A Fateful Encounter (OOC) [Sylvinar x ~Dark Disney~]

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Sylvinar Cross

Original poster
[GALLERY=media, 14153]A Fateful Encounter by Sylvinar Cross posted Mar 29, 2017 at 7:16 PM[/GALLERY]
images (4).jpg
Name: Serena Heart
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Class: Junior
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Personality: Serena is a Sarcastic, hot head. A that takes life on a day to day basis and lives to the fullest she likes risk and dangerous stunts, but she is also very street smart and kind when she needs to be. She is very smart street and book, Serna also has a Sharpe witty tounge. Serena is a mystery because she can also be calm cool and collected at times or wild fiesty and fun.
Serna grew up in Ireland Belfast to be exact. She become adventureous wild child with a dark and devious side. She was just out their and could careless who thought what about her. However now she had to move due to her father's job relocating him. Being the knew girl in town she was unsure what would happen here or if she would even enjoy it.
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