Would These Themes be Acceptable in a Roleplay Outside of my Star Section?

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Hi all!! So I'm thinking of starting a big group roleplay using a universe I've had in the works for years, but I'm a little concerned that the themes that are in this story wouldn't be appropriate outside of my star section. I want to make sure I know before I start the RP-

Putting a trigger warning for the trigger warnings because it's kinda heavy, so-
MAJOR TW for heavy topics! Please take care of yourself and maybe don't click on the spoiler if you're not in the right headspace to handle very heavy subject matter being mentioned!!
mentioned/implied pedophilia, mentioned/implied parent-child incest, mentioned/implied sibling incest, mentioned/implied childhood sexual assault, mentioned/implied sexual assault, mentioned/implied human trafficking, mentioned/implied physical abuse, mentioned/implied mental abuse, mentioned/implied sexual abuse, mentioned/implied child abuse, mentioned medical trauma, mentioned human experimentation, mentioned transphobia, prostitution, cannibalism, minor character death, major character death, mental illness, derealization, substance abuse and addiction, themes somewhat similar to racism, bad criminal justice system, bad laws, dehumanization
Absolutely no graphic scenes involving CSA, SA, physical abuse, incest, prostitution, or pedophilia will be played out. However, these themes are integral parts of this story and characters. I also will not allow any sex scenes at all, I want to keep this relatively clean so that I can include more people in it.

I guess I just want a professional opinion on this because while I don't believe including these themes in a non-graphic and non-sexualized is breaking the rules, I want to be sure.
Mentioning these things as a part of a character's background history is not a problem! All I would recommend is making sure you/players have content/trigger warnings in posts if something comes up.
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Yes, as long as you're not writing any sexual content, it is fine to incorporate those themes as being mentioned/implied.

Edit: too slow
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Alright, thank you guys!! :3 /gen /pos