The Zodiac Guilds [W.I.P]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Which Zodiac Coven are you interested in?

  • Total voters


Creator of Worlds
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Sc-fi, Horror, Steampunk, anything really
The Zodiac Guilds WaRP 2022
Simple Code Version


Welcome to the Zodiac Guilds! This idea is for the 2022 WaRP contest. There are several sections of information here to better understand the concept. The overall genre of this roleplay is High Fantasy with futuristic elements sprinkled in. The world of Zodiacus is governed by three covens based on different cultures' ideas of the Zodiac Signs. These covens house the signs of the Western, Chinese, and Celtic Zodiacs as individual guilds your characters can join. Guild life, missions, and opportunities await all those who meet the requirements. The Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett is a heavy inspiration for the overall world mechanics and magic systems. There are many facets to this large-scale adventure, so take your time and read through everything.

This post serves as a navigation point for all topics. Each post in this thread will be linked to this main page. Each topic is divided into a relevant category. The categories for the roleplay are OOC Information, Guild Orientation, Lore Compendium, Guild Enchiridia, Scenario Arcs, and Roleplay Perks. Enjoy the dive into Zodiac Guilds!

OOC Information

Guild Orientation
  • Orientation Introduction
  • Realm Decree Guide 1: Zodiacus Master Pyramid Chart Guide
  • Realm Decree Guide 2: The World of Zodiacus
  • Realm Decree Guide 3: TZG Almanac Breakdown
  • Realm Decree Guide 4: Universal Law Guide
  • Realm Decree Guide 5: Magic Systems and Customs Guide
  • [post=]Realm Decree Guide 6: Zodiacus Technology Guide[/post]
  • [post=]Realm Decree Guide 7: Fantázomai Phenomena Introduction[/post]
  • [post=]Realm Decree Guide 8: Fantázomai Signatures and Imprints[/post]
  • [post=]Realm Decree Guide 9: Phenomena Types and Locations[/post]
  • [post=]Realm Decree Guide 10: Possible Phenomena Outcomes[/post]

  • [post=]Player Archive Guide 1: Creating and Posting[/post]
  • [post=]Player Archive Guide 2: Approval Process[/post]
  • [post=]Player Archive Guide 3: Upkeep and Additions[/post]

  • [post=]Lore Compendium Guide 1: Compendium Overview[/post]
  • [post=]Lore Compendium Guide 2: Using Lore to Create a Character[/post]
  • [post=]Lore Compendium Guide 3: Timeline Information[/post]

  • Guild Enchiridia Guide 1: Quick Guild List
  • Guild Enchiridia Guide 2: TZG Personality Quizzes
  • Guild Enchiridia Guide 3: GIP Alignment and Purpose
  • Guild Enchiridia Guide 4: Guild Decrees and Member Pacts
  • Guild Enchiridia Guide 5: Triad System Functions and Purpose
  • Guild Enchiridia Guide 6: Guild Member Responsibilities and Contributions

  • Scenario Archive Guide 1: Selecting Scenarios
  • Scenario Archive Guide 2: Keeping Track of Time
  • Scenario Archive Guide 3: Actions and Consequences

  • Roleplay Perks Guide 1: Mechanic Overview
  • Roleplay Perks Guide 2: Player Archive and Perks
  • Roleplay Perks Guide 3: Perk Assistant

Lore Compendium
  • Compendium Introduction
  • Zodiac Lore Navigation
  • World Lore Navigation
  • Guild Lore Navigation

Guild Enchiridia
  • Handbook Introduction
  • Influence Covens and Guilds
  • Guild Overview
  • Guild Alignment and Purpose
  • Guild Hierarchy
  • Guild Triad Mechanics
  • Joining a Guild
  • Membership Requirements
  • Membership Benefits
  • Guild Artifacts
  • Guild Missions

Scenario Arcs
  • Scenario Arc Introduction
  • Overarching Scenarios
  • Personal Scenarios
  • Collector's Scenario
  • Achiever's Scenario
  • Creator's Scenario
  • Explorer's Scenario
  • Honer's Scenario
  • Griefer's Scenario
  • Adorer's Scenario

Roleplay Perks
  • Roleplay Perk Overview
  • Character Statistics System
  • Guild Indicium System
  • World Reputation System
  • Celestial Favor System


In conclusion, the Zodiac Guilds aims to be a large-scale adventure where everyone can enjoy themselves and explore what it is like to be in a Guild. Thank you for reading this submission.

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Return to the Navigation Page here.


These are the Zodiac Guild's overall Realm Expectations. This post consists of three parts; Realm Decrees, How to Participate, and Open Forum Policy. The Realm Decrees are roleplay-specific guidelines unrelated to the game's rules. They state certain aspects of the roleplay that you should know. To understand how to play this game better, we have the How to Participate section that goes over the most important parts of participating in the roleplay. Finally, the Open Forum Policy is how I would like to have the communication and contribution handled.

Realm Decrees

Realm Decrees can change or be added to as the need arises. If a Decree has an external link related to it, it will be listed under the initial guideline. Each Realm Decree has Key Points that break down what the Decree means. More information on the Realm Decrees can be found in the Guild Orientation section of the Zodiac Guilds.

Realm Decree #1: The Zodiacus M.P.H.C. orders ALL.

M.P.H.C. stands for Master Pyramid Hierarchy Chart. You can view the entire chart here. (link)

Decree Key Point #1: Introduction
master pyramid hierarchy charts

The Zodiacus Master Pyramid Hierarchy Chart is a set of diagrams that depicts and orders ALL aspects of the Zodiac Guilds. The essential diagrams are the Hierarchy of Entities, Realm Decrees, Guild Hierarchies, Magic and Technology, Scenario Archetypes, and Roleplay Perks

The purpose of each chart is to organize ideas into Hierarchies of Power, establish Axiom Ternions for each tier, and rank the ideas by Status Echelons that give them facets of predetermined motivations, among other things.

Decree Key Point #2: Hierarchy of Entities Chart

The first chart is the Hierarchy of Entities which orders every species into Prowess Tiers, ranks of power given by birthright. This diagram consists of twenty-one Axiom Ternions or pyramids that fill out six rows of these Prowess Tiers. The first row starts with one Ternion and branches forth, adding an additional pyramid to the tier beneath it. The Axiom Ternions within each rank dedicate a theme to the entities within it. These themes are principles of the universe and its processes. The entities in the pyramids are further ranked by Status Echelons that give them starting reputation, duties, moral obligations, skillsets, and social stigmas.

The top two tiers are creatures of universal creation and the originators of everything. They are born with omnipotent and extraordinary abilities and generally pull the strings of the lower tiers. The bottom four tiers descend in power, with the sixth row being the weakest born. Although they are not as powerful, these Ternions are the foundation of the Pyramid Hierarchy, critical to keeping it strong.

Read below for more information on Prowess Tiers, Axiom Ternions, Status Echelons, and the Universal Entity Hierarchy.

Prowess Tiers Information

The levels of the Master Pyramid are called Prowess Tiers or Universal Prowess. These determine the level of power and ability one has access to. There are six levels of Universal Prowess; Omnipotent, Archon, Dieuld, Master, Initiate, and Inept. These levels dictate the capabilities of the entities and specific systems within each tier. At the highest level, the creatures born here have access to complete omnipotent power and abilities. They are the original beings and the sources for everything else in existence.

When an entity ascends to this level from a lower tier, they have access to the many facets of Omnipotency but must study and learn to fully grasp them and use them regularly. The lowest level of power is Inept capability. These beings are not born with advanced knowledge of universal concepts and are socially ostracized from higher society until proven worthy. The Zodiac Guild Leaders must be of Dieuld rank before they are allowed to lead. Most members in a guild are of the Initiate tier, while those entities who have honed their craft with years of experience in a guild are of the Master tier. Inept entities must pass entrance exams before being allowed to sign up for a guild.

Overall, Universal Prowess influences the limitations and possibilities of mechanics within the Roleplay.

Axiom Ternions Information

The twenty-one Axiom Ternions that make up the M.P.H.C. are principles of the universe of Zodiacus. The six rows order the number of pyramids within them. The upper tiers of Ternions symbolize the Source, Power, and Potential of all. The middle levels in the M.P.H.C. embody personal relationships and mastery of the universe. The bottom rows signify universal elements and established rights. They all coexist and mingle, influencing the adjacent pyramid's standing in the hierarchy.

If a row has three or more Axiom Ternions, the principles are judged by a horizontal hierarchy scale. This scale assigns values to the pyramids and orders them as such. When someone seeks to ascend in power, they must first go through the Ternion Gauntlets. A Ternion Gauntlet consists of several Archiaugna Tasks. Archiaugna Tasks are challenges based on principles and status echelons of each pyramid in a tier. The horizontal hierarchy scale sets the order in which one would start their Gauntlet Trials. More information about Ternion Gauntlets and the Axiom Ternions can be found in the Guild Orientation Section.

Status Echelons Information

There are sixty-three Status Echelons in the whole chart. Every pyramid in the Hierarchy of Entities Chart has three Status Echelons. These Echelons are given triad ideas called Ternion Trines. Each Trine orders the Echelons within the pyramid and offers a common bond for them. Every Echelon has a Type that determines the overall theme of the Status Echelon. For the Hierarchy of Entities, a status echelon is a Species that defines the predetermined type. The facets of these Echelons consist of reputation, duties, moral obligations, skillsets, and social stigmas.

The first challenges to ascending begin with facing fate's destiny for you and bending it to your will. Everyone is born in fate's predetermined web, but that doesn't mean you are stuck there forever. With personal growth and dominion over the world around you, it is possible to climb up the ladders of potential and break through to the endless expanse of ultimate possibilities.

Universal Entity Hierarchy

The Universal Entity Hierarchy determines your character's Genéteira or fate-assigned birthplace. Although one cannot choose where they are assigned, one can challenge their destiny using the Universal Law called the Genéteira Clause. This clause grants entities born into the lower tiers a chance to ascend in prowess by partaking in Ternion Gauntlets and Ascension Tournaments. The Gauntlets are tasks of varying degrees that a character must overcome before one qualifies for that tier's Ascension Tournament.

Ascension Tournaments are the final step before moving to the next Prowess Tier. They scale in difficulty as you ascend and consist of competitions testing every aspect of the character's core. These events are widely celebrated and prepared for by the lower tiers as they aspire to grow in potential and power. It is rare, but not impossible, for one to ascend all the way to the top of the Tiers with hard work, dedication, and experience. Overall, the M.P.H.C. influences every aspect of what goes on in the universe and the world of Zodiacus.

Decree Key Point #3: Realm Decree Charts

Realm Decree Charts List

  • Universal Laws Chart
    Realm Decree #4 Specific Chart


    Realm Decree Chart
  • Source Reactions Chart
    Realm Decree #5 Specific Chart


    Realm Decree Chart
  • Magic Systems Chart
    Realm Decree #5 Specific Chart


    Realm Decree Chart
  • Magic Societies Chart
    Realm Decree #5 Specific Chart


    Realm Decree Chart
  • Chromadis Customs Chart
    Realm Decree #5 Specific Chart


    Realm Decree Chart
  • Technology Hierarchy Chart
    Realm Decree #5 Specific Chart


    Realm Decree Chart
  • Creator's Legion Hierarchy Chart
    Realm Decree #5 Specific Chart


    Realm Decree Chart
  • Fantázomai Phenomena Power Chart
    Realm Decree #5 Specific Chart


    Realm Decree Chart

Realm Decree #2: The World of Zodiacus is Unique
Similar to the Discworld Series, the world mechanics are different.
  • The world is a disc-like planet anchored by Magic Tethers to the Spiorad Mòr - a collective of great spirits that travel through the universe of Zodiacus. These ancient beings are from the beginning of the universe, known as the Ekrixi Era. They're among thousands of creatures formed and tasked with traveling through space and time, caring for mystical planetary cradles full of Fantolings. They held the potential to grow into deities capable of creating anything, using the materials of the cradle to morph and shape their designs.

  • The world of Zodiacus has a long history spanning thousands of years. The Spiorad Mòr attached to Zodiacus consists of six magnificent spirits that embody the six elements found on the planet. Those elements are Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Nature, and Gylch. Gylch is the essence of magic, the embodiment of universal cycles that pull at all beings in the universe, and the source of Karmic Immortality. These spirits cared for the cradle of Zodiacus and guided the Zodiac Fantolings through the first processes of experiencing the universe.

  • The planet is an extraordinary marvel that consists of interconnecting crust-like structures that make up four rings. The outer three rings have land segments for each Coven's Guild. The innermost ring of the disc is a gigantic mountain, Deitas Throni, the throne of all deities bound to Zodiacus. It is the tallest point in the world and is a waypoint for the Sky Ward that contains the atmosphere of Zodiacus. At the very edges of the planet, the world falls away into space, revealing parts of the Spiorad Mòr on its path through the universe. In certain areas, it is possible to fall off or propel yourself into space with enough force; however, no one has tried yet.

  • There are three zones of habitances in the world; the Ouranós Zone (Sky), the Epifáneia Zone (Surface), and the Pedinós Zone (Underground). The Ouranós and Pedinós Zones are not ruled by one Guild or another. Every faction uses these Zones on Zodiacus for traveling, exploration, and industry. The Epifáneia Zone is the surface of Zodiacus and where your characters will spend most of their time. Epifáneia is where each Guild and Coven live, respectively. The outermost piece on the planet's edge belongs to the Celtaidd Coven. It is essentially a giant forest full of different trees for each sign. The trees get thicker as one gets closer to the planet's edge. The next ring belongs to the Zhōngwén Coven. Each segment of this ring is different from the next. The Animal Deities ruling over the Coven made the land, resources, and culture; specific to the signs. The ring bordering Deitas Throni consists of a giant, bustling metropolis with land quarters dedicated to each Guild in the Occidentis Coven.

  • Water flows in between the segments and rings, crisscrossing the entire planet. In certain places, there is water big enough to be called oceans. Not every pool extends into the Pedinós Zone, but those that do can be as deep as trenches.

  • More information on the world and what's in it is in the Lore Compendium Category of this thread.

Realm Decree #3: Roleplay Time Follows the Almanac
You can view the Almanac here[link].
  • The Almanac is the game's Calendar for past, present, and future events that are In-Character. It denotes several aspects of the world of Zodiacus as well, like the moons, seasons, and weather. The Almanac runs on an App called Fantasy Calendar.

  • There are eight days a week, each with a specific name and purpose in the Guilds. Most guilds allot their members one rest day per week. Although, depending on the culture and general work ethic, some signs prefer a prolonged break period.

  • There are eight days in a week and 20 months in a year. Each month lasts roughly 20 days long.

  • Zodiacus has two moons and several seasons throughout the years.

  • Periods of time where events happen are called Eras.

  • There has been six eras thus far, with the Divulgence Era being the current one.
  • The current date in the IC is TBD.

Realm Decree #4: All Abide by the Universal Laws
The Universal Laws govern certain aspects of the world.
  • There are several Universal Laws that govern The Zodiac Guilds.

  • These laws are divided into four types; Principal, Spatial, Material, and Causal.

  • Each type of Law interacts with a different aspect of the Overworld.

  • The Overworld is everything on Zodiacus and the Universe around it.

  • There are External Interferences and Internal Conflicts that pull at the fabric of each Law.

  • Personal and World Attributes are how the Overworld is influenced by the Universal Laws.

Realm Decree #5: Magic Customs and Technology Rule Society.
Magic is the life force while Technology shapes it.
  • Zodiacus is fueled by different types of Magic and Technological Amplification Machines or T.A.M. for short.

  • Magic was the first source of everything in existence. It shaped the budding universe and worlds so that they could enter a new phase in the Cyclic Journey.

  • In this new phase, materials that could be forged for great purposes sprung from the ground. The life forces that existed would take those forging materials, and combine them with different types of magic; propelling their societies into the future.

  • This led to the birth of the first Alcemyddion Workshop which houses, crafts, and sells magically infused technology. As the future churned forward, the designs and additions to these Workshops would increase; giving way to T.A.M.s.

  • After several generations of citizens creating their own products, a league of them created a legion for their type of people. They would be called Creator's, and be honored with a Crest to signify their place in the Legion. These people would go on to lead others in advancing their craft. The Creator's Legion is important for most of modern society as they craft the majority of goods used in the Guilds. They are not a guild themselves but a cross-faction legion.

  • With time and exploration of the world, Source Trees were discovered. These trees are sources of pure magic of all types, some never seen previously. They are an endless supply of the life force and also emit Fantázomai Particles that produce quarries of untold materials.

  • Research towards the Fantázomai Phenomena and Source Trees is currently underway and in need of participants. Every Society on Zodiacus needs Magic and the Technology to bend it to their own wills. Overall, the Magic Customs and Technology transform the world of Zodiacus in many ways. More information on specifcs can be found further below.

Realm Decree #6: The Fantázomai Phenomena is ALWAYS Active.
The imagination holds endless possibilities for creating anything.
  • Important Point of Decree here
  • Important Point
  • Important Point

How to Participate

When wanting to join the Zodiac Guilds, here is a guide for player participation. It outlines several points to consider when becoming a participant in the roleplay.

1. Review ALL Information Available
The first step in participating is reviewing all the information that is available to you. Before you post a single comment, it is a good idea to look through each thread first. Once you understand everything, it is time to use this knowledge to engage with the Zodiac Guilds.

2. Create a Player Archive
When you join the roleplay, you will create a Player Archive. This post is essential to know your characters, their guild information, and a board to hold your possible ideas for the future. Player Archives have specific coding that puts together all your information; as long as you keep the base form of the coding, you can edit the design if able. Eventually, Players will create these Archives in the Guild Orientation section of this Realm for storage. The Character Creation Guide explains important character information so that we can better understand who your character(s) are. Use this guide to fill out parts of your Archive.

3. Go Through Guild Orientation
The Guild Orientation has several guides that explain parts of this roleplay in greater detail. Try to engage with any topics you want to learn; before playing in the Realm. They will help you understand how to do certain things IC. The main guide topics relate to the Realm Decrees, Player Archive, Lore Compendium, Guild Enchiridia, Scenario Archive, and Roleplay Perks. If you have a question or concern that's not here, feel free to bring it up so we can elaborate on that idea and make a guide for everyone.

4. Join an Arc in the Scenario Archive
Once you have read all that you need to know and have at least one character approved for roleplaying, you can decide which Arc to join first in the IC Realm, also known as the Scenario Archive. There are three types of Arcs in the Archive. The first type is an Overarching Scenario; this is the main storyline that the Zodiac Guilds Roleplay follows. This storyline will change over time; for now, the current Arc is about finding lost Zodiac Artifacts and using them to move up the Guild Ladder. This plot follows the Almanac timeline and progresses forward. The second type of Arc is a Personal Scenario. These stories can be between two players in the world of Zodiacus, and the timeline of the main plot is not affected by what happens in these Scenarios unless requested. A plotting thread will be available to find partners for your ideas.

The third type of Arc overlaps with the other two. Instead of a set plotline, these Scenarios challenge your character to take a journey as an Archetype. There are seven basic Archetypes for characters to follow if they so choose. These Archetypes conform to your character's goals and pursuits to challenge them to achieve certain things in the world. More information about the specifics of these Scenarios can be found here[LINK]. Overall it's up to you which Scenarios your characters join and follow.

5. Keep Up With New Events
There are several events planned for the players of The Zodiac Guilds. Be sure to keep up with the latest news and announcements on the Realm. Eventually, there will also be a Discord Channel for everyone to use. Overall enjoy your time here, and have fun!

Open Forum Policy

Information on what an Open Forum Policy is and how to utilize it the best.

Freely Ask Questions
If you don't understand something, or have a question about a topic discussed in these threads, don't hesitate to ask for help! We love getting to the bottom of how things work around here, so having discussions about mechanics is a welcomed activity. Any and all questions are allowed to be asked, and we will do our best to figure out the answer. It's important to be able to freely ask your questions so that we may all learn and grow.

Comments and Concerns
Do you have a comment or concern about something in this roleplay that isn't a question? Well, feel free to ask those also. We want to understand how to give a fun and enjoyable atmosphere while attending to needs when they arise. Remember the rules when conducting business in the forum, but also let the GM know if things need to be addressed.

Idea Consideration
Do you have an idea that would fit perfectly in the roleplay? Please let us know with a Player Request Form. Whether it be about the lore, roleplay perks, or any facet of the roleplay, tell us your ideas! We can work on nailing them down to fit into the established canon of the world. Please understand that some ideas may not be feasible to include, but know that we will try to incorporate them as much as possible.

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Rules and Guidelines
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You can find all the rules for this roleplay in this post. Any essential character creation guideline is listed here as well. Be sure to read through all of the information and ask any questions you may have. The rules and guidelines may change if need arises.

Roleplay Rules

Rule 01. Follow all IwakuRoleplay ToS!:

Please adhere to all of Iwakuroleplay's Terms of Service. This rule is the most essential since we use Iwaku for our roleplays. Make sure always to follow them as they are the number one guideline.

Rule 02. Conduct Proper Roleplay Etiquette:

When roleplaying with others, please remember to use proper etiquette. This rule means not taking control of other Player's Characters (Without Explicit Permission), using original ideas for your creations, and generally following the realm expectations set forth for this roleplay.

Rule 03. Keep OOC Drama Out of the RP:

If you have a problem with another player in the roleplay, please take your grievances to PM. This place is for having fun and exploring stories with one another without trouble. The only drama we should have here is strictly IC.

Rule 04. Always Ask Questions:

If you don't understand how something works or have a question about anything, please don't hesitate to ask it! Some aspects of this roleplay can be advanced and hard to understand if never done before. It would help if you asked any questions so everyone could have a smooth and fun experience with this roleplay and its parts. I'll do my best to answer whatever comes to your mind.

Rule 05. Absyinthe is the GM:

The Main GM of this roleplay is @Absyinthe. Any questions or comments about the roleplay and how it works should go to her. If you wish to help out with the roleplay, be sure to ask first. Abysinthe has the final word for the plots, perks, and other parts of the Zodiac Guilds.

Character Guidelines

These guidelines are essential to creating a character in this world.

I. Character Guideline Number One:

Character Creation Part 1: Playable Species and Races
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Welcome to Part 1 of Creating a Character for the Zodiac Guilds. Your characters are the essential piece in propelling the Guilds forward. The Guilds do not exist without your rich ideas and creations. There are many ways to create a character for this game, so follow this guide closely and brainstorm thoroughly.

Species and Races Information

There are eight playable species on Zodiacus, divided into several races of each species. This number can change in the future with a Player Request. Certain species have specific naming conventions for their races relating to their place in the world. A race of a species carries at least one or more relatable traits to be under a specific category. The difference between races can be subtle but never outstanding in physique, ability, and skill. Each species and its subsequent races have information on their appearance, racial statistics, generational traits, and a Lore Tome link. The overall Lore of each creature is vast and in a separate section of this thread.

Species and Races List

Humanoid Species

Humanoid Species are relatable by their general human-like appearances, in which they can pass as or be mistaken for a regular human, albeit under certain circumstances. The supernatural humanoid races only have specific traits that set them apart from everyday humans. There are a total of eight races within the Humanoid Category. More information about the specifics of each race is down below.

  • Mundane Humans
    Human Variant


    Mundane Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Humanoid Race
  • Theurgic Humans
    Human Variant


    Theurgic Appearances

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Humanoid Race
  • Sanguis Vampires
    Vampire Variant


    Sanguis Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Humanoid Race
  • Energy Vampires
    Vampire Variant


    Energetic Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Humanoid Race
  • Uchod Elves
    Elf Variant


    Uchod Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Humanoid Race
  • Isod Elves
    Elf Variant


    Isod Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Humanoid Race
  • Industrial Dwarves
    Dwarf Variant


    Industrial Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Humanoid Race
  • Harvest Dwarves
    Dwarf Variant


    Harvest Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Humanoid Race

Animya Species

Words go here

  • Rodent Animya
    Rodent Variant


    Rodent Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Ungulate Animya
    Ungulate Variant


    Ungulate Appearances

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Ursa Animya
    Ursa Variant


    Ursa Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Vulpes Animya
    Vulpes Variant


    Vulpes Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Primate Animya
    Primate Variant


    Primate Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Canine Animya
    Canine Variant


    Canine Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Feline Animya
    Feline Variant


    Feline Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Reptilian Animya
    Reptilian Variant


    Reptilian Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Amphibia Animya
    Amphibia Variant


    Amphibia Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Arthropodis Animya
    Arthropodis Variant


    Arthropodis Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Aquatic Animya
    Aquatic Variant


    Aquatic Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Bird Animya
    Bird Variant


    Bird Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Flight Animya
    Flight Variant


    Flight Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race
  • Extrarior Animya
    Extrarior Variant


    Extrarior Appearance

    Racial Statistics

    Generational Traits

    Lore Tomes

    Animya Race

Fytor Species

Introduction goes here

Uraqi Species

Words go here

Nero Species

Words go here

Luft Species

Words go here

Ogon Species

Words go here

Cheirotechnia Species

Words go here

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Character Creation Part 2: Character Personality and Struggles
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Welcome to Part 2 of Creating a Character for the Zodiac Guilds.

Guild and Character Personality Traits

World and Guild Struggles

Balancing Character Traits with Struggles

Following a Scenario Archetype

Character Creation Part 3: Connections and Influences
Return to the Navigation Page here.


Welcome to Part 3 of Creating a Character for the Zodiac Guilds.

Important Connections and Influences

Guild Connections and Influences

Celestial Connections and Influences

Aberrational Connections and Influences

Personal Character Influence

Playing a Well-Connected Character

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Character Creation Part 4: Backstory and Quirks
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Welcome to Part 4 of Creating a Character for the Zodiac Guilds.

Important Connections and Influences

Backstory and Quirks Information

Character Quirks List

Syncing Lore Canon with Your Character's Backstory

Previous Experience Buffs for Current Statistics

Character Creation Part 5: Character Completion and Forms
Return to the Navigation Page here.


Welcome to Part 5 of Creating a Character for the Zodiac Guilds.

Wrapping up the Process

Character Sheet Instructions

Character Forms and Questionnaires

Player Archive Creation

Roleplay Resources
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This thread hosts a ton of resources related to helping you in your roleplay endeavors.

Roleplay Glossary

Useful Links

Resource Credits

Frequently Asked Questions

Roleplay Comments and Concerns

Category Break
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Orientation Introduction
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Advice for Orientation

Guide Topics and their Parts

Realm Decree Guide 1: Zodiacus Master Pyramid Hierarchy Chart Guide
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Prowess Tiers

Ternion Themes

Status Echelons

Hierarchy of Entities

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Realm Decree Guide 2: The World of Zodiacus
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World Introduction

Spiorad Mòr Information

World Mechanics

World Zones

Water Mechanics

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Realm Decree Guide 3: TZG Almanac Breakdown
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Fantasy Calendar App

Almanac Purpose

Almanac Lore

Facets of the Calendar

Reading the Almanac

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Realm Decree Guide 4: All Universal Laws
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Law Types

Law Interactions

Overworld Mechanics

Universal Breakage Consequences

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Realm Decree Guide 5: Magic Systems and Customs
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The First Source

Source Reactions

Magic Locations

Magic Systems

Magic Societies

Chromadis Customs

Technological Applications

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Lore Compendium Guide 2: Using Lore to Create a Character
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TZG Lore Basics

Player Character Ideas

Specific Plotlines with Lore

Historical Accuracy and Plausibility

Lore Compendium Guide 3: Timeline Information
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Lore Timelines

Character Influence

Timeline Rules and Guidelines

Guide Conclusion