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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female

Two polar opposite lives become intertwined in the most unusual circumstances during the height of World War II. The year is 1942 in southern Poland. Muse A is a young German male/female and the oldest of three siblings. Their father, a high-ranking Nazi official, is especially hard on them because of this, resulting in a strained relationship between the daughter/son and father pairing. Apart from the occasional bickering between siblings and parents, Muse A lives a relatively comfortable life inside of their family's estate home. With three children and a father who is always busy with his work, the family struggles to maintain order in the house. Enter Muse B, a Jewish prisoner from the concentration camp a mile north of the estate brought to service Muse A's family as their cook and otherwise servant. Some time after a chance encounter, Muse A and Muse B become close friends. For Muse B, their budding friendship with Muse A offers them a fresh respite from the harsh reality of life inside the camp. Alternatively, Muse A begins to think that there is meaning to life, and their future within the walls of their family's estate seems a little less bleak. How will their story unfold?...


𝟏) ...to write and receive detailed, multi-paragraph posts with a focus on good writing, lively dialogue, and intricate characterization?

𝟐) ...for emotionally-charged storiesfor featuring multiple characters and rich settings?

𝟒) ...to be... friends? Or at least friendly. I love having a writing partner I can josh around with between posts, but I will never pry or demand personal information about you.


𝟏) Character-driven stories. I tend to write characters with BIG personalities—people who have specific motivations, who come bundled with secrets and flaws, but who take an investment to really know on their most intimate level. My dream goal for every roleplay is that, by the time your characters get thoroughly into my characters' heads and lives, they really feel like friends to you. (Or enemies you have fun reading about. Or book characters you like.) You can be sure I'll be a big fan of your cast, too.

𝟐) I appreciate plotting and planning with my partner when necessary, but I'm not one to tell you everything about my characters before we start; it kills the fun of discovery! I try for a fair balance: some planned plot points, but naturally-unfolding character relationships and back-story reveals.

𝟑) Romantic plots are preferred. I love organic, relatively unplanned romance development between characters. Note: While mature themes will be in my plots, and are even encouraged, there needs to be a good chemistry between our characters before ERP occurs.

𝟒) Slow post turn-around or break periods are no problem. We all have lives and shifting responsibilities. I promise to be forgiving and patient with your time constraints, and ask that you are with mine, too.

𝟓) I am looking exclusively for multi-paragraph advanced lit. roleplay, but I understand pacing and length should suit the situation. If a situation calls for a tiny little post, it's fine by me; similarly, if a post needs ten freaking pages, go for it! That in mind, I have no hard length demands, but I tend to average 3-6 paragraphs a post; if you fall into that general zone, we should be a cozy fit.

𝟔) Final Note: Quality writing is a big deal to me. I love writing—I do it professionally and for fun. That said, I'm not a prose snob or literati elitist who's going to ask you for credentials or anything. RP is play, and everybody goofs or goes flat from time to time. As long as we both honestly care about our writing and our story, it's gold.

Please get in touch with me! We might be a good fit, and even if we don't partner up, I'll probably love chatting with you. Simply reply here and I'll fire a message your way when I can.