• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life



In a town called Melonfell there is a centuries old tradition. No one speaks of it. Yet, it never fails to bring in wizards from all over the world to participate.


Testing wits, magic, and strength, wizards duel for... well, gold mostly, but also for bragging rights! Honor! Pride! Sometimes even against their own will...


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: Magical fantasy! You're here at a very secret location, for a very secret fight club that no one is supposed to talk about. Maybe you are a fighter, maybe you are a gambler, maybe you are a spectator... whatever your reasons, you're here at the Wizard Fight Club and shit is about to go down.

WHERE: Join us in the Chatbox in the WIZARD FIGHT CLUB room!

HOW: This is a SOCIAL ROLEPLAY WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. The majority of this roleplay will just be developing your character and interacting within the setting!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction. You can also reference our MINI CHARP GUIDE!

Reserved second post, just in case this is an accidental smash hit. 8D
  • Wicked
Reactions: Lyrikai
I don't know if I'm going to make it but I've come up with a character!

Enchantess Moundu is not an enchantess, she's not even human. She's the construct of the crusty old wizard Hardoon who finds humor in having his creation interact with others. Wizards that know Hardoon absolutely hate Moundu and what she resprents. Most that know not her origins find her, well, enchanting.

Full of grace and beauty younger wizards have been known to fight for her attention. Older wizards will not put up with her attempts to participate in any sort of wizarding event, after all she's not real, just a crude joke.
  • Diana:
    Today at 5:01 PM​
  • Diana:


    WIZARD FIGHT CLUB IWAKU CHATBOX 2023-09-30T20:00:00-5 In a town called Melonfell there is a centuries old tradition. No one speaks of it. Yet, it never fails to bring in wizards from all over the world to participate. THE WIZARD FIGHT CLUB. Testing wits, magic, and strength, wizards duel...
    Today at 5:01 PM​
  • Diana:
    This is a HIGH FANTASY setting. You're at a very secret fight club that no one is supposed to be talking about. It's for wizards and gamblers.
    Today at 5:02 PM​
  • Diana:
    TYPE SHORT TYPE FAST! If you write too much or take too long, you will miss the action and people may not be able to read your posts fast enough. Keep it to 10 sentences and under.
    Today at 5:05 PM​
  • Diana:
    Put you character name in the first sentence of your post so we know who is playing who. You can also use bbcode color to differentiate your posts from others!
    Today at 5:05 PM​
  • Diana:
    Game Master posts are in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding the story!
    Today at 5:05 PM​
  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY, so don't worry about typos and mistakes. If you get confused or need a little direction, I am in the main chat to help!
    Today at 5:06 PM​
  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)
    Today at 5:06 PM​
  • Diana:
    DEEP UNDER THE BUSTLING CITY OF MELONFELL... in the old underground catacombs and area... many have gathered for a very secret (or shall we say not-so-secret, just they payed off the city guard) fighting club. Where wizards, mages, warlocks, witches, and brave (stupid) fighters all come together to show off their skills, to gamble, to make black market purchases, and to all around just have a grand old time. Of course, some people aren't willing participants in these matters, but that's their problem, right?
    Today at 6:30 PM​
  • Diana:
    An announcer steps up onto a podium over looking the giant 'cage' made for the matches. "Welcome to tonight's fights! Our prize this evening is... THIS ENTIRE cursed POT OF GOLD COIN!" The audience cheered! "If you wish to sign up as a new fighter, be sure to see one of the attendants. If you're here to place bets - talk to that ugly ogre looking gentleman in the back! MAY YOUR CHARMS BE CHARMING AND YOUR KNIVES CUT DEEP!"
    Today at 6:30 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    Jonas runs his hair back, moving forward to an attendant. One of the first to do so, apart from those that moved in before the announcer. With a grin, he speaks simply.

    "I am here to sign up. I should have plenty of time, right?"
    Today at 6:34 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    This wasn't how S
    trivian had anticipated spending his day. Hurtling through a dimension whose very atomic structure had been transformed into cookie dough wasn't exactly high on his bucket list after all. But it was what it was, and at least he was safely ensconced within his planar vessel at the moment, although such safety likely wouldn't last for very long given the sugary abominations currently clawing away at the hull. Flipping a few switches on the central console, he initialized the ship's rematerialization into the material plane, clutching onto the hexagonal edifice for dear life as the entire chamber shook.

    Eventually, however, the world went still. Deciding it was safe enough to venture outside, Strivian cautiously opened the door and made his way outside...

    Into an uncharacteristically lively expanse of catacombs, of all things.

    "Where the hell have I ended up this time?"
    Today at 6:41 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor Blake was a lot of things.But one thing he was not was a coward. He did want to participate in Wizard fight club, but he hadn't exactly been able to due to the limit of his power only allowing him temporary life. Recently, he had gained his powers as well as a body back, so now he could participate. He looked very young, somewhere between 18 and 28, but that was to his advantage. Nobody expected the young man to be a good fighter. "I would also like to sign up."
    Today at 6:43 PM​
  • Dusk:
    George eagerly bounced his way into the underground. He moved over toward one of the attendants, one who was already being bothered, and piped up "I'm here to join!" With more confidence than any man with his lack of talent should have
    Today at 6:44 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Well this was it then. This was really happening, and Hawk would have been lying if he said he wasn't nervous. In contrast to probably everyone here, he must have looked like one of the little small fry weaklings that would be easy to pick off. Short, probably the shortest one here almost, he bounced on his heels and had to crane his neck to see several others. Still, nervous as he was, he wasn't backing down. "Here to sign up," he declared.
    Today at 6:46 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Granttias Graff was only one thing. A thief, but he would pause, looking at the pot of gold. Under his breath, he mumbled a spell to detect magic on the pot of gold before he ven touched it.
    Today at 6:47 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    A quick glance was enough to inform him that wherever he was, there wasn't an immediate threat. Well, other than the sentient dough creature that had managed to cling to the outside of his vessel anyway--something that bore the form of an antique wardrobe instead of a ship--though it was dispatched swiftly enough with a dart of flame. Making sure everything was in order, and that no one could accidentally wander their way into his ship, Strivian straightened his coat and trudged off down the cobweb-laden corridor, only stopping once he had come to a very... eclectic assemblage of beings.

    Seeing that they were all congregated around one spot, a podium by the looks of things, he moseyed on over.
    Today at 6:51 PM​
  • Diana:
    As several names were taken up by the arena attendants and big magical billboard far on one of the back walls appeared with the listings... and the odds on how likely those participants might win a match. Jonas' odds looked grim. As did Conor, George's and even Hawk's. Why? Today's biggest hitters in the wizard circles were there - from Howard the Harrowed to Bittems Butternads (stage name). Reputed to be some of the most clever magic users around.
    Today at 6:57 PM​
  • Diana:
    Granttias Graff would find that the pot of gold was indeed cursed. Evil was subjective. The nature of the curse was quite foggy and difficult to figure out. If it's touched the wrong way? Perceived? It just oozed cursed.
    Today at 7:02 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Granttias Graff would quirk an eyebrow. "Huh- a cursed pot of gold, don't think I have ever run into that one, but it defintiely is dangerous," he replied, deciding to test a theory. He would pull out a piece of silver and flip it so it would land in the pot of gold and see how it would react.
    Today at 7:05 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor was fine with his odds being so low, all the more fun to prove them wrong and make people lose a ton of money.
    Today at 7:06 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    "Well I'll be, would you look at that. Seems like we have some celebrity's. What a first day, huh?"

    Jonas takes a deep breath and a wide grin, looking at the people who signed up with him. He adjusts the crossbow slung on his back and pats his side, confirming he still has dagger. Just in time to miss whatever Granttias is up to with the gold pot.
    Today at 7:06 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffen Bittermouth stepped through the open doorway, making his way towards the attendant. "I'm here to participate as well."
    Today at 7:07 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    So Hawk's odds were listed pretty low and that was he expected honestly. He was forever that he looked like a whole lot of nothing. It didn't matter how old he was and it didn't matter than he'd survived through the Renaissance and seen the round table, watched knights save countless damsels, even fought a dragon. He looked like a squirt in this day and age and would be forever regarded as one until he could prove himself.
    Today at 7:09 PM​
  • Dusk:
    George's odds might have been low but that wasn't something that ever stopped him before. He was confident he could rise to the challenge and prove himself in the fights. He spotted another man, a very short one, and gave him a wave. "Howdy," he said closing the distance between himself and Hawk.
    Today at 7:11 PM​
  • stellar:
    Samantha aka Sammy, sauntered in to offer waves to everyone before she took a seat herself. She was really here to see how the cards would fall in her favor, and everyone else's.
    Today at 7:13 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Hawk perked up curiously as another contestant greeted him. With a pleasant smile, he nodded back. "Hello," he replied, "Are you nervous about being here? I'm quite nervous, but I'm eager to show them all what I'm made of."
    Today at 7:14 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    'A competition, huh? Could be fun.'

    Crossing his arms, he pondered throwing his own hat into the ring for a moment when a glint caught his attention. Someone had thrown a coin, of all things, into the pot everyone would be competing for. Why? Hell if he knew. Perhaps they were just the charitable type. Regardless, he'd come to a decision.

    "I'll join too," he said at last, voice carrying easily over the noisome din of the crowd. "I could use a good spar or two."

    'Besides, Prismatist won't let me hear the end of it if I turn down a chance to enter a tournament like this.'
    Today at 7:14 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    Jonas waves back at Sammy, choosing not to say anything for a moment.
    Today at 7:15 PM​
  • stellar:
    "Why are you so quiet?" She'd ask Jonas after she had gotten up and walked over to sit beside him, curiosity piqued.
    Today at 7:15 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    Jonas keeps up his smile, "There's not much of a reason to talk if no one's talking to you. Seeing as you are, do you have a name?"
    Today at 7:16 PM​
  • Diana:
    Granttias found that the silver just sat there on the pot of gold. No reaction. Meanwhile, the tending announcer was up on their podium "OUR FIRST FIGHT OF THE EVENING! JONAS THE... uh... JONAS THE BROTHER OF MEN! FACING OFF WITH ONE OF OUR REIGNING CHAMPIONS... KNUCKLECRUSHER OF THE ROAMING TRIBE!" Knucklecrusher was a brute of a beast. At least seven feet tall, covered in hunted furs of various animals and his hair braided with leather. He had NO weapons on him, but one could almost feel the spark of magic as he twitched his meaty fingers. As the fighters headed to the arena the newest names were added up to the magical billboard. The odds were slightly better for them.
    Today at 7:16 PM​
  • Dusk:
    George smiles back brightly at Hawk. Then he puffs up his chest. "Not at all," he says in response to Hawk's question. "I'm sure I'll show them how great I am. Have you done anything like this before?"
    Today at 7:18 PM​
  • stellar:
    Just as Samantha was about to speak to her name, Jonas had been called up first. "Whelp, another time perhaps." She patted him on the back but didn't even bother to wish him good luck because why would she?
    Today at 7:21 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    "Not in a very loooong time," Hawk answered, "I've admittedly been asleep for a while and it sapped me of some strength I'll need to get back. But back in my prime, I sure used to be somebody. Hopefully I still have it." He smiled, happy even if he wasn't at his complete best right now. "I'm sure you'll do amazing as well. You look quite the capable duelist."
    Today at 7:22 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Granttias Graff would take note of that and pulling out a small dagger, he would gently angle it to be thrown so it would slightly tip the pot and spill the gold to see what would happen.
    Today at 7:22 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan scowled at his poor odds on the board. He was THE Steffan Bittermouth. Champion of Littledale! Arch-rival (Self-proclaimed) of Bittems Butternads! Slayer of a thousand goblins! Master of anti-magic spells! He gave the board one more annoyed look before heading up to the stands to watch the first fight of the night.
    Today at 7:23 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    Jonas, hearing his name called, gives a shrug at Sammy, "That's my number."

    Tightening his clothes, Jonas heads down into the arena. His footsteps are heavy, finally meeting on the sand floor of the arena standing across from Knuckle crusher. He snaps his fingers, and from them a stream of water comes from his right hand and surrounds him in a ring.
    Today at 7:23 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    There it was again, that glint. Only this time it seemed to be caused by a dagger.

    One that just so happened to be flying straight for the pot.

    'Looks like he wasn't the generous sort after all.'

    Briefly, Strivian contemplated doing something, but he ultimately decided not to intervene. The present procession of events was looking to be far more interesting in any case. So, patently ignoring the thief's shenanigans, he quietly sidled away from the pot and turned his attention towards the fight unfolding instead.
    Today at 7:26 PM​
  • Diana:
    Grant's knife went CLANG against the pot of gold, but as it was a VERY big cauldron, VERY heavy with gold all it really did was make the coin inside jangle. MEANWHILE... Knucklecrusher raised both of his meaty meaty hands, summoning up his own giant ball of fire to launch straight at Jonas. Giant balls of fire tended to fuck up people pretty fast and Knucklebones had a date tonight. The crowd made a hootin and a hollar!
    Today at 7:27 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant would consider his options, seeing as the cauldron was bigger and heavier than he expected, taking a look around to see if anyone would notice what he would do next. He would carefully take a breath and under his breath, would cast a spell to polymorph the heavy cauldron to a heavy flowing stream of water to make the gold easily fall out and see what would happen next.
    Today at 7:31 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    Jonas kicks the ground, the water slamming into it with him and pushing themm up into the air over the fireball. The fire scorches most of the water left behind, though some remains as it spreads. The water grabs the falling knife, chucking it at Knucklecrusher's left abdomen. Jonas on his part
    gives a wink towards the crowd.
    Today at 7:31 PM​
  • Dusk:
    George nods. He isn't quite sure what going to sleep has to do with his prime but George pretends to understand. "Thanks," he says. "I'm sure I'll do great too. My name is George Oregano by the way. Who are you?" His attention whips to the stage. "I bet on Knucklecrusher" who wouldn't, with a name like that? George needed a better name.
    Today at 7:32 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan's attention was swiftly drawn by the clang from the cauldron of gold. Cauldrons didn't clang on their own. Although if it was really cursed, that rule could well be out the window. He glared down at the pot for a short time before turning his attention back to the fight. The ball of fire was plenty big, but it was such a boring approach to fighting. What was it with wizards and fireballs? He swore he'd never met a wizard without a fascination with the damn things.

    However, as he idly insulted the large barbarian in his mind, he could feel someone casting a spell nearby. His attention grabbed, he quickly began to prime a counterspell and make his way over.
    Today at 7:34 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    "Hawk is the name I've chosen for myself right now," he answered back, nodding proudly, "It's very nice to meet you, George." His attention now also drifted to the stage. "Knucklecrusher does look quite big and strong, but a big body doesn't necessarily mean better magic. Magic comes from the mind and the heart and that's not so easily seen on a person's body."
    Today at 7:34 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    "I agree with your friend here," Strivian remarked as he strode over to the pair, silent as a ghost. "Plus, there's that old adage. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Strength is useful for a great many things, but those who demonstrate cunning and skill often make it the farthest still."

    He paused for a moment, eyes narrowing as he watched each fighter's moves.

    "Especially in regards to magic."
    Today at 7:36 PM​
  • CarnelianUndead:
    Aodhan Keys was late to the event that he'd traveled days for. Days out of his way! And he was late. The older gray haired man walked with a limp, keeping his hand on his silver and black cane. He was here as a spectator and a better on the wizards and mages. He was here to hire the best. He moved closer to the arena, using his cane to whack shins when people wouldn't move out of his way.
    Today at 7:37 PM​
  • stellar:
    "Come on, guys. Have a little faith in Jonas." She overheard an ongoing conversation happening behind her but who was she kidding? She didn't even have faith in Jonas. "But I am going for Knucklecrusher, too." Samantha clapped her hands together and wiggled in her seat a little.
    Today at 7:37 PM​
  • Dusk:
    George laughs merrily. "You're so mysterious, Hawk" he says. "But a good body means you've survived long enough to keep it that way. It shows dedication and hard work," he adds. He gets out before they are joined by one after another. "So any of you want to make an actual bet?" He asks jangling a small bag of coins. "Fifty on Knucklecrusher."
    Today at 7:40 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    "Fifty on..." he cast a glance at the display board. "Jonas."
    Today at 7:41 PM​
  • Diana:
    Knucklecrusher might've been huge but he was FAST. He easily dodged the flung knife - BUT WHAT'S THIS?! He made a startled grunt as he looked down at his side to find... a crossbow bolt?! The crowd, along with Knucklecrusher looked stunned, confused... the giant man's face twist up into disgruntled thought. Now he was eyeing Jonas carefully! Summoning up TWO BIGASS fireballs ready to take on Jonas from two separate directions.
    Today at 7:43 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Hawk continue to smile, nodding. He had to agree with that one. "That is a good point. A sturdy body will protect you better from harmful spells. But you don't need strength and toughness if your mind is sharp enough to know the right spells that help you avoid getting hurt in the first place. If you hone your mind instead of your body, you can learn how to be wholly untouchable. I think I will put my bet on Jonas. Fifty as well."
    Today at 7:43 PM​
  • stellar:
    "Put me down for fifty on Knucklecrusher." A soft smirk danced at the corner of her lips as she looked on and stood up, rooting for Knucklecrusher.
    Today at 7:43 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel walked into the fight club late, which normally was incredibly rude, but having contributed to the pot with her own money, that fact was waved aside. Though generally, she wouldn't be fighting, as her magic was for the general cleanup- having studied various healing magics allowed her to get into the action without having to actually fight or buy her way in.
    Today at 7:44 PM​
  • Diana:

    MEANWHILE... Grant's spell did the trick - though not in the way he might've been expecting. As the illusion on the cursed gold melted away into a pool of water, the true nature of this pot of gold was revealed. A very hungry, very PISSED OFF mimic that was now spilling gold in every direction as it's tongue lopped out, teeth were bared and it was now FREE from the magic that was keeping it from mauling everyone that came near it. Several attendants that were taking bets nearby screamed.

    Today at 7:44 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant would take a look at the mimic and smile. " At least that is something I am very familiar with," he replied, moving himself into some cover and wondering if there was a reason that the attendants had put a mimic as the prize for a wizard tournament. Was it in the hopes to keep their money and claim victory? He would ponder this for a brief moment, as he stayed out of sight.
    Today at 7:48 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    Jonas flips a coin in the air and claps his hand together and a large orb of water engulfs him. The fireballs make quite audible sizzling noises as it evaporate the water, but the pessure of the gas forces Jonas down and out of the way of the flaming spheres. Water falls onto the ground, mixing into the ground. Out of the ground now sticks a set of very crude crossbow bolts, some aimed at the coin and others aimed at Knucklecrusher.
    Today at 7:48 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan paused for a moment before turning to glare at the event organizers. This was clearly against wizard law! ...Although he'd probably be thrown in jail as well if he complained, so he supposed it was perfectly acceptable. He dropped a hand on the shoulder of the polymorph-casting wizard as the man attempted to slide off into the crowd. "Hello, there. Do you plan to deal with your mess?"
    Today at 7:49 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Strivian perked up at the sound of commotion. Turning, he saw a mimic running about, causing havoc as it attempted to snap up anything that strayed too close to its jaws.

    "Well. Shit."

    He chuckled before muttering under his breath.

    "She just had to miss out on this didn't she? Then again, I suppose a universe eating malevolence is rather important business for the Omen-Hadarium to be handling."

    Running his fingers through his hair, he began sauntering towards the chaos.

    "Oh well. That just means more fun for me."
    Today at 7:54 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant had thought he slide into the shadow so well. It was something he was normally ( no, it wasn't) good ( that's a lie) at. He took a moment to consider what the man was saying. "Technically, I'm not the one who put a cursed pot of gold that was secretly a monster as a prize, so no."
    Today at 7:54 PM​
  • Diana:
    "COWARD!" bellowed Knucklecrusher, starting to get the jist of Jonas' fighting style and what was happening here. The crowd was slow on the uptake (maybe because now the prize pot was actively trying to eat people it hopped over to), but cheered voraciously for Knucklecrusher. Abandoning his spell casting, a big broadsword appeared in his hands and with a screaming charge he came for Jonas swinging with all of his might. The mimic proceeded to eat one of the security mages and burped up handfuls of gold.
    Today at 7:54 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel looked around, any sort of peace leaving her at coming into this mess. This was a clear violation of the rules, and someone would pay for this, even if she had to do a terrible job of healing the perpetrator. Rolling back her sleeves, she readied herself to react to whoever needed help, or to harm whoever needed harming.
    Today at 7:55 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan nodded along to the rogue's words. It almost sounded reasonable. If not for one teeny tiny problem. "They did have the monster well-contained until you had to mess with it, though. And they did quite clearly announce that it was cursed."
    Steffan certainly hadn't just finished cursing out the announcers for hiding the mimic as the prize. No siree! He totally wasn't that kind of hypocrite!
    Today at 7:57 PM​
  • stellar:
    Samantha heard the screams in the distance and saw the mimic, just as it ate one of the security mages. Her body went numb at the sight as she sat back down, eyes widened, and kept quiet. She was regretting coming here now and if there was a chance to escape, she was going to push through everyone to make sure she survived.
    Today at 7:58 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    As he spoke with the man, Steffan gave the mimic a longer stare. Perhaps if the mimic was magical, he could disenchant it?
    Today at 7:59 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant wouldn't miss a beat as he looked over at the man. "While I normally would agree with you that this was my fault, they made a point to announce it was cursed as a whisper and not say how. I knew there was something off, so I decided to see what it was. Besides, if it didn't happen now, then it would be dispelled and probably eat the winner. Is that any better?"
    Today at 8:00 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    The water creates the shape of a drill as it comes barreling down along with Jonas, pushing into the gorund as the watery sphere covers him. The crossbow bolts are all fired out of their spots on the ground, some going up to the coin and bouncing off to sail towards the bahemoth. The rest are sent straight at Knucklecrusher. However, Knucklecrusher is far too strong for some sand and water to get into his way. It crushes aside as the cleave bisects Jonas down the middle, water spreading throughought the arena.

    And then Jonas takes his hands and pushes his halves together.
    Today at 8:00 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel approached Steffan and Grant, looking pissed after catching the end of their conversation. Though it would be obvious that she was the medical help, as she was wearing the universal symbol for help in their area. "That doesn't mean the pot of gold has to contain the mimic. If the gold disappears, someone is going to pay for it." Remiel said to the pair.
    Today at 8:01 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Forks of electricity flitted across Strivian's fingertips as he approached the creature. Smirking, he sent a tiny bolt arcing at the beast. Not enough to seriously injure or maim, however, as this was more of a test to find its minimum threshold for pain -- in addition to any hidden defenses.
    Today at 8:02 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan frowned at the rogue's words. He certainly did have a point. But there was still a problem here! "Ah, but what foolish wizard would mess with a cursed item without failsafes in place! In fact, if such a wizard were to accidentally have released the mimic in their attempts to decurse the gold, they would have almost been responsible for it themselves!"

    Steffan hadn't been planning to disenchant it on the spot if he'd won. Nope! That would've been very stupid. Albeit very impressive... But he wasn't (yes he was) that foolish!
    Today at 8:05 PM​
  • Diana:
    "ILLUSIONISTS ARE THE SHIT STAINS OF THE WORLD!" shouted Knucklecrusher, absolutely PISSED at this point of having some illusionist trying to make a fool of him. The crowd (that isn't fleeing the mimic, honestly this shit happens so often, someone else is sure to deal with it, right? See, Strivian was already harassing the beast and making it madder, it's fine.) GASPED at this grand reveal? Illusionist? WHERE? Where was Jonas! It was that moment that Knucklecrusher suddenly gave a loud "HNNGH" standing stock still with eyes wide. What- What happened to Knucklecrusher?!
    Today at 8:06 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " You would be right if said wizard was trying to decurse the object. If one was just trying to find the nature of the curse and the spell was so weak that it broke, is it truly that man's fault?" He asked.
    Today at 8:09 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor had noticed what had been happening and would take a second to lean on the ground, focusing his powers on tracing back to the mimic and seeing if he could ebb its life force away to stop it from killing people while the others fought.
    Today at 8:10 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    The illusions drop. Behind knucklecrusher, about 15 feet, is the real Jonas. In contrast to the illusion, the real Jonas is covered in sweat, trembling after firing his second shot. The crossbow bolt, planted firmly in the back spine of Knucklecrusher, the champion. It was a simple fact of anatomy. As sturdy as Knucklecrusher was, they were not a wizard capable of coming back from paralysis from the neck down. The man collapses face first. Jonas comes not a second afterwards, falling on his knees hyperventalating.
    Today at 8:11 PM​
  • Ocha:
    Fashionably late was what other people did but it wasn't a wrong way to put Enchantress Moundu's appearance. The chestnut bob of her current hairstyle showed off the elvish ears she sported. A new addition, if tacky, but a vast improvement over the cat ear and tail she'd had at recent events. As she glided in no trace could be seen of her companion (master, creator, etc…) the Wizard Hardoon, but where Moundu was he was bound to be lurking to laugh at the foolish.
    Today at 8:12 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan shrugged in response to the man's question. "Well, I'd certainly say the man felt so if he felt the need to sneak away afterwards."
    Today at 8:12 PM​
  • Diana:
    "WE HAVE A WINNER! MATCH GOES TO JONAS BROTHER TO MEN!" The crowd is absolutely SHOCKED. Flabbergasted. Possibly in a rage as many people just lost a TON of coin in this match. Someone screamed FEED HIM TO THE MIMIC, someone else yelled OH SHIT THERE'S A MIMIC, and Connor's attempt at a life drain made him feel a little nauseous. This event so far was... not really going AS bad as it could've. "Next match shall be... who the fuck is Strivian? STRIVIAN THE TRAVELLER?"
    Today at 8:15 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel focused on the wizard who was trying to leave, to see if she could get him to stay, in the best way possible. She walked away, looking for the wizard before attacking him directly, reaching out with her magic to try and snap the bones in his leg, making sure to mess up the healing spell on the wizard so he wouldn't be able to leave.
    Today at 8:16 PM​
  • PolyesterH:
    Jonas gets onto his feet again, grabbing his crossbow and re-slinging it upon his back. He steps out of the arena and starts heading upstairs, keeping low and out of sight the second he gets away from everyone's line of sight. He eventually comes up, sees the fight with the mimic, and decides to simply duck behind a countertop instead of dealing with that today.
    Today at 8:18 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Strivian sighed as his name was called. On one hand, he'd get to go toe-to-toe with someone else in the ring. But on the other, he'd not be able to continue experimenting with the mimic. Such was life though, he supposed, before shaking the magic he was channeling off and heading towards the arena. Little more than a circle of sand covered stone fenced in by old and frayed rope.

    "Alright," he began, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his coat. "Who am I up against?"
    Today at 8:19 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor groaned in and felt nauseous, knowing that whatever magic the mimic had was making it more diffcult for him to do things. He took a deep breath, looking down at his spell book and then back at the mimic. "Sorry, Spelly, but this is the best second option," he replied, focusing on tying his life force now to the mimic so he could despawn it from the area.
    Today at 8:19 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant would just sigh and decide to see if he could try to do something useful and try polymorphing the Mimic into like a puppy so that other man didn't kill himself.
    Today at 8:20 PM​
  • Ocha:
    There were certain refreshments that one could get at these fights that were hard to find elsewhere, things that were perhaps better not consumed, but where was the fun in that. A bag of popped mushrooms with sprinkles was a must to watch the chaos that were these fights and Mondu motioned over a vendor to purchase one so that she could settle in as a spectator. "Already a mimic? Fun. Any good odds on any of the newer fighters?" She asked in casual conversation. It wasn't like anyone would allow her to bet anyways.
    Today at 8:21 PM​
  • Diana:
    "AND OUR CHAMPION FIGHTER IS... HOWARD THE HARROWED!" Howard looked about 300 years old, with a white beard all the way down to his feet. He was as skinny as a rail - you could see his ribs as he was also shirtless in the arena - he was a well known necromancer and a dirty fighter on top of it. ...Meanwhile to everyone's surprise the Mimic got hit with a landed spell and morphed into the most wrong, not right, horrible version of a puppy anyone had ever seen. As big as a bear, with a maw of teeth and it's giant slurpy tongue. It was somehow still burping up coins.
    Today at 8:24 PM​
  • Ocha:
    "How adorable!" Moundu squealed in delight at the monster puppy. Then covered her mouth, looking about nervously.
    Today at 8:27 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    "Out of courtesy," Strivian began, the corner of his mouth twitching ever-so-slightly as the mimic continued to wreak havoc upstairs. "I'll let you go first. Just do me one favor and don't let my appearance fool you, okay? I do hate it when that happens."

    Which it had. More than once. But that was gods for you. Arrogant as all get out and oblivious as a brick.
    Today at 8:27 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan gives the transformed mimic a look. "I think you just made things worse."

    He focused for a moment on the polymorph spell affecting the mimic as he wove a counterspell to it. Then, thinking better, he decided that it'd be for the better if the mimic experienced a catastrophically poor detransformation! And as such, he simply attempted to unravel the spell in as sloppy and brute force a manner as he could in hopes that the shock of the poorly-deconstructed spell would simply kill the creature.
    Today at 8:28 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant would consider for a second if he wanted to help anymore and he decided that no, he did not. He would try to slide into the shadows again.
    Today at 8:30 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    ....It didn't work.
    Today at 8:30 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan glanced back over at the rogue he'd been speaking to. "You know what? Nevermind. I don't think I want to see what the consequences of the next spell would be. Would an invisibility help?"
    Today at 8:32 PM​
  • Diana:
    Howard the Harrowed raised up his very pathetic looking wooden staff. "Eeeeeeh, young sprout, I would never underestimate such a handsome one like you!" He chortled and gave a weirdly flirtatious wink to Strivian. Then with a knock of his staff into the sand, a pulsing dark wave of fog rolled out across the arena. Something clattering, like the sounds of bones rattling filled the air and up from the sand in every direction were SKELETONS! Skeletons that all swarmed at Strivian at once!
    Today at 8:34 PM​
  • Ocha:
    "Hey, no!" Moundu threw her poprooms at Steffan. There were certain things she could not stand, and this was one of them. Wizards did not think highly of her, but it wasn't because she couldn't cast a spell, or in this case a counter spell. Unraveling a spell meant to unravel another was a very sparky affair with a good amount of sharp noises too. Spell caste she she gave a sharp whistle. "Here puppy puppy abomination. Here girl."
    Today at 8:34 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel missed the other wizard, prompting her to come back in. She would slide in next to Moundu, actually kind of liking the idea of the mimic being a puppy. "Can you make a bone, or maybe we can find a dead person to offer it to the puppy?" Remiel would ask Moundu.
    Today at 8:36 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor who had two different life spells fail would mumble a counterspell under his breath to whatever spell was currently affecting the mimic.
    Today at 8:37 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Strivian chuckled.

    "Young? I'm probably older than anyone here. But never mind all that."

    Peering into the fog, he smirked.

    "Skeletons huh? You remind me of Sadaf. She liked raising the dead en masse too, although she is the queen of the underworld, so..."

    Shrugging, he removed his hand from his pocket, bringing it up in a single fluid gesture. One that fired off a spell which encircled him in a horizontal ring of bright blue and yellow light.

    "Anyway, let's see how they fare against a spell designed to repel the undead."
    Today at 8:38 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant would take a second to close his eyes and think about what he knew about mimics.
    Today at 8:38 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant realized he knew Jack all about Mimics.
    Today at 8:39 PM​
  • Diana:
    The giant puppy mimic with it's vicious maw of teeth and big slurpy tongue heard Moundu's charming call, but only tilted it's head upside down in near confusion. It looked as if it was seriously considering running to her but... it's body started to vibrate and shaking. A terrible clingingclang of coins presumably on the inside of it being shaken up could be heard. Without warning the puppy mimic started inflating, and inflating, and inflating until... POP CLANG! CLANG! PING! Meat chunks and gold coins were now raining down everywhere in their section of the spectators booths! People were both horrified and delighted! Chaos erupted as people tried to gather up coins!
    Today at 8:40 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant wanted to grab the money, but he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and he wasn't sure why, so he casted detect magic again on the coins.
    Today at 8:41 PM​
  • Diana:
    While Strivian's spell did it's work of repelling the dead, Howard the Harrowed had strolled right up to the young man, now making some kissy faces and a little alluring wiggle. "Old man in a young man's body, eeeehhh? That sounds like a good time to an old wizard like me!" He- he was attempting to seduce Strivian!
    Today at 8:42 PM​
  • slifer:
    "Should we help Strivian?" Remiel asked Moundu, considering he was getting swarmed by the undead by a....horny necromancer? The mimic was extra dead, and she wasn't interested in the money, which would prompt her to turn her attention to the other wizard. "Do you want help?" Remiel would call to Strivian.
    Today at 8:42 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan's eyes widened as the mimic began to swell. He swiftly moved to cast a shield around himself, catching the worst of the chunks of meat flying everywhere. He gave the angry elf(?) a shrug. His solution had obviously worked. And now he could go back to watching the match. He settled back down in his seat and stopped dead when he realized that amidst all the flying gore, the old wizard in the arena had apparently decided this way the right time to start flirting.
    Today at 8:44 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Strivian dismissed the question away with an absentminded wave.

    "Normally I'd be game," he said to Howard. "But unfortunately this is a ring meant for war rather than love, so I'll have to decline. If you survive this, though, feel free to scry me. Now..."

    Pressing his middle finger to his thumb, he met the necromancer's gaze.

    "Shall we continue?"
    Today at 8:44 PM​
  • Diana:
    There was no curse on these gold coins. Huzzah! There was however, now a RIOT forming as mages, wizards, fighters, thieves, pirates, and all sorts of unsavory assholes were all trying to be the ones to collect the most coins. Which meant Wizard Fight Club had left the rules of the arena and was now spilling into the very crowd itself. It was A LOT of coin and everyone wanted it.
    Today at 8:45 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Good news, you fixed my mess. Bad news, you definitely made things worse," he replied, looking around and debating if the gold was worth it.
    Today at 8:47 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant would try to disappear again.
    Today at 8:47 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel would go to Strivian, as this was a whole host of people as to stop this would mean huritng a lot of people. "Strivian, can you help with them, as the wizards are stopping your plan to fight the wizard. They're in the way." She would say as wizards literally ran into the field, too close to the wizards fighting.
    Today at 8:48 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Even though he definitely would blend into the shadows, he would try to grab a coin or two before he left.
    Today at 8:50 PM​
  • kookyboy9:
    Steffan noticed the approaching riot and groaned. He wasn't a good enough at regular magic to keep his shield running past this sort of attack. He stood up and started making his way towards the door. Unless it looked like they were going to continue the fights, he was done here.
    Today at 8:50 PM​
  • Diana:
    Howard the Harrowed was really closing in the distance between him and Strivian to make things real uncomfortable for everyone watching, really. Even with the chaos of spells suddenly being shot off outside of the arena itself. That WAS a bit distracting to the old man, but he's summoned up a few Liches while he was busy making with the romantic eyes at Strivian. ...his next move was to try and smack the young man's ass. He really did play dirty! Filthy, dirty old man!
    Today at 8:52 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Looking about, he let out a faint tsk.

    "Well, well, well, I guess they are. Fine. I'll help."

    Returning his hand to his pocket, he gave Howard an apologetic look before making his way up and over to the podium. Tapping the mic, he waited for the feedback to clear before leaning close and...

    Today at 8:52 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel decided that things were going to get messy, and like spraying a cat with water, people needed to be herded away. She cast at the people coming towards her- the anti malaise spell curdling as instead of taking away malaise, she would be making the people who came towards them feel sick and like they had the flu.
    Today at 8:55 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor was mad. It was one thing to not have his powers or spell work, but it was another to get caught in a riot. His eyes would glow a bright blue and he would summon lightning to strike the things around him.
    Today at 8:57 PM​
  • Diana:
    Remiel's spellcasting was doing great work to make people feel real sick, so at least it was slowing a few people down that might've been otherwise dangerous. Yet it was Strivian's LOUD demands that made (most) everyone pause mid-spells, mid-sword swinging, mid-table flipping... they all turned around to stare at the man. One tiny voice in the back yelled "Fuck you, man, who are you!" And now an entire crowd was waiting for a satisfying answer.
    Today at 8:58 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Strivian would meet the man's gaze. Though a smile was gracing his features, it didn't reach his eyes. Those were overwhelmingly cold, like staring into the heart of the abyss itself, the fall of entire civilizations, and the heat death of the universe all at once.

    "Oh, I'm just a wanderer. No one you need be concerned about, provided you behave. Now if you'll excuse me, I spotted some mushroom popcorn that looks quite tempting."

    With that he stepped down from the podium and made his way over to the food stand.
    Today at 9:01 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor had mostly calmed down and now he was unconciously drawing life energy from the area around him.
    Today at 9:08 PM​
  • Diana:
    Strivian's odd appearance and strange request was so damn confusing to the crowd that their moment of being stunned was enough for club security mages to have swept in and make quick work of disappearing all that scattered gold coin. Now not having anything to be gold-lusting over, most had given up their battling to straighten up the robes and go about their business. Though there was still a fist fight or two that resumed. One of the attendants ran up to the podium, covered in slobber and slightly singed made an announcement. "The um... the rest of the fights tonight have been cancelled due to the prize winnings being tampered with! Apologies, apologies! Please enjoy the rest of your evening!"
    Today at 9:10 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel looked around, mostly satisfied at what they had done, but preparing to act if the crowd started to riot again. If everything was ok she would then watch to see what the necromancer did.
    Today at 9:10 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Aww, rats." Huffed Howard the Harrowed. "I have been cheated out of ass for the last time! ...again!" He shook his stick, but no one seemed to really care much about Howard's opinions. They only cared about the fights.
    Today at 9:12 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant would lean casually against a wall and look at an attendant. " I believe you mean the prize money came to life and tried to kill people. Sure is weird how that happened," he replied.
    Today at 9:13 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel huffed, joinging Strivin at the food bar, proceeding to load her plate up with food.
    Today at 9:13 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor looked sadly around the room and then looked over at the old sad

    man. " You know, you would probably have better luck getting a date if you looked younger. I'm bored enough and can offer that if you want."
    Today at 9:17 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Strivian would purchase a bucket of mushroom corn but little else otherwise. Setting it down for a moment as Remiel approached, he dug a rather hefty pouch of gold out of... somewhere within his coat and handed the thing over to the vendor before retrieving his snack.

    "That's for her meal as well," he said, indicating Remiel with a small jerk of his thumb. "It's around five? No, six thousand or so coins. Should be enough."
    Today at 9:17 PM​
  • Diana:
    "You sayin' I'm ugly, you little whippersnot?" exclaimed Howard to Connor. Looking ready to start swinging the staff of his!
    Today at 9:19 PM​
  • slifer:
    Remiel would look at Strivian, giving him a soft smile at the kindness. "Thank you." She said, raising a hand and casting a rejuvenation spell on the wizard, who would feel like he had the best sleep of his life, well rested and as if he were ready to start the day.
    Today at 9:20 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor wouldn't even miss a beat. " No, I tend not to mince my words. If I was calling you ugly, I would say it to your face. I was saying that people tend not to enjoy being picked up by older men because of the whole creeper factor thing. It's a whole thing.."
    Today at 9:21 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Are you calling me CREEPY?" Said Howard even MORE appalled! "Insulting! Rude youths of today! No appreciation for the fine attractive elder form..!"
    Today at 9:22 PM​
  • Havoccultist:
    Strivian nodded as he ate a bit of popcorn. If the spell had any affect, he wasn't letting it show. Or noting it. Then again, today had been somewhat routine all things considered. Interesting even so, but routine nonetheless.

    "No problem."

    Making his way back to the arena, he looks down at Connor and Howard.

    "Kid's got a point you know. There's a reason I take the form I do, the fact that it was the one I was born into aside. Just food for thought."

    With that, he wandered off back towards his ship, eager for his next adventure.
    Today at 9:23 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Connor wouldn't even miss a beat. "One, you said it not me. Two, I'm not a youth of today and yes, nobody has appreciation for the fine attractive elder form unless you're like a hot dad. It's weird. That being said..." Connor would mumble a spell under his breath that would make Howard look younger and more attractive just as an insult before turning to leave.
    59 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Grant wouldn't wait for an answer from the attendant before he turned to leave with a smirk and would walk out, happy he had done a good job in stopping someone from being eaten.
    57 minutes ago​
  • slifer:
    Remiel looked to the wizard, who was the nicest person at the fight club. Which was kind of sad, but either way, it made her want to get to know him, as he seemed ok. "You wanna hang sometime? You're the most personable person in this who event and you don't seem like a total jerk. I know of a cool secret library that you need passes to get into. Some of the books haven't been opened since they were saved from the Alexandrian library."
    56 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    "GER DAAAAMN YOOOOUUUU!" shouted the now Dad-boded Howard as Connor left. What a nightmare body! Now he'd never escape horny women!
    53 minutes ago​
  • slifer:
    Before leaving, Remiel would pass Howard the number for the local gay bar, so the wizard might find a nice boy for himself
    51 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Trust me, no god will ever dam me," Connor replied back to him, walking away as Howard was only half-right. Both horny men and horny woman were looking at Howard as if he was their next snack.
    48 minutes ago​
    • Diana:
      And thus with only minimal deaths, a few dozen injuries, and a lawsuit pending, the Wizard Fight Club wound down for the night. Sending home it's patrons with promises of another series of fights another day. It could have gone worse. At least this time they didn't get busted up by the city patrol and shaken down for all their coin. Will things go better next time? SPEAK TO YOUR LOCAL WIZARD REPRESENTATIVE TO FIND OUT IF THERE IS A NEXT TIME FOR... WIZARD FIGHT CLUB. THE END.
      53 minutes ago​
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