multiple characters

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Indicating that the author prefers, allows, or is seeking players who will create and play as two or more characters.
  1. A

    The Evrensel Conflict -- Chapter 1.2: The Best Defense is a Good Offense

    A dozen or so miles away from the carnage that enveloped the bloodbath that was downtown, a small "quarantine zone" has been set up near the docks - or what's left of it. The zone is really only a few blocks by a few blocks, barely covering a medium-sized warehouse complex and a few run-down...
  2. Wade Von Doom

    The Evrensel Conflict -- Chapter 1: The Only Easy Day was Yesterday

    What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons. No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, The shrill, demented choirs of wailing...
  3. Wade Von Doom

    The Evrensel Conflict -- A Crossover/Original Works RP

    Evening. I'll get right to it, this group interest check is for a crossover plot that will involve fandoms and any original work you wish to bring into it. The plot is simple: An AI machine, controlling a massive army of robotic soldiers, wishes to create her own universe. The process of this...
  4. Wade Von Doom

    The Evrensel Conflict -- A Crossover/Original Works group RP

    Evening. I'll get right to it, this group interest check is for a crossover plot that will involve fandoms and any original work you wish to bring into it. The plot is simple: An AI machine, controlling a massive army of robotic soldiers, wishes to create her own universe. The process of this...
  5. thatguyinthestore

    The Butterfly Effect (Signups/OOC)

    Premise “Can you hear them? Calling out to you? Their voices... they’re begging... WAKE UP! This is the story of the first widespread multiversal event. It’s a tale of death, betrayal, and despair. For this is the beginning of a long line of events which shake the multiverse forever. This...
  6. Peregrine

    The Realm of Gods (Peregrine x Nemopedia)

    OOC A crowd of people had gathered in the streets of Nervarus. They hummed and jeered in equal measure, maintaining a careful distance from each other lest the light-fingered in the crowd reach into an unwary pocket, or someone take the opportunity to slip a knife between unguarded ribs...
  7. Peregrine

    The Realm of Gods OOC (Peregrine x Nemopedia)

    IC The Story of the Gods Once upon a time, the World of Gods was only a single plane, which will come to be known as the Prime Plane. This space was a single, massive tract of land, like a piece of paper. The first god was a powerful mortal, who protected a group of people. These people...
  8. M

    Dangan Ronpa OC RP

    So, I’m a bit new here, but I really want to do a Dangan Ronpa RP. My plan is that fifteen characters are submitted (my own will be the sixteenth) and all of them are put through a random number generator based on who is submitted first (since mine is the first one, so he’ll be in the #1 slot)...
  9. RuiNightmare

    Looking for partners

    Hello, Sakura here my lovelies! I have been searching for an RP partner for a while and so far I've found a couple, but alas I could do with a few more. So please take a brief moment to read what I like and don't like and for possible ideas down below. About me: I love fantasy, feudal, sci-fi...
  10. M

    Guess who's low on active RPs?

    Hi, I’m Michelle, and I am hunting for new stories. This time I came up with some specific ideas I’d like to RP, though if you have something original that fits my preferences I’m game. I'd consider my ability Intermediate as kind of a rough average; I put more effort into my work if I have the...
  11. PhantomThief715

    ☾★Click Me! I am Click Bait!★☽

    About Me I see you have wondered over into my little domain have you? Oh the joy! The adventure! The crazy! I will show you just what my mind is made of but I should warn you. Entering my mind can be a very dangerous place so grab your weapons and prepare to enter. PhantomTheif715 as my name is...
  12. Zaythera

    Looking for a long term partener

    Hey Zaythera here, you can call me Zay for short I'm looking for a long term partner to roleplay some of these ideas also don't be afraid to give me your own ideas I'm always happy to plan an rp with my partner. Do -Multiple paragraphs. This one is flexible if you give me just a paragraph I'm...
  13. CrystalTears

    White Roses

    Kwon Min-Hyuk I am sorry,forgive me,please." I w i l l h o l d y o u a n d n o t l e t g o " It had been too long since he had been in this place. A few things had changed over the past years. The store where he would usually buy snacks at, as a kid, had closed down and gotten replaced by...
  14. LuckycoolHawk9

    Collateral ( A Super Hero RP with Consequences) IC

    April 2nd, 2018- 8:43 PM Johnathan Clark sighed as he looked at another dead body and all the broken glass around him. It wasn't like this wasn't an open and shut New York collateral case. It was. The camera had caught someone with powers murdering this person, but it also caught the dead body...
  15. Black_Swallow

    A Slightly Supernatural Mysterious Little Town (Also a desperate search)

    Hello! So, here I am with yet another partner search.. And a plot, but probably noone is going to reply, or they will and just ditch me without a word and never, ever reply to my messages. Fun stuff, but I am desperate, so at this point, even one liners are good to me. I just need a few things...