Walrus's Bubble Lab

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Ying Yue Fēng - - Earl Hope - - Lupin Auguste - - Luana Hope - - Jax Sawyer
{ A Collab between: Rads, xLarius, and Elusive Thorns }
Interactions: , Mentions:
Earl locks his fingers together and clicks his hands loudly after he is done with that he unlocks his hands and then starts to click the rest of his body little by little because all this tension has made him stiff, after several minute he done and he then clears his throat and almost ends up fleming on the floor but quickly pulls napkin out and coughs into that and then neatly puts it away. A minute or so later he starts to look at people but not in a way that will rub them the wrong way things are already tense enough, after he is done looking at people he goes on to say, "I have been thinking I understand all to well how serious this matter is, but what is going on right now is not helping matters very much and it could hamper our efforts in the long run" He pauses for a minute then says" I would say we work on a plan on how we are going to gathering information and then if we should be in teams in the initial stages till we have more to work with."

'I really hope they do not turn on me and think that I'm just covering up because I'm the snake and having something to hide, it scares me and it also makes me feel sick at the same time'. His fingers twitch ever so slightly as his mind wonders' He touched his right cheek with the scare on it, remembering massive fight he had with his uncle because he got sick of him bullying him because he lives in the past and would not try and see others views either, that was just another part of what he hated about most of his family his face half twist in disgust but then shakes it off and starts to calm himself down again because he would make him self pass out if he is not careful with keeping his stress levels in check.

Lupin had warily eyed what seemed to be a slightly intoxicated mutt. Great way to start off. As Jake spoke up, Lupin had simply raised an eyebrow. Great, a highly pretentious seeming dog on a judgement streak. As the pig representative gave his 'two-cents', Lupin seemed to look around the room. He noted a tall male taking note of what was said. Lupin murmured under his breath, "Glorious, can't wait for the debate next Tuesday." He ran his hand through his hair in a very irritated manner. Why did he feel like he was on trial here? Lupin was well aware that yes, most of the zodiacs hadn't gotten along in the first place but the amount of tension in the room was too high for his own liking. Lupin let out a long sigh, if he was convicted of being guilty it wasn't exactly his problem necessarily. Yes he'd be dead but the real potential culprit would still be loose and they would have no one but themselves to blame... Or something like that. "So, at the moment I take it, we're partaking in a witch hunt?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm going to take a 'Captain Obvious' moment here, but if we're going to blame people simply dwelling in China, Ying Yue could be just as guilty. Heck, maybe this is what we call a 'butterfly' affect and a simply nudge here and a simple flick there caused this incident. Maybe the disease was meant to target certain DNA strands and it slowly mutated as time progressed. We could play devil's advocate all day if we want to, but I'm sorry to say if you think about it in the way that 11 out of the 12 zodiacs can't defend against the singular zodiac then I'd say the world is already doomed."

Lupin rubbed his face murmuring once again, "Merde, spoke too much." He took a deep breath, "I'd have to agree with the good ol' snake in this department. At the moment the most important thing is finding a cure, no? If we keep pointing fingers we'd never get anywhere. The buddy system works out to get most doubts out of the way... Ah! Or could I be as bold as to say maybe more of us are working together to create this villainy and it's not just one zodiac?"

Ying Yue furrowed her brows at simply being noticed. She had originally had just wanted to be left alone in her chair, whatever the zodiacs decided most likely she'd simply follow along. Making decisions also meant being open to being accused. It... Just didn't sit right with her. She could feel her face heating up, "M-Mr. Auguste, I feel as if you're-" she cut off her voice as it lowered, originally she had wanted to finish with, 'Making the situation worse', but alas she couldn't say that could she. Every step she felt as though she was slamming her bare foot on a Lego. She bit her lip, her hands shook as they formed into knuckles in her lap. She knew that Lupin had the intent of simply moving along and dealing with the whole 'traitor' issue later but it seemed to her... He wasn't thinking that the suspect could be sabotaging everything along the way.

Jax looked at the 1st dragon Zodiac as he told himself 'Don't stare at her boobs don't stare at her boobs don't stare at her boobs!' He sighed and closed his eyes when she didn't reply. Everything was suppose to be simple. Go to this meeting and after this have a chat with the monkey, but everything seemed so impossible and stressful as everyone started rattling about what and what not. Then here she come saying everyone should kill each other. Then again, his mother Mary taught him well, and he shouldn't call her an idiot.

He stand up almost scrambling because his eyes are closed and his pale skin was red, "Sorry, I don't mean to call you stupid. I was just stressed up with everyone that's all" he told her as he looked away and looked down as he pick up his papers one by one and putting up the paper inside his notebook when he notice a wedding paper "Oh geez, come on a wedding invitation? What kind of Podonok (not allowed to translate) is this?" he said waving the wedding paper "Seriously?" he said to him with a grin "This is a meeting. Not a meeting for some wedding are you crazy?" he chuckled. "Keep this up zodiac dog we might think you're the zodiac killer."

He said to him as he turned his head when he heard another group of Zodiac who seem to be in an argument and one of them seems to be being harassed by their words "Hey that's enough." he said to them "Won't you give this poor devushka (girl) a moment to-, spe-chush' sobach'ya (not allowed to translate)" He accidentally tripped and his face hit a iron chair so hard that it made a crack sound. As he fell on the ground a little time had pass as he spoke in pain. "Aaaaawwwww....." So much for being confident.

Luana slightly cringed because this situation is so awkward, someone is a grump monkey. She not get enough food in her and flipping out like a like an angry teen was too immature. 'Tani means well but boy, her sense of timing is horrible but there was enough going on with out me ripping on her and it makes me a hypocrite if I do. So it's best not to do that.'

Luana then steps in to try can calm things down yet again and helps Jax on to the chair, pulls a hankey out, wipes his nose and mouth then says "Geez, even after all this time you're still this clumsy. Well some things never change I guess". After she is done she turns her attention back to Lupin and a more serious and scary side to her starts to show. Luana's eyes that usually have a normal warm and inviting glow now have a coldness that says, 'I would advise not testing me right now because I'm not in the mood for any more nonsense.' If looks could kill then she would of killed a lot of people by now, she did not like showing this side of her but the nonsense was irking the living stuffing out of her and was time to bring it to an end. She thought, 'I have not been this irritable in ages and i was hoping to keep this side of me at bay a while longer, so much for that plan. I just hope people can get their stuff together.'

Lupin was at the zodiac meeting right? He didn't know whether to start laughing or to simply be confused. He squinted his eyes at the invitation. As the tiger spoke up he eagerly offered a nod of agreement as if Lupin was finally processing the situation. 'What nerve this guy has. People are dying and you wanted to celebrate a union?' Is what he would've said if he was a total douche. Fortunately for the group he was proud to only be half of one. Lupin flinched as he realized a very important detail. His gaze immediately swept to Mai, the cocky grin immediately wiped from his face. Fortunately the cat representative spoke up and Lupin hadn't had to climb over the table before attempting to strangle Jake. Yes, Lupin was fully aware that he'd lose, but that wouldn't stop him from trying.

He had spaced out when all of a sudden Lupin had heard a large crashing sort of noise. His head turned as he covered his mouth to hold in laughter. Lupin felt a shiver climb up his back as he made eye contact with Luana. 'Ooooooohoooooooo Shhhhhhhiiiii- -' If Lupin had learned something over the years, is that you don't cross a woman on a mission. Instead of displaying this moment of hesitation, he simply chose to smile at her with a smug grin. He turned his attention back to the conversation finally lying his gaze on the woman who suggested killing themselves. After Zhu had spoken up, Lupin 'helpfully' offered: "A tempting prospect~ We don't know how it transmitted though, or if the zodiac had teamed up with someone on the outside. Er, the revenge aspect kinda shows its colors here doesn't it? 'When I die carry on my legacy... Or something like that.'" He paused then turning his gaze to Zhu, "As in plural? I don't think you should tempt them like that." Lupin fired back in a teasing tone, playing along to the statement said.

Ying Yue felt slightly guilty due to the conflict she seemed to have caused. With her guilty feeling transmitted, she looked over at Jax. She would have immediately got up to tend to him, but it seemed that a busty woman had already shot over in the time it took for Ying Yue to even consider it. She shivered before digging into her backpack and setting her own folder on the table. "E-Hrm. Thank you, Mr. Weisheng for getting us on track- er. Mildly-. At Usue hospital at least, things are completely shut down in terms that the whole building was under quarantine." She furrowed her brows and then once and cleared her throat to prevent herself from trembling. "First diagnosed as rare strange case of haemolacria, the hospital had put their best doctor in the building in charge. He u-um-." She took a deep breath, "Currently one of the diseased are being examined to see where exactly from the body it had originated by a few voluntary forensic pathologists. They will send the results to my phone after they receive information. From the pictures and data gathered, I'd have to agree that for now, black bloody tears are the only condition observed so far. We're still trying to gather if there were any pains related to that without simply spreading the infection. We also have to remember that other diseases and conditions are still in movement. As infectious as this condition is, people still need to be operated on." Ying Yue seemed to dig her fingernails deeper into her palm. "Does anyone else have any proper counters for the disease and not against the so called hypothetical traitor?"
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Dae-hyeon Park
"Or if you want, you can call me Sundae~"


"Wanna try a guess? Although... I can't promise that I won't disappoint~"


June 26th


Disney Character:
Cheshire Cat


Face Claim:

Jung Jinyoung

Background Before Curse:
Cheshire Cat; a cat with questionable origins that led Alice through the forest when she was lost, but alas he did such in a confusing riddled fashion. His intentions could be considered questionable as he also led Alice into trouble. Stealthily he taunted and ridiculed the Queen of Hearts, because she was embarrassed, the Queen of Hearts ordered the beheading of Alice.

Background After Curse:
Dae-hyeon belongs to a large, tight-knit family. Neither poor nor wealthy, his family was full of different personalities and were more of the party sort. Dae-hyeon's attitude could have been partially that because everyone cared so much and were so excitable, he chose to be the one to extinguish the hype before the police came over. Even as a child, he had a hard time connecting to anyone. His family were a bit concerned at how he isolated himself from other kids, and were quite confused as to what to do with his riddle-infused personality.

|| Humorous || Peculiar || Patient
Dae-hyeon enjoys teasing others. Along with teasing others he enjoys messing with other people, occasionally shrouding his advice in mystery and using this he could also mislead other people. Dae-hyeon carries a carefree air and would rarely put up a fight. Dae-hyeon simply 'goes with the flow' one could say. He enjoys lazing about, but if someone asks, he'd gladly lend his advice. He seems to always have a smile on his face despite his humor lying more on the dark side. His lazy attitude tends to get him into slight troubles though. He can be quite ignorant when grasping emotions and tends to be apathetic in that sense. Although Dae-hyeon can be a good ally, but most occasions even he himself can't truly say where his interests or his loyalties lie.

Puzzles, Naps, Soy Milk, Flowers, Lanterns, Boba Tea

Most Productive Activities, Sappy Movies, Onions

*can't swim
*has cat-like fangs


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Rei Arias
Color Code: #8000FF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He heard his name, and in reply Rei perked his head up with a flowery expression on his face. He stood up and faced the approaching person. Se- Song? Seong? John? He took a moment to 'digest' the information replied before crossing his arms and nodding. Rei brushed a stray piece of rubble out of his hair before pouting slightly. "Yeah, I haven't been here for too long. Got back from quite a... Ruined, date." As his classmate mentioned the villain Rei's eyes lit up, "No kidding?! Day one and we have a crazy villain!? Man, Hercules does not disappoint!" With a grin Rei motioned towards the entrance with his thumb, "Is that why I can't get in? When do you suppose I can? I'd rather not lie here like a hobo in order to retain sleep." Rei frowned, "No one's been injured or anything, right?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

N / A

Lupin Auguste
The Rabbit | | Magician Extraordinaire | | #fcd0a1
Lupin chuckled as Ying Yue's poor cries were left unheard. He slyly slid his chair closer as he patted her head, in reply she let out a 'hmph', otherwise she seemed to silently accept his attempt at comfort. When Mai left the room he watched as froze. His eyes going wide, his patting ceased. When the lights went out and Kyouko had used her powers, he regarded them in slight amusement but more of awe. When Jake left the room, Lupin looked absolutely pissed for a split second, and as soon as it came, it was replaced with a calm expression. After Jake had left the meeting was crumbling. He watched silently as each zodiac left the room one by one, he silently regarded, 'Just like the ark.' Kyouko then brought up the fact that Tani was in-charge. Lupin looked amused as he decided to 'play along'. She seemed more of a support character, without her DPS, or her tank, she didn't seem to be as reliable. As much as he may have disliked 'the mutt', he at least played his role mildly well. He was seriously quite intrigued on how this would play out. Of course he was a bit irritated at the occurrence that seemed to have happened with the lights, but with all the zodiac representatives that went out, he didn't exactly want to charge outside and leave whatever was going on in the room.

He chose to ignore the fact that the dragon representative called one of the people he actually liked a 'drama queen', but he couldn't blame her for the nickname either. Mai seemed extremely overwhelmed and had... "Snapped." He supposed that they were only human and they should at least get the personal matters out of the way. They seemed to be getting in the way of the entire meeting, after all. Lupin quirked his head to the side in slight amusement. 'There were two. Riiiiiiiiight.' He looked over at Kyouko and then over to Raul, who seemed to be... Giving a lecture about how pure and great love was? Lupin was having mixed feelings about this. The guy was too deep for his tastes, it was actually making him uncomfortable. What a wonder. He watched as Ryan and Jake had reentered the room with an eyebrow quirked up. He watched as they set down Mai and once again that feeling of pure rage came back into his system.

Lupin stood upright in his chair as he checked the time with his phone, "Mother of fu-". He inhaled sharply, 'glorious'. He simply said "Ying Yue" before he watched as she nodded, taking out a pen. "No worries m'lady." His abnormally friendly smile was returned to his face before he rolled up his sleeves. "Dr. Auguste is on the case with his lovely nurse-" He was suddenly cut off with a jab from Ying Yue as he gave a weak smile. "Alright, alright. Er- Continuing, the pain should go away in 3... 2....." Lupin watched as Ying Yue scribbled a funny looking Chinese character. Immediate relief should have been felt if nothing interfered. Lupin then blew on his hands before placing them on the wound, although slight, his hands were shaking, he noticed this bitterly before forcing his hands to remain steady. He watched as the wound repaired itself, a scrape revealed in its place. The small pale blue glow stopped. His voice dropped to a whisper, "Sorry I couldn't-". His voice was more of a murmur before he snapped upwards, the smile returning once more in a sing song voice he remarked, "So who do I have to beat the crap out of to set this right? Did the mutt do this to get rid of his ex? Or more importantly to get rid of the many options of zodiacs available? It was his guards right? Which means if we take care of the source nature will even itself out." Lupin was still aware that Jake would beat the crap out of him instead, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try. He stood up and quickly turned his attention to the door, the unsettling smile still on his face. "Good day, good sir." He remarked to Ryan with a slight nod of his head, before returning his thoughts to leaving the room.

FirstName LastName x Tag​

Ying Yue Fēng
The Sheep/Goat | | The Artist | | #ff71ce
Ying Yue laid her head on the table, gazing at her phone as everyone had started to leave, and everything started going downhill. At this point she'd rather jump out the window and let disease take her than stay in the room a moment longer. Alas, she bet she'd be cursed by her family upon her death. Maybe death was worse than simply reeling in the embarrassment. She felt Lupin pat her head in which she took the action reluctantly. When Tani began freaking out remarking how Mai was closer Ying Yue frowned. 'But didn't she just leave the room making that statement invalid anyways?'. She was at loss of what to do, fiddling with her fingers in her lap, patiently waiting for the lab results. Maybe she'd simply just leave now and try to handle the problem on her own. These people were driving her nuts. At this rate, she was better to remain at the hospital. In frustration she began fiddling with her twiddling fingers more viciously.

When one of the Dragon's began talking about love she stared at him with a puzzled expression. When had they gotten so off task? Right. When the lights went out. With a furrowed gaze towards the door she wondered when everyone would return from the blackout. As Mai had entered the room and Lupin beckoned to her, she took out her pen before rubbing the contents on her hand, double-checking they still worked. She wrote the Chinese letters for, "Comfort" before anxiously analyzing Mai's expression. She didn't really know the female, and she knew that the horse representative was partially to blame for their 'leader' maybe charging out of the room, and everything spiraling out of control, but a patient was a patient. Even if she was slightly perturbed at the interruption. Not to mention the woman was intimidating when she wanted to be... Which was most of the time. She gazed warily at Lupin's expression, she didn't feel too good about it.

Then Lupin started on his rant. Her eyes widened, that was an entirely horrible idea, especially considering according to the rabbit representative, they were on enemy turf. All freaking out aside, he wasn't even in his own country- -. Ying Yue grabbed on the back of Lupin's shirt before placing the heels of the shoes down as he slowly dragged her towards the door. "M-Mr. Auguste! Please calm down! If it makes you feel better you could investigate the bodies but... You shouldn't be picking fights without analyzing expressions and knowing what really happened!" Ying Yue's eyes seemed to be whirling as she threw a panicked gaze to Ryan, one of the only things between Lupin, and his current mission. "A-At least... Let Miss Allen inform you of what action Mr. Kane may have suggested we take right now!" Ying Yue had taken in mind that Jake hadn't told Mai any directions, but from what Tani had said, could at least direct them in a slight direction.

FirstName LastName x Tag
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≛ C E I L ≛
"Please don't let me disappear."

General Information

Ceilryck Myst


? ? ?

Mage Apprentice

Ceil wouldn't exactly call his appearance a remarkable one. He has a turquoise fading to teal tail, short brown hair, and seafoam green eyes. He tends to spend what his master calls 'too much time' on his hair. His size isn't anything too remarkable either, well at least compared to the other merfolks standing at 5'7". Whenever roaming the sea he tends to wear his mask, it's of human descent but he never really seemed to mind nowadays. He wears a gold-chained pendant holding glittering sand within its glassy contents.

Ceilryck lies more on the introverted side. By wearing his mask he's able to grasp what courage he has and appear composed, which grants him the ability to actually get things done. Using this way of conveying his feelings, he also doesn't mind bluntly stating the truth. Due to the human-relation to the mask, when wearing it, people seem to have a hostile attitude, shroud away from him, or simply have gotten used to him because of his 'daily errands'.

The ''true'' Ceil is more... Panicky. He's easily flustered and tends to overthinks things. He's also very easy to please, especially when he's excited about something he could rant on for hours on end. He tends to be extremely slow when it comes to jokes though, most occasions he'd awkwardly laugh just to fit in. Ceil can be quite stubborn when he wants to be, especially when going head-to-head with his master.

Ceil was born into, including himself, a family of 6. His parents, his older sister, himself, then the tag-team twins. He tended to be overlooked by his parents, or pestered by his siblings. Ceilyrck had decided to apply for the guard, with the idealization of becoming a 'hero' of some sorts. However, those dreams were crushed. If he wasn't competing, he was attempting to ward himself of the harassers who seemed relentless. Everyday it was some sort of problem. From being too slow, to being too scrawny. Ceilyrck fought to be of some use, any use, but alas. That fate was just not meant to be.

At the age of 17 he had finally reached the end of his rope. After being hazed for 2 years straight, he had finally had enough. With desperation, he had cornered the leader of harassers. Even Ceil himself wasn't sure of what he was going to do. In that moment a scruffy merman although smaller and seemingly older than him had a stick in his hands. There was a pause of silence before the older man started to chase Ceil with the stick down to a smaller house. The older man remarking how much potential would've been wasted because of whatever stupid foolery Ceil was about to commit.

A few days down the road, a letter is sent to Ceil's home and he was dismissed from the training regimen and instead transferred to a lifestyle of recording and reviewing history along with learning magic fundamentals. Ceil's life gets much more torrent from henceforth.


Myst Ryuiki - One of the Six Mages and Ceil's master. Myst seems to treat Ceilryck like sort of an errand boy, and will never admit his fondness of the merman. Currently the rest of the Mages who seem to have a sense of humor, have a running joke where they'd call out 'Myst' to catch the attention of both the mentor and the mentored. Myst is more of a hermit and often needs encouragement to actually do anything.

Yuval Aqilus - Regarding the captain of the guard, despite Ceil's departure from the guards, Ceilryck still admires this aquamarine haired merman and although he like his master, is too stubborn to admit it, he tends to pay special attention to events pertaining to this merman.

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Ceilryck Myst
Mage's Apprentice ||
"L-Leave me alone for goodness sakes!" Ceilryck murmured before hiding his face with his arms. Myst shook his head disapprovingly before whacking the merboy with his stick. "Ouch!" Myst let out a long sigh before he looked out of their home and then looked to the ceiling. "What did I do in my past life to deserve being stuck with such a sad sorry excuse for an apprentice." Ceil lowered his guard just slightly before opening an eye, the other tightly shut, before he let out a sigh of his own, "Well I urm. Am really deeply sorry of some sort that you feel that way but I was really just hoping to stay in the archive today." Myst gave an understanding nod before replying, "I see. Well that gives you... No excuse whatsoever to show this impudence! I did not raise you like this!" Afterwards swatting the apprentice with his hand. Ceil flinched as he frowned. "Master Ryuiki I'd really appreciate it if you stopped hitting me! You promised me one vacation day! I would like to take it now!" Myst shook his head, "Not today." Ceil ruffled his hair with one hand in frustration. "But I really- Asfghfffff." He grabbed the small bundle filled with a small amount of currensea. As Ceil began to swim to the doorway Myst frowned.

"Youth these days. I would've been more than excited about floating about the place aimlessly and still be earning my currensea in food." Ceil stopped before frowning himself. He wasn't exactly too exhilarated about the task he was given. To pretend to be a civilian and pick up on gossip along with rumors along the sea. Ungrateful as it seemed, there were mesmerizing people all over the place, especially with the latest gossip floating along the seabed... Rumors of the royals being 'of age'. The apprentice had to admit, he was looking forward to a meal that wasn't kelp or some other sort of mushy greenery.
Lupin Auguste
The Rabbit | | Magician Extraordinaire | | #fcd0a1
Lupin smirked at the temper tantrum Saria had seemed to be throwing before letting out a long sigh. Sometimes he wondered if he was once again a teenager. Still quite amused, he watched as the Monkey and the "Lion" began leaving together. Detectives...? 'Herlock Sholmes and Waterson? Is that what this is?' Lupin was quite proud of himself for noting this relation.

Ying Yue Fēng x
Ryan Fey x
Mai Van Allen x

Ying Yue Fēng
The Sheep/Goat | | The Artist | | #ff71ce

Lupin Auguste x

Mai Van Allen x
Ryan Fey x

fc: yang yang

full name // choi, dae-hyeon
nickname(s) // sundae, dae
age // 25
birthday // january fourteenth
gender // cis male
sexuality // bicurious
role // hiring
occupation // physician

height //
hair // black with light brown highlights
eyes // chocolate brown
style // when dae-hyeon isn't dressed up in his white coat he prefers to, "bum it out", typically wearing the same sets of clothing which normally include sweatshirts, sweatpants, and the like.
mods // n/a

likes // polar bears,
dislikes //
habits //
fears //

personality // or you can list vices/virtues
background // this can be brief, in list form, or written out in detail

hiring characters only //
- why are you hiring a significant other?
- how long are you needing them to be hired?
- what's the type of significant other are you looking for?

other // honestly anything else you'd like to add to the cs. it's late and i'm tired so i can't think of a lot of things tbh.
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Lupin Auguste > > #fcd0a1
Faleria seemed to be relaying most of the information as Lupin slowly nodded. Lupin looked up at Lyco, holding in the comment of 'what are you looking at' by biting his tongue. He sprinkled the tea leaves into the cup before pouring the water in a gracious motion. Afterwards, with no regard for the potential threat of pain, quickly and lightly tapped on the water's surface, a lovely fragrance wafting out of the cup.

A brief smile came upon his face before he resumed the action with the rest of the cups, afterwards sitting down. "My father used to spend time with me." He put simply. He still didn't know the twins well enough to explain himself, but in the very least, Lupin felt obligated towards his playmates to answer.

Playmates. Was that an appropriate word for a male of his age? Lupin internally shrugged, vocabulary wasn't something he didn't really take time to dwell upon. As Faleria begun to cry once more Lupin froze. Lupin still couldn't get a grasp on what to do when girls his age started crying. The blonde tilted his head as she smiled once more, he silently noted that her emotions were very unpredictable and if she cried in the future he'd just distract her.

As she continued speaking, Lupin furrowed his eyebrows in a confused manner, apparently the topic was long over as he watched Faleria hop up and down in a vigorous manner. "Er. Wait a second, before we head to the topic of magic- forced to go back?" Lupin set his tea back on the plate his expression for once, filled with confusion. He hesitated before inquiring more, after all they had just met today. Allowing him to know more seemed like an unfair violation on his part.

After that question he backed off, pulling a deck of cards off the shelf he quickly shuffled the deck, the cards bouncing to and fro, before he set the deck on top of the table. Lupin let out an envious sigh. He wished he could shoot fire out of his hands or read minds, unfortunately, speed was his only virtue. Well at least so far. "I'm not around here for long either. It'd be nice if I could stay here for eternity." Lupin said before putting his head on his hand, leaning on the table. He seemed to be lost in thought for a few more minutes before he stood up, placing a blanket on top of the cards.

"I've been working on this trick for awhile, but I haven't had a volunteer to help me, Miss Faleria I suppose you wouldn't mind." Lupin stood behind her, lightly grasping her shoulders before directing her towards the cards, "Clap your hands together three times and wait for me to tell you to uncover the deck." Lupin made his way towards Lyco until he was an appropriately close distance away, "And you can just keep your eyes on me, if you blink you'll miss it."

When Lupin told her to lift the blanket, by the time the blanket was in the air a pile of his favorite picture books would be underneath instead. Lupin felt like he was cheating the magician organization in a way, but it wasn't like he was going to become a professional. Lupin covered his mouth with his sleeve to mask his tired, short breaths. "Voila."

Ying Yue Fēng > > #ff71ce
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  • > open for business < (7/X/19)
    Hello there, I'm Larius~ I'm into things such as manga, kdramas, and video games. Currently I'm having massive cravings of romance and so this thread was created in order to find partners~ With that said, I don't expect love at first sight, in fact I slightly discourage it as I'm sort of a slow-burn kind of person. There are many genres I'm considering, so check them out!

    I roleplay over threads, pm, and discord
    I do not roleplay smut
    I'm okay with playing either gender but I will only do a mxf pairing or a mxm pairing
    I don't mind, in fact I encourage talk out of IC, I promise I won't bite
    If it will take me awhile to respond I will inform you, my schedule is kind of unpredictable. On that notice: if I haven't replied for awhile don't be afraid to nudge me! I sort of linger on the forgetful side of the spectrum
    ❀ I prefer anime fc's
    ❀ I do not play or accept playing with canon characters unless they're supporting characters

    He had simply been minding his own business. At this time he had been trying to determine how many cards he could fit within the pages of the book before it became noticeable. His father had left him a couple of mathematical textbooks, in which Lupin does not recall asking for. He had forgotten his analytical notebooks of lore at his home in Japan and alas he wasn't left with much to do. A few deck of cards laid in random locations around the house, calculators, stray papers, and at this point he was too old for the crayons his father set out for him.

    Lupin had shared not only his surname, but apparently his fathers appearance. He had just about enough of the girls pestering him in his homeroom and this summer he would come up with some sort of trap. Or at least a way to get away faster. Where did he see himself in 5 years? At this moment he stopped tucking the cards into the book. He stopped moving as if he had suddenly become paralyzed. Lupin had slammed the book shut and leaned back into his seat. Useless. Maybe he was so caught in fixing his parents relationship that other than that- - He didn't know what he was doing with his life. He was already fed up with how frustrating it is. That is, trying to fix something no one else was contributing to.

    The window shattered at a stone came Lupin's way. He simply stood there as the stone had hit his stomach. With a dull expression on his face he traced his fingers lightly over the area it had hit. He picked up the stone and examined it before taking a deep breath. He began to run down the steps. As his vision began to whirl he stopped his ability. He had been tampering with it ever since he realized it could help with his card tricks. He resisted the urge to throw up and instead threw open the doors.

    Lupin's expression seemed to be one of a careless manner. It gave away no emotion. Despite his vigorous speed earlier, he took slow steps towards the two. As he walked towards the two he noticed a blonde male about his age gearing his arm back. With the tone of his voice matching his expression he inquired, "Which window is next? Hopefully not the window beside it. Considering
    that one is my favorite."
    His tone gave no sign of playfulness. On the other hand this statement wasn't true in the very least.
  • Just some expectations and guidelines. I have to make sure you know what you're getting into~

    ❀ For me it's more quality rather than quantity, but I do expect at least one paragraph or more
    Please inform me when you're not interested any longer. I'm not going to get mad, but it will save me the anxiety
    Er, please don't attempt at partnering with me if you know you can only post once in a blue moon
    It'd be nice if our partnership could be long-term!
    ❀ Don't be afraid to contribute ideas to the plot!
  • Modern/Traditional Priestess x Familiar/Normal Childhood Friend
    ❀ Reincarnated God/Goddess x Demon

  • Fruits Basket
    ❀ Shugo Chara

    Harvest Moon
  • ❀ Alice in Wonderland: Rebirth -
    ❀ A Reincarnation Gone Wrong?! -
    ❀ A Weak God's Plight -
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✩ Yuuma
"Oho? Don't be so stingy~"

General Information

Yuuma Kiyoshi

Yuu, Ace


Experienced Actor

Physical Appearance:
His appearance is the main reason why he's so prominent in the entertainment industry although his gentle-seeming nature also plays a part. Yuuma stands at 5'10" which makes him the tallest in his family, with Souma quickly catching up to him. He seems to have a very slim figure but of course due to his acting career has built quite the athletic body. He inherited his eye color from his father and a lot of his father's devilish looks in comparison to Souma, who inherited a lot of his traits from his french-american mother. His dark-brown hair color though, originates from his mother in contrast to his father's jet black hair.

His style of clothing seems to adjust to the trends, as if his manager would allow him anything less than fashionable. Though his favorite accessory had to be sunglasses.

On the Surface:
Yuuma has a very gentleman-like personality on the surface. If anyone asks, he sorts out circumstances with grace. He also likes to tease others around him and lighten up the mood. Yuuma also appears to be a very patient person.

Deeper Within:
Yuuma enjoys observing what human emotions he can trigger with his movements. This includes testing out his charms. The actor still really enjoys teasing- even sometimes to a sadistic level. He's normally a very calm calculative individual. Even to himself sometimes, he has a hard time of pinning his emotional state. Yuuma holds his secrets close and dear and has no problems lying. The actor also has a bit of a carefree nature in a majority of departments which is quite worrisome to his manager, Isabella.

- Cigarettes
(Although he's really trying hard to quit)

- Peach Flavored Products
- Teasing
- Constellations
- Dramas
- Lemon Tea

- Spicy and Bitter Foods
- Vultures and Owls
- Putting Effort
- Paparazzi
- Horror Films
(They don't scare him, they just irritate him)

- Gardening
- Reading
- Violin
- Sudoku Puzzles

- Meeting his Mother
- Dying before he's done
- Isabella giving up on him
- Losing things at his grasp

- Yuuma over the years has developed a mild "sixth-sense" for when people are lying. He detects it through body-language and/or tone. It's not a supernatural occurrence as it doesn't work on some people, such as his father. Yuuma tends to only use it for first meetings and whatnot.

- Yuuma has named his plants and placed them in alphabetical order. The names he gave the plants have the same first letter as the original name of the plant. Ex: Catherine the Cactus. On the other hand a majority of the time, his apartment can get cluttered very quickly.

Yuuma's past is one that's sealed off. Well due to many reasons. When asked about it, he plays it off as part of his "mysterious allure".

Yuuma's birth on February the 14th was a blessing to both his father and his mother. His father was eager and excited that a male had been born to the family, and his mother was glad that he was born a male because of the stereotypical reasoning that the male would be strong, and wouldn't succumb to the harsh realities ahead. To be fair, a lot of stereotypical and traditional thinking was practically what the family thrived on.

Yuuma at a young age could have been perfectly described in one word. Spoiled. Of course due to his nature his mother would pay the price. Now without his mother in the way his father brought his illegitimate child into the mix. In other words, at the age of 10, Yuuma met his 4 year old little brother. He liked to tease his little brother, but adored him in every aspect. Souma plays the piano which pairs nicely with Yuuma's violin.

Unfortunately, he had a hard time of understanding his "mother in-law" and understanding that in his life she was supposed to be his "motherly figure". In comparison to his own mother, it was a bit confusing for Yuuma. Yuuma's mother was more restrained and sophisticated while this woman was noisy, clumsy, and boisterous. His father was never around and when he was it seemed he made it his life mission to make sure Yuuma was doing something with his life.

Yuuma would despise his father for emotionally manipulating him, and would never forgive him for what had happened in regards to his mother. Yuuma at this point had stooped down to his father's level. He manipulated people using his looks, and became an actor in order to get on the good side of social media. He starred in multiple movies and appeared on a couple of talk shows along with some radio shows.
Key Relationships
Hibiki Fujihara - Yuuma's father, the father and son duo have an absolutely horrendous relationship. While Yuuma detests the man, Hibiki quite enjoys the thrilling challenge his son provides and practically encourages that hate to fester. His sadistic tendencies seemed to have passed through the family. Hibiki would go as far as to argue he loves both of his sons... He just "shows his love differently". A majority of his salary comes from being a hotshot lawyer. Most of Hibiki's "adoration" is targeted towards Yuuma, as Souma is seen as the "back-up".

Kyoko "Fujihara" - Yuuma's mother. An accident occurred causing her to lose her memories. In this period of time, Yuuma's father declared her a handicap he didn't want to deal with and abandoned her. Today she lives her days happily mentoring kids in kindergarten and has a husband, although currently they have no children but are thinking of adoption. Yuuma has a hard time deciding if he despises her or simply misses her.

Souma Fujihara - Yuuma's half-brother who appears gentle, kind, and patient but in reality if the pattern hasn't been noticed yet, he's sadistic like his brother and his father. It seems to run in the family although Yuuma's and Souma's version are much more watered-down. On the other hand, unlike Yuuma, he doesn't treat circumstances with genuine warmth or happiness.

Souma would rather solve matters quickly and efficiently with no regards or cares to emotion. The best word to describe this level of thinking, "cold." Souma is currently the age of 17. Souma likes to treat Yuuma like a business associate or a reluctant brother. Yuuma on the other hand enjoys messing with his little brother, joking about his half-brother dyeing his hair to be a punk juvenile and enjoys their competitions. The alliance between the brothers stems at the purpose of absolutely crushing their father, emotionally and mentally.

Rachelle Fujihara - Souma's mother and Yuuma's step-mother. She's clumsy, loud, and kind. Sometimes though, she can get pretty arrogant. Rachelle ends up doing a lot of scolding and worrying. She cares about Yuuma despite them not being blood related. Yuuma treats her kindly and with patience. She tends to fawn over her husband.

Melodie Kiyoshi - Yuuma's cat. Melodie seems very lazy and affectionate in nature. Yuuma considers her the best Mary-sue he could ever want in his entire existence.

Isabella Warren - Yuuma's manager. Over the years she's gotten used to Yuuma's "flustering" banter and is his main motivator to get things done. They're mildly close and Yuuma is very careful with her, as if treading on eggshells. She on the other hand won't hesitate to scold him when needed.
Fanbase Data
- Yuuma's birthday happens to lie on Valentine's day

- In what the fan-base describes as, "cute", Yuuma has started to substitute his cigarettes with similarly formed sweets such as Pocky and rolled wafer sticks.

- Yuuma jokes around about his distaste for running but he does it anyways because 'his fans cheer him on'.
Photo Samples
> Photo 1 || Photo 2 || Photo 3 <

Misc. Notes
- "Sometimes I think that my mother had wanted a girl instead. Maybe it would have been better that way." Yuuma murmured before intertwining his hair through his fingers.

- Souma's mother is American while Yuuma's mother is Japanese. Souma's mother was a model while Yuuma's mother was a kindergarten teacher.

- Yuuma is slightly bitter that his intentions towards joining the entertainment industry are dirty. A piece of him wonders if his father isn't the only reason he joined.

- He doesn't speak name's plainly unless he acknowledges the person as a true equal.

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]✩ Himeko ✩
"Just for a bit longer, I'd like an excuse to linger in this moment."

General Information

Character Name:
Himeko Takashi

Hime, Vigilant Blade, Sword-junkie




January 16th

Meiko Academy, 2nd Year

Aspect/Source of Love:


Height: 5'4;
A good height, all things considered.

Mahogany; Himeko has long mahogany hair that she had inherited from her father. Typically though, instead of down it's in a ponytail as then it wouldn't be in the way.

Sky Blue; She has striking sky blue eyes that she had inherited from her mother. Rarely though, do they sparkle like her mother's.

Himeko doesn't really pay attention to attire she wears in her everyday life. If she can move swiftly and easily, it passes her standards. She doesn't really handle skirts and dresses well, well at least the way she's supposed to.

> Transformation <

Himeko is the type to administer justice by whatever means possible, well at least she attempts to stay well within the boundaries of legalities. She struggles to convey her emotions properly but on the other hand she doesn't let others opinions get to her. As long as her sense of balance is achieved she is content with what she's doing.

Himeko appeals more to her logical side than to an emotional argument. Her view tends to be more "black and white" than all of the grays in between. On the other hand, because of her nature she is able to make calm collected decisions and commences an execution based off established facts. So far, Himeko has only shown compassion towards her family members.

- Tenacious
- Composed
- Righteous

- Difficulty with Comprehension of Emotions
- Slight-obsession with Perfection
- Stubborn
x Although she may be talented with a sword,
if given a gun or a bow she'd rather attempt to clobber her target with it rather than aim and shoot.

- Converting Shiba
into a proper guard dog
- Cooking
- Practicing her Swordsmanship

- Graceful Swordsmanship
- Ability to Retain Knowledge Quickly
(If it doesn't have a relation to mathematics)
- Speedy with a Knife
- Skipping Flat Stones

- Strawberries
- Swords
- Aquariums
- Dark Chocolate
- Mints

- Squirmy Wriggly Creatures
- Being Touched
- Tire Swings
- Slackers

- Sudden Deaths of Loved Ones
- Geese
- Thunder


Place of Birth:
Ai City

Current Residence:
Ai City; A modest two-story house

On the cold day of January 16th, Himeko was born to a loving family in Ai City.

Himeko had a peculiar family. She spent most of her time in the dojo, competing against her brother. He usually show great kindness to her when she lost, comforting her. On the other hand, her mother was remorseful after she ruthlessly beat her young daughter in a duel. Back then her father would join in when her children had to comfort their mother, this was when her mother started bawling because her children were growing "too quickly".

Things began to change as her mother began to spit out blood, she bruised more easily, and she began to become more forgetful. Himeko could safely say she spent most of her life in the hospital. When her mother passed away, Himeko wasn't even sure if her mother had truly been living before. Well being that she could barely remember her name, much less remember she had children. After her death, her father had practically shut down.

He became a shut-in and never looked any of his children. Souma who was practically the splitting image of their mother, was the most painful image and so he was given money to simply go away. Himeko couldn't exactly identify when she became so absorbed in her interest of swordmanship. Perhaps it was the lingering feelings that she had picked up from her mother. Her uncle's visits became more frequent as if he was making up for the fact that their father was so reluctant to even leave his room.

Much earlier than their mother, Souma began to succumb to the same disease and is currently residing at the hospital. That's where Himeko spends her afternoons. The dojo was locked away and no one was allowed inside. To this day, Himeko still cares for the exterior, but can't speak for the inside.

Over the years she's won a collective amount of duels and gained a reputation for being a ruthless kendo-blade wielder under a disguise and the title of, 'Vigilant Blade'.


Akio Takashi - Himeko's shut-in father.

Kotaro Fujimoto - Himeko's ambitious "vibrant" uncle, and Akio's brother in-law.

Souma Takashi - Himeko's older brother who gives off a calm, comforting aura. He currently has the same affliction as their mother.

Hospital Staff - Most of the reoccurring staff are able to recognize Himeko due to her coming in for both her mother and brother for years.


Rie Takahashi;
typically it's more light and airy

Theme song:
Moon in a Cherry-blossom filled night


Shiba the Shiba Inu;
He's a stray who decided that he'd be a part of the family, like it or not. On the other hand he gets most of the love from Himeko's uncle.

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Yuuma Kiyoshi <<

Actor Extraordinaire

Daddy Issues
Calm Exterior

Yuuma seemed to try to study the other person's expression, tilting his head at an angle to catch their expression. From what he could see, her eyes seemed glazed over he wasn't sure if it was due to shock or if she simply didn't care as to what he had to say. He thought it was a shame that her eyes didn't hold more of a sparkle considering their pale-blue seeming eye color. Then again, many people wore eye-color contacts in the industry so nothing could really be trusted in the industry in terms of appearance. He straightened his posture as he felt the soft towel dab at his face and another towel seemed to tug at his hair, his sunglasses clattered to the floor and he closed his eyes. As the fussing came to a stop he leaned down to pick up his paint covered sunglasses, silently mourning over them. He wiped them with the rare dry spots on his shirt the best he could before tucking on top of his shirt collar. The actor smiled in appreciation before he refocused his attention.

As Bianca spoke he divided his attention between the one motioning, and the one actually speaking. He was just glad the translator had a pleasant, clear sounding voice. During his early starting days he had to deal with directors and staff who enjoyed mumbling, it simply wasn't efficient. He had only picked up the basics of reading sign language, a few cusses, but he didn't know how to sign back. It seemed to him that the mute photographer could hear which was a relief to him. As Bianca spoke, things seemed to go over smoothly. Just technical things and such. At the next words that flowed out of her mouth his brow quirked up and his mouth followed. He was more amused than mad. Yuuma was silently glad that his manager wasn't around, she probably would have clicked her tongue in irritation or something of the sort.

On the other hand, Yuuma considered this young woman to be talented. If she could keep such an attitude up, require someone to speak for her, and yet still be prosperous in the industry. Intriguing. It seemed to be a challenge of some sorts. He wondered if the correct motion here would be to fire back, to feign anger just to irritate the photographer. The actor's gaze then shifted to Bianca who had the unfortunate fate of speaking the words and decided against it. He wouldn't involve the employees in his attempt to stir up trouble. He allowed a light chuckle to emerged from his lips as Bianca attempted to separate the two. "It's alright, Miss Bianca. I'm not going to become angry. She's right in a way. I am late." He commented with his usual calm smile.

He spoke, not addressing nor putting his gaze upon the photographer, perhaps he was doing it in a purposeful manner. "But that's why I wanted to greet the adviser. To apologize for my tardiness. It's just a shame she's already put a prejudice label on me." Yuuma seemed to hum in a somber manner, his gaze temporarily becoming sharper upon his comment on the photographer. The sharp gaze only lasted a millisecond before it returned to his warm smile. "I suppose it's fine, I doubt she'd want my apology at this point. If she views me in a lower-light it might come across as sucking up. Would that make me as egotistical as she is judgmental?" Yuuma had an innocent-expression on his face as he shook his head. "Never mind. I suppose I'm making you uncomfortable, apologies. Disregard my grumblings if you so wish. I'm just pouting I suppose." Yuuma said good-naturedly. None of the words he spoke seemed to have a hint of sarcasm or bitterness. All of his words were or at least seemed, playful, sincere, and light. His expression only radiated what his tone conveyed.

Yuuma would never say if he knew the photographer was listening. Yuuma would also never say that he purposely spoke in a clear voice, he wasn't much for talking behind someone's back. Purposefully stirring up the photographer? No way~. If she was mature enough she wouldn't take the bait. He wasn't sure if he was looking forward to her breaking point, or seeing how much of a beating her cool demeanor could take. He honestly wouldn't mind it either way. The actor wondered what all kinds of nicknames he could pull out of his hat. It was all in good fun to him, if she felt honestly threatened or harassed he would back off. He wasn't really all that into becoming a crazy stalker. One, stalking seemed like he had to dedicate his life to it. He wasn't sure he could do that between his job and his gorgeous (fluffy) lady back home.

He soon was freshened up and paint-free. The only evidence of the incident happening was his paint-stained clothes and sunglasses. Yuuma watched the staff tug at his clothing as to pull out the wrinkles, he acknowledged their beautiful work with a nod of approval. His warm smile was nowhere in sight, as he traced his costume looking up at the mirror. His eyes had dulled, a merciless smile played on his lips although his eyes screamed in remorse and agony. A man betrayed, a man trying to figure out where he had gone wrong, where he was lacking. For a moment, it was like a spell had been cast upon a majority of the staff. For a second or two they stared at him as if hypnotized. The spell broke however as the warm smile reappeared on his face his attention directed at Bianca, "Just a test drive of that scary expression~. I suppose I shouldn't keep Missus Photographer waiting for too long this time."

Although he spoke her name in the dressing room, even when back in her proximity he didn't acknowledge her presence. Yuuma was simply planning his next tactic and the actor wasn't sure he could stop a hide a mischievous smile from emerging if he gazed in her direction.
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]✩ Solaris ✩
"Quest accepted, [The Fate of a Vice-President]. I wonder what will get my heart racing this time~"

General Information

Solaris Kousei

Sol, Riri, Doll


Age: (14-18)

Sexual Orientation:

School Year: (Anime: Japanese based)
3rd Year

Role in club:


Solaris's height stands at 5'9" with long, dark lashes over his emerald eyes. His natural hair-color is a light brown though commonly he dyes the tips. His ears are pierced and he wears hexagon glasses to compliment his appearance.

For the most part he opts for soft turtlenecks, fairly on the stylish side of things because his admirers often recommend things for him to wear out of magazines or when he takes them on outings.


With the right price, Solaris's loyalties can flip as fast as the snap of a finger (with very few exceptions). Though at times he can emit warmth, always putting on a friendly smile and maintaining physical contact when most convenient for himself, other times that comforting upward turn of his lips can seem chilling– almost cruel.

Gentle, friendly, some attitudes that Solaris wields to get what he wants. How much is a front and how much is his true self he isn't sure. The only thing he can really trust is his constant hunger for a thrill.

Solaris loves to get his blood pumping. 'Leap before you look' is always his policy when it comes to 'fun'. Love isn't something he quite understands yet, but he's constantly searching for the heart-thumping sensation– the 'promise' bestowed upon him by romantic fairytales and visual novels.

Sometimes it's almost as if he gets lost in his own head when faced with a choice-- 'options' are harder for him to think through than 'orders'.

  • Gambling​
  • Visual Novels​
  • Cold Temperatures​
  • Iced Desserts & Sweets​
  • Night-strolls​
  • Headpats & Praises [exclusive to someone he likes]​

  • Spicy Foods​
  • Hot Temperatures​
  • Predictable-plots & Spoilers​
  • Enclosed Spaces​



Solaris's earliest memories extend to a shabby, two room apartment. Snapped crayons scattered all across the floor as the smell of cigarettes clinging to the fabric of his clothes. Their mother was a complete airhead, spending time with men who couldn't care less for her and more often spent nights out of the house than within. Not that she didn't love her kids, that's what wounded Solaris the most. Compared to everything else in the world, they were at the bottom of her priorities. Neither Luna nor Solaris had a concrete father figure, the men around them changing as frequently as the weather.

One day, their mother left the house and simply didn't come back. Loan sharks soon made their presence known, as long as Solaris did as they asked, they wouldn't strip them away from their home. The boy would often find himself bumping against strangers on the streets, stolen wallets filling his pockets to meet quotas. Anything to keep them together, his baby sister being his only anchor in a world full of uncertainties.

However, soon enough he was caught red handed. Perhaps his technique was too sloppy, but an adult caught his wrist and took a long look at him. The next thing he knew was he was sitting at a ramen shop, the old man who caught him treating him to a meal, Solaris taking a single bite before saving the rest for his sister.

The old man criticized his state– too skinny, too complacent, too much like a puppet than he'd like. Unfortunately over the years, that didn't change but the old man brought the two into his home.

In Solaris's mind the boundaries still applied, he'd follow the man's orders to a tee for as long as he offered his sister safety, not quite understanding exactly why he took him in, but did that really matter as long as the result was good?

Though to this day even though the debts were paid, he still finds straggling loan sharks now and then, attempting to pull him back into the life he'd lived before. He usually gives up his money without a fit, leisurely spending his days as a student being spoiled by girls and boys alike with too much cash– trading chocolates for kisses against the hand, or spending a week being doted on by Solaris in-exchange for video-games.

However, perhaps it was from his time constantly having his adrenaline pumping on the streets that led him to help manage the Lover's Club today. The promise of wild antics, continuously confronting the all time high of love itself… For as long as the members can keep him entertained, Solaris didn't mind letting them use him to his fullest.


Luna Kousei -
Solaris's baby sister. She likes to pretend she's much more mature than her age. Often she whines about how clingy Solaris can get. The 18-year old student would retain his right to remain silent in this regard.



  • Solaris works part-time at a fairytale themed café, run by the old man who takes care of him.
  • His favorite day is Valentine's Day considering all the free chocolate that he gets.
  • Often falls prey (perhaps willingly) to his sister's shenanigans. Occasionally he's shown up to school with a full-face of makeup or cutesy hair-clips messily pushed into his hair.
  • Solaris's glasses are prescription. He genuinely cannot see without them though he does own contacts.
Kenshou Ono

Theme Song:
"Your thoughts, your sorrows and your erratic emotional way of thinking; remain trapped in the world of an 85 cm radius."

Ike Eveland

Audio Playing:
If I Am With You

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Solaris Kousei
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie dolor diam, malesuada consectetur sem eleifend in. Sed sed elementum felis, in lacinia erat. Maecenas fermentum auctor nibh, quis consectetur dolor ultricies vel. Maecenas nec tristique purus, sit amet ornare dui. Donec tincidunt luctus justo, non porta odio pulvinar eget. Vestibulum pellentesque libero a arcu suscipit, ac congue dolor dignissim. Maecenas porttitor orci urna, nec ultrices sem imperdiet at. Nam mattis magna sed mauris aliquet pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce blandit tincidunt egestas. Praesent libero nisl, luctus sit amet mauris sed, ornare tempor est.

Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.
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]✩ Tsukiko ✩
"Oh my, getting a little shy? It can't be helped~ You're in the presence of a god after all."

General Information

Tsukiko Inari

Tsu/Tsuki, Nari



Sexual Orientation:
Closeted Bisexual

School Year:
2nd Year

Role in club:


5'7" and hopefully still growing, Tsukiko has dark violet hair he inherited from his mother, and gray-blue eyes more like his father. At the moment, there's no denying Tsukiko's nor his twin brother's lineage to the main family's relief. With long, tame hair he usually puts up in a ponytail, Tsukiko isn't one to shy away from fashion.

His closet ranges from regal clothing, vests, ties, uniforms, anything to fit an "elegant" picture of being a prince. However, when he can, he spends his off days snuggled up comfortably in a kimono. Most days, his hair is strung up by a silk ribbon or rope-like hair accessory.


The most accurate way to portray him is to suggest he could be considered an eccentric, head-strong individual. Tsukiko has the ability to sneak eloquent foreign words into his vocabulary and absolutely showboating his capabilities. He heavily exaggerates his movements to display a dramatic effect. Overall, Tsukiko can be loud, over-the-top ridiculous, and though he attempts at flirting... Well, he does his best. However, there's also an elegance to the way he behaves, raving on about 'morals' and 'chivalrous' behavior.

Certainly, at times he can be a little dense. However, if he figures it out, he can become a stammering, flustered ball of mess. Tsukiko surprisingly knows shame. One can even go as far as to calling him scaredy-cat and in reply, he'd pretend he's not by showing off to a further degree... Bluffing certainly is his strong suit. However, a key component is that Tsukiko is an honest, straightforward individual. It's safe to say that almost every old-maid game he plays, he loses.

  • Rhinoceros Beetles​
  • The Limelight​
  • Watermelon​
  • Kenshibu​
  • Flowers​
  • Hanafuda​

  • Horror Movies​
  • Geese​
  • Waterfalls​
  • Spicy Foods​



Born to a shrine-owning family, Tsukiko was raised to adore the outdoors. He'd scramble to collect the shells of cicadas', rhinoceros beetles to take care before eventually releasing it, getting his feet dirty with mud and bringing random acorns home... That was the kind of childhood he dragged his brother into.

However, as he grew up, the duties slowly began to pile on and the big personality he'd cultivated couldn't fit in the mold his father had prepared for him. Performances he loved to put on for the old ladies who came to the shrine was now rewarded with cleaning punishment. Misogi, dutiful scrubbing of shrine floors, swordsmanship practice, his father would do anything to get rid of his energetic spirit. It wasn't benefitting of someone with the Inari title-- someone who was supposed to soothe the gods rather than rile them up.

Unfortunately, it didn't work and what he succeeded in creating was a head-strong, prideful individual who took every punishment given and spun it into a lesson for himself... Which motivated him further in acting exactly the way his father detested. It's safe to say they don't get along, but in Tsukiko's eyes it can't be helped.

Really the reason for joining was simple for him-- he wanted to spur on a love story as great as Juliet and Romeo! Orihime and Hikoboshi! What better place for an over-the-top individual to fit in then a strange club from the start! He'd stake his family name on bringing at least a few couples a maddening love that would last perhaps for eternity!


Chihiro Inari -
The youngest and only daughter of the Inari family. Though she spends a lot of time in the middle of her older brothers arguments, she also spends a lot of time yelling at Tsukiko herself as well. She has always had the rare talent of being able to tell them apart and she has a softer personality. She has a good relationship with Tsukiko though she has a lot less tolerance for him than Koichi does. At eleven-years old, she is friends with Luna Kousei (Solaris's sister).

Koichi Inari -
Tsukiko's older twin brother. He has a much more introverted nature and ends up getting dragged around by his younger brother. He often gets mistaken for Tsukiko and it causes him a major headache. If he didn't decide to cut his hair when it got much too long, the two are practically indistinguishable. The two bicker, but overall they have a good relationship.



  • During his 1st year, Tsukiko spent a good amount of time running away from the kendo club.​
  • Tsukiko owns a dog named "Pochi" and the Inari residence thanks their stars that they burn so much energy together.
  • The flamboyant individual is terrible with technology. Leave him in a room with the television and he'll somehow find a way to glitch a game or get a sophisticated toaster to light itself on fire.
  • Tsukiko typically puts on dance-performances at the shrine during special, or scheduled events.
  • As children, Tsukiko certainly was the ring-leader that lead his siblings straight into trouble.
Souma Saitou

Theme Song:
Hatsune Miku, KAITO - Ohedo Julia-Night

Nagao Kei

Audio Playing:
Navia Theme Music - Unofficial Operation (tnbee mix)

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Tsukiko Inari
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