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"Umm well Aysel and Nymeria yes its not a safe enviroment .. I am moving with a group of males 4 in all including myself .. I suggest we make our way back to them more people the safer we are" kymico aims his head to the ally his eyebrows rise and the fire circle veers to the ally making a shielded path .. Kymico runs to the ally entrance .. "lets move in one of these buildingsan4 clear a floor. " kymico not trying to show that he is almost depleated of energy.. ..... "arkkk arkk" infected scream as they try to get past the fire..
Thomas had been lost in thought, when an infected tried to eat his face. he sliced it clean in half, and decapitated it, before running of to find the source of the fire magic. If another Pyromancer was here...

He found Kymico standing near an ice nymph and a dire wolf. Must be the wolf with the fire magic. He walked up and introduced himself. "Hello, there! I am Thomas McTavish. And you are?"
Aysel glanced at the newcomer and back to the other boy before a slender brow rose in question. She sent another arrow flying at an infected. I'm pretty sure we just went through this… She thought at Nymeria. However she held her patience and smiled at the newcomer.

"I am Aysel White of the northern ice nymphs." She paused and darted to stand next to her wolf friend. "I suppose this is one of your companions of which you spoke?" She no longer felt comfortable being so close to strangers, not with two of them so near. "I would say it'd a pleasure to meet the both of your acquaintances if not for the current circumstances being as they are." She reached behind her to grab another arrow and felt empty air. She frowned. I'm out of arrows.. Hesitantly, she slung her bow onto her back and removed her gloves carefully. The gloves were special made for her kind. If she wore the gloves, she wouldn't freeze everything she touched. But if removed, anything her fingers brushed against would be frozen to some degree. "You spoke of leaving?" She directed the question to Kymico.
Snorting as she shook her head impatiently at the question ignoring the companion of kymico. She then looked over at Aysel as she reached behind her only to realize she was out of arrows, we will have to find some more or make them again she telepathically replied back to her. Nymeria thought it would be best to not answer the question until later so that she wouldn't have to keep repeating the same answer over and over again. Spinning around to her left Nymeria ignited one of the undead beings as it got a little to close to the make shift clearing they had. "Yes lets leave this alley way, its becoming tiresome killing these damn things" she told the two men a bit impatiently, she was hungry and getting more pissed off by the minute.,Taking her irritation out on the continues flow of the undead beings wasn't doing anything but making her more angry.
Aedan watched after Thomas as he walked and drifted behind him soundlessly. He glanced in between the nymph and the wolf, Kymico had found and raised an eyebrow inquiringly, though he said nothing. He watched something in the distance behind them instead and narrowed his eyes before turning away and moving to a door in the alley.

He shoved his fist through the door, right above the doorknob, splintering a hole in the wood. Aedan hummed a little tune while he worked, unlocking the door and testing it to make sure it locked back. Once he finished with his task he turned back to his "companions" and inclined his head toward the door he opened.

"I do believe that our training will have to wait, those damned ghouls are becoming more and more active and I would advise retreating and lying low and then resuming our task. If you have a room in one of these apartments Thomas, I am sure we can reach it through the rooftops, well I can reach it, I'm not sure about the rest of you. Who knows, you may prove me wrong, though I never made any real statement to be proven wrong on." Aedan pondered his words and then shrugged slipping into the building.
Thomas watched Aedan slink into the building. "Alright." He turns to the Ice Nymph and her companion. "Let's go, I have an apartment or two not far from here, we can lay low there until their numbers disperse." He runs after the vampire, motioning at everyone else to follow.
kymico would slowly follow as he is tired he grabs a bottle out his bag and takes a drink returning it when done.
Artemis walks out from the protected alleyway towards everyone else, His hand catching a infected face as it made its way up to him. As he ran into Artemis hand Artemis applied an ample force towards his face causing it to flip back and fall down onto its back. He then walks through the door last of everyone who was going inside, and then face's the door and closes it. He then buts the purple beam wall behind the door so it makes it harder for them to break through the door. He then turns around looking around the room wondering what there doing next.
Aysel followed the group of guys, keeping close to the wolf at her side. She glanced behind her just as the door closed and one of the men she didn't know used a purple beam to blockade it. She looked around at the group and put her gloves back on, making sure to tighten the band so they wouldn't fall off. Do you think this is all of them? She asked Nymeria. She felt very defenseless with no arrows. She wasn't good at any form of melee attacks…at all. "These apartments? " She finally ventured, trying to get a grasp of whether or not to trust the group.
walking into the building next to Aysel she looked around her surroundings. I'm not sure my nose is still clogged with them damn undead things she replied with a huff. She then looked around at the others in the group and counted at least four. Once we get settled we will have to get more arrows or make some before we go out again. She reminded Aysel as they fallowed one of the guys through the room, keeping close as to comfort Aysel.
Thomas turns back to the Nymph. "Oh, I noticed you were out of Arrows. You may borrow some of mine, if you wish." He takes the quiver from his back and hands it to her. He looks at the rest of the group. "Follow me, we'll go back to my place. I set up a network of tunnels to quickly travel under the hotels."
"My goodness a network? Color me impressed my Elven comrade." Aedan clapped as he walked next to Thomas glancing at him. "How long have you been alone out here? I mean long enough that you set up tunnels and I can only imagine that, that would be such a long time. Unless you were one of those paranoid blokes who were preparing for this long in advance. I can't really call them paranoid anymore though can I. It is really a shame, they are better off than everyone I'm sure, but everyone thought they were so crazy and now who's crazy!" His footsteps echoed off the walls as they walked and he peered over his shoulder suddenly, past everyone, back towards the door, as a thought struck him.

"Thomas have these tunnels been cleared." His purple eyes glowed in the dim light of the halls as they made their way back towards the Elf. "I would imagine it would be very difficult to keep them cleared, seeing how persistent they are. I suppose what I'm asking is, If they're are some down here, say a lot of them, we'll probably all get overwhelmed and die won't we?"
Thomas stopped and considered this, but dismissed it. "No, if there are any down here, it's just an old resident or so that used to occupy the hotels and just didn't leave." He thought another moment. "And yes, I was 'one of those paranoid blokes'. I knew a Seeress before the infection, and she told me this was to happen, to prepare. So, I built this network of tunnels parallel to the sewers. Took a while, but I got it done just in time."
" The amazing Thomas everyone " He clapped with joy and smiled just joking around with him. His also purple eyes scanning the hotel picking out different areas to escape to. He then looks at the recently joined people " So how did you guys get here? " He was interested on if they were recently here or not.
"If you say so." Aedan mumbled peering into the dark ahead of them. "How far are we from your apartment complex? I don't really feel like a long journey. I should hope it's not to terribly far from here." he mused more himself then to anyone else. He glanced over at a door listening to the distant moans coming from behind it. "Are you good on supplies? If we are low it would not hurt to scavenge one of these other hotels, this one seems barren. I'm sure there are only a handful to take care of if we do. I would imagine that this door leads to a basement which would for all practical purposes be near or attached to a maintenance room, which could be near a kitchen." He turned to Thomas and grinned "Maybe I could find a rat or two to drink and you all can eat whatever it is you eat. How does that sound?"
Thomas looked at the vampire and replied, "In the tunnels, about a twenty minute walk. And I suppose we could gather a few things from the apartments. What we can carry, anyway." He stopped, his long ears twitching. Faint moaning was coming from behind them. Had they broken through a door? No, couldn't have been. must've been one he missed during his last exploration. He continued on, cautiously.
Aysel hesitantly took the arrows as she watched the group of guys. Her eyes focoused on Thomas.

"Thank you." She smiled at him and she glanced away as she felt the urge to blush come on. She fought it down before looking back up as Nymeria and herself where asked a question. The last settlement we stayed at kind of, well," she paused, "exploded…" She looked away and her hand reached up to push a strand of pale hair behind one of her ears. "There was a power plant and well," she glanced at Nymeria then back at the un introduced one who was speaking to them. "Someone hit me and Nymeria got very…mad…" She did blush this time, she still felt like it was her fault. " We were a bit too close to the plant and yea." She fiddled with her hair some more and looked to the side. "Whoops?" She bit her lip before she looked back up. "Only a couple people died though!" She left out the two now crippled people and the amount of people who got hurt from the explosion. "We've decided to keep to ourselves since, we move around a lot." Kind of like gypsies She blushed alittle darker. "My name is Aysel, byt the way, and this is Nymeria." She indicated the wolf next to her before she flashed a a quick smile at the purple eyed man. She glanced over at Thomas and the vampire. Should we follow them? Or slip away? She questioned her guardian.
The dark Elf glanced back at Aysel. "If you need anything else, feel free to ask. And I heard about that plant. I admire the power your companion has, it takes a lot to make a Nuclear Reactor go off."
Aedan's eyebrows disappeared underneath his hair as the nymph spoke. "You two blew up a power plant, my goodness I'm caught in being impressed and flabbergasted." His eyes drifted to her blush as he spoke and he unconsciously licked one of his fangs. A dull pounding seemed to fill his ears as he watched the blood just under her skin, mentally acknowledging her for the first time since she joined their party. Bright eyes widened, as if he seemed to only now notice the fact that she was breathing, and he flicked them down to her chest watching the rise and fall before sliding them up to watch the pulse under her cool throat.

And as quickly as he had lost his sense he regained it offering her a bright small ignoring his ever constant blood lust that now amplified itself tenfold through his thoughts. Somewhere in his muted mind he noted that the pounding he now heard was their hearts.
"I never introduced myself did I, I'm Aedan. Very nice to make your acquaintance, well as nice as it can be under the circumstances you see."
Nymeria snorted at the elf named Thomas " I got a temper.." she said out loud. She then looked over at the vampire noticing he was acting really strange and eyeing Aysel way to much, Pinning her ears back she walked in front of Aysel lowering her head in warning. She wasn't fond of him looking at her like she was a fine piece of chocolate, she then stomped her hind foot on Aysels Hide your blushing better unless you want to be served on a platter and have me making bloodshed with our new "friends" . Aysel was sometimes a hassle guarding since she was oblivious to most things but she loved her anyways at least it didnt leave things boring althought she rather much have her childhood friend safe.
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