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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


I liek robogrils
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
At the end of all worlds, at the center of everything you awaken
You with memories from the worlds casted into the dark
Reveal to me your knowledge
Your reason to rise
Your reason to hope
Introduce yourself into the abyss


Now for some house rules.

1. Don't be a dick.
2. Don't God-Mod, I'll allow Metagaming if the character deems it necessary
3. Try to be active on Discord. At least I'll know you're alive and kicking.
4. Fandom and Original Characters are allowed. Maybe a mix of both. Go Wild.
5. Players are allowed 3 Characters Maximum. If you want to switch, then you're gonna have to kill one of them
6. GM's Word is Law. Argue all you want, but if an attack misses, it misses. If a supposedly unbreakable spell somehow breaks, then I dunno what to tell ya--your dude's not in kansas no more.


What do you look like? Describe it if there's no FaceClaim
"Quote(Any inspiring words your guy said)"

Whomst've'd are you

Are you legal in a legal sense?

Party Role:
Theoretically, what would be your character's role in an RPG team? A Tank? DPS? Crowd Control? Mage? Healer?

What genre is your character? If it's a fandom character, put in Fandom or Show of Origin

What an attitude you got there

What can you do? What sort of supernatural powers do you possess? Plop a Wiki link if you're lazy like me.

Whatcha got there, buster? A Wiki link's fine if you're like me.

Anything else important that I should know about?


Prison Realm


Hundreds of years old

Party Role:

A box.




The personality of a box with eyes.


To hold stuff. But worse then a normal box, as it can only hold one thing.




Nah, I'd hold Gojo Satoru​
already had these three up an' ready so before i forget :3


Name: Mono

Age: 10​

Party Role: Unknown

Origin: Fandom, Little Nightmares

Like most other characters in the series, Mono rarely speaks. Instead, his personality is shown in his actions, and it was stated in an interview that Mono is naturally protective. Mono appears to be a noble, confident, well-meaning boy who is willing to go out of his way to help others, as shown when he persists on freeing Six from her apparent imprisonment in the Hunter's cabin and offers his hand to her. He stays by her side, offering his help again when she asks for it despite her initial rejection of his assistance. He has a degree of compassion, being very clearly disturbed by the decaying bodies in the Hunter's house, as well as initially being shocked upon seeing Six in her monster form when he finds her in the Signal Tower.

Although Mono shows compassion for some, he is not hesitant to kill any foes who intend to harm him and Six. Should they encounter them, Mono is willing to go to any lengths to end them if given the chance, such as being willing to pull the trigger of a gun to kill the Hunter, pulling the lever of the crematory machine to burn the Doctor, activating electricity near pools of water to electrocute Viewers to death etc., showing that Mono is willing to go to any lengths necessary to survive in the world without feeling remorseful for any resident he does not know. Mono is also notably cautious of his surroundings, and resourceful enough to use various objects in his surroundings to evaluate the integrity and safety of the path forward. His official description indicates that the character is quite purposeful and stubborn in achieving his goals.

Mono's main feature is that he likes to wear various objects on his head that hide his face, which may indicate his shyness or unwillingness to show his personality.[3] His description also claims that his paper bag helps him forget that "the world hates him and wants him to fail", which may mean he considers life to be cruel against him.

Unlimited stamina: Unlike the protagonists in previous installments, Mono has an unlimited stamina. This allows him to run as far as he can without getting tired. However, Mono can only jump for at most 3 consecutive times while sprinting. After that he will trip and the player has to wait for a while to allow him to jump while sprinting again.​
  • Weapon wielding: Unlike other children in the universe of Little Nightmares, Mono is able to wield weapons to defeat small enemies, break fragile objects, or dispatch other obstacles. The weapons range from a twig to an axe.​
  • Tileórasikinesis (Television Control): After Six is kidnapped by the Thin Man, Mono is able to travel from one television to another. This would help him to traverse through the Pale City to reach the Signal Tower. To do so, Mono must stand on equal grounds as the television screen to be able to give him enough time to properly phase through the television monitor and teleport through to another one.​
  • Reality bending: Shortly after Mono defeats the Thin Man, he starts to bend and distort the leaning buildings around him. With this supernatural power, he is capable of "pulling" the Signal Tower towards himself without ever moving from where he stands.​

  • Equipment:
    > Knife
    > Paper Bag

    Given his motif, his name could be a reference to "monochrome television", also known as "black-and-white television", or like Six, Mono's name could also be based on a number, being the number one.​
  • Due to the ending of the game, which has him stuck in the Signal Tower for the rest of his childhood alone, his name might also be a reference to "monophobia", which is the fear of ending up alone.​
  • Mono is the first playable character in the Little Nightmaresgames series to actually speak, or at least utter a recognizable word.
  • He can utter words such as "Hey" and "Oi".
  • He is 11 inches tall.


1704677676998.png1704677685100.png1704677691627.png{It's 5'0}
❝Nothin' nice gets left for the restful❞

Name: Jin

Age: Appears 24, about 2000+
Are you legal in a legal sense?​

Party Role: Unknown

Origin: Fandom, Ragin' Ray and Jin
What genre is your character? If it's a fandom character, put in Fandom

Jin is a wily, vicious little imp who is rather chaotic. They care about money and want it so much so that they're willing to go to great lengths, but condone stealing. They're willing to go on dangerous missions and are rather convincing. They love being the center of attention but they're also rather desperate for survival and will sacrifice people if needed.

> Teleportation.
They can teleport anywhere at will, but can't leave the Tower. If they teleport too far / too much, they'll throw up and also possibly pass out.
> Illusion Magic
It can cast confounding spells. However, once everyone is aware it's an illusion, the magic shatters. The illusions will look, behave, and feel real. Can last for up to an hour depending on how many there are at once.
> Levitation
Same as Kaoru and Yuuji from previous iterations, but they can't hover very high for very long.
> Wish Granting
They can grant almost any wish via a Demon contract, but the higher the request, the higher the price.
> Size Shifting
Literally just size shifting. Except if they overuse it, they're weakened by dropping to three inches tall.

> Deck of cards
> Dagger
> Stopwatch and smoking pipe.

> They can throw the cards as weapons.
> They use They/It pronouns interchangeably but occasionally She/He as well.
> They're 5'0.
> Song Album
What do you look like? Describe it if there's no FaceClaim​

Reverser wears a checkerboard patterned suit with a hood that was attached to a long, black and white cape that reached just past his ankles. The left side of his suit had solid black markings, like on his hood, hair, eyebrow, iris of the eye, pupil, lips, chest, arm, waist, fingers, and pant leg. On the right side, his inner hood, face, sclerae, teeth, palm, feet, half of a circle on the chest, were black. he wears black combat boots, the heels being white.

"no quote :("

Name: Reverser


Age: Fourteen.

Are you legal in a legal sense?
Party Role: Unknown

Origin: Miraculous Ladybug {Fandom}

What genre is your character? If it's a fandom character, put in Fandom

As Reverser, he was demanding and clever, realizing that Ladybug's graceful agility made her difficult to strike. He endangered civilians in order to make Ladybug an easy target when she went to help the affected cyclist. He was also confident, leaning on a bit overconfident. After he struck Ladybug and Cat Noir with his airplanes, he saw the heroes as harmless and believed he had time to obtain his revenge on Nathaniel and Marinette before dealing with them. He was also cruel, reversing anyone even those who haven't done anything to him, like with making the art club hate art and music, and making Andre send the dumpsters that were in space back to Paris. He did sympathize with those who are mistreated, like with what happened between him and Nathaniel, as he saw how Chloé treated Sabrina like a slave so he struck both of them to make Chloé tend to Sabrina instead.

What an attitude you got there

Reverser had enhanced physical characteristics: speed, agility and strength. Reverser rode on a large paper hoverboard, which had the ability to fly around at will. He could also make small black and white paper airplanes with the ability to reverse the abilities or a personality trait to its opposite, by calling out what trait he wished to reverse and shouting "Reversion!". Notable examples are when he made Ladybug become extremely clumsy after hitting her with a paper plane, or when he made Cat Noir a coward (which explains why Reverser called them Ladyclutz and Scaredy Cat). This could also affect specific actions, as Reverser was able to make André Bourgeois bring the trash containers in space back to Earth.
*Reversion takes a toll on him mentally.

What can you do? What sort of supernatural powers do you possess? Plop a Wiki link if you're lazy like me.

>> Paper Hoverboard
Can fly around at his will, but it is easily damaged.
Whatcha got there, buster? A Wiki link's fine if you're like me.

> He has a weakness for water since he's made out of paper.
> If he uses Reversion too much in a short period of time, he will become dizzy and then pass out if he keeps going.
> He has an affinity for shiny things and is easily distracted.
>Uses He/They/It pronouns interchangeably comfortably.

wiki link

Anything else important that I should know about?

  • Like
Reactions: SorryTM

"I fight for what I love. . . and I got plenty of fight in me left. . . !"
Name: Jaune Arc, the Rusted Knight

Age: Mid to late 30s

Party Role: Tank with a touch of DPS. Jaune's got that protective aura and resilience, but he's not afraid to dish out some damage with his sword and shield.

Origin: RWBY (Volume 9)

Personality: Jaune is the steadfast, determined type. He's got a heart of gold thought it has severely waned over the years he's spent in the Ever-After, always ready to protect his friends and fight for what's right. Despite being the Rusted Knight, he's not afraid to get his hands dirty and lead by example.

Powers/Abilities: Aura manipulation, enhanced strength, and strategic combat skills.
Aura Amp - allows him to amplify his own Aura and that of others, effectively increasing the effects of Aura. Jaune can also use his Semblance to accelerate the healing effects of Aura and intensify another person's Semblance.

Equipment: Jaune wields a sword and shield combo called Crocea Mors, and his armor is both protective and symbolic of his growth. Granted it might not offer him the same offensive or defensive capabilities as it once did with his armor being rusted and his sword being broken in half. After entering the Ever After and accidentally time traveling decades into the past with Jaune, Crocea Mors ends up becoming rusted due to years of use as Jaune waits for Team RWBY to inevitably fall into the Ever After. Interestingly, the Gravity Dust function of the shield still works, but it is unknown if the Hard-Light Dust function would still work or not. Gravity Dust can also be released from the face of a shield to propel himself in a direction, break falls, blast enemies backwards, and even bounce on it.
Trivia: After the destruction of Atlas and Mantle, being forced to spend decades alone trapped in the Ever After, as well as being poisoned by Alyx and left for dead, Jaune's overall mental state was severely affected. Because of this, he was more prone to fits of anger

Alongside his deteriorating mental state, Jaune also showed strong signs of depression from the severe isolation and loneliness within the Ever After.
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  • "I will be the one to decide this story's ending!"
    Kamiyama Touma
    Kamen Rider Saber

    Age: 33

    Party Role:

    Allrounder DPS Hero (The swordsman who's learned and fought by the sides of all of those in his world, Touma is perfectly fine with adjusting his style to the scenario, able to strike true on swift foes and smash his blade into unbreakable guards, overwhelming numbers and solo even bosses)

    Origin: Kamen Rider Saber (From the hit series, Kamen Rider Saber)

    The Brave Swordsman is not Touma. While it was the title the writer possessed, the many years that had passed have long since worn such a name down to leave only the man behind. A man who once had a son and a friend, only to be told that was false...and yet even with such falsehood, he stood to protect such a bond.

    The Brave Swordsman may not be Touma, but he never needed such a title to prove himself. Saber may be the name he possesses, but everybody knows him as the brave man Touma, a writer who simply loves stories and wishes to leave none on a bitter note.

    Kamen Rider Saber would be one of the strongest riders among his peers in his world...but the Rider Saber is not the man who arrives at the tower.

    Instead, we have the novelist Kamiyama Touma.
    The man who was once Saber, and with ten years of pursuing his dreams, any of his peers would find him even stronger than before.
    Where the others stagnated in finding their purposes, Touma only grew his story of wishes and happy endings further, growing to a point that even in his base form, if he ever took the mantle up again, would be able to clash blades with the final forms of his peers.

    Let alone if he ever strides forth on a new story to new heights even further beyond that.

    Touma doesn't...possess any equipment on him. He never needs to, simply having a satchel of his books (not Wonder Ride books, just regular-ass books) by his side, as his only weapon would find its way by his side if he ever needs to stand up once more.

    Burning Blade, Rekka: The holy sword that defines the Kamen Rider known as Saber, Rekka was the first man-made blade of the Swords of Logos and would since then evolve with its history...however, while the sword may prove powerful in Touma's hands, the weapon...doesn't have many unique properties besides having flames clash along its blade.

    Touma was a father to his fake best friend's alter ego, who tried to kill his alter ego but got stopped by both his alter ego and his alter ego (who was a dog hanging out with the kid's alter ego).
    - While his years of inactivity have left him without many of his specialized abilities, he's still well-honed in terms of his senses and even on a peaceful day would rush forward into action.

  • DwBXNj3UUAEPe8F.jpg

    "Nah, I think I figured it out already." (Proceeds to crash the airbase)​

    Name: Ken Kendraki (last name stolen from another PC after being assigned father role)
    Age: 12
    Origin: A different Isekai RP set upon a magi-tech Dyson Sphere
    Party Role: Moral Support (Dodge Tank)
    Personality: Precocious. A child who learns things beyond them faster than they should.
    Ken embodies that description in full as he skips the steps that his youth should've learned and skips to experiencing the weight of reality far sooner and...far more bluntly than anyone else could. This child in action is beyond hesitation and beyond struggling futilely. If he moves, it is in one motion and absolute full force.

    Besides his drive and habits though, he is indeed still a child. He has curiosity, seeking new things in boredom. He bears innocent awe at something that he can use/learn from. And above all else...he seeks the best outcome even in the worst of times...even if he lacks the information necessary to understand what can even be done at least.

    Cosmic Holistic Ethereal Application of Traversal
    In the lands he was pulled to (before here), many were brought with newfound abilities that would shake the world. Some would be capable of theoretically infinite magic. Others, can manipulate reality with only their willpower limiting them.
    For Ken?

    His 'cheat' can be described as being able to double jump.
    Hop once off a surface and once again mid-air. Ultimate cosmic power manifested in the ability to jump in the air.

    Do not hold pity or feel like he's gotten the short end of the stick, as Ken has used it and pure force of determination to best those same people, as it's been used much further than it says it should.

    -What's Stamina?: While it might seem lackluster, his cheat has been found to not tax Ken in terms of stamina of being used. If it was simply that, he'd be fine...but when the child practically switches his steps into constantly 'kicking off' the ground, this turns out to make him capable of running for hours without stopping, only needing to due to food and water than his own body being tired.

    -Platformer Supreme: By default, the double jump doesn't seem too useful, but it does have multiple 'traits' to it that turn it from a neat tool to something that can hold up in comparison to others. For one, it only needs Ken to plant his feet onto a surface to kick off to 'reset' his cheat and make him capable of jumping again. And kills his momentum without any harm to himself, allowing him to fall from ridiculous heights and simply hop again to land fine, or just hard redirect from a full charge on a dime. (He cannot use this to give himself I-frames, just reset fall damage calcs)
    And while this isn't really in the powerset's jurisdiction, his time spent with it has trained and given him plenty of experience in maneuvering his body midair to an exceptional degree. Enough to re-orientate himself mid-jump to go straight back with his second go.

    The combination of these traits has allowed Ken to places very few could without tools, scaling monstrous heights and dropping from them without even knocking up dust on landing. He could even scale a floating platform from under by simply hopping on and off it constantly...which he has to do a lot, given his short stature and body mean he can't hop very high.
    The Sparkle of an Infant Star
    Other than his 'cheat', Ken does have one last notable thing to mention. Ken's mental capabilities are... monstrous on multiple fronts. Literally in some cases, he has brought eldritch monsters in dreams to suffer being brought to his mind and peered through insanity to see the truth of many horrors firsthand.

    And the outcome of that is that Ken is...strange when it comes to mental effects. Not quite immune, but different. It'd be like trying to hack a mushroom in the same process one would a computer.
    Apps that nobody knows what they should do, software that should be vital just aren't there, and hardware that should be calculated in megabytes is just working in terabytes instead.
    By all means, the boy is just working on a different scale when it comes to a mental encounter.

    While the kid might not be too bright in terms of common sense, if there's one thing that can be stated about him, it is that he's unwavering and unbreakable when it comes to anything trying to butt heads with him mentally. For better or for worse.
    -Note: Those who deal with spiritual stuff might notice his soul and such being a little funky. Not inherently off like he was born strange, but like he's been touched by stuff that shouldn't ever be looked at directly.
    Twinkling Eyes of a Star
    Ken had arrived in his world knowing very little about what possibilities he could experience.
    New weapons, faces, knowledge...all things that would bolster the child in growing further and further beyond what he once was.

    But none of those could compare to the change that magic would grant him.
    Because it was broken from the start. Literally, in his case, the tool to grant him the ability by tapping lightly into an eldritch creature's mind was broken.
    What was supposed to be a light trip into a sleeping monster's mind to unlock his potential would cascade into magic without limit.

    The spell is very simple. It enhances his vision. The problem is how much it does so.
    While it's active, it allows the boy to see at such distance and clarity that he goes beyond seeing everything with a microscope and just sees everything at a base level. Atoms and whatnot.

    Not very useful obviously for the most part, especially for a child, but with the nature of how the spell was granted, it gives him a unique view when it comes to magic and supernatural stuff.
    To put it bluntly, it tries to solve magic. Not quite understand how or why they are, but what is something his whole body tries to solve on sight, understanding small-scale magic inherently, and with time could take small bites out of large-scale supernatural effects.

    I say small bites because even looking at something like a fireball strains his head, let alone trying to decipher God. On a practical level, this makes him brutal in analyzing just about anything not purely mechanical or are just regular creatures/objects, essentially acquiring a Wikipedia page on anything magic (whether he can handle downloading that information is up in the air though).
    Hero Modification: Adaptation
    A factor that most summoned would be unaware of in the process of arrival to their new war front is that they at their core aren't entirely...well, saying human would be wrong given the diversity of those brought forth, but anyway, they would all be changed to be something different.

    While the what might be questionable, the result is that Ken is closer to a monster thriving in adversity.
    Sure, he's not entirely on the level of some folk here, but when his body and mind are tested in the fray, they will actively begin to grow stronger in the face of what troubles they encounter...albeit, due to the mass-produced nature of summoned folk from where he came from, this is a process both slow (As in I am not going to be increasing it for the sake of RP) and very very generalized.

    Simply put, he can only grow in terms of being more resilient (Like, able to resist bad food) or stronger (Just, muscle magic) in terms of his body, while his mind is even more limited in its growth.
    As it can only really go in the way of thinking harder or thinking bigger. (faster reaction speeds/body coordination and just...big brain. Not smarter brain, just beeeg. He's not using any of it better, it's just more room to compute)

    As of arrival here, his thinking capacity is already mentioned in the ability above in how ridiculous he's grown, but the only notable thing besides him being somewhat sturdier/stronger than the average adult is his raw nimbleness and reaction speed.

    With how his cheat is, it's been constantly training his body coordination to the point where he can react to the likes of bullets being shot at him and twist out of the way without dropping his momentum in a fight.
    Note: It is his body reacting on the spot, not him 'seeing' faster, as that would require him to make the conscious choice to dodge and Ken does not think.

    Needleblade of a foreign demigod: a dagger that's had multiple modifications done to it, once owned and made by a demigod of foreign lands, it has found itself in the hands of Ken...which said demigod has forever regretted ever doing.

    This weapon as a needleblade is a product of magic and technology in recognizing the soul of its owner and can be willed back to its grasp, teleporting to do so in the closest available space (No telefragging). However, this one, in particular, has been modified so that with a different intention, can pull the owner to it instead in the same fashion.

    Needless to say, this combined with his cheat has more or less allowed the child into places far beyond anybody would normally be capable of reaching and has forced the hands of others to childproof their home. And he proved their efforts weren't enough every time.

    5x Hitto Card (Magic fist summons)

    -Ken has too much experience with getting along with monsters and abnormal folk.
    -He had sped up his original RP's plot by several years by a factor of triggering plot flags way earlier than planned.
    -Has been described as the closest of his fellow isekai-ed members in terms of personality to the slain insane god-emperor of the Dyson sphere.
    -His mind is too fast for Deja vu

[/Tabs]{slide=Kamiyama Touma}{/slide}{slide=Ken (local dog)} {/slide}[/Tabs]
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"I have a dream. Child or not... I don't care what anyone calls me... I know what I want to be. I've decided to become... A hero who saves everyone, like in storybooks"

Ruby Rose


Party Role:
DPS/Crowd Control



Scythe Wielding - As a Huntress To Be, Ruby had trained in the art of wielding a bladed polearm. She's quite efficient with it, too, employing her own combat style that involves using momentum and recoil from Crescent Rose's built in sniper-rifle mode, combined with her light frame and weight to her advantage. She's a menace to a horde of Grimm and badguys alike.
Marksmanship - Her weapon, Crescent Rose, is half sniper rifle. Thusly, she's trained in shooting things real far.

"Petal Burst" - Ruby's very own Semblance, the color and power of one's own Soul in Remnant. Ruby's semblance is based entirely on Speed, allowing her to amplify it to a forward dash or essentially fly. Her cape basically covers her entire body and leaves behind a trail of roses everything it's used.
Silver Eyes - An inherited trait from her mother. According to legend, it's a pair of mystic eyes that casts eternal petrification on evil beings such as The Grimm and burns those its blinding light touches in Ruby's gaze. As of where I take Ruby from, this ability is locked.
Craftsmanship - Ruby designed and created her own weapon, Crescent Rose. It's kinda glossed over in the show.


Crescent Rose - Ruby's very own weapon, handcrafted by herself. It's a massive red mechanical scythe that could cleave most things. It's a double weapon that can shift between Scythe Mode and Sniper Rifle Mode, which does what's advertised. Its standout feature is its ability to shoot while in Scythe mode, allowing Ruby to launch herself all over the damn place.

Dust Bullets - Bullets for Crescent Rose to consume. Ruby has a casing for certain types of Dust for her to utilize. This includes: Flame, Ice, Lightning and Gravity.

Taken at the very beginning of her story, so no, she does not experience Deja Vu thanks to being in the previous iteration.

"Maybe you forgot, Wesker. I don't always play by your rules."

Name: Ada Wong
Age: 30
Party Role: DPS/Rogue
Origin: Resident Evil


Ever secretive and cunning, it's hard to say what goes on in Ada's mind. Her choices of clothing and weapons denote expensive taste. She is difficult to pin down in conversation, giving half-truths and bits of information when it's useful. She is resourceful, but really dislikes getting dirty. Ada also tends to not dwell on the past, very much living in the present. She often bends and breaks rules set by her clients when they don't work in her favor, even sparing assigned targets. This could be due to a deep respect, or simple convenience. In her world, her true motivations were seemingly never revealed, but past employers with ill intent never seemed to get exactly what they bargained for.

  • Marksmanship - Ada is thought to have been trained by a crime syndicate and is excellent at handling precision firearms.
  • Hand-to-hand - She is well-versed in martial arts. Up-close, she fights with strong kicks and a knife.
  • Gymnastics - Ada is very light on her feet and nimble. She can perform somersaults, flips, rolls, and other complex maneuvers to get out of harm's way.
  • Stealth - Ada is perfectly capable of slipping past foes, assuming she has enough cover.
  • Deception - Physically and socially, Ada is hard to pin down. She is known for her cunning in most situations.
  • Investigation - Ada has solved more than her fair share of puzzles in her search for viral weapon samples.
  • Medicine - Due to the frequency of injuries in her line of work, Ada knows how to mix special medicinal herbs originating in the Arklay region and perform first aid.
  • H&K SL8 - A semi-automatic .223 rifle. Ada employs it for long-range shooting.
  • FN FiveseveN - A unique pistol Ada uses occasionally. It comes with a generous 20-round magazine, a laser sight, and the innate ability to pierce some body armor.
  • Switchblade - A basic stiletto, ideal for concealment.
  • Ammo - Two spare magazines for each gun.
  • Hook Shot - A pistol-sized grapple gun with a reel of cable attached to it. Ada uses it to overcome vertical obstacles.
  • EMF Visualizer - A fun device that allows Ada to see wiring schemes through walls and sabotage them remotely to bypass powered locks and traps with sensitive electronics.
  • Smartphone - Ada keeps her mission logs on this and makes calls to report new developments to her employer.
  • First Aid Spray - A single-use medicinal herb spray containing compounds that quickly mend lacerations.
Ada's past and her exact identity are among the great mysteries of her universe. What is known is that she is a world-class spy often tasked with stealing biological weapon samples. In 1998, Ada went into Raccoon City amidst a viral outbreak to retrieve a sample of the G Virus, a gene-altering pathogen with horrific effects. She manipulated police officer Leon S. Kennedy, feeding him bits of info so he could clear the way of any T Virus zombies and access the lab. She was successful, despite sustaining heavy injuries. Her employer, Albert Wesker, routed her to an Umbrella helicopter so she could stow away among its cargo. She escaped just before the city was nuked to prevent a global T Virus outbreak.

Ada resurfaced in 2004 to steal the dominant Plaga sample, a parasite in the possession of cult leader Osmond Saddler. She aided Leon, who had become a U.S. Secret Service agent, in rescuing the president's daughter from the cult's isolated fortress in Spain. Once Leon killed Saddler, Ada swooped in to steal the sample at gunpoint. Knowing Wesker was insane and would destroy the world, she cheated him, sending a nigh-useless lesser Plaga instead. This delayed Wesker's progress enough for the BSAA to thwart his grand scheme.
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"One day, I can reach out to that Golden Soul I met that day--with thisYELLOWhe gifted me, I can only hope that my voice can reaches them."

Kiirome Aijo


Party Role:


Original Character

Aijo Kiirome is usually a reserved woman who exudes a sort of amiable charm to her. A lot of people describe her by her elegance. From her physical appearance to her slow and graceful actions. While she is but a secretary, many respect enough to make them want to have her as their Boss. In spite of others' views on her, Aijo is quite clumsy. Mostly due to her blindness obscuring most of the finer details she needs to inspect.

Off duty, however, Aijo moonlights as a DJ at her local bar, where she is described to be a lot more loud and outgoing. She also uses her charm and Enginuity to worm herself out of situations where most drunkards would've taken her home already, usually by deflecting their interest into other women, or convincing them that they are too drunk to even try to hit on her.

Her blindness is a secret that Aijo tries desperately to protect, as it could potentially get her fired and have people treat her as if she's frailer than she's actually is. She respects the harshness of life, and finds the sound of struggle to be more beautiful than most music she could ever produce. Her admiration for conflict stems when she was first blinded as a teenager, where she came across something she saw as nothing more than a yellow figure coming to her aid when she was about to get robbed.

When Aijo unlocked her Stand, Aijo saw that her Stand and those with similar powers have their figures be yellow, thus naming her Stand the color she saw and trusted with her whole heart and soul.


-The Definition of a Stand is the manifestation of one's fighting spirit that 'Stands' beside you in your trying times. Those who manifest a Stand are the only ones who could see other Stands, however, in the Tower, everyone could visibly see them, but the rule that only Stands can harm other Stands remains true. The usual Stand Rules apply to『YELLOW』, and damage directed to it is reflected to the user.

『YELLOW』has 2 main abilities. The first being its passive ability that allows Aijo to see despite suffering from blindness after she initially awakened to 『YELLOW』 when she was first blinded. 『YELLOW』enhanced her hearing to a superhuman degree, allowing her to visualize her surroundings in a general manner. Her hearing's also gotten to the point where she could practically see things like a normal person, with the drawback of not seeing the details she couldn't perceive, like things on a screen or paper. She could visualize them if she heard them as it was being written, but afterwards, it's just a sheet of paper.

『YELLOW』's other ability activates when she takes a deep breath and focuses her hearing. 『YELLOW』 converts her echolocation into a sort of analytical scanner, where everything is colored in technicolor. Every heat, temperature, life force are colored differently to her eyes. Allowing her to sense anyone following her just by breathing. Basically, 『YELLOW』 turns her user into Daredevil.

However, when Aijo manifests 『YELLOW』 in a physical stand, it appears as some sort of golden rabbit on a jukebox connected to a jack. Its chest is golden with speakers all over its body, arms were bundled up tangled wires and clipped together by golden bands with the numbers '02' o them. Its head is a red biker's helmet with rabbit ears on it, on the sides are two teal music notes. Its face lights up with yellow energy, pulsating with cheery playfulness.

With 『YELLOW』manifested, Aijo is capable of turning sound into mass. Materializing the waveform she or anyone within her earshot produced as walls or other constructs. Her favorite method of using this ability is by stomping the ground and having 『YELLOW』 manifest a barrier for her to hide behind. The construct produced by 『YELLOW』 depends on the volume and pitch of the sound created. Volume dictates the size, and the pitch its density. Low pitches are typically more than and blunt than high pitches, which are sharper and thinner. By singing a melody, 『YELLOW』can essentially combine pitches and volumes to create a more complex construct that Aijo imagines.

『YELLOW』's navigational abilities stem on something Aijo calls 'Braile Cartography', which, as advertised, creates a map on any surface of the location she's in and takes note of any important colors 『YELLOW』 might find. Though she rarely uses it to map out more than one room.

Hearing Aids - A pair of earphone shaped plugs that are legally hearing aids due to her profession as a DJ. However, they double as a pair of airpods.
Extendable Baton - While she uses it as a walking stick, she primarily uses it to defend herself due to 『YELLOW』acting as her eyes.

『YELLOW』's analysis are limited by Aijo's interpretation. While the Stand organizes information by color, Aijo has to actually figure out what it means.

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    Flora Escarlata


    Party Role:
    Support – As a trainer, Flora does not go into battle directly, instead sending out her Pokemon to fight while commanding them at a distance. She may also use items on her team to help their survivability and power.

    OC, Pokemon Scarlet

    Flora is a quiet but caring girl. She doesn't talk much, preferring to use her actions to prove her intent. She cares deeply about her friends, whether they be Pokemon, or Human, and will do what she can to make them happy.

    She doesn't have any special abilities herself, aside from being a tactical Pokemon battler and being slightly more durable than a human from the non-Pokemon world.

    She does have the ability to Terastalize her Pokemon using her Tera Orb. This only occurs once per battle and allows her to change the type of her Pokemon to whatever their Tera type is. This changes their weaknesses based on what type they become and also gives them an extra power boost for moves that share the Tera Type.

    Flora has the standard equipment for a Pokemon Trainer. But this is what she specifically has

    - A Trainer's Bag (can seemingly store an infinite amount of items)
    - Rotom Phone (Serves as her Trainer ID, Pokedex, Phone, and an emergency fall breaker)
    - 10 Ultra Balls + 1 Premier Ball
    - 4 Full Restores (Completely heals a Pokemon and removes their status condition)
    - 2 Max Revives (Revives a fainted Pokemon to their full HP)
    - 2 Full Heals (Removes any status condition from a Pokemon)
    - 2 Max Elixirs (Restores all the PP of a Pokemon for all their moves)
    - A capsule with her picnic equipment
    - Misc. Picnic Ingredients (they don't heal)
    - Tera Orb (Allows her to Terastalize one Pokemon per battle)

    - Flora serves as the protagonist in the Scarlet games, hence why she has Koraidon.
    - Flora is a big foodie, hence why all her Pokemon are named after food.
    - She has more Pokemon in her boxes, but these seven that she has are the ones that he had on hand before appearing here.
    - She is fascinated with Legendary Pokemon because of her experiences and has some level of knowledge on them
    - Timeline-wise, Flora would have completed all the storylines in Scarlet, except for the Mochi Mayhem Epilogue.
    - This means that her Tera Orb no longer needs charging at a Pokemon center, though she can still only use it once per battle.
    - All of her Pokemon are Level 85, which is the exact level of the end game bosses in pokemon.
    - All of her Pokemon know more than 4 moves, but only 4 are listed in their tab as these are their most used moves and the most likely to appear in battle.
    - The name Flora came from me wanting to genderbend Florian's name (the male protag of SV).

  • Name:

    Party Role:
    Mage – Assuming special attacks get translated into magic attacks, Cayenne would act as the main 'magic' user of the team.

    Pokemon Scarlet

    Cayenne is a Mild and easy-going crocodile. She doesn't seem to mind other people and situations, willing to go with whatever Flora wants to do on their adventure. Really she only gets rilled up when its time to fight or if Flora is in danger.

    Skeledirge are Fire/Ghost types, with a high Special Attack stat. (presumably converted to Magic in this RP). Skeledirge's tend to use Sound-based moves the most and Cayanne is no exception.

    Her most used moves are Torch Song (a fire-type special attack that increases her special attack with every use), Flame Charge (A fire-type physical attack that increases her speed with every use), Shadow Ball (a ghost-type special attack that may drop the special defense of a target), and Hyper Voice (a normal-type special attack that hits all targets).

    Cayenne's ability is Blaze, which raises the power of her Fire-type moves whenever she has low health.

    Cayenne knows all the Level Up moves of Skeledirge up to Lvl 85, in addition to the moves listed earlier.

    Cayenne holds a Throat Spray, a special item that boosts her special attack by one stage after using a sound-based move. This only works once per battle, however.

    - Cayanne is Flora's starter and is considered the strongest of the group.
    - Cayenne's Tera Type is Fire.
    - Sometimes, it almost sounds as if she can mimic human speech
    - She loves to perform!
    - The little fire bird on her snout is Pip and will peck/burn if you try to touch it.

  • Name:

    Party Role:
    DPS – Pretzel goes in, dishes a few attacks, takes a few himself, then runs away to repeat the cycle all over again.

    Pokemon Scarlet

    Pretzel is a Brave and outgoing dog. He loves adventure and doesn't shy away from new experiences. He is always ready to face the unknown and take one for the team, though this can also be seen as being reckless.

    Dachsbun are Fairy types with a decent defense and speed stat. They tend to be physical battlers, which is unusual for their type. Pretzel in particular likes to use hit-and-run tactics when battling to make the most out of his smaller size.

    Of his moves, he tends to use these four the most, Play Rough (a fairy-type physical attack that may lower the target's attack), Crunch (a dark-type physical attack that may lower the target's defense), Trailblaze (a grass-type physical attack that increases the user's speed with each use (taught by TM)), and Covet (a normal-type physical attack that steal's the target's item).

    Pretzel's ability is Well-Baked Body, this means that not only is he immune to fire-type attacks but he also gets a defense-boost every time he is hit by one.

    Pretzel knows all the Level Up moves of Dachsbun up to Lvl 85, in addition to the moves listed earlier.

    Pretzel doesn't hold an item to make the most out of his Covets.

    - Despite the smell, he is NOT actually made out of bread. Please don't eat him.
    - His Tera Type is Fairy.
    - He is easily bribed by pets and belly rubs
    - Prepare for slobber, he likes people a lot
    - He will nip heels if it comes to it.

  • Name:

    Party Role:
    Healer/Mage – Though not originally intended to be one, Fruit has the moves to help keep the rest of her team alive and is fine with taking on that role. But she can easily switch back to her usual role of grass sweeper.

    Pokemon Scarlet

    Fruit is a Careful and nurturing friend. Though she is a battler, she can be quite demure and soft outside of it. She likes to keep the peace and will tend to others regardless of how they feel about her and vice versa.

    Arboliva are Grass/Normal types that have high special attack and special defense. They have a wide array of special normal and grass-type moves at their disposal.

    Fruit uses all of the moves, but fitting the new role she has, she tends to use these moves: Petal Blizzard (a powerful grass-type special move that goes for multiple turns (2-3) but leaves the user confused afterward), Pollen Puff (a bug-type special attack that hurts enemies but heals allies), Strength Sap (a grass-type status move that lowers a target's attack while healing itself), and Helping Hand (a normal-type status move that boosts the power of an ally's attack)

    Fruit's ability is Seed Sower, which sets up Grassy Terrain once she is hit by a physical attack. Grassy Terrain boosts the power of grass-type moves and heals a small portion of health every turn for all targets that are standing in the Grassy Terrain.

    Fruit knows all the Level Up moves of Arboliva up to Lvl 85, in addition to the moves listed earlier.

    Fruit holds a Grassy Seed. It's a special item that boosts its holder's defense by one stage if Grassy Terrain is active, but it can only be used once per battle.

    - Her Tera type is Normal
    - The olives are edible and grow back, though it can take a while
    - She likes draping her long arms around others to comfort them
    - Still a bit of a cry baby from her Smoliv days

  • Name:

    Party Role:
    Tank – Smore is a big bulky boy whos very good at tanking hits.

    Pokemon Scarlet

    Smore is a Jolly, lovely giant. He likes to see others laugh and finds great joy in even the simplest things. Though it can be a bit much and a bit scary as well, considering his massive size and hi occasionally forgetting his own size and power.

    Garganacl are pure Rock types, with a ridiculous defense and decent attack stat. He also has a decent special defense and HP stat, but you can't expect much from this golem's slow speed.

    Smore has moves fitting of a tank to both defend his allies and attack his enemies, such as Salt Cure (a rock-type physical move that also damages over time), Wide Guard (a normal-type status move that blocks wide-ranged attacks for one turn), Body Press (a fighting-type physical move that deals more damage the user's defense is), and Iron Defense (a steel-type status move that raises the user's defense)

    Smore's ability is Purifying Salt, which not only prevents him from getting negative status conditions but also reduces the impact of Ghost-type moves on him.

    Smore knows all the Level Up moves of Garganacl up to Lvl 85, in addition to the moves listed earlier.

    Smore holds some Leftovers, a curious special item that heals Smore a little every turn.

    - Yes, his body is made of salt and is safe to eat.
    - Yes, he will allow you to lick it directly off him, but you have to do it when Flora isn't looking
    - Many a person would get squashed if he tries to give head pats and he is sad about that
    - His tera type is Ghost, since he was caught in a Tera Raid Den.

  • Name:

    Party Role:

    Pokemon Scarlet

    Ebi is a Quiet but cunning fish. He likes to keep to himself and do his own thing. This may be interpreted in him being shy, but in reality, he's just busy scheming and doesn't want to draw attention before the time is right. Fitting for a mimicry pokemon such as himself.

    Tatsugiri are Dragon/Water types with a high special attack stat. However, Tatsugiri don't like to fight on their own. Using its signature ability Commander, Tatsugiri prefer to hide inside the mouth of a Dondozo and battle there by issuing commands to the Dondozo. In this case, Ebi tends to only fight when Sashimi is also out, using his ability to hide and give attack boosts to Sashimi.

    On the event that Sashimi is defeated, Ebi can still fight on his own. Ebi tends to use either Muddy Water (a water-type special move that lowers accuracy) or Dragon Pulse (a dragon-type special move that never misses). He knows more moves but sticks to those two.

    Ebi knows all the Level Up moves of Tatsugiri up to Lvl 85, in addition to the moves listed earlier.

    Ebi holds a Choice Scarf, a special item that makes them faster, but only allows them to use one move in battle

    - Ebi used to be the Titan Tatsugiri that terrorized Casseroya Lake. He has the title 'Former Titan' and is very proud of that.
    - Ebi is a Curly Form Tatsugiri (The orange one). This is relevant for Sashimi's Order Up move. When Ebi is commanding Sashimi and she uses Order Up, she gains an attack boost from Ebi.
    - Ebi cannot attack while inside Sashimi with Commander.
    - Ebi's Tera Type is Water.

  • Name:

    Party Role:
    Tank – While Smore handles the land, Sashimi handles the sea! Though not as tanky as a Garganacl, Sashimi can still take hits and dish them out too.

    Pokemon Scarlet.

    Sashimi is a Hardy and simple creature. Whatever terrible things sling her way, she can handle them no problem and rise to the top. But then again, shes not exactly the smartest so she might not even be aware of whats happening.

    Dondozo are pure Water types with a ridiculous HP, Attack, and Defense stat. They have big bodies and power, but are also known to be stupid. That's why most Dondozo pair up with a Commander Tatsugiri, who directs them in battle in exchange for a small part of their meal and glory.

    Though Sashimi knows many moves, her and Ebi's preferences leads her to only using these moves: Order Up (a Dragon-type physical attack that deals damage and boosts her attack by one stage (due to Ebi being a Curly Tatsugiri), Aqua Tail (a water-type physical attack with no added effects), Body Slam (a normal-type physical attack that can paralyze the target) and Heavy Slam (a steel-type physical attack that does more damage the more the user outweighs the target)

    Sashimi's ability is Oblivious. This means that she is immune to the effects of infatuation, taunts, and intimidation.

    Sashimi knows all the Level Up moves of Dondozo up to Lvl 85, in addition to the moves listed earlier.

    Sashimi wears a Rocky Helmet, a special item that deals small damage to the opponent if they hit Sashimi with a physical attack.

    - Sashimi is not the original Dondozo that Ebi used in his titan fight, but the two are very close
    - Sashimi could serve as a boat when crossing water due to her large size
    - Sashimi doesn't get to go out much due to her massive size
    - Sashimi's Tera Type is Grass, due to being found in a Tera Raid Den

  • Name:

    Party Role:
    Support (Steed)/DPS – Meatball tends to stay in his Limited Build, which acts like a bicycle and is great for transportation. But they can switch into their Apex form for combat, in which they become a close combat specialist.

    Pokemon Scarlet

    Meatball is a Quirky and fun dragon. He tends to be rather silly, being quite shy and playful despite his powerful nature. Though he tends to be passive and remain in his rideable form, he wont hesitate to fight if it means saving his friends.

    Koraidon are Dragon/Fighting types with high attack and speed. They have two forms, a battling Apex Build, and a ridable Limited Build. The Apex build can make full use of its ability and powers, while the Limited Build is more flexible and more capable of carrying others through various terrains.

    The signature ability of the species is Orichalcum Pulse. It is only accessible using the Apex Build. This ability sets up the Harsh Sunlight environment and reinvigorates Koraidon by boosting its attack stat. The harsh sunlight also boosts the power of any fire-type moves.

    When forced to fight, Meatball tends to use these moves the most: Collision Course (a fighting-type physical attack that becomes more powerful with a super-effective hit), Dragon Claw (a dragon-type physical attack), Fire Punch (a fire-type physical attack with the chance to burn), and Tera Blast (a normal-type physical attack that becomes dragon-typed if Koraidon is terastalized).

    Meatball knows all the Level Up moves of Koraidon up to Lvl 85, in addition to the moves listed earlier.

    Meatball holds a Muscle Band, which boosts the power of the user's physical moves.

    - Meatball used to belong to Professor Sada before transferring to Flora.
    - Meatball is genderless, but Flora calls him 'he' for conveniences sake
    - Meatball is the biggest glutton on the team. He likes sandwiches best.
    - Meatball's Tera Type is Dragon
    - Meatball can carry up to 4 adult sized bodies while in his Limited Build.
    - Meatball is affectionate once hes used to you, prepare for slobber.



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    "My life's like a blender, always getting mixed up with things good or bad. I have a very destructive sister to keep in check and a servant who's more than content to help us around while our parents are away. Let me ask you this; am I good person or a bad guy? Would you like to know what happens when you're mixed up with me?"

    Shujinko Kanou


    Party Role:

    Nasuverse OC

    A cool-headed yet rough and brash individual. He holds the responsibility of keeping his very impulsive sister in check, although he does do a rather poor job of it as he thinks he is restricting her freedom, which according to her violates her "Way". Inside his stoic shell is a hidden heart of gold. He can be kind to people who would treat him and his companions well (though he doesn't want to show it), but can be ruthless to anyone who would harm them. He prefers to have his solitude as much as he wants, something that his sisters mostly denies him off in favor of mingling around with others.

    A form of magecraft that was supposedly a syncretic religion that involves spiritual practices within the mountains, but in reality it is a form of magecraft practiced by tengu. Those who practice this magecraft are able to leap high distances, read minds (though they must make physical contact with the person they're reading their mind from), dispel and induce curses and drawing out spiritual power from nature.

    Shujinko is the captain of his school's kendo club, all the more reason to inherit his family's Mystic Code. Although his form of kendo also mixes with various sword techniques, most famously performing Sasaki Kojiro's Swallow Reversal during the kendo tournament finals.

    Spirit Katana
    A Mystic Code passed down by the Kanou family for many generations. It is a sword that has the power to contain malice to those felled by it and can harm spirits. It can also release the accumulated evilness into a curse-inducing attack.

    Onbashira Staff
    A festive piece of log wrapped in a shide-laced shimenawa, trimmed down to make it look like a bo staff. Due to the divine properties of the material, it is best used against demons and evil spirits.

    Shujinko is bisexual with a preference to women.

    He can be mistaken for a woman due to his appearance.

    His Origin is Fleeting.

    His Aura is colored Purple.

    CV: Michael Kovach

    Voice Alike: Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)

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    "That is how my Way works. I just go with the flow until I decide to disrupt it if something doesn't go how I see it. Do you have your own Way?"

    Retsujo Kanou


    Party Role:
    DPS (Ranged)/Mage

    Nasuverse OC

    A carefree yet impulsive individual. She is a bundle of optimism and ideals, which her brother tends to downplay with facts much to her disappointment. She is very prone to cause massive amounts of destruction due to her clumsiness. She isn't as smart as her brother, but is good at socializing with people which her brother simply lacks. She is very quick to anger at even the slightest inconvenience. A small mistake that people would brush off can set her off, and her brother can even sense it. She is a firm believer of the "Way", which means going through the flow... HER flow to be exact.

    A form of magecraft that involves divination and exorcism. As a direct descendant of the legendary Abe-no-Seimei, her onmyodou is said to be very close to his. Onmyouji are capable of exorcising evil spirits, put up protection spells and tell fortunes.

    She may not be as smart as Shujinko academic wise, but in her spare time she is fond of creating inventions for the purpose of trying to impress people and make lives better. Her first invention is her main weapon, created out of jealousy for Shujinko inheriting their family's Mystic Code.

    Retsujo is the captain of her school's archery club, although she's only decent at it. She excels more on firearms after a single trip to the gun range had turned her into a trigger happy gun nut. Apparently, she can shoot down a sniper with a pistol provided that the wind "blows right".

    Curse Bringer
    A handmade gun that is Retsujo's first invention. It has two modes; an easy-to-carry and compact pistol mode and a rapid fire rifle mode. Both modes utilize magically-enhanced Yin-Yang Bullets. Depending on alignment, people who gets hit that are evil will be cursed with unending pain even with the bullet removed. Those who are good will feel no pain after getting shot but will still die depending on where it hit and anyone who is neutral will still feel pain but not be cursed.

    A wand used by shrine maidens that are usually used during festivals and rituals. Her gohei is special; by reciting a certain chant, she can fire off multiple magical bullets she calls "Danmaku". She can fire as many as she so long as she doesn't run out of mana.

    Basically paper charms that can induce a magical effect depending on what is written on them. Can also be used as magical throwing projectiles via her gohei.

    Retsujo is bisexual with a preference to men.

    Has a habit of saying puns at the wrong timing.

    Her Origin is Construction.

    Her Aura is Orange.

    CV: Faye Mata

    Voice Alike: Astolfo (Fate/Apocrypha)

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    "Everything I've done are under the names of the great ones. I love as Jesus taught and I remain in peace just as the Buddha have spoken. None of my actions have any malice in them. I do hope you understand."

    Yuri Yaoi


    Party Role:

    Nasuverse OC

    A very dutiful servant who seemed to have achieved some or of enlightenment, but will slip into vice if the opportunity was given. They seemed to be a very religious person, having a habit of doing prayers every so often but their religion is very ambiguous as they believed in both Jesus and the Buddha, making them some sort of a mix between Christian and Buddhist in contrast with Shujinko being a Shintoist and Retsujo a Taoist. They are very content and even so happy with serving the Kanou siblings and being a part of their shenanigans. They are as stoic as Shujinko, but it is beyond his that they really don't show any emotion unless it is of the extreme spectrum. They really hate blasphemy and will not hesitate to lash out again anyone who mutters the name of Jesus or the Buddha in blasphemy.

    Enlightenment Powers
    Being in a state of of enlightenment gives them powers of healing, superhuman levels of strength and speed, dispel evil forces, slows down aging and create small miracles. They'll lose those powers if they ever committed sin or vice. They'll regain those powers by reciting a very long (5 posts worth) sutra.

    Homonculus Traits
    They're a being created by magecraft to serve as the Kanou family's servant. Among the artificial humans created, Yuri is the absolute pinnacle of Homonculi. They have an infinite supply of mana that Shujinko and Retsujo can draw out from, but the method in doing so is very... risque, and something that kids should not look upon. The downside is that they have a very short lifespan, but they're practice of enlightenment may have helped extending it.

    Indestructible Luggage
    Even if they lose their powers, they still have a means to fight. The luggage they carry can also be used as a bludgeoning weapon. It is quite heavy and purely indestructible. Inside the luggage are the group's clothes and other belongings, tools for the Kanou siblings's weapons' maintenance, extra Yin-Yang Bullets, a Bible and prayer beads. And speaking of prayer beads...

    Ultra Divine Prayer Beads
    Made from the scraps that made Shujinko's Onbashira Staff, these pair of prayer beads are capable of harming evil spirits and demons and conducting spells. Yuri Yaoi's preferred used for them is in combat; they can be used as either a whip, as a means to swing around obstacles and they can wrap them around their hands to turn them into makeshift knuckledusters.

    Yuri Yaoi is bisexual with no preference.

    They're born a hermaphrodite, making them genderless.

    Their name was given by Retsujo originally as a prank.

    Their Origin is Eternity.

    Their Aura is Green.

    CV: Cristina Valenzuela

    Sound Alike: Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
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    "I'd thought I would be the last person you'd ever let him hurt! If it had been you he had beat up, if it had been you he had taken from this world, I would have done nothing but search the planet for this pathetic pile of evil, death-worshipping garbage and then send him to hell."

    Jason Peter Todd
    Aliases: Robin (Formerly), Boy Wonder (Formerly), Redhood
    Age: 32
    Party Role: Tank

    Origin: DC Comics & Batman

    Personality: Jason is a rough and tumble individual. He has very little patience for anyone and takes no shit. He has strict rules he expects all who work for him, and even those that don't to follow. He usually expects people to behave in ways he deems becoming. Long ago he gave up on stopping crime, now he just desires to control it. This will forever have him at odds with his family and mentor.

    Powers and Abilities
    Mixed Martial Arts-
    Jason has been trained in a variety of martial arts by Bruce Wayne and Batman.
    Boxing Training-Jason has been trained well in boxing by Bruce Wayne. He packs quite the punch.
    Peak Human Condition-Jason has been trained and conditioned his body to the peak of human performance.
    Swordplay Proficiency-During his time with the League of Assassins Jason was trained to master the art of the sword
    Marksmanship Master-During his time with the League of Assassins post resurrection Jason mastered the art of marksmanship with various different fire arms.
    Master Detective-Jason has been trained by both Bruce Wayne and R'as Al Ghul to be one of the best detectives alive.



    Jason has a Katana from his days training under the league of Assassins

    Dual Glocks
    Jason has two glocks that are always on hand. They serve as his primary means of offense and execution during most of his issues.

    Duffle Bag
    He also has a duffle bag. This carries his extra ammunition, and emergency changes of clothes for himself and Richie.

    1. Jason in this universe remains more villainous.
    2. This version of Jason murdered Richie's parents for breaking his rules and decided to raise him for himself.

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    "You better be scared. My daddy is the big bad Redhood."

    Richard "Richie" Todd
    Age: 4
    Party Role:

    Origin: OC
    Personality: Richie is a high energy and overly excitable kid. He is nervous around new people and crowds. He likes sweets and animals. He is a bit of a trouble maker and has some sticky fingers, which he gets pointers on from his dad.


    Richie is quite good at stealing small things from others and things he finds around.
    Amateur Lock Picker-Richie can pick simple locks


    Richie's beloved teddy bear that he often does poor attempts at ventriloquy.

    Sippy Cup-Richie always carries sippy cup with him.

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    "Who the hell am I?"

    Josuke Hagishikata
    Age: 19
    Party Role: Warrior
    Origin: Canon Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Jojolion Character
    Personality: Josuke is very serious individual. He is protective of those he loves and very inquisitive. He is a very caring individual as well.

    Stand User-
    Josuke is a stand user. His stand is called Soft & Wet.

    Stand Name: Soft & Wet
    Stand User: Josuke Hagishikatas
    Stand Namesake: Soft & Wet by Prince
    Stand Type: Close-Range Combative, Artificial Humanoid
    Stand Cry: Ora!
    Stand Stats
    Speed: B
    Range: D
    Durability: B
    Precision: C
    Potential: A
    Stand Ability

    Bubble Generation

    Soft & Wet generates bubbles. These bubbles can make the battle field hard to see.

    Plunder Bubble

    When one of the bubbles pops on something, it steals a physical attribute of the thing popped on.

    Go Beyond

    Soft and Wet can generate bubbles that exist outside of the flow of logic. These bubbles explode on impact. However, these bubbles cannot be aimed directly.



    Josuke always carries his IPhone on him.

    1. This Josuke is the combination of his Universe's Kira Yoshikage and Josefumi Kujo.
    2. He has four testicles
    3. He is an adopted member of the Hagishikata family.


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  • Love
Reactions: Sun_Lord

"The world looks glorious in the snow. Pure white, like the light of the moon. A perfect backdrop for bloodshed."

"Childe" Tartaglia Ajax


Party Role:
DPS with a mix of Crowd Control and Support



Melee Mastery: Childe specializes in any weapon that falls under the category of "close range," and with his vision it becomes possible to form any weapon that he desires.

He's RICH: While he only has a small amount of mora at the moment, simply find a Fatui-run bank along the way, and you'll have more overflowing before you can say thanks.

Hydro Vision: Vision

Electro Delusion: Delusion

Foul Legacy: Foul Legacy Transformation

Only a handful of Mora

Taken just before the Traveler arrives in Fontaine.​

"If you do nothing, you will lose nothing. A craven way to live… If you can really call that life. I, for one, cannot."

Name: Aya Brea
Age: 25
Party Role: Healer
Origin: Parasite Eve

Aya is able to clearly articulate her thoughts, in no uncertain terms. She is strong and independent, but is glad to accept what help comes her way and to help in return. She has an iron will and a keen investigative mind. Aya is also health-conscious, not fond of fatty foods like potato chips, ice cream, and excessive amounts of soda. Her sense of humor is somewhat dry and sardonic. She likes practicing with her guns and appreciates when people go into a dangerous situation well-prepared.

Her insecurities mostly involve her powers, a result of her mutant mitochondrial DNA. She fears causing collateral damage with her powers, as well as being labeled a monster. She tries to suffice with guns and quick wit, using her powers only in the most desperate situations.

  • Police training - Aya is highly athletic, with good strength and speed. She is able to fight with a nightstick, use firearms, push heavy objects, and pursue a fleeing suspect on-foot.
  • NYPD Detective - Though still a rookie detective, Aya has a keen investigative mind.
  • Rapid healing - Aya can stimulate her own healing process using various medicines, such as pain relievers. Drinking various beverages like water or cola replenishes her powers.
  • Parasite Energies - Aya possesses mutant mitochondria that evolved to resist and defeat an ancient evil. In addition to being fire-resistant, she has a small suite of "spells". Under the influence of the tower, she is now able to extend the benefits of these spells to others around her.
    • Heal - Mends a single target's wounds.
    • Detox - Cures poisons affecting one's system.
    • Haste - Gives one person a surge of energy, allowing them to move, react, and attack faster. (Duration: 1 round of posts)
    • Barrier - Deflects blows directed at one person for a round of posts.
    • Liberate - Aya transforms into a fairy-like creature to do melee combat with her foes. Each punch and kick is extremely powerful, but the exertion leaves her dazed and vulnerable when she returns to human form.
  • Beretta 92F - A custom pistol given to Aya by Wayne from the NYPD 17th Precinct armory. It belonged to Torres, a fallen comrade.
  • Monadnock PR-24 - A nightstick common among U.S. law enforcement agencies. The tonfa-style side handle makes it extremely versatile.
  • Kevlar Jacket - A jacket reinforced with soft Kevlar. Decent armor that works best against ranged attacks.
  • Ammo - two extra magazines.
Aya Brea lived most of her life in New York City, raised by her widower father. She became a police officer in the mid-1990's. On Christmas Eve 1997, she attended an opera at Carnegie Hall, during which the lead actress caused most of the audience to spontaneously combust. The actress was the host of Mitochondria Eve, who wished to birth a godlike being to liberate all mitochondria and force evolution via mutation. Aided by powers from her own divergent DNA, Aya tracked Eve throughout the city and defeated her, but the ancient being had given birth after only a few days.

She had one final battle with the newborn monster aboard a U.S. Naval cruiser. Unable to kill it with firearms or even her powers, she trapped it inside the ship with the boiler pressure at dangerous levels. After she escaped, the ship exploded, incinerating the Ultimate Being.
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"Fleet control... Firing sync reengaged. Authorization: Corpus Tech First Class Veso-R. Take your shot. For Profit."

Name: Veso-R
Age: Unknown (presumably 30-ish)
Party Role: Support (Tech Specialist)
Origin: Warframe


Veso is not much of a fighter, but he is certainly brave and resourceful. He is fiercely loyal to the Corpus board of directors and their profit-driven campaign. Like many of his kind, he is highly industrious and devoted. Having been indoctrinated and taught to love material wealth above all else, Veso may come off as greedy and sometimes zealous... which he is. He enjoys the company of robots most, because the ones he knows tend to not ask questions and get the job done with expedience.

  • Shields - Veso's suit features electromagnetic shields that absorb a certain amount of punishment before failing. Its base strength is 300, which is fairly modest.
  • Engineering - Veso is highly intelligent, capable of diagnosing problems with technology. He can make repairs aboard a spacefaring ship.
  • Appraisal - As a Corpus, he has an eye for profit and strategic resources.
  • Plinx - A small self-defense laser that isn't powerful, but also doesn't have to be reloaded beyond a brief recharge.
  • Prova - An electric stun baton. Standard-issue Corpus melee weapon.
  • Datapad - When synched with a robot or ship control panel, Veso can use this device to remotely operate them, if applicable. It also monitors Veso's shields and lets him control his shield osprey.
  • Shield Osprey - A small, floating Corpus proxy that projects an electromagnetic shield to nearby allies. It adds 200 shield power for those near it and slowly replenishes those shields. The drone itself can't take much abuse, though; a well-placed shot could destroy it, forcing Veso to repair it outside of combat.
In the early stages of The New War, Veso was instructed by the treacherous director Alad V to disengage fire control from the Corpus fleet. Though he was successful in reaching the controls, he realized Alad's plan to betray the rest of the board and re-engaged firing sync. He was thought to have died in the resulting attack on an enemy ship.
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I bring a vampire for your perusal. And you get a link because I'm not dicking around with whatever backend fuckery Iwaku has going on for the displaying of images. They display properly in the Showcasing thread I made, so that's where the sheet will stay.
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"Let's get this party started!"


Unknown. Probably Legal

Party Role:

Fandom. Brawl Starts

Poco is an earnest and upbeat skeleton. He always stays positive and tries to spread that positivity to others through his music. Its rare to see him outright sad or angry. He believes in the power of music so much that sometimes, he gets a little too caught up on it and ends up annoying people instead.

Poco's music has a special property. Whenever he strums his guitar, he can summon music notes that can either harm enemies or heal allies. He has two versions of this attack, one short-ranged that does more damage and less healing, and one long-ranged that does more healing and less damage. The music he plays doesnt seem to affect the damage or healing he does.

He can also create an aura around him with two different variations. A short ranged one in his immediate reach that gives anyone in range some healing over time, and a long ranged area of effect that removes debuffs and other bad status conditions from allies.

Its not something he advertises but as a skeleton he can detatch part of his body and still have some awareness and control over it. He rarely uses this in battle though.

- A Magic Guitar - This guitar helps Poco use his healing magic. It also has the interesting power to change its sound, to that of a different guitar. This doesnt affect the strength of Poco's healing however.
- A Tuning Fork - This helps Poco use his area-of-effect spells. Its unknown if he actually uses it as a tuning fork however,

- Poco is one of the many performers in Staff Park, a popular amusement park. He even had a whole stage dedicated to his mariachi music, so he isnt shy about performing in the slightest.
- Though he does prefer playing acoustic music, he has dabbled in several other genres. His second favorite is oddly rock music thanks to a side gig.
- Poco is undead.
- Even though he can detatch his limbs he prefers not too. It often scares the kids in his audience when he does so.
- Somehow he can still eat. He doesn't need to do it and he also doesn't know how it works.
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"But I've come to prefer Ben. It's simple, like Jed. I like simple."


Ben (AKA Promotheus)


Party Role:

Ben cares deeply about humans and believes the best about them, despite the fact that he shouldn't. He will go out of his ways to protect his friends and family. That being said, he can also be jaded about humanity as he had seen the best and worst of them. He also enjoys pain. He's also caring and loyal.​
Regeneration Curse- Ben can't be killed- in the sense that he keeps coming from the dead as he was cursed by the Gods to be killed and come back to life. That being said, for some reason, in the tower, he can only respawn once.

Super strength- He can lift an incredibly heavy dumbell with one finger.

Immunity to magic ( It just doesn't work on him)

Monster bait ( Without bracelet) - Without the bracelet on, even the most docile of supernatural creatures want to kill Ben.​

Bracelet- Makes it so monsters don't want to murder him.​

Trivia: This Ben will be taken from before they defeat his father, so his regeneration curse is still not broken. Ben's considered a god ( though he's technically a demigod). He currently has no known weakness, but can be killed like most humans. His dad is the Zeus equivalent back home, but sadly, he can't toss lightning back
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    "You're not defective. There's nothing wrong with you, so don't give up."


    Name: Misaka Mikoto

    Age: 15 Years Old

    Party Role: DPS

    Personality: At first glance, if approached wrongly, Misaka can give off the impression of being a hot-headed, easily-angered, brash and somewhat pridefully arrogant person. Her boyish demeanors at times can make her seem more of a rough-edged person who'd be difficult to approach, let alone connect with while not rubbing her shoulders in the wrong way. Despite this, she can be quite friendly, and a kind-hearted person who naturally seeks to help others out if they're visibly having trouble. Of the Level 5s, Misaka is a rather level-headed one who is quite affable and easygoing. At times, she can show a childish, immature side, and even a brash, awkward hostileness to certain people.

    Powers/Abilities: A Wiki Link to her ability set, although it'll mostly be limited to anything up to Railgun T.

    Her Tokidawai Summer Uniform. A Gekota phone. Her student handbag.


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    It's no good to overestimate me. Victory is something that you grasp by always being modest, you know?

    Name: Rudeus Greyrat


    Party Role: Mage

    Personality: Rudeus is an affable and friendly young man, who often analyzes a situation first before he makes his decision into it. He is rather quite polite and can be quite humble, although it can be easy for him to get arrogant and carried away with some of his plans and thoughts. He's the kind of person who tries to get along with everyone and avoids causing trouble as much as he can, although certain things can tick him off. Rudeus can also be quite the perverted young man,

    Powers/Abilities: Link to his wiki page, although everything is limited to the 2nd Season.

    Equipment: Aqua Hertia (Staff), His robed outfit.


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    "I was never one for fighting, really. But I am not a coward afraid of blood, either."

    Name: Jeanne D'Arc

    Age: 19

    Party Role: Tank

    Personality: Jeanne D'Arc is a kind-hearted, gentle strong, faithful believer in God. She carries a reserved, comforting aura around her, without a hint of hostility nor cold emotion towards most people around her. She does not hate anyone, and loves everyone equally. As a Ruler though, she focuses and instills a reserved and taciturn personality, choosing no particular allegiance to preserve the order of a Grail War gone off the rails.

    As a result of sharing a vessel, a partial bit of Jeanne's personality is influenced by her host body. Much of her knowledge outside the war comes from her host. Her host also has a particular issue with handling men, partially influencing Jeanne as well.

    Powers/Abilities: A wiki link as well.

    Equipment: Jeanne's Armor, her banner, her sword.



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SIGNOOGLE Caption Jack Sparrow Poster Johnny Depp Pirates Of The Caribbean  Wall Quotes Movie Actor Wallpaper For Kids Living Study Bedroom Home Room  18.00 x 12.00 Inches : Home & Kitchen

"I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it!?"

Captain Jack Sparrow

45 me thinks.

Party Role:

Pirates of the Caribean

Piratey, mate.

The original Jack Sparrow doesn't have any abilities per se but I'm spicing him up a bit.

Water control: Jack Sparrow can control water, specifically outside water though if he concentrates hard enough he can control outside water as well.

Cursed: Giving him the Curse of the Aztecs, he cannot die by normal circumstances. Yet he cannot truly live either.

An old cutlass, a compass that doesn't point north (it does point to what yer heart wants the most), a pistol with one shot, and a earthquake-inducing trident because why not.


First time playing Jack, so decided to have my own spin on the character.

🔥Cara Delevingne as Supergirl🔥 #Cara #delevingne #caradelevingne #ca... |  TikTok

Name: Kara Zor-El (Supergirl!)


Party Role:

DC comics.

Preppy and compassionate but also quick to impulsiveness and anger.

Lazy, so all of Superman's abilities.



This is my main character so it's not a surprise she shows up.​
Leonidas (ROR)


When it's time to fight, you do so with your own will. That's what it means to be Spartan."


ROR Leonidas


Party Role:

Fandom, ROR

Leonidas is a prideful and loud individual who sees himself as one of the strongest, if not the strongest, fighters of the Human race. When Brunhilde informed him that she was choosing him to be the fighter in the ninth round, he was uninterested: claiming he would be better off sent in the first or final round of Ragnarok.[6]

Leonidas hates being told what to do and has no regard for something like fate. As such, Leonidas has an intense dislike for beings that try to dictate a person's actions such as the Gods, none of whom he had ever met or seen while on Earth. Specifically, Leonidas holds great hatred towards Apollo, as it was his oracle that prevented Sparta from mobilizing its full military might[8], which led to Leonidas and the 300 men that followed him having to sacrifice their lives at the Battle of Thermopylae. Upon learning that it was Apollo who was going up in the ninth round, he was instantly motivated to fight.

Leonidas has stated he likes three things in this world: reading in a hammock, enjoying a glass of wine with some Spartan cheese and knocking haughty Gods down a peg, using his own two hands.

Leonidas is the most selfish man across all of history, as he firmly believes that since a person can't choose how they're born, they can still choose how they live and die, according to what their soul wants. It is this belief that had been driving him to fight Apollo during the ninth round.[11]

Godlike Strength: Like many of the fighters of Ragnarok, Leonidas possesses immense strength thanks to his years of training as a Spartan and as their leader. This was first demonstrated when upon the start of Round 9, Leonidas was able to slam the ground with his shield with so much force that it left a large hole in the ground and covered the arena in a large cloud of dust.When Leonidas switched to the hammer form, his Phalanx Nemesis attack was able to cause a large shockwave that was able to decimate and break apart the stage.

Godlike Speed & Reflexes: While not as fast or reactive as fighters like Apollo, Leonidas has shown he is capable of feats of immense speed and reflexes. Leonidas' speed was first demonstrated right when was saying "fight" with Leonidas having already leapt in the air and slammed his shield to the ground before Heimdall finished saying the word. The attack was so fast it left the audience in shock and despite Apollo effortlessly dodging it, he was surprised from the sudden attack

Godlike Endurance & Stamina: As the Mightiest Rebel in History, Leonidas has multiple scars on his body to prove that he has managed to endure several injuries in his lifetime including across his face and his chest. When he attacked Apollo, Leonidas inhaled his cigar whole with it still lit and suffered no pain from the action

Spartan Warrior: Since the day he was born, Leonidas trained his entire life and afterlife for the sole purpose of combat and fighting. While his specific training regimen is not known, it can be assumed from the training regimen the Spartan Warriors were doing upon his introduction it involves heavy lifting with their entire bodies including their jaws and teeth.

Golden Age: Being a Human soul in the afterlife, Leonidas maintains the appearance and skills that he had during what he considers was his peak.


Supernatural Abilities

Golden Age: Being a Human soul in the afterlife, Leonidas maintains the appearance and skills that he had during what he considers was his peak.


Aspis Shield: A metallic aspis shield that is dark gray in color and is lined with black, provided by the Völundr of the 5th [/center]Valkyrie
. Due to Geirölul's unique nature, Leonidas can transform his close-range shield into a longer ranged weapon if need be, allowing him to fight from a distance as well.​

Anything else important that I should know about?
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