OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship Experiment ( IC thread)

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Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost and Darren

Samuel would look at her and laugh. " Oh, look at that- you have a gun pointed at my head. In a room with a necromancer- who knowing how that man is- will just revive me. You might want to put the bullet in my head, pretty fast, Dan The Man. Well, the Coleslaw question is actually a really simple one. It was never there- neither were the other passengers, well some of them were there- but not all of them. People believe what they want to believe and your mind fills in the gap. Or you know- someone on this ship might have the ability to mess with the memories of the others. Do you know anyone like that Astrid? Or Dan, perhaps someone who knows how to kill a captain?"

Chrissie was getting what Samuel was trying to do. Make them turn on each other to save his own ass. It was clever, she had to give the CIA agent that, but there was just one thing true, her brother would attack them. She grabbed his hand. " Hey, the sun is getting really high and you will be fine, or something like that. You know I couldn't stay awake during the Avengers."

Christopher would look over at her and just smiled. " Honestly, the effort was a whole lot better than most people so, I think I will take it for what it worth, sis."

Dan was quiet for a moment. " You're right- he probably will revive you- but based on everything I learned that wouldn't be such a bad thing." Dan released the trigger and shot Samuel point blank.

"Well, if you want to know the answer to that, it's because I'm a messy dramatic bitch. It was more fun and easier to make this look like something bigger than it was. You know what they say- It ends with faith, it ends with- " Dean paused as he heard the gun shot. No- No- that wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to die. That wasn't in the plans- NO- NO-. " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" He asked, staring at Dan, looking over at him, not able to comprehend any of Jeremy's other questions. It hardly seemed important right now. His brother had just been killed.

Peter was just processing the fact that this was all just an elaborate plan to get him to revive someone from the dead. It was a lot and it was just something else to look over at everything. He didn't have a reason to go over to the other man and heal him, he had been working for the bad guy- but then again...

"Is there anyone way to make things better without costing people their lives?" Zale asked the air, almost as if there was an unanswered question.

" Well... I don't think Peter is a necromancer, hasn't someone called him and his brother a child of Fate? What if that was a literal thing?" Darren asked for a moment.

Joe was quiet for a moment as they looked at the scene in front of them and came to a sudden realization. " I think Darren might be on to something. Maybe the reason we all have to be close to Peter is because we think we need to be, same as the Jester thinking he's cursed when he's just really fully alive. Isn't being human just constantly straddling between life and Death? What if he's the one containing himself to this ship? To this hate."

Peter would approach the body. " If you want to do something Astrid, you might want to do it now.. You can thank me late."

Parker Destin/ Mr. Death

Parker would cross his arms and look over at her. " I do think it's more than just him that's here. Sure, he claims to be the main bad guy, but he calls himself the Jester. It's a name that goes back to the old time, but the Jester usually worked for a king or a queen or a .....FUCK. FUCK."" Parker had come to one of those big realizations

"I was wondering when somebody would come and find the girl," a voice said traveling across the room, giggling. It didn't seem that anyone was in the room though. Where was the voice coming from then?" It seemed they weren't stopping them from freeing the girl though.

It was almost like this was supposed to happen and it made Mr. Death very uneasy. " Who are you?" He decided to ask, though he really didn't want to know the answer to that question.

"The superior."

At his words Astrid worked to not show any emotion on her face, even thought she ached to rip out his eyeballs. Where she came from, they taught you how to be lethal, and with Dan holding a gun to his head, he would be very surprised- probably enough to get his eyeballs as trophies for being a shithead.
Astrid gaped for a moment as Dan...actually pulled the trigger, killing Samuel Hope. Though there was no reason for it. Except....Dan had taken the heat off of her somewhat, putting the focus on himself with the pull of the trigger. It was a mystery why he would do that for her.

Peter's words gave her a pause, causing her to eye the man up and down with distaste. "Ya know necromancer, one day, someone's gonna shoot you, and they're not going to give a shit about your powers. They don't make you invincible, even with your smitten lover at your side." Astrid told him, tapping her foot. She couldn't really do much to the dead Samuel Hope anyway, not until Peter brought him back. Though...the man did seem to have somewhat of a point. Neutralize the threat. Do what she did for Charlie, but this time, leave the man alive. As soon as breath came back into his body, she sprung into action. Crouching down, she put two fingers at Samuel's pulse, looked at her watch, and dove into the man's head, pretending to catch his heart rate. Diving into his head, she searched his head, rifling as fast as she could for pertinent information. Some things she would take away, and some things she would learn, though it wouldn't be too much, considering she only had a few minutes.

"YOU PLAY WITH OTHER'S LIVES, AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS! YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOUR BROTHER! YOU BROUGHT A MURDERER ON BOARD AND EXPECTED HIM TO BEHAVE! THIS IS ON YOU!" Jeremy screamed at the Jester. The sad part was that this wasn't even 100% Dan's fault. He was at fault for murdering the man, but Samuel wouldn't have talked himself into getting shot on this boat if the whole thing hadn't been orchestrated. He raced over to Peter, ready to comfort the man who was his top priority. "I don't quite remember what a Child of Fate is, but I'm sure this'll work itself out. Though we're stuck with Samuel now."
Ari, not having been around this crew before, wasn't exactly sure what was going on. "Do you know who that is? I'm not exactly in the know about most of this. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if this asshole orchestrated my death. Though they really like to gloat. It's astounding." Ari went over to Lehna, picking her up with some difficulty in a fireman's carry, as she hadn't awoken yet. "Let's go tell the others. I'm sure that's what the Inferior wants us to do." It was a jab at him, a completely justified one because this person had probably caused her death. Even if they hadn't...well they were shady as fuck.
Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost and Darren

Dan was relieved that she showed no emotion on her face as much as she wanted to kill him. It worked out for him that it didn't make it look like anyone else wanted his dead when he was sure that at least five other people in the room wanted him to breath his last breath. He was quiet for a moment, waiting to see how they would react. "

Chris's face rang with disappointment that he hadn't been the one to end Samuel's life and he didn't say that at all. He would gasp and then something triggered in his mind. "You- you were the one who killed me.... you..." He was quiet, not sure what to do when the man was clearly out with a gun.

"Yeah, we'll talk about that later." Dan shrugged the accusation off.

Chrissie would take a moment to process the information that her brother had given her and she wanted to punch the man, but it wasn't the place for her to do that. She just held him and took a deep breath, having a feeling that things were going to get worse before they got better. "We'll get through this together."

Peter was quiet as he didn't have the words to argue against her. "I have never said that my powers made me invincible and I have a name you know, it's Peter. Nobody deserved to die, not the Jester, not Samuel or anyone on this boat. Just because we can kill people doesn't mean we should. Everyone deserves a chance to right their wrong and you would be a fool to think otherwise."

Joe noticed that they had never seen Peter like this before and took a deep breath. " I think he's right about that. It's not up to other people to decide who lives and dies. If they did, the world would be crueler."

Darren was quiet for a moment. "Joe's right. I think we even should help the Jester if we can, nobody deserves this sort of life."

Peter would revive the body and it didn't take long for Astrid to find the information that she needed. But it seemed that his mind when he came back was already damaged. Her mind would strike something that nobody had knew. He had nearly died before and that was back as his teenager. He had been different back then. But which Samuel Hope was more important? The monster who became from trying to avenge his brother who was neither alive or dead or the one who had been someone innocent before it happened? It seemed Astrid had that choice to make. Who am I? Samuel asked as she rifled through his mind.

"I'm not sure I knew who you were before I died and before you were put in this hateful existence, but the man that you have become isn't something that I think I can love. I'm sorry, Dean, but I don't want to be who you are right now. It's the most true thing that I've felt in the wrong time," Zale said as Jeremy screamed at the Jester.

Parker Destin/ Mr. Death

Mr. Death would look over at her and was quiet for a moment to think about it. "I might have some ideas on who it can be, but I don't think I want to give her the satisfaction until we are with the rest of the group. They probably play a role in the grand scheme of things, but I'm sure if they wanted to monologue about what they would have done. Let's get back to the group and end this little game once and for all," he replied, as he would make a note that it was a woman and that was the only thing that mattered. The voice went quiet and it seemed that was all she wanted to say. He led the way back to the rest of the group... unless Ari had questions for the voice.

Jeremy watched Astrid and Dan through all of this, feeling uneasy at them. For a moment he had an anger thought- he could attack Astrid here and now, especially for being mean to Peter. But something told him Dan would react poorly to that- out of all of them, he only showed basic courtesy and respect to Astrid. Which made him think a little harder- Dan clearly knew Astrid. Something to think about next time. But his job was to keep Peter safe, above all, so all he could do was be next to Peter- a comforting presence- his rock that brought him to reality.

Astrid's manipulation of memory was an imprecise skill- it wasn't like she could just ask one how to properly look inside a person's mind without there being a little mess. "I can't tell you what you are. I can only bring you together, to decide for yourself." Astrid told him, before setting to work.
She started crudely stitching the memories together to bring them into the light, his present unknown memories with his future killer memories, to let him decide for himself what he was. She couldn't decide that, as it was easy to think of him as simply an asshole to not care about.

"That's not my problem, Peter. You of all people should know how arrogant that sounds, and how arrogant you sound. Do you have any ideas of how to fix your mistake? IT's nice and all, saying we need to fix him, but how is the question. IS there even a way we could make that happen?" Astrid asked, giving the floor to Peter. For some things, it was difficult to really muster up any compassion, but it was still in

She slipped away from the group as soon as she possibly could, leaving them to head straight to the Jester- the only person even possibly able to notice would be Dan. He was miserable with the truth. Seeing into Samuel's head had given her a dangerous idea of how to end it- give the Jester what he wanted. He wasn't happy, and wanted to live. Well, a fresh start would give him a reason to live.

Ari had to ask, because no one else would, right before they would leave the room. . "Why Peter and Mr. Death? Their powers make them special, but for a very specific purpose. Do you need to bring someone back to life? It would be easier to hire an assassin-that you already have employed I'm sure in Dan- to kill someone. You'd probably have a better time of getting Peter to do what you want by just kidnapping Jeremy rather than set up an elaborate trap like this that involves more people than seems necessary. Is this an attack on the gods? I know we're missing something, and it's what you want out of all of this. Why go straight to the stick if the carrot could work better? Seems like herding cats isn't as productive as dangling what someone wants in front of them? Why make enemies like this, without even trying to make friends? You probably won't answer, but I have a feeling at least half the group would have helped without all of this.'
When she heard the answer, she would take Mr. Death's hands, leading him back to the others.
Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost and Darren

Dan would notice the Jester freak out and that was when something clicked in the man. "What do you mean that it wasn't supposed to happen like this?" He asked, suddenly realizing that maybe he had even less information than before. She. Who was she? Dan didn't like that one bit. An unknown force that he didn't know made him anxious.

"You know, as much as I want to assault Dan right, who is she? We thought you were the end-" Chris started to say before his sister cut him off.

"I didn't- he seemed like another victim of whatever is happening here," Chrissie replied back to her brother, looking over at the man and wondering if he was going to answer them.

" The ends don't ever justify the means. It doesn't matter what someone else promises, you are the one who is responsible for all of your actions, Dean," Joe replied back to the man.

The ghost is right, " Darren nodded at the man, looking over at Zale who was quiet.

They are all right, but who is she?"

The Jester laughed and didn't respond for now.
Samuel was not sure if he was prepared to have both sides of his memories come together. "Well, I would love to know what I am because it doesn't sound like anyone else can know if I don't know myself," he replied back to her in his mind and wondered if it was possible to not have the two memories collide.

As good as Astrid was at stitching memories together, each stitch that she tried to do was falling apart. There was a missing gap between the broken teen Samuel was and the killer he would become. Nobody was born evil and that little missing memory, the one after his brother had been killed but before he had decided to become the jerkward was missing. It was impossible at the moment to put them together. The mind refused.

"Sometimes you need to sound a little arrogant to get your point across to people when it comes to this life. I do have some ideas to fix him and my mistake, but it means waiting for my brother to come back. If it was us both touching him that brought him out of this state, it's going to take both of us to undo it. Of course, I'm not sure if it will work, but anything is worth a try,"he replied back to her with a sigh.

The Jester would look over at the woman who was approaching him and had to wonder what it meant that she was coming towards him. What sort of idea did she have and would even work? It was too much to not know, but he didn't question it and decided to see what way she wanted to help him. Plus, it was better than nothing happening at the moment.
The Superior and Parker Destin/Mr.Death

The Superior would be quiet for a moment and then answered the woman. "Oh, you think this is about bringing someone back from the dead or even their powers. It was not about any of that. It was about heartbreak and fixing what is broken in me. It is for me giving him a reason to break and realize that even when you try to do the best to be nice and gentle and kind, you can fuck things up so badly that people get hurt. People die because of you. Once again, if I wanted to attack their mother, Fate, I would get my father to do that when it comes to hurting him, but this isn't about that either. Oh yes, you are right about that you are missing something. It's a very simple thing to miss too. You assume that I would be helped with what I wanted. I want something that is so simple and innocent- to have my life back- my time back, but since that can't be done by anyone in the group, well, I guess I'll just have to settle on getting revenge," she replied back to her.

Mr. Death started to have the gears click in his head. "I think I know who is doing this and if I'm right..." It started to pour and the waves were pushing against the boat.... calm for now.

Astrid looked to see that no one was in the room, before striding up to him, offering a hand to the Jester. For now, she had a few moments before Dan would come in. "I can't tell you if the pair can restore you back to your former self. It may not even work. But there is one thing I can offer you. You know my power works the best when both parties are in agreement. But I can give you the sweet release you need without killing you. I can wipe the slate clean- take your memories away. The other times, it could be reversed, because they were fighting against me with all of their strength. If you're worried about him being forgotten, then don't worry- I'll remember him. At this point, this may be the only way you can exist the way you are. Being here, thinking all of the time about's only making you feel like shit. I will also put a monument in his name. I'll be able to make the money for it soon. I've kinda made a shit bargain and now Dan has most of it, but I can make enough to afford the statue in a year." Her offer was made in good faith- as the last bit of good in her was shining out to the Jester- that she was making this offer in good faith- that she would do her best to free him from his personal hell in the only way she knew how. "I can also contact the gods, petition them to let them release your soul from your body- so you can be with him in the afterlife. I did some side gigs for one of their priests, and he owes me big time."
She would think about the unknown being pulling the strings behind this later. Right now, she was absolutely throwing a wrench into the being's plans- as she didn't like being in the dark like this.

Jeremy looked to Peter, not entirely sure who this woman was. "Hey Peter, do you have an idea of who this lady is? Is she like a goddess or something? Now, I completely get why the Jester hates us, but this random being is using him to get to us. Seems wild to pull like five other people in for no reason. Being cryptic for a reason they won't tell us."
Ari contemplated this for a moment, before responding with a surprisng amount of gentleness, for the woman who had caused most of their problems. "Still confused why half the group is here then. I get the ones with powers, but half the group being here doesn't even make sense.
Though....have you considered trying to bond with someone else? It doesn't have to be love- it can be a friendship. There's so many ways to love that's not Eros. Revenge isn't going to help you, because even when you're done with this, you'll be left with nothing. There's gotta be a way for you to make something of now. Otherwise you'll be sitting in those feelings and stewing. There's gotta be more than just revenge. Maybe you can make a friend along the way. Maybe you can meet other beings who can make the here and now a little more bearable. My name is Ari by the way." Ari and MR. Death would leave the room, back to the group, with Ari wondring who this supernatural woman was. "Tell me, who is she?" Ari would ask him, as she lead Mr. Death back to the others, Lena still slung over her shoulder.
Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost and Darren

The room that the Jester was in was not empty, but considering all the chaos that had happened in the past few moments, nobody was paying attention to her at the moment. "I don't think anyone can truly know if they can fix me, but it's better than living a life without any control over when it can end. That's always been the most beautiful thing about life- it ends. I'm sure that why Peter and his brother are twins. One to balance the death for all the mostly unending life that the other can have. Balance is something that everything in the universe can always strive for. But here's the thing. I don't want all of my memories to be taken away. It would mean forgetting about him and I don't want to forget about him. Not when he is right here." He would glance over at Zale.

"Me?" Zale asked.

Dan would take a second to notice that the Jester was glancing at the athlete that had appeared out of nowhere. He hadn't been on the ship when they arrived. He had never been part of his plans or the Jester's plan or even this mysterious her. It was starting to make sense now. That was why he was so important. Glancing over at the swimmer, he realized that the man didn't remember much. But Astrid hadn't affected him, had she?

"It feels like there is still something we are all missing in this whole situation," Joe pointed out.

Samuel would start to stir awake as the memory fix or rather the lack of one had brought him back to the before. "Love." It was the only word that made sense in this situation at the moment.

"Of course, that is his new first word," Dan mumbled.

"Love? But when has this been about-?" Gears started to click in Christopher's mind.

"A brother's love for his unliving brother, the unliving brother's love for his lost love, it's happened twice, which means that it most likely means something," Chrissie pointed out.

"And heartbreak," Darren added.

Peter would muse for a second, listening to everything that had been happening at the moment, and then the gears clicked in his brain. "I don't think anyone here was put here randomly. These were all people who had stories that connected to the bigger picture and a way to keep me on this ship. If this is a story about love and heartbreak, I think I know who she is. She's my ex-girlfriend, a weather witch."

The Superior and Parker Destin/Mr.Death

The amount of gentleness that the other woman had showed her was the most confusing to the Superior. How could anyone think they were were worth it? "Peter has never been one to stay in one place for too long, it's just not in his nature. The other half of the group was my insurance policy, people who deserved to either live or deserved to die, I wasn't too picky about which was which. If people died here and he revived them, he couldn't just leave at the next port, but things as life always does goes terribly wrong. Oh, revenge does leave me with a happy feeling in the pit of m chest, besides, I've never been the most stable person. If I believe the reports, some people would either label me as a sociopath, though, I don't think. Yeah, I'm not giving you my name, Parker knows though."

Parker would take a moment to be quiet as he walked back and once he was out of her earshot. "If I'm right, that's Peter first girlfriend, a weather witch who also happened to be a daughter of Zeus. It was a very messy relationship."

"Sometimes being dead for a long time messes with memories, which is why he might have forgotten. Lemme see something real quick." Astrid commented, going to Zane, clasping his hand, before diving into the man's head, pulling out memories of Zane and the Jester, tugging it out with some force to make them come to the surface, blowing the dust off the memories. Then, pulling herself out of Zane, she would push the two together, pushing Zane to the Jester. "Talk to each other. It wasn't his fault he left, and you have a chance if you openly communicate with each other."

Astrid would then go to Dan, standing next to him, to whisper in his ear. "I think the amount of time he died had erased some of his memories. He's been dead for awhile, and that messes with memory. I haven't touched him, considering we picked him up while we were on the ship." Her voice dropped to a whisper, so only she and Dan could hear. "Try to act casual so we can get out of this alive." She schooled her expression, her eyes turning to Jeremy as there was one person responsible for all of this, and if needed, she would use Jeremy to get to the client and take her memories. Make her forget, get them out of there.

"Balls, why is it always the exes? A whole family drama mess. Knew we should have stayed home." Jeremy groaned at the thought of Peter's ex and the witch girlfriend. Peter had told him about his exes before, but the weather outside. "Then maybe touch the Jester, Zane, and Samuel and just leave them here together while we deal with your ex? The weather outside is her fault for sure. She trapped you here with your creatures and those you brought back to life, and I'm worried she's going to come for you. This is clearly a revenge plot. You have any ideas of what to do?" Jeremy asked, not liking the fact that Astrid looked at him a little too intently for a moment.
Ari considered her words, but kept talking, as it was worth a shot to keep talking to her, even while leading Mr. Death away. "Why not look for a new love? The best way to get over heartbreak is to find someone better than Peter. I'm pretty sure there's a ton of better people than him, even with all the "child of fate" BS. I bet you can find someone better than Peter. I've heard stories about the necromancer, and he disturbs the order of the world, bringing chaos with his ressurections. People may fear Mr. Death, but if I'm being honest, he was made to clean up Peter's powers.
You can find someone new, put your energy into being the best for them, and they can too put themselves into being the best for you. If you want someone to chat with, to hang with, to be friends with, I'll be your friend, if you want someone. We can even find you someone better than Peter, as I'm sure there's someone better than him in the world. Go person to person with Peter. IF it's him you want to get revenge on, then do it." It was a twofer response, an offer of friendship and a buildup of MR. Death, that someone thought he was better than Peter for once. Though she didn't mention Jeremy, considering that he had been kinda under the surface- though if the witch chose to find Jeremy to threaten Peter, it would not go well.
Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost and Darren

"I also think it does depend on the manner of your death. I died pretty close to my home and near my journals , so even when I came back, I remembered, but Peter did always say I'm a weird exception to the rule," Joe replied. It wasn't as easy as one would think, maybe it was the way that he died, but it did take more effort than Astrid would have expected to draw Zale's memories to the surface, but they came flooding back in waves once she was able too. "Funny, communication wasn't our strong suit in life and it wouldn't be my strong suit now that I'm... I don't know if I could really be considered alive or dead, perhaps somewhere in between."

"We were never very good at communicating with each other, almost as if we needed to truly know what loss was like to do that, but I guess here is a new start."

"I imagine that it is a very real possibility that you are right, though, I don't think it's the amount of time that he died for that erased his memory as the manner of his death. If you noticed something, his ankles looked like they barely healed from being tied to something heavy. He wasn't supposed to e able to be brought back... someone wanted him dead forever. That might have to be something we'll have to address once we're off this boat."

"You know, even though this is not what I expected to be happening on this ship, but it is kind of sweet, even if it's happening in its own messed up little way too," Chrissie replied back to the rest of the group.

"..." Samuel wouldn't have words, almost as if he was pretty much still a blank slate from what he had been before. Sure he had memories of before, but he didn't know how to comprehend how he got here. All he knew for a fact was that his brother was happy and that made him happy.

"I guess that means we still have one more person to deal with, whoever is behind this whole mess that got us here in the first place," Christopher added.

"Well, I guess that means we got to figure out whoever is behind this, so we can get ourselves out of this mess," Darren replied, not sure that there was anything else to do. "Though I feel like we're forgetting about..."


"There's something about exes that always seems to bring out the worst of people. I doubt that staying home would have done anything, other than make her come towards our house and try to destroy. You know that's not how my powers work, it's a proximity thing, but I think we do need to figure something out for the Jester at some point, but that's a latter problem, along with everyone else I revived here. You know that if they are outside of the length of the cruise ship which I'm going to say based on the fact that we haven't seen how long it is about 600 feet or a few city blocks to stay alive. Oh, she's definitely going to be coming for me.. You're not going to like what I'm going to say, but I think I need to go and talk with her," he repiled.

The Superior and Parker Destin/Mr.Death

Parker was thankful that she was leading him away, as he didn't think that being in close proximity to her was a good idea. "Oh, you think it's easy to find a new love, I don't know if you realize this...but I tried for a little while. Went out with a few new guys and they all said the same sort of things. 'You don't seem over your ex', 'You're insane and I can't love you', 'You need help', those sort of words got ingrained when they are the only things that guys see in you. Crazy, insane, ex girlfriend, but you're right, Peter and Mr. Death are the unnatural order of the world and if they die then everything will be fine for the world, you said it yourself. Once they are gone, I can be the best version of myself. So sure, I'll make sure to deal with him in person, but that man cares a lot more about other people then himself, so I needed bait, sorry, it's nothing personal with all of you, but once I'm done with my killing spree against the two men who could ruin my life, then we can totally be the best of friends," she replied back to her

Parker was a little proud that the girl he liked was building him up and he knew that he could handle her, but there was only so much that he could do with the information that he was given. He took a deep breath and hoped that Ari had a response. At this point, he figured it was just a stalling game.

Astrid just directed Zale to the Jester, presenting the man's dead lover to him, to hopefully do…something for him. A reaction or something they could work with. "Talk to each other." Astrid said, trying to give them privacy. In doing so, she would return to Dan. "What do you plan on doing after this? I mean, I'll be looking for work, considering I'm paying you my whole savings, which is no small thing. I doubt any of the gang is going to let me back in, as I kind of messed with everyone's memories."


Jeremy just stared at Peter, the other man's assessment of him being 100% correct. He did not like the sound of that at all. "That sounds like a terrible idea. Do you think we can solve this without you getting hurt? I don't want you to be harmed. Though, we have to solve this problem before anything else. Without Peter, most of you are dead forever. We'll put it on the list." The list is long. Though, there has to be a power that's higher than yours. You're not a god. You may have the power of life and death, but you are still relatively human. I've been doing some research, and we might be able to appeal to a higher power to make a trade. Maybe lessening your power for more control. I mean, I could give some blood to open the channel. Yeah, I know it was a bad idea, but it's an idea. I think Fate is willing to bargain for it's children."


"Why not just keep them alive and torture them? Dying is mostly permanent, and without them can be pretty final. Revenge is a lot better when they're feeling it for awhile. I feel like you could like…put them in a cage and poke them with a stick for enjoyment." Ari said, mainly to play for more time. She didn't want anyone being tortured, but if she thought there was merit in keeping them alive, then the boys could have more time to find a solution. She would leave the Superior with that thought, hoping she would maybe consider that idea. It was a long shot, but better than nothing.

"I think we could figure this out. I think no one really has to die to solve this. Either way, we have to tell the others." Ari told Parker, bringing him to the others. After a long and lengthy explanation, the group would be up-to date on what had been going on, with Jeremy filling in Ari on the events that just occurred. "If Astrid could get her hands on the Superior, maybe she could make her forget. We can try the non-permissive way or with permission. It might help this whole situation." Jeremy suggested. Seems to be the best way around things." Find someone to supplant those memories, push Ari as a friendship. Sometimes, a friendship can even be stronger than a relationship."

Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost and Darren

Zale would look over at the Jester and was quiet for a moment. "I mean, I guess talking to him might be better," he replied, gently brushing the other man's hand and there was a flash of memory. "Dean."

The Jester was silent for a moment, processing that Zale remembered his name, which was something that he hadn't had expected. "Yeah, that's me, or whatever is left of me," he replied, taking his hand and looking over at him.

Dan was quiet as he looked over at her and considered how to answer that. "I always go wherever the money and jobs will take me around me. A lot of people can use people like me and I like helping them for a cost," he replied.

Joe would listen. " I think you underestimate how much this group trusts people, Peter doesn't think anyone should be defined by their past," the ghost replied.

"I mean, the ghost is probably right, I'm cool with the two of you, you were only following orders," Chrissie replied.

"I may not think what you did was right, but it was something that I'm sure somebody paid you to do. I can honestly understand that," Darren answered.

"You seem okay," Samuel managed to interject.

"I'm not happy you killed me and changed my memory, but it wasn't like you had a choice. It sounds like whoever this was could have killed you like they made you kill me."

Peter would take a moment to look at Jeremy and he knew that the other man wasn't happy with the plan that he wanted to execute and he didn't expect anything less. "I think we can certainly try to solve this before I can get hurt. Actually, no, I have to find a way to get through this without dying because I don't know what would happen to you guys or my pets if I died. I don't know if your bodies would just shut down or if you all would be trapped with bodies that were dead and minds that are alive. I actually don't know which part I bring back, I'm not sure if it's the body, mind or soul or perhaps all three. Yeah, there are definitely powers that are higher than mine. I'm ..." he trailed off thinking about what Jeremy was saying to him. "I think I'm only half-human since my mom is a powerful god-like idea, even if she isn't a goddess herself, though I'm not sure about that. I am not sure if it's the best idea to talk to the higher powers because it never ends well, but we can certainly try to get Fate or someone else on the line."

The Superior and Parker Destin/Mr.Death

"I've never been the type of girl who likes to play with her food and death isn't permanent here unless I say it is. Peter can bring whoever he wants back and if someone else is getting too noisy, I could just put them in a spot where they would be too far and would die. Revenge is nice, but it is not as fun as what I am doing. I want him to feel the hopelessness that people like Dean feel, the inability to save everyone and just having to let them go. I'm sure that it could be fun to do your way and maybe I'll do that in the future," she replied back to them, letting them leave for now.

"I think we could figure this out. I think no one really has to die to solve this. Either way, we have to tell the others." Ari told Parker, bringing him to the others. After a long and lengthy explanation, the group would be up-to date on what had been going on, with Jeremy filling in Ari on the events that just occurred. "If Astrid could get her hands on the Superior, maybe she could make her forget. We can try the non-permissive way or with permission. It might help this whole situation." Jeremy suggested. Seems to be the best way around things." Find someone to supplant those memories, push Ari as a friendship. Sometimes, a friendship can even be stronger than a relationship."

Parker was quiet as they would get back and nodded. He didn't think that anybody else needed to die to get this finished. There had been enough death to happen and he would take a moment. "I do think that maybe if that doesn't work, maybe we might have to kill her. She won't stop, but I think for now, the plan to get Astrid to user her memory wipe and then to change her to be a friend with Ari is our best bet. Though, I feel like maybe that could become twisted into a relationship with her. We need to be careful. We also need to find Lehna before we get off the ship, the singer can't be too far from Peter and the fact we haven't found her means the-" Parker started to say.

"You can call her by her name, Parker. It's Samantha."

-Sam probably has her captured. But let's try this plan and then go from there."

Astrid knew that could be possibly listening, but from what Ari and Parker told them,
Though, they were all being....weirdly forgiving about Dan and hers betrayal, in a way that didn't make any sense to her. Though then again, she was a pragmatist. Then again, they could be only talking about her,. "I'm out of a job, and I'm going to loose all of my cash. Damn. This sucks. But I guess that's a problem for when we're off the ship. Though please don't say that "only following orders" is an excuse. It's not." Astrid told Chrissie, resolving to never talk to the girl again, considering everything she said was extremely annoying. Dan was going to get her money, and she would have about two hundred bucks in her wallet that she had converted for the trip, before everything went pear shaped.

An idea came to her- one that might keep them out of harms' way, but that would require bait.
"If you want her to come to you, I have an idea. To convince her to get close enough to stop her, tell her that keeping Peter alive is more important than killing him, as it'll be more painful that way. Then, Dan and I can offer someone Peter's close to. Spin it in a way that she'll actually respond. Offer Jeremy to her. There's always a chance if people are alive. She might think it's better to torture Peter by leaving him alive."

Jeremy didn't quite react, as his feelings were warring inside of him. On one hand, he didn't want to be bait, on the other, if it would protect Peter, he would have to be a supernatural entity's pet. "If it has to be done, it'll be done. No more, no less.

Ari and Parker needed a backup plan of sorts, which meant finding Lehna. Though, she couldn't stay around right now with the group of people who could instantly forget what Dan had done. SHe could still feel his hands on her throat, and it still made her flinch to be in his presence.

"Parker and I will look for Lehna while things happen. Maybe if we see Samantha, we'll talk to her. Might as well also separate the boys while we're here." Ari said, pulling Parker out of the room. She would float Samantha the idea, find Lehna, and bring her sleeping body there. "So how do we wake her?" Ari asked, as the sleep wasn't natural. "Somebody (not me) wake her up. If anyone could heal her back to consciousness, that would be great."
Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost,Darren and Parker Destin/Mr.Death

Chrissie would take a moment to consider what else there was to say, but she had already nodded. "I never said that it was a good excuse, I said that it was a reason to go along with this crazy plan in the first place," she replied, deciding that after this trip she wasn't going to sneak off anywhere without her parents knowing. This was all crazy to her, but she didn't want to admit that yet.

" I think that after this, I will be grateful to be back on my small farm and live the rest of my life," Darren replied, taking a deep breath, looking around and not fully realizing something yet.

" Peter, I think now might be a good time to mention that other thing to the group before it becomes something that they have to find out the hard way," Joe replied.

Zale was quiet and looked over at the ghost. "Wait, is there something that he needs to tell us that we don't know?" Zale asked then. It was a moment of silence.

"You know out of all the ideas that I have heard, that certainly is something we can do, though I think she knows that I am more valuable to her alive then dead... I'm the only reason a lot of you are alive and I don't mean that in a metaphorical sense. I mean it literally. This cruise ship, the entire length, front to the back is about the length of my necromancy and if people aren't in that radius.... well..." he took a deep breath.

" I don't like the sound of that," Samuel replied, looking over at them and would wait to see what else Samuel was going to say.

Dan would take a moment. "Actually, there's a small part of this ship that is a little lower than the rest and your power doesn't fully reach there. Trust me, I know.... it's where some of the other dead bodies are," he replied.

Parker would just shot Dan a glare. "You know that sort of information might have been useful to know earlier, but what my brother is trying and failing to say is that you need to stay within this radius or you die again. When he's near you, you come back to life. Joe is the only exception and that's only because- honestly, I don't know why. They are at just little strange in general," he replied before Ari would drag him back out of the room, still unused to people being able to touch her. It was fast, but they managed to find Lehna and float the idea by Samantha and arrive back with her body. "Yeah, I don't think we have a healer here, so it's going to have to be done-"

Darren would wake over at her. "I think I have an idea," he replied, taking out a bag of smelling salts and putting it near her nose to see if that would wake her up, trying to forget about the other thing for now.

Astrid pulled Peter over, whispering in the man's ear so Dan nor the Superior would hear. "The plan is a go. You better be able to do something, or your boyfriend is going to be her toy before the rest of eternity. Ari and I will take the lead on this. Come up with something while we bring him to your ex. I'll do my best to get her to keep him alive like a pet and not torture him." Astrid told him, before loudly saying, "Watch Lena until we come back." Astrid told him. When they had internet again, she would be done with this debacle, by giving Dan his money, and disappearing from this group. She would fix her actions, and then she would have to work a real job and hopefully not need her magic as much.
Lena awoke with a start, holding her head. "My head...where am I? " She asked, remembering falling unconscious at the bar, and now she was here.
Jeremy steeled himself, as this would be the only way to give her something that would get her off Peter's back. This might be his last time he got to be with Peter, if this went south. "I love you." Jeremy told Peter, giving the man a kiss on the lips and an embrace, before leaving.

Whoever decided to get involved would go in a group. They would walk back the way they came, with Ari taking the lead, following with Astrid and Jeremy, who looked pale. They would approach Samantha, Ari and Astrid stepping up, with Jeremy in tow. "Instead of killing Peter, take what he loves the most- his boyfriend. Keep him alive and with you. IT's the best torture without killing him. You can torture Peter for longer than just one time." Astrid announced, hopefully enticing Samantha with the plan.
Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost,Darren and Parker Destin/Mr.Death

Peter would nod, looking over at as she would pull him aside. "I do know that the plan is a go, and I definitely don't want my boyfriend to be her toy for the rest of eternity. I trust the two of you to take the lead. I think it might be smart to take someone else, Joe might be a good choice. Sam won't even notice that the ghost girl is there at all. Also take, Parker," he replied, not wanting to think too hard about everything that had happened. He would take a deep breath, wondering what the rest of the group was thinking right now. He wondered if it was a good thing that Dean Hope had been reunited with his brother and boyfriend or not, but he didn't really have much time to think about it. Peter could only focus on what was happening now.

"I'm going too," Dan called over to them. Peter didn't argue, he didn't have the energy for that.

" We are still on the cruise ship, we just moved you to a different room as everything has gotten worse and worse since then. Right now, we are building a trap for the superior, though it feels like a bad idea."

Dean would look over at Zale and Samuel with a sigh. "I hope that whether this group is planning will work. I just want to be with my brother and the love of my life, even if you both don't remember me."

" Memories can always be remade."

Zale would nod in agreement with Samuel. "Yeah, they can be, even if things look bleak."

I learn it is especially true when things look bleak," Christopher chimed in.

Peter would look over at Jeremy, not sure what to say as he would look back at him and then the man told him that he loved him and give him a kiss and hug that was impossible to forget and every circuit in his brain died, knowing that if Jeremy died, he wouldn't want to be alive.

Chrissie wasn't exactly sure that this was a good plan that the group had to lead the thing Peter cherished most to his crazy ex- but she hadn't been asked her opinion, so she would keep quiet, keeping an eye on Dan and watching the ghost slowly hover over. " Yeah, I do love that plan, sounds great and all, but that would require me keeping the boy alive. The better torture would be to kill him and then force Mr.Death over there to make it so Peter can't revive him. It would be so poetic, taking the one thing he loved away from him."

" Yup, this is about what I expected from making that suggestion to her," Parker replied, sliding his gloves on to avoid touching anyone.

" We might need a new plan," Joe said.

Astrid rolled her eyes at Chrissie, as she really wasn't sure why the girl was here in the first place, or how she got here, considering her to be extremely annoying. She literally only came here to complain, it seemed, without doing anything to help. It was time to really start convincing her, before she killed Jeremy, which would make things worse. "It does sound poetic, but wouldn't it be fun to have a pet? I mean he'll have to be taken on walks and fed regularly but you don't even have to pick up after him, and he has soft hair."

Jeremy wanted to attack Superior, but it would defeat the purpose of this whole plan in the first place. So he had to act sad and defeated, which looked surprisingly cute on him- or even that something like a collar would look nice on Jeremy's neck. Though, if he really had to- if Superior would try and kill him- he had one thing left- his willingness to attack the other woman, to fight for his life.

Ari scrambled for something to say, to try to get Superior to stick to their plan. "You misestimate one thing. Peter loves him. If you kill him, then Peter might kill himself, and who will be left to suffer? Suffering works best on the living. I make the suggestion that you can make the boy wear a collar. Keep him on a leash. IT would be more painful for him to see his love in a cage with a collar on, rather than free. Grief also does strange things to people, but those who live, have the chance to move on. He will know the boy is in your clutches forever if he's alive, and who knows, you could break his spirit and show that to Peter." Ari internally cringed at the suggestion, but she had to go hard with Superior to agree with the plan. "Wouldn't it be fun to use him as a footrest? The world may not recover if anything happens to Peter because his love is killed. You can cow him by holding his love hostage, but he might come after you. If he can bring all of us back, he can bring someone a lot more dangerous back and send them after you. It's a moment of gratification that could lead to long lasting complications."
Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost,Darren and Parker Destin/Mr.Death

Chrissie was one who often talked before she thought about what she was saying. It was a bit of a flaw that she had that got her into more trouble than she cared to admit. She would fully process what she had actually said and would be thankful that Astrid had come up with a way to convince the scary woman that there was a more fun thing. "Yeah, it might be a better idea to ignore what I said. Having a pet sounds like a lot more fun that murder, I was just talking cr-" Parker would have slid his gloves just in time to cut Chriissie from saying the c-word in front of the Superior by covering her mouth. He swore that she was there to get them killed.

" Yeah,a pet does sound a lot better, someone you can take care of and with," Joe replied, not sure if this was good improv on their part at all.

Dan would watch carefully, making sure to stop Jeremy before he would do something stupid like attacking the Superior. He was thankful that Parker had covered Chrissie's mouth before he would knock her for being such a fucking idea. "Ahh- a pet, I can't remember the last time I had one of those. It would almost like having a brother back too. One who could worship me and all of that," The superior mused. "Though, I guess Daniel could always fufill that rIole."

Dan would resist the urge to strangle the Superior. He was thankful that Ari was there to talk some sense into the woman. He would take a breath and would take a deep breath, controlling his breathing for now, thinking that he had to stay calm for the party, even if every fiber of his being wanted to kill this woman.

You're right- it would be so easy to keep the Jeremy boy and you are also right that grief would also work on the living. Actually, you all just gave me a wonderful idea," The Superior replied, running past the group to where she knew Peter was.

Peter would nervously look around the room, hoping that the plan was working. He also knew that the Superior was one who always was unpredictable in what she did. "I hope that the plan is working and they didn't give her any bad ideas," he replied.

"I mean- it's not like- Oh fuck, we sent my sister. I didn't think that part through. She has no filter and probably is gong to say something that the rest of the party will have to talk themselves out of," Christopher replied back to her.

"Well, that doesn't give me much confidence that things are going to go well and not blow up in our faces, but what can she do?" Zale asked.

"A lot of bad things if I remember all she did to get us here," Dean replied.

"So..... what does she looks like?" Samuel asked, as he would watch the door.

"Why are you asking that?" Peter asked.

" I feel like you already know the answer to that," Darren replied, helping Lena to adjust as Samuel would pushed aside by the Superior. Before the rest of the group could react, she would grab Peter.

"Toddles, have fun dying without him being near you," she replied.

Astrid looked to Jeremy, her mind racing over what they could do. Shit, shit, shit!! That was when it hit her- she had to give him back what he had lost. Jeremy knew something that he shouldn't and that's why their memories got wiped. So she grabbed onto Jeremy's face, sending her magic into him, prompting him to remember, remember, REMBMER!
Jeremy's face turned pale, at the thought of loosing Peter, and at his memory came back.
"Please, buy me some time. I know how to stop her." He told the group, his body moving even faster than his brain as he turned to run towards the one spot on the ship with no magic. The others couldn't go down there, but he had no magic, and thus, could release the prisoner inside- the only one who could defeat the Superior- her brother. It all made sense, why their memories were wiped. Only a non-magic person could free him, and out of all of them, he was the one most fit to do the job.

"I will free you, on one condition." Jeremy told the being inside the jail cell. "I will free you, and in return, you will help me against the Superior, your sister. She will kill the man I love, and I will do anything to save him. There's no more tricks, no other way to get him out. I won't betray you, and in turn, you won't betray me. Do we have a deal?" The being nodded, holding out a hand for Jeremy to shake, just within the boundary of the cell for Jeremy to shake. Jeremy reached out, grabbed the being's hand, and gave it a vigorous shake, feeling power surged into him like a snake wrapping around his arm at blinding speeds, tattoos climbing up his arm to mark the covenant between himself and this creature.

Ari looked to Chrissie, her eyes cold at what the girl had caused. "Shut UP Before you get someone killed!" Ari hissed at her, tired of Chrissie's shit.
Then, she turned, running after the Superior to try and catch up to the woman, to try and slow her down as best as possible.
"At least wait for Jeremy to come back so you could laugh in his face! Watch him despair when he comes here and sees that he can't do anything to stop you!" Ari called to Superior, hoping to slow the being enough for Jeremy to do- whatever he needed to do in the first place.

Astrid would take up the rear of the group following Superior, hanging back to talk to Dan. "Just continue to stick with us, and you'll have all the money I own, and you won't have to worship the Superior as her slave. Me, she didn't really mention, but she seems to want Ari as her companion, and you as a worshipper." Astrid leaned in to Dan to whisper in his ear, not sure how the maniac would respond. Just because he was less of the problem now, he could be more of a problem in the future.

Ari would feel it first, a new magic- one that was like the Superior's overwhelming power- but more pressing, more vicious- more powerful even. That was when Jeremy appeared at the door, dark vines curling up the arm he made the deal with in inky black tattoos, climbing all the wat to his neck, disappearing into his hairline. "I would let go of him, if I were you." A masculine voice called out, cold as ice, as a figure stepped out from behind him- someone who looked like the Superior- almost as if he was her sibling.
Chrissie (Fargothia) Fletcher, Dan, Samuel Hope, Christopher (Fargothix) Fletcher, Zale Lawerence,, Peter Destin, Joe the Ghost,Darren and Parker Destin/Mr.Death

Chrissie was also not in the same position as the other ones. She had no magic coursing through her blood to make her unable to stop from actng on instinct. "We probably should go if she is being honest.... and there isn't anything that suggests that she isn't," Chrissie pointed as the Superior had already started to drag Peter towards a get away boat.... though most people wouldn't probably hear her because Parker's gloved hand was over her mouth.

Joe the Ghost would look over at Peter's boyfriend and would raise an eyebrow. " Well, I am sure that between us and the pets, we might be able to do that," Joe pointed out.

"You know, I never quite realized how many pets this man had until just this moment," Darren replied, as he watched in amazement as the squirrel had gathered the forces with him. Those forces consisted of a bunny, a cricket, a kitten, a dragon and a puppy. It seemed that the pets were doing a great job at the moment, as someone the squirrel ( Known as Quirrly) had managed to gather some acorns from somewhere on the ship and was tossing them straight at the Superior's face, preventing her from getting away easily.

"My brother had always been the type of person who had felt bad about animals dying just as much as people dying. The squirrel is his oldest pet because he saved after it fell out of a tree after being hit by lightning," Parker replied back to the group, taking a deep breath.

"Okay, but what about the dragon?' Christopher pointed out, taking a note of the small little dragon who was currently moving water out of the ocean and dumping it onto the Superior's head. It was too bad that this wasn't the wonderful world of Oz where dumping water on a crazy witch's head caused them to melt.

"I am also curious about the dragon," Samuel added. It seemed that at the moment, Peter was a bit too preoccupied with being kidnapped to answer either of their question which was a shame too because it was a really interesting story too.

Chrissie would definitely have shut up after her earlier comment had been gagged at Parker for a moment. It seemed that Ari had also missed that the woman was being slowed down by a puppy and cat pulling on her long and beautiful dress which had seemed like a good idea at the moment, forgetting that the man had pets. "You know, normally I wouldn't agree with you about laughing in the face of Jeremy, but you know that seems a great idea right now," she replied, being blocked from moving further back because the rabbit had gone behind her and held her back feet.

"You know, I think I will stick with you guys and it's a little bit for the money and a little bit because this is hands down the funniest way I have seen a former employer be stopped by the heroes and I have to know how this will be topped by this group's future misadventures," Dan replied, as he watched as the cricket hop onto the woman's hand and rub itself on her and would start chirping loudly as if he was telling her to let go.

"You know, I might take you up on that therapy offer," Dean added.

Zale would offer a smile. " I think that is a good idea, Dean," he said back to him

Peter was the second person to feel it. He knew that power and he knew that wasn't a good thing, but at the moment, it was the least of his problems as it would seem. The superior had actually let go of Peter a few moments ago, mostly because she wanted to stop being pelted by acorns and have a cricket chirp on her hand. "She has let go of me, Jeremy..... mostly because I have the most stubborn pets," Peter pointed him as his cricket had slide into his shirt pocket and the squirrel had climbed onto his shoulder. The cat, kitten and bunny were still holding her in place.... and the dragon was still dumping water on her head. The rain continued and a lightning strike narrowly hit the boat.
