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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I can get on.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval, Romance, Sci-Fi, Modern
It was a child's dream to join an exploratory airship. The world was young and uncharted, and those who set out to expand the maps were hailed as heroes. A new series of airships were produced strictly for the purpose of exploring, however, only four of them were built due to the cost of the materials. The ships were the next step in human production. The mystery-class vessels ran off of an unnamed fuel and were twice as fast as other ordinary ships. The only certainty about what powered the engine was that it wasn't steam and it wasn't diesel, and that it got the ships much farther than any other.

Unfortunately, the longevity of the ships was what brought the program to a halt. Three of the ships exploded due to a mechanical failure, costing the lives of all crew members on board. The only remaining ship, the Dreamer, was decommissioned following shortly after the mechanical failures of the other three. Exploration slowed slightly as ships were unable to go far without refueling, and advances in fueling only added a few more miles to the ships' range.

After several years, the Dreamer has resurfaced and the captain and vice captain are searching for an exploratory crew. Now is your chance to get on the fantasized mystery-class vessel and map out the world. Will you take it?

OPEN SIGNUPS - A Matter of Heart and Soul OOC
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This rp will be heavily focused on adventure and worldbuilding, though as our adventurers meet other populations, there are opportunities for war and conflict. This will be a slow building roleplay focused on character development as we build the world around them.
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Reactions: :Cosmic:
Count me in! What's the ship powered on? xD
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Reactions: AshenAngel
The hearts and souls of all the rpers I can sucker in to joining. I mean, to be revealed in the rp.
Alright, so what types of locations are you guys most interested in exploring?
Alright, so what types of locations are you guys most interested in exploring?

Would you mind elaborating on what you mean by this?
Like, do you want island hopping while mapping out archipelagos or exploring caves hidden in mountain ranges and stumbling across other civilizations.... I can ramble all day.
Ahh, gotcha. Hmm... Well, I want everything! totally not helping

I would prefer to start at one point on the map, then travel across, exploring as we go. Caves, volcanoes, valleys, mountains, villages, anything really!
Ahh, gotcha. Hmm... Well, I want everything! totally not helping

I would prefer to start at one point on the map, then travel across, exploring as we go. Caves, volcanoes, valleys, mountains, villages, anything really!
I agree with this. ^^ which probably isn't too much of a help but y'know what I don't care
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Reactions: junebug
And this is fantasy, correct?
Yep, completely made up world, and there is room in the plot for magical undertones and different sentient species.
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Reactions: :Cosmic:
Okay, because, I may have some ideas I've been wanting to use in a fantasy world for a while now for a civilization based inside the mountains. ;u; It'd be nice to expand on it~
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Reactions: :Cosmic:
Let em fly, let's hear it.
Unfortunately, I won't be allowing the use of my creation in this roleplay since I won't be a part of the roleplay any longer. :c
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Looks like they'll fit in well with the exploration. Would they be open to outsiders, skeptical of them, or hostile? AKA, would they ambush the crew mid exploration and capture them, thus triggering my jailbreak plot, or are they more of a have a feast, show off our culture type of people?
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Looks like they'all fit in well with the exploration. Would they be open to outsiders, skeptical of them, or hostile? AKA, would they ambush the crew mid exploration and capture them, thus triggering my jailbreak plot, or are they more of a have a feast, show off our culture type of people?
Skeptical and hostile 8D Their territory is sacred to them and outsiders are not welcome ;D
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Mwahahaha.... Sounds fantastic, then.
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Reactions: Katori
Are we using real face claims or anime? Will the CS be detailed or basic? c:
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