ALWAYS OPEN The Only Way To Go Is Up ~ Story Proper~

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Delving deeper into the woods, the Inquisitor finds himself leaving the farmlands and instead entering an old ruins type area. Dark colored bricks with burnt colorations can be seen engraved onto the ground bit by bit, as if it was an old abandoned city road of some kind. From here, the Inquisitor finds a literal brick wall blocking his way, like cattle, leading him to turn south. Though the wall nearby, which blocks the path northward, appears to be cracked; fragile. It could potentially be broken with a single whack.

'And in such fashion do empires die. Not for lack of ambition, nor stagnation or flawed leadership – for these all might be survived – but due to blind trust in the efficacy and motivations of others.'

– Inquisitor Lord Jhal Imbrek, Ordo Hereticus; Excerpted from On Betrayal,​
And here, further signs of civilisation reveals itslef. Crystal crops partly gave ways to old brick roads.

The roads are unmaintained, abandoned for a long time it seems. The bricks itself seems to darkened from exposure to the environment, give an impression of burn marks. Just a ruined road, leading ahead.

He decided to follow it, forward to what it leads

In front of him stands a brick wall. BArring the way North of the ppath beneath his feet. Seems to be some agricultural barriers to lead the path of lifestock. As fitting to the rest of this place. Like the roads, it is bandoned and unmaintained, sections of it seems to be crumbling. Large cracks has formed in place. the building bricks are nearly collapsed.

He has a choice.. To head South, or tp force North.

Having made a decision, the Inquisitor draws his chainsword.

The roraring blade, designed to rips apart ceramite armor made short work of this crumbling section of the wall, and woth a louud rumble, it collapse, opens to hiim the way North

And thus, here he walks northward.
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Abelgard Müller - The Lone Kleinhammer

Location: ???

Beauty… that's the only way he could describe such a place full of colorful glass. Even after spending some time stumbling weakly against the crystalline walls from fatigue caused from both self-inflicted starvation and carving a bloody path through various Peccatulum that escaped from their cages within the dungeon. If anything, the only thing that was driving him forward was the instinctual refusal to allow himself to sit down and allow himself to die with a whimper alongside the lingering whispers of the One Who Grips ushering him forwards, acting as a sort of angelic guide that kept him going. Her voice… why… why did it feel so familiar and foreign at the same time? He still hears it of course, but it seemed to flicker at times as if a radio message experiencing static. It was supposed to be calming and in some twisted way, it still was, but it had became a shell of what it originally was, a fleeting memory he struggled to get a grip, a impurity.

Shaking his head, he attempted to refocus on his main goal. And that was of survival. He had still yet to reach a spot he could properly rest and recollect himself at. And while the issue of food was still apparent, he knew that he could last for a few more days before the toll of starvation was too unbearable and stranded him within such a place. He began to wonder if he should've eaten from the canned food that N. Corp provides to all its members or even grabbed a few cans himself. No… his mind felt so much clearer now despite the constant headache he is having currently. He shouldn't have to bare eating that 'slop' any longer. Even with the fact alone that it was help keeping him alive throughout his time as a N. Corp Inquisitor, he didn't want to deal with eating it any longer.

After some time was spent wandering, he had encountered a peculiar sight. A wall… one that didn't seem too large in comparison to himself. If anything, any reasonable individual would be capable of simply vaulting right over it. But his armor certainly was in no condition to provide the freedom of movement he originally would have without it… and he wasn't going to take off the very thing that had kept him alive to this point. That and combined with the light starvation he was currently suffering from at the moment paired with his still healing injuries… it was better to carve a path instead. And so, he went ahead to tightened his grip against the large Mittelhammer's hammer, slowly arching his back backwards as he held the hammer high into the air, copying the same movement that the higher ranking Inquisitors did. He did stumble a bit to adjust with the lack of weight that the hammer had alongside the weight of Guido's nail on his back. Despite such lack of weight from the hammer, it had enough strength to smash metal through metal with ease… and so, Abel took a moment to maintain his footing before moving forward. Without a word, the Kleinhammer had went to slam the hammer right down onto the wall, hopefully smashing right through it and giving him a new path to travel, after all, there didn't seem to be any other alternatives other than walking back and he did not want to risk wasting too much energy than he had to. He waited just long enough to see just how much of an effect his hammer truly had.
Benji Tennyson

Benji would eat his sandwich quietly, noticing the weird thing that was happening by Flora, but decided it was better to not address it. " So, after we are all done eating here, are we going to break the way we came in to get out.... or should we go and see if there is some other path out here?" He asked, curious to what the rest of the party thought. There had been that mystery path earlier and he was sure that there was other things that he hadn't even considered in the moment as well.

@ThePotatoGod @NyxieRina @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime

Ben, The Prometheus

Ben really hadn't expect that the lid and whatever was coming out was going to be fast. He would take a deep breath, letting loose a sigh, knowing that he had fucked up greatly when a goat skull had come flying out of the box. It seemed that he had found another monster in this place.....wait.....another- no, he had found his first monster here. He didn't know why he thought there was a second one. Why was it always something weird that he found?

"Well, that is probably not a good thing to hear," he mumbled, as he would not even get a chance to move.

Before the demigod could even react, he would be hit in the stomach with the skull of the creature and would be taken aback and let loose a growl.

One could hear the grinding of bones before a gust of wind was fired off of its gem, unleashing a force that should push them both away from each other--though thanks to Prometheus' magic resistance, he wouldn't be flung as far.

He would pull himself up as he would be fling back from the creature, stopping himself. "Well, it looks like we are doing this the hard way," he replied, rushing towards the monster and punching it in the skull.


Kirby would look over and wonder where his toy had gone when Ken broke the thing. Kirby would rush to the south to see if that was the way his toy had went and not noticing Ken would be going the other way.

@ThePotatoGod @noob13241

  • Jax watched with curiosity as Nahida demonstrated more of her powers, summoning up two normal looking items from the ground and feeding them to the vending machine, which seemed to take them without problems. Still, it lumped them into one category, deeming them one item. So, fanning the flames of his curiosity, he pitched in, following the girl's cue and digging into his pockets for any old thing.

    After tossing out a few useless fruits, a stray Gloink, and a glitched flower pot that slowly ascended into the air indefinitely, he seemed to grab hold of something useful. "Oh, hey, you think this will do?" he asked, pulling out

    The sword whispered in soft inhuman languages, though it had no mouth.


  • Everyone had ran to get the chance to be the first to kill the monster from the fairie's story. Blitz, who took off first, was stopped by a blockade which was blown up by the spunky twin who beat him up when their adventure started. It killed him to admit it to himself, but he was starting to warm up to the girl because of her proclivity to open fire on a random suited man for no reason at all.

    With gleeful encouragement, Blitz cheered on Retsujo as she continued to rain bullets on the man who skillfully dodged until a flash bang went off, distracting everyone long enough for the strange man to escape. Amid the confusion, Blitz tried to take aim at something thru his sniper scope, catching sight of a woman diving for cover.

    His finger was on the trigger, but he stopped when Retsujo mentioned that she recognized the woman. The f@%#? That's new, he thought. But there was no time for idle chit chat. The man who seemed to be savvy at dodging bullets was getting away, so everyone gave chase.

    As Blitz followed everyone to a room with stairs leading outside, the other spazzy little demon who ran on all fours started asking questions about the monster everyone was after.

    "Whoooaa there buddy," Blitz answered, overwhelmed by the speed of Jin's breathing and the current stress levels, "We're looking for like an ancient monster, not a dude. It's apparently very big from the sound of its roaring, so we're actually gonna put it out of everyone's misery and save the fairies or something. You like killing things, don'tcha buddy?" he said, feeling the excitement rub off on him. "I'm gonna snipe that thing riiiight between the eyes."

    @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 @Topless @shinku @noob13241 @Foxes81_of_Anime @Gotham Knight Todd @Goonfire

  • Terezi proceeded to make sandwiches with the others and enjoy the picnic and play with Flora's pokemon and make conversation. At one point in the moment she asked the bens if she could donate her DNA to be used by the Omnitrix and Chaquetrix to perpetuate her race, and if not, to simply perpetuate justice by means of her race.

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
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  • Exploration

    Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd

    There was wind, but the way his finger picked it up it felt more like the breeze is constantly circling in all directions, even the ones blocked by the glass trees. In a sense, it does prove that this place has oxygen; in abundance at that, it's just that the trees look weird.

    I mean, who has seen a glass tree producing oxygen?

    Heading eastward, Gohan was greeted with a rather serene atmosphere as he explored the hedge maze. The hedges would soon come to an end as afterwards, it was replaced with the same glass trees and crystal leaves--they act as walls to this forest-like labyrinth, it seems. Hell, even if Gohan were to try and weave in between the trees, he would find the spacing too tight; trees growing far too tightly for anyone; big or small, to realistically slip through. Even the tiny ones would have trouble.

  • Exploration

    Ben promptly considers scanning the Troll, but decides to put it off until they figure out a way back to his universe; considering the fact that even he doesn't know if Trolls like her would even be safe for him to scan into his Codon Stream. Plus, seeing her in action makes him believe that if her DNA got scanned, the resulting Alien would be a handful to keep in line. Still, going back after the picnic's been packed up by Flora, Benji raised the query of getting out of the obsidian walls they've gotten trapped in.

    "I got this." Ben took out his Avalon Bow, pulling it back, a light began to shine from where the arrow should be. Releasing the plucked string, a bolt of light flew from the bow and onto the corner of the wall, causing an explosion which broke it down, revealing the next path, which led east to a crossroad of north and south. At least there's some progress. "Phew...Makes me wonder how Rook got used to using this mode." He twirled the bow in his hand, stowing it on his back. "Now we can move thataway."

    • Exploration

      Interaction: @Birb-With-Gun

      Maybe it was the size disparity between him and the very walls The Kleinhammer he was trying to tear down, or maybe it was his body amping up adrenaline in hope of sustenance. Or perhaps the trees of this damned forest were more fragile than they appeared; for when his mighty hammer was flung, the very spot was torn right open with a loud bang, blowing away crystal shards and wood alike as it gave way to what looked like a village of mushrooms, which surrounded a great tree in the middle; big enough to fit at more, 20 people inside. The mushroom houses had bright and colorful caps. Some were red, others blue, a lot of them were pink. All of them--to a starving crusader, would've looked mighty tasty without the right training and discipline.

      A few of them were smashed into colorful paste with bits and pieces of wood strewn about; it's clear that someone trashed the place before him. The Kleinhammer would notice several pink spheres of light that could be likened to fireflies flying all over the place, and in a panic, retreating to the tree in the middle.

      Denizens? One might wonder.

    • Combat

      Interaction: @LuckycoolHawk9
      The Manaspawn would attempt to protect itself with its spherical wind, making it blow harder in its rotation around the skull; and yet, its mistaken belief that the sphere would protect it would be the reason why Ben managed to land quite the clean hit, causing it to be flung towards the wall with a loud crack, dislodging something from its forehead as it hit the wall, creating a slight dent on the glass forest, cracks and all; it dropped what's essentially a large chunk of crystal, affixed to the skull like a unicorn's horn. Ben could feel its magic pulsing like a heartbeat. As if it was filled to the brim with Mana. Was this empowering the Manaspawn?

      Whatever it was, the Manaspawn became ferocious after seeing it land near Ben, letting out a roar as it began bounce around the very clearing they were in. Ricocheting from tree to tree as sounds likened to gunfire filled the room in rapid succession; almost as if it's augmenting its speed more and more. The leaves begin to rise in this pseudo tornado vacuum, yet the creature itself is barely visible, the Manaspawn was shooting itself all over the area, trying to cut into Prometheus with its horns as it launched itself all around him. There was barely time to react.

      Or is there?

      Enemies Left: 1

      - -{[MAGICIAN'S MANASPAWN]} - -
      - -
      - -

      - -
      HP: [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X]

  • Exploration

    --Hayato Ichimonji || Aijou Kiirome--
    Interaction: @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @NyxieRina

    "Looks like it. But if we're going with what the Fairies said, we might have some kind of door to worry about." Aijo seemingly popped out of nowhere behind Jin, though her footsteps were simply as quiet as a mouse in spite of her wearing heels--they must have some weird, soft fabric at the soles to quiet em' up. Fashion, Aijo supposes, as the quiet shoes did help with her passive Stand Ability. "I sure do hope that the tree's not where the seal is." She mused, leaving the Rider to raise a brow as the gang unanimously moved westward.

    This leads them to a clearing that's much larger than the one they've just been in. It's as large as an open park--almost similar to ones you could have picnics in--a campground free of any danger; is what Aijo and the Rider would think. The clearing had three other paths leading to the other cardinal directions; clearly this meant that this place was the center of the forest. On one of the corner was a quaint little stall with a nine by nine shelf arranged on a grid in display, showcasing 9 items. It's hard to make out from where they're standing, but it stands out from the rest of the area.

    The centerpiece of this clearing was a massive oak tree, bigger than any they've seen before in their lives. Its size and shape was similar enough to a skyscraper that could fit several people in, reaching to the heavens like a mythological tower of babel. Unlike the glass trees that they've wandered around through, this tree was genuinely wooden. What kind of wood, however, was a bit uncertain. It had hints of nearly every tree in existence. A bit of mahogany on one section, another a darker shade of oak. Then another striking birch white. The leaves attached to their branches were dense enough to bring shade to the entire clearing, yet they glow slightly as they, too, were still crystalline and prismatic. Gem-like in appearance and structure. Any gaps the leaves left behind were filled in with a familiar aurora; the very same one that they saw before waking up in this forest.

    "Check out this wood." Hayato whistled, seeing the massive tree ahead of them. "I'd say that thing could fit a stairwell or two...It's as big as a water tank!" He said as he approached the tree to inspect it. As he circled it, Aijo approached the tree and cautiously knocked on it. There was an audible thud as she knocked on wood.

    "...It's hollow." Aijo reported as she continued to knock a few more times, rounding half the tree at least until she bumped into one of the roots, losing her footing and nearly tripping; but fortunately, saved by some protruding roots that appeared like stairs facing south, leading up to the bark. Atop already was The Kamen Rider, clenching his fists tightly as he was faced against a stone door with three large sockets. With a loud grunt, the Rider threw his supposedly devastating punch, which simply caused dust to fly off of the door and shake it a little, but nothing else.

    "Tsk! Damn rock.." Hayato shook his fist afterwards, feeling the sting of punching a damn wall after a long time. "I really thought that would break it!" He groaned, though to Josuke's group, they knew what this meant thanks to them meeting with the Fairy Queen first. Three sockets means three seals; this means there's three Manaspawns they should be looking for, and taking their skulls to the Fairy Queen.

    Or so it goes.

    Directly south however, was a path shifting to the east; where Kirbo and Ken are--one of the paths Ken found which had another path leading south. If Ken simply wanted to, he could join up with the others; he heard voices, after all. Kirbo would be unfortunate enough to be met with yet another Dead end as he split up with Ken.


  • Exploration

    Interaction: @Signupname
    Proceeding northward, the Inquisitor would notice the brickwork disappearing as he moves ever north, the shade that was given by the trees suddenly stopped giving their shade. It allowed the Inquisitor to gaze upon the giant tree ahead. Unlike the crystal trees that surround him, this one appeared genuine. Its leaves were like auroras, rainbow in color that shimmer in the sky; like a beacon beckoning him northward.

    There's also a branching path to the west, which returns to the blackened ruins he was in beforehand. This one is complete with a rusty streetlamp.

  • Arriving at the scene first, there was inevitably a worry of a fight coming ahead.
    Whether it's out of fortune or not though, it seems that worry was for nothing as the stairs up appeared to be sealed. Along with no danger present for now.

    Of course, no kids either, so odds are they managed to miss each other without a doubt. They definitely weren't getting past without anything blocking the way opening after all...which one glances over...
    "Looks like it requires three of something to happen. Either keys brought here, or three seals need to be broken. Probably keys given the sockets, but I've got no clues about where or for what to start looking. Unless your group knows any leads to follow?" The question would be given to the ones who attacked him earlier, oddly not taking the attempted murder earlier harshly.

    He's experienced with that.

    With that topic left in the open, he gives the area around a cursory look to try and find any...and manages to lock eyes with the runaway child.

    And promptly sees him running away again. "Wa- goddammit, not again! Found the kid!" With that said, he follows in pursuit.

    @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @NyxieRina

  • The dog would wander with firm assurance that his path is right, following his instincts as he ends up at another few turns. Now logic dictates that with the distance he's already gone, the one heading north would just lead back to that ominous presence once again.

    The voices manage to drag him to investigate regardless...and lock eyes with the journalist guy.

    With that, he immediately turns on his feet and heads further south.

  • "That's a huge tree!" Retsujo pointed out upon arrival. "Nice observation Retsujo." Shujinko said sarcastically as the siblings went around the tree and then they went up to where the stone door with the three sockets lies, where the Kamen Rider attempted to punch it to no avail. "Magic. I could probably tell that stone door is reinforced with magic. Either that or it's made out of a very sturdy rock material. Those sockets mean that where we should put the skulls of those Manaspawns. I can already guess that others might have encountered them as we moved." Shujinko spoke.

    "Let's go somewhere else then. We've already wasted time in this dump for nothing. We still have yet to find the Manaspawn, so feel free to stay here like complete doofus or follow along with us to-" Shujinko was suddenly cut off when Touma spotted a lost child and went after him. The siblings followed suit.

    @Gotham Knight Todd
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Interaction: @Signupname
Proceeding northward, the Inquisitor would notice the brickwork disappearing as he moves ever north, the shade that was given by the trees suddenly stopped giving their shade. It allowed the Inquisitor to gaze upon the giant tree ahead. Unlike the crystal trees that surround him, this one appeared genuine. Its leaves were like auroras, rainbow in color that shimmer in the sky; like a beacon beckoning him northward.

There's also a branching path to the west, which returns to the blackened ruins he was in beforehand. This one is complete with a rusty streetlamp.

'Only in silence might one hear the true voice of the Emperor, for He speaks to us not with words, but with stillness. For silence is the absence of rage. It is the eye of the storm, the moment of hesitation before a fall. It is the dreams of mankind made manifest and pure. Yes, silence is a soundless scream of victory in a universe that drowns in the bitter cries of the dying. Silence is the sound of a soul railing against the injustice of life itself. When the final tally is counted, silence is all we have left to give.'

– The final testament of Hieronymus Treach

And in the center of the crystal maze , he saw it. The tree. Glistening in its multicollor shades, beguiling, beckoning. The almost natural branches and leaves makes it stands out in its loneliness amidst the field of crystals . It as if emitting a halo, which with its rainbow shade intensifies its glares . And in the midday sunlight make much brighter by the reflections of the crystal crops , the glare merely add to the irritation.

To him, the feeling of unsettling has been there since the beginning of his entry into this strange realm, but here, now, it is kick up in its intensity

How he wishes for his hat . A wide brimmed thing, stereotypical for an Inquisitor, it was lost during the underhive raid that leads him here.

The Inquisitor stands in a crossroad.

A path, away from the tree, leading deeper into the ruins. remains of building and lumens littered the road.

Up North, to the center, he tree is still there, still glaring. Still calling him forward.

He considered.

To the ruins, he can't help but feel it merely a delay, a temporary avoidance of the path, the fulcrum of this place.

The North, even with the unease it emits, gave him a feeling of some culmination, of this place, of this part of fate.

And with another drag of his lho-stick, he moved forward, in all of his unease and restlessness.

Ahead, the tree beckons.
  • Interaction: @Topless @dark @Midle1998 @SorryTM @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod @Crow @FactionParadox @Sun_Lord

    As the others were talking, Poco strummed a melodious and calming tune on his guitar. There werent any healing or harming notes flying around this time, it was just some pleasant music to soothe the mind.

    He nodded along to what the others were saying. "We'll keep each other safe, find our loved ones, and make our way out of the tower." He stopped playing and held out a hand. "Would you like to join us?"
  • Interaction: @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime @ThePotatoGod

    At this point, Meatball lopped over to Flora and began nudging her insistently with his snout. "Gr..." [Sandwich...]

    Flora laughed. "Alright, lets get you your sandwiches big guy," She patted him and headed to the table. With some quick and terrifying efficiency she made several massive sandwiches for the Raidon to eat. "Here you go buddy,"

    As Meatball gorged himself on sandwiches, she headed over to Chi-Yu and offered it some sandwiches as well. "Sorry for only coming now, but I made some food for you." The Chi-Yu seemed alright with the arrangement and began 'eating' the sandwiches to. if thats what you could call burning it to a crisp once it reached its body. It seemed quite pleased anyways.

    "I've been thinking of a name for you. What do you think of Flambe?" The Chi-Yu made a wordless thrilling noise as it agreed to the name. Must not be a talker. "Flambe it is!"

    It looked like Pink Ben had opened up a way for them to leave, so she began packing up the picnic set up. Packing was unfortunately not as convinient as setting up from the capsule. She called on Fruit and Smore to help her move some things around , and even Meatball and Pretzel helped. As they were fixing things Meatball stumbled upon Reverser's little plane.

    "Groh?" [Whats this?] He picked up the plane and recoiled as a light overtook him, just like Vaporeon and the Manaspawn earlier! His scarlet sclaes turned black, and his highlights went from pink and blue to red and yellow.

    "Meatball!" Flora ran over to his side, noticing the transformation. "Are you alright?!"

    "Agi?" [I think so?] The dragon was very confused, flexing his claws as little sparkles fell off them.

    "Wait, did you just turn shiny?!" Flora exclaimed, noticing the sparkles. She had a few shinies of her own back home, but all of them were born that way and not transformed. Unless it was her Ditto or Zoroark. But thats now the fourth thing that got transformed in this place! What was going on?

    Pretzel stared at Reverser, growling all the while. He saw the plane and now Meatball changed because of it. Was he responsible? The kid might have to watch out for a n angry bread dog soon.
  • @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @ThePotatoGod

    He whistled. "Well I'll be damned. This thing's bigger than Whispy Woods!" He commented upon seeing the tree. Considering what that tree and his family could do, that was saying something.

    "A door? Lemme take a swing at it." He waddled over to where Kamen Rider and the door was. Yep, that was a door. He didn't realy pay attention to what they were saying about the door (if they were even saying anything at all) and he was pretty strong and burly. He could probably bust it down.

    He reached into his hammerspace and pulled out a massive hammer, much bigger than teh one he used earlier. Its head was big and was wider than anyone else in the room, except of course for the king himself. "Stand back everyone, this ones gonna get destructive!" He planted his feet and activated the hammer. The back end of the hammer split open, and a fire spitting jet turbine emerged from it. With a mighty cry, he swung with the force of the strongest hammer lord in his universe and with the support of a powerful jet engine.
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The boy would look at the strange trees in confusion, his paper bag scrunching up as he stared. He tried going through the hedges to no avail before giving up and trying to climb the thing. When that failed, he just huffed as his hands balled into fists, annoyed static particles coming around him once more.

Damn it. So he couldn't climb, he couldn't slip through...he was already out of options? Every time he had to get past an obstacle, he either had Six giving him a boost or he would slide under the nearest object to hide. There was something to this...maybe he could...?

He held up a hand, the flurry of static particles intensifying as he focused, trying to distort the walls just enough for him to slip through. If this failed, he would stamp his foot angrily before just following the group. Despite... everything, he felt like they might know what they were doing.

"Hmm? Well, yeah, kinda, but I mostly just wish grant! Yanno, a soul for a soul?-" they were cut off by Aijo appearing behind them, "Y-AACK-!" they jumped up in surprise, tail sticking out straight like a cartoon before they landed on all fours again, "So 's hollow, an' there's gonna be three of em??" they asked. "Aw, man! What a pain!" they stuck their tongue out with a huff.

"Alright! What're we waiting for?? Let's go, let's go~!" they hummed, "Which path looks the most fun? Hmm..." they were cut off by Touma suddenly running off, "Heeeyy! Where're you guys goin'? Wait up!" they laughed, spinning around with their arms out before following them on all fours.

"We won't be able to get outta here if you guys keep fooling around!"

The boy would glance out over, seeing the weird metal dragon change, "Wuh-?" he managed out before he heard Pretzel's growling. He glanced down at the pup, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, I didn't mean to do that- I didn't think they'd touch it, or that it would actually do anything- honest..." he huffed out, "I didn't even try for that one..." he admitted.

"Look, I'm sorry, I can throw another one to change him back, I guess, but- wait, why am I talking to the dog?" he muttered. "Damn it, I'd do anything just to have someone I actually know here..." he glanced around.

If they would leave, he would likely follow them without being spotted. After all, he didn't know what the hell he was doing, but they seemed to have some semblance of it.
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Reactions: Sun_Lord

  • Ordinarily Kyle would spit on this small person dressed like a maid and tell them to shove their religious dogma and spiritual beliefs back up their own ass where both came from. Mainly because anytime the brainwashed with rage Red Lantern heard anyone preaching their religion, but especially Christianity, he immediately wanted to viciously attack said person spouting their spiritual cold comforts and often their insidious, hateful, and bigoted religious beliefs. The young, embittered, and brainwashed man particularly hated Christianity and Christians, because of their multiple millennia persecution of homosexuals like himself. Yet right now the completely brainwashed young man could no longer access the powers of his Red Lantern ring or even feel any anger or rage at all. Which only served to increase the amount of debilitating fear and panic that currently had an iron-clad grip on the submissive servant mind as he was already feeling the completely natural and understandable distress and terror any mother and wife would be feeling when he was separated from his son and husband without warning, and had no clue where they were or if they were even safe or not.

    Kyle's drastically uncharacteristic change in demeanor and mood could be seen, heard, and felt in his interactions with the other members of the group as well. On any normal day Kyle would be yelling enraged at the top of his lungs, and threatening to burn his fellow group members to ashes with lava from his ring. Yet now that the Red Lantern ring's hold and iron-grip over Kyle Todd's mind had been completely and utterly broken and fear and terror had taken the place of anger and rage in his heart and soul. Thanks to all of Kyle's anger and rage being restrained and suppressed into the deepest recesses of Kyle's mind due to the other group members attempts to heal his anger. All Kyle could now muster the strength to do was weakly and meekly question the people surrounding him.

    "How? How do you all expect me to be helpful to you guys or anybody when I can't even access my Lantern powers or feel any rage or anger at all for some reason? How are a powerless Red Lantern, a guy with a broken sword who looks like he fell asleep in the rain during a Renaissance Fair, a religious maid, a normal woman, what I think is a music playing skeleton animatronic, a girl dressed up for Halloween, and whatever that tiny creature with a bag on its head is supposed to be, supposed to be capable of achieving anything together, let alone getting out of here and finding our families and loved ones? Further, how are any of us getting out of here or finding anyone when none of us even know where we are? Why is that animatronic skeleton so advanced? It seems like it is programmed to actively respond to what everyone around it does? What is that tiny creature with a bag over its head? They seem just as if not more scared and confused as I am. If we are in forest why does everything feel so synthetic? I heard someone say we are in a tower. If we are in a tower how do you guys know this? Does anyone know where this tower is? Has anyone seen any other being here besides those in this group? I just desperately need to find my husband and son. Only my Master will know what's wrong with me and be able to connect me to my powers again, and understand why I can't feel any anger and rage right now." Kyle desperately begged to be reunited with his husband both as and after he quietly and meekly asked everyone in the group a frenzy of questions as the currently non-active Lantern found himself completely overwhelmed with fear, grief, panic, sadness, confusion, and loss.

    Then the small person dressed like a maid hugging him and quietly and soothingly promising him that they will work together to find his Master and little one, became the tipping point for Kyle Todd.

    As the young and brainwashed man burst into tears and crumpled into the small person's arms as all his years of specifically trained and deliberately repressed emotions came welling up and overflowing out of Kyle all at once.

    "What is going on with me? Why can't I access my powers? How come I can't feel any of my rage or even get angry anymore? Where is my Master? I need him. Only he can fix me. My ring is literally flashing yellow right now I feel so terrified. My condition must be even worse than I feared." Kyle whispered his fretting to the small but somehow calming person hugging him.

    "And whose cat is this?" Kyle asked as a black cat came up to try and sniff and lick him.

  • Rex nodded in immense relief when he saw the reassurance that both Red Hood and his son were alright. The Mexican-Latino hero would never admit it, but he was indeed feeling much worse for ware after getting struck in the head by a bomb and having said bomb then blow up right in front of his face. The half-man half-machine did not regret doing all he could to protect these strangers. They were innocents and he was a hero after all. It was his sacred duty to protect these people from all forms of harm until he could reunite them with whoever their husband and mother was who more than likely could and would protect them both from harm better than he or anyone else ever could. Still the growing lump on his forehead from the bomb's impact was starting to make its pain known, and the explosion of the bomb itself was so loud, it did not permanently damaging the EVO-man's hearing, it was still causing his ears to ring so loudly right now they definitely actively starting to hurt him now.

    "¡Ay! ¡¿Que?!" (Ow! What?!) Rex proclaimed and asked his ears now ringing so loudly that the ringing was drowning out everything Señor Casco Rojo (Mr. Red Helmet) was trying to tell him. "¡Lo lamento! (I'm sorry!) I can't hear a word you're saying Mr. Red Hood! I think the bomb exploding right in front of my face may have temporarily damaged my hearing! Do you mind not taking for a while?! My nanites just need a few minutes of silence to fully heal my ear drums from any damage they might have took from the bomb explosion! ¡¿Bueno?!" (Okay?!) Rex explained and asked while shouting in a voice he clearly could not hear. Proving that he was indeed temporarily deaf for the time being going forward.

    "Vaya! We are going this way then?! I will take that as a sign that you accepted my offer to travel with you guys?! ¡Genial! (That's great!) I sure hope neither of you is trying to tell me anything important right now! I feel real sorry I never learned to sign or read lips right about now. The best I can do in terms of communication is just follow you two wherever you are heading, just try my best to correctly read your body language and facial expressions!" Rex shouted his apology as he fully explained his limited ability to communicate while he was deafened.

    "Hmm! A split path! Which way does everyone think we should go, and is there anything in that tree over there that is important or worth investigating?!" Rex asked shouting as he pointed to the tree. "Also, ¡Hola a todos! ¡Soy Rex Salazar! ¡Medio humano! ¡Medio EVO! ¡Todo héroe! ¡Lo siento, estoy gritando! ¡En este momento los engranajes están sonando tan fuerte que estoy básicamente sordo por el momento!" (Hello everyone! I am Rex Salazar! Half-Human! Half-EVO! All Hero! Sorry I'm shouting! Right now mgears are ringing so loud, I am basically deaf for the time being!) Rex introduced himself to everyone else in the group by explaining his temporary disability to them all.

  • So many questions had spewed out from Kyle, so much so that Yuri couldn't process answers to them individually. But collectively, they only know one answer; "Have faith." It was a simple, yet powerful answer. As Kyle began to breakdown into a sobbing mess, Yuri comforted him as best they could. "'s alright, troubled one. Your worries will eventually be gone soon. Just have faith. Let it all go. Let it all...go..." They whispered calmly as they stroke his head warmly.

    If Kyle finally has his bearings straight, Yuri would tell him "Wipe your tears. We need you to be steadfast and brave if you want to be reunited with your loved ones. Right on, all we need to do is find a way is all. Speaking of which, that egg..." They pointed at the egg that they had brought out of the chest. "Somebody should carry it with care. My luggage could only handle so much." They said.

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  • "This wind definitely is not normal." The boy hmmed as he started to walk a bit faster. Something about this place, it was not right. It was not natural. He didn't like it. He wanted to get out of here as fast as he could. Those plants were not plants at all. They were made out of glass. Whatever this place was, it wasn't right.

    "No matter how pretty it looks, I have to get out of here." Gohan walked with a renewed purpose. He had to find a way out of here.

    "A hedge maze? Oh dear." He decided just to wander through it. Much like everything else in this hellish place. It was all fake. Like some sort of extremely advanced art exhibit that he had been kidnapped and placed in. He was all too relieved to finally leave the maze. Just to be faced with an impenetrable line of trees.

    "Alright. Let's see if I can fly here." He closed his eyes and started to control his ki, hoping to move into the sky so he could fly over the forest.

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod

  • Josuke's eyes were on the tree still. He remembered what the ferries said as well. That the tree may hold the key. Being able to go home, to resume his life with Saburo. Those were tempting, but something about that tree, he had to know what exactly was inside it. Could it be the stairs out of this horrible place? If not, maybe he would wind up regretting his decision to ever even think of touching the damned thing. However, he had to be sure that the tree was worth something.

    "If there is even a chance the tree holds the way out of here, we have to at least try to get through it to see. It is hallow, something is likely in there. and I for one am definitely willing to take some risks to get out of here and get home." He stretched himself out some. He had only really used his stand once since he had gotten here. He had plenty energy to try the first thing he was going to try here. Though if that did not work he would have to try another thing in bubble plunder. He wanted to avoid Go Beyond if at all possible at this point.

    "Soft and Wet!" Josuke shouted out to the stand as it manifested. It's arms at their ready as they always were. It understood perfectly what its user wanted it to do.

    "Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Oooooooorrrreraaaaa!" The stand cried out as it started to beat down the trunk of the tree, not stopping to even think as it tried to make headway on the tree before it.

    "We'll see if this works." Josuke mumbled, certain that most here would not see what was causing the glass to shard and harmlessly bypass Josuke in the process. The luck of having a stand in this case.

    Artificial trees, what an annoyance. However, they would be easier to break in theory than a truly living tree. After all, glass and jewls and gems could be broken. Far more easily than the bark of a living tree. And that was what his intention was.

    "I can't even tell if it is making a dent." Josuke mumbled to himself as his stand kept up its Ora barrage. Though it was clear the stand was not the strongest thing they had going here. Not in the slightest.

    "Come on, get through there. Get through." He whispered to the stand as it continued its assault until its final Ora was done.

    Josuke dared not look yet, he was unsure if what he had tried to do had worked, and was scared what he would see if he looked. That was completely and totally nerve wracking.

    Because failing, that meant he would not get through much of this.

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Topless @Foxes81_of_Anime @NyxieRina @Sun_Lord

  • "For now Rex. We try and make our way somewhere safe." Jason told him as he held Richie's hand while they walked. His eyes on the path ahead of them. This place was dangerous, but so far they had only met one group of monsters, but heard multiple groups fighting other monsters. So clearly, the place was not somewhere safe to be. He had to keep going and focus. And hopefully, he wouldn't have to waste too much ammunition on the monsters here. Even with the reloads in his duffle bag, Jason was operating on significantly less bullets than he had back home. And that was what had him most nervous, the fact he may find himself unable to use his guns to defend himself and Richie. Putting him at a complete disadvantage. He had no super powers of his own after all.

    Despite the fact he could seemingly trust this Rex character, but there were bound to be others. And he hadn't heard Kyle in sometime, that also worried him. What did it mean that he couldn't hear Kyle? Had he miraculously somehow calmed down on his own? Or lord forbid something had happened to him. If Kyle was hurt, some people were going to be very, very, very dead. He'd just ask Rex to remove Richie from the situation. He didn't want the boy to see what kind of Monster the Redhood truly was. Knowing that his father was Redhood was one thing, knowing the crimes and other horrific acts he could commit, was another all together. And he was sure that most people would know that and agree with what he was planning to do to protect Richie.

    Jason tensed up when they reached the clearing, especially hearing Rex so casually introduce himself to people that had not seen them yet. He turned to look Rex in the eyes, and elected to speak a little slower to see if Rex could maybe read his lips.

    "You have to be more careful. We don't know if these people are trustworthy. And one seems to be doing something really strange to that tree over there. Doesn't speak well for any potential stability with him. Not like Jason was exactly stable, but at least he didn't hit trees.

    "Daddy, why is that guy using psychic powers to try and destroy the crystal tree?" Richie was looking between most of the adults. "And why is that King Penguin going to use a hammer on it?"

    "Honestly Richie, I have no clue." He looked to Rex again. "We might have better odds on our own. Should we stick around here and see? Or go down one of the paths and hope for the best?"

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 @Sun_Lord @noob13241 @shinku @NyxieRina @Ori @Topless @Foxes81_of_Anime

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  • It took Aya a moment to catch up, her powers helping her to recover from the tinnitus rather quickly. Rex, their new acquaintance, was shouting to everyone else because he couldn't hear. That was dangerous, given the fighting all around them. More noise was sure to draw unwanted attention. After tapping Rex's shoulder and motioning for him to hush with her finger, she held out her hand with the palm facing him. The golden light spiraled around him, her spell mending the damage to his ears that caused his deafness. "Better?" she questioned.

    At this clearing, there was a tree people supposed contained a staircase, but couldn't explain how to enter. "If I heard that right, the tree has a door," Aya replied to Red Hood's critique of the others. "You recognize those lights, right? Somehow, that could be our way out of here." The detective pondered where these other routes might lead. "If there are three holes, we might find what we need by exploring these other paths. What do you think? Start north?" she proposed to her companions.

    @Sun_Lord @Gotham Knight Todd
  • It seemed they had reached a standstill, a gate blocking their way. Ada produced a small gadget that looked like a pistol. In her world, some gimmick door like this surely had a powered lock. The EMF visualizer projected blue light onto the door as she searched for some wiring to sabotage. "Hm... No wires. Does this really all boil down to magic...?" she contemplated, still in mild disbelief at her situation.

    "I don't think it's working, whatever you're doing," Ada sighed to Josuke and King Dedede, unfazed at this point by the rapid banging on the tree trunk or the new strange company she kept. She merely shielded herself with one arm to twigs and crystal didn't rain on her face. "I'll bet those barricades near where we came from weren't to keep us out, but to keep something in." She had split from her party while they were terrorizing the fairies, so she didn't hear what they had to say. She supposed now was as good a time as ever to compare notes. "Whatever the case, one of those skulls we need could be there."

    Gazing southward, the spy noticed shapes in the distance, growing closer. One humanoid figure, flanked by multiple smaller, floating ones... "Look. Who's that?" she directed the others' attention by pointing.

    @Topless @ThePotatoGod @Gotham Knight Todd @Signupname @NyxieRina
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Benji Tennyson

Benji would look back at the way they had came. "I guess there isn't a reason to go back that way. I do feel like we might have missed some things but with the path blocked off, I don't think there's a way to go back other than maybe finding a way to destroy. I have always been one for progressing forward though, makes my life so much easier," he replied, walking over to the hole in the wall and looking to see how far he could see and if there was another split path further down the line to see.

@ThePotatoGod @NyxieRina @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @Foxes81_of_Anime @Ori

Ben, The Prometheus

Ben was relieved that he had assumed that the Manaspawn had underestimated what he could do and that it's magic would be no match for him. There was something about the fact that he still didn't understand how his magic immunity work that made him smile. It was good to see the creature be flung against the wall and noticed that something had fallen out of the forehead of the creature. It seemed that there was some sort of crystal and it felt like there was magic going into the crystal. He pondered how that even worked, but decided that it was best to not question the strangeness of the situation. It seemed that the forest also broke, it was a good thing that it wasn't magic.

Ben would take less than a second to realize that the thing seemed to care for the crystal and in instinct, he would raise his foot and using as much force as he had used in the punch prior to punch the creature, he would smash the crystal beneath the heel of his foot. He wasn't sure if this was going to hurt him if he was wrong, but Ben choose to not think about that. It was the first time that he had felt hopeful about a situation instead of mad or sad, and he hoped that this would go enough. If that didn't work, he would move into a defensive stance to grab the horns before they punctured him.

.....He hoped he was right.



Kirby would be really puzzled by the dead end. "Where did toy go?" He asked, running back in the direction that he came to see if he had missed it and if he didn't succeed, he would head towards the west that he and the other dog had missed before.

Abelgad Müller - The Lone Kleinhammer

Location: ???

Having properly smashed his way quite easily through the wall, Abelgard took just a moment to recover from the slam of his hammer, nothing but a exhale exiting his mouth as he hefted his hammer back to rest it on his shoulder. He had originally thought it would have been a far more difficult task, but this change of pace compared to his originally sluggish 'crawl' through not only this very place but the manor's dungeon as well. If anything, the lack of dangerous foes to slow him down was also a welcomed change as well. But such calmness did concern him… was this place truly as beautiful and empty as it may seem? Or like a fully bloomed rose, it was a wonderful sight to witness only to stab those that dared to reach out and grab it without watching its thorns. Finally making his first steps through the remains of the crystal shards and wood, he began to venture deeper within the forest of crystals, keeping a watchful eye of his environment with the self revelation of this place being nothing more than a facade, he was more careful when walking.

If anything, the visor on his helmet made it harder to rely upon his own peripheral vision to keep an eye on his side, having to physically turn his head to the side in order to see. While he was grateful for such a helmet protecting him this far even with its damaged state like the rest of his armor, the limitations it gave him in return was certainly something he had to work around. Nonetheless, he had soon approached a large crystalline tree, the first thing he had noticed were the decently sized mushrooms growing about the ground. As tempting of a fresh meal after some time spent without one, he casted away his temptations for the meantime… these mushrooms clearly were used as… houses strangely enough, likely for some smaller beings. The absurdity of a group of tiny beings capable of making such a town was there, the creatures he faced within the Manor made it so that there wasn't a zero percent chance for something like this to happen.

Going back on track even if the mushrooms, the Kleinhammer vaguely recalled that mushrooms took on traits of the things it grows on, and one look at the crystalline floor made him think twice at eating possibly glass filled mushrooms… that or the potential poison in them. Although, when he began to glance back at the tree, he had noted the floating lights moving about frantically as if his mere presence had disturbed them, the Inquisitor idly watching as the lights fled towards the great tree in the middle. It was by this point he found himself moving closer to the tree, taking proper care to not accidentally step on the mushroom houses on the floor or anything else littering it and stopped at the base of the tree, looking straight up. He was only going to be here for a bit longer, just to take in the size of such a tree and inspect its form… like with the rest of the forest, he couldn't help but take in the beautiful sight… if he ever had a chance at returning back to his home, he would have certainly enjoyed the thought of finding a nice and quiet forest to have a small house within and be placed near a tree like this one. Although he knew for a fact that almost nothing in the City, save for the Gripper herself, could match the peace he was feeling in this very place.
The ground shook briefly all throughout the floor!

  • Exploration

    When Josuke came up to the Tree and yelled out his Stand Name, Hayato raised a brow as to what he's doing, but soon enough, he figured out what exactly is going on; sensing an absurd amount of Prana from the Sailor as he appeared to visibly struggle against the tree. Visibly, Soft And Wet weren't doing a damn thing to the bark. It remained rough and sturdy, as though nothing was touching it. It can seen that the tree itself began to shimmer a bit, whether or not it's the result of Soft and Wet, however, was unknown. After the barrage was finished, all Josuke accomplished was...Virtually nothing. The tree's still standing with neither a dent or crack to be seen. Maybe the shimmering from before was just shock absorption for the tree's own safety...?

    When Dedede slammed his hammer onto the door, directly landing on one of the sockets. The reaction to the strike was pretty much the same; dust flying about and not much else. A bit of shimmering from the tree trunk, but nothing else.

    "Collecting skulls?" Hayato raised a brow at the idea Ada brought up, "Anyone wanna fill us in on what that's all about?"

    "[YELLOW]!" Aijou called out with a snap. To those around her, they would notice a faint golden glow around her body; the same way Josuke would have a similar glow himself when he called upon Soft n Wet. To anyone but Josuke, he'd notice something of a mechanical rabbit with a jukebox looking base and speakers all over its head and torso. Its arms were masses of wires clamped together by gold bands. All of a sudden, as Ken turns tail, the child would suddenly bump into a massive walls of perfectly stacked blocks in both paths. Translucent in color and crystalline in their reflection; they appear as though it has been there the whole time, unveiled by the sound of Ken's footsteps that left little to no time to react. Even if he did throw a knife in the moment the wall was erected, it'll now be trapped within the crystal wall.

    True to the name of the Stand, the wall is colored yellow.

    Nearby, the Inquisitor would hear the quaint sound of crystals erecting from the ground the moment he reached a turning point in his path, leading him eastward once more. Once there, he'd reach a split path, separating north and south once again. Although the wall is blocking north; behind said wall is a child with dog ears. Would he free the child?

    Coming in from the west, Kirbo, who now has to deal with the same sort of wall blocking his path. I mean, he still has to have the ability, right? Perhaps an explosive is in order.

    As everyone came together, the ground suddenly shook; nearly knocking everyone to their knees. Aijou's [YELLOW] Stand felt these tremors and added these tremors to the wall, giving it a more jagged, knife like sharpness to its faces instead of a silky smooth surface.

    "Anyone else feel that?!" Hayato asked, his hand on the stair he was on to stabilize himself. At this point, he noticed that one of the sockets glowed green. A light tracing the socket as if it was connected to the power source. That quake must've activated something on the door--somehow.

    • Combat

      Interaction: @LuckycoolHawk9
      Much more intelligent than it looks, the Manaspawn would notice the counterattack from a mile away and attempted to maneuver away from Prometheus by casting a wind spell to launch itself straight upwards as Ben curled his fist as if to throw a punch. Although this was a misread from the Manaspawn as the moment the spell was launched, Ben would manage to plant the crystal onto the ground with enough force TO MAKE THE ENTIRE FOREST GROUND SHAKE IN HIS MIGHT!

      For a brief moment, the ground glowed with a circuit like line leading away from where he is, persisting even after the shaking stopped. It's like a battery being recognized; its energy flowing onto where it's supposed to connect. Was this why it was sealed with Magic Chains, to prevent it from feeding its Magical Energy onto...Something?

      Enraged that it has struck its crystal, The Manaspawn let out a roar and began to shoot itself towards Prometheus, bashing its head against his. When repelled, it would quickly launch itself back to him repeatedly. It is PISSED.

      Enemies Left: 1

      - -{[MAGICIAN'S MANASPAWN]} - -
      - -
      - -

      - -
      HP: [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X] (Enemy's HP Values)
      -Enemy will attack more frequently in post. Attack strength and speed is greatly increased, but defense is down big time!

    • Exploration

      Interaction: @Birb-With-Gun
      The Kleinhammer would find what seems to be outlines of a door on the massive tree in the middle of the town of mushrooms. Lacking doorhandles to twist, but he could feel the weight of locks keeping it closed. From within, it could hear buzzing of people--tiny, high pitched people. They sound...Concerned. Murmuring amongst themselves of a potential predator stumbling upon their homes and crushing them again.

      The doors were locked, but if it's as strong as the barricades they put up, then this thing should easily fall from the might of his hammer, no?

      Or would you rather go out at the path leading east instead?

  • Exploration

    "That's, uh...Well..." Information overload; more accurately, Ruby couldn't know what to say to the man's concerns as she doesn't really know much about this place and everyone else to begin with. "This is my combat skirt though...?" Ruby stammered, hearing the part where there's a girl that's dressed for halloween. Given her attire and her cloak, it's easy to understand why Ruby would think he was talking about her, though given Nobeta's literal Witch Hat, maybe the 'normal woman' moniker was for her? A tad insulting, given how she brandished her scythe against him earlier in his rampage. With the man mentioning the Tower, a brief static flashed through her vision along with a piercing headache. The image of a bullheaded, man shaped Grimm standing before her with a rain of pink glowing javelins briefly shown in her mind as all at once, she felt a tinge of familiarity when asked about the Tower--almost like an unexplainable Deja Vu that became instinct over time.

    Ruby rubbed her forehead a little, reeling from the sudden mental image. She doesn't know what exactly it was, but she felt as though she's been through this before. What was that...? She's not sure how to articulate it. It's like the mention of the word 'Tower' awakened...No, it's more like the memory was suddenly 'given' without any warning. It's no dormant memory; Ruby knows this place is alien to her. The Grimm she fought earlier was evident, and yet here it was, a glimpse of a time where she fought something within this place.

    Childe would experience the same flashback--or rather, flash forward? Anyway, Ruby was soon brought back to her senses when Yuri asked if anyone could carry the Egg she found, as it wouldn't fit in her luggage.

    "Well...Since you can't fight right now..." Ruby turned to the Man with the Red Ring, "Wanna carry it? Maybe it'll calm you down a little." She suggested, seeing his motherly nature. Who knows, maybe the Egg will hatch into something he could care for in the time being.

    Everyone felt some shaking from the ground, enough to make the egg in Yuri's hands wobble a bit, and strong enough for Mono to mistake it for a strong one. Something's happening, that's for sure.

  • Exploration

    Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd

    Gohan can fly up, but the trees and hedges around him seem to be taller than he initially suspected, but looking down moments later; he soon loses sight of the ground and he has yet to reach the leaves of the trees. Barely audible were the sounds of the wood crunching and stretching, almost as if the trees themselves were adjusting their height to ensure that Gohan couldn't cheat through the maze it had prepared for him.

    Sensing Ki wouldn't do him any good either. He'd sense multiple signatures all over the place, but none of them seem directly responsible for the trees rising with him. In fact, the very trees themselves *have* ki.

  • Exploration

    "Dude, I don't even have Humungousaur anymore..." Ben sulked, clearly wanting to bust out Humungousaur himself but due to the Tower messing with the Chaquetrix, his options were limited. Plus, he's on recharge. Then he asked about the Bow. "Nope. Remember Ascalon?" Ben asked his green counterpart, "Azmuth dumped it on me sealed in a cane for my birthday. Well, it's a bow now thanks to some rogue psychic guy on the loose." Ben explained, "It's probably the only weapon I used to fight myself to help the girls out, to be honest." Seeing Flora's mount change colors makes him suspect that the same Reversal guy is here with them. He glanced at the direction the plane was facing against and called out. "Hey! Isn't it about time you introduce yourself to us?" He pushed his rosy pink tinted shades up the bridge of his nose. "Can't exactly see if you if you keep hiding your presence like this. Impressive stuff, mind you."

    The group would feel the ground shaking a bit, but it subsided almost immediately. There was a faint sound of a roar, which Flora's new Chi-Yu Manaspawn named 'Flambre' would react; its body glowing slightly, resonating with the quake.

    It could feel another one of its brethren rampaging somewhere else, communicating to the others that it's likely somewhere further northeast.

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  • With the appearance of the blocks, Touma would glance around faintly wondering what they were, catching sight of one person both not surprised and notably 'mystical'. Something to note and given she's helping, he doesn't make much word of it.

    Of course, this brief look would be predicated on the idea that Ken is trapped, and the look back to catch up would find he doesn't believe so.
    Because he is doing wall jumps on the tree walls and the air to get over.

    The adult leading the chase will not tolerate this and he promptly kicks off the maze to catch him before the kid gains too much height.

    And before Ken could toss his knife to run free again, the novelist grabs it first...just as he kicks the jagged block wall.
    The wall loses as a haze smashes the knife-like surface and sends cracks all over. Even in the eyes of the stand users, this wasn't the work of one...and Aijo would hear flames?

    Regardless, Touma is quick to recognize a child not quite panicked in fear...but out of having his 'playtime/adventure' cut short.
    "Kid, you can journey with people, we're not trying to stop you!" It would be enough to have the dog child pause. For now at least, as Touma glances beyond the walls to...Kirby.

    "Ah. So you already were traveling with someone." A nod.
    (Wall with kirb would be cracked, the south wall still standing for the Inquisitor)
  • With the appearance of the blocks, Touma would glance around faintly wondering what they were, catching sight of one person both not surprised and notably 'mystical'. Something to note and given she's helping, he doesn't make much word of it.

    Of course, this brief look would be predicated on the idea that Ken is trapped, and the look back to catch up would find he doesn't believe so.
    Because he is doing wall jumps on the tree walls and the air to get over.

    The adult leading the chase will not tolerate this and he promptly kicks off the maze to catch him before the kid gains too much height.

    And before Ken could toss his knife to run free again, the novelist grabs it first...just as he kicks the jagged block wall.
    The wall loses as a haze smashes the knife-like surface and sends cracks all over. Even in the eyes of the stand users, this wasn't the work of one...and Aijo would hear flames?

    Regardless, Touma is quick to recognize a child not quite panicked in fear...but out of having his 'playtime/adventure' cut short.
    "Kid, you can journey with people, we're not trying to stop you!" It would be enough to have the dog child pause. For now at least, as Touma glances beyond the walls to...Kirby.

    "Ah. So you already were traveling with someone." A nod.
    (Wall with kirb would be cracked, the south wall still standing for the Inquisitor)
What the enemy built, let it be made asunder, for to us it will be as a house of sand and knives.
Themiscyran Manuscripts Verse 619

And there he stands. Further brick wall block his path. The Tree stands in front of him, still glaring in its haloes. Standing close, the bright is even more stand out from the crystalline treelines. Ahead, there's another wall. One h epresume he can still demolished. And if all else fail, there's still krak grenade.

What's draw his attention however is behind that wall.

A child, 12 years of Terran age. The animal features predicated some kind of abhumans or gene augments.

He is in some predicament . Possibly trapped.

The first person he ever seen in this Emperor forsaken realm. Even if the child is not what he seems, some questions needed to be asked.

And so, he press the chainblade's activation rune. The sword screeches its hateful mechanical roar as the adamatium blade spin . It struck the wall, and just like the last , it crumbles to the ground.

Out of the rubble, he step forth. The jacket he clad flutters behind. Chainsword still roars menacingly . The flock of cherub unfurls around him, a twisted procession of angels .

His eyes gaze at the sight before him.