A Kingdom Lost (MxF, more plot, I promise)

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Ivan: Duke of Beards

Duke of Mustache-Beard-Combos to be precise.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Pretty much all the time. Central Standard time.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Futanari
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Romance, can do Furry, sub/dom, slave, monster girls. Open to just about anything.
Preface. I'm a guy, I only like to RP with girls. Nothing against you other guys, I just feel weird about it. If you're a guy and I know it, I'll decline your request as politely as possible. It's just my preference, and I don't enjoy when people try to break my rules or convince me otherwise.

And READ THE PROMPT! If you ignore half of the things I put on here (these included), I'll deny your request. I play in first person and in PMs, but can be talked into playing in a thread. As proof that you read the whole post, you'll have to find the three part password and use it as your subject line, and say that you use first person in your body. If you don't, you'll get a sorry in response. Password part 1 is "Cookies" Read through the whole thing to find all three parts. Also, if you're interested in an older post, you should use the password from this post.

(Names of people and places are subject to change)

It happened so quickly.

The kingdom of Halisenth has fallen. In the dead of night, Duke Aster, with an enormous army of mercenaries and his own personal soldiers, assaulted the castle Oleen and assassinated the royal family, taking the crown for himself.

Or so he thought.

The sole daughter to the throne managed to escape, traveling with her father's old, trusted mercenary company and her few loyal advisers and servants. They stole away as soon as the fighting started with her father's last wish fresh on her ears, "Gain the favor of the houses. Take back the throne." After that, he and her brothers fought back against the duke, only to fall. With that message, the confident yet compassionate princess has traveled with the mercenaries and her followers to escape her family's lands in hopes of building up a true army by forming allies from neighboring countries.

It has been a month since their escape. The Duke has caught wind of her survival, but she's no longer within the territory of the Halisenth Kingdom, now known as the Glenwell Kingdom. The Duke also announced that his plan was to become emperor of Liandfell, the continent, a title that hasn't been held in 500 years. And any country who wishes to join his reign should capture the princess and return her to him, as they will be given special favor in the empire. Luckily no kingdom has tried to capture her yet, but none have shown the desire to aid her either.

Aside from one. In the Lands of the Dead, there reside three kingdoms on the corners of the continent, ruled by houses. House Drac, House Fen, and House Jira. They are lands of non-humans of all kinds, from the dog-like fenrir to lizardmen, as well as elves and normal humans. Each kingdom is bathed in eternal night, due to powerful magics for their rulers. Each House is ruled by a vampire lord, an impossibly powerful vampire, equal in strength to an army of 5000 men, explaining the darkened lands. They are signified by their fangs of course but also their blood red irises. Only three lords can exist at a time, or so the legend goes. Only once in history did a fourth exist, and that was 500 years ago, when the empire still stood. The lords are also partly why other kingdoms refuse to do business with the houses. Vampires are seen as a slight upon God.

While two of them show no interest in her, House Fen, ruled by the female lord Mirrian Las, sees potential in the princess. But won't work for free. She has problems in her kingdom that need to be solve before anything can be set in stone, so the princess and her troops must venture out to do these quests. But at least they have a place to lay their heads.

Another month goes by. The jobs from House Fen seem to continually grow. It's hard to tell of Lord Las is simply toying with the princess or... Searching for something.

On the most recent job, a behemoth is summoned by a rogue mage the princess was tasked with killing or capturing. Apparently the mage had many a slave that he shouldn't have had. One of which, a young girl with powder white hair, Lord Las was searching for. That same girl also managed to escape from her chains and run off into the mountains in the distance from where the fight was going on and no one noticed.

An hour into the fight, in what seemed like a losing battle for the princess and her troops, a young man in strange clothes drops from the sky to rip the mage in two, only to proceed to destroy the behemoth in a barrage of savage and unnaturally powerful attacks.

As the beast lay dead, the young man drops to the ground as the princess and her soldiers approach. He's unconscious, but his open mouth shows fangs. And when the princess braves a closer look and opens his eyes, she sees the red eyes of a vampire lord...

In another land, a land of science and technology, a young man has lived in a private military corporation's secret testing lab since birth. He was trained as a soldier to fight, kill, assassinate, and wage war. Rather than brainwash him, the company clamped a control collar around his neck, as they do with all their soldiers. He became a mindless soldier, killing and maiming anything his employers desired.

Eventually, a new program by the PMC he is owned by found he was the perfect candidate for a new experiment, to create a super soldier. He was injected with various drugs and chemicals, subjected to incredibly horrifying tortures to test his new abilities.

All while the collar was off. So he could feel it all.

Eventually the collar was placed back on and he was made to do atrocious things. War crimes. And with his new strength, he couldn't be stopped. The world was nearly turned to ruin with his strength alone as the company that owned him continued to do terrible things in the world.

After some time, another experiment was planned, to explore another world. Another universe. As the most likely candidate to survive the trip, the company put the young man into a capsule and through a portal. While the inorganic material of his pod was unphased by the trip, his organic tissues shrieked in pain, unimaginable by any living being. Eventually, the pod is expelled by another portal on the other side, in a cave within a mountain.

There the pod sits. The pod was supposed to be a relay for the commands of the company but with the portal now closed, there is no way to send their messages. He is now trapped in a new world, but not only that, trapped in the pod. He may now find peace...

But then a large stone is moved from the entrance of the cave, and light pours into the stone tomb. A small girl walks in, wearing the white rags of a dress, with powder white hair. She walks over slowly with a smile, using her small, dainty hand to rip the cover off the pod. "Look at you, you poor creature. I can see the pain in your eyes..." She steps closer and runs a hand across his cheek. "I shall give you a gift, and you in turn will give one to me."

Slowly she climbs into the pod, sitting on the man's chest as she leans into him. "You shall be the fourth." She raises a clawed hand and rips the collar from his neck, his eyes fluttering shut as he passes out. Then she opens his mouth and slits her own throat, letting the blood flow and pour into his mouth. Mouthing the words. "Become the immortal fourth. Save this world to redeem yourself." She says, red eyes slowly fading as she slumps over. After a few moments, her body slowly starts to turn to dust, leaving nothing left.

Nearly an hour later, the man stirs, slowly standing. A hunger fills him as he climbs from the pod. He steps slowly out into the sun and winces, the light far more intense than his home, it seems. He shudders and growls, tongue playing over his sharpened canines as his eyes glow red. His strength increases, even more than it had before and he leaps into the air. Out in the valley of the mountains he sees a large creature as well as a smaller being with fire and lightning surrounding it. Something in his mind tells him to kill it. So he does.

He lands, ripping the robed mage asunder, before turning on the massive creature before him, a bloodlust coming over him as he batters it with thunderous blows. He himself is assailed, but the wounds don't effect him and quickly start to heal.

The creature soon lies dead and the man turns. He sees a woman so beautiful his heart seizes up and he grows dizzy.

That an the fact that he's passing out and falling to the ground.


First things first, this is still open: https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/slave-training-harem-story-mxf.164238/

But yea, I decided I'd try my hand at something in the vein of one of my old posts. Something big and somewhat thought out. As well, the names and places are not set in stone. I just kinda made some stuff up so we can come up with new and better names.

So you'd be playing the princess. But she's not some whimpering, submissive, porcelain doll of a woman. She's a fighter. She trained with her brothers to fight. She's confident and brave but compassionate and caring. She's just not used to any sexual things or people being attracted to her, which my character will be.

My character is from a modern time, not too socially adept due to always wearing the collar. With it off now he acts fairly confident, but only because he tries to repress all the things he's done in his home. He latches onto the princess because she seems so benevolent, and he wants nothing more than to redeem himself by helping her and her people.

Now onto some more specifics. My character will be the fourth vampire lord, that is set in stone. Aside from immortality, his powers are up in the air. I want to discuss that. As for her, she can use magic, that's fine. But what she can't use is a bow and arrow. I really dislike the main heroine using a bow and arrow, I just find it extremely boring. So you can't give her a bow and arrow. Give her a longsword, rapier, sword and shield, greatsword, whatever. I don't mind another female character using a bow and arrow, but yours can't. Just a real pet peeve of mine.(Part 2 of the password is "N' Cream.")

Aside from that, when they aren't adventuring (or even if they are) we can have some fun with them. There will be sex and a bit of kink, I really can't have a story without it. An no fade-to-black. Anyway, let me know if you're interested, or have any ideas of your own. I'm up for pretty much anything. Kinks (don't have to use everything there it's just there to show what we're interested in) and CS below.

Read the kinks and CS, everyone friggin' doesn't look at them.

F-list - Warning

Please be into some serious kinks. Too vanilla and I won't have a lot of interest.

You can get rid of everything in parentheses. If anything is confusing, ask me and I can help.


(Can use image if you'd like. Put it here.)


Race(i.e. human, furry and what kind, etc):

Disposition(Nice, sweet, shy, mean, bitchy, etc.):


Eye color (you wouldn't believe how often I forget this fuckin' option...):

Hair color/length:

Ears(human if human, etc):

Fur and color(none if human, etc):

Cup size(I like boobs, EE-J cups. Can start smaller for expansion):

Body type(Curvy, slim waist, wide hips, big butt, thick legs, etc. Can go skinny for growth):

Butt([no butt] 1-20 [oh my god how can you walk] I can probably fill this in):

Hips([no curves] 1-20 [oh my god, really how can you walk] I can probably fill this in):

Skin tone:

Scales and color:

Legs(human if human):

Arms(human if human):

Wings(none if human):

Tail(none if human):

Horns(none if human):


Normal clothes/outfit:



Magic(if any):

Special Characteristics:

Other(Stuff I should know that won't be in exposition later on):

Part 3 of the password is "Milkshake."
Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.