Thrill to Kill (Closed Thread)

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Adelaide Rosier
Three to one were dire straits, auror or not, but with all three of them highly dangerous vampires that had been much discussed, and with the school so close by Adelaide had to make a choice, and that choice meant putting in her all to keep them out.

"Pissed off is good," Adelaide told the man, already the next incantation flowing from her hands and from the wand as she pointed at the shadows crawling around, meaning to summon them to do her bidding. The adrenaline was soaring, her mind was blaring as the hiss of the other vampires drowned into the background and the jolt that would usually be the reaction to her name, so loud and clear, stayed out.

The black feral blood and the pull of the shadows shook her more, eyes wide as tendrils started to swoop and swipe around her, forcing the vampires to stand at a distance.

At a distance she saw that glaring red in Virgil's eyes, a fear leaping into her throat as she recalls the many discussions in the hallways of the Ministry, her attempts to steer them off and to defend as a voice, deep and sonorous, told her: told you.

The visage of a man she had avoided came to mind, smirking tauntingly, a quirked brow in a nonchalance that seemed to believe he had won. A deep phantom pain shot through her shoulder as she recalled that memory, and the place where, and what had happened before that.

Soon after another ring appeared around her, the bidding of a dark spell surrounding her and lightning up the darkness surrounding them in flames that distinguished between friend and foe so clearly and obliterating. Yet the pain remained, gnawing, nagging, throbbing in her shoulder as Adelaide clenched her fist, her eyes forced to pull away from Hildegard to access who had entered now.

Two warnings to leave, though Adelaide feared that Skylar was much wrong when she assumed that the explanation would only be a threat. They already would have to, her very presence was enough for that, along with every spell she had issued that was immediately tracked. Both as a device for her own security, should she encounter danger, but also to prevent her misuse of her powers and training. The ministry already knew, but Adelaide didn't bother to correct the professor on that, much less that she corrected the female on the assumption that the threat would work at all on the group.

After all, there had been a reason why they were here, so close to the school, and that reason was none other than to make sure that they knew; the rest.

"Impedito," Adelaide called out, pointing at the three vampires that were now stuck within a circle. Now that she had good aim and the time to focus Adelaide could craft the cages needed to contain the three vampires, taking special care to capture the one called Ambroz in what looked like a bubble.

Yet another spell that wouldn't go unregistered in its use at the ministry.

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  • Spicy
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Location: Forbidden forest (Late night hours)
Interaction: Adelaide Rosier - @Nemopedia ; Skylar Anderson - @DayDreamer + Hunter, Calista & Ambroz

It was a moment's decision, although what Virgil would opt to do in such a situation was undoubtfully pre-determined. Even when he sensed the stench of foul constructs closing in and heard their bestial screech up against his ear, Hildegard's focus did not break. Quieter this time, the voice had mocked him again. Mocked and laughed at his wrongly-directed persistency. Laughed at his loyalty to the Auror and his beliefs. To Hogwarts.

He ignored it, waiting for the assault that never came. The ferals screeched and growled, pulling back from the flames conjured around him. No heat was emitted, but the flash of its cool light and the smell of burning flesh lured out an instinctive hiss from him. A raw reaction that had the dark tendrils jerk and scatters the group of vampires within the fiery enclosure.

"Who the fuck are you?! This is not what I agreed to!" Calista shouted, sticking as close to Hunter as possible and using him as a shield. "G-get off me, you crazy-"

"Shut up!" Hunter's complaint was laid to rest by a simple order from Ambroz as he circled the path between the two walls with an unnatural calm, observing the dark tendrils, then the flames behind him, assessing the standstill. Every trace of mania he had previously shown has been erased, although the menace in his provoking glare never left him. With hands in pockets, a fiendish-looking vampire stopped, facing Virgil anew.

"You three do not belong here," Skylar's voice sounded stern. In response, Calista hissed angrily. Her red irises reflected the flames as she held her distance from the newcomer on high alert. All things considered, the situation no longer seemed to be funny. Still, Ambroz remained unfazed. Fixated onto Virgil with haunting predatorial patience, he cracked a smirk across the flames.

You were summoned. You will come.
In time...

"Go back to your home, or we will have to explain the deaths to both the Council and the Ministry."

"Council and the Ministry," Ambroz repeated, for the first time paying mind to the newcomer. He seemed to have assessed how she approached the group with great care before responding with a chuckle that seemed to have given Calista a new dose of confidence - albeit a wary one - while Hunter's intense gaze continued to jump from one face to the other, angry and helpless.

"And I wonder what kind of format that explanation of yours will have. Huh, professor?" the vampire asked, briefly tilting his head sideways at an undoubtedly uncomfortable angle as he took a stroll towards Skylar. "For what you claim to be the safest place in Britain, you sure have a shitton to report. And that, sweetheart, isn't a good look," he teased, stopping just a few steps away when tendrils extended in front of him, intertwining into a bloody mesh barrier between the two.

Clicking his tongue at Virgil's involvement, Ambroz proceeded sarcastically: "They just cannot wait to humor a traitor and a pair of problem children that just happen to have an... interesting affinity towards bloodsuckers." he grinned, leaning in as the grid pulsated between them. "Guess what, birdie? You'll have to do better than that."

With a flash of red, his eyes seemed to be piercing through professor Anderson before he jerked forward, clashing his teeth with a chuckle. The sound of Impendio spell that surrounded him provoked a subtle annoyance as he once more eyed Adelaide with a smirk. "You just can't get enough of me, Auror. Can you?"

"Stop fucking around, Ambroz," this time, it came from Hunter, that grew impatient. Diplomacy and conversation, he figured, were a useless waste of time. With Hunter being ignored, Calista made a second attempt, waving her hands up dismissively and angrily gesturing towards Ambroz.

"Fuck this, fuck you, fuck these three! I am done talking!"

"Good," Ambroz cut her out, leaning against the insides of the barrier that encircled him, his eyes remaining fixated on the Auror. "Then you can shut your mouth, pick up your boy-toy, and leave. You're nothing but a pain in the ass to babysit. It's past your bedtime."

"Listen here, you cocky motherf- hey!" Calista shouted angrily, snapping back at Hunter that now held her firmly in place. "If you don't get your hands off of me, so help me, I'll shove this fucking vial down your throat," she threatened, grabbing another one of the green vials she was storing.

When Hunter pulled her in instead, she swore and slapped his chest until the whisper she had received from him registered in her mind. A moment later, as if a fit of rage had never occurred, she looked around at those present and let out ear-piercing laughter of delight, swinging the vial into the trees, not failing to hide her pleasure watching the foliage and tree trunks bend and break under the explosion. A cacophony of animal sounds sounded scattered around the area and mixed with Calista's laughter as she grabbed onto Hunter and his portkey, vanishing from the premises.

With the sound of the explosion, Virgil's casted protections deteriorated into a disgusting slush of black blood. He dropped it with a visible release, staggering briefly, before leaning forward to maintain his balance. Piercing pain stormed through Hildegard's chest and head, ending with a crimson streak dripping onto the forest soil. It mixed with the gore of ferals lying around him and disappeared somewhere in the ground. A brief silence fell around them until Ambroz broke it, lazily rubbing his temple.

"Do you know how many ferals it takes to cover a whole perimeter around Hogwarts? Quite a staggering number," he began with an out-of-place enthusiasm. "Now, imagine all those bastards doing whatever they please," he proceeded with morbidly visual enjoyment, leaning forward into the bubble-like barrier towards Adelaide. "Which is precisely what's gonna happen to poor magical brats if you take away the alpha. So," he clapped almost cheerfully. "I do suggest you reconsider your strategy."

With a light grunt, Virgil straightened up, silently summoning his wand back into his hand. "How many?" he asked simply, but Ambroz clearly understood the question's meaning. Widening his sharp grin to unimaginable proportions, he responded cooly.

"More than enough."

As a confirmation, a distant but audible screech of ferals sounded across the forest floor.
Of the three vampires in front of her, it was clear who the leader was. Ambroz seemed to think that he had the situation under control despite being surrounded. He actually seemed to enjoy his scenario and that made Skylar even more angry. But her anger was cold, calculated. So unlike the kind and cheery Magizoologist that the world knew her as.

A flash of red eyes and gnashing teeth meant for scaring her away, only caused her to narrow her eyes. The light of the black flames making it so that Ambroz was staring into green and blue flaming orbs, like the ones Skylar had witnessed in Japan when she had the chance to glimpse at a pair of Kitsunebi in one of Kyoto's temples.

She had allowed the scene to unfold as she reigned in the impulse of ending the man's life then and there, saying some things that she would definitely regret afterwards. Not even the explosion was enough to startle her, she had spend more than enough time around temperamental young Erumpents, but it did increase her anger. With Ambroz secured and the other two gone, Skylar dissolved the protective rings of fire around her colleagues, keeping the larger ring around all of them, as she made her way to the bubble that contained the ever grinning vampire. "More than enough." Was the last words that Ambroz would be able to speak as Skylar's magic was put to use, silencing the man, while at the same time restricting his ability to move.

"You just love hearing yourself speak don't you?" Skylar's voice was cool and level with anger just barely contained below the surface. "Then let me reverse the question for you. Do you think they will be merciful to someone who created enough ferals to attempt and snuff out a whole generation of magical children? Giving both sides the perfect excuse to start genocides all over again?" It was her turn to smirk at the Vampire as her magic squeezed his throat. "Or we could just kill you here." She wrinkled her nose, clearly not at all bothered by the possibility that Ambroz might relenquish his control over the ferals at any given moment. "Afterall, you have given us no reason to believe you won't just let them attack just because you can. So we might as well clean up the source of the filth." She pointed out and Ambroz lifted slightly off the ground as Skylar squeezed him further to make a point.
Adelaide Rosier
This was coordinated. Not a mere impulsiveness of bored vampires who had strayed way beyond control. This was personal. The realisation didn't change anything in the situation, but it was an observation she had to make. An important plot point to keep in mind as she wondered who it was pulling the strings behind. The vampires had been at peace, thanks to Hildegard, but it was a peace of inequality, one done out of their control and on the terms of the wizarding world. Adelaide was all too aware of how fragile that was, just how breakable this peace was. One rebel, one plan, and a hivemind later and this was the result.

"Accio," Adelaide summoned for the vials of green that one of them was holding, never letting down the previous charm she had cast as she used her remaining hand for the matter. Whatever it was, it could be of importance, it had to be, why else this cockiness? Why else this arrogance that they could take on Hogwarts, the castle that had withstood so many previous attacks.

The threat of an attack on the castle left her unimpressed and undeterred. Had they done their homework they would have known that no amount of ferals could pass by the madness that was Pyre, who, despite all being said, didn't sit on a throne of empty promises and shallow reputation, despite his own flagrant attitude. The threat of someone behind this attack, of this being a plan, no matter how loosely threaded together, was the bigger one. For it meant that this was merely a test; a distraction of all else.

Maybe even connected to her last mission.

But her colleagues thought differently. Hildegard asked his question, showing his own fear and doubt and Skylar was much worse, entirely giving in to her own anger, speaking as if there was any reasoning possible, as if she was the hero of a novel written by Lockhart himself.

The green vial in her left hand was all she needed for now. For now. As in the background an explosion could be heard, and another, the heat of a fire lightening up the night sky despite the distance they were at.

Within the castle all would be quiet, the peace undisturbed and no student or professor inside would be any wiser. None, except for the man named Moysei Pyre, inventor of the crazy contraption that was both functional and dramatic, just his style.

Adelaide knew the man to be laughing, cackling even at the sight of his invention working so marvellously well. Not because he didn't trust his own mind, but because the reality always surpassed his imaginations, or so he claimed, and it certainly had surpassed Adelaide's imagination.

Tomorrow all would be right again, without a trace and that was worse of all. Moysei Pyre polished and prided himself in creating a marvel and a bamboozle that only the witnesses could bear to tell and still none would believe it. That was his magic and his charm.

"Whatever principalities we are here for," Adelaide spoke, feeling the heat behind her and the flicker of joy of the old man who has been left far too bored, "you have results to report, which can't be done if the madman gets you," she stated, hoping that this would at least dissuade them from a further altercation. The high, the adrenaline, all too addicting, had to be stopped, the rabbit had to return to its hole and with that, condemn the rest of its flock.

Not that this logic could be applied to their very own headmaster. Who was enjoying himself at the very top of the tower, summoning seas of fire to eat away at feral after feral and who was looking for more to burn if this fight wasn't ended soon.

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A sigh signaled the ending of the cathartic process, and without breaking the gaze, he summoned the expelled wand back. Virgil re-entered his role, ruminating on the vampire's response. The exact purpose of their chaotic endeavor still would not reveal itself to him, no matter the attempt to break into the male's train of thought. Something unnerving responded to each effort. A disruption that made the vampire's thoughts into pieces of a scrambled program.

And so much hate.

Even as professor Anderson's spell embraced him tightly and began to close around him, Ambroz's widely plastered grin did not falter. He stared back at Virgil with venomous confidence, but even if he felt unnerved by the display, Hildegard did not show it.

Words paused in Ambroz's throat when the grip of Skylar's spell fully closed around him, tightening. Still, his grin remained, taking delight in Skylar's tone and propositions.

"Interesting," the voice hummed in Virgil's mind. Unlike the previous one, the current voice was identifiable.

"Squandered," it sounded again, feeling heavy and broken into pieces. Then, finally, a focused thought from the suspended vampire, an unexpected understanding of the channel he was communicating through. For Virgil, it was an emergence into clearance after rows of noise, and he did not expect it so suddenly.

"The source. You don't know shit about the source."

While occupying a part of his attention, the words alone weren't what had him looking Skylar's way. Her disgust felt like a delight to the captive as he let out a constricted chuckle. Against his desire to agree, Hildegard responded to his colleague with what would bring a particular order in the chaos.

"This is a matter of which the Vampire Council needs to be notified before any final decision has been made, professor Anderson. I politely suggest we leave the verdict for after the fact."

A light trace across the night sky from the castle momentarily occupied Virgil's attention. A young centaur at the edge of the clearance winced in fear and barely dragged itself further into the woods before collapsing, unaware of more that followed.

"Whatever principalities we are here for," professor Rosier interrupted a further discussion, "you have results to report, which can't be done if the madman gets you."

Years in service were seemingly hard to forget. Everything about Adelaide at that moment was cold and calculated. The complexity of the situation was apparent to him. There wasn't a scenario where the problem wouldn't escalate to some extent. However, whether they wished to be the front and center of it depended on that moment of weakness.

The emphasis on Virgil's decision came from an otherwise mundane motion. "We are here to tend to Hogwarts and its students," he said finally, resheathing his wand. "This has long surpassed that. This is no longer a reaction but retaliation. We need to take a step back." Neither agreeing with nor rejecting any of the sentiments, he attempted to tip-toe a middle ground between the two colleagues. A maneuver of a coward in the eyes of his kind that did not go unnoticed by Ambroz. Unlike the others, however, he wasn't quick to express his judgment other than a prolonged gaze that searched for something only known to him.

"Your threats have been responded to," Virgil turned to refer to the captive. "You will go no further."

Ambroz chuckled as his thoughts echoed in Virgil's mind.

"Tell me, Virgilius. How many lives is friend worth? Family? "

A cold shiver rushed down his spine.
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  • Creepy
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If there was anything that Skylar would like more at this moment, it would be to wipe the smirk off the vampier's face. It was clear that he enjoyed the response he had gotten out of her, so she took a deep breath and released her hold on him, her face slipping back to a mask of cold anger.

The flames of her spell dissipated as other flames and screams echoed in the distance. Headmaster Pyre's reputation was not unfounded and it brought Skylar peace of mind. This was still the safest place in Britain. The castle walls would not fall under their watch and the Forbidden Forest had its own way of restoring its balance. Safety was not the Forest's essence. It never was and would never be. She knew and respected that.

Her attention switched to her centaur friend, who had tried to escape the situation, only to collapse of blood loss and fear a few feet away from the clearing. She chose to say nothing. Virgil and Adelaide were better equipped to handle the situation than her. While she could act as an ambassador of sorts between species just due to her personal good standing with her, did not make her the right person for the kind of situation they were at right now.

She was a scholar, a teacher and a curious mind willing to learn and respect other cultures. She was not a diplomat, nor a soldier. Her wand rested at her side as she kept a close eye on Ambroz still feeling confident in his control of the situation despite his ferals being cremated with every second they stood there.

@Nemopedia @Ritual Lobotomy
Adelaide Rosier
In the back she could hear Pyre's manic laughter, a yahoo following as another successful trap unleashed its wrath and violence on all that threatened the school. Maddening was that none of the students would even notice any of the commotion. Nor would they see any of the damage done. Yet, the immense heat that Pyre's mechanism generated, for the man did everything with fire and zeal and more fire, could even be felt all the way here.

It was that same heat that enhanced all fire spells, allowing Adelaide to cast more ghostfires than she commonly could at once without a spell or the wave of a wand, colourless flames that chased and latched onto their targets until the sun hit them, erupting into a real fire burning them from inside out.

"I don't suppose an introduction of the headmaster is needed, right?" Adelaide warned when the cackling laughter, more demonic than human and more villainy than the group facing them, grew louder.

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  • According to Plan
Reactions: Ritual Lobotomy

1698088460985.pngNo response had been received from Virgil. Nevertheless, Ambroz glared eagerly as his throat continued to collapse under Skylar's aggression. The vampire's bloodied eyes turned to her for the first time since the ordeal, contesting her furious gaze as the orders to stand down rang around her. In between her colleagues' words, a faint whisper echoed in her mind, airy, almost other-worldly, consisting of different tones that contested each other on their way out.

"Far from home.
Don't belong.


In a trance-like state, the vampire locked onto Professor Anderson once the grasp on his throat ceased, a pleased grin sprawled across his face as the sky above the tree line repeatedly flashed the fiery red color of Pyre's orchestrated madness.

"You're just going to let them speak to you like that?" Ambroz tilted his head, much like a curious beast observing the human in front of it, making a quick tut-tut sound. Another fiery stream dropped into the forest behind them, provoking a cacophony of screeches as ferals attempted to escape their inevitable demise in a blind panic.

"I don't suppose an introduction of the headmaster is needed, right?"

With the smile fading, Ambroz courtesied Adelaide with the glare of a predator that would have pounced had it not been a barrier between them.

"No," his response trailed off as he observed the fire in the sky. Thinking about it momentarily, he repeated it to Adelaide with a wry smirk. "No. We're familiar. Message received, darling."

Even with the rest of his pack now being decimated, Ambroz did not seem to give it any further attention as he dragged his almost unnaturally slender body around the erected cage in thought. Another line of animalistic screams of dying beasts came to pass.

"You know? I was convinced this would have been an excruciating waste of time," he began. Once more, his tone and stance adjusted into this other, completely different personality. "Imagine my surprise to be proved wrong," he all but exclaimed, seasoning it with a delightful chuckle, less obnoxious than those that came before.

"Virgilius always knew how to choose his circle to make it as obnoxious as possible," he dragged his words lazily when the screeches finally started to subside as ferals were culled in large numbers. "Or so I've been told."

With a pause, he looked at all three, taking in their expressions, determination, and unyielding stances.

"I recognize when I am...uninvited to the party," he reflected on a heavy defeat of his army with nothing but a snark. "So I will leave you to it. It's one hell of a night to go wild out there," he chuckled, bowing forward. A short twirl faced him back toward Virgil. "It was an honor, Hildegard. Perhaps we get a better chance to dance some other time. With... less interruptions."

Virgil's silence of mind and word remained a concrete wall between them.

"Now, that's a shame," Ambroz muttered, slightly irked by his inability to break the fellow vampire in. "I was convinced that we had a breakthrough, and all you did was break my heart," he tapped his chest dramatically, playing out a face of sadness briefly before his voice dropped.

"Nevertheless, I am waiting. Say it."

Silence emanated from Hildegard for a little while, rage brewing up his throat, scorching his vocal cords. The contemplation that overrun his mind suffocated any other thought, and it felt like his own personal nightmare, only his to endure. He breathed in. Herbs and scorched beasts tickled his nostrils. But what tended to be an uncomfortable sensation effectively cleared the way for rational thinking. When he looked back at the vampire, the confidence of his words was chiseled out in his tone as he gave his answer.

"He was never my friend. Let alone my family."

Ambroz took it all in with calm, nodding thoughtfully in response.

"Thought as much. That settles it, then. See? It wasn't all that bad," he chuckled. "Honesty is the best policy, kids!" the vampire continued, lifting a string out of his ragged shirt until a concealed pendant slid into his hand.

"...Even if it's the wrong call."

Without further hesitation, Ambroz flicked the item. It shook violently, leaving an empty cage behind as he disappeared through a blitz flash.

The forest rustled and calmed.

"Is everyone alright?"
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"Far from home.
Don't belong.

The voices faded and bloodshot eyes locked with a haunting bicolored gaze. Blue flames glistened and emerald green stayed cold as stone. Fox laughter echoed and lingered for a moment, mocking as Ambroz decided to break his focus on her. "You're just going to let them speak to you like that?" Skylar's only response was a small, knowing, predatory grin. She was quite comfortable in her skin. She did not need others' approval of her heritage and whatever it was that lingered behind her blue eye was amused at the Vampire's attempt in rattling her.

She watched the scene unfold carefully, understanding that there was some personal calling card involved between the caged vampire and Virgil, yet she was unsure what. She also knew that Vampires, while often liking theatrics and drama to amuse their long lives, would not resort to such a massive display of threats unless there was something bigger behind it all. It worried her, but the students were safe tonight and that is all that mattered. As the forest calmed once more, she took a deep breath. "Is everyone alright?"

"It surprises me that people on this side of the ocean still consider the magical heritage of someone to be enough to rattle their minds." Skylar responded to Virgil's concern while marching over to her injured centaur friend, summoning orbs of whispy light so she could have a better look at the damage. "I'm fine." She assured him as the lights created a floating circle around her and the centaur. She grimaced as she saw the full extend of the wounds and kneeled down, to begin some long overdue emergency first aid.
Adelaide Rosier
The vampire, Ambroz, had an obvious history with Hildegard, the taunts, the flair, everything oozed the confidence with the knowledge that he had the upper hand, even if it wasn't in battle. But they left, they finally did and Adelaide allowed one hand to go over her shoulder, the phantom pain still lingering.

"Who were they?" she was quick to question instead of answering, "we need to stop headmaster Pyre before he sends that fire out throughout the whole forest and scout out the area for more victims." The tasks followed, leaving her lips rapid-fire before the former auror lifted her hand, sending off her patronus into the direction of the castle to tell the headmaster to ease up, if he hadn't already.

The night promised itself to be long, she knew, her energy already depleted in half and adrenaline still running. Long and cold, Adelaide realised, the coat of Hildegard still over her shoulders to poorly mask her scent.

"You probably want your coat back," Adelaide sighed, a slight regret in her voice to part from the comfort and warmth it provided before her eyes glided over the wounded centaur that had attracted Skylar, remembering the horrific scene that had started tonight.

It was, indeed, going to be a long night.

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Reactions: Ritual Lobotomy

1698882673760.pngIt was difficult to act as if the calm that finally descended onto the Forbidden Forest did not come as a welcome relief. With tension snapping and releasing them all from its clutches came a sudden wave of relaxation, followed by an impossible throbbing pain that spread through his body.

"Yes. Well," Virgil breathed out in response to Skylar, leaning forward to recuperate. "You'd be unpleasantly surprised, Professor Anderson." The smell of fresh blood continued to tease as valuable liquid leaked from the unfortunate creature Skylar was now attending to. There was no immediate threat for the centaur, but Hildegard could not swear on his honor that he did not entertain the thought. It would have been all too easy to relieve the poor thing of its misery. His healing body implored him to rethink.

"Who were they?"

It was, at the same time, the simplest and the most complex question Miss Rosier could have asked.

"I. I don't know," Virgil responded slowly, realizing the weight of his confession. He was caught blind and harrassed into lashing out. Neither of which was what he wanted to do. "Hunter," he added, straightening up. "I know the kid. What I do not know is how he came to get involved with such a group. He was-" he stopped, realizing he thought over matters that were none of their concern out loud. "No. I do not know the others. But I am more concerned over who pulls the strings." It all still seemed so surreal, an ugly nightmare, but whether he wished to tackle it or not, the name of the culprit rang clear in his consciousness.

"You probably want your coat back," Professor Rosier sounded beside him as his frame shook subtly, his strength gradually returning. In an attempt to add some light-heartedness to the situation, Virgil smirked meekly and waved off the offer. "You are welcome to keep it as long as you'd like, Professor Rosier. I've got quite a few in my wardrobe already." It was partially a jest but an honest offer nevertheless.

His eyes drifted towards the centaur once more from where he stood, for once ashamed of his primal thoughts.

"I am sorry," he muttered under his breath as he observed Skylar attempting to save the life of the unfortunate soul. It was a barely audible apology directed to no one and all of them at the same time. For the first time in over twenty years, an uncomfortable lump of anger and sadness formed in his throat, forcing him to pause briefly. A blink-and-you-miss-it moment later, any sign of discomfort disappeared from his face.

"Please extend my sincere apology to the herd, Miss Anderson. And make sure that they know the Council does not condone such savagery. This will not go unpunished. Furthermore," he paused, weighing out his words before proceeding. "I would appreciate it if my actions here tonight were not discussed in unnecessary detail. Some aren't fond to hear of it."
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  • Love
Reactions: Noctis the Devious

Skylar breathed in relief as Arelan, the centaur, stirred weakly as he regained some of his consciousness since he no longer bled. His wounds had closed up thanks to Skylar's spells while Adelaide and Virgil shared more information and tried to make a plan for the rest of the night.

The CoMC professor had scoffed when Virgil confirmed the ridiculous notions of pure blood beliefs still holding very true in Magical Britain. Adellaide's patronus was followed by Skylar's own. A Borzoi hound of silver light briefly sniffed at the injured centaur before leaping into the forest, to alert the herd. Arelan was safe. The forest was rid of the immediate threat. Bring Arelan home.

"What happens in the Forest, stays in the Forest." Skylar dismissed Virgil's fear of gossip as her bicolored gaze focused on the potions master, assessing his condition. Her anger had not left her, but it no longer burned. It had shimmered down to determination to get rid of the mess created tonight. "I cannot promise that the herd will be so quick to forgive. I would suggest you stay away from their territory for a while, just in case." She suggested and go rid of her trekking jacket.

"How in control are you right now?" She asked him, as she casually lifted her left sleeve to expose smooth skin. "You look like shit and I don't mind, as long as you can promise I won't end up a shriveled raisin." She chuckled. There was no fear or anticipation in her voice. The offer was casual and matter of factly. It was not her first rodeo and she knew it would help Virgil regain his strength much faster. Until they got out of the Forest and back in the safety of Hogwarts' grounds, Skylar would feel safer if Virgil was not about to faint or lose his inhibitions.
Adelaide Rosier
A new group, newly gathered and newly formed, attracting the youth to their cause, or what they claimed to be their cause. Adelaide took in a deep breath, the memory of her last mission and the vampire involved there still clear before releasing them along with her own assumptions. It was easy to allow herself to be persuaded into the idea that new factions were forming, even if the presence of a new wind was undeniable.

"That mark, do you think they had anything to do with it? A new ritual?" Adelaide had continued, gladly taking up the offer to keep the coat. She wondered if the blood of the circle they had found earlier and the bloodied centaur here now were related as well, the wound in her shoulder throbbing along with the side of her face, the familiar rush of blood and vertigo coming to her now that the adrenaline finally faded.

Blinking away the black spots in her vision Adelaide was quick to cast lightning spell, casting the areas of interest in a bright light to reveal the horrors and help the investigation better.

"The night is short," the DADA professor sighed, knowing that they only had a few more hours left before dawn would break so early into september. "Let's get started."

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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Ritual Lobotomy