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The World Maker
Original poster
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  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
All over the place
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy,Modern fantasy, Scifi, Romance, most stuff
As the title says, got a few ideas I wanna do.

Love and War: In the world of Scalia, a prophecy for a great war is destined to place. The light is to be guided by a champion, A great heroine shall guide the forces of light into battle. Of course, the forces of darkness are commanded by an overlord. The two however, turn out to be lovers, both from the same village. The pair having a secret relationship. However, the overlord would be created by a failed witch trial and execution, setting the prophecy into motion. Will the war play out in full, or can the old flame they had counter the fated course?

Maiden Project:
Solar War I has just ended between Earth and the Lunar colony, the battleground being the many orbiting space stations. And the war was bloody and brutal, the hunks of space station still in between the two planets is a testament to the severity of the damage and casualties unleashed. Giant Lasers, Bombs, Mecha, and many others pulled from tales of such futures, except ones. No one knows whether it was Earth, the Moon or some poor, desperate colony trying to defend itself, but they broke a rather grave taboo. Human experimentation, taking inspiration Ancient Myths, Comics and movies. They made people, often young and those who wouldn't be missed, into transforming monsters. While The mechs were used in space battles, On ground, the nicknamed "Gorgons" for a similarity to an old myth from greece. Pretty much all sides ending up using them, making new, twisted versions. in the end, the war was no longer worth it, new powers emerged to put an end to it. Most stuff was either destroyed, stored in some museum or the like. All except one. The Gorgons. Debates raged on what to do. They were still people for the most part, but definitely dangerous. In the end, a sort of compromise was reached. A program was made to help defuse the walking timebombs, psychologically and physically. However those who administer treatment to the Gorgons are able to kill it with full training, often being ex-soldiers, should a Gorgon go beserk and be unable to be calmed. combine this problem with factions wanting to retake control of their property, Gorgons who evaded the program and try to gain independence, and finally those who wish to eliminate all Gorgons.

Maiden Rangers:
The earth has become under siege. Aliens, known as the Lilithmorphs. buggers have run rampant, leaving only a couple of cities relatively safe. Things are looking pretty grim, to the point some claim the end has arrived. Not all is lost however. Humanity created a counter measure in the Maiden Rangers. Time will tell if the dark secret involved with this new force will end them.(Multi characters)

Knights of the Gold Wing:
This tale follows a group females from a village in a demon infested world. Bound together after an attack on their village, will they rise to be great heroes, or more slaves to the demons?(multichar)

Star Strider:
The story follows a ship, the Star Strider, an experimental battle carrier as her crew tries reclaim it;s lost homeworld. And in the midst of a galactic cold war in rapid thaw, that might prove rather difficult. Though, such a situation can cause love to bloom, and wither(multi-char)

Lover from the Stars:
Humanity isn't alone. Across the stars, there are a great many races, civilizations and the like are spread across the galaxy. Of course, with that comes great empires and nations, which conflict is inevitable. It is from one of these that the bond is formed. A is a scout from a race who was on a mission against the opposing force. However, she was shot down over a primitive world. Earth, and A is stuck. She encounters B, a native of this strange planet, who helps her fit in. And possibly becomes her lover?

Trying to be Human: The tale of a half-human creature, the result of a human and some other non-human creature coming together. This is the story of that half-human trying to live a semi-normal life.
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Anyone interested in the first two?
I could be interested in the very last one!
Still looking.
If you're still looking, I'm interested in the first plot?