ALWAYS OPEN The Only Way To Go Is Up ~ Story Proper~

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

    • Exploration

      "But it's kinda pretty though--reminds me of home." Ruby giggles at the thought of the strange place–it's almost like the place giving justice to her surname, 'Rose'--the last name of her mother, Summer Rose. If not for the urgency Yuri had presented herself with, she probably would've been looking out for a white one. Though that thought was interrupted when poco asked about the last date they remember before waking up here, mentioning that he remembered it being November. "...I think it was July 18 for me." Ruby recanted, "It was pretty late at night when I got knocked out by the aurora though…" She felt it to be strange, yet, not alarming.


      Well, it's mostly got something to do with the time of being taken, so half a year would probably be long enough for their alleged kidnapper to take her here…

      The splat splits off once more, this time, towards the south where bits and pieces of obsidian can be seen littered about; as though someone had busted through a wall several yards ahead of them.

      "Hey, look at that!" Ruby called out as she approached some of the obsidian debris. The literal chunk of rock near Ruby was still glowing from the heat it experienced–it's almost melted all over again.

      "...Think someone else is nearby?" Ruby asked the group, poking the shard of black rock with her scythe.

    • Exploration

      "Is that right…" Ben nodded, glancing at his watch–still stuck in its recharge mode. This should last for a few more minutes–roughly three more posts, give or take. Still, with everyone mentioning how powerful this one is compared to the last guy, Ben felt as though he needed to pitch into the fight until his watch recharges.

      As they followed the burning trail of Flora's Chi-Yu, the group the sky seemingly darkened as strong rain appear to follow, yet there's an eerie absence of strong winds. And yet, the flames left behind by the Chi-Yu refuses to get put out--not even a sizzle breaking down the flames from the downpour.

      >Proceed to [Ye Olde Bark] tab

  • Combat

    --Aijo Kiirome || Hayato Ichimonj || Ben Tennyson--
    Interaction: @Signupname @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @NyxieRina @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow
    Along with the schoolgirl and the Inquisitor, Aya had opened fire on the liquid based monster, the force of the shots parting the gel bit by bit until it created a hole big enough Shujinko gets close. Thanks to this opening, Shujinko managed to land a slice at the creature's skull, but before it wasn't enough, as the surrounding gel began to act as rods for its charged lightning, causing yellow electricity to bounce between them–although thanks to Shujinko's agility, it barely scraped him, only burning the top of his hair. The Kamen Rider attempts to follow up the opening with a leaping punch overhead, only for the gel to reform quicker than he anticipated; seeing this, the wing-like markings on the back of his suit flared as it unleashed a glowing pair of insect wings as he tucked his legs, meant to pull him back. But it barely managed to activate as his leg grabbed by a tendril made from the blown apart gels, interrupting his Prana release. It was thanks to King Dedede's intervention with the Gordo, the tendril barely managed to pull him in, using this moment, the masked Rider sent the Gordo flying using the pent up Prana, blowing yet another hole open in the gel. He landed in front of the creature, marking himself as the target for the creature.

    Aijou was initially stunned with what she was seeing–or rather, hearing. There was a physical creature that she can only describe as a Stand–yet everyone else can see it. Were they Stand Users themselves, blessed with the Golden Color that gave her something she can call her vision, or was it something else entirely bizarre? Aijou couldn't properly articulate what she's feeling when a young man gathered the air in a cold hue, freezing the very rain the creature conjured and launched it at the Creature, proclaiming that it'll freeze it.

    Surely enough, distracted by it approaching the Rider, Rudeus' ice managed to coat the gelatenous beast in ice, causing it to drop into the ground with a loud crash, its slimy gel losing its concentration as it flowed about, leaving the skull exposed for everyone else to attack–

    It's weak to ice magic, who would've thought?

    The card struck the Manaspawn straight at the forehead…But it barely did anything but crack it.

    Seeing the importance of the water to the creature, Aijo placed her hands on the floor; to Stand Users and the Spiritually Inclined, they would notice a mechanical plug-rabbit creature burrow its jack-shaped bottom onto the ground, sending pulses of yellow light that rise and curve like waves, solidifying into a large barrier that pushes away most of the gel, exposing the skull even more as liquid seeps from the soundwave barrier, attempting to coalesce around the skull once more.

    At this point, the Chi-Yu Manaspawn had arrived on the scene–a second skull headed beast, with majestic orange flames that take the shape of a fish. Behind it were more people; a kid riding a red fleshy dino-bike, a man in black with a familiar green emblem, a pair of twins bearing the same kind of watch, a neurotic space man and a highschool girl.

    ".̸̭̇͌.̴͇̪̄͊͆.̸̜͆!̴̙͗̍" Seeing the Chi-Yu, the Water Manaspawn's gel would begin to bubble and crackle, forsaking its own skull and rapidly approaching the Chi-Yu with the intent of drowning…No, assimilating it onto its slime!

    Enemies Left: 2

    - -
    - -

    - -
    HP: [O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X]

  • Exploration

    Heading straight south would prompt Ken to discover yet another dead end. This one appeared to have yet another box on it, which looked drastically different from the other boxes he had come across. This one was colored green and appeared to be made out of bricks. The lines of the bricks have an ominous blue glow to it.

    Well, there's always another south path just west from here…

  • Combat

    The Kleinhammer would continue eastward then turning north when the path curved, and ahead was nothing more than more crystalline trees and leaves–and lying in wait at what seems to be a clearing was a man, much larger and muscular than Abelgard was, wrestling with what appears to be a bull skull as it was pinned down on the ground. The skull shakes wildly as it glows, projecting and emitting green winds akin to that of a hurricane, lashing out on everything around it as it blows its magical wind even harder, lashing like a literal storm of blades, crescent shape projectiles flying all around, slicing and dicing the very walls with loud cracks, with one slash flying towards him!

    Of course, the magic resistant Ben would have no problem as such deep cuts would've been reduced to mere scratches, but Abelgard…? Now it's clear why there were barricades everywhere.

    Enemies Left: 2

    - -

    - -

    - -
    HP: [O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X]


Eon (Ben Still can't come to the phone)

Eon would arrive and notice the strange thing be absorbed into the Chi-Yu. Despite the fact that he didn't actually care, he would form a forcefield around the creature to prevent the creature from being absorebed. "I don't think the girl will be happy if you do that," he replied, focusing to see if he was able to pinpoint the exact point where all of the Chronokinetic energy was coming from.

@Signupname @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @NyxieRina @ThePotatoGod @Crow


Kirby would be following closely behind Ken and he would look at the strange box. "This box is very different from rest of them, me thinks it's important," he replied, pulling out his Batarang and before Ken could stop him, he would throw the exploding device at the box made of bricks to see if that did anything. He waited to see if it was the right choice.

@noob13241 @ThePotatoGod

Ben, the Prometheus

Ben wouldn't notice that a new person had arrive as he was a bit busy pinning down the monster. "You know, this wouldn't have happened if you had just decided to let me pin you down earlier," he replied, keeping the creature pin and punching it through the giant winds that he was projecting on it. He just hoped that nobody was in the area.

Ben was relieved that he resisted the typo of winds that made cuts that become scratches, taking a deep breath and hoping that he would be able to take this creature out before it became madder.

@Birb-With-Gun @ThePotatoGod
  • There's little time to figure out the battlefield, as the chaos of the multitudes taking part would shake most in terms of senses.
    Fortunately, Touma has seen enough to paint the picture broadly.

    Simply put, the skull creatures fusing is not a good thing and nobody's in danger besides that. So he moves to stop that from happening just as a forcefield form, stalling the process.

    Everybody would see this oddly strong journalist just charging at the manaspawn. And as thoughts of him being in danger slip into thought-
    Fire. Not just felt or vaguely seen in the air wavering, but truly seen grasped in the man's hands rising above high as a pillar.

    As he swings that flame down on it with his whole body into it, Aijou would hear the world read clearly.
    Gekido indiscriminate attack
    And the fire descends with a crushing weight to cleave through.

    @Signupname @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @NyxieRina @Crow @ThePotatoGod
  • "Very." A short agreement.

    Kirby wouldn't receive a stop either as, right by his Batarang, the dog's knife would also be thrown right at it.

  • Shujinko had a bit of a close call. The lightning that the Manaspawn had thrown had only burned off the top of his head as he dodged. "Tch." He was clearly not happy about it, but at the very least he did some damage. Rudeus used some sort of ice magic to freeze most of the gel around the Manaspawn and it seemed to have been weakened further when Aijou used her magic to push some of them away.

    That is when another Manaspawn appeared and it looked like it was chased by another group of people. How convenient. "Look Shujinko, more people! And none of them is Yuri." Retsujo pointed out. "Well just our damn luck." Shujinko said in a deadpan expression as the Water Manaspawn was making it's way to the Fire Manaspawn, but then someone put up a barrier while the journalist swordsman attacked the Fire Manaspawn.

    "Retsujo, your ofuda!" Shujinko called and Retsujo nodded as she pulled out a pair of ofuda and magically wrote characters onto them. She threw one at the Water Manaspawn. If it hits, the remaining gel around it would freeze it in their place.

    (Kouri, lit. Ice)

    Retsujo then throws the second to the Fire Manaspawn. If it hits, then water will suddenly burst from it to extinguish the flames.

    (Mizu, lit. Water)

    @Gotham Knight Todd

  • The group would stop by some remains of a broken wall. It definitely looked like someone busted it down to make way. "It appears so, M'lady." Yuri answered Ruby "And the path seemed to be going down and then left." They pointed at the path ahead of the group.

    "I'd say we follow along, see where this would lead us to." And so Yuri went ahead.

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Jaune arc, The Rusted Knight

(Magical Forest>>>West)
"Yeah, let's stay cautious," Jaune agreed, his grip tightening on his sword as they approached the remains of the broken wall. He scanned the area for any signs of movement or danger, ready to react at a moment's notice.

As Ruby poked at the glowing obsidian with her scythe, Jaune couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The fact that someone had broken through the wall indicated that there might be others in the vicinity, and he wasn't sure if they were friend or foe.

"Keep your guard up, everyone," Jaune advised, glancing back at the group before following Yuri down the path. With each step, he remained alert, prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.
Blitz continued as the others ran ahead of him, and when he crossed the threshold of the strangely out of place vestibular room into the light outside, he was amazed by the perplexing view! He was standing in the midst of a large - no, towering tree that stood above everything else! How magnificent was the scene before him that he stopped and gazed at it to get a better look.

The juxtaposition of everything the tree was baffled him, drawing him in. Its crystalline leaves shimmering in the daylight, and the incorporation of all the colors of its bark was like a painting that begged him to contemplate its story. The sheer magnitude of it mesmerized him, distracting him from his duty until he heard another explosion.

Shaking his head, he snapped out of his reverence and quickly ascended the staircase to see what everyone was up to. Clearly he was late to the party, as a large skull monster surrounded by what seemed to be toxic watery gel attacked the group! He raised his sniper and took aim, wiggling his sights around to catch up with it's erratic movements.

"Hold still, ya f@$&in' bull headed..."

Following its course, he took a few lousy shots and pursued until it stopped and unleashed its goopy tendrils, opening its core for attack. Bingo! He pulled the trigger as many times as he could while it seemed vulnerable, aiming directly for its exposed skull.

@Signupname @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @NyxieRina @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow
Seeing the Chi-Yu, the Water Manaspawn's gel would begin to bubble and crackle, forsaking its own skull and rapidly approaching the Chi-Yu with the intent of drowning…No, assimilating it onto its slime!
Shujinko had a bit of a close call. The lightning that the Manaspawn had thrown had only burned off the top of his head as he dodged. "Tch." He was clearly not happy about it, but at the very least he did some damage. Rudeus used some sort of ice magic to freeze most of the gel around the Manaspawn and it seemed to have been weakened further when Aijou used her magic to push some of them away.

That is when another Manaspawn appeared and it looked like it was chased by another group of people. How convenient. "Look Shujinko, more people! And none of them is Yuri." Retsujo pointed out. "Well just our damn luck." Shujinko said in a deadpan expression as the Water Manaspawn was making it's way to the Fire Manaspawn, but then someone put up a barrier while the journalist swordsman attacked the Fire Manaspawn.

"Retsujo, your ofuda!" Shujinko called and Retsujo nodded as she pulled out a pair of ofuda and magically wrote characters onto them. She threw one at the Water Manaspawn. If it hits, the remaining gel around it would freeze it in their place.

(Kouri, lit. Ice)

Retsujo then throws the second to the Fire Manaspawn. If it hits, then water will suddenly burst from it to extinguish the flames.

(Mizu, lit. Water)
First comes knowledge of destruction, then its execution.

Malchadorian Insights 17:4


He saw the creature stummbled away with all these firepower pour into it. Firearms, blades, strange energy beams, even sorcery. The last does not go down any easier on him either, but the Inquisitor supposed thi is not the time. Nonetheless., he kept firing at the thing, dodging the lightning bolts that misses him by a wide distane, but the sound of impact still reminds him it's unwise to get hit.

They wear the thing down eventually, until some sorcerypartly freeze the creature in a sheen of ice whoch shatters, taes away parts of its gelatine armor, exposing its skull to the elements once more, and thus makes it a target of concentrated attack. that's interesting. He thought.

The first blow is uneffective, even as the gel-armor is attempting to reform. He switches target, blasting away at the enrouching viscous liquid, prevents it from forming. He see some of the others attempt to do the same.

They could...

The noise distract him from his thought, and from a angle, he see it..

He shouts

"Watch out, those things are merging. We need to kill atleast one before they do"

@Ori ; @Topless ; @noob13241 ; @LuckycoolHawk9
  • Poco

    The Skeleton's permanent smile grew a tad stiffer as he inspected the damaged arena around him. "This place doesn't look friendly." He said out loud. "There must have been a big battle here earlier... does that mean theres more of us?"
  • Flora

    Flambe's luminecent eyes widened at the sight of its sibling attempting to assimilate itself into them. 'Sibling, please! Don't do this!" What 'this' meant was unclear, and would remain so due to the lack of people who could understand it.

    When Flora, Meatball and Pretzel all got there, it was chaos. People she hadnt seen before (and was sure did not appear at all during their adventure so far) were battling a creature that looked just like Flambe not even an hour ago. And now the slimy-watery Manaspawn and some of those other people were going to attack her Pokemon.

    "Meatball! Defend Flambe!" She commanded. The Koraidon growled in affirmative, gently dropping his trainer and sprinting into battle with an Agility-boosted run. He got in between his teammate, its sibling (?), and the magical attack. The water splashed everywhere, and while it did sting, Meatball's water resistance kept him from being as hurt as Flambe would have been with its own weakness.

    "Orichalcum Pulse! Full force! Then Flare Blitz-Collision Course to get it off! Flambe, help out with your Flamethrower!" Flora said getting right into battle.

    The sun intensified overhead as the black tribal dragon released its power, and flames began to envelop its body. As if compelled by its trainer's ner words, a ball of fire formed infront of Flambe's mouth. At once, the two Pokemon attacked. The flames from Flambe's mouth spiralled around Meatball, almost as if giving him a second layer of fire to charge his attacks with. Though the flames from the reckless fire and fighting combination move he was doing and his teammates unusual assist also stung, Meatball didn't falter. The Winged King lunged towards the enemy manaspawn, like the asteroid that wiped out the ancient Pokemon of yore.

    Meanwhile, Pretzel was not idle. He had some agression to burn from Reverser changing his teammate and now with this new enemy. Especially those weird humans that also tried to attack Flambe! Without Flora noticing, he made his way to the girl, preparing a Bite for what he thought was an enemy.
  • King Dedede

    Score! But that Gordo wasnt enough to make a difference. How rude! Time for him to make a real impact. Though he'd hate to get his royal robes all dirty, he thought it was high time for a walloping!

    While the water boss was distracted by a bunch of other weird creatures (which he didnt mind too much. They weirdly felt more familiar to him than all these humans), he went behind the boss, raiding his hammer high and ready to strike it down against the creature.

  • Exploration

    They'd begin to hear sounds of fighting in the distance as they headed down the branched back, heading east–which, in their point of view, was left. The sky appears to slightly darken as rain begins to pour the deeper they proceed. Which is something to take note of since for the longest time, it's been nothing but sunny skies and cool breezes. Not to mention the sound of gunfire and magic abilities whiffing in the distance.

    Not to mention what seemed to be a large pillar of fire emerging like a beacon, crashing down onto something with a blazing, blistering heat. This crash pillar was immediately followed by what seems to be a rain of fiery petals in place of the rain, alongside a familiar cold breeze; at least, to Yuri. A sign of Magic Circuits being triggered via Relics.

    Her Masters are nearby.

    "These are...?" Ruby bore witness to the ember petals raining from above, recognizing them as man made--an attack from someone in danger. Her palm clenched, sensing the desperation from those similarly shaped petals. "Someone's definitely in trouble." Ruby declared, once again, foolishly rushing off towards the obvious danger.

    A Heroic Complex, it seems.
    secondary color

  • Combat

    --Character Name--
    (background color is primary color)

    "T̷a̸i̵n̶t̸e̷d̶ ̸o̶n̴e̴,̸ ̶w̶h̵o̸ ̴h̵a̷s̵t̸ ̵t̷u̵r̴n̸e̴d̸ ̴t̸h̵y̵ ̸b̷a̵c̷k̶ ̷a̸g̵a̴i̸n̸s̵t̶ ̷o̴u̷r̵ ̵F̷a̸t̶h̷e̶r̸—̷D̴o̴ ̵n̶o̵t̶ ̵r̷e̶s̴i̵s̸t̶.̵" To those who can understand Pokemon, the Manaspawn spoke eloquently, "Ḿ̸̨̖͊ÿ̶̠̱́̿ ̴̢̜̈́͘b̷̧̓o̸̭̠̐͐d̸͚͒ÿ̶̯͋ ̶̹͕͑̀ş̶̙́h̵̺̾͗ả̶̼l̷͔̔͝ͅl̸͕͔͌̆ ̷̗̫̂̎c̷̙͐̐ư̵̦̘̐r̵̢̈́e̴̩̥̾ ̴̯̱̽ẗ̵͓́͜ḧ̸̢́͐y̴̩̋ ̷͙̊̉c̵̪͝ö̷͕̗́̾r̶̯͌͆r̸̙̈́ų̴̻̀̈́p̸͔͍̐t̴̺͒ͅë̷̗́d̴̦̱̈ ̸̨͎͌s̸̲̐͝ǫ̷̙͋ù̵͎̙l̶̟̞͝ ̷̢̦̅a̶͉̲͊n̷͖̰̈d̷̯̺̉ ̷̤͓͒͂ŗ̴̼͒ę̵̞͐t̷̟̆ü̸̺̟r̵͓̅̑ñ̴̬ ̷̫̞͊̍ẗ̷͙́h̷̡̆̌ŷ̷̜̈́ ̷͈̟̐̉s̴͓̬̍̍p̷̞̟̌͘ȋ̵͓̥r̷͓͝ȋ̷͚t̴̺̜̔̏ ̵͔͌o̷͙̫͠n̶̡̝̓̄ṫ̷͇ŏ̴͕̩̊ ̷͕̈́̆t̵̰̄̚h̶͙͌ȇ̶̗̾e̴̫̽;̴̹͒̿ ̴̳̊̾F̴̡̈́͆o̷̢̤͐̅ȓ̷̫̻̑ ̵͓̑͘t̶̪̽̉h̸̘͍͊͊ă̷̡̇t̸̡̏̆ ̴̭͇͋̚ì̴͈̃ṣ̵̨̆̿ ̵̥͛͊y̸̤̏̓o̸̧͎͛u̶͚͑̑r̸̮͌̅ ̸͔̍ͅr̴̫̽̕ẽ̷̲͑͜d̷͎̿è̷͕m̸̨̨͘p̷͖̂t̷̳̂i̸̻̩͝ơ̶̤n̴͚͆̎.̴̦̱̌̽" In spite of the barriers encroached upon the Flame Manaspawn by Aijou, the sapphire gel that once wrapped around the Water Manaspawn began to encroach upon Flambe. However, before it could, several newcomers jumped into the fray; a giant black lizard appeared and separated both Manaspawns by rushing at the Water one. The Flames slightly doused by the liquid the Water Manaspawn secreted and wrapped around itself at the last minute, but the force of the lunge is enough to launch it away from Flambe

    Ben pulled back the string of his bow, an arrow of light manifesting as the bowstring was stretched back. He then circled around Flora and released the arrow, shooting his shot right at the Manaspawn's water barrier. As it landed on the barrier, the arrow burst into light, blowing the water apart for a brief moment as Eon formed a temporal barrier around Flambe in an attempt to protect.

    Before anyone could do anything more to pull the two Skullfiends apart, the mild mannered journalist suddenly leapt into action, brandishing blades of flames that roared to ablaze as he raised his arm above him, the flames spiraling and around a thin, invisible pole as the heat counteracted the pouring rain, dispelling it with loud sizzling noises as Touma swung it down.

    While Touma himself didn't cry out his attack, Aijou could hear the words the flames rang out in silence;


    In what felt like coincidence, Touma's strike landed on the exposed part of the barrier, letting out a sizzling explosion and a burst of flames, spreading out like wild petals in a gust. This was immediately followed by Shujinko and Retsujou's pair of Talismans flying towards each Manaspawn with their respective polar opposites.

    The burst remainder of the gel froze over as the Water Manaspawn fell to the ground, wobbling about in a state of disorientation–it's knocked down thanks to Touma's Attack landing a critical blow!

    This opening allowed Blitzo to pull a bullseye in every single one of his shots, cracking the skull where his bullets would land; though this only prompted the skull's eyes to glow, as if being roused from its stun. Aware enough to anticipate King Dedede appearing behind the Water Manaspawn, prompting it to unleash a burst of water in all directions. Pushing away the mutated penguin with the added stinging like effect from just touching the water. It looked and felt murky, the irritating sensation when touching contaminated water.

    It felt weakening.

    Aijou attempted to muster the remainder of the DAI DAN DAN noise to materialize it into a burning construct, but failed due to the sudden bork of a very angry dog as it charged in to bite Retsujou!

    "Watch out!" Aijou called out, using her Stand to reach out and grab Pretzel with its mechanical hand, recreating Touma's flames as it projects the very name of his attack, though much smaller in comparison. Due to it being Spiritual in nature, Pretzel couldn't possibly sense the summon reaching out to grab him, but because it's spiritual, its nose would likely associate it to a Ghost-Type sort of smell and be alarmed regardless.

    The rest is up to fate.

    Enemies Left: 1

    - -{[Magician's Manaspawn (Water)]} - -
    - -


    - -
    HP: [O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] (Enemy's HP Values)

    -Secretes poison in its water barrier. This liquid weakens the enemy upon contact, draining their energy. This Poisonous Water replaces the Manaspawn's normal gel water. It appears to activate after a certain amount of damage has been dealt.

    - -{[Masterless Manaspawn(Flame)]} - -
    - -

    - -

    - -
    HP: . . .[X][X]

  • Exploration

    Opening the box, they would find what appears to be yet another golden card, yet this one appears to be glowing green as it floated out of the box; the card was marked with the roman numeral 1, and appeared to have some form of hourglass motif with an eye and a pentacle smack in the middle. Written in blue were the words 'The Magician'.

    Judging by the way it's floating about, it might be something important–but where?

  • Combat

    Prometheus continues his flurry rush on the Wind Manaspawn, pummeled without end in spite of the winds the Manaspawn's throwing at him. Regardless, it continued to blow wind. Its non-existent brow furrowing even deeper as it continued to lash out. The wind slashing deeper than it previously had–Deep enough to threaten any limb that comes its way. if the Kleinhammer wouldn't move out of the way, they would seriously get hacked to bits!

    Now for Prometheus, his Magic Resistance managed to doll out the slashes from deep cutting to simply surface level. Hurts like a bad paper cut, but nothing too drastic apart from the now visible wounds on his skin. It should be obvious that in spite of it being purely magic, it's pretty sharp.

    Enemies Left: 1

    - -{[Magician's Manaspawn (Wind)]} - -
    - -

    - -

    - -
    HP: [O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] (Enemy's HP Values)

  • Love
Reactions: Midle1998

  • Upon witnessing the pillar of flames, Yuri could definitely tell that a fight was already happening. Ruby suddenly bolted off and Yuri tried to call her back to no avail. "M'lord, M'lady..." They spoke to the rest of the group "We need to head on over there post haste. I believe that my masters might be involved." Without much hesitation, Yuri made a sprint over to the fight.

    Meanwhile, it looked like the Flame Manaspawn had been dealt with, but the Water Manaspawn still has some fight left in it as it let out a burst of dirty water when King Dedede was about to land the crushing blow. "Dang! This thing can still fight?" Retsujo couldn't believe it. "Retsujo, hit it with another ofuda." Shujinko told her and then she threw another ice ofuda at the Water Manaspawn in the hopes of freezing it again.

    That's when she heard a bark from a dog made of bread and she took notice of it. "Is that dog going after me? What did I do?!" Retsujo panicked as she quickly hid herself behind Shujinko.

    @Gotham Knight Todd
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  • The journalist takes a sharp intake of steam as sweat pours and evaporates off his skin, clearly less from the heat around him and more of what he's done causing both. Hands clenched that familiar weight of fire...and arms shaking to remind him it's been too long to pull stunts like that.

    Even as a faint smile remains on his face through harsh breaths, it's clear that he'll need to take a step back for now.
    And so he does, pulling back- to see a dog arrive at the scene to attack Retsujo.

    ...Even if Touma's done his part in ending the fight, he's still got enough room to try and catch Pretzel by its side. "Hold it, down boy! Don't bite the kids!"
    As he does that, he tries to see an owner for it, but given the mess of battle...its a little hard to figure that out even if he was looking in the right direction towards Flora's group.
    @NyxieRina @Topless @ThePotatoGod

  • By all rights, a glowing floating card would spark in the eyes of many emotions. Mainly, greed and wonder. It's practically an instinct to wanna grab it.

    But Ken is smarter than that. He thinks ahead. He sees with special eyes. And his special eyes tell him...
    This goes somewhere important. Not smart enough to connect that the card is probably important for that somewhere, but smart enough to figure out where to go.

    And so he goes. Backtracking before making his way westward, he lets Kirby take the card as they travel onward.
  • @Topless @dark @Midle1998 @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod @Crow @FactionParadox @SorryTM

    He gasped seeing the pillar of fire, the flames sparking feelings of awe and fear in him. No one he knew could produce that much fire in that much time in that spectacular fashion. Something intense was happening over there.

    "Wait up!" He called after Ruby as he chased after her. Even if he feared the fire, he had a self appointed duty to keep the others in their team healthy with his magic. As he ran, he prepared a song that could remove status ailments before they got too bad. Afterall, where there was fire, there were sure to be burns.
  • [Are you okay?] Meatball asked Flambe after the other manaspawn was knocked away.

    [I'm fine...] Flambe said, not sounding fine at all. [Just... shaken up. I do not wish to return...]

    Meatball nodded sympathetically. This whole thing must have been draining for his teammate, and he could sort of relate.

    [Don't worry, I'll be here to help. And Flora, and the others.] He reassured it, giving it a draconid smile.

    "Poison?" Flora muttered out loud after noticing the shift in the manaspawn and the reactions the other fighters have to it. "is it a move or just the type? If this is like Flame, does that mean its Water-Poison, Water-Psychic, or Poison-Psychic?" After a bit of thought she gave out her command. "Flambe, use Psychic! Meatball loop around and hit it with Dragon Claw! Do a Pinsir!"

    [That's our cue. Lets do this!] Meatball encouraged Flambe. With a mighty leap and a quick flap of his wings, Meatball made it to the other side, ready to play his part. His claws were coated in a bluish-purple sheen, ready to use the Dragon-typed attack when the other got near.

    Flambe's eyes glowed with an ethereal light, manifesting the power for the psychic attack. A wave of pink psychic energy would fire from the skull, heading towards the other manaspawn.

    Elsewhere, Pretzel was struggling with his own little fight.His trainer was too focused on the big boss to see the situation he got himself into, so he had to come up with his own escape.

    [Don't hurt my friends!] He barked as he hung from the air. Was it a ghost? Whatever was holding him felt like a ghost, but not quite. But luckily, he knew what to do against ghosts! He turned to where he thought the ghost was holding him and tried to Bite it with darkness energy coating his teeth.
  • "Ughh..." King Dedede groaned. "Thats disgusting," The water felt so sticky, and it hurt even after the initial hit. It reminded him of the time that Kirby sparred with him with the Poison ability. That really sucked.

    Hang on.

    Dedede slapped his forehead as he thought of something he should have done ages ago. Though to be fair, the idea wasnt exactly on him at the time, but something tells him Meta Knight would be disappointed that he didnt think of it sooner.

    A little known skill of the King was of his slight elemental powers. If he was surrounded by an element, he could use that to augment his skills and his hammer. Now it wasn't as fancy or as powerful as what the magic users of his world could do, and it tended to be easier with Kirby or some possessing entity's help, but he could do it. He was a great king afterall!

    Staying a certain distance away from the fight, he focused on the poisonous water on him and surrounding the manaspawn, and concentrated Surely, hopefully, he could get the splash ability on his hammer. Granted he never tried it with poison before, but they were both liquids right? That should be easy!

And yet again, Ruby was off and running. With everyone deciding to follow suit. One of these days, he mused, he would have to help her reduce that heroic complex, before she hurt herself in the pursuit of attempting to be a hero.

There was little more to do apart from follow her however, and so he sprinted towards the engulfing flame.


As Jax pulled out the blade, the radish archon would freeze in horror... before gesturing for Jax to deposit the blade, while looking shell-shocked at it.

One could only wonder what horror she had seen within the eldritch abomination of a blade.


Jaune arc, The Rusted Knight

(Magical Forest>>>West)
Jaune charged forward, his instincts as a leader and protector fully engaged. The mysterious world they found themselves in was proving to be as dangerous as it was bizarre. The roar that had echoed through the trees was ominous, and Ruby's headlong rush towards potential danger only heightened his urgency.

His armor clanked with each step, the rusted plates a testament to countless battles, though none as strange as this. As he ran, his mind was a swirl of concern for Ruby. The fire and the sounds of battle suggested a significant threat, and Jaune was ready to throw himself into the fray to protect his only friend left.

Despite the fear that gnawed at the back of his mind, Jaune's determination didn't waver. He was accustomed to facing the unknown head-on, and he prepared to support Ruby and engage whatever awaited them with his broken sword and shield at the ready.

  • "Okie dokie!"

    As he shrugged, Jax was ready to dismissively toss THE FINKLEDINKER into the vending machine's open hatch when the sword, in refusal to part with its master, wrapped a tentacle around his arm. With the thing clinging to his appendage, Jax shook it up and down, furiously kicking at it.

    "Hey what's the deal? Let go ya dang sword...!"

    With enough effort, and banging the sword against the machine a few times, it finally let go, and he flung it haphazardly into the hatch. As it entered the machine the sword screeched and grumbled with anger, and disappeared into the hatch which emitted a troubling, eerie glow.

    Jax crossed his arms, closing his eyes as he grunted and puffed with a breath of exhaustion. "Honestly! The nerve of that thing!"

    With the sword deposited, all that was left to do was wait and see if the machine accepted the offering.


  • "Haha! Take that you slimy freak of nature! Not so tough without your shield are ya?"

    Blitz took aim again and tried to shoot some more at the Manaspawn but his sniper jammed! "Oh for the love of... what a piece of $#&@ gun!" He tossed the sniper and reached into his gun tote for...

    "OH, WHAT, THIS AGAIN?" Pulling out a stapler, he stomped in frustration and dropped the weapon, unwittingly onto his foot. His face went pale as the *click* went off. A staple lodged itself into his foot and he bounced around while the pain was still tender!

    When he finally calmed down he noticed more unfamiliar people were joining the fray from an unknown direction. What a crowd! He had no idea the fight would draw this kind of attention. He was also a hundred times more embarrassed to have been seen throwing a fit and getting stapled in the foot. What a lousy first impression...

    @Signupname @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @NyxieRina @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow

  • Some say all good things come to an end, like the picnic enjoyed by Terezi and her group of clones and misfits, but in Terezi's opinion, good things just develop into more good things. Sure she would have liked to spend eternity enjoying a nice picnic, but when she felt the crack of lightning in the distance, followed by the mobilization of her crew, she leapt eagerly into action and followed the chaos!

    "Wow! Do i smell rain clouds? Where the f@&# did those come from? I smell... some kind of acid? Is that... acid rain?? Seriously?? This place is just chock full of surprises!"

    She left her slight disappointment behind her, hoping maybe she could catch the bens in a better mood later on and convince one of them to download her DNA into their high tech alien watch doohickeys. The possibilities were endlessly unfolding in her imagination... On one hand, somebody could essentially transform into one of her kind. On the other, a sexy troll could be manifested with the uncontrollable urge to furiously reproduce.

    She tried not to let her imagination run away with her as the group ran towards the sounds and smells of intense combat. When they arrived at the scene she could smell so many more flavors of post-apocalyptic survivors battling what smelled like a large blueberry pomegranate mass that had a distinct chalky-grayish tootsie roll center like the previous manaspawn.

    The creature's beastly though exhaustive roars indicated that it could be on its last ropes. Would her newfound friends attempt to capture it and tame it like the last one? Or would it meet its end here? She was tempted to catch em all, for some reason, she decided to act before this one took any fatal blows.

    "Hey, Flora! This creature sounds pretty weak! Why don't you catch it like you did Flambé? I just feel weird about killing this wild beast, it's like Flambé's kin, right?"

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
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