So you can change up those skills too right?

And finally...

K so like the Boo Girlie is in charge right now so please do try to be kind to me and each other. Like from what we all seen so far, err'body here has been friendly and chatty and overall helpful right? And we all soooooooooooo excited and creative toooooo~~!! NICE^^!! So let's keep that up right? And hopefully more appies will fall on in here too. ;DDD

But k so like in the following days, Boo will have somethings for you all to do to spice up your charrie sheets k? LIke nothing difficult and nothing that will alter what AshenAngel has so far k? Like it will be creative and fun! But k... we'll see...

Thanks again, err'body~~^^!!


~Edz~ Also to anyone new checking us out, anything with !! Is still up for grabs. AND!! We still have slots for multiple Mechanics, Cabin peoples, and Scouts!!
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[BCOLOR=#000000]Name: Mason Jostar! (Yes, JOSTAR! DEAL WITH IT! *^*)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Age: 18[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Race: Human.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Height: 5'11"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Weight: 181 lbs.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Job: Cabin Boy (Hopes to get promoted to Mechanic or Scout sometime, his last captain never left room for promotion among the crew, especially the junior crewmen.)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Family: He's got a sis and mum back home, dad's passed on though, fell off an airship awhile back into the big blue dip.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]History: He grew up on an island that had high central mountains that acted as focks for the great whales of the sky, the airships, and everywhere went up to see his Dad back, and off again in the mountains on his job until he died. THe island was tropical and he grew up swinging around on vines and climbing trees, until eventually when he turned fourteen he began helping at the docks for a few weeks at a time and got great at maintaining airships when they docked, learning a lot about their inner workings. Then, once he turned sixteen, he left his sister and mother behind to take a full-time job on the Airship Garuda, but found his time there only slightly lucrative (just enough to support himself and his family), and that the chances for finding a place higher up in the crew without connections to the captain was impossible, so when the opportunity came to become apart of the crew of a certain other airship, he jumped at it.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Appearance: Mason is a tanned boy that has all white in him, but the tropical climate changed his skin to have a farmer's tan. He has a skinny, yet muscular athletic body, with a face that looks like it was carefully carved from marble with its smooth angles and sharp edges.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Belongings: A silver cross on a leather thong, it's simple enough, then as well as a that a knife for cutting rope and anything else that needs cutting.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Hobbies: Carving spare bits of wood into trinkets, and sketching in a leather bound book that he inherited from his grandfather.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Strengths: Climbing around and moving through small spaces, he also is great with lifting and pulling around heavier jobs on the ship.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Weaknesses: He isn't all to terrible in any places other than he's rather dense socially. He can curse and swear with the best of the sailors in the sky, but if he isn't in the skies or with those who plot courses through them, he can't adjust.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Skills(?): Sketching, doing manual labor, and tending to the airship.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Dunno if this is any good, but here ya are friendos! Tell me if I need to re-tweak the weaknesses/strengths/other stuff.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Oh, and I hope you don't mind that I don't have a picture for my character. I never do anymore.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Name: Mason Jostar! (Yes, JOSTAR! DEAL WITH IT! *^*)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Age: 18[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Race: Human.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Height: 5'11"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Weight: 181 lbs.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Job: Cabin Boy (Hopes to get promoted to Mechanic or Scout sometime, his last captain never left room for promotion among the crew, especially the junior crewmen.)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Family: He's got a sis and mum back home, dad's passed on though, fell off an airship awhile back into the big blue dip.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]History: He grew up on an island that had high central mountains that acted as focks for the great whales of the sky, the airships, and everywhere went up to see his Dad back, and off again in the mountains on his job until he died. THe island was tropical and he grew up swinging around on vines and climbing trees, until eventually when he turned fourteen he began helping at the docks for a few weeks at a time and got great at maintaining airships when they docked, learning a lot about their inner workings. Then, once he turned sixteen, he left his sister and mother behind to take a full-time job on the Airship Garuda, but found his time there only slightly lucrative (just enough to support himself and his family), and that the chances for finding a place higher up in the crew without connections to the captain was impossible, so when the opportunity came to become apart of the crew of a certain other airship, he jumped at it.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Appearance: Mason is a tanned boy that has all white in him, but the tropical climate changed his skin to have a farmer's tan. He has a skinny, yet muscular athletic body, with a face that looks like it was carefully carved from marble with its smooth angles and sharp edges.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Belongings: A silver cross on a leather thong, it's simple enough, then as well as a that a knife for cutting rope and anything else that needs cutting.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Hobbies: Carving spare bits of wood into trinkets, and sketching in a leather bound book that he inherited from his grandfather.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Strengths: Climbing around and moving through small spaces, he also is great with lifting and pulling around heavier jobs on the ship.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Weaknesses: He isn't all to terrible in any places other than he's rather dense socially. He can curse and swear with the best of the sailors in the sky, but if he isn't in the skies or with those who plot courses through them, he can't adjust.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Skills(?): Sketching, doing manual labor, and tending to the airship.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Dunno if this is any good, but here ya are friendos! Tell me if I need to re-tweak the weaknesses/strengths/other stuff.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Oh, and I hope you don't mind that I don't have a picture for my character. I never do anymore.[/BCOLOR]

~ponders why this RPer is shaped like a basketball?~

Aaaaanyways! k, really good start but like can you use this template please:

Appearance:(Preferably Anime Image)










Ashen has put an emphasis on the personality over the history. But hey! Don't scrap your history write up! But like no need to put it on the CS k? Just hold onto it for when we start to discuss all the wild and amazing locales of the world when Ashen gets back k? But you've been move onto the chart under !! status! Yays!!^^!!

~ponders why this RPer is shaped like a basketball?~

Aaaaanyways! k, really good start but like can you use this template please:

Appearance:(Preferably Anime Image)










Ashen has put an emphasis on the personality over the history. But hey! Don't scrap your history write up! But like no need to put it on the CS k? Just hold onto it for when we start to discuss all the wild and amazing locales of the world when Ashen gets back k? But you've been move onto the chart under !! status! Yays!!^^!!
UUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! Kay. Gonna have to force myself to do this but kay, xD. And I am NOT basketball shaped.

Appearance:(Preferably Anime Image <Shhh, I don't have one, sorry!) [BCOLOR=transparent]Mason is a tanned boy that has all white in him, but the tropical climate changed his skin to have a farmer's tan. He has a skinny, yet muscular athletic body, with a face that looks like it was carefully carved from marble with its smooth angles and sharp edges. His hair is a sandy brown with a few odd red streaks that sits on his head in an untidy mop. It somehow always manages to stay out of his eyes, even if he's never combed it once. His eyes, as well, are slightly odd, as they have a golden hue, with emerald green flecks.[/BCOLOR]

Name: Mason JOSTAR! (The finest lot Speedwagon ever knew.)

Age: 18

Gender: Male, like your mail.

Species: Humaaaaan~!

Role: He's a fethin' Cabin Boyo.

Personality: Adventurous? Foul-mouthed? These describe Mason, but so does the wonderful trait of having a heart'o'gold! But who doesn't? Everyone has some good in them, at least that's what he believes. He also doesn't like trusting people with his personal details. He just doesn't like to talk about himself. As well, he just loves animals and the air, not much a people person though, but he's sociable (as he can be) all the same.

Skills: [BCOLOR=transparent]Sketching, doing manual labor, and tending to the airship.[/BCOLOR]

Strengths: [BCOLOR=transparent]Climbing around and moving through small spaces, he also is great with lifting and pulling around heavier jobs on the ship.[/BCOLOR]

Weaknesses: [BCOLOR=transparent]He isn't all to terrible in any places other than he's rather dense socially. He can curse and swear with the best of the sailors in the sky, but if he isn't in the skies or with those who plot courses through them, he can't adjust.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Gaze upon this glorious crappy CS! Gods of this RP, forgive me for my terribleness, I will make up for it![/BCOLOR]
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Gaze upon this glorious crappy CS! Gods of this RP, forgive me for my terribleness, I will make up for it![/BCOLOR]

Awesomes^^!! Thanks for doing that. Boo just wanted a consistent look for AshenAngel for when they gets to look over the appies!


K, soooooo... @err'body!! Yeah~yeah tomorrow we will do a bit of a house keeping roll call to see where we are at with interest, appies and grounded RPers!! :33
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