
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Focusing on characters traveling to unfamiliar lands/worlds, whether unfamiliar only to them or to civilization in general.
  1. junebug

    Espoir's Mystifiers [1/2]

    espoir's 1x1 partner search Guidelines & Expectations • Send me your inquiry in PM. Please don't tell me only "I'm interested" and expect me to cooperate. Give me some meat on the bones. • I'd prefer to play main female. Female and male npcs are common. I ask the opposite of you- please- main...
  2. sun.

    Λbsence (pirates, powers, p... pexploration)

    Λbsence is an action-adventure roleplay, with a heavy focus on exploring, factions, ability-based combat, and character development. Set in the fictional world of Thalassa; an island planet ruled by MAGNA, a central governing body, and the Divinity, the nobility of ancient times, glory and fame...
  3. M

    Strangers in a Strange Land

    ================= CURRENT ROSTER ================= Anne Bonny, The Pirate Played by Ms. Ezra Date Yuzuki, The Samurai Played by Camleen Albert Rhinegard, The Guy Played by Ascendant Sir Richard Francis Burton, The Explorer Played by Gands Kassim Al’hajar, The Assassin Played by Takeshi...
  4. M

    Strangers in a Strange Land, Prologue

    We call our world Nomae-Ralo. Our world is very different from yours. Your world is dominated by humankind, with no room for other sentient life. The menagerie of races that is our world, is only the stable for myths and ‘fairy tales’ in yours. We have quarrels, and power struggles same as...
  5. Yanaike

    Looking for an Adventure!

    Hello there! My name is Yanaike and I’m craavvving for adventure! I’m looking for a RP-partner to go on an epic quest or explore the unknown. I love surprises, secrets, going all-in with our imagination, weird worlds… I hope you get the idea! I believe a plot is much more successful if we both...
  6. The Mood is Write

    Pouncing the Gun

    ⋯﴾⛧﴿⋯ "Every-paw-dy wants to be a cat," the soft voice came from a white, long-haired cat, "Because a cat's the only cat that knoooows where it's at." The feline slid to one side and puffed her chest as she purred. "Tell me, everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat," another slide, "'Cause...
  7. J

    Looking for partners!

    (I realized that I posted the previous thread to the wrong location. This thread has been updated!) Hi there, my name's Jeanie! I'm looking for general RP here. My tags are my interests, so please let me know if anything strikes your fancy! Looking for both long and short term, as well. I'm not...
  8. Yanaike

    Plot/Character Match involving my Favorite Character [Adventure/Fantasy]

    Hello there! Thank you for taking your time to read my roleplay request thread. I’m specifically looking to start a roleplay, using my favorite character Yanaike. She’s a very adaptable character and I can easily include her in a broad variety of settings: from medieval fantasy to a more modern...
  9. R

    I want to go on an adventure

    This one is basically what it says on the tin. I'd like to play out some kind of journey or adventure through an unknown land. I don't particularly mind the bigger and more meta details, like how many characters we have or what genre it is (though this would definitely work best with high...
  10. Nue

    The Crew

    ~Upsilon Space Yard~ You arrived here, along with around 99 other people, through a transport ship that leads to this location. Once aboard the station, you gather your personal belongings, and head off, along with the other crew-members. You look at them briefly, noting their uniqueness and...
  11. York

    Murder Game XVI: The Time Crisis (IC)

    See here for Signups and more Info Round 1 Mid-Round Update (1) Round 2 Mid-Round Update (2) Round 3 Mid-Round Update (3) Round 4 Mid-Round Update (4) Epilogue "Do you feel it too?" "Yes... They have arrived..." "... But... Will they do it?... Can they?" "I... Do not know... But we...
  12. sun.


    A R C - 1 // O N | T H E | H O R I Z O N The general population of Bonheim usually lives from one mundane day to the next. The industrial complex is bustling, its air full of smoke and dirt, and the inner circle is filled with white and pink collar workers, as well as those lucky enough to...
  13. S

    Wanderers (Sci-Fantasy/ Space Western/ MagiPunk)

    Putting together a big science fantasy idea. This was mostly Inspired by media like Final Fantasy series, FireFly, the Broken Empire series, Star Wars, Borderlands, and Hyper Light Drifter... The Setting! The world is basically built upon a science fiction world's destruction. The roleplay...
  14. Nue

    The Crew

    Space, its huge. So huge in fact, that if you lost your car keys in it, they would be almost impossible to find... Luckily for you, your mission isn't to find some dumb car keys. Your five year mission, whether you choose to accept it or not,to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life...
  15. Starlighter

    A Play in Progress

    [/CENTER] [div=border-style: groove; background-color: black; font: gabriola; font-color: white; margin: 10 px; padding: 10px;]http://i.imgur.com/c6thKMf.jpg?1 Name: Carla Marx Age: 27 Gender: Female Occupation: Anarchist Biography: Born and raised in the big city (what a coincidence!)...
  16. Apollyon

    Fallout: Reclamation (OC)

    This will be a collaboration between myself and Cerulean. It will take place after the events in Fallout 4, but the location will once again start out in the Mojave Desert like it's predecessor New Vegas. It will incorporate elements from Fallout 1-4 and New Vegas but will not be following up on...
  17. York

    Murder Game XVI: The Time Crisis (Signups/Info)

    Before you read any further, please check the General Chat, RP Discussion and our Discord Server for OOC chatter and such. More information is available on the wiki if need be! "What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp...
  18. sun.


    S I G N U P S | & | O O C Quick Thread Links: Lore | In Character | Sign Ups & OOC The world is a place of wonder. At least, that's what you've been told your entire life. But there are realities one cannot escape, even if they are the shadowy truths that haven't yet been revealed. And still...
  19. sun.

    Λbscence [Sign Ups & OOC]

    S I G N U P S | & | O O C Quick Thread Links: Lore | In Character Welcome all, here you can sign up and chat/plot/goof around with each other. I hope to see some lively socializing in here, and that everyone has a good time. Before we get to the juicy character creation process though, here are...