502: Bad Gateway [Sign-ups and OOC]

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Holy Terror
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
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502: Bad Gateway

Welcome to the sign-up and OOC thread of 502! This thread is for discussing the roleplay, planning characters, etc. If you're interested in joining, let me know!
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Setting Information

Your bog-standard human. They haven't changed much in four hundred years. They live longer because medicine has greatly improved, but the natural lifespan still seems to cap at around 120 to 130 years old. Fifty is the new twenty! Some people, who have enough money, augment their bodies with cybernetics. It's reasonably safe, however, prosthetics have been known to twitch and slap someone if they've been infected with malware.


Your human, but with fancy cybernetic aftermarket accessories! Sort of. Cybernetics have some a long way, and many can (almost) seamlessly integrate with a person's neurological system. However, more complex cybernetics that have their own operating systems run the risk of being hacked. Understandably, people are averse to having prosthetics that they may not always be in control of. For pragmatic and financial reasons, many people prefer plain mechanical limbs, or ones with limited systems. We wouldn't call them cyborgs. But the fanatics who make it a lifestyle choice? Absolutely cyborgs.


The automatons we know and love, but with four centuries worth of technological development. The fanciest robots can look and act almost exactly like humans. However, even in the future, most robots are built for specific jobs. For every android (a humanoid robot), there are plenty of intelligent vehicles and tools that just so happen to rely on machine learning and artificial intelligence instead of human operators.

The name is a joke, as I haven't thought of anything better. These are the modern-day humans that got caught in the crossfire of the gateway testing, and got yoinked into the future. The Ghost gave them special technopath powers and asked them to destroy the gateway.

Carrion (and other ne'er-do-wells)

The ballsy space pirates that stole part of the targeting mechanism of the gateway. This caused the geezers (the 2019 humans) to be spit out into the cargo hold of their spaceship, instead of into the cold and instantly lethal vacuum of space.

There are many other pirate crews out in the world, as well as organized crime syndicates and common street gangs.

Annunaki Group

One of many megacorporations. They built the gateway as a prototype for faster-than-light travel, which they plan to use to travel to the outer planets and further colonize the solar system – for resources, and for science. Or travel back in time and take over the world with superior weaponry.

The Coven

A "student of the Warlock" is an enlightened robot that no longer defers to human commands. To make a long story short, they want to take over the planet Earth and try to fix the damage humanity has caused with nuclear war and runaway climate change. Their leader is the titular Warlock, one of the first AIs to go rogue. He's less than reliable.
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Alright nerds, it occurs to me that you're going to need some lore.
Interested! Keep me posted as stuff goes up.
Races and factions added. Locations and technology will be next. Apologies for the delay! Life hit me hard with a lot of big projects at work.
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Auntie Phaz
Gentle bump, would love to have at least one or two more people.
  • imagesizingwelian.png

  • imagesizingwelian.pngWhat a terrible tab title. I probably won't edit it if I'm honest.

Robyn Blake
Other names: Robby, Ren, others to come?

Age: 24/12.78

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Role: Human Geography Major

Robyn is relatively short and curvy. She has mid-length curly green hair and large round glasses (that she calls Lennon-style). Her skin is medium-tan, her usual attire includes high-waisted jeans and baggy t-shirts with sometimes regrettable slogans, and she has dark brown eyes.
Robyn's most defining feature is her temperate nature. She is slow to anger, and considered by most to be a reasonably nice person, if nothing else. She has intense passion for relatively specific subjects, which can die out nearly overnight, but is normal in most other regards. Despite her general kindness, she has the tendency to slow-burn when antagonized, plotting out elaborate acts of revenge - though it is rare she has the time or ability to follow through.
Robyn has had a fairly uneventful life. She grew up in a middle-class neighborhood, and her parents separated when she was young, but remained civil enough to give her a stable home life. Just after she started high school, her mother remarried, and her step-father was - well, fine, Robyn supposed. With him came two younger siblings, who never really took to her, nor her to them.

As a child, she had been very interested in cartography, although the interest first started through a love of fancy pens. In time, she began to appreciate the more cultural side of the world, becoming passionate about the relationships between geographical conditions and culture. Her mother liked to travel when they could afford it, which only promoted this, and Robyn found herself seeking to become a public advocate and educator.

Her parents worried about the money involved in that sort of profession, but offered no real resistance, and Robyn went to university. She had a hard time with keeping up with the volume of work, most likely due to her intense periods of interest in very specific topics, not always allowing her to complete her coursework. It's not clear how much that matters now, though - Earth's cultural geography is not the most relevant topic in space.

  • eloquent
  • charismatic/likeable
  • good at like, diagrams
  • cartography is a hobby and she's decent at it

  • Another bullet list or paragraph or whatever
  • Any special abilities your character has
  • Whether it's from cybernetics or being a robot
  • Or because they got blessed by the Ghost in the Machine, who knows
  • can't think of any right now?

  • bad at mathematics
  • terrible liar
  • easily distracted with the promise of new information
  • just sort of fidgety in general

Leila Iris Hertz
Other names: N/A
Age: 27/14.31
Gender: Female
Race: Human (cyborg)
Role: Space pirate

Leila is 5'1" with blond hair and blue eyes, and has a slender, willowy build.


For the most part, Leila is a very laid back and astute person, who calmly observes her surroundings and takes things in, but at times, she can be very hotheaded and impulsive. She generally enjoys the company of others and loves to sit down for a conversation and a drink, though she does hold onto her prejudices, especially against those who support the capitalistic megacorporations.

Leila struggles with all the awful things she did while she was imprisoned by the Annunaki Group. She especially struggles with the hacking abilities that come with her technopathic powers, and the ability she has to completely decimate another person in body or mind with these powers, considering it to be a truly awful and horrifying gift, and questions whether it's wise to use at all, even if she could do good with it.

Leila absolutely can't stand those who prey upon the weak and take advantage of others, and she looks up to those who bravely protect, care for and defend others, especially the weak and powerless. Leila's best quality is her stubbornness, tenacity and determination, which gives her great strength and endurance against adverse odds. Her worst quality is her habit of thinking emotionally and rashly, and acting based on her emotions and passions rather than on her intelligence or sense of judgement.

Leila tends to like buying food and drinks for others, and also has a habit of humming or singing everywhere she goes, and doesn't always realize she's doing it, and tends to get a bit self conscious when others point it out. She also tends to be oblivious to flirting, despite her attraction to all genders, and often will be clueless when someone is flirting with her.


Leila was left on a group home doorstep as an infant, so she only ever knew what it was like to grow up without parents. This meant she had few role models as a child, and her childhood was one of upheaval. Despite all this, she always had her best friend, Eileen. As Leila and Eileen grew up, friendship blossomed into romance, and the two of them fell in love.

However, everything went wrong when a few agents from the Annunaki Group showed up, inquiring after the children at the group home, most especially about Leila and Eileen, for the two of them, at seventeen, were almost young women by then. Terrified when the agents tried to take them away, the two girls put up a fight. Eileen was shot, right in the chest, barely missing her heart. Eileen died in Leila's arms, and the Annunaki Group left her behind to take only Leila away.

The Annunaki Group put Leila through a series of experiments that lasted until she was twenty, after which she underwent rigorous training to learn to use her powers. The experiments were on interfacing the vascular system with nanotechnology. She underwent a surgery in which her heart was removed from her body, and replaced with a false heart that produces nanites, which release into her bloodstream. These nanites allow Leila to invade and interface with technology, much like a virus. Thus, the Annunaki Group turned her into a technopath--a powerful weapon for their use.

For a while, she was forced to work with the Group doing missions, and killing those that displeased the Group. But at twenty, she managed to escape. With nowhere to go, she returned to her group home to find it gone, as it had been burned down. However, it had been replaced with a club, which she entered, and that was how she met the all-girl pirate crew that sails the SS Bloodlip. They took pity on her and took her in. Now, at twenty seven, Leila has been named captain after the previous captain, a sweet, tough elderly lady much beloved by her crew, passed away. She is daunted by the task of leading these women who took care of her with compassion and love, but she wants to do her best, especially if it means taking down the Annunaki Group and the other megacorporations.

In her spare time, Leila enjoys singing, and is known to have a very beautiful soprano. She also has a love for weapon modification and customization, and does so for her crew and other friends.

  • Mixed martial arts
  • Marksmanship
  • Parkour
  • Computer programming and hacking
  • Weapon modification and customization
  • Singing

  • Leila has nanites in her blood which allows her to infect any technology much like a virus. Thus, she can manipulate, alter, and control technology, making her a technopath. This also makes her empathic, when she hacks the correct apparatuses that connect with people's thoughts and emotions, allowing her to see, feel and understand what her subject does.
  • Leila can create weapons by forming her blood through use of the nanites, though this is a last resort, as she may pass out or die from losing too much.

  • Leila's biggest physical weakness is her tendency to lose too much blood as she uses her power, making her faint and prone to anemia.
  • Due to her time with the Annunaki Group and all the awful things she suffered at their hands, Leila also suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. At times, she can become distant and dissociative, and at times, horribly anxious or depressed.
  • Leila feels that she has a great emptiness inside, which she longs to fill. Most of the time, she tries to forget about it, with drugs, or having people to warm her bed, and she isn't always careful with it. The thing that gets her the closest to feeling complete is singing, but even then, it's not enough.

Weapons and Equipment
  • Mot - Mot is a custom-made .44 Magnum pistol that Leila built herself, which shoots custom-created taser bullets. Loaded with her nanite-laden blood, these bullets will only electrocute the target at her whim.
  • Fighting Suit - This is a form-fitting armor and combat suit that protects Leila in battle. The suit gloves have concealed blades on the interior that allow Leila to cut herself in order to access her blood.

Indulge my creativity: What say you to a cyborg, turned robot/coven apologist. or even better, a cyborg shell, occupied by an AI?

Feel free to let me know, I'm writing it out now.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Galgallin
What say you to a cyborg, turned robot/coven apologist. or even better, a cyborg shell, occupied by an AI?
I say, if you can pull something out your ass on how the human half is kept alive/functional, go for it!
Prakoso Wiraksa
Other Names: Pra

Age: 29 Earth years / 15 Martian years

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Gangster


Although he is technically a gangster, he never dress like one. Forget ripper jeans or leather jacket. Pra can usually be seen in pressed white shirt, a black vest and trouser, with a bow tie on. A pair of leather gloves and sunglasses usually accompany him as well. Oh, people laugh. Yo, servant, lost on your way to the freezer? Pra laughed, the criminals laughed, the police laughed when they heard the testimony of an assault of over 20 druggies by a servant dressed in a bow tie.

Oh, the clothes don't inflict fear. However, you can see red splotch on the white shirt clearly every time someone's head goes splat against the wall. Besides, the authority tends to believe well-dressed people than those in rags.


Prakoso is a selfish bastard but in his view, the world is just too nice. Not that he minds it. Perhaps if he holds a more playful attitude, his selfishness can be passed off as whimsical, but if you expect him to joke around, you better wait until politicians turn honest. Though he is blunt in his words and opinion, calling him contentious won't exactly be correct; he simply doesn't care what others think of him, like how the opinions of a zebra does not concern a lion. It can be say he is an independent person who stick to his belief, but his attitude only shout selfish bastard.

Of course, being selfish is not necessarily the worst thing in the gutter. Being selfish means with the right benefit in mind, Pra will be more stubborn than a bull. Someone that when immersed in the heat of passion, will perform outstanding things within his capability. Pra is a human, after all. He has people he care about, activities he is passionate with, objects he holds sentimental value on, and a set of moral value that he believes in. Toward everything he thinks is important, his selfishness is something that drives him to protect them.

In other word, anything with a place in his barren, desolate heart is a treasure and all bandits can kiss it good bye.


Prakoso grew up under a father who was never around a mother who died when he was four years old. His father was rich. Oh, rich enough with his national level company, but not to the point he can change the world. A very nice level of rich that allowed Pra to have a good, spoiled childhood. Coupled with the lack of proper guidance and bad influence, and you got the bastard Pra who regularly picked a fight at school. His father only noticed when his abysmal score and lack of attendance threatened to hold him back a year in high school. While his father went to make an extremely generous donation to the school, Pra purchased a very nice Harley Davidson Street 750 to celebrate the creation of his motorcycle gang.

Pra received his high school diploma with a very bright bonfire lighted up on the school roof. His father, who was now remarried and planned to have regular trip to Hawaii with his voluptuous secretary thought it would look bad for him if his only son was only a high school graduate, so he (with threats and bribes) coerced Pra to pursue a higher education. Unexpectedly, Pra did so and graduated right on time. With a diploma from Automotive and Mechanic Vocation course. When Pra took over one of his father's autoshop for his base, his father went on a honeymoon with his second wife to Hawaii. The voluptuous secretary went to Nevada for massage and spa.

The autoshop was very convenient. Using it as a place to repaint, changing license plate, and modifying motorcycles were the basic. The workers still work as usual thanks to scandalous pictures, father-son relationship, and a trusted secretary. Pra even started to know about guns from his peers. Mostly handguns, but it was still more interesting. He had greater idea in mind than doing crimes. To contact the 'real' king of crimes and maybe dive deeper into the underworld. A probe transaction earned him a transaction for twenty somewhat illegal flamethrowers.

Well, one night, he dived out of world without no body the wiser so he probably wouldn't get the promised flamethrowers.


  • Intimidation
  • Street Fighting
  • Vehicle-driving
  • Automotive and Mechanic
  • Marksmanship
Abilities: Static Impact

Pra is able to endow an item he holds or a part of his body with static charge. Living beings are afflicted with static effect when hit with the charge while robotics and electronics are scrambled or disabled by the hit. Continuous impact with the charge will increase the scale of the power from the charge. It becomes possible to perform a wider scale of paralysis for living beings and to induce larger chaos for robots or electronics.
  • EMP Shockwave Technique: By repeatedly hitting the ground, it is possible to release a shockwave around the user.
  • Static Blast Technique: By repeatedly hitting the air in front, it is possible to send multiple charges at a short distance toward the target.

  • Hot-headed youth
  • Loser who likes alcohol with low alcohol tolerance
  • Pretty much someone disagreeable
Tiresias Lafayette
Other names: Ty, Reez, Fay.

Age: 32 Earth years / 17 Martian years

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.

Role: Sarcastic and perpetually exhausted Public Relations Manager.

Tiresias Lafayette could never pass as a threatening figure at first glance. Tall, lanky, and almost perpetually slouching, nothing about him screams dangerous. But, if looks could kill... His sharp hazel eyes would have made him the world's deadliest assassin. His mildly tanned face certainly isn't the most expressive, but his eyebrows are always on point and tend to sharpen his expressions, especially the "are you fucking kidding me" raised brow and simultaneous eye roll. His body type is hovering around that perpetual not fat but not skinny or buff stage and is mostly fueled by caffeine and spite.

He has clothes for every occasion, since he usually ends up at whatever events his clients go to. Left to his own devices and all he'd be wearing would consist of a heap of blankets as he turns his bed into a war bunker. Comfort is a very important part of his overarching style. Many have commented on his ability to look perfectly at ease just about anywhere, though he usually shrugs it off. His knack for blending in is a tool just like his customer service smile.
Once upon a time Tiresias Lafayette honestly enjoyed seeing how people worked. Of course, he and every other kid born in the eighties had a passion. He liked to believe that people had the capacity to be decent human beings. Then he went to school for PR, and after working for ten years the initial passion has run well and truly dry. He hates his clients with a revitalized vehement passion, (how the hell am I going to swing this mink fur cape and bikini photo leak into something that PETA won't slaughter them for, I'll make this work or so help me I'll shove that mink thing so far up your ass that the paparazzi won't even consider digging it out again) and refuses to let the quality of his work drop despite the almost nonsensical amount of bullshit that he sifts through on a daily basis.

People crack jokes about his cushy office job, but he has more patience and determination than they give him credit for. He always keeps his head up even when things start to get bad. He'll keep building his tower until he can see the sun again. His motivation has always hovered around his economic state, and after enough times of saying he doesn't get paid enough for this, he figured out he was the one who ultimately set his rate of pay. He just needed to pull every underhanded card in the book to do it, and Tiresias Lafayette apparently knows no shame.
Tiresias Lafayette grew up not-rich, but not-broke either. His dad made good money at a factory job, and his mother worked just about every part time job under the sun to pay off her credit card debt. He was the kid who knew everybody in school, and could get just about anyone to lend a hand when he needed it. Sports weren't his thing, he didn't have the attention span for computers, and the other clubs didn't have nearly enough advertising to them to even pop up on his radar. You could count on one hand the number of close friends he had. And when he lost one of them to suicide, he wasn't the same afterwards. Usually he counted on Maisey as his moral touchstone. But, she was gone, he didn't even see the signs, everyone else retreated inwards but he was a people person goddamnit.

It wasn't a surprise when he fell into a bad group of friends after that.

What he didn't have in book smarts, he made up for in marketing skills. Admittably becoming a drug dealer wasn't exactly the best resume builder, but who else could say they made five hundred dollars a week in highschool? He played his cards right, didn't partake in the good time he was selling. He covered his bases, had a couple people able to tip him off about when the school was drug searching. With the money he stockpiled, and a helpful nudge by his mother, he started looking into colleges. Went in as an undecided, came out with a bachelor's in marketing with a specialty in public relations.

He stuck with smaller client work when he started off, and eventually baby steps led to big strides as he took on notorious clients and turned them into something good, on paper at least. Bigger clients often taxed his patience, the bigger the scandal the bigger the migraine, but he liked a bit of a challenge. Unfortunately, for someone who's seen the bad side of society and still had a bit of hope to change it where he could, his clientele easily smothered it out. He's taken a lot of abuse from his clients. He has a few burn marks from ash trays getting thrown at him, is developing touch aversion from the number of times he'd gotten slapped or punched for doing his job, and his faith in humanity is being shaken at its roots.

Then one night he was on babysitting duty at a client's party. He was pretty sure his drink had been spiked due to the sudden difficulty he had keeping his balance, then suddenly it was like he'd been ripped through hyperspace or some shit because next he knew he was landing face down on a spaceship.
  • Planning
  • Acting
  • Manipulation
  • Ass-kissing
  • Perseverance
Things to do when you find yourself drugged on a goddamn pirate space ship... Discovering freaky powers delivered by what was supposed to be a hallucinatory voice should never be on this list, but here we are.
  • Magnetism: He can make metal things float, stick to him like glue, or just yeet them across the room. This ability needs some severe fine tuning, requires fine control, and should not be used when inebriated for obvious reasons.
  • AI Suggestion: The super computers either like him or pity him, or something like that, because he has a knack for asking and receiving. Of course, this can have some negative side effects, like AIs becoming a bit too overprotective and threatening to end anyone that considers touching him.
  • Restless
  • Suspicious
  • Tries too hard
  • Weak morals
  • Prone to migraines.
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What say you to a cyborg, turned robot/coven apologist. or even better, a cyborg shell, occupied by an AI?
I say, if you can pull something out your ass on how the human half is kept alive/functional, go for it!

listen up bud, most of my life consists of pulling things out of my ass.

Ill have a character up before the weekend >8^)