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Melancholia Personified
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever my boss decides to let me go home. (Usually between 5-11 EST)
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
  3. Douche
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Modern, Futuristic, Paranormal, Fantasy, Medieval, Romance, Horror, pretty much everything.

Name: Julianna (Juls) Wheaton
Spouse: Sean Wheaton
Mother: Virginia Clayman
Age: 30
Date of Birth: December 22
Profession: Oncologist
Hometown: Port Wyndmoore (Fictional)

History: Julianna had a relatively happy childhood. Her parents owned and operated Snowy Hills Inn, a bed and breakfast that had been passed down to her father Jacob and owned by the Clayman family for fifty years. As a young child, Julianna would delight guests with her antics, often knocking on doors at the behest of her mother to welcome them to the inn, notify guests that her father's ocean tours were starting, and playing 'waitress' at mealtimes. As she grew older, Julianna took her job a little more seriously doing whatever she could to ease the burden from her mother's shoulders. For the first twelve years of her life, that was how things went until the fateful morning Julianna led a group of guests down to the pier and discovered her father's unconscious body.

Tests quickly revealed that Jacob Clayman would not be long for this world. Despite his healthy, active lifestyle, the man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Given a year, at most, to live, Jacob did what he could to ensure that his family would be able to continue on after he was gone. He hired a caretaker to handle the care and maintenance of the inn and used the remainder of his time to spend with his small family. Two days before Julianna's thirteenth birthday, her father died and the course of her life was forever changed. Many expected the teenager to rebel out of anger at the unavoidable loss of her father. But the tragedy had a different effect on Julianna. Wanting to make life easier on her mother, Julianna took on more responsibilities around the inn whenever she wasn't in school. However, her mother refused to allow her daughter to waste her childhood working. While she still allowed Julianna to help out, she limited the girl's time at the inn, insisting that her daughter go out and live her life as well; especially once she took notice of the new boy in the picture.

For the next five years, Julianna stretched herself thin dividing her time between the inn, her education, and the boy that had captured her heart. Each year that passed through, brought Julianna closer and closer to leaving it all behind and not a soul was aware of it until the day she received her first college acceptance letter. Breaking the news to her mother proved to be every bit as difficult as she thought it would be. There were plenty of tears and unspoken regrets, but Virginia gave Julianna her blessings. With her mother comfortable with the idea of her moving away, Julianna had one last person to tell, but when the moment finally came for her to break the news, she chickened out. She left, despite never telling her boyfriend she where she was going. Her final words to him were written in a letter telling him that what she was doing and wishing him well in his life, without informing him of where she was going.

From Maine, Julianna drove across the country to California, where she would spend the next twelve years. Five years after her move, she met Sean Wheaton. At first, Julianna was skittish about getting involved with the man, but as she got to know him, she saw traits that reminded her of her first love. While Julianna was reluctant, Sean had no doubts at all that Julianna was the woman for him, and he spent every minute of their next few years together proving it to her. When he finally proposed to her, Julianna felt safe enough to say yes, although deep in her heart she knew she could never love him as much as he loved her. But, they were happy together, and while a part of her heart still pined for the love that she'd lost, Juls believed that with time, she would get over that as well. They married in a small ceremony on the beach with only his parents and brother, her mother, and a handful of friends to witnesses.

At the age of 29, Julianna officially became a doctor after three years of residency. With a shiny new medical license, Julianna was thrilled when she received a call that her resume had been selected for a practice that specialized in oncology. She had only gotten a year in when she received another call, this one from a doctor that had no dealing in oncology. His story was short and simple, but complicated Julianna's life in a way she never expected. Her mother had been found wandering the road searching for her, and after some tests, they concluded the woman was most likely suffering from Alzheimer's. All Julianna had to do was say a word and Sean was packing up their things, quitting his job, all to move clear across the country to take care of her mother and the family's business. Now, after a 12-year absence with no intention of returning, Julianna is going back to her hometown with her husband at her side.


Name: Sean Wheaton
Age: 31
Birthday: July 5th
Family: Robert Wheaton (Father) Theresa Wheaton (Mother) Daniel Wheaton (Brother)
Profession: Advertisement executive

History: Sean had a relatively normal childhood. His parents were high school sweethearts who married right after graduation and settled in the suburbs outside of LA. His mother became a nurse and his father started his own contracting company. Sean came first, followed by his younger brother three and a half years later. There was nothing remarkable about Sean's life. He was an average student, a decent athlete who ended up getting a football scholarship. He went through relationships like anyone else, always hopeful that he'd find the right woman. It wasn't until he went to help his best friend help his younger sister move into the house she was renting out with a few of her friends that his life took a turn.

The first time he saw Julianna Clayman, the woman had her nose stuck in a book and had casually asked him to hand over her cup of coffee, assuming that he was one of her roommates. When she glanced up at him with a blushing face and a sheepish grin, he swore he was already in love and the more he got to know her, the more convinced he became. He would go every single day to see her, always bringing her meals and little gifts just to be rewarded with one of her smiles. It took him forever to convince her to go out with him, and when she finally did, it was a slow journey toward a serious relationship. He soon learned the reason for Julianna's hesitation as she began to reveal her life story to him. The fact that she'd been in love before never bothered him, not when she committed herself to him completely. Their relationship had its bumps in the road like anyone else's, especially with the cost of her education and little free time to spare for him. But his patience and persistence paid off when she finally agreed to marry him.

He thought after their wedding their lives would settle down. Julianna finished school and the required residency to get her medical license, and soon had a good job close to their apartment. They had an entire year of wedded bliss before life came knocking the wind out of both of them. When Julianna came to him about her mother's condition, there was no question in Sean's mind what they should do. However, the sacrifice he had to make wasn't one that he fully thought through. Still, Sean followed through with it. He quit his job and followed his wife across the country to Maine, without any idea of what he was going to do once he actually got there.

Emily McAdams

Age: 17
Birthday: June 29th
Parents: Edward and Sandra McAdams
Sibling: Joey McAdams

Emily is 5'7, 128lbs, with dark green eyes and dark red hair that reaches past the middle of her back. Because of her job she is fairly in shape, but most of her muscle definition would be in her legs. Because of her health condition, she tries to maintain a certain weight and will not allow herself to go above or below it, to most people that make her appear shallow which she isn't.

Emily is a very good cook and a talented singer. She also does extremely well in school, keeping a 4.0 average from third grade until her senior year of high school. She is also a very talented ice skater, having taken lessons nearly all of her life and eventually going on to teach others.

♥Goal Oriented

Emily is an extremely loyal person and only surrounds herself with people who are the same way (With few exceptions). The people close to her see a funny, sweet, caring person who would do anything for those close to her. The outsider's perspective is much different. To those who do not know her, Emily appears to be a judgmental snob, and that's the furthest from the truth. She is a very understanding person and knows that not everyone was fortunate enough to have the same kind of love and support that she did. Though a person may have problems, she doesn't automatically hold that against them. What leads her to snub a person is how they handle their problems, and how much responsibility they take for their actions.

Emily has always been mature for her age, and always knew what she wanted to do with her life from a very young age. She's not the type to become easily distracted and when she sets her mind to something she puts in 100% effort to see it through. She doesn't have tunnel vision, but most people would assume that she does from how she behaves. She thinks everything through before she goes through with it, weighing not only the pros and cons but how it might affect her future. Because of this, she abhors drugs and alcohol and will generally not associate with anyone who wastes their time with them.

She's not all seriousness though. Emily loves to laugh and actually has a good sense of humor. She's not completely heartless toward people who have lost their way, but she does not tolerate excuses either. She believes that everyone should take responsibility for their own actions and find a way to fix their own problems. She doesn't turn away from a person who needs her, which is probably one of her biggest flaws as well as one of her more endearing traits. It is the need to help that always lands her in the most trouble, and the reason she is so selective about who she allows close to her. Once she lets a person into her life, that person remains a part of it until they chose to leave it themselves, and she will forever be loyal to them no matter where they stand.

♥Ice Skating

♥Wasting her time

Emily was born the youngest of two children. Her older brother Joey, five years her senior, had a soft spot for her from the moment she was born, and her parents, thrilled to finally have a little girl, adored her to no end. She never let the attention go to her head though, and always remained modest and sweet. That could have been the result of her grandmother's influence.

Throughout her childhood, Emily spent most of her free-time with her maternal grandmother, a retired nurse who grew up in the South and always taught Emily to look for the value in every person. From the time she was old enough to walk and talk, Emily hung onto every word her grandmother said, and took every lesson to heart. Most of her fondest memories are of moments with her grandmother, sitting and watching her work in the kitchen or gardens, and listening to the stories she would tell. Of all of the members of her family, it was Shirley Dawson that always held all of Emily's respect, and became her role model for the person she wanted to become. It was the desire to follow in her grandmother's footsteps that led to Emily deciding at the young age of seven that she wanted to become a nurse. It was also at that age that the little girl aged nearly a decade in a single year.

By the age of eight, Emily became an adult in a child's body. She still played and enjoyed her childhood, but developed a drive to succeed that most adults would envy. Getting good grades in school wasn't good enough for Emily; she needed to have straight A's which often led her to become the subject of her classmates' teasing. Emily took it in stride though, shrugging off the jokes of her being a teacher's pet and embracing her accomplishments. It didn't matter to her what the rest of the world thought, as long as she was happy with herself and what she did. It was also during that year that Emily met and became friends with Mark Greyson. Although the two shared a competitive rivalry at first, they soon became inseparable. Emily gave Mark the push he needed to come out of his shyness, while Mark grounded some of Emily's unrealistic goals she set for herself. He would pull her down to reality when she got too hard on herself and would serve a reminder to her that she didn't always have to be perfect.

The friendship grew over the years, and even though the two acquired their own little clique of friends, they remained as close as brother and sister. When Mark came out as gay, Emily was the first to stand and his side, defending him against anyone who would dare go after him for it. Not that anyone in their little group would have thought to do such a thing; they weren't the type. Like Emily and Mark, their friends were the straight-laced kids, the ones who never skipped school and always turned their homework in on time. They were the kids that never got into trouble, and always strived to be better people. The group stuck together through middle school and well into high school without change. Wherever one was, another of the group could be found close by if they were not all together.

Emily adjusted to high school easily enough, already planning for college the minute she entered the doors of her school. Everything that she did reflected on her desire to attend the college of her dreams, and it was that goal that wove a path through her life's decisions. While the rest of her classmates were enjoying their weekends, Emily was doing community service and extra-curricular activities to pad her already glowing portfolio. All of that came to a near dead halt the summer before her Junior year when she became stricken with an unusual illness. The fever nearly killed her, and for a full week, doctors stated that it was touch or go whether she would survive. Eventually, she pulled through, but not completely untouched by it. Within a week it was discovered that the unexplained illness had destroyed her pancreas and as a result, Emily was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes. Rather than allow the disease to rule her life and change her, Emily used it to her advantage. She strove harder to ensure she reached her goals and became even more aware of how precious life was. She began to find a balance between living her life and accomplishing what she set out to do.

In the beginning of her senior year, Emily's life was altered again, not in a good way, when she met and began to date, Ray Devins. Ray, who had moved from England to live with his aunt after his parents' death, was a seemingly nice guy, and at the start of their relationship, things were going well. It was after three months dating and their first time sleeping together that things began to change. It started off gradually as most abusive relationships do. Ray would get jealous each time Emily went to hang out with her friends and would keep tabs on her wherever she went. Eventually, his jealousy turned to possessiveness, which began the descent from verbal to physical abuse. At first, Emily told herself that it was Ray's own abuse at the hands of his aunt that was the cause, that he had simply forgotten what it was like to be treated as a normal person. He would change if she stuck around, and their relationship would go back to normal. Eventually, she gave up on that idea and realized that she was dating a man who simply enjoyed inflicting pain of all kinds on anyone. Rather than end the relationship though, Emily stuck with it.

Most people would question her sanity, wondering why a smart girl like Emily would stay with a man who abused her in every way possible. Her reasoning came in the form of an acceptance letter from John Hopkins in the middle of the school year. In a few months' time, she would be leaving to go to the school of her dreams, and Ray would be a part of her past. Why break up with him when she could use him as a shield to keep anyone else interested in her away? For Emily, it was safer to stay with Ray and deal with his crap than it was to go out into the world where she had to fight guys off. She had no feelings at all for Ray other than disgust and contempt, which she kept hidden away from everyone, including her closest friends. She could head off to college without any remorse for ending the relationship and still be able to enjoy her time left at home without always turning someone down. To Emily, it was a win-win situation, and if she had to endure a few hurtful words and a couple of slaps it would be well worth it the minute her car was packed up and she was on the road.

Now only four months away from graduation, and seven months from heading to college, Emily is comfortable with her choices and living her life the way that she wants to. She remains close to her friends in spite of her boyfriend's attitude and accusations, goes to work after school, and uses the rest of her free time studying or spending time with the people she cares about. All that is about to change when her older brother gets into a car accident while their parents are away on their second honeymoon and Emily is forced to take responsibility for her sibling during their parents' absence.

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Joey McAdams

Age: 22
Birthday: Novermber 21rst
Parents: Edward and Sandra McAdams
Sibling: Emily McAdams

☼Laid Back


Joey is the oldest of two and often considered the problem child even though he doesn't get into any serious trouble. After his sister was born he saw it as his job to look after her, and for a while he did. In time their roles switched, and she ended up being the one to look after him.

He had a normal childhood. He had plenty of friends, played football and baseball in high school, and managed to get somewhat decent grades. Overall there were no problems in his life until he informed his parents that he would not be attending school to become a lawyer the way his father, and all the men of his side of the family did, but would be going to college to pursue a career in computer graphics. The confession created a huge rift in the family dynamics and put all the pressure on Emily to take up the role her brother refused to fulfill. Emily, however, sided with her brother, refusing to turn her back on him simply because he wanted to make his own decision for the future, and has been the only one in the family to truly support him.

He moved out of his parents' house at the age of twenty-one, and has since been living on his own in an apartment a short distance away from his former home. Although he no longer lives there, he stops by quite often to check up on his sister and spend time with his parents.
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Name: Ariel Clemens
Age: 22
Date of Birth: May 29th
Parents: Jonathon Clemens (Deceased) Michelle Clemens
Siblings: Trent Clemens (Deceased) Kolby Clemens (28) Ariel Clemens (22)
Height: 5'5
Weight: 107lbs
Profession: Personal Assistant


History: Unlike her younger sister, Ariel had a fairly normal childhood with both her mother and father in the picture. Life was going well until the death of her father and older brother and the loss of her mother's sanity. When Kolby left to join the military, her mother became an absolute tyrant. The woman refused to allow anyone to leave the house, and when it came to having friends, she was adamant in her refusal to allow her daughters the chance to socialize. Issy was too young to understand what was going on, but Ariel rebelled against her mother every chance that she got. From the time she was fourteen, Ariel began to sneak out of the house, at first simply to spite her mother, but gradually to get a job. She worked every chance that she got, taking jobs at fast food joints, babysitting, and doing odd chores for neighbors. Every penny that she got was safely tucked away from her mother, and saved up until she could afford a place of her own.

With her brother Kolby's help, Ariel got an apartment at the age sixteen. She struggled to maintain school and work, but she managed to graduate from high school and get a job working as a secretary for the owner of a small security business. When the business grew and went national, rather than let Ariel go to replace her, the owner began to train Ariel and even started to pay for the young woman to go to college to earn her degree. It was around that time that she met her fiancé, although she would never admit that it wasn't exactly love that led to her saying yes when he proposed. For Ariel, it was simply another way of being able to support herself without the struggles she dealt with early on. She had help paying the bills and when Kolby left her to take care of Issy, he became another pair of eyes to watch over her younger sister.

Ariel loved Issy because she was family, but she never felt any real fondness for the quiet girl who simply stood by and watched the world go on without trying to participate. For Ariel, it was difficult to understand how her sister could be happy keeping to herself and it was that attitude that led to Ariel keeping her sister at arms' length even after the teenager moved in with her.

With Issy taken care of and settling into her home, Ariel began to focus entirely on work and school. She worked every single day and went to classes at night, most of the time not getting home until everyone in the house was already asleep. Ariel knew it wasn't fair to force her fiancé to deal with her younger sister, but the way she saw it, they only had a year to go and then their lives could return to normal.

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Name: Isabella (Issy) Clemens
Age: 18
Date of Birth: November 21
Parents: Jonathon Clemens (Deceased) Michelle Clemens
Siblings: Trent Clemens (Deceased) Kolby Clemens (28) Ariel Clemens (22)
Height: 5'8
Weight: 127lbs
Profession: High school student

History: Issy is what the rest of the surviving Clemens children call the 'accidental baby'. Shortly before her birth, their father Jonathon was killed along with the oldest Clemens sibling in a hit and run accident. Michelle managed to hold it together, but the loss of her husband and child took its toll on her mental stability. For a few years Michelle's mental instability was brushed off as quirks and the two eldest siblings ignored it. No one was being hurt, Issy was still being taken care of, and everyone was happy for a time; until Kolby turned 18 and joined the marines.

After her only remaining son left for the military, Michelle began to change. She became controlling of Ariel's every action, refusing to let her daughter leave the house except to go to school. Issy, however, wasn't quite as fortunate. Unbeknownst to Kolby and Ariel, Issy was kept in the house along with her mother, who developed a severe case of agoraphobia. On the few occasions that Michelle had to leave the house, she would leave Issy locked in a closet with a supply of snacks to hold her daughter over until she returned. The only thing that spared Issy a life as a complete shut-in along with Michelle was the state. When Michelle failed to provide the necessary school work done by Issy to prove she was being properly home schooled, the state forced the woman's hand. Issy was enrolled in school, a year behind all the other children her ages and completely socially awkward.

Elementary school proved to be a complete nightmare for Issy. Between her mother's constant insinuations that Issy would be killed in the world outside the house and the harassment she dealt with from her classmates due to her awkwardness in social situations, Issy shutdown completely. She refused to talk, even when spoken to. She would not go outside unless she was given no other option, and she absolutely refused to make friends. When the state stepped in again, it was Kolby who became Issy savior. Taking his sister from their mother and becoming her legal guardian, Kolby got Issy into counseling. It took years of therapy to get her to overcome her paranoia and fears, but gradually, Issy began to adjust. She never became comfortable with people her own age, but she did learn how to socialize with other people, although she usually opted not to.

Life was beginning to work out for Issy when the news that would turn her world upside down came. Her brother was being deployed overseas, and he could not take Issy with him. It was decided, that rather than sending her back to their mother and risking all of the progress she'd made, Issy would live with Ariel and her fiancé. The situation was hardly ideal considering the strained relationship between Ariel and Issy, but it was the only way that Issy could be protected. Now at the age of seventeen, Issy is a junior in high school, still clumsy and awkward around her classmates, but managing all the same. She found an outlet in photography, using her camera to express herself without words. Most of her teachers and even Ariel find her a joy to be around. She's quiet, well-behaved, and avoids trouble like the plague. Her classmates consider her a freak, unworthy of friendship by anyone other than the outcasts of the school. Issy was never troubled by it. Instead, she found companionship with those older than her when she isn't outside with her camera.



Annasea (Ann-a-sea-) ChambersGenderFemaleAge17 (One month shy of 18)OccupationApprenticeStrengths​
  • Annasea is fairly accurate with any type of ranged weapon, but she prefers shotguns over all.​
  • Minor psychic abilities. (Predicting when something will be useful in the future. Communication with members of her Ka-tet.)​
  • Breeding and training Billybumblers​
  • Calm under pressure​
  • Not easily intimidated​
  • Resourceful​
  • Empathetic​
  • Socially awkward​
  • Not very feminine​
  • Snarky​
  • Short-tempered​
  • Stubborn​
  • Intolerant of people she deems stupid​
General Appearance​
  • Height: 5'8​
  • Weight: 137lbs​
  • Eye color: Blue​
  • Shooting​
  • Can be charming when she needs to be​
General Personality
Annasea is a straight shooter who doesn't put up with much. She calls it like she sees it, and rarely can be persuaded to change her opinion once she's formed one. She's a perfectionist who is her own worst critic, always pushing herself harder than anyone else can. She does not often rely on others outside her own Ka-Tet and rarely trusts anyone besides her ka-mate Edgar and her bumbler Pere.

She's not much of a talker, only adding comments when and if she feels they are necessary. Because of the gifts that she inherited from her great-grandfather, she usually does not have to speak to communicate with those she is closest to.

She is stubborn to a fault, often refusing to listen to the advice of others because she believes that she knows better. Because of this, it is not uncommon for her to get into trouble with her teachers and anyone who tries to guide her on her path to becoming a gunslinger.

She does not allow people to get close to her. The handful of people she has deemed worthy of her respect and admiration are the only ones that she bothers with if she can help it. Although she can be difficult and standoffish toward most, she had does have a soft spot for children and animals.
Parents: Roger and Alice Chambers

Brother: Patrick Chambers

Uncles: Robert, Alan, and Derrin Chambers

Cousins: Edward, Terrence, Carl, and Clemins

Grandparents: Edwin and Rose (Deceased) Chambers

Great-Grandparents: Jake and Ellena (Deceased) Chambers

Ka-mate: Edgar Dean (Born on the same day, an hour after Annasea)

Early Childhood:

Annasea was born the youngest of Roger and Alice Chambers, the only female born into the Chambers family, and the youngest grandchild of Jake Chambers. There was nothing unusual about her when she was born, nothing at all that made her stand out above all the other Chamber children, but it was obvious from the start that she was Jake Chamber's favorite great-grandchild. She had a fairly normal childhood with an affinity for billybumblers, and a habit of spending hours in silence, while her ka-mate Edgar Dean chatted away beside her. At first her parents thought that she could not speak at all, but as she grew older, she began to talk a bit more, never as much as other children her age, but enough to put their fears to rest.

No one could have predicted that Annasea would be the only of the Chamber children to inherit the blood of Arthur Eld, not until the girl picked up her father's gun to shoot a snake that was trying to attack her billybumbler when she was five. Everyone expected that it would be Patrick, the oldest of the siblings who would be sent off to the castle to train with the other aspiring gunslingers, but within a week of the incident, Annasea was packed off and sent to begin her training.

Her first year was difficult for her. Being the only female in her ka-tel, she had to work twice as hard to prove that she belonged. The first year was spent fighting off the boys of her ka-tel, throwing punches whenever she believed they were trying to insult her, and being an all-out terror to her instructors. If it wasn't for her natural abilities with a gun, and her quick thinking in stressful situations, she might have been tossed out before she could even begin her trial.

Early Adolescence:

The next few years of her training went a bit smoother, at least until Annasea reached adolescence and the differences between herself and her ka-tl became more obvious. She hated her developing body, but hated the attention it brought her even more. The senseless fights of her childhood started anew, only this time it was Annasea's way of putting the boys in her class in their place and asserting herself as just another part of the ka-tel. As the ka-tel settled and adjusted to the changes that came with their age, Annasea settled down along with them, but began to retreat more and more into herself. It wasn't uncommon not to hear a word out of her for days at a time, and the only person she willing spoke to at any lengths were Edgar and her great-grandfather.

During this time in Annasea's life she was dealing with changes on all fronts. With the passing of her grandmother and great-grandmother, she lost two of the most prominent female role models she had. What little influence the two women had over Annasea quickly faded away, and the girl who was just beginning to show the smallest traces of femininity reverted back to her tomboyish ways.

While her parents weren't particularly pleased with the turn of events, her teachers were thrilled with the development. Not only did Annasea throw herself into her training, but she was determined to outperform everyone in ka-tel. She immersed herself in her lessons, and would often get into trouble for sneaking away to get in extra practice with her guns long after the day's lessons were over.​
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♥Name: Kaylee Mae Trenton
♥Birthday: August 21rst
♥Age: 23
♥Height: 5'9
♥Weight: 122lbs
♥Parents: Evelyn and Randal (Deceased) Trenton
♥Siblings: Jaclyn (Older Sister) Kevin (Older Brother) Lisa (Younger Sister)


The middle child of Evelyn and Randal Trenton, Kaylee was always looking for ways to get attention. She was always the class clown, disrupting her teachers with cheesy jokes and getting into trouble for the little pranks she played on her classmates. There wasn't a moment that she wasn't trying to stir up trouble in a way to make everyone around her laugh.

It wasn't until middle school that Kaylee began to settle down, much in part to meeting the boy she believed was the love of her life. He had a way of balancing her out and keeping her grounded when her mischievous nature took control, and the attention he gave her helped her deal with how often she was ignored at home.

When the two reached high school, Kaylee began to buckle down and focus on the future, one that she planned around her boyfriend. She had their life planned out, from college until retirement, all of it with her boyfriend beside her. She always shared her plans with him, and never once did he reject them, leaving Kaylee to believe he was on board with everything. When college acceptance letters finally came and Kaylee learned she would be heading across the country to attend college, she was confident that he would be there right beside her, despite the fact that no letters ever came his way.

Graduation finally came and went, one summer left to spend at home before she stepped into a promising new future. Excited with what lie in store for her, Kaylee didn't notice her boyfriend's absence right away. Within two days, her hopes for the future were dashed when she learned her boyfriend had run off in the dead of the night without a word to her or his own family. Letters eventually came to his family, telling them that he was alright and not to worry about him, but not a word was given to Kaylee who spent the last bit of her days of teenage freedom in a deep depression. Worried about her well-being and fearing that the loss of her childhood love would break her, her parents along with her ex's family came up with a plan to ensure that she managed to pull through her new life without being alone.

When fall finally arrived and it was time to head for college, Kaylee was surprised to learn that she would not be making the trip alone. Her ex's brother, agreeing with his parents and wanting to make up for his younger brother's mistake, transferred schools to stay with Kaylee, all parties hoping that having a familiar face with her would give her the nudge she needed to move on. What no one expected was how close she would become to her former love's older sibling, or that a relationship would blossom between the two.

Graduation announcements came, along with another announcement that shook both families. Kaylee had agreed to marry her ex's brother, and both were returning home to begin their new life where it all started. Now both families are planning the wedding they'd always imagined, and Kaylee finally feels as if she's moved on from her childhood love into a steady relationship with a man who truly loves her.​

Name: Selena Perez
Age: 28
Marital Status: Widowed
Occupation: Waitress


Basic Info:
Name: Amelia Damur
Age: 23
Date of Birth: October 28th
Family: Claudia Damur (Mother) Rodger Damur (Father)
Religion: None
Profession: RN
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Lives in: Baltimore, MD

Height: 5'8/
Weight: 129lbs
Tattoos: Amelia has a tattoo of a crescent moon on her right shoulder and a tattoo of a black rose on her ankle.
Miscellaneous: She has a scar under the edge of her jaw from surgery. She also has a scar on her knee from a bicycle accident as a child.

  • Resourceful
  • Insightful
  • Outspoken
  • Compassionate
  • Protective
  • Empathetic
  • Vengeful
Likes and Hobbies:
  • Animals (She's a cat person more than a dog person)
  • Long drives
  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Jogging
  • Big cities
  • Small towns or anyplace quiet
  • Flying
  • Swimming
Amelia is terrified of heights. She is also extremely claustrophobic.

Her mother, a French immigrant who came to the United States on a work visa, has always been Amelia's biggest influence. The story of how the woman tended to her father, a Captain in the U.S Air Force. Her mother's background in medicine is what motivated Amelia to become a nurse, but it was the story of how her parents met and fell in love that kept her on the path. She watched as the love story she grew up hearing during her childhood morphed into a nightmare when the military began to come between her parents. With her father frequently being sent overseas and her mother struggling to maintain the household on her own, it didn't take long for the storybook marriage to end.

Her parents' began when Amelia turned eight. The fight for the couple's assets had been brutal, but the fight for custody of the couple's only child turned downright vicious. Neither Claudia or Rodger really wanted their daughter, the reminder of their failed attempt at a family, they simply didn't want the other to have her. The strain became too much on the estranged family with Claudia turning to drugs and alcohol to cope and Rodger seeking comfort in the arms of any woman who would have him. Both adults took the path of self-destruction, unaware that their daughter watched helplessly at their unraveling. With her parents caring more for their bruised egos than her actual needs, Amelia became as self-sufficient as she could.

At the age of fifteen, Amelia landed a job as a housekeeper in a shady motel on the outskirts of Philadelphia where she witnessed the worst in humanity. Despite the acts of violence and the decaying of the human spirit playing out before her eyes, the teenager never strayed from her chosen path. If anything, seeing how fragile and helpless people could be at their lowest only motivated her to continue on with her goal of following in her mother's footsteps and becoming a nurse. What hours that weren't eaten away by work, she devoted to her education.

A few weeks before Amelia's 16th birthday, the young woman took herself out of the equation of her parents' feud. After proving to a judge that she could take care of herself, Amelia was emancipated and allowed to live on her own as an adult. She took up residence at the same motel she worked in, ignoring the sounds of fighting and violence that surrounded her to focus on finishing up her education. All of her hard work paid off when she was allowed to graduate just short of her seventeenth birthday, exactly one year ahead of schedule.

With high school finished, Amelia had only one obstacle standing in her way; college. Submitting applications and crossing her fingers, the teenager was shocked to discover that schools were not only willing to accept her, but many were throwing scholarships her way to sway her decision. She eventually settled for John Hopkin's University in Baltimore, lured by the promise of big city living and a decent education.

Just as she had with high school, Amelia threw herself into her studies with her only distraction being working to keep a roof over her head. Again she found herself drawn to a bad neighborhood, only this time she had the experience to keep herself out of trouble. Her college years went by without any issue and before Amelia knew it, she was a Registered Nurse with a promising future. She could have gone to work in any hospital she wanted to, but in the end, she decided to go to work for an aging doctor who's practice in the heart of Baltimore took care of some of the poorest patients in the state. Why Amelia chose to struggle when she could have had it easy, she didn't really know. What she did know was that she felt that she was doing the right thing and that was all that mattered to her.


Basic Info:
Name: Catherine Longrove
Age: 17
Title: Baronness
Parent: Sarah Longrove (Mother, Deceased) Robert Longrove (Father, Deceased) Richard Dromear (Uncle)
Profession: Head of the Longrove Family and owner of Longrove Fashions
Catherine grew up believing in fairy tales. Why wouldn't she? Her parents had a picture-perfect marriage and were madly in love with one enough from the moment they married until the day they died a horrible, brutal death. That was when Catherine stopped believing in fairy tales.

The family should have seen the trouble coming before it struck. Being the Queen's eyes and ears on an international level, Robert made plenty of enemies along the way. After all, who wouldn't want to eliminate the man who could end trade with England with a simple shake of his head?

The trouble started in Beijing after a dispute with a silk manufacturer. When Robert learned that the man was gauging his customers, including the queen's private seamstress, the baron quickly put an end to all trade relationships. He was the first, but not the last, to be denied trade ventures in England. However, it was the silk trader who began the plot for revenge.

The plan was simple, at least the shadowy group who called themselves The Tailors, believed it was. Using a string of violent murders to hide their crime, the group snuck into the Longrove Manor, first slaughtering the servents before moving onto the Longrove family. Catherine was forced to watch as black clad figures took turns slicing her parents to pieces only to sew them back together once they were dead. When it was Catherine's turn, the men managed to slice open her stomach and arms, but before they could kill her off a miracle happened. A small fire erupted in the kitchen and soon the entire manor was ablaze. Believing that the evidence of their crime, along with their final victim would be burned to ashes, the men fled, leaving Catherine bleeding and injured, but still very much alive. The teenager managed to crawl into safety before the building collapsed on the remains of her parents, falling unconscious the moment she escaped.

She awoke hours later, near death, but desperate for revenge. She had no idea how she managed to summon the demon, nor did she ever truly care. The deal was simple enough; the lives of those who had killed her parents and harmed her in exchange for her soul. What would she need it for once she had her revenge? With the pact between girl and demon made, Catherine and her new butler fled the country side manor, now little more than rubble, and escaped to London where she was nursed back to health and set to begin her hunt for those responsible for destroying her family and her life.

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  • Two weeks, five days, six hours, seven minutes, and thirty six seconds. Kaylee could pinpoint down to the second when her heart had been completely shattered into a million tiny shards, pieces so small she knew they would never be put back together. Whoever said time healed all wounds had never lost their other half, not in the way that she had. If she closed her eyes, she could still see Jane England's face when she'd broken the news of Miles departure. She could still hear the choked sob that followed, although whether that came from her or Jane, Kaylee still didn't know. Every minute since that day, every second that ticked away didn't become easier than the one before it; it became harder and Kaylee didn't know how much longer she could live with the constant ache in her chest each time her broken heart beat. There was no cure for the pain, no magical remedy that would erase her heartache and turn her back into the girl she once was. But, there was a temporary release from it, one that she could no longer ignore.

    Sitting on the edge of her bed, she stared at the bottle of liquor she'd snuck from her cousin's house, the amber liquid inside beckoning to her. Kaylee had been fighting it for the past two weeks, telling herself that there were no possible way Miles could stay gone that long, that he would be back with a new tattoo or some crazy haircut that would drive his mother insane, with some story of an adventure he'd gone on without her. She'd hold onto her anger until the moment he turned the puppy dog eyes on her and all would be forgiven as if he'd never left her at all. The redhead told herself this story over and over again, but with each minute Miles remained gone, it was getting harder and harder to believe.

    The first day after she learned Miles was gone, Kaylee couldn't do anything more than sob her heart out. Her parents both came into her room, trying to do what parents do when their child is heartbroken. Her mother ranted and raved, claiming that she was better off without her trouble making boyfriend, while her father rubbed her back as she sobbed, offering what little comfort he could. Kaylee knew they meant well. Deep in her heart, she knew her parents were hurting in their own silent way but refused to share their pain with her. It didn't help ease her mind; nothing would, at least that's what she thought.

    Bloodshot green eyes stared intensely at the amber liquid in the bottle, recalling the way it burned down her throat and into her stomach the first time she'd taken a shot of it. For a while, Kaylee felt nothing but the acidic burn inside her stomach as the liquid churned away, but after a half an hour and two more shots later, the world as she knew it no longer existed. The pain in her chest became a dull ache she could ignore, and for the first time in two weeks, Kaylee managed to sleep through the night without waking up in the middle of the night in search of Miles. She remembered falling back on her cousin's Derrick's bed, the world spinning out of control before her eyes, but the constant voice in her head crying out for Miles finally fell silent. The tears that slipped through the closed lids of her eyes weren't of sadness, but of relief that something had taken her pain from her.

    She fought the temptation to give in to the liquor's siren call, ignored the pleading of her heart that begged for another dose, another reprieve from her suffering. The fight was all for not. She couldn't keep pushing it away, not when she knew the bliss of forgetting, even if it was only for a moment.

    Pushing herself to her feet, Kaylee's fingers curled around the neck of the bottle, snatching it up quickly without care. The cap was off in the blink of an eye and within seconds the redhead was gulping down a mouthful of the fiery liquid, grimacing as it burned a familiar path down her throat and into her stomach. She pulled the bottle away from her mouth long enough to gasp for air then took another long drink. She didn't know how much she actually drank, didn't even bother to glance at the contents of the bottle to measure it out. All Kaylee cared about was the excruciating wait between the time the liquor hit her stomach to the moment she felt the world begin to spin. Kaylee almost took another few sips, hoping to speed the process along. If she had more, she probably would have. For now, she needed to conserve the precious liquid for as long as she could.

    Her hand hesitated to replace the cap of the bottle, her heart crying out for more of the blissful numbness she knew it could provide. Her arm began to lift the bottle back to her lips, but the sound of footsteps shuffling past her door caused her to screw the lid back on and hastily roll the bottle under her bed. With her breath trapped in her lungs, Kaylee waited in nervous silence for the light tap of knuckles against the wood, for one of her parents to call out to her before they threw the door open. Her breath held until she heard the footsteps trudge back up the stairs to the kitchen, her lungs burning with a need for air as she pushed out a heavy exhale. She'd avoided getting caught this time; not that she truly cared. So what if she was drinking? Didn't she deserve some peace? Wasn't she entitled to drown her sorrows just a little? Everyone thought she'd lost a boyfriend, but Kaylee knew better than that. When Miles left, he hadn't just left her, he'd taken her heart and part of her soul along with him. How was she supposed to cope with that without some help?

    After ensuring that the bottle was safely tucked away in one her drawers, Kaylee flopped onto her bed, rolling onto her side to stare blankly at the ceiling, refusing to let her eyes fall on any of the framed pictures hanging on the wall. With the alcohol coursing through her veins, her body became heavy and her mind grew silent. It wouldn't last; it never did, but it was enough to send her off into a dreamless sleep for a little while.
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  • 200 hundred miles out and it still felt like a dream that Julianna wished she could wake up from. Glancing up at her visor, she flinched as Colton's face stared back at her, his lips frozen in a goofy grin that she knew she'd never see in person with her own eyes again. And there she was beside him, where she always thought she would be, with her own sunny smile and her arms wrapped around his shoulders. They looked every bit the carefree, happy teenagers they should have been. They were happy, that had never stopped, at least not until a few days ago when she hit the road for California and left Colton behind with only a brief letter to explain her absence.


Name: Michael (Mikey) Valentino
Age: 23
Birthday: September 19th
Profession: Hairdresser, Aspiring Actor
Height: 6'0
Weight: 175lbs


Name: Sofia Basa
Age: 20
Birthday: July 4
Height: 5'7
Weight: 122lbs
Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland

Major: Biomedical Sciences
Sports: Soccer


Name: Vivian Edwards
Age: 25
Birthday: September 19th
Occupation: Realtor
Birth Place: Atlanta, Georgia
Hometown: Tampa, Florida

Vivian is a hopeless romantic at heart thanks to the influence of her grandparents. A pacifist by nature, it takes quite a lot to get her worked up, but that doesn't mean that she's a pushover. To the outside world, Vivian is very much a lady; modest, quiet, and sweet. Behind closed doors when surrounded by people that she knows, she has a tendency to let loose without getting too crazy. She's loyal to a fault, which at times leads to hurt feelings and tense relationships.

An only child, Vivian was raised by her grandparents while her mother and father were off saving the world (At least in their opinion). Joining Doctors without Borders, Vivian's mother and father spent most of their time in third world countries, leaving the care of their child to Vivian's maternal grandparents who were already in their late fifties. Most would assume that the older couple would try to repress Vivian in some way or encourage the girl to become what they believed a young woman should be. Luckily for Vivian, her grandparents were neither strict nor repressive. They encouraged her to find her way in life without swaying her mind, only offering their opinion when asked. They were firm with her, without being overbearing, but it was nurturing nature that kept Vivian from becoming too out of hand the way most neglected children did.

As a teenager, Vivian discovered her fondness for the opposite sex, yet, she was not the kind of girl to jump into a relationship simply to be in one. She craved a loving partnership with someone she felt a connection with and while she dated, the long term relationship she longed for never happened. That didn't keep her down. Rather than focusing on her lack of a love life, Vivian poured all of her energy into her friendships and her education. She graduated with good grades and soon moved on to college where her life took an unexpected turn.

In her second year of college, she met Eric Hansen, a playboy from a rich family who she believed was her polar opposite. At first, she turned Eric down when he asked her out, but aft talking to him during class and around campus, he began to grow on her. It wasn't long before the infamous playboy was turning away women in order to finally gain Vivian's attention. From that moment on the relationship moved full speed ahead. Within a year the two were essentially living together and by the time they both graduated, they were planning their future together.

When Eric proposed, Vivian didn't hesitate to say yes, believing that the man wanted the happy, loving family life she always dreamed of. What she didn't know was that their seemingly perfect relationship was simply an act on her fiancé's part. While Eric did want to marry her and start a family, he was not doing so out of love. In Eric's eyes, Vivian was the perfect woman because he could sneak around behind her back without her noticing. The excuses of late hours and out of town business trips were always believed without question so long as he simply put on the act of being a loving, doting fiancé who was always willing to compromise when problems arose. Vivian was oblivious to the signs, her perhaps, more realistically, simply did not want to see them once her dreams of a family were starting to come true.

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Basic Info:
Name: Eric Hansen
Age: 28
Birthday: August 29th
Profession: Sports Writer

To most people, Eric is charming, outgoing, and honest. He's the type of guy that people pour their heart out to and call when they need help. To women, he is irresistible and makes no effort to fight them off. What most people don't see is the dark, manipulative asshole he can be. He hates not getting his way. He may not brood about it, but in the back of his mind, he is plotting revenge for anyone who denies him or gets in his way. Like his father, he can be controlling. However, unlike his father, Eric knows how to reel it in before people can catch on to his darker side.

Like Vivian, Eric is an only child. Unlike his fiance, Eric was not raised by loving grandparents, but by his abusive and controlling father. During Eric's early childhood, he witnessed many fights between his mother and father, most of which resulted in his mother being physically thrown out of the house, crying and screaming for Eric to be allowed to come with her. His father always refused, using his son as not only a bargaining chip to force his wife to return but to torture her. Eventually, the abusive relationship became too much for the woman to handle. Knowing that there was no way she could leave with her son, she snuck away in the dead of the night while both males were sound asleep. They woke up without a single trace of the woman and no signs that she would ever return. For a while, Eric's father tried to look for his wife but brought home plenty of women to warm his bed and take care of Eric while he searched for her. It was only after divorce papers were delivered that the man stopped looking for her.

Without the fighting between his parents, Eric might have stood a chance to grow up to become a normal man. Of course, that would have only been true had he been allowed to go with his mother. His father never abused his son in any way, but he certainly didn't stop his abusive behavior toward women in front of Eric. Girlfriend after girlfriend came and went until his father finally wised up and learned to curb some of his aggression long enough to keep a woman around for more than a few months. He met Eric's stepmother when Eric was thirteen, and while it looked like the picture-perfect marriage from the outside, behind closed doors it was anything but. Eric's father did not physically abuse his new wife the way he did his old one. He did, however, keep full control over every aspect of her life while running around with anyone woman he could behind his wife's back. The woman knew of her husband's infidelities, but rather than fight with her husband about it, she kept silent all to take care of Eric who she saw as her own son.

By the time Eric left home to go to college, he'd left a long line of broken hearts and possibly a few illegitimate children in his wake, although the latter were usually dismissed. He always had his eyes out for his idea of the perfect woman, a woman like his stepmother who would deal with being cheated on without complaint. He knew he found what he was looking for the minute he met Vivian Edwards. The young woman was obsessed with the idea of having a family and Eric picked up on that easily. It didn't take him long to win Vivian over at all and even less time to start cheating on her once he had her. Vivian would smile and wave him off, not knowing that she was sending him into the arms of another woman and Eric knew that he found his future wife.

He knew his future the moment he proposed. With Vivian, he could have his cake and eat it to. To the world, he would have a beautiful wife, a good career and the perfect family and home. Behind closed doors, however, he would screw around as much as he could, knowing that even if he got caught, Vivian would never leave him.


Name: Brianna Appleton
Age: 19
Profession: Waitress/College Student
Major: Law

Height: 5'3
Weight: 112lbs

Brianna is a bit naïve when it comes to the street. Growing up in a small town, she sees danger in places she probably shouldn't. As straight as they come, she's a bit of a downer when it comes to her friends' wilder ways, but she doesn't necessarily judge them about it. When it comes down to it, she's usually the one staying sober to make sure everyone gets home safely. Despite her lack of a wild streak, she has other redeeming qualities that endear her to people. She's a good listener and always trying to give advice to people without being overly pushy about it. She's thoughtful almost to a fault, often times putting the wants and needs of others before her own comfort.

History: Born in a little town in Georgia, just north of the Florida border, Brianna's life was rather dull. Brianna was content with her life as a good student, a high school athlete, and the girl who kept her nose clean while everyone else was getting into trouble. With the adoration of her parents, she could have spent the rest of her life in Georgia, without ever looking beyond its borders, at least until chaos struck her small family. Shortly after her thirteenth birthday, her uncle was involved in a drunk driving accident which killed him and injured the passengers of the other car. Her parents were pulled into legal trouble when those passengers tried to sue for damages. The lawsuits were thrown out and considered frivolous, but the ordeal left its mark inside Brianna's mind. Law became her new focus, despite the fact that she knew it would take her right out of Georgia.

She didn't know how right she was until she began to receive her acceptance letters for college. Her decision to move from her tiny home town to Boston where she planned to continue her education became easier when her parents gave their blessing. The move was a bit of a culture shock for Brianna, one that took some time for her to adjust to. With the help of her roommate and new best friend Lily, Brianna managed to survive her homesickness and learn how to adapt in her new environment. Six months into the school year and shortly after landing a job as a waitress, Brianna ended up in her first relationship. The romance didn't last long, not while the young woman remained overly cautious about intimacy. Only five months in, Brianna walked into her boyfriend's apartment to find him in a compromising position with his next door neighbor. The end of her relationship didn't break her heart the way she thought it would, but it did leave her wary of any future romantic entanglements.


Name: Kara (Karael) Raguel
Age: 572 (Appears to be in her mid 20's in human form)
Class: Authority
Jurisdiction North East United States
Rank: Lieutenant

Angel Form:
Height: 6'2
Weight: 160lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Wingspan: 12'
Magic: Holy, Healing,
Weaknesses: Dark Magic, Fire
Weapons: Guns, Daggers, Whip

Human Form:
Height: 6'0
Weight: 142lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Profession: Stripper


History: An Authority is charged with maintaining balance. Karael did not start out in the position. In the beginning, before mankind spread through the Earth like a plague, she was a guardian, sent to Earth to protect those in danger of losing their souls to the devil himself. From kings to peasants, she wandered from village to village, town to town, steering those under her care toward the light and the eternal peace of heaven in the afterlife. For nearly a century she remained aloof, but close, never allowing herself to become too attached to those under her guidance. They were merely a task she needed to fulfill before moving on to the next soul that needed saving.

However, a century among the humans began to have an effect on the angel. She began to grow envious of human's idea of love and longed for a piece of it for herself. Karael loathed her solitary existence but knew she could never truly fit into the human world. It was during her time of weakness, at her most vulnerable, she fell prey to a demon.

They did not start off on good terms. In fact, their first meeting ended with Karael injured, fleeing an opponent she hadn't been prepared for. He happened upon her again in her weakened condition, but rather than finish her off and send her soul back to heaven, he devised a plan to taint her soul and banish it to the depths of hell in hopes of gaining glory. Manipulating her proved to be an easy task, one that earned the demon Karael's undying loyalty. Karael found herself easily smitten with the demon; not that she presented much of a challenge. Desperate for attention and eager for a taste of what humans had, Karael caved easily. When the demon finally asked her to be his mate, Karael was only too happy to say yes.

Little did she know the blissful love she thought she found would soon turn cold and bitter. She would find herself alone while her mate sated his need for sins of every nature. The gentle, loving creature she'd fallen for turned into the monster he truly was, yet, Karael remained devoted to him, always smiling through her pain, forgiving his transgressions, and welcoming him home with open arms, until the day that he murdered her. With her last breath, Karael defied what he wanted for her. Rather than die hating him, resenting her life with him, and cursing herself to hell for all eternity, she forgave him everything, earning herself a place back in heaven.

Upon her return to heaven, it was deemed that her life on Earth should be erased from her memory. She was given a new purpose, one that would ensure she would never fall prey to another demon. Karael started at the lowest rank within the Authorities, at first tasked with eliminating low-level demons. The angel thrived in her new role, rising in rank faster than anyone would have anticipated. There was no hesitation when it came to dispatching demons back to hell. All had assumed that, subconsciously, her past would stay her hand, but became apparent that it was the exact opposite. Karael was not satisfied with taking out the demons she was sent to hunt; she took down every demon that crossed her path.


Angelic Form:

Name: Serphin
Age: 342
Height: 5'10
Weight: 153lbs
Wing Span: 12 foot
Ranking: Archangel

Weaponry: Long and short bow
Magic: Holy, Healing, and some fire magic.
Weaknesses: Dark Magic, Poisons, and Ice magic.
Skills: Archery, Chemistry, Apothecary

History: In her angel form, Serphin observant, quiet, and pragmatic. As a guardian of humans, she took her job seriously; some would say a bit too seriously. She became personally involved with her charges, often taking human form to interact with them as much as possible until her mission was completed. Taking her human form caused plenty of chaos, not only because of the weaknesses of the human body but because of the emotional and mental changes it created. As a human, Serphin felt far too strongly for every creature she came across, an issue that resulted in her heart being broken frequently. The angel cared too deeply for beings who had little regard for the emotional wellbeing of others and more often than not ended up being hurt. The emotional pain did not weaken her, however, it did often cloud her judgment and eventually led to her being cast from heaven.

When Serphin fell in love and mated with a demon, it did not take long at all for her creator to banish her from heaven. Unable to kill her, Serphin was locked in her human form and sent to live among the humans she so dearly loved for the rest of her life. Every few decades her memories would be erased, replaced with fresh ones of a different life, in a different place.

Human form:

Name: Nevaeh Mesner
Age: 25
Height: 5'6
Weight: 119lbs
Profession: Banker

History: (Current Memory) Nevaeh's earliest memories are of a foster home where she could recall always wanting to flee. She always assumes that an unhappy childhood is the reason she does not remember much of anything prior to her college years, which are a blur for entirely different reasons. She currently lives alone, works a 9-5 job, and has a very limited social life.


Name: Loran Ammarron
Age: 30
Birthplace: Utain
Father: Jetiln Amarron
Mother: Avar Amarron
Profession: Tracker

Height: 6'0
Weight: 180lbs
Eye Color: Brown

Weapons: Daggers, Crossbow, Sword
Armor Type: Leather
Skills: Tracking, Herbology, Some First Aid
Magic: None

Born to one of the most prominent tracker families in all of Utain, Loran did not wish to follow in the footsteps of his father. As a young boy, he would watch the criminals slowly gain a foothold within the kingdom of Utain, envious of their carefree ways and wanting to be just like them. He would fight with his father when it came time to train, insisting that Jetlin was wasting his time trying to teach him. For the majority of his childhood, Loran fought against the family tradition, until his uncle, his father's oldest brother, gained fame for capturing a notorious killer and bringing him to justice. Only then did the boy decide that the family business may be of some interest.

For the first two years of his training, Loran struggled to keep up with his father and uncles. Easily distracted and amused, often too light-hearted for the work, Loran would get lost in his own little world, until his uncle and father had to come back to retrieve him. Deciding that his son was not going to succeed in familiar territory, Jetlin sent his son off with the moon elves to the north, hoping that the clan could teach his son some discipline as well as an appreciation for the world around him.