A Lovecraftian Adventure Into the Jungle!

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Doctor Jax

Disease Empress
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi, Urban Fantasy, Horror

Venture into the wilds of Siam and encounter wonders never before seen by Man. Seeking workers for expedition into the unknown! Prior experience overseas preferable. Must be of sound mental and physical constitution, and good temperament. Upon completion of 10 week tour, workers liable for reward of 3,000 English pounds. If interested, send correspondence to Charles Green at 450 Harman Place in Charing Cross, London.

These sorts of pleas are a dime a dozen. There seems no end of countries to plunder and explore. The blank parts of the map are filling in. There are heroisms to be found everywhere one looks.

And you need the money -- don't you?

  • There isn't much different about the world. The year is 1899, England is still a juggernaut superpower and trade giant, and steam is the name of the game. Telegraph is the main means of communication across the sea, and letters are still delivered by hand. However, a dark undercurrent flows beneath the goings on of the world. Austria-Hungary and their Empire has already begun to besiege Western Russia, and tensions are high under the threat of war.

    Machinery has come a long way. There are now diggers and all-terrain vehicles, tanks and boats made for near every eventuality. War breeds necessity, and it's necessity to have good vehicles and equipment. Steamships and trains are the fastest modes of transport possible, with the fastest steamship able to go from London to New York in little under two days. However, everything runs on steam power, as the gas fields have long been abandoned after the great Egypto-Briton war, with Egypt coming out as the victor. Radio waves have just been considered as a form of communication. Much of the world remains undeveloped, though China has recently become an incredibly powerful trader. To the west, America remains a rugged, untested country full of backwater populists and Indian natives, a land of opportunity -- and savagery.

    The only country in Asia besides China which has not become some form of colony is Siam, the Jewel of Southeast Asia. Boasting a king styled in Western fashions, Siam remains three parts wild to each part civilized. A small country with many ocean ports, it is heavy with jungles -- and perhaps untold riches. Particularly, the medical trade has become ever more interested in the rainforest and its wealth of plants,
    which are used more now than ever in different medicines. It is even rumored that there is a plant in that jungle that can even stave off the ravages of death...

  • In the year 1898, Charles Green and his expedition embarked after their former lost expedition into the verdant hell of Siam's jungles in search of... something. On its outset strange things began to happen, and there was little explanation for the goings on that overtook the small band. Early on in the expedition, one of their rifleman, possessing a black magic charm in the form of a golden, stillborn child, committed suicide in the night. It was evident that he had attempted to burn the charm, before ending his own life when this seemed impossible...

    The expedition was called to a halt, the official reason being that it was far too wet and the marshes too deep to continue on foot. It is quite clear, though, that the rifleman's death shook the resolve of those involved. Now, a year later, new and old faces will gather to try again...
  • At present, 7 positions are open on this expedition. The expedition organizer, Mr. Green, is looking for the following:

    (1) Doctor: You are responsible for making the medical most of your pitiful least. As typical of these expeditions, men will be breaking fingers, slicing open thumbs, catching malaria, and complaining of certain diseases procured from the local women. It is your job to keep the crew healthy, even if all you have are toothpicks, gauze, and some whiskey. OPEN

    (1) Navigator: Knowing where you are going is quite important on most expeditions. Those few which do not need a navigator hire one anyways. Your ability to navigate by compass or constellation makes you invaluable, and thus you can be assured that if there is a mutiny -- typically a healthy assumption -- you will most definitely be spared. OPEN

    (1) Chronicler: Many an adventurer has found they lose the vast majority of their evidence in boat crashes, thievery, and encounters with natives. As the chronicler, you ensure that evidence is captured in photographic or written form on every day of the journey. It is possible you may already be employed by a news agency, or that you are a freelancer salivating at that three thousand English pounds. TAKEN BY @Red Thunder

    (1) Cook: Napoleon once said that an army marches on its stomach, and this cannot be more true in an expedition. Often, you will have to make do with what is in the chuck truck, as well as finding food that will please the vast majority of the crew on this trip. You may find culinary creativity will serve you well once the stores begin to run out and lemur becomes the prime dish on the menu. OPEN

    (2) Rifleman: You are the main line of defense against many of the dangers in the jungle, be those tigers, angry natives, or even one of your own. Without you, the crew is exposed to the elements and vagaries of the jungle. You will probably make very, very many friends. Unfortunately, you may also be the path of least resistance where danger is involved. 1 OF 2 TAKEN BY @Kuno

    (1) Botanist: You are the moneymaker of this trip. With your vast knowledge of plants, you will not only help the cook procure plants and fruits that will help shore up the stores you have to carry with you, you will also be expected to look for any medicinally important plants to collect and take back -- or anything unusual flora-wise. OPEN

    (1) Guide : The hope is that where English sensibilities fail, your own savvy will prevail. Whereas the Navigator guides the expedition through maps, you guide the expedition through the real obstacles on the ground, like fording large rivers or recognizing the signs of dangerous tribesmen. After all, you can't expect a bunch of poffs to know the difference between a harmless ganda snake and a cobra. OPEN

  • The rules are quite simple:

    1. Iwaku TOS is to be upheld at all times. This includes all bluestar/redstar activity even within discord servers or ooc. This is not a starred RP, thus romantic encounters must fade to black.
    2. Courtesy is paramount. We're all here to have fun. Please respect fellow RPers.
    3. Autohitting, godmodding, player killing, etc. is not acceptable.
    4. Posting speed is a minimum of one post a week. I reserve the right to move other RPers should a character stall an interaction for over a week.
    5. Post length minimum is eight sentences.
    6. RL comes first! If there are issues, please PM me if you cannot post once a week.

    This is an interest thread to check for potential players! If you wish to join but do not want a role that is available, PM me a pitch of a character and we will see what we can do!

    I am open to questions if you have any!
Hue hue hue

Tatyana gon come back a badass. Possibly with one or more neurosis brought on by a bit of gold jewelry. And with a healthy dislike of Mr. Green.

Hue hue hue.
And Green gon come back... still a giant butthole. Angie, though....
//raises hand in interest
Hullo, I'd like to submit my character. He's a worrywart Irish boy who talks too much and will fite u 1v1 rl. Pls accept
Hullo, I'd like to submit my character. He's a worrywart Irish boy who talks too much and will fite u 1v1 rl. Pls accept
take ur desu boi away
I'm glad to see people are showing some interest! If you know any other horror fans please point them this way!
Act I
Scene I

[Horror Fan Enters]

Heard y'all still needed a navigator GPS¿
Yee. I get the impression our last met with an ... unfortunate end.
Act I
Scene I

[Horror Fan Enters]

Heard y'all still needed a navigator GPS¿
We need the best GPS you got bruh.

The last one shorted out. Too much humidity. :^)
When are the sign-ups going up, you phony?

*applies pressure*
*dies of pressure*

Hopefully tonight!! Just gotta remember to do it because Hubs and I have been busy.