Welcome To W0nd3rl4nd! [Signups Open!!]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


{ elliott ;; they it he ;; pan }
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Anytime currently, but usually not too active on Tuesdays or Thursdays, occasionally Wednesdays
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Nonbinary
Horror, Crossover
Welcome to W0nd3rl4nd! Thank you for signing up into our Alice program. Who knows, are you the lucky winner?
This program is completely safe! All you have to do is prove you are Alice!

The research facility was created by a group of expert neurologists three years ago..
The group had got into an argument. The argument started when an anonymous user had sent them footage of one of the members doing something illegal. Soon, the group disbanded, leaving the one who started it all behind.

The facility became abandoned overtime, yet the sole member was still there. The doctor was fascinated by the concept of 'Wonderland'. It could be a place where one's hopes and dreams come true..! Or it could be a place where one's darkest despair comes to life. A place where everything is illogical and law does not exist. How fun would that be?

So, the neurologist had soon became insane, a freak caught up in a fantasy. He started a project, naming the facility and Project with the same name, 'W0nd3rl4nd'.
But he needed to test it, needed people, live people. He soon made an anonymous post, providing signups. Soon, thousands of people signed up, some for fun, others because they were in debt, and the funds would help. Little did they know their lives would change forever...
Years passed. The Facility has been running for years, and more Proxies have come, most dying, and others have just disappeared.
They signed their name, and were never heard from again. But now, the Doctor, Paul Smith, has bigger plans.
He wants someone new. an "Alice" to complete the story.
He, and the others he had dragged along with him, had fallen into a hole. A hole to Wonderland!

Your character signed up for "The Alice Project" online, and are one of twenty-seven people chosen for the first round of this Project. It will begin at The Tree Stump, a secret elevator used to gain access to Wonderland. Subject [0593]-oh, I'm sorry, I meant The White Rabbit, will explain to you the rules of Wonderland, with all the other Characters of the story.
If they die, no worries! A replacement will be sent soon, all the same!

Your character will slowly uncover the secrets of Wonderland, revealing it isn't as much of a happy place as it is shown to be.
Aided by some of the Characters (or Proxies, by the scientists), they will have to figure out a way to escape Wonderland!
Everyone will start at the Sycamore Tree, the center of Wonderland, also known as the Stump when two misbehaving characters tried to escape, burning the tree down.
All characters will have to have signed up legitimately on the Alice website. Why? That's up to you!

Note: Characters will most likely die in this RP. It'll mostly be based on how the plot goes, how much the players actually enjoy the characters, votes, and dice rolls.
Of course, I'll take the player's thoughts into decision but I'll also have to see how the story plays out.
(If they can't escape, they might have to die, but they can fight back). It's all up to you!

W0nd3rl4nd! is an AU I've been working on since October, but I've only recently really started on it and realizing it could be a group RP. Most lore I've created by far is here, and will be added to as time passes.
If there's any questions you may have, please do ask! It might be something I haven't thought of yet, or maybe something not fleshed-out well enough!
This list includes and fleshes out:
- Characters
- Implants
- Tattoos
- Keys
- Dealing With "Alice".
Note that some of this lore will actually have some triggers in it so definitely some TW for it.
Post here if you want me to send you the lore (with triggers removed).
If you have any ideas for the plot, feel free to DM (Direct Message) me! I would love to hear what you think!

Please please please PLEASE no heavily OP (overpowered) characters!! Feel free to do whatever you wish, BUT it can't be too overpowered. (If any character is able to teleport, then they will only be able to teleport inside the Facility). Fandom characters and OCs are allowed.

There are going to be some triggering things in this roleplay. There will be blood descriptions and weaponry, like knives. If you feel like I'm going a bit overboard, go ahead, DM me and I'll tone it back a little is possible.

Preferably, I would like it if everyone posted once a week, but if you cannot for whatever reason, please do tell me! Thank you!

Character Limit
There's no more limit on characters, just because I feel some people might be held back from their preferred ones. Just make sure to take as many as you can handle!

If anyone joins (probably at least three others), I will set up the Discord immediately and place the link here.

All Iwaku Rules Apply.
Seriously, this one's kinda obvious here.

Feel free to ask away with any questions!

Signup Form:

Age [If Known]:

Appearance [Image and text, please!]:

Fandom Character/Canon or OC?:


Anything Else?:

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I edited a little bit, my brain apparently didn't register a few things in here that needed to be added, haha
This looks interesting! Can I join?
This looks interesting! Can I join?
I'm planning on getting signups up soon; but I don't know if anyone else will join, lol
Put up the form!
I think I've [mostly] solidified the cast list of those I'll be playing.
Name: Lia Ware

Age [If Known]: 24

Appearance [Image and text, please!]: Lia strikes a balance between formal and youthful, with her attire usually consisting of a red headband, a black jacket and tie, and a white undershirt. She tends to keep her black hair free, falling down over shoulders and to her chest, blowing whatever way it chooses in the wind. Of course, most people tend to not focus on any of that, instead focusing on either her cold expression, or the rather large sword on her back.

Fandom Character/Canon or OC?: OC

Weapons/Abilities: She wields a two-handed longsword, and has undergone minor experimentation, which granted her increased movement speed, agility, and reaction time.

Anything Else?: As far as personality goes, Lia's been on her own for quite some time. She doesn't trust easily, and is almost always on her guard to some extent.



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Name: Marius Titus

Age [If Known]: ???

Appearance [Image and text, please!]:1670266895391.png

Fandom Character/Canon or OC?: Fandom

Weapons/Abilities: Marius Titus

Anything Else?:
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Hoping to get 1-2 people more before starting this up!
Setting up the Discord right now~!
" I won't let that happen. I'm still determined to keep that from happening, and I'll use any means necessary. Still, what if the people's decision is inevitable, like she said? What if I've chosen the wrong solution? These thoughts... Sometimes I feel they're suffocating me... "

Name: Nepgear

Age [If Known]: Unknown, appearance suggests young teen.

Fandom Character/Canon or OC?:

Weapons/Abilities: This Nepgear wields a cursed sword known as Gehaburn:

Gehaburn was a sword shrouded in legend as a weapon of cursed power. In the original storyline of MKII | Re;Birth2, this sword was to be purified and used by the Four CPU's in order to defeat the Deity of Sin; Arfoire. However in an alternate reality, Planeptune had the majority of shares over the other three nations and such Nepgear suggested the sword as a last resort. As well as suggesting that they all power her and her alone, the rest returned home, forcing Nepgear to search for the blade.

Anything Else?: This Nepgear is an AU version which takes it's history from an alternate route in the game's storyline.

In a bid to gain power to defeat Arfoire, Nepgear and Neptune travelled to each Nation with the blade in hand. Disgusted that she resorted to such an unholy choice, they attacked them individually but were no match for the weapon designed to counter them. After being bested in battle, they eventually resigned and allowed Nepgear to stab them with the cursed weapon; siphoning their power and strengthening the blade.

After repeating this for the other nations, Neptune invited Nepgear to one of their childhood spots. In then she asked Nepgear to slay her for the sword. After denying it several times, Neptune forces it and left Nepgear in tears after the event occurred. Moving to the Gamindustri Graveyard, the Deity of Sin was no match for the now empowered weapon, and fell to Gehaburn. But not without tainting Nepgear's mind with the thought that her actions has caused the downfall of Gamindustri. In reality, Nepgear did her job for her.

The weight of her sins crawled on her back as Histoire announced her the new CPU of Gamindustri; ruling over it as it's sole CPU...

This version of Nepgear is often considered by many to be the darkest ending in the entirety of the Neptunia Franchise.
this is still open!
still hopin' to get a few more ppl
Can I have a link to the Discord, please?
Still waiting for a few people!

--{[Yosuke Hanamura]}--
Captain Resentiment

Age [If Known]: 18

Appearance [Image and text, please!]:
A young man clad in a black gakuran with a lean build and somewhat shaggy orange hair split in the middle and blown back by the winds. Around his neck is a red pair of headphones connected somewhere under his uniform, where he also keeps a collection of Kunais(you know, for self defense)

Fandom Character/Canon or OC?:

Black Kunais - They're regular old kunais, meant to be thrown, but Yosuke's more comfortable using them as melee weapons. Though he'd throw them from time to time.


The Magician

The Persona Ability - Manifestations of the inner psyche, commonly acts as a mask against external stimuli. Usually manifested by individuals on a dimension parallel to reality and would normally be unable to call upon it in the real world. The W0nd3rl4nd is no different due to its abnormal nature.

Yosuke's Persona is named Jiraiya, and appears a humanoid figure with a slim and noodly build wearing a white body suit with green cuffs and gloves resembling camouflage. On his palms are two golden shurikens attached by a screw to a metal guard ontop of his hand. He has a golden chestplate resembling a V on his chest, around his neck is a red scarf. His head is a black sphere with two black frog-like eyes with red slits on them at the sides. On where Jiraiya's eyes would be are two smaller gold shurikens.

Jiraiya is a Combat type Persona specializing in Wind Spells, Physical Damage and minor healing and buffing. He can produce as many shurikens as he pleases from his palms.

Anything Else?:
He's here because he's been dragged into the Wonderland Project with a friend of his that's crashing at his place.​
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Da Beast In Da Heat

Age [If Known]:

Appearance [Image and text, please!]:
A large, man-sized mascot that appears to be stuffed blue furred bear wearing a circus outfit. It has a zipper separating its head from its body.

--{[Also Teddie]}--
Beary Handsome

Inside is a young blonde man with blue eyes wearing a fancy looking white longsleeve with a rose on its breast and black slacks. His hair brushed to the side.

Fandom Character/Canon or OC?:

Bear Claws
-Despite his cute and cuddly bear suit, Teddie is packing mighty claws to maim his enemies!

Cartoonish Physics
-As a denizen of the Shadow World, Teddie isn't exactly 'normal' like other people. He's able to stretch and push his body to the extremes, occasionally changing shapes to suit what's needed. Though the biggest he can transform into is an anvil. In fact, he considers his Bear Suit to be his true body, though he's just as vulnerable when outside of it.


The Star
Manifestations of the inner psyche, commonly acts as a mask against external stimuli. Usually manifested by individuals on a dimension parallel to reality and would normally be unable to call upon it in the real world. The W0nd3rl4nd is no different due to its abnormal nature.

Teddie's Persona is Kintoki-Douji, which appears to be a large, ball-shaped vault with stubby arms and legs. Its round head mimicking a japanese oni with a long and flowing blue cape. Holding above him is a fucking missile that he can duplicate and detonate at will.

Just as it is capable to producing and reproducing explosives, Kintoki-Douji is capable of Ice Magic and more importantly, healing and buffing.

Anything Else?:
While he may be invulnerable to being flattened, normal killing methods like stabbing, blunt force trauma and snapping of necks(only applicable in human form).

He's more childish than Yosuke, and would often do shit without consulting him first. Which led to them getting into the W0nd3rl4nd Project to begin with.​
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