Water Lilies

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Django Jane
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Sci fi, Romance, Historical, Modern, Supernatural

Water Lilies
the navy man and the lady

Last edited:

Marianna Lambert

Heaven help her. She was the silliest fool that she'd ever borne witness to.

Marianna could not stitch. She could not sow, read, nor embroider. The ducks in the pond had gone unfed that morning, and her afternoon walk had been foregone in lieu of sitting listlessly in a chair by the fireplace, her needlework resting dormant in her palms. Even her mother had noticed and declared her either ill or consumed by a great predicament, forcing the girl to hurriedly blame her dormancy on being tired. Only in the comforts of her room and bed could she smile, her heart racing and her cheeks rosy and full.

How could she possibly describe the joy she felt of being in love? Alexander had replied - actually replied - to her letter, a letter to which she had taken extraordinary measures to receive and conceal. He would be there by the oak tree within the hour. He would be there. He, Mr. Alexander Dean. She felt weightless all over again.

Sneaking out of the house was a simple enough task. The trouble with large estates was that should one area be consumed with activity, the rest of the mansion was largely ignored. Marianna feigned faintness to get out of appearing for dinner; when she was quite sure that everyone was consigned to the west wing, she stole away to the backyards through the servant's chambers. No one would be able to see her through that wing, and should anyone find her missing from her bed, she would claim that she needed "fresh air."

The air was fairly chilled outside, but Marianna hardly noticed. Her heartbeats came, fast and strong, in tandem with her footsteps. Faster, faster, the beats seemed to convey. She picked up her skirts and quickened her pace. Faster.

The old oak tree sat at the very edge of the Lambert estate, far from any prying eyes that may have looked out from the home's windows. She did not know how long they would meet for, but she had brought a picnic basket with some treats and a lamp to prepare. Perhaps Alex would have trouble finding her in the growing gloom.

She was more than happy to illuminate his world.

His heart was thundering in his chest, and the adrenaline was only mostly to do with the thought of seeing Maryana again.

He hadn't' been expecting her letter, though she had consumed his thoughts from time to time. He had been struggling and failing to gain any new political friends or allies in his quests to free himself from the chains of his rank forever. The only impact he had seemed to make on anyone was that lovely night full of dancing, and it was his fondest memory ever since he had come to this dreary little land away from the sea. Everything on the water had a structure and routine that he understood. But coming to mingle with high society had drowned him in rules and expectations that he never seemed to get right. Insulting families one way or not insulting the other enough. He was horrible with it, and seemed to completely lack the fluency he needed to succeed in this environment. He felt himself sinking under the pressure. Down an down into the void as his commission slipped further out of his grasp- and threatened to slip tighter around his neck.

Mariana then, was like a breath of fresh air. She was smart, electric and beautiful. He wanted to chat with her for hours and do a little more besides, no matter what the people around them might say. His bold declaration to visit her had been a spur of the moment akin to a drowning sailor spotting land and aiming to swim for it. A last surge of strength to hold onto some kind of connection in this place. He could only pray that it wasn't simply a mirage or some kind of trick of the light. He didn't have anyone else to turn to, though he only realized he could turn to her at all recently.

Sneaking into an estate however, was a trifle more difficult than sneaking out of it. Alexander had taken great care to duck and dodge past a few servants, and had spent a few harrowing seconds close to discover under some bushes. The end result was that he was admittedly less presentable than he hoped. His pants had been ripped by the bush, and he felt himself far dirtier than he had anticipated. Neither were a good option for making a considerable second impression. More concerning still was that he had been running a little late. He was a punctual man, and he felt the clock tick down moment after moment as he continued to slink through the grounds to find the woman who would light up his world. When he finally saw her, he felt his heart slam into his throat. All his clever words and prepared phrases melted in his mind as he gazed upon her beauty. A greedy look in that garden ,taking her in where none others could watch him doing so. Looking around one last time, he called out her name.

"Marianna!" Was that too much? He loved saying her name, how it rolled on his tongue. "I...miss Lambert." He dipped his head respectfully, before finishing his run to stand before her. "I am...very sorry for my delay. I assure you, I strive to be punctual in all things this most of all. But I was waylaid by the estate and the darkness. Your lamp was my lighthouse- very forward thinking of you." Dropping to one knee, Alexander took her hand. Rough and calloused hands hardened by the sea gripping hers- how soft they were. He wanted to hold them for longer. "I...can you find it in your heart to forgive my tardiness? I will understand if you are furious- I should have left sooner."

He would understand, but he heartbroken. But at least he'd be able to hold her hands a few seconds longer.

Marianna Lambert

In the gloom, he emerged, racing towards her with a purpose that made her heart flutter in her chest. He was her own knight in shining honor. Even as she thought it, she could hear the phantom laughter of her friends in her head. Silly, silly Anna pet, they would sing, the girl who said she'd never fall in love!

She would admittedly have to eat her words now.

And what a gentleman her new love was!

"Oh, you don't-" She began to protest, but oh! He had already bowed his head to her, and now he came on bended knee, begging her forgiveness. His hands - how rough and gentle and firm they were. She had never held a hand like this before. She could the pulse racing in his palm, along his thumb. Was he nervous too?

Oh, she couldn't take this!

"W-why would I be mad?" She mustered, her mind in a flurry. In her nervousness, she laughed daintily. "Oh, I'm just so happy that you're here! Please-"

Marianna tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to pull him to his feet.

"I brought some treats from the house. We have a little time...my parents are entertaining guests you see."

Instinctively, she threw a furtive look behind her towards the house.

He had just been so happy that he was able to find her. Alexander had truly been fearing that he would be doomed by his own battle against the garden estate. He had never seen land so well cultivated that was equally as infuriating to find a single tree in. He had danced through plenty of balls this season and darted through many a crowded ship gangway- but it was the open garden walks that made things difficult for him. He was happy to crawl through tunnels and along ditches and anything else that meant finally having a moment alone with his Marianna, but how lost could one man get in a maze of hedges? It was enough to leave him blind with more than simply love!

But he was here now, that was what was important. He had finally made it and he felt his heart swell to bursting when he realized she wasn't infuriated with him. She was happy to see him even- which only made his heart thunder just that few dozen times faster. Could she hear it he wondered? Threatening to rip itself from his chest as it did? Those that he had spoken to about her in what little confidence he could muster had all said that Ms. Lambert had a colder reputation, but he had never seen it. How could you look into those eyes and see anything less than all the warmth they held? Her hands were soft too- far softer than any he had ever touched. He did not know how a life could be lived to make hands this soft, but he knew in that moment that it was something he wanted to protect- to let them be this soft forever so if only he could touch them.

He rose after she failed to pull him up, and greedily he kept on hand holding onto hers like a Rake. "If you are not cross with me, then I could not be happier. To eat these treats simply fills me with greater joy. Thank you, Ms. Lambert. I...may I call you Marianna? I must admit, you have me at a disadvantage. I am unfamiliar with many of the ways of courting." He blushed, feeling mighty embarrassed about it. How he regretted not paying attention whenever someone had tried to explain them to him before!

When Marianna glanced towards the house, he took a step towards her- a firm but gentle hand placed on her shoulder. "I know all too well how precious time can be gone too soon. As well as the risks you have taken to meet me. Please, let us sit and start before our time together comes to all quickly a passing." He would take a seat, urging her to sit beside him, when he motioned to the basket.

"Please do tell me, what have you brought for us today? I grow more excited with every passing moment!" He was speaking in a hushed whisper now- almost conspiratorial, as if swiping pastries from the kitchen was the most in trouble either of them could possibly get for doing this. "And...might I say. You look truly beautiful today. As gorgeous as the day I met you- I might add. I feared to say it then, so I must say it now while our precious moments last."

Marianna Lambert

In the novels, the ladies would always peek ever so delicately from beneath their lashes at their dashing lovers, the perfect coquette for their darling men. It had seemed so easy then; Marianna had imagined, over and over, that she would be the same, that she would be just as calm and sensual and divine.

Just what was it about Alexander that stalled all her feminine wiles?

She had frozen in the wake of his compliments and his touch, utterly paralyzed. Then he had taken his seat, and she shook her head, hurriedly sitting beside him. The veil of gloom not only hid their nightly rendezvous but the girl herself; her face had gone red.

"You...you look well," Marianna started haltingly. "As well. I mean good! You look-"

Well as well? What kind of sentence was that? She swore at herself in her head.

Right. The picnic basket.

"I've brought some cookies and candies, and some jam for the biscuits," The noble woman went on, hurriedly opening the picnic basket. "You can have them all if you'd like. I don't really care for sweets. Besides, Mother says-"

She frowned, wrinkling her nose up.

"Anyways. I wish you had been at the party instead. It was a terrible bore, and I grow tired of old bachelors asking for my hand in a dance."