chat roleplayer

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Indicating that the author prefers or is seeking chat-based roleplay.
  1. U

    Her true love?

    The popular and prettiest girl in the school (you) is having a problem... Every boy wants to date her and do aaanything to win her heart which, gives her a lot of power, and with it the girls are bullying her because she made them lose their boyfriends. Day after day after day, the boys always...
  2. satellaview

    Sanders Sides Roleplay?

    Yeah, I know, it's a smaller fandom but if there are any fanders on here, would anyone be up for a 1x1? Some info: I always plan plots / AUs with partners I can do either scripted or descriptive I mainly do one-liner to para since I'm a little rusty when it comes to roleplay I prefer to be...
  3. Shayla

    Crimson Peak - Discord RP

    C R I M S O N__P E A K Invitation Only. You think you know a story , But you only know how it ends.. To get to the heart of the story… One must travel back to the beginning to do so and learn the truth. all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood and...
  4. Black_Swallow

    Mea's Partner Search!

    Hello, it's Mea! So, lately I have been thinking about a few older plots I've had throughout a few years and some really stayed in my mind. First off, I am an art highschool student, I am mostly quiestioning my decisions in life, but other than that my reply speed is usually pretty fast. On...
  5. Mollisol

    Dark Magical Girl Dice RP - CLOSED

    Dream Maidens a dark magical girl story "Before the mascot came to you, you thought you were just a teenage girl who lived in the city. But now that he’s told you who you are, you know you’re the reincarnation of someone powerful and magical. In a burst of light and flower petals, you can...
  6. R-9 Pilot

    Re:EDMG OOC and Sign-ups

    Humanity has entered a new era of prosperity. Magical and technological advances have led to many wonders that would have been thought impossible. Space travel is at an all-time high, and colonies have been founded on or around many worlds in the solar system. Mankind had truly begun to...
  7. A

    Searching for a Roleplay or two!

    Hey there! I am Alexandra (or Alex for short) and I just joined this wonderfully designed website sometime yesterday afternoon in order to cure my crushing boredom. For this very reason, I've come in search for Roleplays! I am currently searching for Chat Roleplays, but I won't turn down...
  8. Peregrine

    Another Search To Add To The Pile

    Hello one on one roleplayers! I'm Peregrine. You probably know me for my fancy red label and scary title of "security team lead". I'm here to let you in on a little secret. When I'm not buried up to my neck in security cases I do something else. ...You already guessed that? Well, then...
  9. Absyinthe_Artica

    Elemi Chronicles: An Interactive Chat Roleplay

    Elemi is an elemental guide that you are assigned with since birth. They are there to help you through your eternal life and to help you explore the world around that is known as, "NovumTerra". There are thirteen elements that correspond with Elemi; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, Ice...
  10. L

    Chat RP Idea (Looking for M)

    So I'm usually SUPER bored like all day, so I have a chat RP idea. I usually don't do chat RPs, but I'd rather not refresh my screen 20 times in five minutes waiting for someone to respond, so why not try the instant way? So here's my idea Your character and my character have been dating for...
  11. K

    Be My Buddy?

    Well hello there. Let's start this off with introductions. I'll go first. You can call me almost anything you like, as my name here changes. Francis, Izaya (a nick name preferred by one of my roleplay buddies already), Forest, etc. I really won't mind. Even Banana. I'm open to Banana. But back...
  12. Fiona

    Searching for...

    Libertine-style Chat RP, preferably both smut and romance heavy. So I've recently discovered I kind of prefer Charp-style RP to multipara. I like getting into my character and staying in character for hours, rather than responding in a 20 minute block and then leaving them alone entirely for...
  13. K

    Anime Battle Royale

    GM/Admin/Game Master - @Edward Moderator/Pad Supervisor/Assistant CS Checker - @ShiroKiyoshi ''Fight, Victory, Glory'' ◊ ◊ ◊ Anime Battle Royale is a Arena based RP, Arena RP is a small part of rp that consists of the violence and action of the said rp. This RP will not be acted out like any...