CHARACTERS ᴛʜᴇ ғʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴍᴇᴅʟᴇʏ

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the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster

ascender chronicles
Inara Belanor
Zaharin Belanor

Amaranth L'ysandar

never normal
Jack Caldwell
Jacob Payne
Leonardo Cordova
Lucas Crow
Maxwell Mclachlan
Myka Flowers
Noah Starfall
Rheya Crow
Vanessa C. Prewitt

perchance to dream
Samuel Booker

retired characters
Collins McLeod
Esra Morne
Gabriela Elariel
Gwen Foxlin
Jolene Roswell
Quintana Winett
Samantha Daley
Sebastian Kissinger
Tansy Blackwood
Yelena Dragovic

weight of the crown
Alfeus Swann
Avenius Gringoire
Beyla Gringoire
Clariscia Gringoire
Duvina Creed
Gwenna nee Gringoire
Lala Laurod
Lucianna Gringoire
Lucien Gringoire
Melissent Ghaliane
Nadya Zoy
Ranwulf Gringoire
Romilly Lecadre
The Lord Commander
The Red Skipper
Yuri Laurod
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reserved for c/p shit


Race || Sur

Magical Attunement || Earth

Weapon specialization || Longbow, kukri daggers, and a family sword

Profession || Woodland guide

Skills || Skilled survivalist, excellent climber, weather-predictor

"character quotes goes here"
⦙⦙ AGE | 23 ⦙⦙ WEIGHT | 5'10" ⦙⦙ HEIGHT | 147lbs.

Sarcastic with a dark, self deprecating humor, Inara is somewhat of a miscreant. She prefers to "stay in the shadows" and observe before she acts. Though she likes her silent world in the trees, Inara can be quite social if the need arises. It takes effort, mostly observation and instinct, but she can charm her way past most of those she meets. That being said, it takes effort, and lately her efforts have been placed elsewhere.

Inara strives for anonymity among the masses, but enjoys the company of friends and close acquaintances. For the past two years, after the death of her father, she and her only remaining relative, her brother Zaharin have been somewhat estranged. The memories of their past come bubbling to the surface whenever they're around each other and it's uncomfortable for each. Inara hasn't seen Zaharin since last Winter, when he left for Syth to further practice his magic, where he was welcomed back - as far as she could tell from his vague and infrequent letters.

She's hardheaded, difficult to debate with, and too curious for her own good. Intelligent and mentally strong, Inara loves finding partners to verbally spar with. All in good humor of course. If she doesn't know you, she'll answer your questions with questions, mainly because of her cynicism, and lack of trust in good people. Her thoughts and emotions are reserved and neatly tucked away. She doesn't know how to cope with her emotions, and sees them as a waste of time to be quite frank. Her thoughts are calculating and logical, and rarely straying from these guidelines. Acts of compassion and morality issues are usually the rare exceptions, as Inara follows her own "code" and won't stray too far from it.
Born and raised in Emalnahar, Inara spent most of her childhood and early adolescent years exploring the forest around her home under the guidance of her father, and then eventually on her own. She enjoyed the silence of the woods and quickly learned that she was attuned to earth-magic. When her family was still whole and all her brothers were alive, her parents convinced two of their four children to travel to Syth and attend the prestigious School of Magic. Inara was among the pair, and traveled to Syth with her older brother. They left in Autumn and returned at the end of Spring. Her eldest brother Zaharin enjoyed the sprawling city and the melting pot of cultures that it produced, but Inara craved for her woods, for the silent trees she felt most comfortable in. Not that she didn't enjoy learning her craft, but the hustle and bustle of the city was just too much for the twelve year old.

It was a long journey back, and everything seemed to be getting in their way. To this day Inara still remembers the earnest angst she felt waiting to get home. Thinking back on it, she should have known something was wrong. When they finally arrived home, they were welcomed with a funeral for their youngest sibling. There was some kind of freak accident that never got fully explained, and left their mother in a weakened state, both mentally and physically. Through the next years of her life Inara spent more and more time in the woods, honing her earth magic as well as picking up, and redoubling her efforts with the longbow. She had always used one, but during this time it became an extension of herself rather than a weapon.

A few years before her mother and father passed away from the Sickness, but after the attack on the Guard that killed her second eldest brother, there were places in the northern region of Eversyth that Inara had never ventured to, that felt like Shadows were approaching. She could feel the earth fighting a battle that it would soon lose. It was this fleeting moment when she decided that fighting the Shadows was all she wanted to do.

Keen observation and deduction skills


Experienced survivalist



With a tall but slender physique, Inara, at first sight, is nothing much to behold. Years of experience and hard work has toned and hardened her body, but only subtly so - keen observation is necessary to decipher the reserved Inara. She has shoulder length, russet brown hair, that is just long enough to tie up. It falls in straight, messy locks, that are constantly being tucked behind her pointed ears.

Up close, you can see her soft but angular features displayed upon her heart shaped face. With hazel eyes that seem to constantly change color (light brown and green) depending on what she wears or her surroundings. She could be pretty, if only she washed the dirt and leaves out of her hair more often than once a week, scrubbed the dirt from beneath her fingernails, or slept more often to cure the dark marks beneath her eyes.
writing sample
Beads of sweat glistened across her brow as she sneaked up the tree and with a willowy grace, vaulted across the canopy to the nearest branch. She refused to let herself be heard in the soft summer breeze. Hidden in the upper branches, she stalked silently behind her prey. She leapt from branch to branch, landing with nothing more than a muted thud.

The two men she followed were similar in stature, similar in looks - even their gaits seemed to coincide. They had been avoiding her for weeks now, sending her out on trips into the woods to keep her away. '"Go get some pelts Inara, we could use the extra money"' they would say. Inara this, Inara that. Just to keep her away from her mother. She already knew about the Sickness, she just needed to hear it. She felt rather than saw her way through the trees; keeping her eyes on the men who stopped a few paces beyond the tree she crouched in, and ears on the voices that were floating her way.

"...- We should tell her the truth father, I'm sure she already knows."

Her suspicions were confirmed, obviously - her brother was right, she already knew. Had known for awhile now.

"She doesn't need to be worried-" The grizzly voice of her father was interrupted by the husky, but now suddenly haughty voice of her brother Zaharin.

"She deserves to know. By us. The dark mark upon her breast has grown three times in size and twice as disgusting. We need to tell her before she starts bleeding."

"That's still a rumor, we don't know for sure if they bleed to death." Her father said sternly, more to himself than his son.

"It's not, I've seen it, an entire family came down with in in town last week."

Inara shifted uncomfortably in her crouch, heart catching in her throat as the tree creaked and her brother, ever so hawk-eyed, glanced up her way. He didn't make eye contact, but Inara couldn't tell if he had seen her. She flattened her back against the bark, not daring to move another inch.

Her heart jumped again as her father swore, causing a few sparrows that were tucked in the foliage above her head to take flight in fear. "These !@#$%^&* Shadows and their corrupted magic!" Inara leaned forward ever so slightly despite of herself, never had she heard her father talk about the Shadows. "Our people, magic and non-magic alike, need to plan for a war unlike we've ever seen. Only Shadow Magic could spawn something like this new Sickness."

Something stirred inside Inara and she fled, leaping lithely from branch to branch, not realizing where her feet were taking her until she felt her arm extend, and she found herself climbing into her beloved thinking tree. Settling herself in the natural seat the gnarled tree graciously grew, Inara pondered on what she heard. So Shadow Magic was to blame for her mother's soon demise… Inara shook her head to dispel the negative thoughts, but who was she kidding? Her mother was going to die, like her brothers did, like her father will, death was certainly inevitable.

But, she thought to herself, natural death is inevitable, this Shadow-born Sickness isn't.

Inara sat in the silence of her trees for hours, contemplating on the Shadows, wishing that they were just regular shadows… The kind that disappeared in the light. In the end, she decided her father was right, that Shadow Magic must be fought. She planned on doing just that. It wasn't until twilight was well past and the stars were in full blossom, did she make her way home through the trees, not knowing what she could do to help fight, but taking a vow to make sure she was ready and capable - body, mind, and soul - whenever she figured it out.

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⦙⦙ RACE | Half-Elf ⦙⦙ MAGIC| Ice ⦙⦙ AGE | 19

Coley tends to lead a one-track kind of life. In her mind, it takes too much concentration to focus on more than one thing at a time. This is because Coley gives the entirety of herself to everything she does. When she's angry her whole being is angry. When she's happy, her soul shines with it. This is both a strength and an obvious weakness. As of late, since the Fall of the Haven, she's struggled with the way she's been her whole life and the person she needs to become: One who's able to think rationally, one able to set aside her emotions and choose the right action to take. It doesn't help either, that Coley and Briseis have been on their own for the better half of three months and have become... quite wild.

Born in a small southern Thallas village two weeks before winter began, Coleite began her Warden way of life only a few short weeks after birth. Her human mother knew her half-elf child would be raised with kindness and without bias in the Haven and bittersweetly gave her up. The only thing she has of her mother is a simple silver chain marked with runes, that is rarely, if ever, taken off. To this day, she still does not know who or what her father was.

Among the Wardens who sensed their dragon counterparts young, Coley quite literally grew up with Briseis. As the pair grew, so did their knowledge and love of experiencing new things. When it came for combat training, Coley discovered something she'd never of expected of herself: she was a great fighter. Though she was thin she had strength. She was lanky yet had incredible reach. It took years for her feet to become as nimble of her mind, her hands as deft and as sure as her heart, and her connection with Briseis to blossom like her strength of will.

When the Haven fell, Coley and Briseis were on their way with a squad of Dragon Wardens, intent on investigating the disappearance of the Veridian Fae. A day and a half into their mission she was sent back to the Haven with a message. Irritated with being sent back, for she and Briseis both wanted to explore the Woodlands of Valnahar, they took their time, drifting high above the clouds. Thankfully so. They saw the flames on the horizon. Briseis refused to go any closer despite Coleite's yearnings.

The pair fled north, straight into the Northern Mountains. Since the Haven's demise they've been on the run, never staying in one place for too long. Recently, Coley has met a Guide who instructed her to travel to an orc-camp where Dragon Wardens were said to be gathering.





Aggressive, Moody


Coley is tall, especially for a girl. She has long, lithe limbs, and an exceedingly long reach. Though she's lean with muscle, Coley still flaunts the appearance of being stretched out. Despite reaching maturity, she has yet to receive her womanly curves. In fact, if it wasn't for her feminine facial features, she could easily pass as a boy. Coleite has light chartreuse green eyes and hair the color of spilt blood. Her hair is long, serpentine, and unruly. Coley prefers to braid it up or tie it behind her head with leather bands.

Secondary Weapon ||Two-handed mace

Name | Briseis
Pronunciation | Bris-E-hiss

Type | Ice

Height & Length |Briseis is slightly larger than your typical ice dragon, standing twelve feet tall and reaching just over twenty two feet long.

Personality |Briseis is the epitome of an Ice Dragon: quiet, borderline unsociable, and shrewd. He and his Warden are quite the opposite in many ways and yet, like all Dragon Wardens, their friendship is unconditional and lifelong. Though he had always been protective of Coley, Briseis' has become even more protective of her since Haven's fall. The same stands true of Coley.

Though he's close to being unsociable, Briseis was always more comfortable around Wardens than humans or elves. Lately, however, he's been rather skittish, prone to overreacting to the slightest of things. Whereas Coley, in sight of danger, would like to investigate, Briseis is the one to halt and make her see reason. Before Haven fell, Coley would rarely, if ever, heed his advice. Now she sees the wisdom in his stubborn ways. Coley's still a bit headstrong, which irks Briseis to no end.
writing sample
The Warden and her dragon drifted lazily above the clouds, reeling in their mutual annoyance. The air was cold though neither minded; anger warmed their bellies and their attunement to ice kept the chill at bay. Coleite shifted in her saddle, finding a more comfortable position. It had been a long, hard flight to the edge of the Valnahar Woods, only a sunset and sunrise ago. Her Emasari had sent her back, despite knowing Coley had practically waited her whole life to see them, to report on suspicious activity in the east.

Dragon and Warden grunted together, the former coming from the bottom of his throat, more growl than grunt. Briseis shared her curiosity of the Veridian Fay and had been just as reluctant to leave the squad of Dragon Wardens intent on investigating their disappearance. Coley rested a hand against the soft white-blue feathers that coated his serpentine frame, remembering how he had snapped and growled at her Emasari's dragon when they received the news. The older dragon merely snorted them away and flicked his tail in amusement.

That was nearly two sunsets ago and the pair grew ever closer to the Haven. Soon they would see it on the horizon, tall and proud and full of life, a sentinel for the Allied Kingdoms.

A feeling, deep in her gut jarred Coley from her thoughts. "What is it, Briseis?" She asked carefully, never having felt panic emanate from him in this magnitude.

In answer he let out a long, sad screech, his wings beating fast to keep them airborne. They were no longer flying and Coley couldn't see why. Warden and dragon moved simultaneously; Coleite grabbed the reins attached to her saddle and leaned to her left while Briseis angled himself to the right.

She didn't understand at first, why the sun was only falling over the Haven. Why the sun's orangey light flickered and danced around her home. Then awareness reared and she screamed. The dancing light were flames not rays of light from the falling sun. Swinging herself back into her saddle, she pulled hard on the reins, horror and pain lacing her every move.

"Briseis we have to go help them!"

He didn't move except to flap his great feathered wings.

"There are children there! We have to help them!" It came out as a sob.

On the horizon the Haven burned and the pair hovered in the air, watching the destruction of the only place they had called home.

Briseis turned from the flames, his instincts speaking, warning him of danger. He flew north, back towards the snowy peaks where he was born. The distress from his Warden was distracting, he wished he could tell her everything would be alright; but that was a lie. His brethren were under attack and from the smell of blood and defeat, they were not winning the battle.

His Warden kept telling him to go back but nothing would be found there… nothing but death. Didn't she realize that?

Hard and fast he flew, higher and higher, and all the while he listened to his Warden pleading to return, screaming that we ought to help, crying that we were doomed. He did nothing but fly faster and screech out a lament of his own.

Weeks passed in paranoia and fear. Days were the hardest, huddled in empty dragon nests high in the mountains. Waiting for the light of day to fade and the chance of being seen slim. They had no destination, no place of refuge. They saw no faces except their own. On and on they fled, from who or what they could only guess at.

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the cult

of thieves

Information is power, and power is easily acquired.


"I'll cut you with my silver tongue, make you bleed prayers you hoped you'd never have to use."

Name: Romilly Lecadre
Nickname: Milly
Aliases: Arianell Maran, Vela Artov

Age: 25

Race: Half-Naveri
Magic: Arcane

Appearance: Romilly, a half-elf of Faledren, takes after both mother and father equally. She has her father's tanned skin and her mother's dark blue hair. Milly has tarnished silver colored eyes, a plethora of freckles, and curly hair of the untameable kind. Slight of stature, standing at barely five-foot-three-inches and weighing a hundred and thirty pounds soaking wet. With years of farming alongside her father, then moving on to living on the streets, Milly has hardened and toned her body.

Weapon(s) of Choice: Whip, daggers, throwing knives

Years within the Cult of Thieves: Almost five years

Specialization: Acquisition

As one attuned to the Arcane, Milly uses wards to mask her presence, and in this lies her greatest strength: invisibility. With an indomitable will, stealth, agility, and a surprising amount of strength, Romilly, even before joining the Cult of Thieves, made a name for herself as a thief. Able to slip in and out of places unseen, Milly can take as she pleases, and as such, breaking and entering has been one of her greatest strengths since the beginning of her criminal career.

Personality Traits:



Born to a Naveri of Eversyth and a Faledren native, Romilly was raised in her father's homeland where they could live as a family without fear of persecution and the inevitable possibility of death.

Though well below the poverty line, Milly grew up in a happy, loving home where hard work and laughter dictated the landscape. Romilly spent her younger years tilling the land and handling livestock with her father and learning how to cook and needlework with her mother. As she grew older her mother furthered her education and her father began teaching her how to use the bullwhip for the livestock they raised.

When she was nine, her mother left Faledren to return to her own homeland. Though she loved her husband and daughter very much, she loved what she left behind even more. As one who would live much longer than the two she loved, she did not wish to see their inevitable deaths and left with much regret.

A few short years after puberty, Romilly found her attunement. Without her mother's guidance and wealth of elven knowledge, her arcane attunement was severely neglected. Until about two years later, when another caster attuned to the arcane found her. He recognized her attunement and offered to train her. There was only one condition: when the time came, she do whatever it was he asked. Young and naive to the world, Romilly agreed. Years passed and her magical education flourished. Illusions were difficult but attainable with enough hard work and practice, conjured weapons were almost impossible, same with energy blasts, but wards... Since the beginning Romilly has shown an extreme aptitude for wards.

She and her father continued their farming ways until his death shortly after Milly's fifteenth birthday. Once the news spread, she was kicked off her family's farm as new farmers arrived to claim it. Heartbroken and without a place to live, Milly found herself on the streets with no money, no food, the clothes on her back, and the few mementos she was able to grab before fleeing her childhood home.

For months she struggled, living as a beggar outside Windfeld's protective wall. Then, as winter threatened Faledren, her arcane mentor found her. Her one condition was due and it changed her life forever. He clothed and fed her and gave her the details of her one condition. She was to sneak into a noble estate, steal an import ledger that contained maritime information and give it to her mentor. She was given two weeks of preparation. She scouted the estate, gouged her warding abilities, and then, finally, broke into the estate early one morning. The job went surprisingly well, and Milly, struck with a new found confidence, refused to return to begging.

Thievery was something she was always told not to do, but her father was dead and her mother gone. She needed money to survive. Food. Warm clothing. She did what she needed to with only one of her own conditions: never take from someone who's worse off than you. Life from then on was easier... dangerous and full of adrenaline spiked heists... but easier. Slowly her moral compass fell away as her theft grew from food and clothing to jewels, ledgers, and eventually, living, breathing, people.

Though life had its ups and downs, Milly kept one thing as a token of her previous life. Laughter. Smiles. Til this day Romilly still smiles and laughs, if only to keep the memories of her mother and father. Some might think it ungenuine or odd, but it keeps her sane, it keeps her focused on the next job, the next heist.

When she was nineteen she accidentally found the Labyrinth and started using the massive catacombs as a hideaway, a place to lay low when things topside get too dangerous. Little did she know what they would soon mean to her...

The Cult of Thieves CS | @rissa
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Zaharin was born and raised in Emalnahar, within the Allied Kingdoms, to loving parents who would go on to have five children. As the third child, Zahar felt the need to prove himself and throughout his life has done everything in his power to do so. When his youngest and only sister, Inara, was born, he helped his mother raise her whereas his two oldest brothers hunted with their father. His father was a tanner and though he was interested in the profession, his interest laid in the enchantments he placed on the leather. This interest would lead him to beg his parents to attend the Academy of Magic.

Shortly after his twenty fifth birthday, he convinced his parents to let him attend the Academy residing in Syth. It took years but his mother finally relented with only one concession: he must take his sister Inara. And so the pair went, one sullen and one excited, to the ancient sprawling city. For seven and a half years he and his sister studied and honed their craft until one day Zaharin received a letter from his father. His younger brother was dying from the Sickness and they needed to return home as soon as possible. They left immediately, though Zaharin never told Inara about the letter, and when they returned home they were welcomed with a funeral. Years passed before he left Emalnahar once more to return to the Academy, where he'd found his calling in the scholarly arts.

Tragedy struck... multiple times within the next few years when he lost the entirety of his family, save Inara. First, his two older brothers were mysteriously killed during a hunting accident. Then, a few years later, his mother contracted the Sickness and died shortly thereafter. His father too, died of the Sickness, a few years after her. When his father died, he and Inara had a falling out after a vicious argument that began of talk of Shadow Magic, and the two have been estranged ever since.

Six months ago, Zahar left Syth and ventured by boat to Lahlo. Only he didn't reach his desired location and instead ended up stranded on the island off Estwynd's coast. For a month he wandered, finding odd jobs here and there while he spent any remaining times studying the local culture. A few months later, instead of boarding another vessel to head for his intended destination, Zahar sailed to Estwynd, curious of what he'd heard of the Winded Woods. It's been a little less than three months since his arrival and he's been roaming the landscape ever since, studying as he goes, as well as hiding his pointy ears...


Name: Zaharin Malgath Belanor
Nickname: Zahar
Age: 46
Species: Sur Elf
Occupation: Scholar

"The unfed mind devours itself."


Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: 6'3
Weight: 220 lbs

Written Appearance: Dark lashes frame piercing deep green eyes. His face is rather angular and sharply built and his hair varies. Currently Zahar is regrowing his beard and letting his hair grow long. Thick waves rest just above his shoulders that are often swept up.

Zaharin is tall and while not stocky, is surprisingly well built for a scholar. From years of chasing his sister through the woods and keeping up with his older brothers, Zahar realized at a young age that despite the profession, one should always keep in good physical shape.

In the typical Sur fashion, Zahar tends to wear layers of skillfully crafted leathers. He tends to be picky, as his father was a tanner, and chooses to wear only the finest of attire. Zahar makes use of everything he owns however, and despite owning expertly crafted attire, they tend to be worn and frayed after the many years of use.

Personality Traits

✥ Logical - Zahar wants everything to be right, factual, logical. He needs things to make sense. Since he was a child he has searched for order and rational means. Despite being a tactful man and being able to recognize emotions and social cues, Zaharin is still the type to point out the facts first and deal with the other matters later.

✥ Scholarly - Forever searching for something new to learn (albeit somewhat hesitant to experience) Zahar is most comfortable when his nose is rubbing against the pages of a tomb and his fingers are scratching out history long past. Well educated and eager to understand new things, Zahar has a tendency to make others feel as though he knows more than he should.

✥ Steadfast - Zahar is not one to change his mind. If he is proven wrong by factual means he takes it as a lesson learned and commits it to memory, thankful for the new, correct information. Outside of this niche, Zahar is unyielding, a byproduct of the Belanor gene.

✥ Reserved - Despite being polite and warm, Zahar is a reserved individual, keeping matters of the heart, mind, and soul to himself and those closest to him. This isn't to say he can't strike a conversation with anyone he chooses as he does so often, but things considered personal are sacred and therefore off limits.

+ Persistent
+ Resourceful
+ Well learned

_ Critical
_ A bit finicky
_ Meticulous

  • Zahar has a tendency to crack things - knuckles, neck, and back - quite often.
  • When he's nervous he glances around, as if seeking an exit.

Credit for Code: Jihae and Elle Joyner | TAC: Eudicia CS Sheet | @rissa
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Play Lora

amaranth l'ysandar

Name: Amaranth L'ysandar
Codename: Dogwood
Date of Birth: October 31st*
Gender: Female
Division: Fieldwork
Nickname(s): Mara, Mama
Age: 173 || 28
Race: Fae
Rank: Veteran
Clearance Level: 4



Amaranth has unnatural looking red-gold hair and green eyes of the startling variety. Sharp cheekbones, pointed canines, and elongated ears make up a part of her distinguishing features, the others being the three striking runic tattoos beneath both of her eyes, which have a tendency to glow dull white.

She's tall, hard, and lean, and despite the toddler often sitting on her hip, it's not hard to see why she has a hard-ass reputation... Especially when her standard issue sidearm is always on her other hip. She is most commonly found in comfortable, but practical attire. Sleek pants with more than enough leg room, long sleeve shirts that hide miscellaneous scars and runic tattoos, and jackets, preferably of the leather variety.


When Mara shifts into her natural form, she very nearly becomes a whole new person. While cognitive function, memories, and the like remain, natural instinct becomes the driving force of her being. She remains relatively the same height but her tanned skin changes, erasing scars and tattoos, to become an unblemished silver-grey color. Her ears lengthen, her eyes are overtaken by a dull white glow, her hair desaturates, canines elongate into formidable fangs, and her nails transition into claws.


Loyal to a fault and headstrong to the point of weariness, Mara struts to the beat of her own drum and would never think to apologize for it.

Raised at a tender age to become a member of Invictus, Amaranth has a peculiar loyalty to the organization that borders veneration. There is near nothing her superiors cannot compel her to do. Despite this great respect, she is still her own person, and has always been "free" to formulate her own thoughts and judgments.

As it was always to her benefit or detriment anyways.

Though she is undoubtedly professional and will act accordingly wherever she is, Mara has a short fuse, one that manifests itself in harsh, savvy quips, and a well earned 'hard-ass' reputation. An instinctual individual, she holds first impressions and gut-feelings in high regard until proven (right) otherwise. She has shown to be quite judgmental at times, though usually towards those who speak ill of Invictus.

On a brighter note, Mara is a generous person, one who truly loves to help those in need. Though this has been taken advantage of in the past, she believes it's a virtue she mustn't lose. Especially in regards to Olivine and how she wishes to raise her.


[1982] - Amaranth is born in another plane of existence, one that is parallel to what we know as Earth. Her parents perform a tricky spell to transport themselves away from the dying realm.

[2002] - Naught but a child, Mara is found near Savannah, Georgia, hidden away within a wall at a particularly heinous crime scene. Due to supernatural suspects being involved, Invictus was responsible for keeping the scene away from mortal eyes. Agents from Facility 287 found Mara within the wall and made the choice to have Invictus raise her as an agent.

[2022] - Nearing the end of her training, Invictus and Amaranth alike are surprised at how finessed her physical skills and magical repertoire are becoming. After a few more short years of rigorous training, Mara is promoted to Junior rank.

[2082] - Mara is transferred to the Egyptian branch for a mission. While here, she meets Alessander, an Egyptian metahuman who's repertoire includes breaking curses on thousand-year-old tomes. Despite being younger and outranking her greatly, he took an interest in Amaranth during her time in Egypt, and it was well known that the feeling was mutual. The mission comes to a completion nearly a year later and Amaranth departs to Facility 287 the moment it calls.

[2087] - Alessander and Amaranth become romantically involved when his transfer to Facility 287 is realized. Seven years later, he asks her to marry him under a dogwood tree in Florida. She says yes and they marry before the year ends.

[2127] - Her loyalty and prowess in the field is rewarded when she's promoted to Senior rank.

[2136] - Alessander is killed nearly six months before Mara's due date. Olivine is born happy, healthy, and with a head full of red-gold hair. In response to her grief, as soon as Medical deems her fit, Amaranth returns to active field duty.

[2150] - Current day || Craving to spend her vast accumulated vacation time.

inventory, skills, and weaponry

[ belongings ]

  • As she has been with Invictus for the majority of her life, she has accumulated quite a few things over the years, both magical and not. Sprinkled throughout her quarters are items near and dear to her heart.

    [ dogwood branch ]

    After sixty three years, Amaranth still has a flowering branch of the very dogwood tree Alessander proposed to her under. An affixed rune and Mara's nature channeling abilities has kept it alive for all these years. It's displayed on a mantle encased in glass.

    [ pictures of olivine ]

    Due to having nothing but documentation from INV as a child, Mara has a tendency to take and develop an abundance of pictures of Olly. She has a wall nearly covered in pictures and in the middle, a picture of she and Alessander.

    [ sketchbooks ]

    There are a few shelves on her bookcase designated for her sketchbooks. Originally she started sketching out her dreams as a child and the love for it grew. They're categorized by date and subject. There are always a few open sketchbooks lying around her desk.

[ skills ]

  • Martial Artist
  • Marksman
  • Perceptive
  • Tactician
  • Confectioner
  • Illustrator

[ weapons and armor ]

  • Mara is a staunch believer in her standard issued weaponry. Her side arm, as previously mentioned, is always on her side, along with both her issued combat knife and gifted dagger, imbued with runes by a fellow Invictus member.

    Within her natural form, her pointed canines elongate into fangs and her nails morph into claws. It's not often that she's able to justify ripping someone-or something's- throat out and is used strictly in desperate situations. Her claws, however, are fair game, and over the years she's perfected her usage of them alongside her hand-to-hand combat skills.

powers and abilities

[ NATURE CHANNELING ] || Supportive

Through her innate affinity to nature, Amaranth is able to connect and channel nature's energy.

Strengths: Capable of charging runes, wards, crystals, affixed spells and the like and use them accordingly. Due to the nature of this power, she's drawn, if subtly, to ley lines. With age and development, Mara will have the sub-ability to heal minor wounds, purify chakra's and aura's and cleanse the environment.

Weaknesses: As it stands, Mara is simply a conduit in which the energy flows. Thus she needs external forces (runes, symbols, magical tattoos, etc) to use and manipulate the energy she channels. The energy spent channeling is entirely dependent upon what she's channeling for, and is almost always done prior to missions.


Mara has the ability to create and manipulate illusions.

  • Glamouring - The ability to cast an illusion over the body to alter or completely change it's physical appearance.
  • Invisibility - The ability to render oneself or others unseen.
  • Cloaking - The ability to hide people and objects from sight.

Strengths: Limited unconscious control over the minds of others as her magic nulls their perception in order to create longer and more refined illusions.

Weaknesses: In regards to psychics and the like, illusions are more than capable of being "broken" if their power of will is stronger than Mara's. Often cloaks her clothes and keys by accident.

[ SCATTERING ] || Semi-Active

With this ability Mara is capable of "scattering" or "deconstructing" herself. In essence it's similar to teleportation or flight, but instead of transporting corporeal, Mara's body scatters fragments of itself in the form of wispy energy. In this form she resembles will-o-the-wisps and emanates a dull white glow.

Strengths: Because her body is no longer corporeal, she's able to escape most physical harm, traverse through walls, and potentially, with enough training, even through different planes.

Weaknesses: Easily traceable as she leaves a trail of wisps wherever she goes. Currently only accessible through life-threatening circumstances or fear induced triggers. Susceptible to electricity/lightning based powers whilst in this form and energy based web or net-like contraptions.


Due to her Fae heritage, Mara naturally ages slower than the normal rate.

Strengths: With an elongated life she's able to see more, experience more, and watch the world around her develop through the centuries.

Weaknesses: In what takes humans five years to develop, it takes Mara nearly a decade. From what little she has gathered, it seems fae of her kind live around three centuries.

extra info

Olivine L'ysandar
  • The equivalent of a five year old, Olivine, or as most call her, Olly, is the daughter of Amaranth L'ysandar and the late Alessander Moreau. She's a rambunctious child who leaves a red-gold trail in her wake. Impossible to ignore, the girl is surprisingly empathetic, sharp and curious, and loves to see people laugh and smile.

    Due to her age and volatility of emotions she constantly shifts between her human and natural forms. Unlike her mother, Olly's egyptian-blue wings are developing just fine and are becoming large enough for her to fly.

Date of Birth: October 31st*
  • Neither Amaranth nor Invictus are aware of her actual birth date. Taking pity, her Guardian suggested they celebrate her birthday on the day INV found her, which was on October 31st, 2002.

Alessander Moreau
  • Former fiance of Mara's and the father of Olivine. A Senior agent within the Department of Defense, he and his team were called out to handle an awry situation nearly five years ago, and he never returned.

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Name: Johan Thierry Thames
Nickname(s): JT
Codename: Umbra
Age: 27
Date of Birth: August 19th
Race: Metahuman
Gender: Male
Rank: In Processing
Division: Fieldwork
Clearance Level: 0

Appearance ||

JT is a bear of a man. He stands just under six-foot-six-inches and despite having a rather lean build, has wide shoulders and an overall solid looking frame. Dark skinned, dark haired, dark eyed, and bearded, JT is rather handsome, if devilishly so, and knows just when to bat his long dark lashes.

He has a crooked smile that's not often revealed and more often than not you'll find him with an irritated and impatient disposition, clutching a full-flavor cigarette between his lips. JT is most often found wearing dark, form fitting clothing with his handy dandy, hand-me-down leather jacket.

Personality ||

JT, above all, is a man of his word. Despite his grey moral standing, he abides by a set of codes he rarely strays from, and in this lies his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. Or so he perceives.

Once the intricacies of his moral code is revealed, JT is rather predictable. He thrives on unpredictability, however, and is wary of those who try to get close of him, paranoid that all they desire is to figure him out and find a way to get rid of him.

He is an enigma: Protective and yet willing to hurt others to gain what he desires. Always willing to spit out jokes at the expense of others and yet he's always found scowling, always unreceptive to others who try to do as he does. Any honorable acts are outshadowed by unsavory dealings and the shady circumstances he always finds himself in.

Overall, JT is a man who's lost it all, more than once, and is always ready to right his wrongs.. Even if it means doing more bad.

History ||

Johan was born in the Miami metropolis, to a drug addict mother and a father who was never home. Alone and neglected (though he refers to this as "his first taste of freedom") JT raised himself and became increasingly independent. By the time he was in middle school, despite being labeled as a delinquent, JT was self-sufficient, proficient in his abilities, and a budding thief entrepreneur.

He begrudgingly stayed at home until he graduated high school and the moment he was legally able to, left his home. A vagabond for the next decade or so gave rise to wealth, an incredible network of contacts, and above all, the mastery of his abilities. Known as little more than a shadow, JT becomes an infamous thief for the black market, both human and magical.

His last heist, however, was a set up, and Invictus laid in wait. Unable to escape, for the first time in his life, JT is snatched by a well-oiled team of agents and placed in power-dampening cell in Facility #287.

Skills ||
  • Instinctual
  • Bilingual
  • Hand-to-hand combatant
  • Strategist
  • Agile
  • Musician

Powers and Abilities ||

JT has an innate connection to a primordial and omnipotent essence, known only as the Nothing. When he was a boy he was plagued by nightmares of being trapped within an otherworldly realm, a realm of oblivion and ever-shifting shadows. Though the dreams have receded with age they've stayed at the forefront of his mind, acting somewhat as a warning of what he could descend into.

His greatest weakness is also his greatest strength. Johan's usage of power comes at a cost, which furthers the growth of the taint in his soul. Usage is addicting, however, and not using his powers can be just as harmful. It's a balancing act, between keeping his soul intact and his health in line. He's had over a decade of practice and although he's come to the conclusion that his soul will drown in that shadow-realm, he'll do his damnedest to make sure it's no time soon.

General Weaknesses & Side Affects
  • Headaches of varying intensity, nosebleeds, and fatigue.
  • Light-based magic can either hinder him, render him incapable of harnessing and manipulating existing shadow, or potentially, empower him by casting more shadows.
  • In the same vein as light-based magic, pure darkness can be detrimental.

Animated Shadow

A quasi-sentient entity created of his own shadow. It acts as a portal to the Nothing, a guardian, and a marionette. It's versatile and somewhat of a stepping stone to his next two powers, essentially enabling them. It's capable of moving through all the shadows within a certain radius, granting teleportation access to any shadow within his range. JT can see and hear anything the shadow can as well. Though it's only happened a few times, the shadow has been known to act on it's own accord and "shield" JT against assault, momentarily sheltering him in the Nothing, which somehow severs or dampens the sensorial link they share, granting him immunity from attacks.

Due to the sensorial link between them, any hits that manage to strike the shadow are transferred to JT himself.

If he's incapable of "conjuring" his own shadow he's incapable of using any of his abilities.

Shadow Jumping

Shadow Constructs/Solidification
Shadow Jump

Extra Info ||

  • He can play the guitar and the harmonica.
  • JT was once told that his soul could be cleansed, if he was willing to pay the price. She didn't elaborate on the price he'd have to pay nor did he ask what she meant. The old woman's comment still haunts him til this day.
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Calcifer Lamoria
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xx "Keep tryin'."
NAME: Collins Jane McLeod
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Sapphire blue eyes stare out of a heart shaped face, framed by thick, dark lashes and chest length, swarthy brown hair. Thin, toned, and riddled with muscle, Collins stands at 5'10" and weighs 145lbs. She prefers relaxed clothing, if a bit punk-ish, and wears her favorite pair of boots everyday.

Enhanced Strength: The power to exert great strength from their muscles.
Weaknesses: Sometimes Collins loses sight of how strong she actually is and she's constantly replacing the things she breaks. After any physical exchange Collins must eat and replenish the calories she burns through.

Enhanced Senses: The power to possess extremely accurate senses.
Weaknesses: Collins can easily become overwhelmed in a crowded space or by a foul stench. Though incredibly useful, it can be quite the distraction as well.

Enhanced Speed: The ability to move at extraordinary physical speed.
Weaknesses: While not nearly as fast as Flash Fire or most of the supers with Speed-related powers, Collins is solidly faster than any Olympic athlete. Due to this ability, her reflexes are also amplified, albeit outside of combat this oft leads to accidental mishaps.

Enhanced Durability: The power to sustain numerous blows of internal or external assaults.
Weaknesses: Though far from invincible, Collins can come out of a ground-and-pound relatively unscathed. She does have her limits, however, and once pushed passed those boundaries things get shaky. In order to prevent further damage, her powers will render her unconscious before severe internal damages can take hold. If this doesn't happen then she'll be meetin' her parents early.

Enhanced Jump: The ability to leap longer distances than what is naturally possible.
Weaknesses: Landings. Can't take her anywhere without causing a couple thousand dollars worth of road damage.

PROMPT: [spoili]
Lorem, for now.
Jean Harkwell has the magnificent gift of walking through dreams, not that you know this. But she visits each candidate before they're admitted into the Academy. There she arrives in whatever dream state you are in, takes on a familiar face in your day to day, and ask three questions: "why do you want to be a hero?" "What are your strengths?" "What are your weaknesses?" That being said, the questions don't have to outright read like that, and there could be other questions interspersed, but those are the minimum. Please write a prompt including that. This will count as your personality and biography.
[bg=#333333]C H A R A C T E R | S H E E T[/bg]​

Ghost - Clutch​


name: Winett, Quintana
gender: Female ♀
age: 26
place of birth: Honeykeep
height: 179cm/5'10ft
weight: 73kg/163lbs
appearance: Quin is tall for a woman and stronger than the average man. At a young age she began training and it has done wonders for her physique; muscle is riddled throughout her hard, toned frame. A woman of mixed heritage, Quin has bastardized monolid eyes and skin the color of bronze. She has dark hazel eyes (green and brown) with flecks of gold near her irises. Quin has a plethora of scars covering her body, but only one sticks out: across her left collarbone a still-pink fleshy scar reminds her of a time near death.

She is surprisingly soft spoken despite the rage flowing through her and the violence she creates. She walks with a predators grace; fluid, deliberate, and never in a rush. Her clothing oft includes armor of some kind or the other, scraps of surplus military gear, and well worn combat boots. When lounging or in need of comfortable attire, Quin can often be found in the equivalent of this.


personality: Quintana Winett is an intense woman; her eyes are burning fires that speak of pain and suffering, of guilt and compassion, of ecstasy and chaos. Everything she does is calculated and nothing is ever done on a whim. Her conviction is powerful, albeit her stubbornness is more so, and you'll never see her give in to something she does not agree with, even if it means death. Though she has seen and done terrible things, Quintana forces herself to smile, to live beyond the things she's seen, and though dangerous in her line of work, let's herself hope that things cannot possibly be so terrible forever. Despite this, Quin has yet to learn how to shut down her anger and is known for her hotheadedness and ability to pummel her way through things she doesn't like. Despite this, her loyalty to Griselda has never been in question; in fact, it's actually kick-started her rise within the army.

○ [2275] - Quin is born during springtime to one of Griselda's Bandit's and a Honeykeep native. For her first three years, life is good, simple even, as mother and father enjoy the horrors and wonders of parenthood.
○ [2279] - As she enters her fifth year life sours with unexpected news. Her mother, refusing to split from her lover, insists on travelling back to Griselda's Lot as a family. Though he thinks it a bad idea, he sees no other choice and leads them, mostly on foot, to the Lot.
○ [2280] - A few days before they reached their destination, Quin is unsupervised one morning during a particularly ugly fight. She strikes off on her own, a child still, and stumbles upon a Calamity Tree. She of course, did not know this at the time, and gobbled the fruit up, seeds and all. In fascination she watched the tree turn to dust and then bored, continued on with her adventure, belly now full.
○ [2280] - Tragedy strikes when they arrive at Griselda's Lot. Though not a deserter per se (he came back after all!) her father is sentenced as such and is executed shortly thereafter. It was simple, not a big deal, and Quin didn't understand it at all. Her mother is taken as a bed whore and she was taken to be raised as a soldier.
○ [2287] - Quin is on the cusp of puberty and the first wisps of her abilities are manifesting. She notices small differences at first (she could fight longer, run farther and faster, and aim better than the children she was raised with) and then all at once she could feel something, deep within her, like a well of untapped power. Scared, she refused to touch it for years, though she was still stronger than she ought to be.
○ [2294] - Years pass and she slowly -but steadily- climbs through the ranks. All she knows is the army, all she trusts is Griselda. Throughout her lonely life she's only ever made a few friends, mostly from the orphan kids like herself, raised from birth, or close enough to it, to serve Griselda.
○ [2298] - After years of training and taking orders, Quin and a small squad is given the task of retrieving semi-precious goods. The job ends up botched and Quin and three others barely make it back with their lives. In frustration and displeasure Griselda throws the lot of them in the Mono Dome. Luckily Quintana needn't go up against those she survived with - they were all killed in their first rounds. This is the first time Quin taps into the power within herself and it changes her entire outlook on life. She won, obviously, and started from the bottom and continued to work her way up the food chain once more.
○ [2301] - Three years coupled with hard work and loyalty paid off, and Quin is now comfortable with her position in the army, though continues to strive in order to reach the top.

eclipse power: Aura Manipulation Light FruitXClassification: Light

- Muladhara - Deals with the physical nature of the body.
Physical Augmentation: Users can channel their aura to increase their physical aspects.
- Swadhisthana - Deals with emotions.
Combat Perception: Predict the foe's movements by reading their emotional pulses.
- Manipura - Deals with self-energy and willpower.
Indomitable Will: User possesses a strong force of will.
- Anahata - Deals with healing.
Healing: Users can heal or regenerate themselves.
- Vishuddha - Deals with intelligence.
Causality Perception: Deduce cause and relations and create appropriate and effective counter measures.
- Anja - Deals with mental communication.
Astral Projection: Users are able to separate themselves from their psychical form.
- Sahasrara - Deals with awareness of illusions and obtaining a higher consciousness.
Aura Reading: Read the aura of another and gain information of one's emotion, health, and gain information of the special abilities of others.[/spoili]

Lumina: N/A
Monarch Corpse Parts: N/A
- Hand-to-hand combat
- Survival skills
- Firearm and blade training
- Has been known to jerryrig just about everything.
- Keeping the cards stacked in her favor.




Title/Suffix (if any): N/A
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: North Florida
Rank: Petty Officer Third Class

Height: 5'9"xx|xxWeight: 147lbs
Eye Color: Grey-blue
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: AB-
Body Identification Mark(s):
[spacer]» A memorial etched in flesh for her late grandparents. On her right shoulder she has a tattoo of a hummingbird where both of her grandparent's names are weaved into the bird's feathers.
[spacer]» Max has a beauty mark beneath her left eye. She also has strong, sharp features and facial expressions that belie her tempered temperament.
[spacer]» A deep, jagged scar wraps around her waist from when her and her shipmates were attacked by Somalian pirates as they salvaged (and escaped with) sunken goods. [/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

Places Stationed:
Combat Training Received:
Weapon Training Received:

Education: (At least middle school)
Personality: (Detail please)
History: (Detail please)


|xxAim High...Fly-Fight-Winxx|xxMARS CSxx|xx@rissaxx|



NAME: Tansy Blackwood
DOB/AGE: July 17th 1996, 23
PLACE OF BIRTH: Ponchatoula, Louisiana
BLOOD STATUS: Half-blood
RACE/ETHNICITY: Caucasian / Cajun American
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'10 / 142 lbs
EYE COLOR:Grey-green
HAIR COLOR/STYLE/LENGTH:Dark brown, almost black. A neck length, straight bob that's always getting in her way. Tansy's constantly tucking hair behind her ears and threatening to "chop it all off."
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Lean and lanky with a surprising amount of muscle, Tansy, at first glance, doesn't look like the athlete she truly is. Between years of No-Maj baseball and wizarding quidditch, Tansy is toned and hard, and severly lacking in the womanly curves department.

PERSONALITY: Tansy likes to rough and tough it; in life as well as in her mindset. She's nice until you aren't. Feisty when she doesn't get her way. Oddly inspiring when she needs to be - ie. when she wants something. Tansy is a conundrum yet to be deciphered. She lives by her own moral code and her personality shines through this.

LIKES: Adventures, exploring the countryside, camping (she has a three room tent that includes a full kitchen, full bathroom, and extra bunks in the third room.), No-Maj bonfires, new experiences whether they be good or bad. Finding new things; new locations or artifacts or anything really. Tansy loves flying and playing No-Maj baseball. Feeling the wind ripple through her hair while she's flying, the stars above and the pinpricks of light below. Dueling; the rush of the fight, the adrenaline spike that flows through her veins, headbutting people. Winning.

DISLIKES: Not feeling as though she's worthy. Brussel sprouts. Cocky and intentionally rude people. People who don't work hard for the things they have or take things for granted.

  • Performing nonverbal magic; Tansy was top of her class at Ilvermorny, having accomplished nonverbal spells early in her fifth year.
  • Intelligence laced with instincts; Tansy is intelligent and instinctive, a deadly combination when used offensively.
  • Tansy is very much an act first and think later kind of person.
  • Tansy is a bit lazy, preferring to use her wand for even the simplest of duties.
  • As much as she likes physical confrontation, Tansy is first to flee when it comes to matters of emotional confrontation.
  • For the past five years or so, Tansy has been off on her own, flying across the country. Working with people is something she'll have to get accustomed to.
  • Flying; Tansy has always been a natural at flying on a broomstick and her years on Wampus' quidditch team helped round out this innate talent.
  • Dueling; Tansy believes she was born, at least in part, to duel. Her instinctive nature aids in her love of dueling.
  • Cooking; Despite this being a hidden talent, Tansy is quite the cook. She enjoys experimenting with new dishes and has a habit of adding Cajun flavor to just about everything she makes.
  • Luan Pova-Blackwood - Mother, Alive, Age: 53 | Witch
  • Laery Blackwood - Father, Alive, Age: 57 | No-Maj-born Wizard
  • Lillian Pova - Aunt, Alive, Age: 39 | Witch
  • Phyllis Blackwood - Aunt, Alive, Age: 63 | No-Maj
Despite not having seen most of her family since graduating from Ilvermorny, she is still very close to them all. She tries to send weekly owls but Tansy gets caught up in her adventures and often forgets. No matter how far she travels, she tries to make it home for Christmas and her parent's birthdays.

  • Eleanor Rosewell
  • WIP
HISTORY: Tansy was born on a stormy Saturday evening on July twenty-seventh in Ponchahouta, Louisiana. It was obvious, even as a baby, that Tansy was no No-Maj. Before she started to walk, her No-Maj-born father started teaching her how to control her magic. His reasoning was simple: he wanted her to attend the same No-Maj school he did before his Ilvermorny letter arrived. He wanted her to have a normal-as-possible childhood. Her mother, however, fought tooth and nail against this notion, but in the end, Laery won and Tansy indeed, attended Ponchahouta elementary school. Like her father, Tansy was a rambunctious ball of energy. If that pent up energy wasn't released however, the little control she'd gained over her magic, vanished. Shortly after her first year of No-Maj school, Laery hesitantly signed his daughter up for baseball, a No-Maj sport he is still very fond of. Tansy excelled at the sport, finding a love for athletics that would stay with her throughout her years at Ilvermorny. Though her mother did not approve of the sport, she let it continue. Not only could she tell her daughter enjoyed it immensely, but there was a significant drop in Tansy's accidental outburst of magic.

When her letter finally arrived from Ilvermorny, she welcomed it with a heart both happy and sad. She enjoyed baseball, almost as much as she enjoyed riding her broomstick. Leaving behind her No-Maj friends was hard as well, though she promised to keep in touch with them all - by No-Maj post of course. Her first year at Ilvermorny was both rewarding and heartbreaking. Though she sent over a hundred letters to her friends from school, she didn't receive one in return. And when she returned home the following summer, she learned first hand how easily someone can be forgotten.

By her second year at Ilvermorny her melancholy had mostly dissipated. She signed up for Wampus' quidditch team and was met with skepticism and laughter. Until they saw her fly and swing the beater's bat. Her aim was dead on and she was a natural flyer. Tansy would stay on the team until she graduated - minus a month's worth of suspension (and detention) after hitting a fellow teammate in the face with her bat. During her sixth year, having become best friends with Eleanor Rosewell years prior, an incident occurred that left her best friend fatally injured. The two grew apart during their seventh year, and Tansy graduated with almost all 'Outstandings' in her O.W.L.'s and no friends to celebrate with. Since her graduation, Tansy has traveled across the United States on her handy broomstick - top of the line Falling Star - and makes a living (albeit small) on finding No-Maj and wizarding artifacts. She makes frequent trips to Siren Cove and Jessamine Fosswing, a fellow Louisiana native, frequently buys and sells whatever she finds.


BOGGART: Her father, in his old baseball uniform, telling her she can't play anymore. (Fear of not being good enough.)
PATRONUS: Alligator
AMORTENTIA: Honeysuckle, cajun cuisine and sandalwood incense.
FAVORITE SPELLS: Stupefy, Protego, Reparo
WAND: Swamp mayhaw wood with hair of the rougarou, 14 1/2" and reasonably supple flexibility.

  • Name: Mírien/Gworien

    Race: Human

    Age: 27

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 139 lbs

    Appearance: Mírien is beautiful, undoubtedly, though she may think otherwise. She has a heart shaped face with sharp cheekbones and a sculpted nose. With full lips and a set of azuline-colored eyes framed by dark chestnut brown hair. The swarthy color contrasts lovely with her moonlit skin. She is neither short or tall, thin or portly, she is just right. Years of training with her father and older brother has given her numerous scars and a physique well earned.

    Personality: Hard to read and harder to understand, Mírien dances on the precipice of confusion. To her, perfection is everything. Growing up with a foster mother who thinks you're less than dirt because of who you are has given her a warped sense of self. Mírien is reserved, patient, and self-deprecating. She knows when to hold her tongue and when to voice her opinions but she rather just keep to herself. She takes pleasure in the simplest of things and enjoys music, dancing, and a good time. Once her protective shell is broken, Mírien is a deeply passionate and protective woman who just wants the best for those she loves.

    Character Strengths

    Character Weaknesses

  • Clothing/Armor: Mírien is just as comfortable in her gowns as she is in her leathers and armor. Although she prefers simple colors and designs, she likes when the prior brings out her eyes. As for armor, she's come to the conclusion that sometimes less is more. Besides a relatively light-weight elven-made dress of mail, Mírien is rather unarmored. Yet, her skill resides in speed and being unencumbered by weight is a tactical risk.

    Weapon of Choice: An elven blade, named Luinûr, which was gifted by her foster father.

    • A hunting bow and a quiver full of arrows.
    • Dried meats and fish and lembas.
    • A dapple grey mare named Mithroch.
    • Survival necessities including flint and tinder, waterskins, fishing materials, basic cooking equipment, a sieve, salt, a whetstone, filet knives and rope.

    Other Skills
    • Mírien is bilingual; she speaks the common tongue (Westron) as well as one of the elven tongues (Sindarin).
    • Mírien is quite the huntress, having been taught by her father how to wield a bow before her tenth name-day. She's even developed a proclivity for making traps.
    • Though she only ever sings in front of her brother Alagos, Mírien has quite the singing voice.

  • Biography: Unbeknownst to her, Mírien was born to Rohirrim nobles, of the lesser variety, almost three decades ago. Fleeing from an Uruk attack in North Rohan the small family, including one-and-a-half year old Mírien, made their way to the Fangorn forest. The nobles, as resourceful as they were, starved to death a month or so later.

    Quickbeam the Ent heard a man-child crying in his neck of Fangorn while out one morning and found a baby in a small grove of rowan trees. Upon further investigating, the Ent found a man and a woman, both dead, a little distance away from the grove. Taking pity on the man-child, Quickbeam took her back to his ent-house to care for it. Luckily for Mírien, a Lothlórien scout arrived a few days later. He happened to be scouting the Forest of Fangorn and when he decided to visit an old friend, he found a great surprise.

    Galadan the Scout conceded defeat after the constant pleading of Quickbeam and took the child home with him. His wife Saelriel was none too happy about it but she too, conceded defeat, when Galadan refused to take her back to the Ent where she would quickly perish. Their son Alagos, who had just celebrated his third name-day, was fond of the man-child and the two became close. To Saelriel's dismay. After awhile, Galadan named the child Mírien and Saelriel who refused to call her that, chose the name Gworien.

    Alagos called her Gworien until he was old enough to understand what it meant. He never called her Gworien again. Years went and Mírien grew in the golden canopied forest of Lothlórien. She spent a lot of time with her father scouting and ranging and when Galadan couldn't say no anymore, he and Alagos spent time training Mírien how to wield a blade. It was hard, made even harder by the fact that her teachers were both elves, but eventually Mírien caught on. Though rarely besting either of them, Mírien is fast and resilient and never one to simply give up.

    • Luinûr means "blue fire" and was named by her foster father Galadan.
    • Mírien means "jewel or treasure" whereas Gworien means "soiled or stinky."
    • Though she loves Galadan, Alagos, and Saelrien very much, she still wishes to know who were real parents were and where they hailed from and if she has any remaining relatives still alive.
    • Saelriel, despite still being outwardly bitter, has grown rather fond of Gworien. "She could be worse."
    • Though doubtful she'd ever receive the honor, Mirien aspires to be a Lorien scout like her foster father.
    • The reason she doesn't sing in front of anybody except her brother is that Saelriel once told her she sounded like rooster crowing in the morn.
    • Though having fought in a few Uruk battles, always alongside her brother Alagos and father Galadan; Mirien is yet to prove herself battle worthy.

Tallulah Woren​

Nickname(s): Tali
Title(s): Snowkissed, Silvermane, Warg
Gender: Female
Age: 27

Personality: Wary and impartial, headstrong and passionate, Tali is a force to be reckoned with. Growing up isolated on the snowy peaks of Mount Telasova, Tallulah is a lonely person who's more comfortable with animals and her elders than people her own age or younger. As such, her social skills aren't top notch and neither are her communication skills. Tali is a competitive person however, and this shows best in her need to prove herself. Tali is a bit of a paradox when it comes to her confidence; she's confident in her abilities yet, self-conscious in herself. She rides a fine line between being honest and harsh, having been taught that lies are the bane of S'novus, the Winter Goddess of her people. Clever, creative, courageous and consistent, Tallulah strives to be at the pinnacle of perfection, despite knowing that such a thing is impossible.

History: In the foothills of Mount Telasova, Tali was born almost two months too early and despite surviving the odds, was pale and sickly for the first few years of her life. Her health didn't improve until her fifth year when her parents journeyed up the mountain, as is custom*, with the rest of her clan. A freak accident shortly turned into a miracle. Early one morning, four year old Tali wandered off into the woodlands surrounding camp. When her parents woke, they found the first snow of the season blanketing the camp and their sickly child missing. Beside themselves with fear, they roused the camp and men and women went about searching for the lost child, though many thought it was a lost cause. They searched well into the evening but no one found the small, dark haired child. Most gave up the search, yet a few carried on through the night. The later it got, the harder the snow fell and with each passing minute, the Woren's lost hope.

Tallulah was found as day broke and the snow turned to ice. She was found by a family friend, a woods-witch who says he was sent a vision by S'novus, the Winter Goddess of their people. He found her in a frozen meadow, surrounded by wildlife. Tali doesn't remember any of this, but the man swore she was being protected and comforted by the animals. Snow birds and spotted wild cats, soft furred bunnies and wild mountain dogs laid around the small child, as if they were domesticated and wanted nothing more than to lie down and keep her warm. The woods-witch noticed something different about Tali; he who helped birth her. Tali's swarthy hair had turned silver-grey and she had more color in her cheeks than ever before. After some persuasion, the woods-witch was able to coax her away from the animals and back to camp where her parents believed her dead. Many didn't believe his claim, yet they couldn't deny the change in Tallulah Woren.

As the migration neared it's peak the clans reached their destination: the Valley of T'seria. It's a sacred place, where the Savants of Telasova bless children, families, and souls.* The woods-witch insisted upon a meeting of the Savants, to prove his claim of his vision and what he saw in that meadow. The Savants took one look at Tallulah and granted him a Veitchan, essentially a Holy Trial where chieftains, woods-witches, and elders of every tribe are gathered to bare witness of his truths or his falsehoods. Long story short, the Savants proved his truths and spoke to Tali's parents. They asked to help raise the child as their own, so they could help her see her full potential. It was such an honor that the Woren's agreed, and a year later, six year old Tali made the long trek back to T'seria with her da and maman. Only this time she didn't travel back down - she climbed farther up to the peak, where she spent the next decade and a half calling the Monastery of the Savants her home.

During her stay at the monastery, the Savants taught her many things and revealed many more. They began with cultural, historical, and worldly studies, then numbers, and then finally with weapons and survival techniques. When she was eight years old, Sveay Sarrat started her bow lessons and she caught on quickly. When she was thirteen Ranger Yakoda furthered her training. Vetta Annona* concluded that her tongues were as good as they were going to get when she turned two-and-twenty, saying her three new tongues were 'tolerable, if accented by your southern hill gargle'. After her three years alone in the mountains, she returned to the monastery, where she was asked to travel through the mountains and aid different clans in many different ways. She brought food for those who hungered, water for those thirsty, clothes for the clothe-less, prayers for those in need of them, and helped defend land against raiders. Tali supposes this is why the Emperor has summoned her, though she's entirely unsure how she could be of help to His Magnificence.


Animals. They have a certain freedom she admires and craves.
Being around people who make her comfortable enough to be herself.
Having her hair brushed; Sveay Issa used to brush her silver-grey hair and braid it.


Loud and boisterous noises and people.
Liars and people unable to handle the truth.
Humid weather. The heated pools of the Savant Temples inside Mount Telasova.

Weapons / Powers / Abilities:

A pair of antler-handled daggers she forged herself when she was thirteen. The forge of Mount Telasova is humble but by all means functional.
She was recently given an osage-wood bow by the Savants on Mount Telasova as a parting gift.
Tali also carries a kukri blade that she found after burying its owner in the foothills of Telasova.

Tali is a warg, by G.R.R.M's standards; she's able to enter the minds of animals and see what they see, feel what they feel and bend their will to do her bidding. But the similarity stops there - Tallulah cannot enter the mind of a human being. Every once in a while however, she'll bend their will too far and accidentally imprint a part of herself into said animal.

Though not immune to it's bite, Tallulah has built up a tolerance to the cold. Whether it's as simple as that, or because she's Snowkissed*, only S'novus truly knows. The frigid winters barely chill her bones, but that doesn't stop her from wearing her favorite snowbear lined cloak.


A survivalist to the first degree. At seventeen she left the monastery to spend three years alone in the mountains. It was as much a test as it was a cleansing.
Though she's been wielding her kukri for seven years now, she's a sure-shot with her bow, which she's been using religiously for over a decade.
Almost all of her senses are "enhanced" due to her warg abilities. She can wear the eyes of a crow over two hundred leagues away, listen through the ears of a doe standing midstream somewhere down river, shoulder the keen instincts of a feline, or feel the vibrations from the earth through the insects all around. Some of these are so "open" that she's almost unconsciously doing it.


Hand-to-hand combat. She can brawl her way out of a bar fight, but that's as far as she'd get. Having only been formally trained in defensive escape maneuvers and long to mid-range weaponry, Tali would be lost in hand-to-hand combat. Give her a blade and it'll boost her odds though.
There are consequences to her warging abilities. She feels what they feel. Tallulah Woren has felt three deaths, none of them her own. Though imprinting creates an incredible bond, it also has an incredible pain hidden behind it: if that animal dies, Tali feels it. Feels as though she's dying too. If this were to happen in the middle of battle, it would severely weaken her and she probably wouldn't be able to cover her own ass, making her a liability. However, Tali has learned her lesson and rarely fights alongside her Imprinted. There are of course smaller injuries here and there during a fight or act of the gods, but over the years it's become second nature - a second pain if you will. Her tolerance grows as the years do.
There is a piece of every beast she's imprinted on inside her, a trait that she can't shake, a hunger she can't feed, a thirst she cannot quench.


An enchanted rucksack that was gifted to her on her eleventh birthday by Sveay Issa. (Think Hermione's purse in Deathly Hallows.)
A small coin purse deep in her rucksack that contains her entire life's saving.
Basic survival essentials - flint, waterskins, salt, knives, fishing gear, bedroll, small black-iron pot and kettle, and extra small clothes.
Her royal summons.
Dried meats and jerky, salted mountain trout, hard goat's cheese, and three loaves of black bread. A few jars of herbs and spices that can double as healing salves, mint leaves, and Savant grown tea leaves.
Keeva, Morova, and Synn.*

Theme song: Avatar the Last Airbender Soundtrack

* Every seven years the mountain and valley clans set aside their differences, and migrate to the Holy Valley of Tseria where they converse with the Savants and their gods.

* Snowkissed, in myths and legends of the mountain and valley clans, speak of one kissed by the snow. Kissed meaning killed. Legend states that sometimes Lady S'novus takes pity on mortals kissed by snow and breathes life into them with a kiss. They awaken with frozen hearts and hair as white as snow or silver like the light of the moon.

* Sveay is a gender-neutral title that essentially means priest/ess. There is a hierarchy within the Savants, and Sveay's are among the top tier.

* Vetta is a female title that closely translates to 'holy scholar.' The male equivalent is Vettan.

* Keeva, is an adolescent crow and one of her Imprinted. In the picture above, he is perched on her shoulder, where more often than not you'll find him preening himself until Tali sends him off to do her bidding. He's a snarky little crow, fond of counting and collecting shiny objects.

* Morova, is a three year old snowcat she accidently imprinted on while making her way back home to the monastery. She was just a cub and her mother was nowhere to be seen. Reluctantly Tali took her home with her and the pair have been inseparable since. Sometimes Tali has to make a sleeping-mixture for Morova because she insists upon shadowing her every step.

* Synn, her only true pet, was given to her by Sveay Issa when she was nine years old. She imprinted on him accidentally and discovered her warging abilities. He's a mischievous little ferret from southern lands and enjoys curling around her neck and sleeping in her snowbear lined cloak.



Age: 22 ▮ Affiliation: The Spark!Sexuality: Heterosexual ▮ Occupation: TBA!

APPEARANCE: Veda is of average height and build, with subtle hints of muscle tone. She has reddish brown hair that falls just above her chest in wavy cascades. Thick, dark lashes frame her almond blue-green eyes. Veda has full lips, a light peachy skin tone, and if she were to ever smile - she'd reveal a dimple in each cheek.

PERSONALITY: Veda has a rather relaxed and melancholic demeanor. She's always been one to question things, but her mother and father taught young Veda to keep questions for the Glass District. Since then, she's kept her thoughts and questions to herself, becoming ever more compelled to understand the world in which she lives in. She feels almost complete when she's in the Glass District teaching - where she feels something she can't quite describe. She gets a similar feeling when she's floating on the water, when she's alone with her thoughts and connected to something out of her intellectual grasp. She needs to understand, she wants to experience and explore what it means to live.

SKILLS: Morbi eleifend viverra elit, vitae sagittis justo tempus eget. Aenean condimentum, nulla at blandit aliquet, massa dui auctor orci, vitae gravida leo magna gravida enim. Donec ullamcorper, risus nec euismod ullamcorper, lorem ipsum faucibus lectus, sit amet convallis urna urna non ex. Fusce volutpat, libero ac mattis fringilla, dolor ipsum tempor orci, ut rhoncus elit lectus in tortor.

FLAWS: Mauris rhoncus metus at leo molestie suscipit. Integer ultricies placerat sapien sit amet imperdiet. Donec metus erat, tristique eu augue eget, vestibulum tempus sapien. Proin maximus gravida leo vitae cursus.Donec eget sodales lacus. Curabitur tincidunt ipsum magna. Proin congue elit eu justo vulputate, eget gravida velit congue. Nullam eleifend tortor vitae euismod eleifend. Proin orci tellus, scelerisque in justo iaculis, varius malesuada urna.

  • Mother: Valene Creed; 51, Teacher
    [spacer]They have a good relationship, as everyone with the Patch, and often meet in the gym for workout sessions together or a walk around the park. Veda and her mother both disapprove of Vera's choice, but Valene has nothing to say about it.[/spacer]
  • Father: Romilly Creed; 55, Food Sustainability Scientist
    [spacer]They have a great relationship, albeit as of late they've been rather estranged because of Vera's decision. Her father was the one who taught her how to swim.[/spacer]
  • Sister: Vera Creed; 19, Factory Worker
    [spacer]Although they used to be thick as thieves, over the years Veda has had a hard time connecting to her sister, and consequently drifted apart. Recently Vera has applied for the Marriage Pact, which Veda doesn't really approve of.[/spacer]
  • Students: Between the ages of 5 and 8;
    [spacer]She gets along great with her students. Teaching, especially to kids, is something that she enjoys doing. Seeing their shining faces every morning gives her a sense of fulfillment knowing that she's doing something useful and instructive.[/spacer]
  • Lorem
  • Lorem
MISCELLANEOUS: Curabitur tincidunt ipsum magna. Proin congue elit eu justo vulputate, eget gravida velit congue. Nullam eleifend tortor vitae euismod eleifend. Proin orci tellus, scelerisque in justo iaculis, varius malesuada urna. Proin congue elit eu justo vulputate, eget gravida velit congue. Nullam eleifend tortor vitae euismod eleifend. Proin orci tellus, scelerisque in justo iaculis, varius malesuada urna.

BACKSTORY: Born to Valene and Romilly Creed, both of whom applied for the Marriage Pact rather late in life because of the duties they both felt toward their careers. After applying for the Unit Status a couple years later, they gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Veda was the model child, quiet and obedient, until she could speak - in which every other word was "why?" Once she started her schooling, Veda found that she had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She spent half her childhood swimming in the lake and the other half curled up in the library. When her Placement Day arrived she was pleasantly surprised when her Lifelong career turned out to be exactly what she wanted. She had worked hard for the position of course, but never really expected it to come to life. After a few years of assisting other teachers, she was assigned her own her own class. That was almost two years ago and she's been enjoying every moment of it. When she was 18 she elected to live in her own apartment, and has been on her own for four years now. Veda frequents Cloud District almost daily, and enjoys spending time at the gym and the park. That's where she saw her first graffiti marking, and where she continues to see fresh paint and whispers of the Pill.


You're either the artist or the muse. Each comes with its own set of complications; each with its own unwavering power.

Full (or Secret) Name: Alejandro Vilencio Navarro
Alias/Titles/Ranks: The People's Savior, Blackstorm, Leo Lensia
Date of Birth: Late summer
Age: 27

Origin: Zhaggarak, The Wyvrn Isles
Current location: TBD

Written Appearance: Brown hair tumbles to the middle of his back in chestnut brown locks. It's usually kept free from his hazel eyes by way of braids and leather ties. Broad shouldered and a hair over six foot, the Zhaggarak native's build is well suited for his lifestyle. Though lean in stature, time and experience have hardened both muscle and resolve.

  • First and foremost, Alej is a skilled survivalist. Having grown in up in the Wastes of Zhagga, Alejandro has learned that you'll do anything to survive. Beyond his ability to do whatever it takes, he has a wide range of skills regarding offshore and onshore survival, including hunting, fishing, and gathering.
  • He has a habit of running his hand through the length of his goatee.
  • Proficient with blades and longbows.
  • Though one might not be able to tell, Alej is a religious person who holds the gods above all else.

Personality: Alej is a charismatic person despite his need to recharge after social interaction. The game he plays with others is one he often plays on himself. After vowing to leave his old life behind him, Alejandro reinvented himself to suit his needs, and thus The People's Savior was born.

Brief History: Alejandro was born in Zhagga, the capital city of Zhaggarak. Despite being the most extravagant of the isles, it's also the most dangerous. If one of the nesting wyvrns didn't kill you while fishing offshore, the pesky merchants and conniving nobles on land would. The first few years of his life were relatively unhindered by pain and loss. It all changed when his father was killed. No one knows if it was an act of the gods or if his mates killed him. But Alej lost his father when he was just eleven years old.

He did what he could to help his mother and siblings, going as far as stealing and pilfering through merchant estates. When he was old enough, the man started fishing offshore, against his mother's will, but for once he managed to rake up enough coin to move his family out of the Wastes of Zhagga and onto a nearby island. By then Alejandro was nearing his seventeenth birthday, and with it, a black storm on the horizon that would change his life forevermore.

  • He has a limited form of blood magic, one that was bestowed upon him once his bond with Alarehk was established.
  • He is one of the few men and women able to establish a bond with a wyvrn, thus elevating him in both status and class.
  • He is comfortable both on land, riding the waves of the sea, and flying through the skies atop Alarehk.
  • His favorite beverage are sweet, sturdy wines. Ale has never tasted good.


Violetta Grimauld

Name: Violetta Grimauld
Nicknames: Letti
Main Base: The Sky
Role: Citizen
Appearance: Tall for her age and as her grandmother puts it, "decidedly skinny", Letti is a young woman who has yet to reach full maturity. At seventeen she's able to look average men in the eye and despite her ravenous hunger, remains rather scrawny. She has a thin, angular face with wide and curious hazel eyes. Her brown hair is cut short and angular, currently styled with fringed bangs. Natural highlights are inadvertently accentuated by the copper and brass ornamentation she often wears.

Character Pitch
As a mercantile heiress Violetta Grimauld has, since she was old enough to talk, been instructed to receive her birthright: a seat on the Council. While her life as a whole is rather unmarked, there were a few tragedies that defined how she was raised. A complication in delivery resulted in the death of her mother and when she was four, her father mysteriously died while visiting the Grimauld Repository. Though these events cannot be dismissed, they do not weigh too heavily on her heart as she was young and her grandmother was there to raise her. Strict and obsessed with the Grimauld fortune, the woman rarely let anything come before her love of Letti.

Violetta is a peculiarly gentle person, in heart and soul and despite the teachings of her grandmother, retains a tenderness so pure it borders child-like naivety. She's memorized the facts, quoted the data, and aided in plenty of unsavory dealings, and yet she still believes in justice and compassion for all. Unfortunately, located in the Sky and sheltered from the harsh realities of life, these ideals can cause her to seem starry-eyed or foolish, despite it being far from the truth.

Never having visited the Land oft enforces the previous statement, but it is something of a controversial topic within the Grimauld Estate. Luella Grimuald, her grandmother, is a fierce woman, in appearance and demeanor and her word has always been law. She runs the Grimauld fortune with an iron fist and having been on the Council since her son's death, is hesitant to relinquish the position to her idealistic granddaughter, especially as she's a few years too young to marry.

Though she willingly shoulders the duty to her family's name, Letti is still young and inexperienced. She's never gone against her grandmother's will outside of small, trivial matters, like repairing and tinkering out-of-date automatons that seem to accumulate within the Estate's lower quarters or spend hours combing through the Grimauld Boutique for whimsical trinkets, but there are times where she just can't shake fantasizing about one day visiting the Land and all the tantalizing mysteries it holds.


Lemme know if the Grimauld Repository and Boutique are stretching things! I'm more than willing to make edits.

I welcome any character relations, especially those located in The Sky! I would like to document those relationships, and after some plottin' with fellow members, plop the info in this doc. excuse my sheets newbieness[/spoili]

Age: 26
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 142 lbs
Number: 07-3-020-182-8008
Esra has been employed with Reach Out Freights for exactly seven and a half months. Applying to the company a week after her honorable discharge from the Federation's Special Forces, she was hired on the spot and has quickly risen through the ranks. Her responsibilities are mainly mechanical/engineerical, though has been asked on many occasions to provide extra security during sensitive missions. During her short period of time as a ROF employee, she's been witnessed to be extremely loyal, hardworking, and expertly trained. Motivation for her position has been noted simply as "necessity."

Esra has revealed, for the purposes of this evaluation, that her greatest fear is the inability to take care of her family. The eldest of four, Esra has taken this job, among many others, to provide for her family. She's also noted that while not necessarily afraid of them, loud, unexpected noises bother her. Along with that, she stated to be afraid of locations where exits are seemingly nonexistent. Though not revealed by Esra, we've taken a look at her military records and have deduced that after her honorable discharge, she was diagnosed with PTSD. When asked, Esra refused to comment.

Personality Strengths and Weaknesses:
Esra is an outgoing, laid-back, and generally humorous person. Since her employment she's been noted to befriend many employees of ranks both high and low, and despite the fact that she's usurped many a positions from other employees, none seem to have any ill will against her. She seems to be loyal to a fault, though it is to be noted that her loyalty must be earned.

On rare occasions, she's been seen to have a fierce, almost uncontrollable anger when pushed to, as she describes it, her "breaking point." She's known to be emotionally reserved, refusing to talk about matters of her past and steering conversations away from those which are emotionally driven. Not many are aware of her paranoid tendencies, but those closest to her have stated that they've popped up since her time within the Special Forces.

Mental Fortitude and Ability To Handle Disturbances:
During the assessment Miss Morne was noted to be unusually unperturbed by many of the scenarios she was placed in, handling herself with a calm, focused, and determined mind. Despite this, she was reported to have some form of mental breakdown/anxiety attack once she was free of the testing. Due to this, we've given her a ranking of 14 out of 20 on the Glier Scale.

Contact: Esther Morne
Number: 02-9-050-472-0110
Relationship: Mother
Likeliness to Respond: Very likely, typically answers between 8AM and 8PM.

Contact: Erin Morne
Number: 01-7-058-583-3003
Relationship: Sister
Likeliness to Respond: Occasionally, is typically tied up with school and homework; typically answers between 4PM and 10PM.

Contact: Evelyn Morne
Number: 08-1-230-961-0090
Relationship: Sister
Likeliness to Respond: Very likely, typically answers between 9AM and 11PM.

Contact: Evan Morne
Number: 06-4-379-402-0141
Relationship: Brother
Likeliness to Respond: Unlikely, will typically answer between 7PM and 2AM.

Contact: Gale Howarth
Number: 27-0-902-453-7800
Relationship: Best friend
Likeliness to Respond: Likely, typically answers between 1PM and 10PM.