HOLOTAPE DATA wigi's crew of probably one post apocolyptic idiot.

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Name: jack c copper (the c stands for coal)

Nicknames/Titles/Alias(es): none

human (wastlelander)

Age: 18

Appearance: a young looking man brown skin and brown eyes. he has a sharp jaw line with a small scar on his chin. his hair is black and swooped to the side with shaven sides. jack has a muscular yet lean build.the man is of an average height . he usually wears his black leather jacket and baggy jeans.

Faction: a handyman who goes around towns and cities getting hired for gigs. he's everything from a mercenary to a courier getting hired to take out criminals and retrieve petty thieves.

Character Audit: son of random folk he really didnt have anything special about him, his parents live in a small town in the middle of nowhere and have seen a lot of people go by their town to never return. so you can guess they werent really with the idea of him becoming a hired handyman. still its the wasteland, and money is hard to get. and with food and water running out holding the kid back might kill him. jack , with a revolver and an old car heads out into the wasteland and quickly gets used to the realities of the fallout. he never liked the home life, everything seemed boring there. he likes the randomness of the new world.
you can say the kid is kind of a hothead when he gets comfortable with you but with strangers he's all business. atleast with the strangers who hire him. with his hitlist of who he has to take down or steal from, he goes all out redhood style with all the jokes and one liners.
jack doesnt work for bad people, the wasteland still hasnt managed to break his moral compass, yet.
somehow with his incredible endurance, he's sick very often, not to a level where he cant do anything but he basically always has a stuffed nose and alergies.


Strength: 6
Perception: 7
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 7
Luck: 3


Inventory, including Weapons & Armor: a revolver with a black wooden handle. cowboy clothing with light armor wore underneath it.

Fighting Style: regular guns a good amount of hand to hang combat.

Companion: N/A
  • Wicked
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