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For millennia, mutants—the powerful product of minor genetic abnormalities—have existed on this Earth. Of all the species of the universe, mutants have truly experienced both extremes in over five thousand years.

Some were worshipped as gods...


… others shunned as demons.


The 1960s marked a unique turning point as the "X-Gene" increased in frequency among youth. Homes and lives were destroyed in the ensuing panic as adolescent mutants' powers activated. As the years passed, though, shining stars rose, beckoning mutants to underground havens in which they tamed and honed their abilities. At the forefront of these leaders was Professor Charles Xavier, who campaigned for a peaceful solution to the glaring mutant rights problem. Another, more infamous one was simultaneously his best friend and his worst enemy: the dangerous revolutionary Magneto, the Master of Magnetism. Their rivalry prompted Xavier to found his secret mutant hero team, the X-Men!


However, as time went on, more foes reared their heads. The X-Men fought for years to contain and defeat them all, until finally, Xavier was able to focus on the political battle. As he and other politicians debated the future of mutant rights, the disgruntled official Henry Peter Gyrich shot Xavier with a beam weapon designed to suppress mutant powers. The Professor fell into a coma as his life slowly slipped away. It was with Magneto's help that they were able to contact Majestrix Lilandra Neramani. After a heartfelt goodbye, the Shi'ar Empress took him to be restored using her planet's advanced medical science.

It has been six months since Professor Xavier and his X-Men disappeared from the public eye. With Magneto at the helm, tensions soared. Infighting caused many of the team members to leave, but necessity has a way of reuniting people on common ground...

The day had finally come. The trial of Henry Peter Gyrich wore on for two long months. News erupted across the United States that the jury had reached a verdict. Pro-mutant sentiment was surging, and activists from across the country converged on Washington, D.C., in the hopes of seeing another radical found guilty of his crimes. Hordes of people marched through the streets, bearing signs showing their support. Of course, plenty of anti-mutant protestors also showed their faces, both sides entering into a standoff. The noise was deafening.

Court was still in session, the jury congregating to deliver their verdict. Television cameras were set up and broadcasting to every major news network. Police clad in riot gear remained on standby, just behind the concrete road barriers. It all seemed like the perfect powder keg; one poor move, one unpopular decision, one shot fired, and the U.S. would be flung into chaos. It seemed like the perfect day for disaster to strike.

The Xavier mansion sat quiet, surrounded by the rustling trees that were turning stunning hues of red, orange, and brown in the autumn. The trial was plastered across the screen of nearly every television in the house. Magneto, however, was nowhere to be seen above ground. He instead sat deep within the estate's underground facilities, before the console of Cerebro, its helmet placed upon his head. The headmaster was dressed for battle, his white cape cascading on the floor as he concentrated. He took a keen interest in the events happening today, as did many mutants around the world. This time, rather than inciting the violence, he hoped to prevent it, and he had the best view allowing him to do so.

As he scanned through the gathering population in Washington, he muttered to himself. There were a few familiar signatures. "Hello, Jean," he exhaled as he passed over her in his search. The former X-Man was undoubtedly there for the same reasons as everyone else, so he paid her no mind beyond the brief acknowledgement and depressed sigh.

@Xen6n @Camleen @PlusUltra @Cyberelite2k
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While the rest of the mansion was likely watching the ongoing popular news story it seemed one of the more recent occupants had other matters that they held a priority. Sitting cross-legged and leaning over a table in the above-ground mansion, Gwen's eye was magnified as it peered through at the item that held her intense focus, slow and careful motions of her hands as she delicately manipulated the various small components before her.

The world around them was silent for the most part, but given the ever-present background noise, it was more than obvious that something was about to kick off so she might as well enjoy relaxing for a bit until the main show starts. Stopping for a moment she does start to ponder what it would be, leaning back and tapping a miniature paintbrush to her lips in thought. Given the whole trial thing, it would likely start with someone doing something stupid, or some sinister group, triggering a big riot that a bad guy was going to capitalize on? hmm or maybe something more dramatic like that guy the case was about walks out innocent right before being shot dramatically on the steps?.

Various scenes and possibilities floated above their head as she seemed to be looking into the aether, but to her fully realized scenes popped around her in their own little panels. After a while, though she waved them all away into the mist and shrugged it off, they're likely going to find out later today anyway so the surprise would be fun, and well she had to remember to act surprised as well before the heroes call got them to jet off, it's not like they were going to let her try pilot the jet again anyway.

Turning her attention back to her previous activity she lowered the brush once more to dab against a multicoloured piece of card and started to drybrush the miniatures assembled before her, if she was lucky she would be able to get them all done before the chaos started.
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It's been all over the news. Like.. all over the news. The trial of one Henry Peter Gyrich on a number of charges. The most dire among the charges is attempted murder. That in of itself wouldn't deem such attention, wouldn't be something to draw crowds and crowds to Washington D.C. Considering, however, the aggressive atmosphere hanging over politics and mutant affairs.. it was indeed crowds and crowds that began to converge on D.C. And once the prosecution began closing arguments, the crowds began to get bigger. Louder. More dangerous. The defense had their closing arguments, and then the prosecution had their rebuttal arguments. The rebuttal happened to have taken the court late into the day, and so deliberations was put off until the next day.

A new day… and it felt like the whole world was on verdict watch.
Up to this point Jean Grey had only kept up with the trial absently. Seeing updates about it on television. She really should have been more intent on keeping up on it. After all.. it was her mentor that was nearly killed. But perhaps that is why, up till now, she has avoided it. She is on a bus now, heading in the direction of Washington D.C. It's still early morning, and we were on verdict watch. It's nearly a 2 hour bus ride from her home to Washington, so she has had time to think. To do some planning. And so she now watches new sites, streaming some information. She doesn't want to think about it… so much blood… her mentor her friend… She doesn't want to think about it, but she has to face this. She owes it to Professor Xavier. She owes it to… the boys.

First she finds a list of the charges… Jean shakes her head slowly as she reads each line carefully…
Felony Assault
Possession of a Firearm During a Crime of Violence
Aggravated Assault While Armed
Assault with a Dangerous Weapon
Assault with Intent to Kill While Armed
Assault with Significant Injury While Armed

So according to this list… 7 separate charges. Since this is federal court, the verdict for each charge has to be unanimous. And the site points out that if he is convicted on all charges, the maximum prison sentence is 121 years. She shakes her head and turns the site off, going back to her music. Half open eyes stare out at the passing scenery, her head resting lightly upon the cold window. They keep saying they want peaceful protests, but of course there are fears it could get out of hand.

Those fears will be justified.

Jean hopes it will be peaceful. Protests respecting others. She thinks it will be. But if she thought that… then why is she wearing her yellow and black X-Men uniform under her clothes? For the record, she is wearing a long sleeve shirt with a vinyl record on the front, form fitting blue jeans. Her long red hair tied back into a ponytail.

The bus pulls up, and it's several blocks away from where the protests are being conducted. With a soft sigh she gets off the bus and begins to walk along the sidewalk. There are.. a lot of people already conducting their affairs up and down the street. Police blockades, detour signs, cautionary signs.. and a cop on nearly every corner. She has a bad feeling about this. She can hear the crowd gathered outside of the building where the trial is being held long before she sees them.

Now while she isn't exactly an expert as yet in regards to her telepathy.. she knows she has to be careful. People are going to be charged up, emotions and thoughts will be utterly powerful. And so she draws in her senses, she closes doors to her mind that would allow excess thoughts and emotions into her consciousness.

She passes through a metal detector, and notices a large burly man arguing about getting his rifle back from the police guards. Oh boy, this is a bad sign.
An ocean of people… different groups in different areas, mostly separated by police barriers. Anti-mutant protesters… pro mutant protesters… white nationalists (because why not). They are all yelling and screaming very loudly. Jean's shoulders slump upwards a little as she moves through the crowd, keeping her powers as suppressed as possible. Her green eyes scan the crowds… there are a lot of people among the anti-mutant crowd wearing masks and riot gear. They probably have guns too, somehow getting them through the metal detectors.
This is a bad sign.

Stay focused, Jean. You're here for a reason. To bear witness to the announcement of the fate of that bastard Gyrich.. and to help suppress anyone that wants to start trouble…
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Hank Mccoy
The tv was on in the background of the lab. While he has stuff to test...he needed to hear the verdict on Gyrinch. That...person nearly killed his mentor and traumatised his friends. Hopefully he gets charged for his crimes. Hank stopped looking through his microscope to look towards the television, his safety glasses removed to help him see the screen far better.

After a while of seeing the crowds on the news and the general concerning atmosphere he shook his head to continue working on his experiment. He was inspecting a strand of his own fur simply to figure out why it was blue. Honestly his isolation had made his mind wonder to very random theories. It still felt nice to be able to just be on his own with his ideas. Correction..he still wished the team was here.

He sighed as he moved out of his lab to sit right in front of the television. He cluldnt think straight until he knew what hed be charged. He..needed to know. Maybe then he can get some visitors. Hopefully Jean was alright, she took a lot of what happened quite hard. He did aswell but kept out hope itd go alright. Still he kept his communicator ready in case it went wrong or if anyone wanted to visit.​
Ivan Petrovitch

The trial of Gyrinch, the attempted killer of Xavier, was being watched by virtually everyone, which created a gloomy atmosphere inside the mansion. Ivan chose a different tack while everyone else either watched the trial live on TV or in person. He didn't particularly want to teleport there or watch it on a TV. He was physically within the mansion's borders, isolated within the confines of his bedroom. As Ivan's body levitated off the ground and legs crossed on top each other, his astral form travered the Astral Plane to observe the ongoing trial in Washington.

Time and space meant nothing to the Astral Plane so within mere seconds, Ivan was already wandering above the crowd as he noticed he uproar that was ensuing. It was sad sight to witness but who can blame them, the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. They don't understand us and don't want to understand us, let alone want us to exist.

The Astral Dimension bordered the Mental Plane so Ivan could "feel" the intense feelings flowing from the audience below, and just a little focus he could see the thoughts as well. With a little concentration, he could also see the thoughts. He was perturbed by it and thought that Magneto must be why he was, but he also felt sympathy for them as he realized the bright future Xavier had. They're simply terrified, and as this disturbance demonstrates, fear breeds rage and hatred. And he believed it was the reason Xavier worked so arduously toward that kind of future. Humans have a tremendous amount of room to develop, as seen by their lengthy history and numerous accomplishments.

But Xavier also overlooked their capacity for destruction and betrayal, which Eric dealt with for the majority of his life. Ivan was ultimately fairly impartial in this and feels it's a matter of perspective. However, the politics of this whole mutant and human affair were starting to give him a migraine. Ivan isn't an idealist in this since he already needs to cope with the mystical aspects of
the world.

Ivan was mingling when he became aware of a psychic nearby and felt a significant concentration of psychic energy out in the distance. The redhead was easy to identify, so he recognized them right away. In addition to her kindness, Jean's reputation as a former X-Men member already precedes her. Ivan had nothing but positive things to say about the young mutant from their time together at the mansion before Xavier's attempted murder.

As he watched, a powerful wave of unease rushed over him, signaling that disaster was imminent. Ivan hoped that it wasn't the case but was prepared for any potential trouble.​
Outside Hank McCoy's cabin...

A black sport utility vehicle with tinted windows slowly rolled to a halt near the small, secluded place. It sat a mere twenty yards away, and its driver turned off the engine of the unmarked car. Two strangers in dark trench coats made their way up the path. The gravel crunched under their feet, giving away their approach. Whoever they were, they weren't necessarily trying to be stealthy.

As they came closer, their appearances became clearer: one man and one woman. The man had salt-and-pepper hair and an eyepatch, while the woman sported long red hair and had her sleeves rolled to reveal odd, gold bracelets clamped around her wrists. The latter carried a metal briefcase with a stylized eagle insignia. For those with a more in-depth knowledge of the intelligence community, especially the X-Men, their identities were no secret. S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury and the Black Widow were paying a visit.


Fury knocked on the door firmly. "Dr. McCoy? We're comin' in," he announced before the two fulfilled the declaration, letting themselves in. He stood in the doorway, glancing around. "I like what you've done with the place," he remarked dryly, his eye fixing on the lab equipment in the next room and the certificates on the wall acknowledging two great achievements in a shockingly short timespan.

Black Widow squeezed past her boss, coming closer to see what Hank was watching. "The Gyrich trial?" she questioned in her thick Russian accent.

"Yeah. Every news network's covering it. Whole damned nation's holding its breath. I knew that guy was a maniac; glad we never got involved with him."

"Hold on, verdict is coming in," Natasha halted him, staring at the screen eagerly.

Xavier Mansion...

As Magneto's search across the D.C. Metro Area continued, he caught a strange anomaly, like two of the same mutant. "Madrox?" he muttered. No, this was different, as though the signature was faintly masked. He recognized them... "Mystique?" There couldn't be two of them... He tried focusing and recalibrating Cerebro; surely, this was but a glitch or a side-effect of his relative inexperience with Cerebro in particular.

But it wasn't. There were two distinct readings he perceived, each in a slightly different location, both overlooking the courthouse. Holding up the communicator, he contacted Ivan and Gwen. "We have a problem. To me, X-Men!" the Master of Magnetism ordered. "Something is quite unusual today; Cerebro has detected two Mystiques in Washington. I don't understand it. One of them seems to be in a parking garage, the other atop a building. Whatever the case may be, we need to arrive there right now and stop both of them."

Washington, D.C....

A hush fell over the demonstrators outside the courthouse as radios, cell phones, and other devices received the broadcast. They were spellbound as the judge extended that simple question as a formality:

"Has the jury reached a verdict?"

The foreperson stood and leaned closer to her microphone. "We have, your honor," she retorted before raising a sheet of paper to read. "We, the jury, in the case of the District of Columbia versus Gyrich, find the defendant, Henry Peter Gyrich, guilty on the charges of felony assault, possession of a firearm during a crime of violence, aggravated assault while armed,
assault with a dangerous weapon, assault with intent to kill while armed, and assault with significant injury while armed."

A joyous uproar sounded among the pro-mutant supporters immediately after the word "guilty" left the woman's mouth. People jumped gleefully, hugged one another, celebrated this civil rights triumph. Sadly, not everyone was so thrilled. The opposition threw up their hands in all sorts of vile gestures and protested, somewhat ruining the mood and helping the trouble brew.

Outside, several tall buildings were spaced throughout the area. Surely, if anyone was going to start trouble, they would do so from the window of an upper floor or try to overpower the police guarding the courthouse. As it turned out, the former was the case. Watching from the fourth floor of a parking garage, dressed in that signature red and purple regalia, was Magneto. He wore a dark expression as he lay in wait. His eyes drifted over the crowd, stopping on Jean. His lips curled into a bone-chilling smirk. His mind was unable to be read, but the feeling was different; rather than the solid block of his helmet, it was as though bits and pieces of thoughts came and went, shifting together. There was, however, an overarching malice that would disturb the average person to the very core.

The court adjourned, leaving the judge to ponder Gyrich's sentence over the next few days. Lawyers and police officers emerged from the courthouse, reporters pressuring them for answers. Gyrich was towards the back of the procession, his veins standing up, face bright red. He stepped towards the reporters, mouth open as he was about to say something, but an officer pulled him back in time. No doubt he was about to try and incite riots, which would only add to the list of charges. The lawyers instead stole the spotlight, commenting on the legal process in a professional manner that showed no apparent bias. These reporters were looking for ammunition to work with, because strong reactions drove ratings. Some started fanning out among the crowd early, hoping to get some powerful reactions. All of them were ignorant of that which was likely to transpire.

@Cyberelite2k @Camleen @PlusUltra @Xen6n
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Looking up as she heard the call Gwen put down her model and gave a short stretch as she stood up to work the creaks out from having spent most of the day hunched before grabbing a large plush shark backpack and leaning over to the side as half her body seemed to vanish into a pink energy. Leaning through the stark white of what she called "Gutter Space" the girl would glance around a myriad of scenes flashing by before two caught her eye with a familiar-looking helmet. "Huh weird...Hmm oh oversized NSA wet dream, that one!".

With a quick hop, the girl would drop down behind the current head of the institute with a soft clang as her boots hit the metal walkway "BAMF! Oh yeah got the right one" She tried to peer over his shoulder standing on her toes to try and make sense of any of the whole Cerebro thing though again a little disappointed at the poor visual, her expression dropping slightly. Really with the amount of money and space the thing took up you would think they could at least throw in a flat screen or something. "Two Ravens for an Attempted Murder maybe? Are we talking clone, time traveller, alternate universe ooooh maybe she teamed up with a Skrull?" Her smile soon returned as she bounced up and down on her feet slightly.
All around her and in the plaza one would be able to hear the echo of the same streaming broadcast being played on hundreds of devices. It makes the broadcast sound like it's in an echo chamber, each device being slightly out of sync with the rest.
Jade green eyes scan the crowd as silently she stands, keeping her psionic senses drawn in and muffled. The crowd seems to follow in her absence of voice, the crowd going into a hushed silence as the verdict is announced. Jean actually flinches as the crowd realizes what the verdict is, a wave of emotion just exploding from all around her. Save for that subtle flinch, she makes no indication of feeling it wholly. There are hails of joy, of satisfaction from parts of the crowd. Dissent, anger and anxious energy from other parts of the crowd.
Justice has been served, some yell. Bias and a rigged system, some yell. And what does Jean think?

Once more, she makes no real reaction to the reading of the verdict. One would think… her reaction to the assassination attempt was one of the angriest, fiercest and passionate. Surely the man responsible would bring some sort of satisfaction.

No, not really.

jgoow11.pngWhatever happens now with Gyrich, it won't serve justice. In Jean's mind, nothing will make it unhappen. Charles wouldn't have been on the literal brink of death… a brink she bore witness too as she was drawn into his psyche in those moments.

Jean's very first accidental use of her immense powers was an accident, triggered by the death of her best friend. And being within the psyche of Charles as he lay dying… perhaps that is why she seemed to take it so roughly. Which might be part of it… but he was a person she loved and admired. Making it all the more difficult.

Today in this crowd, Jean is trying to play a particular long game. Not worring about what Gyrich will be sentenced to, but worrying about the reactions around her to whatever comes next.

Now she starts to move through the crowd, her hands tucking into the front pockets of her jeans. It isn't a smooth ride through the crowd, she is jostled quite a lot. Both sides of this argument are passionate. And some… well they want only to light the fuse. But still she moves, keeping her senses drawn in and using her eyes to scan the crowd. Look for anything out of the ordinary. She has been trained to be in battle or in a bad situation without the aid of her psionic ability… she is thankful for that particular training now.
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Hank Mccoy
As soon as he heard the voice Hank turned around and lightly chuckled at Fury's comment. "Well i wanted to still work on stuff during my little...secluded break" he joked as he stood up. He was still watching the television a bit. As the verdict was announced he let out a relieved sigh. Guilty at least, though he didnt think it would repair Charles' sitiation it at least was something. He lowered the volume afterwards turning fully to the two Shield members in his cabin.

He offered his hand to Nick with his usual grin. "if i knew i was having guests i wouldve prepared drinks, help yourself to anything in my fridge if you are thirsty" he said casually. Eventually he gestured to some seats as he sat down again. These two likely werent here for a casual meet up. While...worrying he didnt think they where there for bad reasons, hopefully.

He picked up his glasses from a small table next to the chair, one with a sizeable amount of books and some pencils, some for notes and crosswords. There was also a picture of him with the team on there. He held his specs in his hands to fidget with "soo um any reason you decided to visit, i hope i didnt break any laws accidentally, no mad science here" he joked trying to keep his spirits up. He was a tiny bit nervous admittedly due to the Shield director himself visiting.​
Ivan Petrovitch

Ivan was able to hear the call from across the dimension in his Astral Form thanks to a spell he created in case he was astral projecting and his body was in danger. In a mere second, he was already united with his physical body in his room. Two Mystiques in one place spelled trouble, but what bothered him more was how there could be two Mystiques; it could be a mutant or mutate who could shapeshift into any person flawlessly, down to the mental structure, or it was truly Mystique but from another reality. And the idea of it involving the multiverse both excited and terrified him. Interfering with the multiverse can lead to the opening of gateways to other realities that should be kept closed.

Because his mutant physiology is linked to the very multiverse, he hopes that if the need arises, he can be of assistance. Ivan would approach Eric, seeing Gwen already present and attempting to make sense of what Eric was seeing through Cerebro. "It's not Skrulls, Cerebro could tell the difference, this Mystique is real, but not from our reality," Ivan stated as he stood behind Eric and Gwen, studying the psychic exhibition in front of him. He opened his third eye in the metaphysical sense and effectively viewed the psychic screen, and they were exactly the same, down to the psychic waves they emit.
Xavier Mansion...

"We can ask them when we apprehend them," Magneto replied once his two allies finished speculating on the nature of this bizarre situation. The visions projected by Cerebro faded as he removed the helmet. "We must split our numbers to reach both of them. I will take the rooftop. Capture the one in the parking garage." That was one point of contention for many X-Men; Magneto constantly dictated members' assignments instead of letting them do what they do best. This team was not his Brotherhood, and they didn't exactly have to play by his rules. One thing was certain, though: causing a scene may incite a riot.

"It's time to go. I fear we may already be too late. Arcanum?" Magneto stared expectantly at Ivan. One could say he took advantage of the mutant sorcerer's teleportation capabilities. Some (probably including Gwen) even made jokes about the fuel economy of the portal versus the Blackbird. Whatever the case, it was undeniable that the jet wouldn't make it to D.C. quickly enough to stop the two Mystiques.

Hank's Cabin...

Though Director Fury nodded gratefully at the offer, he didn't move towards the fridge. He stood there quietly, a light smirk tugging at his lips as the verdict was read. "We were just in the neighborhood and thought we'd pay a visit," he quipped, obviously being facetious before motioning to Black Widow. "Natasha?"

The redhead dialed in the combination on the briefcase locks and opened the lid. Inside was only one item: a communicator with a stylized "A" on the front, seated securely in a custom foam insert.

"You're not in trouble, son. In fact, I'd say you've been good this year. We've been trying to recoup our losses since the Onslaught incident, looking for the best. Hank, we could use a bright mind like yours on our latest Avengers roster."

"Will you join us? At least as reserve member?" Natasha added, holding the opened case at chest height.


As Gyrich and his police escorts approached the armored car waiting at the foot of the stairs, no one seemingly knew he was being stalked. "Magneto" produced a long firearm from under his cape and hunkered down to steady it. He took aim with the scoped weapon, the reticle drifting over Gyrich's abhorrent face.

Suddenly, a shadow passed over the street, crossing from a nearby office complex rooftop. Looking up, one would notice a large seagull diving into the parking garage, the fake Magneto quickly recoiling before any civilians or police could spot him. A few concrete pebbles tumbled onto the sidewalk below as a metal rod pierced the solid ceiling. Whatever that bird was doing, it very well might have saved Gyrich's wretched life and prevented a civil war.

Still, such a strange occurrence begged the question, who was really up there and what was happening?

@Cyberelite2k @Camleen @PlusUltra @Xen6n
She nods as she listens though seems to be looking up off into empty space "Guess that makes sense, Avoids the immediate "No that's the real one"....Oh yes! Actions happening!" her short attention span switches as her head snaps down and leans over the rooms walkway with a wide grin. Literally leaping without thinking the girl would hop over the side of the room's walkway only to drop down in a pose within the garage seconds later.

"Patent Pending Cat.....ah nm ill just pencil something cool in Later" "Good thing there is only one of you here or we might have had a Murder on our hands!, Erm...also can i get some captions on the other people attacking?" her eyes going to the steel rod and the bird, twirling one of her swords in that direction "Drawing a blank since most of the popular animal shifting people I know are from a different franchise, anyway want to get the "you wont stop me" or "you fools you dont understand" etc speech out the way so we can get the cool action scene really kicking off?" the girl of questionable sanity was smiling happily as she spoke.
Taking the portal conjured by Ivan, the real Magneto waved his hand and turned invisible in the alleys. Maintaining this cloak, he ascended to the top of the building, only to find... no one. The rooftop was empty. "Come out, Raven!" he demanded. Nothing; it was silent, save for the commotion in the streets below.

In the parking garage, it didn't take long for Gwen to catch sight of the seagull flogging the Magneto impostor. The large gun lay discarded on the ground, another slender bolt having penetrated the engine block of a black luxury sedan. Did the owner's insurance cover accidental weapon discharges during acts of terrorism? Jokes aside, the weapon's angular design and the cyan glow emanating from within the barrel looked like nothing the girl had seen before.

Swiftly, the impostor's hand morphed into a large lobster claw and snapped at the seagull. The bird then grew as its form shifted into that of a familiar blue woman. One hand parried the claw while the other flew towards her opponent, hitting him in the nose. As "Magneto" recoiled, "he" also changed until "he" became a mirror image of the Mystique that was on the offensive. This one, however, drew two compact energy pistols and opened fire on "Seagull Mystique", the quiet pulses scorching the pillars and melting the windows of cars.

"Gwenpool, Arcanum; she is not here," Magneto reported using his communicator. "Do you have eyes on your target?" He then glanced down at the parking garage, squinting when he saw blue flashes coming from inside.

With Gwen interrupting with an on-the-nose commentary, the dual-gun-wielding Mystique pointed one pistol at her while training the other on her double. "You want action, little girl? Careful what you wish for!" She obliged, opening fire at both her targets. The other Raven rolled to one side before drawing a more standard-looking silenced pistol.

@PlusUltra @Xen6n
Jean's this brows furrow against her forehead as she looks around herself. Green eyes scan, looking for anything that could be interpreted as… well they are past the point of hostility. The protestors at the front of the lines are beginning to clash with the law enforcement officers in riot gear. Pushing, shoving mostly. But Jean could see this going bad quickly.

('Careful, girl. Remember your training. Assume something bad is about to come.') She thinks to herself. 'But then most of that training was side by side with the boys.'. The boys, of course, referring to the other original members of the X-Men. Jean takes another few steps back, having to push herself through the rowdy crowd. If something was going to happen, this would be the moment. Gyrich is being lead away, all the cameras and attention on him solely. Save for those tasked with public safety. ('Like you, huh Jean?') she smirks a little as she moves through the crowd. Turning once more, her head tilts up slightly to look for any drones that might be overhead. And it's then, just out of the corner of her eyes, she does notice movement near the top of the parking garage she isn't far from. ('What was that? A bird? A plane?') She saw it only for a moment, it was moving fast. Her pretty eyes look in the direction of Gyrich's position, and then back towards the top of the parking garage. ('I don't think anyone else noticed that… could have been nothing. Just a bird? No… no something doesn't feel right.') From this distance, it's hard to focus on that rooftop. Especially with all of the commotion around her.

An explanation perhaps is in order, dear reader. Imagine you're in a large room. Your bestie is across the room, standing in shadows. Your friend calls out to you, but the distance is to far for you to properly hear this friend. And those dark shadows is enough to obscure their figure. So what do you do? You move closer, let your eyes adjust to the darkness. At the same time closing the distance to make it easier to hear them. That is a very basic comparison to Jean's situation at this moment. Thank you for your indulgence in this little explanation. Now back to the story, true believer!

('Could be nothing… so if it, this will be a quick jaunt.') She hopes it is nothing. Now she moves once more through the crowd, heading towards the parking garage. Her eyes are up towards the roof, squinting a bit. She can see the edges of the crowd now… and there is a sudden powerful surge of psionic energy.

++I'm not here++

A simple telepathic suggestion is broadcast to every single person around her for 100 feet. It's a light touch, but it is a powerful 'suggestion'. And then suddenly… she is simply gone from the perception of everyone around her. It's as if she weren't there at all. You see, dear reader, Jean has commanded the subconscious of everyone there. Even if they look right at Jean, even if they smell her subtle perfume, even if they hear her footfalls… their minds won't allow them to realize it. Any sensory perception of her is blocked temporarily in their minds. They might see her, but the subconscious will block their waking mind from knowing it. Maybe they'll have a vague recollection of some redhead moving passed them… but nothing more.

CJ001 (24).jpgShe unbuttons her blue jeans and steps out of them along with her shoes. Hands reach down to her hips and grasps the hem of her t-shirt, pulling it over her head. Shaking her head to free her hair, she drops the shirt. She is now clad in her yellow and black form fitting X-Men uniform. Reaching behind her head now, she would draw her mask over her face. Reaching back again, she pulls her thick hair stubbornly through the small slots at the back of the mask. Her jeans, shirt and shoes are floating behind her and then zooms forward towards the parking facility. They tuck themselves behind one of the 'No Entrance' barricade, hidden from obvious sight. She'll stow them there…and if someone finds her bundle of clothes and takes them, well they would then own a nice little ensemble she got from Goodwill.
Her subconscious recalls a song that Jean has come to love.

'Today I change my place in history
Today I'm gonna start a brand new life
Done with suffering/had enough of misery
Finally on a path that's heading somewhere bright'

From under her mask does she look upwards, getting a sense of where she has to get to. ('No problem') she thinks to herself. Her knees would bend and upper body leans forward, but keeps her eyes towards the sky as much as she can. She cannot deny… there is nervousness here. She doesn't really know what she will be stepping into, if she will come across anything at all. She has been a trained fighter for many years, but it's been many months since she has been in a real fight. A fight involving anything more than a jerk that tried to mug her outside of her apartment building. Her body tenses up and she jumps upwards with a soft grunt.
And she smiles.

'I feel a different kind of energy
Kicking everything into overdrive
Switched-on revved-up turbo-mode vitality
Finding it hard to believe that I feel so alive'

Pebbles fall from her boots, en-captured by mother Earth's gravity. But Jean doesn't fall with them. Her right hand extends upwards with her fingers spread. Her other hand held in fist at her hip. One of her legs is drawn up towards her chest, her other foot extended. She moves upwards, escaping gravity's grasp. Held aloft by an energy born of her own will. The wind upon her face feels good, her hair billowing.

'Just watch me go
See me fly
Don't look for answers
Don't ask why I
Can't explain the way I feel
I'm soaring
Like I never have before
Flying self-assured and free
And I somehow feel I finally feel like me'

Since she left the school, rarely has she taken the chance to let go like this. Always so busy 'living', she never had the chance to really live. But now… this feels good. ('Wow… has it been so long since I've let myself fly like this? Have to wonder why I was holding myself back so much. Was I afraid people might find out I'm a mutant? Was I actually afraid of the reactions I would get?')

'I looked in the mirror
And I gotta say
It's been a long long time
Since I felt this way
Right now
I'm just a bit surprised
Cuz I feel just fine
And I might just touch the sky'

Ascending, she now steels herself in preparation for what she might find. Or might not find.
('Get ready, girl') she tells herself. It's then she lets out a startled gasp and her flight falters a moment as what looks a sort of energy beam. Eyes narrow and she moves to the level that energy came from. Vaulting herself onto the concrete deck of the parking garage, she bends her knees for a stable landing. Her wide eyes take in an odd sight.

'Odd' being something of a matter of perspective. Being one of the X-Men… odd things are a job prerequisite.

Slowly now she stands to her full height, taking in the situation. One Mystique fighting Mystique.. a girl with swords. Wait.. that's Gwen! Fom the school! She never had a ton of interaction with her, but she recognizes the girl. And she seems ready to fight. She is standing behind Gwen… and then Magneto… Wait… Magneto is here… and so is Mystique… and another Mystique… ('Are they working together? Is… is Mystique part of the School? She's a trickster.. she'll try to mess with my mind. Be ready for her to turn into Charles or something. Just stay calm.') One of the Mystique(s) aims a gun of some kind at Gwen as Jean pushes her hands in front of herself, her fingers spread. The shot aimed at Gwen seems to inexplicably hit something in front of Gwen (about 5 feet in front of the girl). As if the air had just decided that the shot wouldn't go any further. But it was Jean putting up a barrier to block the shot. She doesn't bother to try and help the targeted Mystique, however.

('Okay, time to try and clean this up. You're the only one of the X-Men here, Jean. Make the boys proud.')

Her hands suddenly draw up and back towards her, and 4 different actions happen at the same time. The larger discarded gun slides against the concrete and stops at Jean's feet. The guns Mystique and Mystique are holding leap out of their hands. They zoom passed Gwen and land on the concrete next to Jean. She lets them down gently enough they shouldn't go off. A slow and deep breath is taken, and those pretty jade colored eyes shift between Raven(s).

"Mystique A!" She looks to the 'real' Mystique, and then towards the one that had the twin pistols "Mystique B! Stand down! Don't force me to make you stop… you know I can!" Her tone a stern one of warning. But in truth… well there isn't much she can do telepathically to Mystique. ('Mystique is a shape shifter, and her conscious is as slippery as she is. It's like that time we went to Sea World and I tried to grab an eel out of the water… possible but difficult.')

Jean doesn't yet greet Gwen or Ivan, and she hardly acknowledges Magneto's presence. Once she's done with the twinsies, she'll deal with him.
Hank Mccoy
Hank looked at the communicator with a surprised look on his face. He didnt expect this offer in the slightest. Reserve member aswell so he arguably didnt have to leave the X men permanently at all. He smiled and nodded at the request. "if it means helping more folks of course, ill gladly join" he said with a chuckle.

He rubbed the back of his head continuing his chuckle. "well im glad it wasnt anything bad, shucks it was quite excellent even heh, gotta say im quite glad its the reserves, unsure if id be able to accept if not" he admitted smiling. He put his glasses down, he didnt need to fidget due to his nerves completely calming down.

He looked towards the television in thought. He wondered what the team would think, didnt want them to think hes leaving. Hes just on break. Might aswell call Erik after this meetinh ends. Or if he can Jean, he...missed her admittedly.​
Ivan Petrovitch

After exiting the tear in reality that Ivan had created, the group disbanded, each member taking on their assigned roles for the mission. Ivan, aware of Mystique's elusive nature and adeptness in evading capture, prepared himself to prevent her easy escape. He readied a spell, his focus on summoning the power of Raggadorr and his Seven Rings.

With a surge of mystical energy, the Roving Rings of Raggadorr materialized, emanating a crackling blue and black aura from his hands. Seven ribbon-like tendrils of extra-dimensional energy encircled the area in Washington where the group was located, creating an atmosphere charged with otherworldly forces. The air seemed to hum and the winds howled, signifying the potent spell's completion.

Fearing he may have arrived too late, Ivan impulsively cast the Gorgorell Transportation Spell from the Book of the Vishanti. With a swift mystical gesture, he vanished amidst a mesmerizing display of cascading energy. Colors of light yellow, blues, and greens intertwined, creating a mesmerizing spectacle akin to abstract art.
In an instant, Ivan teleported beside Jean and Gwen, his presence revealed as the magical energy dissipated. He stood there, assuming a defensive stance, ensuring that Mystique wouldn't have an opportunity to escape. Addressing the two Mystiques, "Surrender now, and don't even think about escaping, the entire block is encased by Raggadorr's Seven Rings, it'll take more than the likes of Juggernaut to budge them."

Ivan's hands remained outstretched in a Karana Mudra, poised to unleash one of Storaan's Binding Spells if Mystique and her allies refused to surrender. As he turned his head, he noticed the presence of Jean Grey among them, not surprised by her involvement since he had already seen her presence earlier.
Washington, D.C....

Magneto bent the light around him once more, camouflaging so he could descend into the parking garage unnoticed. Once he appeared, he immediately noticed Jean consciously looking away from him. A depressed sigh escaped through his nostrils as he recalled what happened last time he spoke with Jean.

Flashback, written by @Goonfire and @Camleen

So this was how it looked when Charles was out of the picture. Erik stood before the mansion that once brimmed with life, whose residents moved with purpose. The new–or at least temporary–headmaster drew out a long sigh as he noticed it now seemed so empty. It was empty. Many X-Men left when he had announced he would lead the Xavier Institute. Did they refuse to remember Charles's compassion–to let a stranger that once hated them dine with them, work with them, learn with them?

Magneto cleared his throat as he waited there, purple-trimmed helmet in hand. A car was already sitting idle in the driveway, luggage by the front door. He wondered who was leaving this time. In fact, he dreaded knowing.

Memories, and so many of them in this place.

Jean Grey sits in the room assigned to her by Charles Xavier. It's the room closest to his own, and near Warren's. Though neither are here now. At the edge of her bed she rests for the moment, green eyes staring out the window. It's a lovely day… so why does she feel like it's the end of her world?

Hands are pressed to the bed on either side of her body, her eyes closing a little as she is reminded. That window is the same one she and Scott would sneak out of every few nights. They would make their way to the roof of this old mansion and watch the stars together. They would talk while they sat together up there, once she even had a little picnic basket setup as a surprise for him. She did enjoy those talks they had. Rather… she enjoyed spending time with him without the rest of the boys.

She loved them all, as if they were all born of the same mother. Warren always trying to impress and woo her… Hank always flirting playfully and training with her… Bobby being Bobby,,, and now they are all gone.

After… what happened… to Charles… they decided to leave, one by one. When Scott asked her to come with him, she simply couldn't. She wanted to, so badly. But some sense of loyalty kept her in this now quiet mansion. Perhaps she thought if she stayed, things could work out for the best. But.. that certainly isn't what happened. If things had played out differently here… if things had gone differently… she would have gone with Scott. Stayed with him for as long as she could. But now things are changed in her life, and she can not look back.

Pushing herself to her feet, a slim arm wraps about the strap of an overnight bag. Already she has made arrangements to sleep on the couch of a friend, the rest of her belongings (anything that wasn't clothes) gone and put into storage. Save for a chest trunk full of her most important things. And that trunk now sits in the living room of her friend's apartment. One last look around the now bare room… and she forces herself to be strong in this. She can't give in and stay here. Not now. She has to be strong.

That's what Professor Xavier would say to her.

A few minutes later the front doors of the sublime school open, and Jean steps out into the sun. She is wearing a single aqua green dress, modest and fashionable. Her steps slow with the realization she isn't alone there… and she has an idea whom else is there. Her slim hands grasp the strap of her bag tighter, her head bowed down a little. Her eyes only lift to meet Magneto's, a small scowl on her lips. She says nothing as yet, she just watches him…

Magneto's eyebrows raised as Jean emerged, bags in hand. Of all the people leaving the Institute, he hadn't expected her to be the next. He turned to face her, his shoulder partially obscuring her path forward. "Jean," he called out. "Even you?" He had received several sharp looks from the other X-Men as they left, but this one genuinely surprised him. He expected her to understand, even softened his own mental defenses around her, in case she really wanted to peer into his mind. His surface thoughts conveyed sadness, outrage… a feeling of betrayal.

"This is all because of me, isn't it?" he pried, trying to keep a level tone. "You know I'm not trying to shut you out or corrupt our brothers and sisters." Perhaps his assumption was audacious, even completely wrong, but he still held a bit of resentment towards Scott. The field leader's strong rhetoric and unwavering dislike for the one-time enemy had no doubt stuck with the team over the years… but then again, so had the crimes Magneto committed. He couldn't blame Scott too much, in reality.

When Magneto looks towards her, it's then her eyes avert from his. Is he still really that intimidating to her? It was reflex to not look to him, like a beta averting gaze from an angry alpha. Scott told her over and over… Magneto is just a man. A weak man. So why can't Jean bring herself to stand up to him more yet? Her tone is soft and almost timid, eyes averted. "What did you expect…" Shaking her head a little she comes to a stop, now both hands grasping the strap of her bag.

Even with her cursory look towards him, she notes his helmet is off. Is that a sign of his trust? Or is it his acknowledgement that she is still so new to telepathy she doesn't pose a threat to him? While she might not be an expert level telepath, she is still a very accomplished empath. And the words he speaks spark emotions in him, emotions that wave over her self. What she feels… it does little but to confuse her more.

He falls silent, and her knuckles would go white as she grasps the straps of her bags more tightly. "Of course it is.." she says in the same small tone. He would see in her young face she is fighting back her own emotions. It's now she looks up to him, doing her very best to keep those emotions out of her voice… anger, frustration… "Of course it's because of you! How could it not be?" She shakes her head and looks away from him once more, as if embarrassed by her sudden outburst. "I mean… I mean…" Charles would often say that she was picking up on leadership traits well, both from himself and from Scott. But at this moment, she feels none of the confidence needed for such a role. Her eyes only lift towards him, that same scowl across painted lips. "You say you want to help… you want to be like the Professor… at least that's what they say. But you're not… not after… everything…" Come on, Jeannie. Keep yourself in check. With her class of powers and level, her losing her shit could lead to disaster. And for more than just herself.

A heated look pushed through the cool stone facade as Erik heard those words. "What did I expect…?" he echoed, frustration building. "What did I expect, besides hearsay? A pretender is not what I am. Don't you see it, Jean? I may never be like him, but I refuse to leave his children to their own devices. You don't have to forget what I have done, or even forgive me. I only ask that you stay… to help me honor his wishes."

As much as he hated to admit it in the past, Xavier's vision of humans and mutants coexisting was part of what kept Magneto going. He didn't want to believe it was possible, hence his opposition and aggression… but once bigots like Gyrich, Trask, and Creed started receiving their comeuppance and Genosha fell into his hands, he realized it was all falling into place. Mutants were gaining ground. His war on homo sapiens seemed to be coming to a close, the outcome far more favorable than war, genocide, or subjugation.

With his irritation restrained once more, he also averted his gaze. "I can't force you to stay… I won't. Just know this: I will never turn away an X-Man." It was true; over the years, as other members' loyalty wavered and they explored other viewpoints, Magneto always welcomed them with open arms. He could only imagine how twisted it sounded now, given the past context. As he turned and reached out, one could trace the psychic line of his arm to notice the estate's wrought iron front gate creaking open slowly.

Jean feels herself flinch, somewhere in her lower abdomen twists in physical response to emotional anger. Hers or his? With a soft 'thup' she drops her bag and steps right up to him, pointing her finger in his face. "You're so blind! You haven't changed! Just your words have!" A small stumbling step back and she whips her right arm back towards the mansion as she stares at him, now tears rimming her jade green eyes. "You come here saying you're here to help and make sure his" she makes angry air quotes "children" her hands whip down to her sides in fists "Be safe?! So you get angry when we don't believe in you! You want to lash out at us!" That one MIGHT be a stretch "JUST like it was when you were the founder and LEADER of the Brotherhood of Mutants! You're the best suited to usher in a new era, to keep your people safe! You said the same thing before!" Now her hands come up and she angrily wipes tears from her eyes. "Sure you're here and you want to try… but I mean.." she now looks to him, her cheeks and nose nearly as red as her hair "When you first met me you threw 11 missiles at me! Missiles!" She pauses, gathering her thoughts. "If it wasn't for Scott and Bobby, you would have killed me. And that was the best of times between us!"

The bag she was carried suddenly leaps up and she catches the strap in her hand as she continues in an emotional tone. "You want to prove you've changed and want to help… then do it. Stop using words and good intentions. No, you can't force me to do anything, Magneto. Master of Magnetism." As the estate gates begin to open… Magneto would suddenly feel the gates fly open with a loud clanking sound, the gates ringing lightly as they slam open due to her telekinesis. "It's your fault the professor got shot. You're part of the reason he was almost MURDERED." She says angrily. He might notice the tips of her hair swaying unnaturally as the psionic energy coming from her mounts. But still under control. Mostly. "Your rhetoric.. the things you said over the years… you made humans afraid… you made mutants afraid… your words and actions pitted mutants and humans against each other. You never wanted that, but that's what you DID." She turns… and Magneto would see her stumble, almost fall. She glances down, and then continues to walk. "We ARE honoring the Professor. We're doing that by leaving." She moves to the car… and it speeds off, just like that. And where she tripped? There is a crater of shattered cement, the sidewalk looking as if a 5 ton ball had been dropped on it. The epicenter where Jean had been standing.

As her power surged, Erik stepped back, his eyes flickering towards her animated locks as even he neared panic. "J-Jean…!" he sputtered before his jaw dropped. Mockery. Accusations. Even the cement had cracked under the pressure. He had never seen the girl this furious, and he didn't want to provoke her any further, lest she destroy the entire building. Watching her storm off, he found himself filled with regret. She was right, by all accounts. Once her car disappeared over the horizon, he finally swiveled on his heels to stare back at the mansion. "'Do it'... I shall heed your advice, Jean."

Mystique B—the one who had the normal silenced pistol—recoiled as the X-Men poured into the parking garage, surrounding them. "I know," she asserted in frustration as Jean and Ivan threatened her and her twin. "I hardly know what's going on here, X-Men. That's why I'm here: to chase down an impostor."

Mystique A, however, told a different story. "Sounds pretty suspicious, doesn't it? Someone who's so in-tune with the intelligence community, yet 'doesn't know what's going on here'," she mocked. "Let me tell you, X-Men: something is very wrong, and she's here to replace me. It shows with her basic taste in weapons; she didn't have access to DARPA hardware."

"Silence!" Mystique B snapped back. "Jean! Magneto! You should know I lost my access to prototype weapons when S.H.I.E.L.D. and that witch Danvers exposed me."

"That doesn't mean I didn't steal some beforehand," Mystique A clarified.

"Those guns she has were not a part of any DARPA weapons project!"

The two looked as though the two reprehensible assassins were ready to lunge at one another. The argument could have went on forever.

"Enough!" Magneto interjected. "We should just capture both of them. Neither one is trustworthy."

Holding up a communicator, the leader turned a dial and murmured something into it. The device obscured his mouth and his helmet prevented telepathic probing, so it was difficult to tell precisely what he said.

@PlusUltra @Camleen @Xen6n

Hank's Cabin...

Though he had the option to separate from the X-Men entirely and become a mainline Avenger, Hank chose to become a reserve member. Fury nodded in admiration of the Beast's loyalty. "Then welcome to the reserve team, son. Keep the communicator handy in case we need your help..."

"... or vice versa," Natasha added before closing the now-empty case.

With a mutual nod, the two retreated towards the door. "We'll be in touch, Hank," the director stated. Just as quickly as they arrived, they left, entering the SUV and driving away.

Not a moment after the super spies were gone, a chiming erupted from Hank's old X-Men communicator. A message came through, the familiar voice speaking in a hushed tone. "Hank, this is Magneto. We are bringing back two Mystiques from Washington, D.C. We may need your insight on this one."

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Jean can feel a new energy in the air. One hardly had to be psionic to notice it. Her long red hair sways as the winds pick up, as the atmosphere reacts to Ivan's actions. And Jean can feel the air seeming to get heavier. She stands readied to act, her hands extended towards each of the apparent shape shifters. Out of the corner of her eyes does she look towards Ivan when he materializes, seeming to not be surprised much at his sudden appearance.

('Ivan and Gwen are here… I find it real hard to believe HE wouldn't be here somewhere, too. Is Magneto the reason these Mystique… or whoever or whatever they are… is here? What's Magneto's game here?')

She hears what Ivan says.. and if what he says isn't a bluff, there is little to worry about in regards to either blue skinned mutant fleeing.
Magneto's form then comes into the proper light, 'de-cloaking'. Now.. she didn't sense him, she couldn't 'feel' the emanations of his power at this moment. Especially with Ivan exerting his own energy, that energy filling the air around her and her senses. And of course she can't sense his thoughts or even his presence. While he wears that helmet, he is essentially invisible to her psionic abilities. Jean discretely looks towards Magneto, saying nothing before she looks back to the troublesome twosome of Mystiques.

"We're not the X-Men." she says simply in response to both Mystiques addressing them as such. She draws in a slow and deep breath… her team mentality now coming into play as she takes a few steps towards the arguing Mystiques. "Arcanum" she says in an even tone as her green eyes shift between the dangers before her. "Magneto is right…"

('Wow.. that sounded super weird coming out of my mouth. He's a scumbag and a murderer… but that doesn't mean he has this situation pegged.')

"This is a bad place for any uncertainty… with all that's happening. So Arcanum"
she glances to Ivan "If you would" she looks back towards the subjects of all of this "Hold them, so I can focus less on holding them myself and I can probe their minds. If I can focus.. I can make my way through their messes of minds…"
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As Ivan stood in the carpark garage surrounded by Jean Grey, Gwenpool, Magneto, and the two Mystiques, he felt the tension in the air crackling like electricity. As the Sorcerer Supreme of the Nexus of All Realities, he was well-versed in dealing with otherworldly and complex situations, but this one was particularly tricky. He knew that Mystique A and Mystique B were at odds, each claiming to be the real one, and their argument was verging on physical confrontation.

Ivan could see through their illusions and shape-shifting, but even he needed some help in handling this situation. Jean Grey's presence was a reassuring one. He was aware of her powerful telepathic abilities and her strong sense of justice. As she moved closer to the two Mystiques, he could sense her readiness to act and her curiosity about Magneto's role in all of this.

When Jean mentioned his name, Ivan gave her a nod, acknowledging that he was indeed present. He knew that Jean and Gwenpool were allies in this situation, but he knew the animosity between Jean and Magneto and hoped it didn't hinder the mission. However, when Magneto decided to intervene and suggested capturing both Mystiques, Ivan saw an opportunity to gain some control over the situation.

Ivan listened carefully to Jean's words, acknowledging the wisdom in her statement. He knew that uncertainty in a situation like this could be dangerous, especially given the potential consequences if they made a wrong move. When Jean glanced towards him, addressing him with the term "Arcanum," Ivan understood that she was seeking his assistance and expertise in magic. He respected Jean's abilities and was more than willing to aid her in her task.

With a nod of assurance, Ivan stepped forward, his hands glowing with vermillion arcane energy. Raising his hands, he conjured the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, a powerful binding spell renowned for its strength and effectiveness, drawing upon the Crimson Cosmos and Cyttorak. The bands materialized, appearing as fiery, glowing crimson ribbons with intricate mystical patterns pulsing through them. The bands circled around both Mystiques, wrapping tightly around their bodies and limbs, preventing any movement.

The bands looked awe-inspiring and imposing, like an ethereal prison woven from flames. The mystical patterns on the bands seemed to dance and writhe, adding to their mystical allure. As the bands encased the Mystiques, they emitted a soft but vibrant red glow, further emphasizing their magical potency.

The moment the Crimson Bands took hold, a sensation of suppression washed over both Mystiques. Their mutant abilities, usually a wellspring of power at their disposal, were dampened and restricted by the powerful spell. The bands acted like a barrier, suppressing their shape-shifting abilities, rendering them helpless and contained.

Ivan knew that he could have used a weaker binding spell like the Sapphire Bands of Storaan, achieve the same result, but he was just showing off. Additionally, the Crimson Bands offered an added layer of security, ensuring that the Mystiques would not escape easily.

As Jean Grey requested, Ivan held the bound Mystiques in place, maintaining the spell's control over them, giving her the space and time to focus on probing their minds. While the situation was tense, Ivan remained composed, knowing that with their combined efforts, they could get to the bottom of this mystery and uncover the truth behind the presence of the two Mystiques in this reality.

"Consider them held," Ivan replied in a calm and composed tone, his voice carrying an air of authority that came naturally to the Sorcerer Supreme. "You can focus on your telepathic probing, Jean. I will support your efforts with my magic, if needed. Just be wary, Mystique's metamorphic physiology makes her mind very slippery, even to the most adept telepaths."​
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Hank mccoy
As Hank nodded at Nicks words as he seemed to be quite happy with the answer. That was good, no problems. "i will dont worry you two, thank you for this again, hope you guys have a good day heh" He chuckled out with a big smile. He watched them leave as he put the avengers communicator down.

However as soon as he did the xmen communicator began to speak. A message from Magneto. It seemed urgent so the beast rushed over to it and immediately picked it up. "Hank here, Ill gladly help, it sounds...odd, what happened" he answered quickly as he began to gather some of his stuff into a small bag, tools that might help...and a couple gifts he kept around.

As he quickly adjusted his labcoat and put his glasses on. Better to look more presentable. He kept the communicator to his ear waiting for anything else he might be needed for. "where would you want me, Im not sure how fast id be able to get there honestly" he said, hiding a bit of worry but also excitement at maybe getting to see some of his old friends.​
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