IC Turner City

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

manufacturing law and order

An industrious city. It is second to Elyria in manufacturing but much greener. It has a harsher environment than most cities, with rampant specism and corrupt law enforcement. Because it provides so many job opportunities for Cervians, many go to it as an alternative to Black City.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 5:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 47.6°F (8.7°C). Cool sweater weather and wet from previous rain.


If Black City never sleeps, Turner never finds peace. Sirens wail, cars race, and yelling over the streets in constant. Still, there is some cheer with Hallow's Eve right around the corner.


Five Dead in Fire
Five people burned alive last night when Uptown Bar & Grille caught fire late last night. Because the bodies show signs of having been dead for a couple of hours previous to the fire, police suspect foul play, though no suspects have been arrested as of yet. Though they cannot say for certain, they suspect Ardor's Gate is involved.


- More fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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  • Wicked
Reactions: wren.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but we don't serve that — what you see on the menu is all we have."

The woman scowls, flicking away a lock of brown hair trying to be blonde with a mess of highlights. "Starbucks has it as a secret menu option."

"I'm sorry, we don't have a secret menu here."

"How hard it would it be to make a Butterbeer Frappuccino? It's pretty much just caramel and toffee syrup!"

He's struggling to maintain his polite smile now, disgruntled both by the woman's insistence as well as the stares of the irritated people behind her. Why didn't she just go to Starbucks if she wanted an item specific to them? "Do you have the recipe? We can try to recreate it, although I can't promise anythin'."

"I can look it up on my phone, one second." She taps her phone frantically, glaring at a man who groans exaggeratedly behind her. "Here you go," she chirps once she has it, suddenly far less obnoxious now that she's gotten what she wants, and hands him the phone.

They can do it, starting with a basic creme frappuccino, but it's going to require a lot of screen tapping for these additional components. "We'll see what we can do," he promises. Hopefully, his coworkers manning the machines won't spit in the drink.

The woman, content, takes her phone back and heads down to the end of the counter. Fortunately, the following customers are far easier with their orders. Why are people still ordering coffee in the afternoon? Maybe they all work the night shift or something. Maybe not. Caffeine addicts are just Like That™ sometimes.

But of course, there can't only just be one fussy customer in a day. Nearing six in the afternoon, a man proceeds to stand there for several minutes, deliberating over his order. Why couldn't he have waited to approach the counter once he knew what he wanted? Normally Daniel wouldn't care, since there are no other customers waiting in line behind him, but his roommate and friend Camilla has arrived from out of the rain and he'd much rather be talking with her than putting up with this indecisive man.

Finally, the man makes a choice and moves to the other end of the counter, allowing Camilla to make herself comfortable on his side as she always does. "Hey, darlin'," he smiles, both her visit and her gesture of bringing an umbrella for him leaving him warm. "You didn't have to come all this way just for little old me — you know I don't really mind the water." Just like she knows everything else about him. Well, about as much as he knows about himself. After all, she rescued him from near death and has thus been there since he lost his memory. He was just as much a stranger to himself as he was to her.

He's still a stranger to himself, really. Several months later and he can't remember much of anything. Not where he's from, not his own name, not what his parents were like or their names... he can't even be sure that his own face is the correct one. The iridescent green wings attached to his back made it plenty clear that he's a Fae, and the realization that he could shapeshift came later. So if he can turn into an entirely different person, how can he be sure that this body is his original one? It's a terrifying thought when he thinks too hard about it, so he's resolved to... think less about it. He has started keeping a journal that he writes in religiously, afraid that maybe one day he might wake up and have amnesia all over again. Is that even possible?

"A hot chocolate with whip cream comin' up," he announces like a game show host, pulling out his wallet to pay for the drink himself, "It's my treat since you brought me the umbrella." He turns away to make the simple drink himself, which pretty much just consists of holding a cup under a spout and pressing a button. "To answer your earlier question, yes, of course I do. But it's my job, so I can't really do anythin' about it. I'm not gonna take a job for granted in this city where a small apartment costs the same as a decent house anywhere else."

He hands her the drink when it's done, leaning his elbows on the counter and shifting his weight to his toes to give the rest of his feet a mini break. "So how did the job go? I'm assuming well since you're here." Yes, he's very much aware of Cam's illicit employment — she has even roped him into a few schemes once or twice. It's not like she could hide it when she'd only rescued him after initially planning to just steal his wallet (unfortunately lacking in ID). It was obvious she was a thief from the get-go. Not that she's really the type to hide things anyway, at least from him. But he doesn't really care about the illegal shit she gets up to — people have to do what they have to do to get by.
code by wren.
  • Sweet
Reactions: MaryGold



"Careful, Kitty," a too familiar voice called out, too amused to be a sincere warning. "It's a long way down." But his words rang true.

Standing on the edge of seven-story building in the rain, all it took was one slip and she'd land kersplat on hard concrete street. If her luck was worse, her flattened bodied would suffer the damage of being run over by traffic. Nothing like tire tracks on one's already splattered body to make the damage truly whole. But Cam wouldn't slip and she wouldn't fall, not because she was lucky, but because was skilled and balanced and had this time and time again. There was no fear, no hesitance, and absolute confidence in her abilities.

One shift in her next step, turning on her toes with grace and she was no longer looking down at the busy streets of Black City. She was looking at not simply a familiar face, but a friendly one. And those were scarce for Camillia. "Tommy," she grinned. With ease, she hopped down from the ledge and offered the far taller man a hug. She tended to be affectionate with the few she did have an attachment to. And her relationship with the man went way back, both belonging to the same street kid group as children. He also happened to be her go-between when it came to hired jobs, which were the only times they met.

"I reckon you've come for this?" Camilla said, pulling back and ... the hood of her hoodie alongside the fast drooping rain had obscured her vision from fully seeing his face. Bruised. Badly bruised. Unfortunately, that sight was not an unfamiliar one to her either. Not when she was well aware of his home situation. Still, she said nothing, removing a small back from her pocket. What it contained ... Well, it wasn't valuable enough for Cam to want to keep it for herself. She tossed the bag over to the man and he caught with a grin.

As per custom, he removed the stolen goods from the bag and looked over it. It was a clock. An old clock, an antique, Camilla presumed. She weighed its valuableness to be a couple of hundreds. She didn't deem it pretty enough to be worth any more than that. "What sap wanted that?" Cam questioned, tilting her head sideways at the item.

"A rich sap."

That was all she needed to hear, nodding her head understandingly at the answer. The understanding being that most -- if not all -- rich folks were strange and especially the ones that hired thieves to steal for them when they couldn't buy what they wanted themselves. Whether it was generally for sentimental reasons or greedy ones, Cam could have cared less. It was not her business and she only did the job when she was tight on money.

A skilled thief she was, but living in a modern world of a large city, searching for lost parents, the money went almost as soon as it came. That was the reality. One she couldn't deny.

Clearing his voice, Tommy looked back to her with the same grin. "Great work as always, Kitty. Here," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of perfectly bound cash. It wasn't much, but the job wasn't a big one either. And it was what was split between the two of them. Regardless, Cam felt some disappointment at the small payment.

Her eyes looked away from the money and to Thomas's expectant face. "Eh, you keep it," she shrugged, smirking at his shocked face. "Try to get your own place, take care of yourself." She did not wait to hear anything, her words carried enough meaning and by the time he looked back, she was already making her way down the fire escape.

She should have kept the money. Goddamnit.

The milk had spoiled in the fridge and all she wanted was a hot cup of hot chocolate to warm up after being soaked to the bone in rain. Not only was the milk no longer salvageable, but the refrigerator was bare and the cabinets were in need of restocking too. The sight was miserable and prompted a small whine out of Camilla as she slammed the doors shut and hopped down from the countertop -- just the daily activities of a woman hardly reaching the five-foot mark.

So, they were low on food, in desperate need of grocery shopping and her pockets were uncomfortably light. That wasn't very Camilla Cain like at all. She would choose to mope about it after she was warm.

Stripping her soaked clothes from her body, she tossed them into the laundry basket closest to her bedroom door. Being alone, she didn't think twice about stripping in her apartment on her way to her bedroom. Had she not been cold, she would have sufficed with a set of underclothing for a change. Instead, she layered up and sauntered back into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. All there was left was an unopened box of instant tea packets. Some sort of creamy Thai tea ..

"Huh.." She snorted. Who bought that ... Oh, it was her. Which explained why it was in the back, as she completely forgot about it. But the making process was quick and after a single sip, her shoulders relaxed. It was good. She held the hot cup in both hands to warm her cold fingers and sighed.

The rain hadn't lifted since the moment she walked indoors. Stupid weather lady and her dumbass predictions. You would think in the age of magic and technology they wouldn't make such mistakes. Light drizzle her ass. Cam only hoped none of her friends got caught in it, though, they were all working. They would certainly run into it after their hours were over.

Did Dani have an umbrella...? She hoped so. This was the type of weather one could easily catch a cold in.

Money was the biggest issue at hand now. She flipped over her phone ontop of the counter and checked for messages. There were none. Damn, she had really been hoping Lucky was cooking up some sort of scheme for the holidays and wanted her in on it. She wasn't desperate enough to text him for a gig. Or was she ...? Maybe a little, but not enough.

Cam huffed and frowned at her cup. She would have to dig into her stash and pawn them and she really didn't want to do that. She could do it later... Her eyes shifted onto the umbrella by the door. Or she could pawn them now.

Darlin'. A sweet pet name, cuter when said in the charming Southern accent belonging to her friend and roommate. Had it come from anyone else, Camilla may not have been so open to responding to it. Or grin without a beat missed in response. It was a natural reflex at this point. Normally, terms of endearment made her stomach churn, but the ones coming from Dani made her feel light. She was so used it to by now, had she not been called as such she would have felt deprived of something.

"I know, but we can't risk you getting sick. Our apartment will be in turmoil," Cam teased softly, her grin only brightening at the sweet -- quite literally -- the gift of free hot chocolate. He turned around and Camilla leaned in over the counter, or as much as she possibly could. She simply liked to watch the making of hot beverages by the professionals. It was mesmerizing in a way, somehow satisfying. Baristas were artists in their own right.

Camilla hummed gently, not knowing what else to say to his occupation struggles. Being a barista wasn't the highest paying job in the city, least of all in this city. If he'd known more about his personal history, he'd likely qualify for something finer or not..The thought made Cam shift her feet. It was neither here nor there.

The heat of the hot chocolate in her hands gave her a different kind of warmth. Not the same that came in response between sweet interacts and kind gestures with Dani, but a simple one, a comforting one. She removed the top from the cup thoughtlessly and licked the whipped cream with an excited grin. Smooth, creamy, most definitely fattening, she loved it and the widening of said grin attested to that.

Cam didn't consider herself conceited, no, she was a self-assured young werecat and many people read that as arrogance. She carried herself without shame. "It went well, nothing really worth telling," she shrugged a shoulder as if she was talking about a normal day in the office rather than her illicit affairs. Thieving was the career she was born into. It was everyday life. "I didn't keep the money, someone else needed it more than me." It sounded odd coming from her. She was throwing far too compassionate these days.

"But no worries, I pawned off a few items today. And I might have a small job with the pawnshop guy," the man was a slimy bastard, but Camilla couldn't turn down a well-paying job when she needed one.

One glance at the glass walls at the entrance told her the pouring rain would make that job a difficult one. And if it stormed.. Cam stiffened. She didn't want to think about that.

@wren. 」​

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  • Love
Reactions: wren.
It really is funny how talking about theft has become as mundane for him as talking about the weather. While he can't remember who he used to be, he highly doubts that he'd been living a life of crime. On the rare occasions that he assists Cam (his ability to shift his appearance is a great asset when trying to distract and sneak into places), he never really feels the same exhilaration that Cam gets out of it. Not that she only does these things for the thrill of it. Before Dani moved in with her, it was her primary way to survive. Even now, they make far more money with Cam's schemes than with his weekly pay at the café. While he wishes that Cam had a safer job, she's at least excellent at it, so he doesn't worry too much.

"You gave it away? Aww, how sweet of you," he coos. He's teasing, but it is a sweet gesture. And entirely unsurprising to him. Despite being a thief, Cam is a surprisingly generous person who apparently refuses to subscribe to the idea of "every man for himself." She saved his life, after all. She didn't have to take him to the hospital when she found him on the ground, and she certainly didn't have to take him in. But she did, and she'd do it for a lot of other people, too. She's just a good person like that.

The mention of the pawnshop guy makes him frown. "Are you sure?" Okay, so he doesn't really feel comfortable with her working for every person involved in organized crime. The respectable ones, sure, but he'd rather his best friend not hang around notorious slimeballs. "I'll be gettin' paid soon enough, do you think that's necessary?" Cam is looking toward the window, too, seemingly contemplative. "Wait — you mean today?" His eyebrows knit in concern, "I don't think that's a great idea, darlin'. I've heard the weather's supposed to just get worse as the day goes on."

The clock on the wall is close enough to six o'clock now that he feels little guilt in asking to leave a bit early. "Give me just a sec and we can walk home together, aight?" He'd rather she didn't have to stand around waiting for him to finish up.

After a successful chat with his manager, he goes and gets his coat, avoiding looking at any of the small mirrors he passes. He returns to Cam quickly, flashing her a pair of fingerguns. "Alright, good to go!" He walks over to the door, holding it open and gesturing exaggeratedly for Cam to pass him. "M'lady," he snickers, tipping an imaginary hat.
code by wren.
Daniel R.
Turner City Slums
Interactions: Nobody (Open for interaction!)

Daniel had frankly had enough with all the crap that this town had put out into the world. And at this point, he figured someone oughta try and make some kind of an impact on it. Burglars haunting the rooftops, gangs roaming the streets and charging insane prices for "protection" while crazed magi were rumored to be running around sacrificing people on flaming alters. It was a whole crock of shit, and freaks of nature seemed to be running the streets with an iron fist. Honest people just didn't get to make a living in a place like Turner, not without somebody coming over and grinding their face down into the mud.

Fortunately, this freak of nature had something of an altruistic side. Or punching bastards made him feel a little better. It was the latter, but it was nice to pretend that you were a little more important than a random worker getting given his muck and told to ride it out with the rest. The scarred merfolk stalked the streets wearing some simple clothing, but carried a backpack with him. Inside were his tools of the trade; some modified brass knuckles as well as a particularly poorly painted hoodie that he seemed to think would offer some kind of protection or anonymity. Naturally, it would provide neither, and in the middle of the day, it would probably make him stand out even more if he put the damn thing on.

Perhaps fortunately for the small time crime-fighter though, he wasn't actively planning to beat any heads in the middle of the day. He may have been a straightforward thinker, but he was usually pretty good about making decent tactical decisions...usually anyway. No, instead Daniel was surfing the streets for intel. Trying to see who he might be able to drop in and get some answers out of. Anyone looking shady, anything sketchy going on. In turner, the question wasn't if a crime was happening, but where. So Danny decided to patrol during the day nearly as often as he did at night. He'd probably get into less scraps, but a tough looking merfolk in the middle of the day had to have been a deterrent; or so he figured. He honestly would be happy to throw hands with just about anybody in the right conditions- namely anyone he thought was being too much of a dick.

So, the scarred up merfolk was wandering through some of the shadier parts of town, Wearing blue coveralls and waiting to see if something- anything, would catch his attention yet.

Devin shifted her weight, scanning the wine selection of a popular gourmet grocery store. She held her chin in her hand, staring at the signs to read what notes each wine contained.

A black shopping basket hung from her elbow, nestled snuggly against her hip. A pack of thin crackers, a lovely wrapped cheese and a six back of beer sat in the basket, along with her car keys and purse. A soft humming could be heard behind her sealed lips, her left foot tapping softly to the beat of whatever tune she was humming.

She noticed someone approaching from the corner of her eye and scooted forwards out of their way without pulling her attention away from the wine.
「 」
Code by Jenamos
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  • According to Plan
Reactions: MaryGold

Angelo and his what some would call protege Lanza rolled down the city streets in one of the few fire trucks they had. They were on their way back to the station; it was their night to cook dinner, but before that they had one last thing to check out.

"Chief radioed in a dumpster fire near here, said it was my call on whether I wanted you to take it on your own or not." Angel looked over at his friend matter-of-factly. He hoped the pride he felt for Lanza shone through his eyes because he was indeed proud of the fae for his work achievements. He was really starting to get out of those rookie stages and the other firefighters were starting to notice it too.

"I think it's your time to shine, my guy. You got this one on your own." He couldn't help the grin that was plastered on his face as he turned the sirens on and raced down the street. Lanza was like his little brother. And Angel was truly proud of the firefighter he was becoming.

The two of them pulled up to a side street, the fire in the dumpster just barely in sight down the alleyway the truck sat near. He could tell it wasn't a huge fire, and the brick buildings it sat between was safe from the fire outside of it and from the looks, there wasn't anyone around to get hurt either. "That's all you bro!"
code by wren.

Ayira's eyes lit up in satisfaction as the dumpster fire she'd just set roared, the trash piled up the building forcing it to climb higher and higher up. It was small, but it was something, and it gave the firefighters a distraction for her to get away and set something else bigger and better somewhere else! Those other boneheads that Aurelia left in charge while she was gone didn't seem to be doing jack shit!

'AYIRA! Do you NOT hear those sirens?!' Her familiar, Nickle hissed at her, snapping her out of the mesmeric trance that the blaze left her in. 'Okay, okay, sorry!' She mentally grumbled and groaned, swiftly making her way from out of the alleyway and out of sight on the sidewalk. Wouldn't be so smart of the culprit to stand right near the fire, would it?

'You're cuttin' it real close, girl!' Pumpernickel hissed, causing Ayira to roll her eyes. 'It's just mesmerizing!' She pulled her phone out of her back pocket, pretending to call for help in a fake panic over the nearby fire.
code by wren.
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-L A N Z A-

It had been a long year of training, and few excruciating months on purely "ride along buddy" or just being the grunt of the station, but now Lanza could finally say he was a firefighter. It had been something he worked tirelessly for, and with the help of a few in the station rooting for him, he could now help out and do what he felt called for. Angel had been the biggest help, the man quickly taking in the flightless fae under his wing, an expression that always makes him snort with humor. The guy knew how to do it all when it came to stopping fire, and then some. It was his encouragement, and often his constructive criticism, that got him through this and what had him in the passenger seat of the truck, making thier way to a garbage fire.

Lanza had almost always kept one earbud in except when it was just him and Angel in the truck. It was the rare exception to where he was trying to listen, and understand the world around him. "Oh, he did? I mean.. shit, I guess I can do it." His slightly apathetic response was overshadowed by the small smile tugging on his face, a bit of pride in his chest as Angel said he got to deal with it alone. "Well at least it ain't a big one. Should be easy enough, if I can stay awake." That was the hardest part of the job, his fae nature making his body feel like lead everytime he gets close to it. It had taken a lot of effort to learn to overcome it, and had fallen asleep multiple times before, but Lanza knew he could handle it.

As their truck raced to where the dumpster fire was, Lanza would swing the door open and busy out, dressed in most of the garb, if left without the hat on. With one more fistbump to Angel, Lanza raced, holding the much stronger fire hydrant the station had over the regular ones bought by various buisnesses. He could spot one girl as he ran towards the fire, who appeared to be freaking out over the fire. She nearly stopped Lanza from doing his job, as he simply got enchanted by her. She's gorgeous! was his first thought, that mane of curly hair and those eyes... those eyes that twinkled against the warm light of the...

"Oh fuck, the fire!" He shook his head, laughing at his sudden outburst before focusing back on doing his actual job. Getting what few other people who were lingering to get out of his way, the fire became a quick ordeal. It was no more than 15-20 minutes after departing the crowd with his best authoritative voice, then blowing the foam-like material in spurts, slowly shrinking the flame down into a smolder before he stopped it out, making sure not a fleck of heat remained. With a hop from the dumpster, he stood triumphally for a moment. "Man, that is.. tiring." He knew it was going to be a lot of work, but doing it alone was a whole other ball game. It was just going to be something he would have to get use to, since most cases were solo affairs. Still, at least he had one onlooker, as that pretty girl was still standing there. "You didn't by chance see who did this, did you?" It was worth an ask, plus the chance to actually speak instead of gawk at her seemed fairly enticing.
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  • According to Plan
Reactions: Ghostie

Yira was getting better! She'd set a fire in broad daylight and no one had been the wiser! Her father would be proud, no matter how small the fire!

Even still, she had a part to play. Feigning fear and "bravery", Ayira directs the few people that had crowded around the alleyway, occasionally mesmerized by the flames. Too entrapped in her false bravery and acting, she hadn't even noticed the truly brave firefighter come to put out her blaze until he'd begun helping her instruct people away.

'Hello Mr. Fireman. Nick he's a cutie," and Ayira could basically hear her familiar's scowl before she'd even finished her sentence.

'DON'T YOU DARE,' the fluffy feline mentally sneers, Ayira could've cackled. 'He's a firefighter!'

'Yeah, but he's a fine ass firefighter though.
' Stopping herself from staring at the man would've been nearly impossible. He was way more attractive than any of the men she'd seen in TC before. Pumpernickel was right though. He was a firefighter.

"I remember seeing some guy running away," Ayira sighed, a worrying yet slightly scared tone aided the tremble in her voice in setting the scene, "but I wanted to be sure no one got hurt so I didn't go after him." Her middle school drama teacher be damned. "Thank you so much for helping keep us safe!"
code by wren.



The city always smelled like it was burning. It was like every building and other person was on fire, and those who weren't burning were suffocating in the choking black smoke. But they all walked around as if nothing was killing them. These citizens were the ones spreading the gasoline and lighting the fires after all. With the rampant crime, it was shocking to think anyone at all lived in Turner City. Shocking until one remembered that being of lower and middle class led you to the scummiest areas because you couldn't afford to make it out of the shit. Some were born rolling in it and led the only destructive life they knew how. And some fell into it as life went on either growing more miserable and complacent or contributing to the horrors. Unfortunately, Gabe was the latter.

He may not have been robbing stores and mugging people in alleyways, but he was miserable. His drab nature matched the dark colors that covered their city. The blank face he sported, sometimes looking grumpy with a crease in his brows, gave him the appearance of a true Born Turner citizen.

Gabe wasn't from Turner though. He was from the green lands of Greenwich, born and raised on farmlands and neighbors sharing casseroles with neighbors. His life before Turner was not one full of wealth, but it was full of a lot more love than he had now. Even his years in Elkwood studying book after book were more enjoyable than the quiet and lonely life he had now.

The fae may have been surrounded by books as he always wished, but he wasn't surrounded by the books of a place he had aimed from. Blackwell Academy wasn't interested in hiring more fae than they needed as a professor. His background was not as impressive as they wanted. After their rejection, he faced numerous rejections until he landed in Turner.

His only solace was the quietness of the library. The staff were not friendly people, least of all to him, being very open in their specist biases against him. If they knew of his curse too, he could only imagine how fast he would be fired. So, he stuck to himself, his only friends being the characters in the stories he read, the ones that visited him in his dreams.

And today, he was celebrating his birthday. Six days late. He had forgotten. He of all people forgot his own birthday. The only reason he was reminded was because of his mail. He was late to get to it and in it was a birthday card from his mother. Along with birthday cash. For some reason, the woman still believed he, a fully grown man with a job, needed it.

So, off he went to the grocery store. Perusing the shelves to gather ingredients for his birthday dinner. Eventually, he found himself walking down the aisle of wine where only one other person stood. He could only imagine the reasons she was there. Gathering something a special event herself?

Gabe walked past her, keeping a foot between them, side by side, as he looked for a drink to serve with his dinner. Maybe a red wine. Something French.

He brushed a strand of stray her from his face and reached onto the shelf to grab a bottle of
Cabernet Sauvignon. When he turned on his heels and looked up, he nearly dropped the glass bottle at the sight of a face he hadn't seen in years. His grip tightened on the neck of the bottle instead. "Devon?" He breathed.

@peach 」​

  • Love
Reactions: peach
-L A N Z A-

With the fire mostly put out, Lanza could turn his focus to the small crowd that had gathered around where he was working, some people recording, but most slowly dispersing now that the excitement had ended. It was pretty clear to Lanza that this didn't just happen to start out of the blue, but was probably another arson case. They had been popping up a lot recently, and it was all but impossible to track due to the damn fire magi's tactics. It also wasn't really Lanza's job to care about who did it, only to stop them and hopefully prevent them for in the future.

The woman he had asked questions to, a smoking hot girl with a mane of curly hair, seemed a little frazzled about the whole situation, but was taking it very well. "Thanks for the info... guess it was another one of them firestarters." He would frown a bit, letting his retardant shirt unbutton a bit since it was so damn hot trying to wear them when not fighting literal flames. The compliment did make him feel good, especially coming from a pretty girl like the one before him, so a smile tugged up on his lips for a moment. "Oh its uhm.. it ain't no biggie. Just trying to do my job." Lanza knew it probably wasn't the best time to flirt with a girl, especially since him and Angel had to make dinner, but the veteran firefighter could wait a couple extra minutes, right?

"I'm Lanza, by the way. You from Turner?" He would grab a small memo pad from the inside of his coat to take a couple notes, just to make sure he had all the details straight for the record he was going to have to make. "I'll need your name for my report, if I could have it, just a last name will be fine, if you don't feel comfortable with full names. It is just so they know who to ask if there are anymore questions, and who I talked to during the job." He almost wanted to ask for a full name, just so he had one to match the pretty face, but he would hold his tongue. "Also, just, any other details you might know. We got this group causing fires all over the city, so anything distinguishable about them would help us out a lot, Miss."

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Devin felt a breath catch in her throat, the ground threatening to start wobbling beneath her feet for a split second before a realization hit her. Recognition.

She pivoted in her beat up sneakers, her heart nearly leaping from her chest. "Holy shit, Gabriel!" She breathed with a heavy sigh of relief, setting her shopping basket on the ground.

She tilted her head, eyes rapidly searching his form for anything really. Signs he wasn't real, signs this was all a dream, anything to shake her from her glee but she found nothing.

Devin grinned from ear to ear, stretching her arms out towards her dear old friend and sweeping Gabriel into a deep embrace. " What in the hell are you doing all the way out here?" She asked, cheek pressed tightly against his chest as she squeezed him in her arms.

Seeing his face here of all places, the smoke and soot and ash all seemed to fade away. It was a good face, one she had missed quite a lot after all. Devin stood up tall and proud, hands on her hips and her chest puffed out with pride as she continued to take the moment in. "What a serendipitous turn of events." She teased with a wink, trying hard to manage her beaming smile.
Code by Jenamos

The name firestarters made them sound kinda lame! They were Ardor's Gate for Aurelia's sake; they'd better give credit where it was due! Then again, she'd seen many of the firefighters in Turner and she'd never remembered seeing him.

Ayira could've cringed at the title, but she was sure it'd give her away, so instead she just nodded. "Yeah, must've been. They've been causing quite a storm around town." The name firestarters made them sound kinda lame! They were Ardor's Gate for Aurelia's sake; they'd better give credit where it was due! Then again, she'd seen many of the firefighters in Turner and she'd never remembered seeing him.

"Born and raised," a small shrug aided her chuckle before she continued, "Last name Moon. I've never seen you around before, are you new here?" Ayira raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious about the man — firefighter or not.

'Who cares?! Let's get out of here Ayira!' Her familiar chided mentally with a hiss as she impatiently wove her way between her master's legs. A bold attempt at pushing Ayira away from a conversation she knew meant her, as well as the man involved, no good.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you much of anything else. I saw a sketchy looking guy wearing mostly black running away from here, but I didn't get a good look." She lied, letting a small sigh escape her lips as if to say 'darn wish I could've done more'.
code by wren.
-L A N Z A-

"Well... yeah, pretty new. Just got finished training, so this is my first solo gig actually." Lanza couldn't help but puff his chest a bit in pride of that fact. He was writing every thing down she gave, but really that wasn't much. The growing cases of arson were a worry, but Lanza had only heard bits and pieces of it, rumors at the most, so he wasn't sure what to really believe. When this Miss Moon couldn't give him any other details, Lanza would give a little click of his tongue before flipping to the next page of his notepad. "That's ok mame, I will probably have to ask the other people here if they saw anything, don't even see any camera around so that also makes this harder, but thank you for giving what you can." As he talked he was still writing on this second page, but with a small flourish he would tear out the page and hand it to her. "Here is your copy of the report, if you recall anything else, call the police station's number thats up at the top. I will uhm... guess I will see you around." Maybe a little more awkward, he would turn away. On the form that Lanza gave Ayira though, besides the faded information he had just scribbled down, there was another note written in the fresh, darker ink. It was the young fae's phone number and a small phrase.

Call me if you want to get drinks or something, Moon -L

Before Ayira could even look up tot alk to him again though, the young firefighter had moved on, asking a few people that lingered similar questions, taking down what notes he could before heading for the firetruck, an extra little pep on his step even if he was a little discouraged by the fact they still had zero idea who was doing all this. He would explain everything that went down to Angel as the truck sped back to the station for the meal, leaving out the small detailing of giving a gorgeous girl his number... while on the job.

Not everything had to be strictly by the books, right?

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Dani may have been right. It was almost annoying how often he was, but his input and advice often kept her out of trouble and harm. And Camilla liked to avoid any trouble that wasn't her own. It was how you stayed alive, it was how she stayed alive. A simple to read rule of the street but not so easy to follow for most. Still, she was tempted to go anyway regardless of how his point made her waver. She could use the money, her weakness. That and thunderstorms. Which only proved to conflict with her more than usual when she was usually a very decisive person.

She said nothing and only hummed an answer to Dani when he left her. His absence was brief, but it gave her time to think about her next move alone for a few minutes. Alone. Another oh so simple rule of the street and one she herself had failed miserably to keep. And yet somehow she was still thriving. Her father would shake his head at her, but the more time passed by, the less she seemed to care about his opinion.

Something about that was almost freeing as it was unfamiliar and worrying.

Dani did not make her wait long, and for that she was thankful. One thing among many things she hated was being stuck in her thoughts. On the brighter side, it did distract her from the rain that made her uncomfortable the louder it got, hitting against the large glass windows of the cafe. If there was thunder and lightning to follow, she'd be picking a fight with someone.

"Such chivalry, you're a dork," the werecat snorted at him, but the smile on her face was unmistakable as she walked past him and through the open door. With a hot drink in one hand and an umbrella in the other, she single-handedly opened the umbrella and held it up to shield his head. "Here, sir. You can really demonstrate that gallantry by holding this for the both of us." And really, she was too small to hold it over her head without her arm shooting straight up and possibly walking on her toes. Though, the boots she wore did give her some extra height.

Gently, she nudged the umbrella in his direction and placed the handle in his hands. To be safe, she pulled the hood of her sweatshirt over her head. As stereotypical it may have been for someone of her species, rain with or without thunder and lightning was not her most favorite thing. Especially getting soaked, twice in one evening. Just another reason she shouldn't take the job. Ugh.

"Dinner is on me tonight," Camilla said with all of the confidence of a millionaire Red Blood, swishing around the hot contents of her cup as if it was a glass of red wine. "You can have anything within a 30 to 40 dollar price range." Oh to be young and have a couple of hundreds in your pocket to last you a week in the big capital city.

Camilla took a swig from her cup and added, "and then maybe I'll back out of this job." She shoved her cold fist into her pocket and shrugged a shoulder. If he was to paid soon, then she could survive, after all, she was a master of survival. It was only the uneasy feeling of having "nothing" that had her still consider the job.

@wren. 」​

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Gabe fumbled. His feet weren't trustworthy, growing weak and unstable, and his legs shaky. How many years had it been since he had seen Devon. the time spent apart was easily measured in numbers, but seeing her now, all he could feel was the distance and how she still looked the same. Still felt the same, cheeky and bright. He suspected that it was the curse playing tricks on him now in the daylight. A new horrible psychological aspect of it takes away his humanity by tormenting him with the few good memories of the past.

But then she was hugging him, arms fastened around him tightly, her body warm and comforting, fitting into his shape like a puzzle piece. he didn't know what perfume or body wash she used, but the scent reminded him of the fall. She was real, warm, and bright. Gabriel found his breath again, and wrapped his arms around her again, squeezing her as gently as possible when he felt so desperate to hold her so tightly.

He let go when she did, taking a step back to pace himself, he felt dizzy for a moment, drunk with a warmth that invaded his body and the way his heartbeat began to increase. He had forgotten about the bottle of wine in his hand completely. "Serendipitous is putting it lightly." His voice sounded unfamiliar to him at first, but when he spoke again he was grounded in reality once more. "I uh, I work at the college." the college of which he couldn't even remember the name of at the moment.

"What are you doing here? Is - is your spouse here too?" It felt far too awkward to ask, but he felt it necessary to.

@peach 」​

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Devin's face crinkled slightly into a grimace, pulling her lips into a cringing smile at Gabriel's question about… Troy. "Oh jeez, no way. We split up." She explained, a bit of a blush rising to her cheeks and her gaze flitting away in embarrassment. " Surprise, surprise huh?" She picked, a soft snicker leaving her lips as she reached out and gave his forearm a playful push.

Most people would probably have seen the divorce coming. Troy being the only son of a rich family and quite the ladies man in college, there were clear differences in the pair, but Devin had wrongly assumed he would have kept his vows to her. It didn't matter now, she was free of him and she would never have to fight him off or go to bed crying again.

Devin had put a decent amount of effort into herself after the divorce. She started her own hair, skin and nails regimen, she had started collecting pieces for a new wardrobe, and she had started buying whatever perfumes she liked. Plum cognac with spiced vanilla, caramels and hazelnuts. That scent was her favorite.

"How's working at the college? Are they treating you well?" Devin asked him, straightening out the collar of his coat with a deep focus in her eyes. " I'm sorry about your birthday, I should have called." She murmured, a soft hum of regret following after. "I hope you've been doing better than I have, at least."
Code by Jenamos
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  • Sympathy & Compassion
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How was a person supposed to respond when their estranged friend, who was also the only person they had fallen in love with in their life, told them they had split from their insufferable husband? Should he have grabbed a bottle of champagne from the grocery store shelf and popped the bottle open? Or offer sincere condolence, sincerely sorry that they married the man and had to go through a likely rough divorce because of it? Or perhaps he was only imagining what he wanted to believe and they had had a truly happy marriage. Though, how happy could it be if they inevitably split up?

Therefore, the only given response was a simple, " ah." Gabriel looked away from her face awkwardly and dropped the wine into his shopping basket. Blessedly, it was clear that Devon herself wanted to move on from the topic as well.

He inhaled and slowed at her touch, however brief, even if it wasn't against his skin but his clothes. It was the closeness of her body to his and the scent that she left on him. "They are," he lied. Why was she down with the truth? They had just met and it never went well to complain about your life on the first meeting.

He smiled. A genuine smile. So, she did remember his birthday? "Well, I was just gathering ingredients to cook myself a late birthday dinner." He chucked dryly. "How have you been? I don't think we've talked - really talked in ages."

@peach 」​

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Of course Gabe was celebrating his birthday late. A smile drew itself across her face, parting her lips to let a few cool toned laughs escape. " Well I'm glad no one's giving you a hard time, I'd hate to have to beat up a bunch of dorks for you." Devin half-joked, letting her mind wander a bit to try and remember when they last had actually spoken. They had practically been inseparable for such a portion of their lives, it was quite sad to think they had ever drifted apart to begin with.

"Jeez, you're right." Devin started, tucking her hair behind her ear. " I sold the restaurant, I'm really into cheese now. That's the biggest thing. Besides moving to a new city and starting over." She mused, chuckling softly. " Nothing too crazy going on I guess."

She couldn't believe it. Devin had gotten married, opened a restaurant, gotten cheated on, gotten divorced, sold her restaurant and started selling her own cheeses in the span of time it had been since they had spoken. Out of all the highs and lows and wins and losses, nothing beat the high she was on now. Though the high may be short lived…

Devin shifted a bit, bending down to pick up her shopping basket and letting it hand naturally from the nook of her arm. "So… are you Uhm… Are you seeing anyone?" Devin inquired, smiling to try and play it off smoothly. Would she be happy for him? Would she be disappointed? Of course she would be happy for him, he was her best friend right? She didn't understand the small pit in her stomach, but it was there nonetheless.
Code by Jenamos
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