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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Pick a character!

  • Mob family

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Aristocrat

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Russian spy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cop

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Lady of the night

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Post-apocalyptic, dystopian, politics, supernatural, historical (1920s, Victorian, Regency, revolutionary eras, WW2, etc), crime, dark themes, splashes of romance

Fandoms: Lore Olympus, Harry Potter, The Walking Dead, Hannibal, Bates Motel, Death Note, Batman verse, Peaky Blinders
Hi all! I'm new to this site, though certainly not to RPing. You can call me Kay. Please bear with me as I learn to navigate iwaku.


The setting: The war has ended. Birmingham's working class have returned to the drudgery of factory jobs, but men still wake sweating and screaming and wondering precisely what it was they fought for in the trenches of France. Women who tasted freedom have awoken to find themselves stuck back in the kitchen despite their grand ideas. And yet, striding through this dismal industrial hellscape comes a group of men, coats billowing behind and caps set at a jaunty angle, who thrive off of the chaos and debauchery. The kings of their wretched domain. Behind closed doors there is music and laughter, whiskey and a haze of smoke, beautiful women and backroom deals.

So, this RP is based off of the excellent series Peaky Blinders. If you've seen it, awesome. If not, fine. All you need to know is that this is an organized crime drama set in 1920s Britain. OCs are perfectly acceptable. I want to check for interest before nailing down the plot. Family drama? Political intrigue? Booze, drugs and violence? A dash of romance and a heavy helping of criminal activity? You bet. Let's create something awesome together.

What I expect:
  • Evocative writing (min 3 para)

  • Able to post at least a few times a week. If something comes up, I'll understand!

  • 3rd-person, past tense

  • Fade-to-black for any explicit scenes. Take it to PMs if you'd like.
Please reply to the thread if interested! Hope to hear from you.
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Reactions: MST3K 4ever
I'm interested. This isn't a solid commitment, but you've definitely caught my attention.
  • Love
Reactions: kaleidoscopique
I won't be able to participate, but holy moly, has this caught my attention. Why can't I be every character on your list? XDDDD
I won't be able to participate, but holy moly, has this caught my attention. Why can't I be every character on your list? XDDDD

Thanks for checking it out anyway! Let me know if you find the time to join us :)
You've caught my interest-
  • Love
Reactions: kaleidoscopique
Hop on board! :D

Sandboxy type roleplay, so plenty of room for subplots and tons of character relationships! :3
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Reactions: kaleidoscopique
dammit why didn't i finish peaky blinders >.< this looks amazing!
@StareNation You definitely don't have to have seen the whole series! Feel free to check out the OOC thread if you're interested :)
dammit why didn't i finish peaky blinders >.< this looks amazing!

COME ONE COME ALL!!!! JOIN THE CHAOS!!! 8D *coughs* Excuse the caps. I had to make an entrance! We'd love to have you- the IC is absolutely bubbling right now, full of relationship turmoil hehehe.
definately interested, im at work currently and have a pretty busy lifestyle so i may be a bit slower (im in western australia too so yeah...really providing confidence here hahaha) I have just come back after a break off iwaku earlier in the month so i only have one other rp thread on the go which is a good thing. Is there a main character thats a cop?
definately interested, im at work currently and have a pretty busy lifestyle so i may be a bit slower (im in western australia too so yeah...really providing confidence here hahaha) I have just come back after a break off iwaku earlier in the month so i only have one other rp thread on the go which is a good thing. Is there a main character thats a cop?

No, but there is an npc (my character's husband, Howard Bell) who is a police sheriff. ^w^
ah k, I have two angles in mind, One is as a male gang member which I would need to think of a backstory and the other as a transferred cop, (keeps the act of paying off cops available and keps the character from being revealed. i would assume that the character is employed by a senior member as an under cover which allows the idea to either later kill this character OR have him turn away from the force though that would depend on how a reveal would be recieved by the gang members. so for example, a veteran and policeofficer from belfast arrives in town posing as a potential recruit, works his way into the lifestyle all the while having to report back to his superiors. while alot of information and its value can be destroyed by interception of corruption and as he navigates his way into the lifestyle and makes solid bonds with other characters it impacts on his life in ways he didnt account for.

Otherwise im happy to have a character title thrown my way and develop something
ah k, I have two angles in mind, One is as a male gang member which I would need to think of a backstory and the other as a transferred cop, (keeps the act of paying off cops available and keps the character from being revealed. i would assume that the character is employed by a senior member as an under cover which allows the idea to either later kill this character OR have him turn away from the force though that would depend on how a reveal would be recieved by the gang members. so for example, a veteran and policeofficer from belfast arrives in town posing as a potential recruit, works his way into the lifestyle all the while having to report back to his superiors. while alot of information and its value can be destroyed by interception of corruption and as he navigates his way into the lifestyle and makes solid bonds with other characters it impacts on his life in ways he didnt account for.

Otherwise im happy to have a character title thrown my way and develop something

What is the character being revealed from? What is this reveal? I think that would help me better understand the character idea you're going on. :o
What is the character being revealed from? What is this reveal? I think that would help me better understand the character idea you're going on. :o
sorry should have read what i wrote before hitting send (oops) by reveal i mean if it was discovered that he was a cop.
sorry should have read what i wrote before hitting send (oops) by reveal i mean if it was discovered that he was a cop.

Ah, so he's being recruited for a STING operation?
Ah, so he's being recruited for a STING operation?
yeah, so say there was a relatively new chief constable (im plucking this mainly from historical point of Charles Haughten Rafter) who has it out for the peaky's. It's known that there are dirty cops around and so a new strategy is formed to recruit officers from elsewhere (hence the cop being a belfast lad) who aren't known to the current roster of police officers to work undercover in and gather intelligence that will give the chief constable enough to bring down the gang. they establish a handler for the officer who must report information regularly.
yeah, so say there was a relatively new chief constable (im plucking this mainly from historical point of Charles Haughten Rafter) who has it out for the peaky's. It's known that there are dirty cops around and so a new strategy is formed to recruit officers from elsewhere (hence the cop being a belfast lad) who aren't known to the current roster of police officers to work undercover in and gather intelligence that will give the chief constable enough to bring down the gang. they establish a handler for the officer who must report information regularly.

Ahhhh. Transfer for STING. Gotcha. Sounds great! I'm sure Kay (@kaleidoscopique) can definitely find a way to weave ya in. Howard may very well get to know him and possibly Lizzie. Have to keep things on the downlow though. :)