A God's Revival

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Original poster
Hiya welcome one and many!^^ It's been quite sometime since I used to roleplay here and decided I might try to pick it back up. While it has been a long time I feel like my roleplaying and story telling has improved quite a bit. I've decided to try an old idea and recreate it into something better. Maybe include some dice rolls to leave other stuff up to chance. Anyways enough rambling from me I'll reveal my idea!

The idea itself is simple but would like to accomplish quite a bit if possible. Think a bit of Percy Jackson but mixed into an actual school setting. Instead of playing demigods or other creatures it'd be the actual gods. Reincarnated into mortalish bodies. The lore goes as follows, long ago the gods fought in a great battle to destroy a long forgotten threat to the earth and humanity. Whilst doing such people forgot about the battle and in time so did the gods' presence leaving behind their mythos and few stories with them. Aka the modern world. The story of said battle was finally uncovered many years later and with time humans started to be born with powers and abilities, these were the first of the reincarnations. Whom of which started a school to bring up the new gods who would come after them.

So there you have it, my idea plainly and simply put as I can. For now I'm just seeing the interest we have before I determine what the first story arc may be! As for any other questions people may have feel free to ask and don't hesitate. If I don't have an immediate answer then it was probably a good question I hadn't thought about. Now I have written this at 3:30 am, so if I don't respond right away I may be asleep so please do give me patience. As far as what you could potentially expect is up to your imaginations, standard school life, tournaments, clubs, fighting threats, character growth etc. As far as Gods go however go crazy. Greek? Norse? Egyptian? Slavic? Japanese? Chinese? etc. . . . all is available. You wanna be medusa? (aka not a god?) go for it. Think of the god as having some sort of My Hero Academia quirk/power, or having a super power in general. Does your character know what god they are? Possibly? No? All options are good I love character concepts that are executed well so be as creative as you wish!

Anyways signing off for now I look forward to seeing whose interested! Can't wait to roleplay with you!^^
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Oh look, I daresay I have stumbled upon A Vibe I Like. Consider me baited.
Oh look, I daresay I have stumbled upon A Vibe I Like. Consider me baited.
Hiya sorry I was busy the past few days, I'm glad you're interested if we get more people we can get things rolling
Sounds cool!
What age will we be in the RP since it's going to be a school?
Count me in if the intrest is still there

College right? K Boo interested then!
Cool, I'll get some things ready, glad the interest is here! All questions are welcome!
I should have something by tomorrow or the next day! I was busy the past few but am finally free!
also interested, need something casual
I vaguely recall a manga with a similar setting but cant recall the story or the title. I'ma keep an eye on this and jump in if inspiration hits. 👀
Alright friends I've gotten something out, I tried to put alot while also keeping it simple if you have any questions feel free to message me or @me. Anyways have fun making characters: OPEN SIGNUPS - A God's Revival