CLOSED SIGNUPS Welcome to The Sanctuary

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I'm in the middle of tax season and haven't written a post in a couple months now. Yikes 😬 Still have 2 months left of the season too. It's been nuts. But I'm still here and itching to write! ✍️ Just need the time and energy but I do miss it a ton!
The Manager has a new trick up his sleeve to shake up the brewing dynamic with our little makeshift team.

Everyone give a warm welcome to @Megasis! She will be joining our RP to help shake things up a little more. 😈

Megs, have fun and ask any questions. Can't wait to meet your characters!
heheheheheh I very much enjoy shaking things up >:3 Thanks for having me!
When I do throw together my charries, should I post them here?
  • I'm SHOOK
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I didn't know I was elusive XDD
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When I do throw together my charries, should I post them here?
Yup. Eventually I'll make a character index thread…..
After tax season!
OOoo yes that sounds lovely >:D I'm just familiarizing myself with people's characters and then gonna catch up and read the IC Thread. Probs will have 2 fresh charries up by the end of the weekend if all goes to plan :3


Anthony Blake


[Stoic, Reserved, Calculating]
Although a man of few words, Tony is constantly gauging the situation of a room. Planning his exit. Looping the possible outcomes in the back of his mind. Always preparing for the least expected. When he speaks, it's curt and concise - everything essential and nothing unnecessary.

His demeanor might make him a little unsettling to be around, just cause the guy often seems more machine than man. Unfortunately, due to his extended service to his current 'employer', most of what makes a person human has been lost. Currently hidden and buried under years of scarring - emotional and physical.

Life really was a gamble, wasn't it? One can't control what sort of world they might be born into. Who their mother was. Who their father was. Status and wealth or lack thereof. It was all about luck. And hell, if some people didn't hoard that all for themselves.

Born into a wealthy family with status, as a child he couldn't have ever known how crooked of a man his father was, making illegal deals under the table with a notorious slum lord that could grant his every wish. As long as the toll was paid. And when it wasn't, the monster took everything from him and made it a public showing just in case any other of his contacts wanted to go about believing he was a merciful man.

Roman Crowell was his name. He had contacts where you wouldn't expect them and even if you tried to run, he'd find you. Tony doesn't remember much from his younger years - it's blurred and forgotten for a very good reason. But when his father tried the impossible and attempted to double cross Roman, his family ended up being the price paid. Tony faintly remembers that night, with the heat of flames against his cheek as he was dragged away from his screaming mother and his pleading father. The gunshots signaled their demise, and in an effort to make his father stir in his grave, Roman decided to take his precious son and teach him the ways of underhanded business.

He became an apprentice of sorts, or a pet was more accurate, trained and tortured in ways that took away his free will. It broke him. In that kind of situation, the human mind could only take so much before it gave up fighting altogether. For ten years he suffered beneath the hand of Roman Crowell, doing the man's bidding and spilling blood until he nearly became unfeeling to the motions of slicing a blade across a living person's throat, or the desperate cries for mercy. He would have likely been Roman's puppet till the end of his days if the slum lord hadn't been infiltrated and struck down by order of the triad. He was becoming too dangerous - earning a name for yourself as a criminal wasn't always in a person's favor.

If they weren't executed on sight, they were taken into custody for interrogation, Tony being among the many. And when the time came, the eighteen year old boy's bloodwork came back for finalized identification as Anthony Blake, long since denounced dead and thought to have burned in the fire of his childhood home along with his parents. Roman… the sick bastard.

The triad saw an opportunity with Tony. While broken and brainwashed, they would take the next sixteen years to breathe life back into the man that hadn't taken his own breath for himself in the decade that he was Roman Crowell's lapdog. But trying to make a man that only knew killing and integrate him back into society? It just wasn't possible. And when given the choice, he stated his wish to continue his line of work, but under the banner of the triad instead. They agreed and made an asset out of Tony, but they also deemed it a mercy. One that was to be paid back someday. A reminder that stared at him every time he looked in the mirror. He wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Arthur, vouching for him that he should be given a chance. That he could be converted back to the good side. A Blood Oath must always be paid, but when, where, and how was up to The Manager.

-Greatest asset is his mind (works quickly and comes up with execution on the fly)
-Efficient with most fire arms and hand to hand combat (trained when he was a boy with Crowell's mob, but also in his years working under the Triad)


Marcella Vandez


[Cunning, Spunky, Charismatic]
Marcella is a woman of many masks. Renowned as a master manipulator, she makes you see what you're meant to see and nothing else. A pretty smile and a glimmer in her eye might make a person believe she's the love of their life, till she's close enough to slit their throat while muffling disruptive screams.

For a renowned assassin, she's quite pleasant, proving to be one that can melt into the background, or speak to let her voice be heard when need be. Meeting her on the street, one would never guess how she has sullied her hands with blood. Not with those soft charming features and with a tongue equally eloquent.

All things considered, Marcella had a pretty standard life growing up. Her mother was a pharmacist, and her father, a police officer in the grand city of Los Angeles. She had a perfect little life, but as most came to find out, all good things eventually come to an end. When she was in high school - still trying to figure out where she wanted to go and what to do with her life just as other young adults her age - the LAPD stumbled across an underground drug trafficking operation. Without knowing how dangerous the threat was, it was still their job to infiltrate and take it down. They lost 23 officers by the end of it all, one of them being her father who had served the LAPD for thirteen dutiful years. Her and her mother were devastated. Some wounds never healed, but in the end, it pointed her towards her calling and sealed her pathway to the triad.

She wanted to make her father proud. She wanted to be able to take down evil groups of people just like that drug cartel. The police academy was her first step into the world of criminal justice, and when she felt that wasn't enough, she further climbed the ladder. She eventually worked her way into S.W.A.T. dispatch, the working mind and tactician behind carefully planned operations that would see more good men living at the end of a mission rather than dying in the line of duty.

Her work apparently made her noticed by unseen eyes. Not only was her heart in the right place when it came to humanity, but she was a highly capable individual with determination as solid as steel. Coding capabilities, combat experience, and ability to work under pressure? That was a triple threat in the eyes of the triad.

A simple letter was her invitation - to come to understand the existence of the elite group that was hidden from the public eye. She came to Sanctuary. Saw the sights. Was informed of what they could offer her. All she had to do was pass three tests, and she'd have a hand in helping the world on a much larger scale.

She accepted, and passed the trials with flying colors. Leaving her life behind, she began working for the Triad full time, and has since made enough money to retire comfortably if she so wished. And sends much love in plenty of letters to her mother who believes she still serves public law enforcement. It was better for her not to know, her dear little heart likely couldn't take it.

Currently on hiatus, she is spending some time at Sanctuary, using the amenities for their intention of providing a safe place for agents like her.

Didn't you know even assassins need a breather once in a while?

**Subject to change - still working on things with Reina and obviously needing to add Marcella's info


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Welcome to the club. What caliber do you speak in?
Hey thanks!
What do you mean by that? x'D
What caliber do you speak in?
Megs is on staff but I am still the only GM, if that's what you mean.

Also, I couldn't help myself and made the Character Index! You guys can move your characters over there when you can for ease. I know things can get lost in the OOC.
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Lyrikai and Megasis
It's a joke (for lack of a better term) referencing the fact we are all playing hired killers with various skills and preferred weapon choices which includes, but not limited to, bullet calibers. This meme better explains it i think.1000000543.png
How's it going people?
Busy busy busy! First tax season deadline is this coming friday! Wish me luck as I work crazy hours for the next week!
Busy busy busy! First tax season deadline is this coming friday! Wish me luck as I work crazy hours for the next week!
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We have quite a ways to go until tax season is over, don't we?
The official final deadline is April 15 in the US. Not much longer. However you don't have to wait that long for a reply.

Currently working with Megasis on getting her characters introduced into the story. Then I'll get the story moving forward from there.

I appreciate everyone's patience! Life has been lifeing. Thanks for sticking around!
-hisses at taxes-
Who's next I'm the post order anyways? It's been a minute and I forgot. Also hope everybody is doing alright
Megasis will post first. Then I will move the story again.
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