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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Otaku Mode Activated
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
Online Availability
11:00pm to 2:00am weekdays 11:00pm to 4:00am weekends
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, magic, adventure, comedy, anime, slice of life, high school, fandom, romance, but I am always open to many others.

Character Index | In Character

In Nakasaki, Japan the all-male gangs run the city. Despite modern times these gangs only allow men and believe women are too weak to handle being in a gang. However, it would surprise all of them that one of the strongest gangs in Nakasaki is actually run by a woman, though not even her own gang members know this secret. This woman hides her identity and pretends to be male when she commands her gang, all while still being a high school student. She lives two different lives. In one life she is a normal high school girl and in another she is a male gang leader.

But what will happen when her two worlds start to collide?

Will her gang members still respect her if they discover her real gender?

Will female members finally gain acceptance?

And what will happen between everyone in her life?


  • Only men are allowed to take part in gang activities in Nakasaki, a fictional city in japan. However, one of the major gangs is actually run by a female who pretends to be a man. She lives her two different lives and tries her best to keep them separate and secret. But, this rp will turn that perfect plan upside down when her two worlds start to come together in many ways. Gang members and high school friends start to learn her secret one by one and it just might change all their lives forever.

  • Nakasaki, Japan
    A mix of modern day western culture cities and traditional feudal Japan
    School – Iron Rose Academy
    Gang Hideout - An abandoned large house
    Modern Day

  • - Do not disappear. Please contact me if you know you want or need to leave as best as you can.
    - Multiple characters are allowed.
    - Any and all romance is allowed and supported.
    - Feel free to be creative with your characters
    - There will be no posting schedule, but please keep up with the others.
    - Feel free to ask me any questions.
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Nice. I will have a character up. I have an idea. May I PM you?
I would love to play a female gang member, maybe one focused around cars.
I'm going to put my male high school friend here.

Kaiser Osamu

  • Name:
    Kaiser Osamu





    High school student
    Potential gang member

  • Personality: X

    Likes: X

    Talents: X

    Dislikes: X

    Fears: X

  • Height: 6'2

    Hair: Black


    Distinguishing marks:

    Fashion Style:

  • Osamu's History - Father was American who moved to Japan as an English teacher. Borderline weeaboo, but made an attempt to respect the culture as well. He got married and stayed in Japan thus Osamu's American family name. Osamu also gets terribly embarrassed of his father and hates whenever he gets weeby.

  • Theme song:



    Just ask

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I can't even right now.
I would love to play a female gang member, maybe one focused around cars.
Glad to see your interest. You can definitely play a female who is into cars, though she would be someone who wants to be in the gang rather than actually being in it yet because before the rp and in the beginning the gangs don't allow females. The main part of the rp is to fix that problem and for females to gain acceptance in gangs.
I'm going to put my male high school friend here.
Eventually, please put your character in the character index which is linked above. That's where all the character sheets should go.
Eventually, please put your character in the character index which is linked above. That's where all the character sheets should go.

I was going to get it approved here before putting it over there, but if it doesn't matter, I'll just move it there now.
I'll approve all character by giving them a heart rating, but thank you for the consideration.
Also, characters don't have to be high school age. Some can be older especially gang members.
Ah, I see. So, would she be a friend of the gang member?

Also, what do we do about face claims? Anime or realistic?
Also, characters don't have to be high school age. Some can be older especially gang members.

Oh! I was so confused. You said high schoolers in the Interest Check. And so I was basing my character on a HS being in the gang. Hmm. Options now.
I was thinking of making an older gang member that was a stern traditionalist, so I was wondering for the history section if the gang your character is running was established by her, or was it inherited?
Ah, I see. So, would she be a friend of the gang member?

Also, what do we do about face claims? Anime or realistic?
Yes, a friend of a gang member or maybe a student at the same school as my character or something else similar. It's up to you, but she wouldn't be a gang member at first. She can eventually become a gang member. As for the face claims, anime.

Oh! I was so confused. You said high schoolers in the Interest Check. And so I was basing my character on a HS being in the gang. Hmm. Options now.
Older characters are allowed since I'm sure gang members wouldn't just leave the gang just because they graduate high school. Though, I really don't want everyone to be older.

I was thinking of making an older gang member that was a stern traditionalist, so I was wondering for the history section if the gang your character is running was established by her, or was it inherited?
She inherited the gang from the previous leader. I don't say it anywhere on here but I do mention this in my character's history.
How about being an older sister to one of the gang leader's high school friends?