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canon divergence (fandom)

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Taking place in a universe where canonical events took an alternate turn and diverged from the canon timeline at some point.
  1. LuckycoolHawk9

    E.M National City Freeplay

    This, is National City. Home of CatCo Worldwide Media, West area LuthorCorp, Lord Technologies among other things. National City is a bustling city that lies between Los Angeles and San Diego along the coast of California, and home to several million people. Of course, strange things seem to...
  2. G

    E.M. Gotham City

    Gotham City. Since everything changed, it went from being just another crime-infested pit of a city to being the capital of New Jersey - and still crime-infested. Only difference now, is some people get paid by the government to add to that infestation. Politicians. People who think that because...
  3. G

    E.M Los Angeles Freeplay

    Los Angeles City of dreams, City of nightmares and everything in between. If you'd like to post here, please join the Epic Mashup clan, claim a cannon character or make your own oc and get started.
  4. D

    Shadows in the Streets (IC)

    @Moogle-Girl @Lady Turquoise Heart @Vaykalin Bloodbane A moist thud and a shuffle can be heard on one particularly still moment the eve of Sunday night. The air is still enough here that one could make out soft shifting of tides on the River Thames to the west, and the creaking of merchant boats...
  5. D

    Shadows in the Streets (OOC)

    [JUSTIFY]This is a group fandom rp based on the pick-your-path novel "Footsteps in the Fog". This thread is for OOC discussion regarding the events in the story. In order to more tightly manage turn order and in-character decision-making, and to impress upon players the importance of timely...
  6. D

    Shadows in the Streets (Sign Ups)

    This is a group fandom rp based on the pick-your-path novel "Footsteps in the Fog". The roleplay itself will be heavily reasoning and discussion based, so in-depth character sheets are not recommended. As well because this is technically a murder-style roleplay, I urge the player not to put too...
  7. D

    "Footsteps in the Fog" interest check

    "Footsteps in the Fog" was a pick-your-path novel I had in my childhood. I remember my mother had written the sequence of right choices as a footnote in the back. It was a story set in victorian London, focusing on you the detective attempting to chase an intelligent villain always only...
  8. S

    Dual RP Thread

    I'm unsure of how to word this. It's kind of an odd approach to roleplaying I admit. Anyway I've always been a fan of dual roleplays. As in my side is different from my partners. Why is that? Well honestly I view it as the fairest form of roleplaying. Both my partner, and I get full, creative...
  9. VanceXentan

    Fire Emblem Fates - The Ocean's Silent Waves - What If Scenario - Semi-Canon Roleplay

    Before anything I just want to prevent anyone from wasting their time. There will be canon characters but all will be regulated to NPC's. Nohr, Hoshido, Nestra, Izumo, and Cheve will all get respective overhauls in personal customs that are not present in the series. Nothing too out of left...
  10. AceSorcerer

    Halo: The Wrath of the Faithful (Rise of the SPARTAN-Vs), Reimagined Idea

    The year is 2613, and the United Nations Space Command has just deployed its latest breed of super-soldier: the SPARTAN-V. Born from necessity after a galactic civil war known as the Great Slipspace War, the candidates for the project were taken as children from selected families and replaced...
  11. M

    RWBY: When Darkness Descends(IC)

    Prologue; A Long Ride So. Remnant. We've all heard of it, right? Composed of Vacuo, Atlas, Mistral, Vale, it's primary power source being that of dust, which pretty much everything nowadays can be run on. Man and Faunus alike filling the place to the brim, creating great things and working...
  12. tastygoldentaters

    Final Fantasy VII (and one idea for FFVI)

    Hello there, everyone! I’m tastygoldentaters (call me Taters if you want to), and I’ve got some serious Final Fantasy cravings. Let me be more specific: I’m craving ANYTHING related to FFVII, and one specific scenario for FFVI. But before we get into details of scenarios and pairings, let me...
  13. M

    RWBY Fanon: When Darkness Descends

    -The IC- -Discord- So. Remnant. We've all heard of it, right? Composed of Vacuo, Atlas, Mistral, Vale, it's primary power source being that of dust, which pretty much everything nowadays can be run on. Man and Faunus alike filling the place to the brim, creating great things and working...
  14. Michale CS

    Tooniversal Studios - Toons: Prologue Adventure!

    This is an In Character Thread for the Tooniversal Studios Clan! If you want to join this, join the clan! There are many worlds that are part of what is collectively known as the Tooniverse. This is just one of them. Ever since the arrival of the Animators to the Tooniverse, things have...
  15. Azazel

    DBZ ~ Terror of Timelines

    Planet Vegeta was never destroyed. Goku was never sent to Earth. Who will defend it? All different types of Aliens have set their sights on Earth. Whether to destroy, inhabit, or enslave. Will you be a hero or will you be an alien bent on Earth's destruction? All races accepted. Not all...
  16. Resoan

    Looking for a Gotham RP

    Hello again! Today I'm looking for something a bit different than I normally look for, and I hope there's someone out there to accommodate me c; Specifically, I want to play out the potential romance between Oswald Cobblepot (The Penguin) and Edward Nygma (The Riddler). I'm fascinated by...
  17. Resoan

    Looking for a Witcher RP

    Hello! Right now, I'm looking to play in the Witcher universe - though I'll warn you ahead of time that my only exposure to it currently is through The Witcher 2 and the Witcher 3; I've not played the first game or read the books). I would also appreciate if you could not mention any spoilers...
  18. Michale CS

    Epic Crossover IC - Flippin' Arkansas Freeplay

    Like what you see? Join Epic Crossover to play! There are a lot of cities on Earth. Lots of them are pretty much devoid of things like Superheroes, conspiring villains, invasions from other planets, Gods walking among men, or even half-crazed detectives who wear dirty socks over their faces...
  19. Michale CS

    Epic Crossover IC - Metropolis Freeplay

    Metropolis. The city most held up to symbolize the American dream. Liberty and Independence, Delaware's motto. Held tightly to by Metropolisians (or Metropolites, the terms are in about equal use). A city shaped by its savior, Superman. A symbol of how one man can accomplish anything, and do the...
  20. Y

    The MCLE Programme [Potterverse]

    ‘Wizards.’ The television screen flickered to life, showing a group of smiling men in odd looking robes and pointed hats. ‘It’s been nearly 20 years since they reintroduced themselves into our world, only doing so after the fall of a very powerful man - one so terrible that we cannot call him...