CLOSED SIGNUPS The Lovers Club IC (Reboot)

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Otaku Mode Activated
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11:00pm to 2:00am weekdays 11:00pm to 4:00am weekends
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  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Adaptable
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  1. Female
Fantasy, magic, adventure, comedy, anime, slice of life, high school, fandom, romance, but I am always open to many others.
The Lovers Club IC
Romance | Comedy | Slice-of-life | High School | Anime Physics

OOC | Character Index

Episode 1: The Great "Skill-building" Getaway


Haruhi Nakamura
Club President | Location: Outside Cabin
Interactions: Takao-sensei, Chano-sensei | Mentions: Akari, Sayuri (@Monbon)
"Why am I here again?" A man said as he pulled another suitcase out of the storage area of the bus. He set it down onto the gravel driveway and released a sigh as he looked over at Haruhi Nakamura, the famous club president of the Lovers Club at Bara High School and heiress to the Nakamura fortune.

"We needed the appropriate amount of chaperones, Takao-sensei," Haruhi stated. "The school principle only allowed us to take this club trip if we had enough adults watching us."

"And why did that have to be me?"

"Because if we asked any other teacher then we'd end up with even more students and need more chaperones. But because the music club is only one member, it works out perfectly," Haruhi replied with one of her usual Haruhi smiles. "If you guys had more members..."

"That's because Morita scares them all away," the music teacher mumbled and turned back to the storage area. "Chano-sensei, that's too heavy. Let me get that." The teacher reached for the large suitcase as a lovely brunette lady attempted to pull the bag out of the storage.

"Oh, t-thank you, Takao-sensei," she replied as a shade of pink graced her cheeks. In a nervous haste, the young math teacher grabbed another bag, much smaller this time, to distract herself.

"Speaking of Morita, where is she anyway?" Takao mumbled.

"Oh, probably stalking Sayuri, being too afraid to approach him," Haruhi replied.

"Why do I feel like this club camping trip isn't much of a skill building getaway you framed it as and more of another one of your tricks, Nakamura?"

Haruhi chuckled. "What are you talking abou Takao-sensei?" She replied. "Tricks? Me? I don't have any tricks. I'm just dedicated to the club and my club members and hope to see them blossom into wonderful young adults. And obviously, I want to make sure our club activities only ever help those in need."

Takao sighed again. "I don't envy you Chano-sensei, being the club advisor to this bunch..."

"They're good students," Chano replied.

"Yeah...but I don't trust that smirk on your club president's face at all." He pulled out the last bag from the storage unit. "This is going to be a long camping trip." He turned to look at the large cabin in front of him. At least with all of Haruhi's money (and her parents' power) they didn't have to sleep in a bunch of tents. It was two stories and clearly much more luxurious than the average person would be able to afford.

The large cabin was in a clearing of trees, but they were far out from Yokokami city, the address of the place being in the town of Honkawa. Even then, they were directly in the town and would have to walk quite a bit to get to the nearest sign of civilization. That meant they would have to make their own food and take care of the everyday aspects of camping themselves. Still, if an emergency happened, they wouldn't be in a dire situation. The school would never have allowed something like that anyway.

While the teachers brought the last of the heavier bags they needed for their trip into the cabin, the students were free to take their own bags to their rooms. Girls in one room together and boys in another room, much similar to any other school trip they would take. Haruhi headed inside, curious to see what her fellow club members might be up to with a wicked smirk on her face, clearly ready to meddle in whatever love affairs she might find lurking in the depths of her classmates hearts.

This was the Lovers Club, after all. And any club activity involved some good old fashioned shipping, especially when it came to all her lovely little chicks. She wouldn't be called the "Queen of Hearts" if she didn't.
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Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin || Interactions: Solaris @xLarius + Any girl who accepted his assistance || Mood: Annoyed 🙄||
Ren surveyed the cabin only after helping a few of the girls carry their bags in. It would be wrong of him to expect the "fairer" sex to be able to carry their stuff upstairs. The only one he left to their own devices was Sayuri who seemed to have brought every outfit from home. Seeing as how they had too many bags, the blond visibly sweat dropped and pretended He didn't know who they were. A distraction came in the form of Dried Flowers and his phone aggressively vibrating in his back pocket.

He didn't even have to peek to know who it was. Maki from gardening club; his recent conquest of two weeks. He'd only broken up with her hours before. Long distance relationships no matter how brief the separation were doomed to fail. "I knew I should've blocked her number. Don't tell me she's planning on keeping this up until I return." He huffed, pausing outside the boys room, he pulled it out to end the call and shut off the phone. "How the fuck do we even have reception?" That taken care of, he chucked the phone into the duffle bag to be forgotten for the remainder of the trip, the excuse of 'Forgetting his charger at home.' already coming to mind.

With nothing else holding him back, Ren headed inside. Surprisingly, it was quite spacious. With the best bunks taken, he chose the one beside a familiar figure. "Dibs on the top bunk." He called out to Solaris, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as if to exert dominance in the friendliest way possible. As if that was necessary. His mischievous grin betrayed whatever gloomy expression he wore previously. "It's not like you can reach it anyway."​
Solaris Kousei
The wilderness was something foreign to Solaris. For the most part he stuck to what little comfort the city provided-- stuck to his sister's side to guarantee that she wouldn't feel abandoned nor would he feel paranoid. However, today was an exception. After all, she was getting to that age where the idea of her big-brother holding her hand made her throw a fit. To Sol, she was growing up much too fast for his liking.

Nevertheless, he had soon found himself packed into a vehicle to help Nakamura-chan run the trip. His tongue soon ran over the bottom of his lip. He'd gotten into a bit of a... Scuffle right before which resulted in a slightly bruised lip. It was an accident really, with his luck, he'd found himself in the middle of a dramatic fight. Harsh words being thrown around during work and-- wham! Contact between a stranger's elbow and his lip had abruptly crashed together. Solaris furrowed his brows in thought before absent-mindedly rubbing his thumb over a tin-wrapped chocolate, smaller than his palm.

He tapped away on his cellular device with one hand, swiping away unnecessary notifications and leisurely replying to important emails-- locations that were willing to sponsor their activities. He was also giving notice to potential clients that they were temporarily on break and would contact them with information as soon as convenient. A slow yawn emerged from the vice-president's lips as he moved to cover his canines with the palm of his hand, his eyes slightly watering before he tucked his phone into his pocket. Then he made his way to look for the designated cabin for the boys.

Solaris didn't mind if Haruhi had already hidden contraptions around to try and spring on them 'romantic events' or 'exciting surprises.' He'd enjoy the storm as it came, though a large part of him knew she'd never disappoint.

He fiddled with one of his golden earrings, a soft hum under his breath as he began to shrug off his bag, leaning it as well as his other bags against an empty spot. Solaris hadn't even jolted when he found himself nearing the rather arrogant casanova. His long lashes fluttered slightly upwards before he raised a brow. "It's bold of you, kouhai, to assume that I want to sleep under you." Absentminded words as his gaze flit to the other beds before deciding not to mention that he could just move or trade with someone else to claim his own top bunk. This interaction was much more amusing. Soon, the vice-president allowed himself to add more weight against the younger student as he leaned against him. He didn't mind in the least if his action caused the two to fall over. After all, it'd be Fujiwara's fault for giving him the opportunity to do so.

"However, if you had begged-- Ah, asked your senpai oh so politely, I'd have no choice but to let you have the top. Honey catches more flies than vinegar." As if to emphasize his words, he unwrapped the piece of chocolate, pressing it against his kouhai's lips before pointing out the window. "Just as a forewarning, if one of your ex-girlfriends trudges up this mountain for vengeance, I can vow to try and attempt at saving you... However you never know. The wilderness is such a terrifying place, after all." Playful words passing from his lips as a rather fake small smile tugged upwards at his lips.

Speaking of trudging up the mountain... Perhaps he'd find a nice steep part to slide against, or see if he could find any good high spots up in the trees to plant some of his own traps. After all, it wasn't every day that he found himself indulging in the big open air. "So if claiming your spot has been checked off the list, you're not going to charge into trouble now, are you?" His voice lowering as if it was some kind of well-kept secret, though Solaris was for the most part, simply teasing his underclassman.
Daichi Sato


Location: Boy's Cabin​

As Daichi walked out of the bus and pulled his suitcase out of the storage area, his earphones playing music into his ears, proving a failed attempt at calming his racing heart.

Daichi dreaded this trip from the moment it was announced, He had no problem staying in the closet at school, but on a camping trip where he'd be sharing a bedroom and shower with the other boys, there would no doubt be activities that involved swimming. Everyone would wonder why he wears a t-shirt with his swimsuit, that was just a recipe for being outed. He considered skipping the trip altogether but since he had just recently joined the club he'd be starting the club too late. Also, his parents insisted he goes to 'make some friends and get out of his shell'. He tried to ask the club's advisor, who was the only one who knew he was trans if it was okay for him to sleep in his own quarters, but he said it wasn't possible.

So now he had to plan out how to get through this trip without getting outed and getting himself in the same situation in junior high. Thankfully he was the new kid so it's not like any of the attention is gonna be on him.

Daichi looked at the cabin in front of him, he was surprised by how luxurious the cabin was until he remembered that the club leader comes from rich parents. He shrugged off the thought before he hurried inside to make sure he got a good bed. As he entered he made a beeline for the top bunk that was the furthest away from the other boys, just so he could get the most privacy. Once he was settled into his new space he pulled out his gaming counsel from his backpack. As he was playing his game over heard two older boys arguing, though it looked more like they were flirting, over who gets top bunk. He recognized the boys from only two meetings he's attended though he hasn't learned anyone's names yet. He shook his head as he turned his attention back to his game.

Mentions: Ren Fujiwara (@Monbon) and Solaris Kousei (@xLarius)


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Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Boy's Room
Mentions: Haruhi Nakamure @ScarletNova, Ren Fujiwara @Monbon, Solaris Kousei @xLarius
Interactions: Open
Joe learns about the cabin trip in the woods that The Lovers Club is going on. He thinks of it as a fantastic way to check out the insects that there may have been in the woods. After gathering enough courage, Joe asked the school headmaster if he could go on the trip to learn about the insects that inhabit the woods, and they agreed due to Joe's reasoning and not having a history of trouble. He asked Jigoku repeatedly if he could go on the trip. The night Joe got permission from the headmaster, and after enough convincing, Jigoku gave in.

Joe had made sure he was the first on the bus, trying to draw very little attention to himself(as if he wasn't already going to be a giant sore thumb from not being a member of The Lover's Club). Luckily, Joe didn't have to converse with anyone on the bus. Once the bus had gotten to the cabin, Joe waited for everyone to get off before he did. Once Joe had gotten off the bus, he saw three people unloading it: two teachers and a fellow student. Joe, scared of confrontation, quickly ran off and into the cabin. Joe went straight to the boy's room. Once he entered, he noticed two guys talking to each other about who would get which bunk.


Ruby Anet || Club Treasurer || Location: Outside Cabin ➛ Cabin: Heading to the Girl's Dorm || Interactions: Club President, aka Haruhi chan @ScarletNova || Mood: Determined

Sayuri Satou || Member || Location: Outside Cabin ➛ Cabin: Boys Dorm || Interactions: literally everyone in the room. @xLarius @SolsticeArcanum @The_Queer_Alien || Mood: Excited

Kio Greenwood || Member || Location: Outside Cabin ➛ Cabin: Boys Dorm || Interactions: None || Mood: Content

Ruby sees the smirk on Haruhi's face but ignores it and decides to cause some mischief of her own. She sneaks up like a ninja and playfully pinches Haruhi's hips and then says, "Well, you sure didn't pull any punches with this trip. Thanks, I needed a change of pace." While it was true Haruhi never joked when it came to club activities, Ruby had a hunch that this camping trip wasn't as simple as it seemed. The girl was an absolute matchmaking guru! There had to be some kind of target in mind...

While Ruby was searching for said target, Sayuri had long exited the bus and watched as the ever dependable Takao sensei brought all the luggage into the cabin. It was Sayuri's first time away from home on a trip like this. It was only reasonable for them to be prepared for the worst. In a total of five large suitcases they brought along clothes for all occasions, protection from any weather, and obviously their beauty products carefully packed away. Just because they were out in the wilderness, it didn't mean they had to live like savages. They also brought plenty of snacks to share!

Though Takao Sensei brought everything inside, Sayuri still had to bring it up to their room. After his pitiful glance towards Ren went unnoticed, the noodle-armed Sayu gave up on asking for assistance of any kind. Just looking at the pile that was left had them feeling exhausted. But nothing would be done if he just stood there!

With a burst of energy, he flexed his arms and grabbed for the biggest luggage first. They had wheels, it couldn't possibly be as hard as Takao Sensei made it seem! Or at least that was his thought at first. Right after tipping it over, Sayuri soon realized he fucked up. Losing the balance, it toppled right on top of him, knocking him over and forcing the breath out of his lungs.

With little other help in sight, Sayuri pitifully reached out to Ruby with watery pitiful puppy eyes. "Ruby, save me." They cried dramatically, unable to bear the weight of the heavy luggage on them.

As Kio and Ruby witness this, they facepalmed themselves in sync and then made their way over. Kio takes the heavy bag off with ease and Ruby offers him a hand saying "For crying out loud dude you packed too much! What are you ?A little kid?!" Kio on the other hand slid to Sayuri's defense, "I can understand why you're kinda annoyed, Ruby, but for a lot of us it's our first big field trip so we should let him off the hook this time."

Ruby frowns but gives in, "You make a fair point Kio. Say-kun, I'm going to let you off for now but make no mistake, at some point I'm going to start your training" Her eyes narrow at him. Kio then says, "I almost feel sorry for you man but it will be a good character building for you, and you will thank her in the future. Trust me. Hopefully you won't pass out but if you do I'll just pick you up and carry ya like a sack of potatoes." Kio couldn't help but laugh at the image.

Saved by Kio who'd seen the whole scene, Sayu couldn't help but gush. "Ahh~! My knight in shining armo- Training? What training?" Blinking, he found themselves lost and confused as he heard the second part. Listening, he took Ruby's hand using it as leverage to stand up and dust themselves off. "I just got a little excited, that's all. I don't need training." Sayuri mumbled as he scratched at his cheek bashfully. He was not too keen on taking up the offer but also did not want a scolding from Ruby. It was his first time camping though. Surely Ruby wouldn't go too hard on him… "I'm not a potato…" He grumbled, pinching his own waist anxiously. If anything a scrawny kid like him was more like Pocky.

Ruby smirks then says "You're weak and need some training me and Kio can't be helping you over every little thing that goes wrong, also I won't start you stuff that's too hard but I will punish you if you start moaning and crying without putting in a decent level of effort".

"Alright alright," Sayu agreed with a wave of his hand, planning to put off the matter until Ruby forgot such a deal was made. "That's good and all but help me get this to the boys room, could you? Please? We can iron out the details later, okay?" After pleading with his big puppy like eyes, he picked up the two smallest bags, one containing his cosmetics, the other holding snacks to share with everyone, struggling all the while.

Kio gently sighs then says "Something tells me she's not going to forget, women like her don't often forget." He pauses for a minute then says, "That aside, I'll help you take the stuff over to the guys side."

Ruby's eyes are calm but there's a coldness lurking behind them, 'If you think I'll forget then you're sadly mistaken. Kio's right women like me very rarely forget such promises.' Well in any case she had to catch up with Haru-chan and the rest of the women, but made plans to drop by the male dorm at some point before making her way over.

Sayu gratefully accepted Kio's assistance. "See you later Ruby~!" He waved awkwardly, his arm sagging from the weight of the bag. With renewed energy, Sayuri led Kio up to the boys room and held the door open for him. "Choose a bunk. You can call dibs and I'll follow after you." If anything it'd make it more convenient to have the male help him out when it came time to leave.

Kio helps by bringing in the heavier bags and then says, "I call dibs on the top bunk! Also, your sister Ruby is kinda scary. I would not want to mess with her, and I've met my fair share of scary ladies." He looks around the room and then smiles just a little as he goes back to get his stuff from the doorway.

"Thanks again!" Sayuri exclaimed happily, face flushed just from those two small bags. Reaching into one of them, he pulled out a bag of assorted candy. "Here, have some for your efforts." Looking around the room, he found four others settling in. "Anyone else want any candy?" He called out to all of them after realizing there was a face he hadn't seen before. The male was HUGE. Sayuri would have to be blind not to notice him. Watching the figure keep to themselves, Sayuri couldn't help but want to include them into the group. Holding up the bag of candy like it was some kind of treasure, he gave it a little shake before setting it on the wardrobe for anyone to splurge on at their leisure. Even if they didn't want any now, they'd be able to take some later.

Mariko Tanaka
Member | Location: Cabin --> Girls room
Interactions: N/A | Mentions: Ren (@Monbon)
Mariko was still fairly new to the Lovers club, having been forced to join by the insistence of her mother. She wasn't much of a social person, thanks to the upbringing of her father who shielded her away from, well, mostly everything. When she was finally free to take more chances and interact with the world, she still struggled to interact with those around her. Thus, she found herself shoved into the world of the lovers club, a place full of the most interesting characters at school.

When she found out about the club camping trip, there was a part of Mari that just wanted to stay home and read. She had no idea what camping was like and she still wasn't really all that close with anyone yet. But, in the end, she found herself on the bus with all the others. She spent most of the ride with her nose in her most recent book, happily devouring every one of its words with a smile on her face.

Once they had arrived, she followed as all the others did and tried to grab her things, some of which were already taken into the cabin the blue-haired boy named Ren. Mariko knew who he was, as he seemed to be pretty popular (and unpopular) amongst the women of the school. But Mariko herself was more interested in the men on black and white pages of manga. Real world ones were hard to interact with, especially someone like him.

She took the rest of her own bags to the girl's room, picking a bed that seemed to be unoccupied by any of the others yet and didn't need any interact with them to figure out. She sat her the rest of her bags down on the bed and glanced around the room. The other women of the club were also picking their beds, and seemed to be interacting fairly easily with each other. Mariko wondered how they were able to do it so naturally.

What was she supposed to say to start a conversation with someone? Would they be annoyed with her if she started to talk to them? What if they didn't like her? What if she said something stupid? And what do they even talk about?

Mariko glanced back at her book in her arms. "Maybe it's best if I just continue reading right now..." she muttered to herself. Though she glanced back up, uncertainty in her eyes, knowing that she really should try to interact with the other club members there. She just didn't know how to start. Socializing was hard.
Akari Morita
Music Club Member | Location: Bus --> Cabin --> Outside Boys' room
Interactions: N/A | Mentions: Sayuri (@Monbon), Kio (@Rads)​

Akari Morita was a particular young woman with a particular dilemma. Known as the Oni of Bara High, she had a reputation around school. That reputation meant that many people were afraid of her, so much so that it caused the music club to consist of only one member, her. As much as that sometimes annoyed Takao-sensei, the club advisor, it seemed that being such a small club worked to her advantage concerning that particular dilemma she had.

What was that dilemma? She had a crush on Sayuri Satou.

Upon finding out that Takao-sensei and she would be joining the Lovers Club on their club camping trip, Akari found herself shaking Takao-sensei, somewhat vilently, much to his displeasure, in disbelief. She had wondered if it might be just a dream. But when the day finally arrived to board that bus and she saw Sayuri sitting in one of the seats, his smile as cute as it ever was, Mori almost fell flat onto her face walking up those steps and down the aisle.

Gaining her composure and sitting as far away as possible from him, her eyes couldn't help but be drawn to that adorable pink-haired masterpiece. This was it, she thought. This was the perfect opportunity to finally talk with him. Her heart pounded in her chest. She ran through her head all the scenarios she thought would work to get his attention.

Next thing she knew, they arrived at the cabin and were unloading the bus. She followed everyone off, grabbed her bags, and rushed into the girls' room. She threw her things onto one of the vacant beds, then ran back out of the room to find him again.

Scenario One: Help him with his bags!

The utter disappointment on Akari's face was palpable when she found some red-haired guy holding Sayuri's luggage and taking it to the boys' room for him. She grit her teeth so much she might almost break them. And the ominous dark purple and black swirls around her clearly meant she wasn't pleased with this outcome.

"Who the hell is that?"
Mori muttered to herself. "They're not dating, are they?!" She continued to follow them to watch how they were interacting with each other. As they put Sayuri's bags on a bed, Akari stopped at the doorway and peaked into the room to observe their actions together. It was then that Sayuri pulled out some candy. So, he liked candy? What if she got him some candy and offered it to him...

Why did that sound a lot like she was going to kidnap him?

Thinking, she didn't even notice Kio walking back to the door to get his bags that he had left in the doorway that she was peaking out from.
Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin:Boys Dorm || Interactions: Solaris @xLarius || Mood: Gossipy 😄||
Startled by the sudden weight of his senpai pressing against him. Ren instinctively reached for the wooden railing on the top bunk and steadied them with a tight grip, keeping them from toppling over. Be it by impulse or accident, his other hand wrapped around the other's waist to keep Sol from falling in any other direction. Surprisingly the other wasn't as heavy as he was expecting. Even with Sol pressing his weight against him, he found the other suspiciously lighter than he thought he'd be considering his diet of sweets, sweets and more sweets.

"Senpai, you're heavy." He complained with a bitter smile. Contrary to his words, his grip on the other's waist tightened. "If you were on top, wouldn't you just crush me?" He muttered under his breath. The thought alone was ridiculous. The bunks were well built and the upperclassman wasn't heavy. It was the most blatant of lies but at this point everything was a bit of a game to them. One he had no intention of losing. Parting his lips, he took the chocolate and the other's finger with it, giving it a bite in retaliation.

At the mention of exes even Ren couldn't help but roll his eyes. Releasing the other's finger, he finished off the chocolate and pulled out a few yen notes from his back pocket. Ever since he met the other, it's become a habit of keeping small "motivation" on him at all times. Distributing little bits whenever the other required some incentive to go along with his little games. "Who would take the trouble to clim-?" He paused, there were some that probably would. If not to ask him to get back with them, then to bury him on the mountain in vengeance. "I already shut off my phone. If anyone asks, I forgot my charger. If anyone comes, we'll deal with it then."

Habitually, he tucked the notes into the other's pocket, not allowing the other to back out and released him entirely once he was sure the other wouldn't fall just to mess with him more. "Do you really think we can get into any fun with this group?" Jutting his thumb towards the other males in the room who seemed to want to mind their own business, Ren noted that not one of them looked even slightly interesting.

"Unless you want to make this room so uninhabitable they have us all bunk with the girls, I don't see any trouble in our near future." Whispering to the other, he took the opportunity to set his duffel bag on the top bunk to be ignored until further notice. He packed lightly. It wasn't as if he couldn't just borrow something from someone else if he needed to.

"Speaking of the girls." He mentioned out loud, tired of whispering. "Anyone you got your sights on? Or are you too big of a siscon to take interest in the opposite sex?" They were all in close proximity for once. Isolated and intimate. In movies this would be the perfect timing for either a murder or a confession. Seeing as how no one in their group seemed capable of the former, the latter was a more realistic scenario.​
Daichi Sato
Location: Boy's cabin
More people entered the bunk and Daichi paid no mind, an androgynous-looking boy called out to offer candy to the others. He set his backpack on his bunk as a way of saying "I'm already claiming this one" As he climbed down from the dresser, the first person Daichi noticed was the newcomer.

An enormous boy with long hair, growing up Daichi had always been jealous of cis guys with long hair since they could still look masculine. He was the kind of muscular Daichi could hope to be. Daichi blushed and looked away realizing it was rude to stare. He made his way over to the dresser where he grabbed some candy and walked back to his bunk. As he walked back to his bunk he pulled out his phone and in the second of not watching where he was going he bumped into one of the guys who was fighting about the bunk "sorry, man" he replied.

Mentions: Sayuri Satou (@Monbon ), Joseph Tsuyo-sa (@SolsticeArcanum ), Ren Fujiwara (@Monbon ), and Solaris Kousei (@xLarius )​

Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Boy's Room
Mentions: Sayuri Satou & Ren Fujiwara @Monbon, Daichi Sato @The_Queer_Alien, Solaris Kousei @xLarius
Interactions: Open​

Joe gets slightly overwhelmed by the pink-haired newcomer's energy. He quickly walks to an empty bunk and sits on the bottom bunk. When he sits down, he feels the bed drop a little. Joe drops his bag gently next to the bed to make sure none of the stuff in his bag gets damaged. Joe observes the actions of everyone in the room. He wants to talk to them but can't muster the courage. Joe just noticed someone else was in the room before him, a guy with dark hair(Daichi). Joe only saw him when he came down from his bunk to get candy and accidentally bumped into one of the two boys, the boys talking about which bunk to take, on his way back to his bunk.
  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova
Location: Boy's Room
Mentions: Sayuri Satou & Ren Fujiwara @Monbon, Daichi Sato @The_Queer_Alien, Solaris Kousei @xLarius
Interactions: Akari @ScarletNova

Kio sees her by the door and then sees her looking at say kun, then when he's near enough, leans near and teasingly, and in a low voice, says, " So do you have a crush on him?, because the energy you're giving off is intense." "Oh, just for the record, I'm straight and don't really get the whole crush and romance thing fully, but hey, this is why we joined the lovers club, is it not?" "Well, in any case, if you're going to talk to him now would be the chance, and you can make some friends while you're at it."

He pauses for a few moments then says, "But you'd better hurry before the girls come looking for you, and before I forget, Ruby is like a big sister to him and will be coming around later to take most of his sweets because she plans to toughen him up through training." "As for the other guys around, well, we have an emo-looking guy, a pretty boy, and what seems to be a socially awkward one as well, and last of all, vice president." He picks up his bags with ease, then starts to head back to his bunk, not really giving a crap if she replies or not. 'It was entertaining to watch people like her and tease them a little'. ' On another note, I hope VP isn't mad at me the shop back home had been crazy and i have been on six hrs of sleep a day which doesn't help when trying to remember people's names'.
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  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova
Solaris Kousei

Solaris expected the room to get louder as more members shuffled in. Unfortunately it seemed that everyone seemed to be on the... Reserved spectrum of things. It was not a problem, however. He was used to this same demeanor from Mariko, perhaps he could apply some of the same strategies to get them acclimated to this environment. Perhaps he spent too much time doting on Ren which is why everyone was so silent. Moreover there seemed to be new people entirely on this trip. Potential recruits? Tall... Muscular... Could be good for lifting heavy weights or intimidation... Or stunts they pulled where they needed someone to impersonate a bodyguard, or dress him up in a costume to scare clients due to his height and overall intimidating body-structure...

His vice-president brain was beginning to whirl. He wondered what techniques he could pull to tug them over to the dark- er, romantic side. Perhaps his Kouhai saw how he almost strayed at the mere mention of candy. His body had shifted to immediately grab a piece, his tongue grazing against his upper lip at the prospect for a sweet treat but the taller student held him in a solid grip. Maybe if he stuck closer to Sayuri, the other would miraculously pull more treats out of his pocket... Ah, that idea was enough for Solaris to almost move across the room to chat him up. Perhaps about his favorite candies before Solaris conned a piece or two more from the other third-year once the communal candy ran dry.

Though Sol had jerked in the direction of the sugar, it seemed Ren wanted to indulge in a bit of gossip first... Though was it really gossip if he was speaking loud enough so everyone could hear the blonde address them? Maybe Solaris had to remind Ren a thing or two about being kind to his peers; even if Ren couldn't make-out with them.

Their close quarters wasn't anything new-- Solaris was fairly unbothered by it considering that Ren always paid his fee for their interactions. "Heavy? I think you have yourself to blame that I've put on as much weight as I have." The upperclassman's voice was flat as he looked to the side as he seriously considered things. Sure Ren wasn't the only reason he'd put on some weight (considering the increase of his allowance), but he didn't consider himself to be that heavy after being spoon-fed at the café a few times...

How could he say no to free bites of parfaits or chocolate cake down by the shop? At some point his sister began charging customers for the opportunity before their.... Interim grandparent had put a firm stop to the whole ordeal. That didn't mean Solaris didn't get more than his fair share of free bites, though. "Oh but... Perhaps it's not my weight that's the problem, but your strength. It must mean my poor Kouhai isn't strong enough to handle me." Solaris feigned an expression full of pity, his eyebrows lowering and his emerald eyes sparkling.

Speaking of which, Solaris wondered if Ren could pick him up and haul him around. It sure would save him some energy... Though their dynamic was that Solaris was the one running around doing Ren's bidding, not the other way around. Not that Solaris minded.

However, the little nip to his finger did make his eyes fly open wide, all of his attention at once centralizing on his Kouhai. For once he was speechless. Question-mark after question-mark popping above his head as he squinted, his lips slightly parted before a soft snort left him. His hand slapping over his mouth as he shook his head. And here he thought he was the mutt in the relationship.

A part of the older boy did in-fact hope that an ex did show up, just for the chaos that would ensue... He wondered how the other members would react to a psychopath that was willing to scale a whole mountain to get to one bonafide playboy. What a switch of genre that'd be.

Solaris could be seen visually perking up at even the sound of the bills rustling against each other, greed flashing into his eyes as he leaned closer towards Ren, a soft hum leaving his lips as he allowed the other to brush against the fabric of his clothes to tuck the currency into. "I have no objections to that~" Upon the question, the vice-president waggled his finger, reminded that he needed to remind his mast- er, kouhai to be kind to his fellow members. "Now, now, Fu-ji-wa-ra-kun." each syllable of the other's name playfully rebounding off his tongue. "You'd be surprised the fun others can bring to the table if you push and prod enough." He paused before his hand settled on his own hip, his lip creasing up into a caret-shape (^) pondering whether that was an appropriate claim to make, slowly readjusting his statement. "Ah, I mean with enough encouragement." It seemed he was finally donning the role of 'senpai' for once.

"Just because they have different anatomy, doesn't make their potential to shine any less." The vice-president truly meant this. Each member could play their role into rewiring a situation for the benefit of the client... No, they had to. After all, he considered the club somewhat of a... Divine intervention of some sorts. If they couldn't play their role well, they were no better than broken dolls that had to be bent and fixed back into shape. He gently shoved his bag against the bottom bunk, seeming to have finalized their decision with their movements. With the next question, Solaris's expression blanked, mulling the inquiry over before his lips parted to answer. "Ah, speaking of Luna. She told me to inform you that if you enter the café she can and will employ any means to get you out." The upperclassman looked upwards for a moment, thinking about the erasers chocked full of chalk his sister for some reason had stocked upon before shrugging it off. She was a good girl, after all.

"I'm grateful she's one of the few who doesn't fall for your charms." Though that begged the question on if Ren was going to behave himself and refrain from starting drama-- specifically romantic drama for one of his flings. Ah, perhaps that was something he'd have to lookout for. He wasn't too keen on Ren stirring up what he and Haruhi had built. "As for someone I have my sights on..." As he considered the first part of the other's question, Solaris didn't quite get a chance to answer it before-- THUMP.

His forehead crashed against Ren's chin-- "Hgh-" the vice-president grimacing as the frames of his glasses had uncomfortably slammed against his face-- ugh. He hoped they weren't crooked again. They were always hard to adjust after a collision. The thing Solaris loathed the most about accidents to the face were the collision to essentially hundreds of dollars that crushed against his face. He clutched his forehead, crouching down and rubbing it--pulling his glasses up and against his head as no doubt there was already a slight bruise already starting to form. Though this was the best scenario, lest he slammed into the bedframe, but that didn't mean it didn't sting any less. Pain was much tolerable when you knew it was coming.

Calm. Diplomatic. Mature. Gentle.

[ s o r r y _ m a n ]

Deep breaths.

Was it a genuine apology?

Did it really matter if it was?

"It was an accident." And should be treated as such. "Just take care to..." A pause for a breath, "Be more mindful of your surroundings. Lest the next thing you run into be worse than I," His voice was once again flat, not quite having the temperament at the moment to feign a gentle tone. "Especially in the wilderness..." His eyes were slightly watering without his consent, how annoying. Thankfully he wasn't as fragile as glass but that didn't mean the sting went away. A part of him wished he spent time working out in a gym or something. His eyes fixated on the individual who bumped into him. He slid his crooked glasses back on his face to properly rub against his forehead without imprinting fingerprints against the lens. Solaris was almost tempted to laugh--

Jeez, what kind of wrong doings had he committed in a past life that he kept getting into issues with freshmen?


Haruhi Nakamura
Club President | Location: Cabin --> Girls room --> Living room
Interactions: Ruby (@Rads) | Mentions: Alex (@Stray Shinku), Solaris (@xLarius), Texting all club members
Haruhi felt a sudden pinch on her hips, causing the young heiress to jump out of surprise. Though, because it was clearly playful, she didn't find the pinch painful. A familiar voice rang out as she turned to see the red-head who matched that voice. "Only the best for my lovers club members, Ruby," Haruhi commented back with a smile. "Enjoy this trip to the fullest. We'll be quite busy once we're back at school."

Haruhi then watched as Ruby went to assist Sayuri with his bags. With that, Haruhi grabbed her own bags to take them to the girls room. Once she arrived, she found an available bed and placed her things down. She released a pleased sigh. The club was going to be quite busy once they were back at school, but Haruhi was also going to be quite busy while on this trip. Her members were a strange bunch. The club was made to help others find love, but it was the members themselves that seemed to need the most help, at least that's what Haruhi believed. Plus, they had two other "temperary members" who obviously needed some help too.

"Ah, so much work to be done and so little time," Haru muttered to herself. She was going to need some help. She couldn't possibly do all this on her own. "Where's Alex?" She stepped out of the girls room.

"Alex! Where are you?!"
she shouted out. All they did was go from the bus to the cabin, how could she had lost him already? Wasn't he just with her when they rode to the cabin? Well, if he didn't show up now, she could always ask Solaris for some assistance. After all, this was still lovers club work and he was the vice president.

She made her way to the living room area of the cabin, a large room with multiple areas to sit, a coffee table, fire place, TV, large windows, and a sliding door to walk out onto a deck. She could hear the teachers working on setting some of their needed items in the kitchen, mostly likely to prepare for when they needed to make their meals.

Meanwhile, Haruhi pulled out her phone. She scrolled through her messages to find the group chat she made for the trip. It had all of the students, club members and non-members included, as well as their teachers. "You all get one hour to explore the cabin and surrounding areas and get yourselves situated to the new environment. Once that hour has past, meet me back at the cabin in the living room to discuss the activities we'll be doing on this trip," she wrote and then sent the text to everyone.
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Reactions: Takumi and Monbon
Sayuri Satou

|| Location: Cabin:Boys Dorm || Interactions: Kio @Rads , Akari @ScarletNova || Mood: Hype 😁 ||
Sayuri had no issues taking the bottom bunk. In fact, they actually preferred it. They even brought along matching curtains and some string for extra darkness and privacy! If Kio wanted to be eaten alive by mosquitos, that was his own foolish decision. Sayuri for one could do without waking up with bug bites. They were still in the wild after all.

At that thought, Sayuri began unpacking the suitcase with all his bedding, pulling out all his softest blankets from home, comfiest pillows and cutest plushies. For the trip he'd chosen a pink and blue pastel theme with hints of yellow. Piling on the blankets, pillows, plushies of all sorts they gradually made their bunk feel more like something they'd sleep in. Once he had the bed just how he liked it, he finished. dusting off his hands. As crowded as the bed was, everything was neatly arranged looking no worse than something worthy of being advertised on tv. Taking advantage of the fact Kio hadn't started his own bunk, Sayu topped it all off with his blackout curtains and wiped his brow. Puffing out his chest, he took out a sucker as his reward, ready to show the marvel off to Kio.

"Hey Ki~" He began with his singsong voice only to find the other at the door. Missing out on the entirety of their conversation, Sayuri made his way over and found the strange girl from Music club. Comparing Kio's style and Akari's, something in his brain instantly clicked. "Oooh, so this is the kind of girl you're into? Not bad, Kio-kun~" Nudging the other male with his elbow, Sayuri teased him, caring little if he actually embarrassed either of them. It was their own fault for being so obvious. The fact she came all the way over to their room without unpacking could only mean she was here for someone. Since Kio oh so naturally found her, it could only mean one thing.

:heartbeat: Romance :heartbeat:

Turning towards their guest, he offered Akari yet another sucker from his pocket; berry Flavored like her bangs. "Morita-chan, right? Want one?" Though it was strange that Kio had never mentioned her, they all had their secrets. "I'm Sayuri. I'm sure Kio has told you plenty. Were you guys heading out? Can I come?" Wanting all the details now that they were this open about their relationship the pinkette shamelessly begged to be invited, eyes wide and sparkling with anticipation.​
Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin: Boys Dorm || Interactions: Solaris @xLarius , Daichi @The_Queer_Alien || Mood: Angry 😠 ||
The plan was to get others talking about their own crushes at the expense of his loyal dog's comfort. Once one person opened up, others would naturally react, right? Afterwards he'd just have to see how many he could make swoon for the course of the trip. It'd at least give him something to do.

Ren had gone camping before.

One of those obligatory trips where his parents pretended to like each other so they could post family pictures on their 'gram wall for all their followers to see that they were the perfect family. Behind every picture there was a fight over every trivial thing. First his mom forgot something, then his dad didn't know how to do something or another. It got so bad he tried to run away into the woods under the assumption that he'd just find a family of wolves to be adopted by.

The plan failed, of course. It didn't take long for their security team to find him. Just another thing for them to fight over.

Needless to say, camping wasn't his thing.

His reminiscing was cut short by a sharp biting pain on his chin. Sol crashed into him, almost causing him to bite his tongue. His first reaction was to wave it off. Seeing the other crouch down was enough to know it hurt Sol more than it had hurt him. Rather than rub his own sore spot, he lifted the other's bangs with his free hand and found the red mark glaring angrily at him between Sol's fingers. "Damn, are you oka-?"

"Sorry, man."

The voice wasn't Solaris. In the middle of failing to rub his senpai's injury, Ren's gaze shifted to the owner of the voice and realized what happened right after. It was a shorter male he could've sworn he saw somewhere outside of the club. Did they have the same homeroom?

It didn't really matter. The other's identity even with Sol's help was lost to him. All he could feel was a roaring heat urging him to burn the male in front of them to a crisp. He should've known Sol wouldn't be the type to lose their balance so obviously or play a prank that'd involve hurting himself or another like that. Not on purpose.

"Hey." Bending down to their height, Ren ignored Sol trying to smooth things over and leveled his glare back at the male who hurt his loyal dog, his signature smile nowhere to be seen. "Are you stupid or just a fucking idiot?" Before, he couldn't care whether or not the other male even existed. Now, he wanted nothing more than to make this trip as uncomfortable for this Sato-san as possible. With a quick swipe he reached for the other's sleeve. Not wanting to allow the other to escape without at least appeasing the anger that only grew the longer Daichi stood in front of them. "Apologize properly. Did your mom not raise you right? When you're sincere, you bow. What's this 'Sorry, man' bullshit? "​
Daichi Sato
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Location: Boys' dorm

Before Daichi could think, former delinquent instincts kicked in. He responded by grabbing the taller guy's wrist with his free with more strength than one would think he has due to his appearance and moving it away from his arm.

As he held the other's wrist in a death grip, he stared him in the eyes with the intent to assert dominance. "Look bud, I'm sorry for bumping into you, it was an accident" With every attempt the other boy made to escape his grip Daichi would simply tighten it "I just wanna get through this week without any kind of trouble, and I'm sure that's what you want as well so say we stay out of each other's ways throughout this trip, but if you insist I won't hesitate" in his mind Daichi was sure that this was gonna get him kicked out of the club, but he didn't care he could always just find another club to join, besides he didn't even want to go on this trip in the first place.

Interactions: Ren Fujiwara (@Monbon)​
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Location: stairs to the boys side and later in the boys room

Kio boys room Interaction sol and say kun

Interaction: Daichi Sato Ren Fujiwara sol

It didn't take her long to get to the boys dorm; she could feel the tension in the air and deeply sigh at the bad mojo in the air and sees sol with a concussion, and so she went up to Ren and then said, "Sol has a concussion; no, he's not dying if that's what your thinking, but he does need to lay down to avoid dizziness,blurry vision, and lack of balance."Please ask Kio to help you if you don't know what to do, also say kun more than likely has a first aid kit in one of his bags".
"I'll bring him some herbal tea later on, and please don't give him sweet drinks; it won't help the situation.". "What a mess, though, for the first day.". She pauses for a minute, then says, "I only came here to take the sweets away from Say Kun, who is bound to have a stash hidden somewhere in one of the bags or on him."

Location: boys room
Interaction: @Monbon, say kun
Kio was about to see Saykun when the other newcomers started to fight. He deeply sighs, then says, "I'm glad I'm not a hot head like these two; life's too short for crap like that.". "On to the next subject: no, she's not my girl; I'm probably not even close to her type, to be perfectly honest.". "That aside, though, I do hope things aren't going to be like this all week; that would be a real drag for the rest of us.".

He then gets an idea and then says,Crude."I said a little more than I should have, but that aside, do you want to check out some of the areas around the camp so we have a better idea of where things are?" "I'm curious if this place gives off the vibe that it has a fair bit to see while we're here.". He throws his bag above, says Kuns, then goes up on the step and opens it. He takes out a bug repellent, sprays the top bunk, and then puts the spray back in the bag. While he's waiting for a reply, he starts to gently take some of his clothes out of his bag and then puts them neatly at the side of his bed.
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Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Boy's Room
Mentions: Solaris Kousei @xLarius, Ruby Anet @Rads
Interactions: Ren Fujiwara @Monbon, Daichi Sato @The_Queer_Alien

Joe sees what started as an accidental bump escalates into a verbal argument between two of the three boys, This causes Joe to shake a little out of worry. Joe's eyes widen and dart all across the room, but they're mainly focused on the three boys. Joe timidness is almost overpowering his want to stop the argument. He only just gains courage to muster a couple words. "P-please d-don't fight..." Joe mumbles quietly, his voice unheard by the boys.

Joe sees the white-haired boy grab the other, then the dark-haired boy retaliates with his own grab. Someone else had entered the room, a red-haired girl, she interrupted the two boys possible fight. Her interruption lightened Joe's worry just by a little, giving him just enough courage to stand and walk up to the three boys and the red-haired girl. He places his calloused hands, from his training and fighting, on a shoulder of each of the two boys who are close to fighting. "Please, don't fight. Fighting won't lead to anything good for anyone, just like this nice lady said." Joe's voice comes out more confident.
Mariko Tanaka
New Member | Location: Girls room --> Boys room
Interactions: Solaris (@xLarius), Joe (@SolsticeArcanum), Daichi (@The_Queer_Alien), Ren (@Monbon)
Mentions: Ruby (@Rads), Haruhi
Mariko watched as some of the other girls in the club dropped off their bags in the room and promptly left to interact with others. She let out a sigh, knowing that this meant she would have to try harder if she was going to make any friends. Though, the task sounded so daunting. Still, it wasn't like Mariko didn't want friends. The idea of having others to hang out with and talk about similar interests always did sound pleasant. She just couldn't help how nervous trying to talk to new people made her. She was still fairly new to the club, and although she at least knew who everyone was, talking to them normally like they already did with each other wasn't something she was used to.

She finally sat her book down on her bed and stood up. She could go chat with Haruhi, one of the only few she really knew because her mother had worked for the Nakamura family since Mari and Haru were young. But that wouldn't really appeal to her mother, who wanted Mariko to find more people to call friends.

"Gosh, this is just so hard! How do you even start a conversation with someone to begin with?" she muttered to herself. She ran some scenarios in her head, trying her best to be as normal during them as possible. It would be easier if there was someone else who could help her, someone she already knew better.

"Ah!" A light bulb went off. There was another person she could ask for help. Haruhi had already helped introduce her to this one, Solaris. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind talking to Mariko, even though Mari worried he might. She took a deep breath, found some courage, and left the girls room. She made her way down the hallway and to the boys room, which sounded quite loud and hectic even from afar.

She stepped closer, taking a look at what was going on. Ren and Daichi looked like they were going to fight. A tall guy had his hands on their shoulders, telling them not to. Ruby said that Sol had a concussion. Concussion?! "O-Oh my!" The worried Mariko scampered over to the crowd of people.

"Kousei-senpai, are you hurt? Do you feel unwell?" Mari asked. She had no idea what happened between any of them or what was going on. But she hoped Solaris would be okay. "Ruby said you should lay down... I'll help you if you need any."

She looked over to Ren, Daichi, and Joe. She had no idea who Joe was, but was glad he seemed to be trying to calm the situation down. Mari wanted to help a bit. "E-excuse me...but this gentleman here is right. It's best to talk out problems. Fujiwara-san, Sato-san, why don't we sit down together and talk. Plus, Lady Haruhi would probably get really mad if the two of you fought. You know she wouldn't like club members fighting each other." And Mariko was pretty sure they wouldn't want to experience the wrath of Haruhi Nakamura.