• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


The roleplayer with interests outside the norm
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Mornings, Afternoons and Evenings
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Action, Adventure, Romance, Magical, Fantasy, Furry, Modern, Supernatural, Naurto, RWBY, Fairy Tail, Pokemon, Avatar/Korra, Hunter, Games, Fandoms
posting expectations: adept, beginner to it.

Posting timetable: semiweekly, flexible

Posting speed: daily to weekly,

I am new here, and to forums hoping to do this right.
If not just help me along.

Hi Everyone! My name is Darnell in real life aka Reborn and I have a craving from one fandom and that is RWBY, a 1x1 is preferred until I get some more experience here. I like M/F pairings with romance along with elements from the show.

The posting expectation level is adept even though I don't mind beginner until I get some more experience here, although I don't expect you to write a novel. One to Two paragraphs is a good minimum. I can reply once or twice a week even though I'll try to be on daily. Also, I want to RP in PMs. Finally, don't be afraid to talk to me OOC and I'll use brackets just for me to tell the difference. I love to hopefully make new friends!

If you're interested after reading all that, please post here or PM me! I look forward to hearing from you!
Hello! It's nice to meet you! I was wondering if you were interesting in a Final Fantasy roleplay? If so, which Final Fantasy game do you know? And do you do Canon X OC and doubling?
Hello! It's nice to meet you! I was wondering if you were interesting in a Final Fantasy roleplay? If so, which Final Fantasy game do you know? And do you do Canon X OC and doubling?
I am interested in a Final Fantasy Roleplay. I know 7,10 and Dissidia if you count those lol. I do in fact do Canon X OC and doubling i have no idea what that is (newbie here) But i hope we can work out something
Ah. I can do 7 and 10, though I am wanting to do 7 to be honest.
Alright then. Either or is fine with me even though i was looking forward for a 10 one but we can do 7
I had in mind a YangxOC pairing