DISCUSSION Your Oldest RP Character(s)

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Manna Beast

I don't trust trees. They're shady.
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-Fantasy with means of magic and sword based feelings, i do prefer a bit of romance in stories
-Modern with again a fantasy feel
-Cut in anything with a bit of Romance and I can give it a try.
Legit became curious about this one as I am working on some art pieces right now with my original two characters from when I was 14 years old (EONS AGO! Like uh... 22 years)

I have two that were paired together and actually started originally started rping them when I was 17. (made them when I was 14). Funnily enough, I started rping the two with my now husband. The one's I am referencing are known as Rhye and Grey. A elven woman and a demon/elf man (super original I know). They've obviously gone through a lot of changes in the many years I've had them and they are no longer rp characters. Rather retired and shelved in mental infamy to stay with the two characters my husband had made then.

So that got me thinking, what are your oldest character or characters?

Old and New

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O h boy.. time to do a quick time trace besties!!!

I started out RPing within the warriors fandom! (Which I had not read at the time and knew nothing about)

My first ever character was called Thornclaw! He was a completely blonde cat with red eyes and an evil possession thing going on? I don't know, I made him when I was 10-11. He had a mate named Fern(suffix here) and had three kits!! The person who had the other cat unfortunately left suddenly so his story was cut short.

Darkpool, his brother, was in an alternate universe and also had a possession thing happening! He was a blonde cat with white stripes and dark gray wings. He wears a blindfold over his eyes because they cause someone to die if they look at them (this was basically every OC I had when I was 10-12)

He had two universes he went through, and I think I can find art of him somewhere..


If we're talking POKÉMON, then Summit, definitely. He is currently a shiny Lucario/sylveon fusion, and went through many… many.. many.. lore changes… yeah, he's cool now. Here he is:

My three oldest character, I made waaaay back in junior high school maybe? Maybe a little bit before? I wanna say around 2003-ish, 2004-ish, thereabouts XD

I don't have pictures of any of them to share, but their names were Rana, Blade (I was soooo clever c: ), and Lex.
Actually I've used or currently am using all three of them in rps here on iwaku 🤣 I still have them after all this time.

Firstly Rana. She's a sassy demon gal that initially thought she was just an ordinary human. She's the heroine of the story I made for their trio who fought this big evil monster called the Shadow (Again, I was amazing with names way back when, wasn't I?)
Lex's story after followed him being turned into a werewolf and joining an underground movement saving other supernatural creatures and demons from human hunters.
Blade went through a hell of a lot of development such as GIVING HIM A NAME THAT ISN'T LAME LOL. His eventual name became Azrael and he's a big buff idiot who's a member of a council of immortal beings who I made waaaay waay later. For many many years he was the only member I ever actually named or did anything with.
Gonna link to a wiki for this one, but this guy is my oldest RP character: Fenris Darkheart. He started out as a character for arena battle roleplays over on the Superpower Wiki and gradually changed/evolved from there as I desired or needed. I've had him since 2018, so like six years in total at this point if we include this year. Haven't been able to use him in a while though, as his level of power and metafictional nature kinda prevents him from fitting into most roleplays. He's also far from the most well-written character I've made.
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so i was playing pretend and roleplaying as a little kid before I even knew what roleplaying was 😂 I'd write little stories about my character Diana Jones, who was basically this ideal version of what I wanted to be myself, put into different settings XD My favorite being FBI Agent Hunting a Serial Killer/Weird Shit inspired by Dana Scully on X-files, OR Escaped Princess From Destroyed Planet ala Princess Leia style.

When I started using Diana as my online name and actually grew into myself i could no longer use that name in roleplays it was TOO WEIRD. I've since deconstructed those ideas into new characters and forms. O: so the FBI agent charrie is now Adena Jonas. And the princess idea, well... that's scattered across a dozen characters!

My first actual ROLEPLAY character, when I learned what roleplay was, is Sailor Virgo for a Sailor Zodiacs roleplay! That character sheet and info is long long looooong gone, but I still have the art I drew of her in my art portfolio.
My oldest character has been lost to time. So I'll submit my oldest character that I actually have commissioned art of. I think she must be at least almost 10 years 'old' now, if not more than that.

Her. My roleplaying back then wasn't very good, but I was able to crank out posts fairly fast. The one she was in spanned many pages and I remember it fondly.

She hasn't been updated since then. I can't even remember what her original name was. I feel like it might've been Penrose (Pen). Her actual character concept was fairly amateurish. She was a mage who used her life force to fuel her magic. She was journeying with someone... I think they were trying to locate some sort of artifact? Or return one?

That being said, I don't think I'll update her. I think she's one of those characters that's happily retired.
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Willow is my precious bab. Her original design was based off of a shiny umbreon. It has evolved into so much more, something like this, but it is still being worked on. One day I will be able to art enough to truly bring her to life the way she deserves. She has probably the darkest, most twisted, most fun backstory. So far in RPing she's only been used with a specific partner, but recently she has decided she is willing to branch out, and so am I, and so we have joined an RP with Lyri. I'm hoping it goes really well, because she deserves so much love, both as a character and in RP.
it would be my entire family for the Scotts I've been working on them since i was in 6th grade and I'm in 11th rn XD but the first one in the Scotts would be either mike or amber.


I was a latecomer to RPing (relative) to most I think; started at 19.

I had a few one-off characters in my first few weeks in it. But I give the credit of my oldest character to one that I named Glyde. He originated in darker-themed Pokémon RP; due to me coming into that one halfway through, and being on the road before I had a smartphone, I wasn't able to properly conclude his arc. Later on I re-imagined him into an OC for Kingdom Hearts as a Keyblade Wielder that was a student at a Keyblade academy; I've edited his character sheet multiple times over the years, with his most recent misadventures having him fall from grace and going on the run with another player's character (also a Keyblade Wielder) jumping across a Kingdom Hearts multiverse.

I want to say that the last true RP he saw action in was a crossover involving a malicious party trying to break the Omniverse. Sadly the RP never really went anywhere.

Since then Glyde has been collecting dust. Been thinking of a full reboot of the character; might test the waters with running a KH RP although my prior partner suggested adapting him to a different franchise.
I have many old characters, but the one I'll talk about is my cyborg named CALEB (Cybernetically Advanced Lethal Enduring Bodyguard). I was in high school when I created him. He got into a tragic accident that wrecked his body and he nearly died. But he got scooped up by some scientists who specialize in bionics. They fixed him up by giving him bionic legs and a bionic arm, and wiring a bunch of his body parts together so that he became a fusion of man and machine.

At first, he was a tool for the military. (And the 'B' in his name stood for Battler at the time.) He struggles a lot with the whole "Am I just a tool or am I a man?" mindset. Eventually, he was allowed to leave that program and pursue something different. He switched over to bodyguarding because he wants to keep people safe.

He's gone through quite a transformation design-wise. When I first created him, he was just a teenager because I was a teenager doing teenage roleplays. xD So his first design looks very childish. The updated version of him is an adult (and he looks quite gorgeous if I do say so myself).

I did not draw these by the way. They were drawn for me by artistssss.


My oldest characters, I think there's three of them.
The first was Elsa, a druid worgen from World of Warcraft. She actually started as a warlock during the Burning Crusade expansion but I was still new to roleplaying so the focus wasn't really there yet and also couldn't always afford the subscription.

She was a blind sorceress from a nomadic human tribe in Northrend, a northern continent. They were threatened by the Undead forces of the lich king and its dead cult. Which caused some members of the tribe to join that cult, including Elsa's sister Katarina the Fire mage. So Elsa travelled to look for help to free her sister and drive the undead from her ancestral lands. But I was too shy and didn't know how to roleplay properly back then so I ended up joing various guilds of 'mercenaries' who never did anything besides drink in tavern. lol

The other two oldest characters were created several years after my warcraft days when I had outgrown MMO roleplaying and discovered Forum roleplaying. They were all over the place when it came to concept. Gods of darkness, lovecraftian entities, immortal wizards, undead weirdos, etc.

Ramla was a slave from ancient egypt and in order to free her people and herself made a deal with a demon, Nirh-th'tep-ar. Which is Nyarlathotep with some letters missing or switched xD. it was also around the time I had binged on reading Black Butler (boy makes deal with badass demon disguised as his reluctant butler in chaotic mansion filled with useless personnel) So naturally I had to make Ramla make a deal with the devil.

Long story short they created a slave revolution, freed the people and simply crowned themselves king and queen and lived as immortals. Nihr popped in and out of her life because he was bound to another dimension for reasons I can't remember. And Ramla went with the flow of time as a wealthy woman guarding and scavanging occult secrets for more power.
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I hope this counts.

The ONE time I was a player and not a GM in a D and D game, I was a half drow bard that fought with two whips. Delvain, got into a tussel with a Death Knight who was under a curse. The DK had to grant three wishes tk his opponent.

Delvain wished for the DK to kneel before him, to offer his his sword, and to close his eyes. Do, as you can imagine, Delvain used the sword on the DK. It was vorpal and I rolled a nat 20 to hit. However, the DKs curse passed onto Delvain, now he rides a pale horse through the nine dimensions, battling would be champions until he is defeated, so he might rest.

So, that character is 30 years old, and is still wandering, and he occasionally get brought out for a session or two, especially when I want a dark RP.