The Heart of a Mountain | Sign-Ups & OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

How do we feel about a Discord OOC Group?

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Online availability depends entirely on what is going on in life. I have a kindergartener, a baby on the way, and I'm the spouse to an officer, meaning without me, the house becomes a fallout warzone. On top of all of that, I write for work as well as for work tends to come first.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy and Sci-Fi are my two major favorites. However, I tend to be quite the picky player. I prefer an RP with a great deal of development...the world, the lore, everything. And for those GMs looking for help with lore, I love to world build!

Announcements from Mowkie

We have a pretty solid group now, but I will be happy to accept one more player entry to even out the team.

The IC will be started no later than the morning of Tuesday, February 8th (Korea time - evening of February 7th US time), even if not all character entries have been accepted. Those that come in a little later will be given an easy in, so don't worry if you come in a little late.

Updates have been made to "All Things Ash Collector" for those who need some info.

Finally, as you create your character, please note that the dragon you are creating will begin as a newly-hatched baby. We are going to hasten their growth speed significantly (thank you, ashes), but they start from the egg in the story. Just in case I created some confusion there.


Woe to those who tread the Ashlands,
For sickness bears a blazing grip,
On body, mind, and living spirit,

There's no return, no round trip.
The Ash Maw
Dominating the horizon from nearly every part of the continent of Ethos is a mountain so tall, it is said not even dragons could hope to reach its top. Easily taller than all other mountains, this great behemoth stands as a beacon to entire civilizations. It is a directional point. A magnetic center. And an undeniably rich magical resource.

This mountain is the Ash Maw, the central point of not only the continent, but also the Ashlands, a desert of soot, ash, and disease. From the North-East and South-West sides stretch the remainder of the range that the Ash Maw was once at the center of, broken into two pieces and scarred by the black mark of the Ashlands.

There are several rumors that spread about the coming of the Ashlands, but such events happened over a thousand years ago. Who could possibly know for certain what caused the devastating eruption that continues even to this very day?

Two things are for certain, though: the ashes carried by the deep clouds that still rumble from the ever-erupting mountain are imbued so heavily with Arcana that those ashes are in high demand by every civilization on Ethos; and something in the air within the Ashlands, themselves, causes every race to lose themselves to the desert, never to return home.

Well, almost every race.

Though not the largest civilization on Ethos, the race of varonians (human) have some form of natural immunity to the toxic fumes of the Ashlands. Because of this, an elite few are trained, often from a young age, to become Ash Collectors in every generation. And it is the Ash Collectors that all civilizations rely on.

The catch for varonians is nearly none of them can tap the Arcana - the magical essence - within the ashes. They require the aid of other races, primarily the wide variety of elves that dot the landscape farther away from the center of Ethos. In exchange for most of the ashes collected each quarter year, other races vying for ashes will trade their technologies and services to help varonian civilization grow by expanding their capital city, outlying farms, and most importantly, the outposts that lead to the Ashlands, directly.

That is how it has always been.


art by AbelardTullus
The Ash Collectors
The work of an Ash Collector is difficult, to say the least. Ash Collectors should never travel alone, but larger groups often tend to produce more noise. A single body must weigh as little as possible to avoid sinking beneath the easily-displaced ash dunes, so Collectors are limited to no more than five pounds for weapons and only given enough water and rations for a five-day trek.

The only job of an Ash Collector is to get as much of the ashes from the Ashlands as possible. The closer to the Maw one can get, the more powerful the ashes. Of course, if it were easy, then anyone would do it. The Ashlands are not a mere walk in the park. For beneath the dunes, the Ashborne slumber. These are the lost souls twisted by the toxic air, killed and covered in soot, then risen again with magical energy so potent that it can infect anything it touches. Including those immune to the air.

From great wyrms that may have once been ancestors or simply distant relatives of dragons to mutated beasts that roamed down from the mountains after the eruption to all of the elves, dwarves, and even varonians that were unlucky enough to be caught...all are still alive. At least, in a way. And it only takes one burning touch from these creatures to be Marked as the next Ashborne. There is no cure for the Mark; it is a death sentence.

Luckily for Ash Collectors, all Ashborne react to sound. And the sound of footsteps or even some fights can be easily drowned out by the constant rumbling of the ever-awake mountain.

If the Ashborne weren't enough, varonians are not entirely immune to the effects of the constant rain of soot and ash. Though they are resistant to the toxicity of the air, breathed in ashes can slowly make even the strongest Collector go insane. As such, Collectors must wear specialized gear to keep them from coming into contact with the air as well as clothing that covers most of their skin to keep it from being Marked. Most of this gear is light, but it costs precious water, of which Collectors carry very little.

Travel light. Travel swiftly. Travel together.

Our Story
Now comes the question of where our story begins and what part we play in Ethos.

Our story is simple: we are the Ash Collectors. Some of us are fresh, while others have made a few trips and seen a few things. We may not always get along, but we have a job to do, and our survival, as well as the survival of our entire race, depends on us.

But...something is wrong. The mountain is beginning to quiet, and the rumbles are not as fierce as they used to be. It's as though it is dying. So this next trip will be a special one: we must find out what is wrong with the mountain. And what we find is probably the last thing we expect.

Dragon eggs.

The Setting of Our Story & Important Factors to Know
Please note that I am extremely detailed in my world building, so apologies in advance for the length of these.
Basic Information on Ethos
  • Ethos is the second continent on a planet called Partheus. It sits a little farther south on the planet than the other continents and thus has very few cold spots. In fact, the only cold area on the entire continent is cold due to altitude rather than how far north it sits.​
    • Partheus is a large planet - 50% larger than Earth - that has two suns and three moons.​
      • Vyneir, the red sun, spends ten years as a shrinking red dot in the sky before growing over the course of another ten years. For five years, it's around half the size of Phiadyn. During this time, called the Long Summer, Partheus is extremely hot. For this RP, Vyneir will be small, and the general climate of Partheus will be similar to Earth.
      • Phiadyn, the yellow sun, which looks very similar to what Earth's sun looks like, is the primary point in the sky. Phiadyn is the star which Partheus orbits, and as such, never changes size.
      • Piora, the largest moon, is a dusty red and dominates an eighth of the sky.
      • Itsk, the middle size, is silver mottled with red and yellow and is half the size of Piora.
      • Una, the smallest, is pure silver with a dark spot at the bottom. It is half the size of Itsk, and it is only visible when completely full.
  • Varonians found on Ethos tend to have darker skin due to their location near the equator. While paler varonians can be found, they are a rare breed. This is also true for many of the elves found farther south than varonian settlements (such as the Dalin that they interact with) that do not live underground.​
  • Religion is a very prominent thing in all humanoid cultures, often because the lesser gods known as Exhartuus often walk among them in one way or another. For most varonians, the most prominent god (often viewed as the only "true" god) is Varon. His name is often spoken either in prayer or in oath, much like what we see on Earth.​
  • Forests and mountains are heavily guarded by Arcane creatures, such as the elves, dwarves, and dragons. Varonians are strictly forbidden from entering. The Lohdryn Mountains are also deemed impassible by means of walking save for a narrow path to the east. This path requires permission from the Mynotinhe Dwarves and an escort.​
  • Dragons are such a rare sight for varonians that many of the youngest generations firmly believe that they either no longer exist, or they never existed to begin with.​
  • There is a constant shaking in the ground that can be felt as far south as Cinidum. This rumbling will ebb and flow with each eruption made by the Ash Maw.​
  • Though there are often great winds that could easily move the clouds of smoke, soot, and ash beyond the boundaries of the Ashlands, the various humanoid civilizations, possibly with the help of other Arcane creatures, have kept it contained.​

The Ashen Empire
  • Ruled by Emperor Adavar Vydis and his ten advisors. All varonians are ruled by this empire.​
  • Since the creation of the Empire shortly after the Eruption over a thousand years ago, varonians have slowly managed to gain rights to more territory, the help of Arcana to grow and build, and create what they consider the "perfect" process to ash collection.​
  • All ash movement is controlled by the Empire. From the moment a Collector leaves the Ashlands to the release of the ashes to a delegate from another civilization, nothing escapes the scrutiny of the Emperor and his men.​

Cinidum & The Four Outposts
Cinidum is the varonian capital South of the Ashlands and near the border between varonian and Dalin elves. It is broken down into ten distinctive districts.
  • Bahuman | Rune- Where Ash Collectors and families live in luxury, though separated from the rest of society. This district is controlled entirely by the Emperor's advisors, and once those who go to live there enter the Bahuman District, they are oftentimes never seen again by the rest of society. This, however, is not a well-known fact.
  • Mahan | Palace - Home to the palace of Cinidum's Emperor and the district where all of his advisors have a place to rest, Mahan District is home to the privileged few who have a true voice in the capital. While the palace is at the very heart of Mahan District, the Ash Collector Academy is only stone's throw from the walls. The homes of each advisor then spread from the central location of the two mightiest buildings in the heart of Cinidum.
  • Divak | Gold - Though about the same size as Mahan District, Divak District is dotted with spacious villas that were earned through great wealth and sometimes political relations between families. To live within the Divak District is to become someone distinguished enough to earn a place in aristocracy. Yet those within the Divak District may not necessarily have a voice in the political policies of Cinidum's greater Empire. This district is also where emissaries from other civilizations are brought to stay while visiting Cinidum, as to maintain healthy relations between races while trading.
  • Illag | Foundation - Those wealthy enough to own land and buildings of their own within the greater walls of the city of Cinidum can often find more spacious and comfortable dwellings within the Illag District. Though not quite as luxurious as Divak and not near enough to Mahan District to hear the comings and goings of political power on a daily basis, those within Illag District still have sway on where the Ash goes to in terms of building and property management. Those within Illag District are often striving for their place within Divak or even Mahan District, and many find their family name moved up within a few generations. Lowest District with homes that have their own bathing rooms rather than public bathhouses and underground sewage systems.
  • Gula | Gem - Home to those skilled enough to create masterpieces with their hands as well as those witty enough to move gold around efficiently, Gula District is a cluster of homes, markets, and places of rest and relaxation for the rich and powerful. Those of the greater districts (ie Illag District and higher) come to Gula District to spend their wealth for a getaway of refinement and pleasure. Those who live within Gula District seek to move up using their skills and wits while maintaining the wealthier and more renowned families by selling their wares, bathing said families in luxury, and even offering great prizes for those into gambling. The few families with the skill to wield the Ashes can also come to Gula District to better hone their skills, as there is a school of Ash Masters who will teach. This school is paid for by the Emperor, as Ash Wielders are an extremely rare find, and they are the best way to continue the growth of the Empire.
  • Kaiva | Hammer - For those skilled with their hands, the basic builders, craftsmen, stoneworkers, blacksmiths, etc. Kaiva District is mostly built and maintained by the families that live within, though mostly owned by those who live in the Illag District. Few who live within the homes of the Kaiva District actually own the homes. This is the first district that sees an uptake in rental situations rather than homeownership. While there are still taverns and general places of rest, they are fewer and farther between, as most who live within the Kaiva District have a firm mentality of working during all waking hours. Many new generations born within the Kaiva District will follow in their family way, apprenticing for whichever artisan class the family already understands. Lowest District with some form of paved or cobblestoned roads.
  • Kuri | Stone - Those who own property outside of Cinidum but wish to live within the walls often rent homes from the Kuri District. This district, while decently maintained, is not necessarily the loveliest of places to live. Homes are more tightly-packed and sometimes even stacked atop one another to reserve space. This is oftentimes the district where those who wish to push beyond the simple life of a farmer and begin working their way up into the class hierarchy of the capital, and because they are already making enough money to hire others to work for them, they often also have wealth enough to give them a higher place within the city walls. The Kuri District is also home to the city's first primary schools, where those who wish to put the next generation of their family names in a better place can spend the money to help their children learn.
  • Vizak | Hearth - For the ones who have managed to pull themselves from poverty, but have yet to earn enough to make any kind of name for themselves, Vizak District is home. The streets are not well cared for, and the buildings could do with some maintenance, but not every single roof leaks. Many who live within the Vizak District still carry some pride within, as their family has hope for a better future. Taverns and inns are plentiful here, as varonian travelers from the Outpost villages and various farming towns across the plains will rest during their visit to Cinidum. Those who have wares to sell but no noteworthy name will also sell within the markets here, and farmhands of nearby villages that desire a little more safety will make the trek each day to stay within Vizak District rather than the farms they work on.
  • Sotto | Lost - Known as the District of Lost Souls, Sotto District is the place that varonians go to die in poverty. It is where the wealthy place the poor to keep them contained without having to necessarily look at them. It is also the place where the weary or daring go to drown their sorrows or make a deal. Sotto District is more worn down than a rut in the mud, but at least there is some form of shelter. This is where cheap labor can be found, as many families within the Sotto District would rather give up pride for a measly wage than starve. It is also where one can find bounty hunters and assassins when other tactics haven't worked. Spies of the Emperor have been known to track down untapped potential within the Sotto District to recruit for the Ash Collector Academy, as they are often the easiest to prey upon.

Interracial Relations
Dalin Elves in the Gydarshi Rainforest
Mynotinhe Dwarves & Myzra Elves in the Lohdryn Mountains

Arcana | Its Sources & How to See Them

All sources of magic on the surface of Partheus and beyond are referred to as Arcana, or magical essence. Arcana can be derived from a wide variety of sources, from living beings to those touched in some way by a magical force, primarily a god or creature made up entirely of Arcana.

Living Creatures: All life on Partheus is sourced from the life energy of the god after which the planet was named. Being the original god born into the emptiness of the Thestimosa, it is said that Partheus's power and life energy is limitless. However, in order to maintain the balance of life on the surface, that life energy must be released back beneath the surface to be renewed. For creatures made entirely of this life energy, such as dragons and mowkies, the most proper way to do this is through expending Arcana and creating magic. This means a few things.
  • Expending Arcana is expending one's own life force. This drains the user's energy, of which each user has only so much. Expend all Arcana available to a single user, and the user dies. This is true for all living creatures on the surface, including those considered "timeless" or "immortal."
  • Arcana can be renewed with time and rest in order to give the flow of life energy time to make its way back above the surface for another day. The more Arcana expended, the longer period of rest between uses.
  • More "Arcane" creatures – that is, creatures who are made of more life energy than others, such as the dragons, mowkies, Elements, and gods – have a much greater pool of Arcana to draw from, release less energy with simpler spells than those of "lesser" making, and need significantly less time to rest between uses.

Borrowed: Falling under the same idea of living creatures, it is also possible to borrow Arcana from other living beings. The borrowing is almost always with consent, and it is considered exceptionally difficult to steal the Arcana from another creature. The most widely known sources to share their Arcana are the Elements, who enjoy befriending mortals and immortals alike and granting unique power that cannot be found elsewhere. That is to say that one cannot create fire without the help of the Element, Fire.
  • Stealing Arcana has only so far been proven possible on "lesser" beings – those who are not considered timeless, immortal, or high in Arcana. This can mean that one can more easily steal the life energy from a tree than the elf who cares for the tree.
  • Stealing Arcana from a dragon or greater being has never been proven possible. Most creatures who steal Arcana do so because they do not have enough of their own to use.
  • Arcana theft is highly looked down upon by all intelligent races, even varonians, who are not known to have a high volume of Arcana to draw from.
  • In order to use the borrowed Arcana, one must tie it to their own pool of Arcana and draw from within. This means some of the original user's Arcana is still used – just a significantly less amount.

Inanimate Objects: To be inanimate is to be unable to express major signs of life, but many objects considered inanimate may be derived from previously living beings. This can be something as simple as the heart stone left behind after the death of a dragon, who leaves no other trace of its existence after passing to the afterlife. It can also be an object that has come in touch with a creature of major Arcana and has stored a snippet of that life energy within itself. Many times, objects are used to store Arcana willingly in order to draw from them later. Other times, the transfer of Arcana is entirely accidental. Finally, there are objects with the entire or partial soul trapped inside, and with the soul trapped, so too is some of the originally living being's Arcana. Some examples below:
  • Dragon heart stones can sometimes retain the memories, magic, and even spirit of a lost dragon. Some dragons choose to remain on the surface via their own heart stone instead of returning to their Inhalla's Heart Stone to rest. The more of the dragon that remains, the more Arcana there is to draw from. Dragon souls can also be chased from their heart stones involuntarily by drawing too much Arcana at once.
  • The ashes of the Maw on Ethos are a primary example of the accidental transfer of Arcana from an Arcane being into inanimate objects. Many ashes are imbued with the ancient magical power of the mountain and its original inhabitants.
  • Though exceptionally rare and often collected by other strange Arcane creatures, there have been reports on the surface of weapons and other useful items imbued with the souls of creatures besides dragons. Many of these creatures have been trapped against their will, either by a god or other unknown source. It's said that to wield one of the weapons is to have the power to destroy all enemies. Whether or not these "intelligent weapons" are actually helpful or just another trick of the Exhartuus is unknown.

The Aura: The aura of a creature is more than just that being's connections to its inner spirit, emotional turbulence, or control over the flow of their energy. It is the mark of a being's Arcane ability. Those with a smaller aura that may not have as vibrant of coloration are often less involved with their Arcana, either because there is little tie to the pool of life energy or simply the lack of intelligence. By contrast, a larger aura with more vibrant coloration is a surefire sign of a better connection to the inner sense of self and thus the pool of Arcana within.
  • It should, however, be noted that most ordinary beings cannot see the Aura of others. Only those with the Unseeing Sight can see this mysterious field, and that is a rarity on the surface.

Arcana Use | Who Uses it & How Much

Arcane Beings: The general rule with Arcana use is the more of it that makes up the being, the more naturally it is used. This means that beings that are closer to the sources of Arcana are much more likely to use them. For example, dragons use Arcana as easily as breathing from even before hatch. By contrast, many elf species, though closer to Arcane sources, such as the Kalidyrre and dragons, must be taught how to use their Arcana before it can be done. However, because creatures such as elves are often much closer to Arcane creatures, they have a greater relationship with them and can learn the ways of Arcana much faster and more easily than creatures with a lesser relationship, such as varonians. It's said that this is due more to an elf's naturally longer life span and disconnection from Varon, the shunned Exhartuus, than any special qualities of an elf.

Complex Life: From the lowly bird to the complex varonians, all complex life has the ability to learn more advanced Arcana if there is a will to do so. However, whether it is due to the simplicity of a species' thought processes, shorter life spans, or the mark of a greater being holding them back, some life forms simply do not take to the use of Arcana as easily. In the sense of varonians in particular, this simply means that without a teacher, the average man or woman could not possibly dream to learn how to draw from Arcana to produce magic. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. Some varonians, even without a teacher, can still learn magic. It may simply take them a good portion of their considerably short life spans to do so. Others may be lucky enough to learn from an Arcane source, such as an Element, god, or other being.

The Natural Flow: Because Arcana is simply the life energy of Partheus, all living things, even the smallest blade of grass or the newest born ant, have Arcana. However, many simpler life forms, from the ants to the grass to even some trees, simply use that Arcana to live before breathing back the energy to be renewed in the next generation. This is simply the cycle of life.

Arcana Use | How it Works

There are three primary ways Arcana can be used as well as four core branches (and an extra "branch" that is limited to Arcane creatures only) that magic is broken into. These are all listed and explained below.

Ways Arcana Can be Used
  • For the Individual | Drawing on Arcana: The most typical way to use magic is to reach deep within the core of the user and draw from the Arcana found. This is mixed with the will or desire of the user and an image borne within the user's head, allowing the Arcana to bring the idea to life. The bigger the idea and the more it interacts with the world, either destructively or constructively, the more Arcana is required and the longer the magic takes to go into effect.
  • For the Group | Ritualistic Arcana Pooling: When particularly massive ideas are desired, a group of Arcane Users (those who are closely connected with their Arcana) will gather and create either an image or written spell on the ground and surround it with actual objects to pool their Arcana into. Together, they will all reach for their Arcana and pool it together over their common idea, allowing it to come to life without the death of a single user. This requires a great deal of time and energy from each user and typically is only found in species that are not made entirely of Arcana.
  • For the Group or Individual | Borrowed Arcana: As stated above in Arcane Sources, some items are imbued with Arcana from previous entities. These items can be drawn from either as a supplement to an individual's pool or to help with a ritual. For ritual usage, the item can be in the center of the group to be added to the pool. For individual usage, the individual must be touching the Arcane item in order to draw on its power. For Arcana that is borrowed from another living entity, freely given Arcana does not require touch in order to be used. For stolen Arcana, whether by a group or individual, the one whose Arcana is being stolen must be touched. For ritualistic stealing, every group member participating in the theft of the Arcana must be touching the victim. Otherwise, the drawing of stolen Arcana can be detrimental for the group doing so.

The Branches of Magic
  • Offensive Magic: The use of Arcana to cause harm, fear, or some form of debilitation. On par with Healing Magic in how much Arcana it can drain, this form of magic is designed to destroy. The most basic forms of this magic range from turning the air into poison, causing stone to crumble, to even firing a missile at a target. The Element, Fire, is particularly prone to gifting its users with more power from the Offensive branch.
  • Healing Magic: Using Arcana to rebuild what once was. To give up your life energy to another. This can be used for healing the wounds of another living being, repairing a broken door, or calming the trauma within another spirit. It's said that the most talented healers may even be able to bring another life back from death, but this in practice is extremely dangerous, as one may simply trade their own life for another's. Those who are aligned with the Element, Life, are typically more gifted in Healing magic than the other branches.
  • Illusion Magic: Requiring the most concentration and mental imagery of all branches, Illusion Magic uses Arcana to trick the minds of others. This magic focuses entirely on the senses – all five of them. For some, it can be used simply to play a trick on another living being. Others use Illusion to help them hear or see something or someone. This can include things such as clairvoyance, which may help the user see a clear path to their desire, or scrying eye, which helps the user spy on another living being. Light and Darkness in particular have a fondness of granting additional power from the Illusion branch.
  • Protective Magic: Like Illusion magic, this branch requires a great deal of concentration and mental fortitude. As the name suggests, Protective magic is that which shields others and the user from harm. This can be from physical attacks, Arcane advances, or simply mental or psychic onslaughts. This branch can also be used to bolster energy and morale or even help another concentrate on their own spells by shielding them from things that break concentration. Because many Arcane creatures are telepathic in nature, the Protective branch is one of the more commonly used among them. Earth and Spirit are particular towards the Protective branch.
  • Telepathy | Arcane Creatures Only: For creatures that are made up entirely of Arcana and those blessed with special abilities to link to those creatures (such as a varonian who has made the Pact with a dragon – more on this below), there is an additional form of Arcane use that is more instinctive than actively pursued: telepathy. Most dragons, for example, prefer to speak telepathically to one another as well as other creatures. Not only does this allow for more precise ideas to be shared, but it can also cross some barriers in terms of language or dialect differences. Though dragons have their own language, which is different from any other race on Partheus, they can oftentimes learn other languages faster by speaking telepathically with those races. The Elements have a similar ability, but because Elements do not speak in words, but rather melodies, their ideas are often much more abstract in form. This can make it a little more difficult for the one listening to make out the thoughts of the Element exactly. Finally, it should be noted that for a telepathic creature to speak to one who is not either naturally telepathic or given the gift of telepathy via some kind of bond to an Arcane creature, the telepathic creature must enter the mind of the non-telepath. This can cause anywhere from mild damage to extreme pain that will ultimately end in the death of the non-telepath. For Arcane creatures, the use of telepathy is so minimal on the draw of Arcana that they often do not even feel a difference even after an entire day of dialogue.

Arcane Limitations
  • The Arcana Pool: Every shell can only contain so much Arcana at any given point in time. If the spell that is being cast requires more Arcana than the user has within their shell, there is a great risk of death. As the Arcana flows from the pool, the life energy is delivered back to Partheus, and the only way to replenish that pool again is to rest and give the renewed life energy time to flow back into the shell.
  • Imagination, Willpower, & Concentration: Generally speaking, most branches of magic are heavily reliant on the user's imagination. Whatever the user can conjure within their thoughts is potentially possible with the right skills and the right amount – and type – of Arcana. Arcana even has the ability to make some things appear out of thin air, within certain boundaries. For example, a teapot could theoretically be conjured, but without Fire, one could not simply spark a flame from nothing. Imagination is not the only mental factor, though. How much desire the user has to create whatever image they have conjured and how able they are to maintain the mental image will also have a factor to play in how well something turns out. Some imagery takes more discipline than others.
  • Elemental: Anything involving the Elements – who in their own right are living beings – must first require friendship with that particular Element. As stated above, one cannot conjure a flame with simply the imagination and willpower to do so. The user must first have a relationship with Fire. The same goes for any of the known Elements. Sometimes even unknown Elements will not allow for something to happen.

The Pact | What it is & How it Affects Dragons & Varonians

The Pact is a defensive tool created specifically by Addanyre with the help of the Exhartuus, Sohnya, to bond the souls of varonians and dragons together. This special bond, which can only happen when the smallest of the three moons is full, merges the two souls into one. Unlike other humanoids on Partheus, varonians are considered malleable enough to do this, as they have unique traits that none of the other races have. The primary trait is a varonian's ability to adapt swiftly to sudden change.

The process of the Pact can take anywhere from a mere few moments to hours, depending on the compatibility of souls and how much access they have to the moonlight of Una. It begins with a touch between the pair as Una bathes the surface in moonlight. Both heads are drawn back as the eyes begin to glow with a more intense beam of light the same color as their aura. The beams shoot towards the skies, and when the colors collide is when the spirits are drawn from the bodies in the form of twisting vapors that never leave their respective lights. Those spirits are pushed towards the collision of light, where they dance around each other.

At this point, the souls are still two separate beings. Two distinct entities with two different colors. They swirl around each other, touching and testing the other's strengths and weaknesses, gaining speed with each passing second. After a while of gaining speed, the colors from both beams begin to twist and mix before the souls finally collide in a shower of light and color. For a brief moment, neither aura contains any of its previous colorations – both are simply the same silvery light of the moon. Then, the new spirit slows itself to reveal a new color, typically a blend of the original two.

The final step is to separate once more in order to maintain both shells. The new soul begins its dance anew, this time with the opposite intentions. As it does so, the new color begins to bleed into the shafts of light. Then, with enough heat, the soul splits itself back into two halves – each with an equal amount of power and weakness – and begins its descent into the two separate shells, finalizing the new auras and merging into its two distinctive shells. These shells must be able to accept the changes that come with the new soul, however. The rider, who was once mortal and full of limitations, must be able to handle the raw power of the dragon. The dragon, who was once timeless and nearly without limit, must accept the frailty of the rider. As this acceptance is made, the beams shine brighter and become one for the first time before winking from the eyes of dragon and rider and thus completing the process.

Though death during this transformation is rare, the process is a painful one, and some have been known to simply be too weak or not compatible. The souls of those who perish during the Pact, however, are always welcomed into Inhalla's Heart Stone to rest.

Pacted Dragons | Physical & Arcane Changes
  • Dragons are timeless creatures, many of whom never stop growing in all their years. Some can get so massive, in fact, that they can carry entire villages upon their backs if they so desired. However, the Pact puts a hindrance on the dragon's growth to keep them at a more ideal size for riding. Even the largest of dragon species can no longer grow past 25 feet. For dragons whose species never get to such large sizes, those who make the Pact will still grow to their maximum size.
    • It should be noted that dragons who make the Pact as adults are not limited to this size. If a dragon who is significantly larger than 25 feet long makes the Pact after reaching beyond the limitation, they simply stop growing. However, they cannot shrink down to size.
    • Though physically stunted and considerably lacking in strength compared to their normal-sized counterpart, the dragon gains speed and dexterity, both on the ground and in the air. They also gain a great deal of defense, their scales thickening to allow for a greater amount of hits compared to those without a rider.
  • Dragons with bodies made entirely or even partly of sharp scales will naturally begin the transformation to create a harmless seat at the point between the shoulders and neck. For example, Obsidian Dragons, whose sharp scales jut out at every possible point with what might appear to be flowing magma beneath, will form a spot of what might appear to be the same color and texture of basalt flexible enough for the dragon to move and harmless enough for their rider to sit.
  • Mentally, a Pacted dragon must also be able to maintain greater control over their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and power. The typical power of even a baby dragon is significantly stronger than any varonian. Because dragons, unlike varonians, are teleptathic creatures by their very nature, wild dragons don't tend to consider the repercussions of telepathic power against creatures that don't have similar abilities. As such, a wild dragon speaking telepathically to a varonian would usually tear the varonian's mind to shreds in seconds. A Pacted dragon gains the ability to control this telepathic ability, using their mind more as a harnessed tool with precision rather than a wild weapon.
    • This means that Pacted dragons gain the ability to prod the natural mental barriers of other creatures before entering, a natural mental link to their rider (where they share thoughts – both intrusive and active, emotions, and even some physical sensations), and a barrier that they can use to block oncoming telepathic intrusions from any other telepathic creatures. All of these new abilities work just like a muscle, meaning they must be exercised to gain greater control.

Pacted Varonians | Physical & Arcane Changes
  • Just as dragons must change their bodies, so too must a rider. Their bones become strong and lightweight with a denser, more honeycomb structured marrow, allowing for higher production of white blood cells. Their lungs restructure to quickly and efficiently take in and separate oxygen from what the body considers to be toxins while red blood cells gain the ability to more efficiently absorb oxygen from the lungs. The body temperature rises to over 100° F (38° C), having to work harder to keep all organs running properly. This means the rider can withstand colder temperatures as well as altitudes with significantly less oxygen in the air.
    • Still, the rider is frail and easily crushed. Like the dragon, the rider gains speed, dexterity, and even strength, especially on the ground - typically double that of a non-rider humanoid. Also, due to their natural ability to more effectively soak in oxygen, riders have significantly increased endurance, able to run for up to three times the length of the average non-rider varonian. However, unlike the dragon, the rider cannot gain armor, and must either wear armor or risk the wrath of mortal weapons.
  • Like the mind of a dragon, that of the rider must change and grow to accept the new telepathic abilities of the counterpart. It is no longer so weak that it risks being torn apart when a dragon speaks telepathically and gains a natural link to their Pacted dragon (naturally sharing thoughts, images, ideas, emotions, and sometimes even physical sensations). It can stretch out and feel for other minds like a dragon, learn languages faster by speaking telepathically like a dragon, and even potentially cause harm like a dragon. The rider also gains the barrier ability unique to the Pact, allowing them to shield themselves from intruders - this can eventually include their own dragon (though at an emotional and sometimes even physical detriment to both rider and dragon). However, like all abilities, the rider must train to gain a greater control.
  • As dragons are Arcane creatures, timeless in their age and with no limit on how old they can grow before death, riders now share this trait. So long as the dragon lives, so too, does the rider. However, because their souls are now a single being, neither can live without the other. This means if a rider or a dragon dies, the partner will share in that death.
  • As varonians are not natives to the use of Arcana, the barrier that their race has on their own Arcane pool is lifted upon making the Pact. This unlocks a great deal of magical potential in each rider. Elements also seem naturally drawn to riders, and most riders are chosen by an Element sometimes even before that rider has come to know their own destiny. Whichever Element chooses the rider will also – almost always – choose their dragon as well. However, the rider must learn everything about Arcana, as they do not also gain the knowledge or understanding of how Arcana is used.

The Elements

Unlike other forms of Arcana, Elements are living creatures all their own - Arcane creatures born before the surface was formed by the Kalidyrre over the spirit of Partheus. Though not necessarily corporeal, they live and breathe just like any other creature of Partheus. Each Element commands certain aspects of the world, itself. The temperament of that Element can determine the success of its charges at any point in time.

Every so often, each Element finds itself in need of a friend. In that desire to have friendship with other creatures, the Element can bless another with some of its power and the ability to call upon the Element, itself, in times of need. Unlike the other types of Arcana, this draws from both the Element and that who has been blessed. Instead of training in specific skills like other types of Magic, the user must instead gain a greater friendship with the Element. Each one who is chosen to befriend a specific Element must learn how to speak to it, nurture it, and learn from it. Over time, the abilities will get better with the teachings of the Element, itself.

This is not something that dragons or any other race are better at. While dragons are chosen by Elements much more often than varonians, those chosen stand an equal chance of gaining friendship with that Element. It's all a matter of perseverance.

There are currently ten known Elements on Partheus, broken up into two circles. They are listed below:

Tardas – The Circle of Bases
  • Ihnora | Earth – The literal foundation to the very surface upon which all creatures live and breathe, Earth is the backbone of Tardas. The one who grows mountains and gives way to oceans, who nourishes plants and provides stability to growing civilizations. Those blessed with this Element can create walls, steppingstones, shields, and much, much more. They can change the fertility and integrity of the soil, and if strong enough, can even ask great trees to do their bidding. This Element is very mellow and stable, a good support when you need it.
  • Thuus | Air – The opposite of Earth, Air is the winds that hold onto the heavens and contain the gases that are necessary for survival. The currents that birds and dragons have learned to harness, the life-giving breeze that keeps a fire from sputtering out – or the tempest that tears at the very surface, itself. Those who find a friend in Air may find themselves caressed by a light breeze or awaken to find themselves floating above their beds. Air is a whimsical Element, happy and free. It is harder to calm than Earth and has a lighter spirit, but its friendship is an unbreakable bond.
  • Xhaken | Fire – The most volatile of Tardas, Fire is the energy that brings warmth to the surface of Partheus. It can be gentle like the rays of the suns after a cold night or blazing heat whose flames eat away at all life. It can burn away fears and corruption, bring back the light of memories, and chase away the cold of a harsh winter. By contrast, it can take away life, harm the world, cause devastation. It can cause death as much as it helps sustain life. It takes stability to maintain a bond with Fire. Unfortunately, this Element seems to enjoy choosing the most volatile of creatures to befriend.
  • Kxara | Water – The greatest shape-changer and the opposite to Fire, Water is the most flexible of Tardas, able to fit into any environment, sometimes even changing as it goes. It is strong enough to melt away Earth and smother Fire, yet supple enough to change its ways to befit any Element. The cool and the cold, Water washes away what Fire burns and Earth defends. It soothes and relaxes, freezes and sears. This Element shifts much like Air, and though it is not as whimsical, it changes its shape to fit its environment. It is mysterious and beautiful, but it can be harsh and terrifying if the one chosen by it is not careful.
  • Ynxir | Spirit – The leader of Tardas, Spirit has no true opposite. It is that which gives life beyond the shell born onto the surface, ties the shell to the Arcane, and calls the soul home after the shell has given back the borrowed life energy permanently. The closer one is to Spirit, the less likely they are to be lost after death. But Spirit is more than just what comes after death has taken the shell of a creature. Spirit is what can keep a lost soul from giving up on life, give a frightened spirit the courage to move forward, or even bolster one who has felt the sting of failure. Spirit is that which keeps the souls of the living lifted during their darkest moments. Those who find a friend in Spirit also find that the Element tends to be one of the most difficult to control – especially if their own spirit is not pure in nature. Yet its bond is unlike any other felt.

Tedra – The Circle of Being
  • Ihkari | Life – The first wielder of Partheus's life essence, Life is that which gives the soul of a being the ability to fill a shell that breathes and grows. It is the pull of life essence from beneath the surface to grace the shell above with animated beings. It is that which can close wounds and give the shell the ability to breathe, think, and grow another day. Being only one half of an endless cycle, however, Life must always end in Death sooner or later. For many creatures on Partheus, this simply means that immortality is not achievable. This Element is very tender and easily hurt by those it befriends, but with the right touch, it is arguably one of the most giving Elements on the surface.
  • Inthar | Death – The second half to Life, Death is the final breath of a living shell and that which allows a soul to be released back to where it once came from. It is what gives back to Partheus and allows the cycle to continue, for without Death, there can be no Life. Death is the Element that allows for decay, and it plays a great role in many Element usage, especially Earth, who is responsible for replenishing the nutrients in the soil for Life to continue. Though considered evil in many ways, especially by those who have no understanding of it, Death is a quiet and serene Element, giving tranquility to many who are troubled in their last moments.
  • Uhdyr | Light – Like Fire brings warmth to creatures on the surface, Light brings sight, beauty, and color to the surface. It is reflected in the stars and moons at night, invigorated in the suns during the day, and brought forth by sentience all across the surface in the forms of torches, candles, and magic. It is a lighthearted and warm Element, easy to "talk" to and befriend, but sometimes, it can be hard to see through all the Darkness.
  • Dhanor | Darkness – The opposite of Light, Darkness is the natural state of all things within the Thestimosa and on the surface. It is the backbone to Tedra and the heavy blanket that nestles one into the comforting embrace of Death. While it can be a great help, it is also known as an even greater hindrance in many cases. Darkness is that which blinds the souls of the living and the shadows that dance on the walls when they are afraid. Yet, though it is often a very heavy burden to bear, there are many who find comfort within its embrace and many more who have grown so accustomed to its thick cloud that the Light can often hurt. Like Death, Darkness is often seen as evil, but like many Elements, it can make a steadfast and loyal friend.
  • Inortia | Chaos – The first Element born from the actions of Addanyre that began the creation of the planet and leader of Tedra, Chaos is a mystery beyond the understanding of nearly all beings, Arcane and otherwise. Chaos is so volatile that none can understand or even glimpse the Element's intentions. It is so rarely known to befriend a creature of Partheus that it is thought to be unwilling or possibly unable to grant its power to others. Perhaps that is for the best.

Magical Poisoning

Though extremely rare, there have been events in which the action of soaking in Arcana from a living being without their express permission can cause illness, disease, or sometimes death of a magical nature. This can sometimes lead to results that would otherwise not be possible.

The most notable of Magical Poisoning seen on the surface of Partheus is that of the Ash Maw. It is said that the ashes of the Maw contain leftover Arcana from either the dragon Family that used to live within the mountain or from the mountain, itself. However, due to the nature of historical timelines, it is difficult to say which has caused the Arcana – and the poisonous gases – to continue for so long. However, for whatever reason, the fumes around the Maw as well as the ashes, themselves, are known to cause a disease seen nowhere else on Partheus – the Ash Plague. This disease is seen most often in creatures that are more attuned with their own Arcana, most notably elves, dwarves, and even dragons. It causes a series of effects, beginning with a simple cough. The cough is then followed by burning skin and a scale-like appearance that starts at the initial interaction with the body (ie if one breathes in the fumes before touching the ashes, the scales begin at the mouth and nose, but if the ashes are touched first, the site where the ashes touched will begin to scale). Finally, as the scales begin to glow between, the creature dies before reanimating after the entire body is covered in the scale-like flesh.

Other notable forms of magical poisoning are as follows:

  • Islands South-West of Ethos contain Malachite Dragons infected with Arcane ooze "symbiotes" that force the dragons' bodies to change to accommodate the parasite. The ooze cannot live without a host, and once the transformation is complete, the dragon cannot live without the ooze. This is thought to be the direct result of Yagi waking from his slumber.
  • On Kabola, Bloodstone Dragons are said to be cursed directly by Addanyre to live a life of undeadness as a direct result of their actions during the times that the dragons simply call the "Severing of Talons." This kind of magical poisoning is so powerful that there is yet no known cure for it, and some consider it to not be poisoning at all, but rather a very powerful curse.
Some basic bullet points to know about Ash Collectors below - please read before creating your character.

  • All Ash Collectors are limited to five pounds for weapons. For some, this can mean that they are granted special weapons that are made by outside sources (elves and dwarves) to make them lighter and more durable. Just be sure to ask me before creating something of your own there.
  • Ash Collectors wear full suits of protective gear made especially for entering the Ashlands. Even the mask covers most of the head with a hood pulled over it. Image of the mask below, but if you need a better mental image, think a steampunk/fantasy version of MOPP gear (Mission Oriented Protective Posture for those who are not familiar).

Major change to this is that there are thick glass lenses over the eyes produced by the dwarves. Behind the vent over the nose and mouth, they usually fill with some kind of herb - typically to the individual's preference - with a finer mesh filter behind to keep as much ash and poison from entering the body as possible.
  • Ash Collectors spend about 90% of their time at one of the Outposts when not in the Ashlands. This means they rarely see their families. The only time that Collectors are released back to Cinidum is when a significant injury occurs within the team, resulting in the team's temporary hiatus. During the time that the injured team member is recovering, all Collectors within that team remain in the capital with them and are allowed to visit family members in the Rune District. However, Collectors are not allowed to visit any other District of Cinidum besides the Palace District, where they are to report to the Academy daily until the team's release.

The Rules of This Roleplay
Extensive, but necessary.
  1. ALL Iwaku rules apply here - NO EXCEPTIONS.
  2. Have fun chatting! This is an OOC as well as a sign-up, and I look forward to getting to know you. Just remember to keep things respectful. Golden rule and all that.
  3. DO NOT discuss sensitive topics involving things going on in real-time. This means anything involving politics, religion, military views, racism, majority/minority groups, etc. If you feel as though something may upset someone, put it in a spoiler with a potential trigger word. I'm not usually one to set up safe spaces, but I don't have time to de-escalate heated conversations.
  4. If you need to make an announcement - even something as simple as letting us know you need to take some time away from RP - be sure to tag me.
  5. Keep your eyes peeled for any announcements I make. I'll always post a reply to let you all know that I modified the main post to announce something important.
  1. Stick to the story limitations. I'm all for making a few modifications that we can find loopholes for, but crazy requests will just be told no. This means your rider MUST be varonian. And unless you have some crazy way to avoid it that answers every single one of my high expectations, your rider MUST ALSO be an Ash Collector at the start of the story. The same goes for any dragon modifications - you must be able to answer my questions, meet my expectations, and keep to the story limitations.
    • I should also note here that this means your varonians, unless above the age of sixty and have spent their entire lives studying Arcana, do not have any magical ability in the beginning of this story. Arcana is off limits to varonians - otherwise, there would be no story.
  2. Dark, twisted characters are absolutely allowed. If you want an anti-hero, you can go for it. Just be ready for the chance of that character one day dying. No character in this RP has plot armor.
  3. My biggest pet peeve is overpowered, ridiculous characters with no real reason for their skills and no weaknesses to balance them out. For every strength - and this includes character skills - there must be a weakness. And have a story to back those skills up. Take your time fleshing out your characters. This is both for riders and dragons.
  4. When you are ready, post up your sheet here in the sign-ups and be ready for a PM from me. Any qualms I may have with the sheet, we can discuss one on one, and you can simply edit the post you made as we go. Once it's approved by me, I'll add the character to the list at the bottom of this post in its own spoiler.
  1. Having written for an extended period of time myself, I like to see some good thought put into each post. This means that I have a minimum expectation for each IC post: at least around 15 sentences with depth. I'm not expecting purple prose or anything - I'm just looking for effort. I also expect a good understanding of grammar and spelling (and knowing the differences between words such as your and you're, there, they're, and their, to, two, and too, etc.).
    • I also expect an understanding of separating dialogue from action, feeling, and description. Thoughts in italics, dialogue in "quotations," and telepathic communication both ~italicized and marked by wavy lines.~
  2. Though I have already stated that we will be moving at a snail's pace, basically, I do still believe that we need a firm understanding of what happens with inactivity. To put it simply, with every response that is made directly to your IC post and with each GM movement post (meaning where the story is obviously being pushed along), you are given one month to respond. I know that sounds like a lot of time, but time seems to fly when you get older and suddenly find yourself with a million different projects. So one month...if you don't respond IC in that amount of time, you are automatically removed from the RP, and your slot is opened for another person to join. If someone else takes your place, you will need to wait for another slot to open in order to rejoin with either the same character or a different one.
  3. Play on both your strengths AND your weaknesses. Give your character a chance to grow. First offense of godmodding, power playing, etc. will result in a warning. Second outright offense will result in the untimely death of your character.
    • I as GM do reserve the right to force the character of an inactive player out of a scene that holds another player away from interacting with the story.
  4. I as GM reserve the right to tell you something isn't going to work. If an IC move your character makes in a post will do harm to another player or is not possible in my eyes for the story, I have the right to tell you to change it. I will always explain my reasoning, and I'll leave the rest to you, the player.

Character Sheets & Accepted Characters
Accepted Characters will be added to the list in their own spoilers as I approve them.
Place of Origin (Somewhere within the ten districts of Cinidum OR a village near one of the four Outposts – other locations must be approved by me)

Appearance (Feel free to add an image, description or even both here - please put larger images in a spoiler)

Personality (Give 5 Words and explain each)

Skills & Abilities (Create up to THREE unique magical abilities to be cleared by me and unlocked by the character later (EMPHASIS ON THE LATER PART) - abilities linked to the dragon & Element. Other skills, such as weapon skills, etc. are to be put here.)
Weapon Choice (Up to three weapons, all weighing less than five pounds)
Element (Which Element will befriend your character & dragon later)
Strengths (Mental/Emotional & Physical outside of skills)
Weaknesses (Mental/Emotional & Physical – Be sure to balance them out and remember that skills are considered strengths as well)

Brief History (Anywhere from one to five short paragraphs – if you want to do more, you can – just be sure to put it in a spoiler so we don't make this extra long)
Relationships (Family, friends, loved ones, etc.)

Other (Anything I may have missed)

Species (Draconic & Regular Names if available)
Appearance (Again, you can do an image, description, or both. Larger images go in a spoiler. Please, maintain the general integrity of the dragon species. Don't go taking a Red and making it look like a Blue. Just choose a Blue if you like that aesthetic better.)

Personality (Again, 5 words and explain each)

Abilities (Unique to the dragon – should be roughly the same as rider abilities, but you can tweak them - dragons are given the same Elements as the riders. ALSO, please put a brief description of the breath weapon for easy reference to yourself and other players. You can rip it off of the description, and it doesn't count against the three abilities.)
Strengths (Mental/Emotional & Physical)
Weaknesses (Mental/Emotional & Physical – provide balance for abilities as well)

Place of Origin



Skills & Abilities
Weapon Choice

Brief History





Original Post found HERE.

Takaya Mai Verrud
Ta•Ki•Yah aka Ki•Yah
28 | Female | Gold Team Leader

Place of Origin | Divak District of Cinidum

Height | 68" (173cm)
Weight | 150lb (68kg)
Hair | Brown w/ dark red lowlights
Eyes | Amber w/ flecks of green

Gentle waves of chestnut hair flowing with hints of deep auburn fading in and out of view cascade around sloping shoulders to a curving waist. Framed by the waves of thick hair is an almond face with strong nose, full lips, and sharp eyes of amber and small bursts of emerald. Her body is lean, lined with sinewy muscle beneath warm sepia skin that could remind one rich sand blanketed with the light of dawn. Mottled with scars and the fading color that marks her vitiligo, she is a unique sight to behold when not fully clothed. However, much of her scarring and discoloration is almost always covered by her airy, long-sleeved tunics, which are always tucked into her well-worn leather trousers and traveler's boots. Her sling is stored on the right side of her belt while the falchion is stored at the left in its scabbard. Her hair is only ever let down from its usual thick braid to wash, brush, and re-braid.

Img Courtesy of Fernanda Suarez
Even after seeing so much in the Ashlands, Takaya finds herself captivated by the idea of something new, especially when it comes to her life as a Collector. She is the kind of person who wants to dig deeper into understanding a new thing or idea, as long as she can do it safely.

A hard road through life makes Kaya exceptionally wary of threats around her. This can be both in the Ashlands and outside of them, having had enough encounters with less-than-savory people. She is sensitive to the sounds around her, as her entire life as well as the lives of those around her often depend on the slightest changes in noise. She would rather play it safe than risk losing someone.

In terms of leading her team, once in the Ashlands, Takaya expects her word to be law. Revisions to how they operate are allowed to be mentioned while resting at the Outposts, but Kaya does not do well with pushback from team members. On her own, Kaya has always been someone who could not be swayed easily from her goals. This has not changed with age.

What better way to hide one's grief than with humor? Takaya loves to mention the irony in a situation with a laugh, make jokes in even the most serious situations, and often laugh whole-heartedly at a tricky situation. Though this definitely does not mean she doesn't take things seriously, many have thought of Kaya as a little too flippant with things. This is often where her facetious nature quickly turns sarcastic.

Having experienced a great deal of loss and grief in her time, Takaya understands the heavy burden it has on someone. She can quickly pick up on these feelings coming through in others, and she is generally quite respectful of how that person feels, doing what she can to help them or simply giving them space.
Skills & Abilities
Martial Arts | Though not quite at an expert level, Kaya has trained in various forms of martial arts for most of her life. Her training has consisted of hand-to-hand and Bojutsu primarily, making her exceptionally skilled at beating off her attackers with strength and speed.

Diplomacy | Having a childhood full of diplomatic and political relations, Takaya has a natural skill when dealing with government officials. She is not necessarily the greatest of silver tongues, but often she finds that she can ease her way towards a goal or out of a tough situation.

Mending Hand | With a simple touch of her hand, Takaya can will the flow of Life through her own body and into another. This can allow her to heal wounds and potentially save lives. At the beginning of her use of Arcana, she can only perform simple tasks, such as minor burns, cuts, or scrapes. As she gains skill, however, she learns how to change the flow of energy from herself into her target. This skill, though using much of the Arcana from her Element, requires a great deal of her own life essence as well. Thus, she could not possibly bring back a lost life without sacrificing her own. This ability also cannot work without her touching the other being.

Invigoration | Feeding from the energy bestowed to her by Life, Kaya is able to sustain herself with significantly fewer calories than an ordinary being. Though she cannot go completely without food or water without detriment, she can go greater lengths of time before starvation or severe dehydration sets in. As this skill is practiced and maintained, she will also learn how to transfer some invigorating capabilities to other living beings without sacrificing too much of her own life energy. Eventually, she will even be able to "surge" life energy into a given target, allowing them to have regenerative qualities for a short time. This transferral, like Mending Hand, requires touch to be done.

Sensing Life | Once she unlocks the potential of Life, Kaya will also unlock a deeper connection with the flow of life essence all around her. At first, it will be overwhelming, like a great ocean of feeling beneath her feet. As she hones this skill, however, she will be able to pinpoint where the flow of energy rises above the Surface and into vessels. This will eventually allow her to point where those vessels are and even how they are feeling (ie if their hearts are racing or normal). This sensation has a very limited range, no more than sixty feet (18m) from where she's standing for a clear picture. It also requires a great deal of concentration to eliminate the sensation of an ocean beneath her every time she taps into this ability.

Weapon Choice
Sling & Stone Pouch | 2lb (907g) | Though Kaya is not the most accurate long-ranged fighter, she has found the sling to be a wonderful universal weapon. Plus, good pebbles can be found almost anywhere. She keeps a small pouch of round stones tied to her waist for easy access.

Bo Staff | 1lb (454g) | For more up-close and personal fighting, Kaya prefers her fire-treated hardwood bo staff. This also makes for a very good walking stick. It is heavily scarred with the repeated abuse it sees in the Ashlands, yet it remains a sturdy companion.

Taliya's Falchion | 2lb (904g) | Though she prefers sharp weapons the least, this cusped falchion has particular sentimental value to Kaya. The blade is made of a type of steel forged by the dwarves of Lordhan, allowing for a lighter build that holds a sharp edge for longer than anything made by varonian hands.

Img Courtesy of Man at Arms

Element | Life~

Experience | The Ashlands is all Takaya really knows. She lives and breathes every sound, feeling, sight, and smell of the place. She is a quick navigator within the desert of ashes, and she almost seems to have an internal compass that allows her to find her way in and out of the place. She also knows when the mountain is about to lull in its eruption, making her an effective team leader for every part of a Collector's journey.

Empathy | Due to her own troubled past, Kaya can quickly and easily connect to other kindred spirits. When she does take the chance to get to know someone, she's able to relate to them in simpler ways, such as the pressures of life weighing on her spirit as it tends to do for many.

Fake It 'Til You Make It | Having learned about keeping your composure as a young Collector, Takaya's poker face is one to be admired. Her philosophy is very much along the lines of figure it out as you go because, frankly, some rules haven't yet been written…and others are just meant to be broken.

| Between the family that shuns her having power within the Ashen Empire, the loss of those she turned away from that family for, and the many mistakes she has made throughout her life as a Collector, Takaya feels a deep burrow of shame. This internal dialogue between her and the imposter's voice within her mind often causes a great deal of self-doubt, which will sometimes arise in situations that require quick thinking and decisiveness.

Loss | Kaya's first encounter with Amethyst Team saw her first real brush with death. Though she made it out alive, not everyone on her team did. Over the course of another five years, she watched each other member lose their lives to the ashes. This atop the loss of her daughter and husband and the hidden feelings of not seeing her family or having never felt love from them burns a deep well inside her. She buries it as much as she can, but it is due to this that Kaya is not a person who opens up to her team.

Overbearing | Having lost so many to the ashes in the past, Takaya tends to be particularly protective of those under her leadership. She is not fond of someone ignoring the rules she's put in place to keep the team safe, and she would rather leave someone home than take a reckless, crazy sod into the fray where they can cause harm to the rest. When in the Ashlands, she is a stickler for rules, and she generally doesn't do well with those who break them. This can often lead to dissent from her team, who feel caged by her mother-hen nature.

Lack of Experience | Outside of Cinidum, the Outposts, and the Ashlands, Kaya has absolutely no experience, and she often tends to find herself easily overwhelmed when out of her element.

Scarred | On her very first trip into the Ashlands, Kaya was touched by an Ashborne. Though it touched the fabric of her protective suit, the burn it left on her body was severe enough to need months of healing before her next journey in. It still aches with a ghostly feeling of burning flesh. Since then, she has had several encounters much the same, and her skin is mottled with various scars of burns, tears, and breaks. The mental scarring of losing team members is also there, which can often hinder her views as a team leader and be a little over-protective of her charges.

The Breath of Ash | Having spent a decade making regular trips to and from the Ashlands, Kaya's body has slowed considerably due to the toxicity of the air she breathes. Though her mask does a great deal to keep her safe, she has been exposed enough to the air that her reflexes are no longer at their height. She has also begun to develop a sensitivity to dirty air, whether the toxic fumes of the Ashlands or simply the smell of sewage in the city.
Brief History
As a young heir to a family vying for a position within the Mahan District, Takaya was put under a great deal of pressure from the very beginning. She was expected to learn only the finest forms of combat, wear only the finest clothes, have only the finest manners…everything. To say woe was her wasn't necessarily true, as she didn't have the great many worries of those born to lesser homes. And yet she found herself wanting for more.

The Instructors made their rounds in her zone when she was seven years old, and though her parents turned them away with disdain, Kaya found herself curious. Even so young, she had learned how to sneak out of her home unseen, so she snuck away and followed the strangers. After catching up to them, she learned about Ash Collectors and the Academy. In this, she found her purpose. She begged them to let her train, but they shook their heads solemnly and told her it was up to her family.

Angry at her parents for their severe limitations, Takaya vowed to practice on her own and keep up her strength to one day make her way to the Academy. She trained with instructors as well as on the streets of some of the lesser districts, always sneaking away during the night. But by the age of fifteen, her world found itself turned upside down. She found a young man and fell deeply in love.

Knowing that her family would never approve, she openly rejected them and walked from her life of wealth and comfort forever. Less than a week later, she and the young man, Arnoud, were married. Neither had money, but Arnoud's family took the two in as best they could and welcomed Takaya with loving arms. Kaya admitted her dreams to Arnoud, and he agreed that she could follow them on one condition: give him one year to build their name first. She agreed.

Soon enough, Takaya found herself with child. In the Kaia District, birthing children was a much greater risk. But there was no going back. Turning her back on the dream of the Ash Collector, Kaya set her sights on the life before her.

When their daughter was born, the Verrud family found themselves overjoyed. Arnoud's parents took time off, and the community around their small business celebrated the new life. Kaya took a great deal of time to recover, but she did. Within six months, she was back to her old strength again. But that strength seemed to come at the cost of her sweet Emota's health. The babe had become sickly. Arnoud begged Kaya to go to her family and ask them for help. Swallowing her pride, she did so, and just as she expected, she was turned away.

Having nowhere else to turn, Kaya had an idea. She headed for the Mahan District and straight to the Academy. Within, she begged for help in return for her services. The advisors in charge smiled and agreed. They sent a doctor to see the babe, Kaya following closely behind. The doctor assessed Emota and said that the child would need medicine for a long while yet, as her condition was very severe. Arnoud was furious, but he knew that what was done could not be undone. Saying their goodbyes, Takaya was escorted back to the Academy to begin her training as a Collector.

By the time she was eighteen, Takaya had become a fully-fledged Collector. Upon her request, the Verrud family was moved to the Rune District, after which she was sent on her first journey into the Ashlands. This journey would change her outlook on things forever.

Upon her return home to heal, she learned an even more horrible truth. Emota's health had failed completely. Struck too deeply by his grief, Arnoud had taken his own life. Takaya was alone. Save for her in-laws, who remained ever-vigilant in their son's absence. Since then, she has kept her eyes on what her original life goal was, and when someone asks about her past, she never mentions her family.

Aniya Lynette Aguethier | Mother | 53 | Mahan (Palace) District
Engeram Raollin Aguethier | Father | 55 | Mahan District
Azemar Engarrand Aguethier | Brother | 25 | Mahan District

Jowella Sazane Verrud | Mother-In-Law | 56 | Bahuman (Rune) District
Bletmir Laze Verrud | Father-In-Law | 60 | Bahuman District

Arnoud Mighell Verrud | Husband | Deceased
Emota Seollul Verrud | Daughter | Deceased

Varrik Deatus Conthier | Amethyst Team Leader | Deceased
Taliya Anastia Estielon | Amethyst Team Second | Deceased
Malkaris Xanthos Raseul | Amethyst Team Third | Deceased
Used Colors
For Dialogue & Titles | #FFD700
For Life | #008080
Other Colors Used | #F6B300 #6B8E23 #B21807

Een • Zrah • Nah aka Zrah • Nah
Female Hematite Dragon


Like the Hematite Dragons unique to Ethos, Ihn'Xrana is a lithe creature with scales that grow in a dense, criss-cross pattern across her body. Her neck is long, and it along with her head take up about a third of her total body length. Her head is narrow and long, coming to a rounded point at the snout and ending with two horns, which point directly behind her in waving lines. Her eyes rest along her cheek bones, which stretch out to allow her to see both to the side and partially in front of her, and they are an orange so vibrant, they are like the molten fires of a volcano. From her nostrils is a line of scales that follow the shape of her face, shielding her eyes both above and below and stretching out beyond her jawline. Along the sides of her head are long, curving shapes that lead to her ears lined with long, fragile scales. As she ages, more spikes and scales will grow around these protrusions to better protect her ears. More scales that break the criss-cross pattern stretch along her jawline, looking almost like feathers in shape. These scales are much more likely to break.

Her legs are weighed heavily by similarly-shaped scales, making her appear bulkier beneath than her muscles actually allow. The bones and muscle which hold the sensitive webbing of her wings are also caked in overgrown scales, which break off and regrow at intervals. When a longer scale does not break off, it can often cut into the webbing, so her wings are often held folded at her sides to keep this from happening. At the end of her body is a long, rudder-like tail that can whip and crash around her if she's not careful. All along her spine, from between her horns to the end of her tail, are long spines made of the same, iron-like material as her scales rather than the denser material of her horns. Like her scales, these spines can be broken off periodically and regrown.

The most notable thing about Ihn'xrana's appearance, however, is her color. Being a Hematite Dragon - particularly an Iridescent Hematite - Xrana is a dragon whose color should often reflect the rainbow, each criss-cross of scales sparkling with a wide array of color. However, her scales are dull like old scrap iron found in a forge. Along her maw and down her body is a line of rust coloring, and much of her body is mottled this way as well. As she grows, however, her color may just begin to change.
Images Courtesy of Alejandro Olmedo
Youthful Xrana


Older Xrana


Hematite Images Used as References
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Sample Courtesy of the Cleveland Natural History Museum. You can ask my husband just how crazy I went in the entire mineral section of that museum. I have over 40 pictures. Anyway, this is the inspiration of the criss-cross patterning of the scales of an Ethos (Iridescent) Hematite Dragon.

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Iridescent Hematite - Image Courtesy of Check there for more images or just Google it if you're curious. The rainbow effect will be the eventual appearance of Xrana's scales.
Whether from her lack of socialization or simply due to her very nature, Xrana is almost completely oblivious to humor. She is a very literal creature, taking most spoken things at their base level of description. She often misses the point unless it is blatantly spoken to her.

Grief-stricken and lost, Ihn'xrana displays a sorrowful nature. The world to her is not hopeful. It is not all beauty and light and life. For Xrana, the world is despair and darkness and fear. It is often only her rider and the other dragons who can keep her going.

The world she knows is dying. All around her is ash and sickness and monsters waiting to destroy her. Ihn'xrana is filled with fear, and sometimes that fear can get to her.

Xrana sees no point in frivolity or the excess of things. She finds no sentimentality in inanimate objects and values life and friendship much more. She is insightful and sometimes intuitive to her senses, possibly due to Kaya's training linked with her own heightened capabilities. She is a quick thinker and always tries to find the fastest route away from the problem.

In social situations, Xrana prefers to keep to herself. She does not enjoy open communication, even with her rider. She often tries her best to shield herself by pulling away from those that care for her the most.
Scale Thrash (to be replaced) | Due to the fragile nature of her scales, Xrana has discovered that she can use them to her advantage. With a quick burst of Arcana, she can blast shards of her scales out in all directions. These shards act like small razors, which can do a great deal of damage to multiple enemies. However, this also has the slight problem of friendly fire. Oh, and she doesn't always have full control over when it happens…sometimes, it's just a reaction.

Rejuvenation | Having a direct connection to the life energy that flows beneath the Surface, Xrana has discovered that she is able to pull a surge of that energy into her own body to replenish her weary and broken body after a particularly arduous task. At first, this simply allows her to grow back some lost scales. As she ages and gets farther away from the Maw, however, she realizes that it can also allow her muscles and joints to revitalize as well. However, this is not a skill, she seems to be able to pass on to others. Perhaps due to the amount of energy needed just to keep her own body going.

STOP! | Unlike her rider, who can only allow Life to flow from her own body into that of another, Ihn'xrana has found that she can draw life energy directly to her from another. Though she can never pull enough of another being's life energy to cause death (for that's just the wrong Element at work), she can pull enough to stun them, cause temporary dizziness, and sometimes even knock them unconscious. As this ability grows, Xrana will find that she can also use this energy much like she would her own Arcana.

Clairvoyance (to replace Scale Thrash) | Much later down the line, as Ihn'xrana ages and develops, her childlike and anxious nature will diminish enough for her to gain much the same ability as her rider - her connection to the flow of Life beneath the Surface. Unlike her rider, however, Xrana will be able to use this ability to show her the path that lies before her. She can use this ability to better determine of that path is passable or not.

Iron Dust | Like all Hematite Dragons, Ihn'xrana has the natural breath weapon of super-heated, dust-like particles of iron. These particles spray from her maw in a series of sparks that can stretch up to half her own body length in a cone shape, not only burning her enemies but also lodging tiny splinters of iron beneath the flesh. If her target is close enough, these sparks are enough to kill quickly, but those on the outer edges of the breath weapon might just be hurting for a little while…and maybe eventually get poisoned from too much iron absorption.

Problem-Solver | Due to her practical nature, Ihn'xrana is quick to find the fastest route away from a tough situation. She sees routes where others often miss them and can simplify a plan that she feels is too complex for her friends. As long as her anxiety or pacifism don't get the best of her, she is also very quick to decide how to handle a fight when things go sour.

Reactive | Whether as a result of fear or simply instinct, Xrana has a surprisingly quick reaction time. When it comes to a fight for her life, she is probably the fastest to react, as though pure instinct takes over, leaving internal thought for later.

The Last of Her Kind | Hatching with the knowledge that her entire Family was wiped out centuries ago, Ihn'xrana is often left with feelings of loss, uncertainty, and sometimes even emptiness. Her grief is so confounded that often she loses interest in the idea of moving on, even with the help of her rider.

Fractured Memory | Though all dragons are conscious within their eggs and often aware of their surroundings, Ihn'xrana has very little memory of the time before her hatching. She doesn't know what happened, who caused the mountain to die, or why her entire Family was wiped out. And in order to unlock those memories, she must face her own fear, which she isn't necessarily ready to do.

Gentle Nature | Despite being a fierce predator, Xrana has a big heart that tends to get in the way of some of her more basic needs. She hates killing, even for self-defense, and often, she loses herself to shame when she reactively kills another sentient being as a result of fear for her own life. Because she doesn't have the memories of what her Family taught her as an egg, she must learn about the circle of life from scratch and gain the understanding that all beings have their place.

Rusting Scales | The sickness that destroyed her Family also affects her. As such, the scales that should shine with an iridescent quality instead fall away to a rusted heap. They often break off painfully, as with her claws and sometimes her teeth and even horns. Her body is weaker than many of the other dragons due to this, and she seems even more susceptible to the toxic air of the Ashlands.

Panic-Stricken | Hatching into the bones of her own Family, only to find that the entire world around her is collapsing, and there are monsters waiting just outside to slaughter her really gets to Xrana. She sees herself as weak and helpless, and she often forgets her strengths. This can lead to her lapsing into a full-blown panic attack, which can often slow her movement or even stop her in her tracks.
Dialogue & Titles | #00CED1
Other Colors Used | #553982 #B86500 #0041C2 #800517
Original Post found HERE.

Seath "Sharps" Baradus

Name: Seath "Sharps" Beraduz

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Place of Origin: Soto District, Cinidum

Height: 70"

Weight: 180lb.

Hair: Short Brown
Eyes: Brown

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Skeptical- Isn't easily persuaded

Realist- Sees things how they are and doesn't see the world in rainbows. Always expects the worst of a situation, ultimately making him think of all the ways to avoid that outcome.

Vindictive- has an unreasonable desire for revenge. If he or those he cares about are wronged, he will not be stopped until he gets his revenge.

Withdrawn- does not try to communicate with others. When in company with others, tends to pry away away from them and stay to himself.

Patient- Is always willing to wait if it is beneficial for them
Expert Marksman with a Crossbow. Can easily hit a target at long range

Master Tracker able to track most creatures' long distances

Able to camouflage himself into the environment around him

Has a good amount of knowledge of first Aid using herbalism that he has picked up throughout the years. this herbalism also leads to him knowing arts on making alcoholic beverages.

Able to drain the light from an area to escape unnoticed

Can muffle his footsteps to near nothing so he move around without making any noise
Hunting Crossbow- 1.5lb Custom-made crossbow made with elven wood to reduce its weight while still having a 150lb Draw weight to pierce thick leather
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1bs of Bolts (25)

Spiked Pavise Shield- A small 2.5lb Pavise Shield strapped to his left arm with a spike protruding past the hand
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Desensitized- Doesn't flinch to much considering all the things he has seen


Is not very magically inclined has to rely heavily on his physical and mental skills

Mangled Leg- Constant pain due to an old wound not healing right

Tends to accept death with open arms and will recklessly get himself into dangerous situations

Alcoholism- Has a severe addiction to alcohol

Antisocial- prefers not to talk to anyone even those he trusts

Questions the gods themselves constantly which tends to lower morale (or raises it depending on their beliefs) of those around him

Short temper- which usually ends in brawls
Seath's childhood was rough. He was abandoned by his family and was stuck on the streets fending for himself. His aptitude on staying unnoticed kept him alive. When he was in his teens, he met a young woman no older than himself after stealing some poached squirrels from her. Impressed, she introduced herself as Freta and offered that they teach each other their crafts. she trained him in the art of tracking and hunting, and he trained her in the art of Stealth and thievery. They soon came to find that he was a natural hunter and an expert sharpshooter. She offered to stay with him so that they could survive together. For many years they would survive through hunting small game and selling it to the local butcher. This friendship soon grew to an inseparable bond.

One day when they were out hunting though, they were attacked by a notorious bandit by the name of Grutus, who severely wounded Seath's leg and captured Freta. With rage in his eyes, he ignored his mangled leg and tracked down their camp and killed the entire gang except for Grutus himself. He was too late though. Freta had succumbed to her injuries and died in his hands. He carried her back to the outskirts of the city and buried her in their favorite outlook. He returned to the city still filled with grief, heading straight to the tavern hoping to drink his memories away, but when he entered the bar, he noticed the picture on the wall. It was of the bandit that took her. "Wanted dead." This gave Seath new purpose. He quickly left the city and went back to the bandit camp and waited. He waited for what seemed like days until finally…. It should only take one bolt, but he didn't want to give this man that luxury. A bolt whizzes right into the bandit's hand which pinned him to a tree. Then another into his knee, and then another, until the bandit was riddled with bolts. Barely conscience, Seath comes out of the shadows, limping towards Grutus with his still mangled leg. You could see the fire in Seath's eyes. He pulls out a knife and begins to cut the still breathing man's head off. When he got back to the city, he went straight to the barracks. he threw a sack with the bandit's head on the captain's table. The guard captain impressed, asked him how'd he did it himself. Seath didn't answer and just asked for his pay. The guard threw a bag of gold on the table and waved Seath off. Seath had never seen that much coin at once.

From this point on, he would no longer hunt deer and rodents. No, his new targets were elves, dwarves, and humans who were wanted by the law. This came with many new challenges but, he didn't care. The hunts kept his mind on the objective ahead, and not the memories of the past. Eventually he started to make a name for himself which got the attention of the Ash Collectors. They needed more people that were skilled and brave (or foolish) enough to enter the Ashlands and saw his achievements as a perfect candidate. When they came to invite him, he accepted skeptically, but he knew he had nothing more to lose.
Parents Unknown

Freta Bjurgorn(lover)- Killed by Bandits

Bartholoman the Mangled

Name: Bartholoman the Mangled

Species: Malachite Dragon

Gender: Male

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(Written by Mowkie & Canonically Approved for Ethos) Being the only other major swamp species of dragon, the Malachite is often mistaken for the Black for the number of features that are similar. Like Blacks, Malachites have a trident-like head with thick, curling horns and a sharp muzzle. Unlike Blacks, however, the face of the Malachite is narrower at the base and comes to a finer point at the muzzle. Malachite dragons can range in a wider blend of coloration, as many scale patterns contain some form of green pattern. Some Malachites are mostly green with black patterning while most are black with green patterning. The Malachites found on the hidden isles off the south-western coast of Ethos are particularly nasty, however, as they were introduced to a unique form of parasite thousands of years ago. This parasite is ooze-like in quality and has a base intelligence that allows it to communicate both with the host and with others of its kind. The parasite also seems to have some form of hive mind, though it is difficult to say how much connection there is between individuals. This parasite, when attached to a Malachite, gives a similar effect to their scales as the acid on the Black, constantly dripping from their scales.

Bartholoman is a bit different from others of his kind, however, perhaps because he has been trapped inside of his egg for so long with the parasite. His body has all but deteriorated, having no natural way to fight the ooze that infected his egg. The entirety of the young Malachite's jaw has been eaten away and replaced with a unique form of ooze tentacles that connect with the dragon's digestive system. This allows the ooze to control how many nutrients go to each organism. Bartholoman has also lost a good portion of his protective scales and some of the webbing in his wings, but much of this is replaced by the ooze, allowing for some adaptation to the lost skills. Bartholoman is mostly black in color with few hints of green, but the ooze is a vibrant, unnatural green that almost glows with its own light. His eyes are also alite with the strange color, leaving little to see for his pupils, though they are still there.
Incautious- heedless of potential risks, He rushes into conflict not looking for the dangers ahead

Fickle- He has no loyalty to anyone but to his own, and if his life is in danger he will save himself over saving the life of others

Destructive- On purpose or by accident, he has a tendency to destroy an unnecessary amount around him

Steely- is coldly determined and will stop at nothing to reach the goal he set out for

Abrasive- shows little concern for others and is perfectly ok with taking advantage of those around him if it means he comes out on top
Can cover an entire field with complete darkness where only they can see through it

Can detach a tentacle at a living creature that is smaller than Bartholoman, making it apart of the slime hivemind draining its life

Can consume a creature with a tentacle to revitalize itself

Anything that the slime has control over is now apart of the Hivemind and can do his bidding but can only control lesser creatures due to not being apart of the hivemind
Due to the slime being unlinked from the hivemind he has more control over its feedings and decide when to feed

the slime covering the dragon has otherworldly healing able to quickly heal most mortal wounds within minutes of gaing it making the dragon extremely hard to wound

With the slime growing inside the dragons body, some of his scales have fallen off and require the slime to protect it

Slime is separated from the hivemind making it extremely weak until it has spread enough

Relies on the slime to continue living

Continually hungry and must consume

needs moisture to keep the slime at full strength. If it is unable, it begin to dry up making the entire dragon brittle
His Egg was infected by a slime symbiote who requires a host to feed off of. But due to the separation of the egg and the rest of the Hivemind, the slime that has stuck with the egg is no longer apart of that hivemind and seeks to create its own. That being said though, Bartholoman has much more control of the slime due to this separation making it so he can decide what it feeds on
Original Post found HERE.

Name: Lyle P. Wondercroft
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Place of Origin: Southwest of Cinidum
Height: 5'11
Weight: 177 lbs.
Hair: Reddish Brown
Eyes: Light Hazel/Mustard Yellow
-False Peace:
Lyle knows that in his line of work, survival isn't guaranteed. Having achieved his life goal of becoming a Collector to provide for his family, a large portion of him is resigned to the idea of a fitting death on the Maw. This mentality naturally shapes a lot of Lyle's personality and actions. Why should he care about things he considers trivial? Religion? Politics? Race relations? None carry any form of weight in regards to his looming death. For him, it's better that he just does what he wants. Unfortunately, this mentality means Lyle ignores a lot of important matters or situations that don't affect him directly. He can also be rather insensitive and flippant at times.

You wouldn't know it if you ran into Lyle on the street, but the young man loves luxury. He isn't one for flashing expensive jewelry or showing off in public, but he always pays for the most expensive goods and services, and his home in the Rune district is practically a shrine lined with wealth and beauty. Lyle collects rare books, and his attic is a treasure trove of rare texts. There is even a small shelf in his family store that is locked behind a glass box and displays a few of his rarest possessions.

Whether he says it out loud or not, Lyle views himself as being smarter than everyone else. As such, he is very against the idea of doing things "by the book." In this manner, his mentality is quite flexible. Lyle is the epitome of the phrase "Think outside the box." Guidelines, rules, advice; all are merely suggestions to him. Determined to discover the truth for himself, he will often push towards strange and bizarre lengths to get an answer that satisfies him.

-Family over Everything:
Despite his naturally standoffish attitude, Lyle is incredibly loyal; almost to a fault. His family is his heart, and he writes to them often, informing them of his adventures and stories. The little time he gets away from work is spent at his family store or with his niece. He is also pretty loyal to his fellow Collectors and the mission, but it's worth noting he views them differently from his blood family. In a worst case scenario, he would always choose his family over all else.

-The Soft Spot:
To call Lyle a character would be an understatement, but he does have a few redeeming qualities. For one, he loves the disabled- particularly young children. As his youngest brother is paraplegic, Lyle knows how the world treated his brother and those like him. As such, he is incredibly giving and patient around the disabled; a stark contrast from how he normally is. It can be quite jarring to see him this way, but not a single part of it is an act. It's simply one of the few things that warms his cold heart.

Bolster and Enhance:

Lyle's first ability allows him to temporarily reinforce or enhance the durability of nonliving things. He isn't changing the makeup of the object, but rather enhancing its already provided properties. Reinforcing a wooden door, for example, doesn't turn the door into a steel one. Instead, the wood door's structural integrity is upped, making it harder to burn, splinter, or collapse. This ability does not nullify any weaknesses an object might have. It simply makes it harder to get to. This ability doesn't require physical contact but the caster must be in the general area.

Unrivaled Performance:
This is the ability to make non-magical objects work at peak efficiency temporarily provided he is in constant physical contact with the object.
Similar to the first ability, this magical ability also deals with objects, however it's more specific in design. By channeling Arcana through these items, Lyle is able to achieve peak intended results from non magical items and possessions around him. The size of the object and the duration channeled all determine the level of stress cast upon the user. Objects that have been recently channeled maintain said status for one second after physical contact is lost. Objects that change their physical form also lose their channeled status and said magic must be reapplied, However, this ability strangely has no effect on liquids. This rule is mainly for things such as ingredients or objects that have multiple states of matter. It is worth noting that this application cannot push objects past their standard limits. For example, a basic iron sword would never pierce through a 2 foot thick steel gate, regardless of whether any channeling is involved or not.

Some examples of "unrivaled performance" to better explain the idea:

-A channeled wagon you're riding in would never fall apart, get stuck in the mud, handle improperly, etc.

-A channeled arrow wouldn't work since it would fly perfectly for the first second after it leaves the bow. After that second, it would return to flying as a normal arrow. This is because "unrivaled performance" requires constant physical contact.

-A channeled ice cube in your hand would never melt.

-A channeled dinner would never go bad, mold, or lose heat, flavor, or appearance. Each food item would need to be channeled as opposed to channeling the platter itself.

Simply put, the channeled object would perform its function perfectly.

Gaia Link:

Lyle is able to forge magical links between two non-magical items. By doing this, the prime item temporarily swaps it's properties with the secondary item. The secondary item does not gain the properties of the first, and instead converts into an extremely lightweight, sugar-glass type form. In this form, the secondary item must be handled extremely carefully as it is easily destroyed. If it breaks, the primary item disintegrates as well.


Lyle decides to bind the Lucky Lantern store window with a diamond gem he bought from some merchant. He then carefully stores the diamond in a secret place so as to preserve it. As long as the bond holds, the glass window is essentially a diamond pane. It's highly scratch resistant and nearly shatterproof. Any conductivity from the glass is nullified by the fact that diamonds don't conduct electricity. It's melting point has also changed from 1500 degrees Celsius (melting point of glass) to nearly 4000 degrees Celsius. (Diamond melting point).

And then Lyle breathes too hard on his diamond gem while cleaning the attic.

Lyle now has to sweep up a shattered diamond and then head downstairs to sweep up a disintegrated window. Had he unbonded the two beforehand, he could have simply tossed the gem around the room without care. Unlucky.

Lyle's Item Bonding Rules:

-Single bonds aren't possible. An item can't be bound to itself or it's user. At least, not by Lyle.

-Items that have had their bonds severed may not be bonded with a new item of the same properties as the previous item. A sword once bonded to a plank of wood would not be able to bond with another wooden item.

-Currently, Lyle cannot bond the same item more than twice without destroying it completely.

-Bonds can be broken by other magic users, however breaking Lyle's version of bonds without proper preparation and knowledge can destroy both items.

-As bonds are between items and not the user, an item can remain bonded even after the person it was bonded for has died.

-Lyle can break his own bonds at will without damaging the items, but he must have both of them in his physical presence. He can also sense when a bond is broken, but is unable to tell how or why. Lastly, Lyle cannot break bonds he himself has not specifically forged.

-Bonded items can sense one another. This ensures items are not just "lost," even for the most forgetful of folk.

-Bonds can also be broken if a bonded item has been altered in such a way that over 30 percent of its properties are now different. Adding a small, decorative gem to a knife? No issue. Swapping out an entire wooden handle for a steel one? No go.

-Most importantly, bonded items are completely immune to the effects of "Unrivaled Performance" and receive benefits from reinforcement/durability enhancement and other forms of magical enhancement at half effectiveness. The secondary item is immune to both Unrivaled Performance and all forms of enhancement.

Current Abilities:

Mechanical Mind:

For whatever reason, Lyle is highly skilled at understanding how things work. This mainly applies to physical things he can hold and examine, but can apply to mental concepts or ideas as well, provided all the necessary and accurate information is available. Of course if he has the wrong information, he'll incorrectly understand the idea. After that, good luck trying to convince him he's wrong.

Martial Prowess:
Lyle's combat style, while unnamed, is a self-developed form of fighting that involves disarming and non-lethal takedowns. While it mainly finds success against humanoid and bipedal creatures, certain aspects are useful even against creatures of "unique" shapes. This style can be fought in an unarmed manner, but Lyle prefers his Sai and Cane beside him whenever possible.

Forever a Student:
Lyle reads a fair amount when he's on his own. Most of his books are nonfiction, focusing on the history and cultures of the world. Oddly enough, he doesn't particularly enjoy reading, but he enjoys the silence and tranquility that come with it. Ultimately, this means there isn't much Lyle doesn't know a tidbit or two about. Whether he shares his knowledge is a different story altogether.
Weapon Choice:
Lyle possesses a pair of sai and a cane sword. The sai hang off the back of his waist and are for close engagements against single opponents. It's worth noting that while these are steel, they are not bladed and are considered non lethal. The cane sword, on the other hand, is his primary tool and is used for both lethal and nonlethal takedowns.

Element: Ihnora/Earth

Unrivaled Spirit:

If Lyle wants it, he's going to get it. It doesn't matter if it takes him his entire life; he gets what he wants. That is his level of sheer determination. For him, the ends always justify the means when the means are his goals. He wanted his family in a better situation, and thus he made it so. He wanted a store for his family, and he made it so. Every goal he reaches for he attains. This level of dedication is considered both highly valuable and volatile at the same time.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained:
Continuing in the same vein as determination, Lyle takes no issue in recognizing that sometimes situations "have to be surrendered to the cosmos." Exact results and information are naturally always valued higher, but when a chance is needed, Lyle is always one to take it. Fortunately for now, he's been pretty lucky.

Playing with Fire:
Lyle chooses his words very carefully. He'll never break a promise or lie to you, but he does seem to often omit key information rather inconveniently. If you've been around him enough, you've likely heard his famous "didn't seem like relevant information" or "didn't realize you were unaware" excuses he uses. In a pinch, betting on Lyle is usually the right decision. Just don't be surprised when the results aren't what you quite expected.



You would think that someone who comes from nothing would have a heart for others in difficult situations. Unfortunately, Lyle is not that kind of person, especially towards strangers. Plainly put, he's seen it all, and has grown particularly jaded to cruelty and violence. He's not so cruel as to make the situation worse, but he is prone to simply shut down emotionally and move on in most situations. Everyone's got their own problems. Figure it out. The only situation in which Lyle is not like this is towards the disabled.

Tick Tick Boom!:
Lyle is living proof that wisdom and patience don't go hand in hand. If they did, our young collector would likely be a very different man. Nothing frustrates Lyle more than those who are unable to understand him or his ideas. In certain cases, he can become quite juvenile, often shutting down and going silent, burying himself in whatever it is that he wants to do.

Where the Fuck I Am:
Lyle spent his life with one goal in mind: taking care of his family. He accomplished that, and now his brothers are both successful and taken care of. Where does that leave Lyle? While he has resigned himself to climbing the Maw for the rest of his life, there remains a tiny part of him that wonders if he could do more...Be more. Unfortunately for now, it's nothing more than a fleeting thought.

Speck and Plank:
Sometimes it all just goes wrong.

Lyle's damaged eyes are one of his biggest weaknesses. The Collector used to have perfect vision, but an unfortunate equipment issue on one his earliest missions resulted in him accidentally losing his mask and being forced to blindly chase it down an ashen dune. While the loss of the mask was temporary, the damage to Lyle's eyes was permanent. In only ten seconds, Lyle's life changed forever. The ash, scratches, and dust had done their job in making sure the rest of his life was spent in constant pain.

On a good day, Lyle's vision is a little more than a few spots and some irritation. However on the worst days, he can't open his eyes at all. Fortunately for him, he's had less bad days as of late.

Turn Your Head and Cough:
Lyle has been incredibly fortunate on his trips gathering ash. Unfortunately air filters and protective suits can only do so much, and luck always runs out. At the age of 33, the ashen air has finally taken it's toll in the form of silicosis. The deep scarring of Lyle's lungs has bestowed him with quite the nasty cough. In order to keep working, Lyle will often take up the rear when on a mission, actively choosing to space himself quite far back from his teammates. This allows for a greater success during stealth scenarios by ensuring his coughs are less audible to whatever might be lurking out on the Maw.
Lyle grew up the eldest of three sons in a small hovel village south of CInidum. The family had little, but they made do. Occasionally, travelers or wandering merchants would pass through the village, and Lyle and his brothers would often listen to their stories and adventures. It was through this manner that the eldest of the Wondercroft children heard about the Collectors.

For a little boy, the idea of traveling the Maw seemed a terrifying thought, but the temptation of luxury and reward was also incredibly intoxicating. In truth, anything was better than being poor. Lyle had suffered a lot as a child, and he wanted more for his brothers who were still toddlers at the time. If he could just become a collector, he could move his family out of their village and to Cinidum. Surely their life would be better there.

WIth these motivations pushing him forwards, Lyle left home and traveled down the path towards becoming a Collector. It was a difficult journey, and Lyle faced death time and time again. However at the end of it, Lyle was made an official collector and was able to move his family to the Rune District of Cinidum. As adults, the trio of brothers opened The Lucky Lantern on the main streets of the Gula district. Functioning as a luxury goods marketplace and a black market exchange, the store was Lyle's idea; a safeguard meant to continue providing for his brothers and their families should he meet his end on the Maw.

For all his time as a Collector, Lyle is one of few, if not the only tenured member who has never lead a team. He's been a secondary more than a handful of times, but never the team lead. An outsider might find this strange, but the decision was an active choice by the Academy after seeing Lyle's selfish character and the way he interacted (or didn't interact) with his fellow Collectors. Lyle tried to fight this for a few years, but was always turned away. When his eye and lung issues began to affect him more, it became apparent he wasn't getting any better as a Collector. Time would only deteriorate him further. Thus, Lyle surrendered his fight for leadership opportunities and begrudgingly accepted his position. Truthfully, he had never cared about leading, but had fought for years to at least be afforded the same opportunity. Now it was all for naught.

Fast forward to present day. Lyle is an established Collector who spends his time either on the Maw with his fellow team members or off on his own. He's still sour about the whole leadership situation with the Academy, but he doesn't bring it up. Currently, he doesn't have a particular goal or plan. He's just coasting through life, doing what pleases him. Life is simple for now, but perhaps a greater calling awaits him...
Dakota Wondercroft: Youngest brother. 24. Manages the Lucky Lantern. Paraplegic. Kind hearted, but not naive. Funny. Close to Lyle.

Everet Wondercroft: Middle Brother. 27. Deals with the underground side of the family business. Cynical. Prone to jealousy. Silvertongue.

Lucy Wondercroft: Niece. 5. Daughter of Everet. Likes bugs.

Barus Wondercroft: Father. Deceased. Farmer.

Elaine Wondercroft: Mother. Deceased.

Name: Kael-Grynn
Species: Aujyrx Dragon (Bronze Dragon)
Gender: Female
Kael-Grynn is not a cruel being. Despite her still being a massive and terrifying creature, the bronze dragon isn't one for suffering and pain. She prefers to solve conflicts through conversation, and views combat as a last resort. She isn't incapable of fighting, but believes that in most situations it does little to solve the actual issue.

Like Lyle, Kael-Grynn prefers to keep to herself and her Rider. She sleeps for excessive amounts of time, and generally prefers to eat alone. Amongst other dragons, she would be the wall-flower type, often not involving herself simply because she'd rather not get into stressful situations.

Kael-Grynn is a dragon of intelligence. She highly values wisdom in both herself and her Rider. She values it so much that she is even willing to trade information or certain favors for new knowledge. If you're a stranger trying to get on her good side, bring her a book or tell her a story she hasn't heard. She'll love it...maybe a little too much.

A wise mind is a dangerous one, and our bronze dragon is quickly learning how to use hers. Kael-Grynn has a knack for recognizing patterns and certain exploitable behavior. She loves when things go her way. The Aujyrx's mind isn't at the level of a chess master or someone similar who thinks countless steps ahead, but manipulating one or two people/dragons for some free snacks is child's play.

In many situations, a big brain means a big ego. Kael-Grynn is no exception. It is nearly impossible to convince her she is wrong. Undeniable proof is really the only exception, and will often be met with a grumpy retort and quiet acceptance. In cases when she's wrong, Kael-Grynn likes to get back at her enemies by giving them silly nicknames and mocking them when she's alone. In the same vein, pranking her Rider is a common occurrence that Kael-Grynn finds highly amusing.
Breath Weapon:
When a Bronze does feel threatened, it will wield the breath weapon of what appears to be white smoke that stretches about 30 feet out. This white smoke acts like a teargas, as well as a Flash Bang, tiny explosions passing through like lightning and creating a noise so loud, a Varonian could easily lose their hearing if caught inside.

(These aren't the actual names of the abilities. If actual spell names are preferred I can do that instead. I was just having fun lol.)

This ability lets Kael-Grynn fix a broken object instantly for a few brief minutes before it returns to its broken state. This has no effect on magical objects. The larger the object, the soon it falls apart once more. An object can be channeled so as to remain fixed, but the longer an item is channeled the more demanding it is on the user. The item also begins to risk complete disintegration once channeling is complete.

Hey Mom Said to Share:
This combat ability allows Kael-Grynn to drain the durability of objects she comes in contact with, transferring their material into extra levels of lightweight scale armor. This armor is easily broken physically, but excels greatly against magical attacks. However as it is still armor, it does slow down Kael-Grynn a fair amount. It can easily be shed at will, however the stolen material does not return to its original source.

You Tell that Hoe I Said:
Kael-Grynn is able to leave messages on inanimate objects for specific targets. When the targeted recipient interacts with the object, the message will boom out in a spoken voice the listener can understand. After the message is complete, it is erased and the object disintegrates.
I Can do this all Day:
Unlike her Rider, Kael Grynn has all the time in the world. She excels at retaining information and is rarely bored. As a timeless creature, time is of no consequence to her. She doesn't enjoy her time wasted, but useful information and stories are priceless and are always afforded the required time necessary to be shared.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness:
Kael-Grynn is an exceptionally clean dragon and takes great pride in maintaining herself. In her mind, cleanliness is a sign of intelligence and mental understanding. Thus, those that are dirty she views in a slightly disdainful manner, especially if they have other traits that would further confirm their lack of intelligence. It isn't the best quality to have, but if you need a clean dragon for some reason, Kael-Grynn is the one you want.

How You do That:
Kael-Grynn is fascinated by how things are made, particularly in regards to weapons and jewelry. Leatherwork is also an interest. She doesn't care about making anything herself, but watching a craftsman at work is something she enjoys greatly. If she watches a job from start to finish, she can correctly and accurately recall every step taken. However this doesn't make her able to replicate the steps.
Does it Spark Joy:
Kael-Grynn has many possessions, each with their own story or memory attached to it. Because of their meanings, it is nearly impossible for her to get rid of any of them. Thus her den is full of all kinds of possessions, valuable or otherwise. In fact, one could easily mistake the place for a junkyard, and they probably wouldn't be too far off. And yet for her, each item is priceless.

Today's Tasks are for Tomorrow's Me:
Kael-Grynn can be quite lazy at times, particularly when it involves doing something she has no interest in. While this does occasionally lead her to some ingenious ideas at times, more often than not her laziness is a detriment that often comes back around to bite her.

You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat:
For whatever reason, Kael-Grynn is deathly afraid of oceans and large bodies of water. She can fly over it without issue, but sitting or swimming in it will never happen willingly. She isn't one for fishing either, unless the fish are being safely fed to her while she's comfortably sitting on dry land.
If I find a fitting theme song, I'll slot it in here.
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Something I feel I should clarify for character creation:

ALL of these dragons will begin from the egg. The intro post I have planned for the IC will explain it better, but basically, these eggs have been trapped in that mountain for over a thousand years. Not sure where to put that in the main post, so I thought I would add it here.

Also, please note to track the weight of your weapons when choosing them. I appreciate those weights being added to the character sheets if possible.
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Guess I'll reserve this post for later. Character's actually done, but I gotta figure out the Dragon portion of the CS. Probably should be up like Tuesday or Wednesday.
EDIT: CS added.

Name: Lyle P. Wondercroft
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Place of Origin: Southwest of Cinidum
Height: 5'11
Weight: 177 lbs.
Hair: Reddish Brown
Eyes: Light Hazel/Mustard Yellow
-False Peace:
Lyle knows that in his line of work, survival isn't guaranteed. Having achieved his life goal of becoming a Collector to provide for his family, a large portion of him is resigned to the idea of a fitting death on the Maw. This mentality naturally shapes a lot of Lyle's personality and actions. Why should he care about things he considers trivial? Religion? Politics? Race relations? None carry any form of weight in regards to his looming death. For him, it's better that he just does what he wants. Unfortunately, this mentality means Lyle ignores a lot of important matters or situations that don't affect him directly. He can also be rather insensitive and flippant at times.

You wouldn't know it if you ran into Lyle on the street, but the young man loves luxury. He isn't one for flashing expensive jewelry or showing off in public, but he always pays for the most expensive goods and services, and his home in the Rune district is practically a shrine lined with wealth and beauty. Lyle collects rare books, and his attic is a treasure trove of rare texts. There is even a small shelf in his family store that is locked behind a glass box and displays a few of his rarest possessions.

Whether he says it out loud or not, Lyle views himself as being smarter than everyone else. As such, he is very against the idea of doing things "by the book." In this manner, his mentality is quite flexible. Lyle is the epitome of the phrase "Think outside the box." Guidelines, rules, advice; all are merely suggestions to him. Determined to discover the truth for himself, he will often push towards strange and bizarre lengths to get an answer that satisfies him.

-Family over Everything:
Despite his naturally standoffish attitude, Lyle is incredibly loyal; almost to a fault. His family is his heart, and he writes to them often, informing them of his adventures and stories. The little time he gets away from work is spent at his family store or with his niece. He is also pretty loyal to his fellow Collectors and the mission, but it's worth noting he views them differently from his blood family. In a worst case scenario, he would always choose his family over all else.

-The Soft Spot:
To call Lyle a character would be an understatement, but he does have a few redeeming qualities. For one, he loves the disabled- particularly young children. As his youngest brother is paraplegic, Lyle knows how the world treated his brother and those like him. As such, he is incredibly giving and patient around the disabled; a stark contrast from how he normally is. It can be quite jarring to see him this way, but not a single part of it is an act. It's simply one of the few things that warms his cold heart.

Bolster and Enhance:

Lyle's first ability allows him to temporarily reinforce or enhance the durability of nonliving things. He isn't changing the makeup of the object, but rather enhancing its already provided properties. Reinforcing a wooden door, for example, doesn't turn the door into a steel one. Instead, the wood door's structural integrity is upped, making it harder to burn, splinter, or collapse. This ability does not nullify any weaknesses an object might have. It simply makes it harder to get to. This ability doesn't require physical contact but the caster must be in the general area.

Unrivaled Performance:
This is the ability to make non-magical objects work at peak efficiency temporarily provided he is in constant physical contact with the object.
Similar to the first ability, this magical ability also deals with objects, however it's more specific in design. By channeling Arcana through these items, Lyle is able to achieve peak intended results from non magical items and possessions around him. The size of the object and the duration channeled all determine the level of stress cast upon the user. Objects that have been recently channeled maintain said status for one second after physical contact is lost. Objects that change their physical form also lose their channeled status and said magic must be reapplied, However, this ability strangely has no effect on liquids. This rule is mainly for things such as ingredients or objects that have multiple states of matter. It is worth noting that this application cannot push objects past their standard limits. For example, a basic iron sword would never pierce through a 2 foot thick steel gate, regardless of whether any channeling is involved or not.

Some examples of "unrivaled performance" to better explain the idea:

-A channeled wagon you're riding in would never fall apart, get stuck in the mud, handle improperly, etc.

-A channeled arrow wouldn't work since it would fly perfectly for the first second after it leaves the bow. After that second, it would return to flying as a normal arrow. This is because "unrivaled performance" requires constant physical contact.

-A channeled ice cube in your hand would never melt.

-A channeled dinner would never go bad, mold, or lose heat, flavor, or appearance. Each food item would need to be channeled as opposed to channeling the platter itself.

Simply put, the channeled object would perform its function perfectly.

Gaia Link:

Lyle is able to forge magical links between two non-magical items. By doing this, the prime item temporarily swaps it's properties with the secondary item. The secondary item does not gain the properties of the first, and instead converts into an extremely lightweight, sugar-glass type form. In this form, the secondary item must be handled extremely carefully as it is easily destroyed. If it breaks, the primary item disintegrates as well.


Lyle decides to bind the Lucky Lantern store window with a diamond gem he bought from some merchant. He then carefully stores the diamond in a secret place so as to preserve it. As long as the bond holds, the glass window is essentially a diamond pane. It's highly scratch resistant and nearly shatterproof. Any conductivity from the glass is nullified by the fact that diamonds don't conduct electricity. It's melting point has also changed from 1500 degrees Celsius (melting point of glass) to nearly 4000 degrees Celsius. (Diamond melting point).

And then Lyle breathes too hard on his diamond gem while cleaning the attic.

Lyle now has to sweep up a shattered diamond and then head downstairs to sweep up a disintegrated window. Had he unbonded the two beforehand, he could have simply tossed the gem around the room without care. Unlucky.

Lyle's Item Bonding Rules:

-Single bonds aren't possible. An item can't be bound to itself or it's user. At least, not by Lyle.

-Items that have had their bonds severed may not be bonded with a new item of the same properties as the previous item. A sword once bonded to a plank of wood would not be able to bond with another wooden item.

-Currently, Lyle cannot bond the same item more than twice without destroying it completely.

-Bonds can be broken by other magic users, however breaking Lyle's version of bonds without proper preparation and knowledge can destroy both items.

-As bonds are between items and not the user, an item can remain bonded even after the person it was bonded for has died.

-Lyle can break his own bonds at will without damaging the items, but he must have both of them in his physical presence. He can also sense when a bond is broken, but is unable to tell how or why. Lastly, Lyle cannot break bonds he himself has not specifically forged.

-Bonded items can sense one another. This ensures items are not just "lost," even for the most forgetful of folk.

-Bonds can also be broken if a bonded item has been altered in such a way that over 30 percent of its properties are now different. Adding a small, decorative gem to a knife? No issue. Swapping out an entire wooden handle for a steel one? No go.

-Most importantly, bonded items are completely immune to the effects of "Unrivaled Performance" and receive benefits from reinforcement/durability enhancement and other forms of magical enhancement at half effectiveness. The secondary item is immune to both Unrivaled Performance and all forms of enhancement.

Current Abilities:

Mechanical Mind:

For whatever reason, Lyle is highly skilled at understanding how things work. This mainly applies to physical things he can hold and examine, but can apply to mental concepts or ideas as well, provided all the necessary and accurate information is available. Of course if he has the wrong information, he'll incorrectly understand the idea. After that, good luck trying to convince him he's wrong.

Martial Prowess:
Lyle's combat style, while unnamed, is a self-developed form of fighting that involves disarming and non-lethal takedowns. While it mainly finds success against humanoid and bipedal creatures, certain aspects are useful even against creatures of "unique" shapes. This style can be fought in an unarmed manner, but Lyle prefers his Sai and Cane beside him whenever possible.

Forever a Student:
Lyle reads a fair amount when he's on his own. Most of his books are nonfiction, focusing on the history and cultures of the world. Oddly enough, he doesn't particularly enjoy reading, but he enjoys the silence and tranquility that come with it. Ultimately, this means there isn't much Lyle doesn't know a tidbit or two about. Whether he shares his knowledge is a different story altogether.
Weapon Choice:
Lyle possesses a pair of sai and a cane sword. The sai hang off the back of his waist and are for close engagements against single opponents. It's worth noting that while these are steel, they are not bladed and are considered non lethal. The cane sword, on the other hand, is his primary tool and is used for both lethal and nonlethal takedowns.

Element: Ihnora/Earth

Unrivaled Spirit:

If Lyle wants it, he's going to get it. It doesn't matter if it takes him his entire life; he gets what he wants. That is his level of sheer determination. For him, the ends always justify the means when the means are his goals. He wanted his family in a better situation, and thus he made it so. He wanted a store for his family, and he made it so. Every goal he reaches for he attains. This level of dedication is considered both highly valuable and volatile at the same time.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained:
Continuing in the same vein as determination, Lyle takes no issue in recognizing that sometimes situations "have to be surrendered to the cosmos." Exact results and information are naturally always valued higher, but when a chance is needed, Lyle is always one to take it. Fortunately for now, he's been pretty lucky.

Playing with Fire:
Lyle chooses his words very carefully. He'll never break a promise or lie to you, but he does seem to often omit key information rather inconveniently. If you've been around him enough, you've likely heard his famous "didn't seem like relevant information" or "didn't realize you were unaware" excuses he uses. In a pinch, betting on Lyle is usually the right decision. Just don't be surprised when the results aren't what you quite expected.



You would think that someone who comes from nothing would have a heart for others in difficult situations. Unfortunately, Lyle is not that kind of person, especially towards strangers. Plainly put, he's seen it all, and has grown particularly jaded to cruelty and violence. He's not so cruel as to make the situation worse, but he is prone to simply shut down emotionally and move on in most situations. Everyone's got their own problems. Figure it out. The only situation in which Lyle is not like this is towards the disabled.

Tick Tick Boom!:
Lyle is living proof that wisdom and patience don't go hand in hand. If they did, our young collector would likely be a very different man. Nothing frustrates Lyle more than those who are unable to understand him or his ideas. In certain cases, he can become quite juvenile, often shutting down and going silent, burying himself in whatever it is that he wants to do.

Where the Fuck I Am:
Lyle spent his life with one goal in mind: taking care of his family. He accomplished that, and now his brothers are both successful and taken care of. Where does that leave Lyle? While he has resigned himself to climbing the Maw for the rest of his life, there remains a tiny part of him that wonders if he could do more...Be more. Unfortunately for now, it's nothing more than a fleeting thought.

Speck and Plank:
Sometimes it all just goes wrong.

Lyle's damaged eyes are one of his biggest weaknesses. The Collector used to have perfect vision, but an unfortunate equipment issue on one his earliest missions resulted in him accidentally losing his mask and being forced to blindly chase it down an ashen dune. While the loss of the mask was temporary, the damage to Lyle's eyes was permanent. In only ten seconds, Lyle's life changed forever. The ash, scratches, and dust had done their job in making sure the rest of his life was spent in constant pain.

On a good day, Lyle's vision is a little more than a few spots and some irritation. However on the worst days, he can't open his eyes at all. Fortunately for him, he's had less bad days as of late.

Turn Your Head and Cough:
Lyle has been incredibly fortunate on his trips gathering ash. Unfortunately air filters and protective suits can only do so much, and luck always runs out. At the age of 33, the ashen air has finally taken it's toll in the form of silicosis. The deep scarring of Lyle's lungs has bestowed him with quite the nasty cough. In order to keep working, Lyle will often take up the rear when on a mission, actively choosing to space himself quite far back from his teammates. This allows for a greater success during stealth scenarios by ensuring his coughs are less audible to whatever might be lurking out on the Maw.
Lyle grew up the eldest of three sons in a small hovel village south of CInidum. The family had little, but they made do. Occasionally, travelers or wandering merchants would pass through the village, and Lyle and his brothers would often listen to their stories and adventures. It was through this manner that the eldest of the Wondercroft children heard about the Collectors.

For a little boy, the idea of traveling the Maw seemed a terrifying thought, but the temptation of luxury and reward was also incredibly intoxicating. In truth, anything was better than being poor. Lyle had suffered a lot as a child, and he wanted more for his brothers who were still toddlers at the time. If he could just become a collector, he could move his family out of their village and to Cinidum. Surely their life would be better there.

WIth these motivations pushing him forwards, Lyle left home and traveled down the path towards becoming a Collector. It was a difficult journey, and Lyle faced death time and time again. However at the end of it, Lyle was made an official collector and was able to move his family to the Rune District of Cinidum. As adults, the trio of brothers opened The Lucky Lantern on the main streets of the Gula district. Functioning as a luxury goods marketplace and a black market exchange, the store was Lyle's idea; a safeguard meant to continue providing for his brothers and their families should he meet his end on the Maw.

For all his time as a Collector, Lyle is one of few, if not the only tenured member who has never lead a team. He's been a secondary more than a handful of times, but never the team lead. An outsider might find this strange, but the decision was an active choice by the Academy after seeing Lyle's selfish character and the way he interacted (or didn't interact) with his fellow Collectors. Lyle tried to fight this for a few years, but was always turned away. When his eye and lung issues began to affect him more, it became apparent he wasn't getting any better as a Collector. Time would only deteriorate him further. Thus, Lyle surrendered his fight for leadership opportunities and begrudgingly accepted his position. Truthfully, he had never cared about leading, but had fought for years to at least be afforded the same opportunity. Now it was all for naught.

Fast forward to present day. Lyle is an established Collector who spends his time either on the Maw with his fellow team members or off on his own. He's still sour about the whole leadership situation with the Academy, but he doesn't bring it up. Currently, he doesn't have a particular goal or plan. He's just coasting through life, doing what pleases him. Life is simple for now, but perhaps a greater calling awaits him...
Dakota Wondercroft: Youngest brother. 24. Manages the Lucky Lantern. Paraplegic. Kind hearted, but not naive. Funny. Close to Lyle.

Everet Wondercroft: Middle Brother. 27. Deals with the underground side of the family business. Cynical. Prone to jealousy. Silvertongue.

Lucy Wondercroft: Niece. 5. Daughter of Everet. Likes bugs.

Barus Wondercroft: Father. Deceased. Farmer.

Elaine Wondercroft: Mother. Deceased.

Name: Kael-Grynn
Species: Aujyrx Dragon (Bronze Dragon)
Gender: Female
Kael-Grynn is not a cruel being. Despite her still being a massive and terrifying creature, the bronze dragon isn't one for suffering and pain. She prefers to solve conflicts through conversation, and views combat as a last resort. She isn't incapable of fighting, but believes that in most situations it does little to solve the actual issue.

Like Lyle, Kael-Grynn prefers to keep to herself and her Rider. She sleeps for excessive amounts of time, and generally prefers to eat alone. Amongst other dragons, she would be the wall-flower type, often not involving herself simply because she'd rather not get into stressful situations.

Kael-Grynn is a dragon of intelligence. She highly values wisdom in both herself and her Rider. She values it so much that she is even willing to trade information or certain favors for new knowledge. If you're a stranger trying to get on her good side, bring her a book or tell her a story she hasn't heard. She'll love it...maybe a little too much.

A wise mind is a dangerous one, and our bronze dragon is quickly learning how to use hers. Kael-Grynn has a knack for recognizing patterns and certain exploitable behavior. She loves when things go her way. The Aujyrx's mind isn't at the level of a chess master or someone similar who thinks countless steps ahead, but manipulating one or two people/dragons for some free snacks is child's play.

In many situations, a big brain means a big ego. Kael-Grynn is no exception. It is nearly impossible to convince her she is wrong. Undeniable proof is really the only exception, and will often be met with a grumpy retort and quiet acceptance. In cases when she's wrong, Kael-Grynn likes to get back at her enemies by giving them silly nicknames and mocking them when she's alone. In the same vein, pranking her Rider is a common occurrence that Kael-Grynn finds highly amusing.
Breath Weapon:
When a Bronze does feel threatened, it will wield the breath weapon of what appears to be white smoke that stretches about 30 feet out. This white smoke acts like a teargas, as well as a Flash Bang, tiny explosions passing through like lightning and creating a noise so loud, a Varonian could easily lose their hearing if caught inside.

(These aren't the actual names of the abilities. If actual spell names are preferred I can do that instead. I was just having fun lol.)

This ability lets Kael-Grynn fix a broken object instantly for a few brief minutes before it returns to its broken state. This has no effect on magical objects. The larger the object, the soon it falls apart once more. An object can be channeled so as to remain fixed, but the longer an item is channeled the more demanding it is on the user. The item also begins to risk complete disintegration once channeling is complete.

Hey Mom Said to Share:
This combat ability allows Kael-Grynn to drain the durability of objects she comes in contact with, transferring their material into extra levels of lightweight scale armor. This armor is easily broken physically, but excels greatly against magical attacks. However as it is still armor, it does slow down Kael-Grynn a fair amount. It can easily be shed at will, however the stolen material does not return to its original source.

You Tell that Hoe I Said:
Kael-Grynn is able to leave messages on inanimate objects for specific targets. When the targeted recipient interacts with the object, the message will boom out in a spoken voice the listener can understand. After the message is complete, it is erased and the object disintegrates.
I Can do this all Day:
Unlike her Rider, Kael Grynn has all the time in the world. She excels at retaining information and is rarely bored. As a timeless creature, time is of no consequence to her. She doesn't enjoy her time wasted, but useful information and stories are priceless and are always afforded the required time necessary to be shared.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness:
Kael-Grynn is an exceptionally clean dragon and takes great pride in maintaining herself. In her mind, cleanliness is a sign of intelligence and mental understanding. Thus, those that are dirty she views in a slightly disdainful manner, especially if they have other traits that would further confirm their lack of intelligence. It isn't the best quality to have, but if you need a clean dragon for some reason, Kael-Grynn is the one you want.

How You do That:
Kael-Grynn is fascinated by how things are made, particularly in regards to weapons and jewelry. Leatherwork is also an interest. She doesn't care about making anything herself, but watching a craftsman at work is something she enjoys greatly. If she watches a job from start to finish, she can correctly and accurately recall every step taken. However this doesn't make her able to replicate the steps.
Does it Spark Joy:
Kael-Grynn has many possessions, each with their own story or memory attached to it. Because of their meanings, it is nearly impossible for her to get rid of any of them. Thus her den is full of all kinds of possessions, valuable or otherwise. In fact, one could easily mistake the place for a junkyard, and they probably wouldn't be too far off. And yet for her, each item is priceless.

Today's Tasks are for Tomorrow's Me:
Kael-Grynn can be quite lazy at times, particularly when it involves doing something she has no interest in. While this does occasionally lead her to some ingenious ideas at times, more often than not her laziness is a detriment that often comes back around to bite her.

You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat:
For whatever reason, Kael-Grynn is deathly afraid of oceans and large bodies of water. She can fly over it without issue, but sitting or swimming in it will never happen willingly. She isn't one for fishing either, unless the fish are being safely fed to her while she's comfortably sitting on dry land.
If I find a fitting theme song, I'll slot it in here.
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Sounds good! I'm editing the main post now to add in the districts of Cinidum, just in case someone needs them.

Oh, and let's go ahead and let everyone claim whichever Elements we're going with. My female and her dragon will have Earth as their Element. I believe Darkness has been claimed by @Croknight , but he's currently feeling under the weather right now, so I'll get back to you guys on that one. If we have duplicate Elements, it shouldn't be a big deal. In fact, it might create an interesting tension.
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I'm going with the Life Element.

EDIT: Life was traded with Mowkie.
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I finally remembered what I wanted a poll about! So, obviously, I'm not on Iwaku every day. Between work, kiddo, and keeping the house from exploding, I just don't always have the thought process to check. However, I wanted to ask everyone's opinions on doing a chat on Discord. This is 100% optional, and all rules will be maintained in that small group. That is to include upholding Iwaku's rules as well, as it would be entirely to build camaraderie between writers for this specific story. The poll will remain until the end of the month, and based on results, we'll either stick to the forum or make a group.
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Audrai Roxmery
- "Rai"
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Place of Origin: Gula, Cinidum
Height: 5' 5.8"
Weight: 131 lbs
Hair: brunette with silver blotches
Eyes: Left eye: hazel, Right eye: blue

She is the tiniest of creatures, short in stature and slight in frame. Creamy brown skin, bleached in splotches partially due to her profession, and a head full of dual-colored waves of brunette and silver that fall to the middle of her back. At times, she would braid or twist them up for special occasions, but for workdays, she wears her hair loose or tied into a messy bun - easier to wash the ash out later.

NOTE: Rai's vitiligo is not as extensive as in the picture. I will eventually render my own interpretation of her features, but for now, consider less splotch down her overall body. The face is about how I picture, so that's fine. She and her brother were only within the weaker portion of the Ashlands for maybe about three to five hours before they were able to find shelter. But, since she was only four years old, the effects of ashlung should have killed her, yet she survived due to some very clever use of holistic medicine and Arcane healing. The result - the minor vitiligo she'd developed.
Stubborn/Rebellious - Audrai is a creature living under her own terms. She was that one kid who would do what she was told - but never agree. Once Rai had made up her mind there was nothing in this world that could make her change it. However, maturity has taught her to harness this, especially when the 'Good for All' is at stake. But it's a very difficult process for her at times when she's concerned about the outcome of other choices made.

Intuitive (Claircognizance) / Nosey - Understanding or figuring things out has always come naturally to Rai. She is insightful, intelligent, and can usually catch things that other people miss. Mostly, she's just flat-out nosey and wants to figure things out on her own accord. She's a marvelous little mouse, silent and sneaky when she wants to learn more about things others prefer her not.

Adventurous - It may be incredibly inconvenient for others, but she absolutely loves to wander off on one of her "mini-adventures", searching through the unknown to find something interesting... mostly leading to trouble... not often... just a few times in the past, but nothing she couldn't handle!

Optimistic / Charismatic - If a smile can't be found on Audrai's face, then be ready for everything to end because there has to be something absolutely wrong with the entire world, the planets, and the universe. Audrai is always positive and always smiling because that is how she is, even if she has no reason to. A Peacekeeper and Shoulder to Lean On, Audrai has been known to calm storms and forgive the unforgiving. Her personality is contagious; it isn't hard for her to make friends. If there are anything negative or secret fears hiding under her chipper persona, none would be the wiser.

(Multifaceted: To most of the world, Rai shows herself as cheerful and carefree. It is only the select few who she's developed a deep trust that knows otherwise. Deep down Rai is quite different than she appears, however for several reasons, she's chosen to hide her true self from the world).​

Fearless – "Can you imagine what it would be like to live your life without fear? This to me has become my idea of freedom, which equates to happiness." She doesn't mind being the first to do something unknown and potentially dangerous. If it helps gain results that benefit the whole and breaks her fear of it, then to be the first to attempt is an honor. However, she is intelligent enough to recognize an inevitable negative outcome - in which case, it's more honorable to change plans. She just knows.
(Arcane - For Later)
Spiritual Mediumship - Rai has the ability to see and communicate with the dead, as well as allowing them to connect to her spirit subconsciously to do the same. This grants the spirit access to her senses, allowing them to participate with others in the living world visually and verbally only. They can use her eyes and voice - nothing more. This connection is temporary and short-lived, for a large amount of control and concentration is needed to maintain herself from possible hostile takeovers. Mediumship can drain a battery out fast, which can place her in danger if the spirit borrowing her happens to be stronger or malevolent. She can lose her memories, her mind, and even her life.

Psychometry - The ability to gain facts or impressions about a person through contact with an object associated with the subject of the impressions. She is able to use this skill to mentally search for them or to learn about the person through the small remnant they left behind. Her psychometric visions are usually too haphazard to be of much practical value, but the more she meditates and balances her own spirit, the stronger her spirit energy builds = the better all her spirit skills improve. This ability level is from basic to elementary.

Vessel - This secondary mediumship ability is of two parts. Rai will gain the ability to share her form with the spirit of a deceased, allowing them a way to manipulate within the living world physically. In this, the spirit can move her form with her aid. There are a few things that they are not allowed to do, mostly because it's impossible within the Arcane abilities, and because Rai has the final say. This is a temporary opportunity that she has to be willing and prepared to partake in. However, some spirits don't care a bloomin' rat's ass if she's prepared, or willing, to enter into an accord. At times, when she's not mindful of her surroundings, a spirit with issues might hop into her without warning in order to manage their personal tasks left behind, so they can finally find peace. Rai won't be a happy camper when she awakens from this spiritual kidnapping at an unknown place. So, she must develop a strong spirit guard for herself in order to maintain control of her form and spirit with this process, which takes a while depending on her elemental level.

The second part of this ability (advanced) is the opposite by using astral projection - Rai will be able to enter into the shell of the deceased and possess them for a temporary basis. This she mostly uses for offense/defense or espionage purposes. There's not a lot of strength and concentration needed for this skill unless the body still has life and is fighting to kick her out, or the body's weight is more than she can move physically on her own. The big downside to this ability is that it just might catch the unwanted attention of three different Exhartuus: "Draora, the Goddess of Purgatory and The Unseen, Tyranna, Goddess of Wrath and Revenge, and Lazarus, God of Clemency and Guardian of Lost Souls." This is an ability that is quick to grasp, but far too dangerous to use.

At the advanced level, Rai can develop the ability to share her entire spirit and soul with another willing and loyal spirit. This is similar to a Medium, but the difference is that a Vessel can hold the spirit within them indefinitely - if she is strong of mind and soul to maintain her individual self. If she's able and lucky enough, Rai can befriend a loyal spirit of either a deceased former family, friend, or teacher - someone she can trust - and allow them safety within her form in exchange for guidance, enhanced abilities, and security. Again, the whole hostile takeover can occur with this as well, but the result of victory is the new spirit taking over her body permanently - killing Rai's soul instantly.

Spirit Weapon and Shield - create and use spirit as a weapon or shield, or to enhance other people's weapons. Doesn't require a lot of concentration to awaken this, but it takes tons of strength and energy to use throughout a hard battle, especially against a stronger opponent. If she's not strong enough, the spirit weapon and shield will dissipate and she'll have to regain her energy, strength, and spirit before reforming them again. Usually, that takes a rest and/or meditation.

Thaumaturgy - Manifesting a minor wonder, a sign of supernatural power, within range. And creating similar thaumaturgy effects through illusions - create, shape, and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell, and/or taste things that do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.

Skills - Natural or Studied
Memory - Rai has a natural, yet uncanny ability to remember things; numbers, maps, people, faces, names, entire books, anything. Not just short-term memory - everything seems to lodge itself straight into her long-term working memory. And she remembers right down to every small detail years after first introduced. Therefore, for her to avoid information overload, quiet time to meditate and unload unneeded information tends to be how she manages her personal past time. The only memories lost, well... locked away, are the ones of her original family's passing.

True Sight (Her blue eye) - With her nystagmus, the involuntary rapid eye movement, she can read both a person's energy waves, shadow, and color auras - the unseen inner light and shade of their spirit/soul, that radiates around them. This ability also allows Rai to visualize what others have seen or been within the atmosphere, like following the aura or spirit left behind. From here, she can glean information, locations of places or objects, and even sense emotions and other notions of the mind.
One-Handed Falchion, Atlatl with a quiver of short and long arrows, and Eoma Half Moons

View attachment 225804

Element: Ynxir (Spirit)


PTSD, Migraines, nightmares, Agoraphobia (the fear of being trapped in an inescapable place or situation).
Other: WIP
Audrai has no recollection of having a childhood or family. All she knows is what she was told by her uncle, Amous, who had become her adopted father. How did that come to past, you say? Well, as the story goes, her family was traveling across the lands of Cinidum, searching for Outpost Four where her father's younger brother lived. Their former home, Outpost 10, suffered from a sudden job shortage, which made it difficult for her father, Olvr, to maintain their storefront. So, he closed up everything and attempted to take his young family closer to his brother in hopes to start anew. Unfortunately, traveling without a map, Olvr overshot his bearings and found the outskirts of the Ashlands instead.

To put a long story short, overcome by the onslaught of thick ashen air clogging their lungs, Olvr and his wife left their children where the air seemed less damaging and attempted to scout further away in hopes to find clearer air. Unfortunately, blinded by the ashy air, they found themselves in deeper trouble. Backtracking away, their coughs cause enough noise to alert dangers in the form of the Ashborne. They were leading the danger back to their children - they knew there was no way out of this.

Olvr, a skilled carpenter, took arms and attempted to protect his wife and family. However, his wife, Pheobri, who was an amazing leather smith in her own right, ignored his warnings and did the same, shouting to her son to take young Audrai and run towards fresher air. Fighting to breathe, Archet, of twelve summers, lifted little Audrai (who was at 4 summers) and ran with all his might - he never turned back. Unfortunately, over her brother's shoulder, Audrai watched as her parents fell until the sight was too much. She buried herself in his neck and passed out. Archet covered his sister with his cloak and ran for as long as his body could handle.

Varon blessedly watched and guided the youth towards Toviss, one of the many small villages surrounding Outpost Four. There, the residents tended to the two - Archet was overcome with fatigue and ashlung, while Audrai was weary and sickly but unscathed. Through Archet, they learned about their uncle's location and sent a messenger; surprising Amous and his wife, Lithiuna, for they did not receive Olvr's letter of their pending visit. By the time Amous and his wife arrived to retrieve the two, they only found one. Archet did not survive his condition - his tiny form suffocated in his sleep.

Alive and safe, little Audrai was, and what a blessing, for Amous did not know his brother had a second child. With their unfortunate luck in having children, this was a chance for them to still have a happy family after all. But Audrai was not a happy child - still sickly due to ashlung, her skin quickly faded oddly in small patches for a long while until her health favored better. But haunted by what she'd unknowingly witnessed so early in life, Rai lost consciousness of what little past she had with her original family. Nightmares filled her memories with her parents' last stand and her brother's final sufferings - baffling, and frightful to watch on repeat in her mind. Rest did not come easy for her for most of her years, and she feared leaving her home for any reason - especially when the ground rumbled and the air thickened. Rai grew a fear of dark, inescapable places, preferring large spaces of peace and light.

Amous and Pheobri helped Rai regain her love for life by teaching her from home about everything she was missing beyond the closed door. Soon, Audrai wanted to follow them to market, to work, to visit anywhere she was allowed, so she could experience for herself everything they've taught her. Before they knew it, she was slipping off to various locations around town by herself for 'adventures', returning grimy with joy and stories to tell about all the interesting neighbors and their hush-hush tales. Pheobri had to put a stop to that quickly. When Audrai was of age and showing interest in more than just exploring the village, her parents decided to enroll in Elementary.

Years passed and the nightmares continued. The more Audrai learned about the Ashlands, the more she wanted to destroy it; to break her confusing fears and painful sleep, so she could get on with her life. Amous never revealed what happened to her original family, fearing the young lady would break in learning that her nightmares were real. Instead, he watched as she grew to become a strong young woman who stood against fear. As all generations before, she applied to the Ash Collector Academy and studied hard, hoping to rid herself of that one terror in her dreams. Many believed, due to her appearance, that she'd already been through the harsh lands more than once. All she could express, with disbelief responses soon after, "I've never seen the Ashlands before in my life!"
Parents - Olvr & Pheobri Roxmery - deceased
Older Brother - Archet Roxmery - deceased
Father's brother & wife - Amous & Lithiuna Roxmery (Adopted parents)

Working Relationships: TBA

- "Akin" - Name means "The Brave One"
Species: Yhinkh (Amber)
Gender: Male
Amber Dragons are stocky creatures, their wings built more to help them dig through the vast sea of sand than to fly. Their sandy-colored skin and deep amber scales are the perfect armor against the heat of the desert. Thick red spines grow from their elbows and the ends of their wings, and a crown of vivid red horns stretch from the back of the males' heads. They are shorter than most dragons, built more like an alligator with tails meant to propel them forward and heads mean to cut through whatever they happen to be swimming through.

While the females show a line of course of hair down their backs, the males dawn a beard under their chin of various colors, and some have tufts of hair on their shoulders and slightly down their necks, also for means of keeping cool in desert heats. Their talons are sharp and hard, able to cut and dig through stone, and there is a thick web of skin between each toe to help them swim through sand like water.
Trickster / Big Tease: Though they are not evil by nature, they do enjoy their games, sometimes a little too much. Akin is no exception, especially when it comes to getting Rai's goat – when time allows for such antics. Moments like this are rare, for Akin is like a stuffy librarian or a hard-nosed businessman most of the time.

Obsessive / Over-Protective: The bond between Akin and Audrai is as strong as any other, but Akin's overly concerned interest in Rai's wellbeing tends to get out of hand. A brotherly instinct or a deep fear of losing her tends to steer Rai away from fulfilling her quota and completing her job. Akin is all business until a threat arrives - then it's time for him to protect Rai at all cost. Eventually, he'll learn to trust her instincts and skill... but that's easier said than done.

Risky – but Cautious: Especially with a group, and more so when he's with Rai. Crazy as it sounds, Akin is more responsible than Rai is when they're out and about., and it's her spontaneous wanderlust that has caused this cautionary side of such a risk-taking warrior. Rai can learn a thing or two about being careful from him if she would listen. Maybe, in time…

Impatient / All Business: Akin can't stand to wait around all day for anyone, not even his charge. If there's a job to do, and time is of the essence, then Akin will assure Rai makes her rounds On Time! No excuses, No delays, No Squirrel Chasing! When it's time to work, Akin works like a madman.

Observant: Always with a keen eye, Akin watches everyone with sharp interest. Learning each person associated with Rai, understanding everything about the new world around him and how it affects Rai and her companions, and being watchful of any dangers (internal or external) that can threaten the lot. Akin tends to learn better this way. Remaining silent and vigilant; can be a deadly combination in other circumstances. It's always the quiet ones you should watch out for; they're most certainly watching you.
Their talons are sharp, and their tails are thick and meaty, providing the perfect club.

Chroma Breath Weapon - Their breath weapon, however, is the reason for their name, being a thick blast of sap-like liquid that hardens like a stone after only moments, trapping any caught within. This stone is mostly transparent and amber in color, granting the name for the dragon. However, due to the various amounts of crystals and minerals Akin consumes as he lives and travels underneath the sand dunes, his amber has taken up new, natural colors - and abilities - that have upgraded his skill set for the better. The ambers are still formed through his breathing, but they take on new forms for offense or defense.
Amber - Immobilization​
Black - Shield (Protection or Attack)​
Grey - Healing (An actual soft breath of grey vapor he blows upon the injured, which surrounds and enters the injured party to heal.​
Blue - Light Blast (light and heat)​

Ballistic Roar - He might be a silent watcher, but in battle, it's his warcry you'll hear billowing your ears. And by then, it'll be far too late. Akin can emit sound waves that can destroy objects, they may be able to target certain objects so that only they are destroyed. With enough power, a user of this ability could level entire mountains with their power. Well, some of them.

Kinetic Energy Manipulation - Akin can transfer kinetic energy from one object to another, thus strengthening their attacks, or tearing holes in walls with a simple touch, turn an objects potential energy into kinetic energy, making it explosive, or cause a target to be unable to move or unable to stop if in motion. (Collecting the active energies around him during battle and returning them in various attacks - energy waves through the use of his wings or paws slamming against the ground.)

Amber Dragons are bold and risky fighters.

Best grappler you have ever seen! Due to Akin's low mass and wide stance, it'll take more than a dragon twice his side to put him down (unless they sat on him), and even then he would bury himself out of that squeeze to surprise his enemies by taking them along with him. Not many creatures can breathe under the sand - Akin can.

Spirit Skills (Connected with Audrai) WIP

His deep connection to Rai seems to be turning into an even deeper obsession that might damage more than just their bond. If she's in danger, he will stop what he's doing to protect only her, ignoring everything and everyone else. He is a team player, but when Rai's involved, his priorities become one-tracked. That bothers Rai a lot, especially because she only sees his behavior towards her as manipulating, controlling when it's just over-protection. "I love you, big brother, but you're smothering me!"

Despite his naturally thick structure, Akin is surprisingly quick on his feet, more so in the sand. However, an Amber Dragon is unable to pull its wings fully against its body, giving an opening to slice through its thick skin and damage them. Therefore, Akin cannot flyer, which makes him the slower dragon of the group if they take to the air. And don't dare as Akin to request a lift from the other dragons! That hurts his pride in uncomfortable ways.

Other: WIP

she may learn to separate her own soul from her shell in order to communicate or spy. The big downside to this is it would also call attention to three different Exhartuus, or lesser gods: Draora, the goddess of purgatory and the unseen, who would want her soul to move on to the afterlife, Tyranna, goddess of wrath and revenge, who would see her heart's desire and twist it against her to make her angry and turn against the living, and Lazarus, god of clemency and guardian of lost souls, who would question her very existence. At least those three…possibly more. And trust me when I say more is not a good thing, haha! It would make for some interesting storytelling. Also, because her soul is not her own alone (as she will be Pacted to Akintunde), this would come at the cost of Akin being unable to do anything while Audrai is projecting.[/spioler]
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First post has been updated with my character sheet.
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Seath "Sharps" Baradus

Name: Seath "Sharps" Beraduz

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Place of Origin: Soto District, Cinidum

Height: 70"

Weight: 180lb.

Hair: Short Brown
Eyes: Brown

Skeptical- Isn't easily persuaded

Realist- Sees things how they are and doesn't see the world in rainbows. Always expects the worst of a situation, ultimately making him think of all the ways to avoid that outcome.

Vindictive- has an unreasonable desire for revenge. If he or those he cares about are wronged, he will not be stopped until he gets his revenge.

Withdrawn- does not try to communicate with others. When in company with others, tends to pry away away from them and stay to himself.

Patient- Is always willing to wait if it is beneficial for them
Expert Marksman with a Crossbow. Can easily hit a target at long range

Master Tracker able to track most creatures' long distances

Able to camouflage himself into the environment around him

Has a good amount of knowledge of first Aid using herbalism that he has picked up throughout the years. this herbalism also leads to him knowing arts on making alcoholic beverages.

Able to drain the light from an area to escape unnoticed

Can muffle his footsteps to near nothing so he move around without making any noise
Hunting Crossbow- 1.5lb Custom-made crossbow made with elven wood to reduce its weight while still having a 150lb Draw weight to pierce thick leather

1bs of Bolts (25)

Spiked Pavise Shield- A small 2.5lb Pavise Shield strapped to his left arm with a spike protruding past the hand

Desensitized- Doesn't flinch to much considering all the things he has seen


Is not very magically inclined has to rely heavily on his physical and mental skills

Mangled Leg- Constant pain due to an old wound not healing right

Tends to accept death with open arms and will recklessly get himself into dangerous situations

Alcoholism- Has a severe addiction to alcohol

Antisocial- prefers not to talk to anyone even those he trusts

Questions the gods themselves constantly which tends to lower morale (or raises it depending on their beliefs) of those around him

Short temper- which usually ends in brawls
Seath's childhood was rough. He was abandoned by his family and was stuck on the streets fending for himself. His aptitude on staying unnoticed kept him alive. When he was in his teens, he met a young woman no older than himself after stealing some poached squirrels from her. Impressed, she introduced herself as Freta and offered that they teach each other their crafts. she trained him in the art of tracking and hunting, and he trained her in the art of Stealth and thievery. They soon came to find that he was a natural hunter and an expert sharpshooter. She offered to stay with him so that they could survive together. For many years they would survive through hunting small game and selling it to the local butcher. This friendship soon grew to an inseparable bond.

One day when they were out hunting though, they were attacked by a notorious bandit by the name of Grutus, who severely wounded Seath's leg and captured Freta. With rage in his eyes, he ignored his mangled leg and tracked down their camp and killed the entire gang except for Grutus himself. He was too late though. Freta had succumbed to her injuries and died in his hands. He carried her back to the outskirts of the city and buried her in their favorite outlook. He returned to the city still filled with grief, heading straight to the tavern hoping to drink his memories away, but when he entered the bar, he noticed the picture on the wall. It was of the bandit that took her. "Wanted dead." This gave Seath new purpose. He quickly left the city and went back to the bandit camp and waited. He waited for what seemed like days until finally…. It should only take one bolt, but he didn't want to give this man that luxury. A bolt whizzes right into the bandit's hand which pinned him to a tree. Then another into his knee, and then another, until the bandit was riddled with bolts. Barely conscience, Seath comes out of the shadows, limping towards Grutus with his still mangled leg. You could see the fire in Seath's eyes. He pulls out a knife and begins to cut the still breathing man's head off. When he got back to the city, he went straight to the barracks. he threw a sack with the bandit's head on the captain's table. The guard captain impressed, asked him how'd he did it himself. Seath didn't answer and just asked for his pay. The guard threw a bag of gold on the table and waved Seath off. Seath had never seen that much coin at once.

From this point on, he would no longer hunt deer and rodents. No, his new targets were elves, dwarves, and humans who were wanted by the law. This came with many new challenges but, he didn't care. The hunts kept his mind on the objective ahead, and not the memories of the past. Eventually he started to make a name for himself which got the attention of the Ash Collectors. They needed more people that were skilled and brave (or foolish) enough to enter the Ashlands and saw his achievements as a perfect candidate. When they came to invite him, he accepted skeptically, but he knew he had nothing more to lose.
Parents Unknown

Freta Bjurgorn(lover)- Killed by Bandits

Bartholoman the Mangled

Name: Bartholoman the Mangled

Species: Malachite Dragon

Gender: Male

(Written by Mowkie & Canonically Approved for Ethos) Being the only other major swamp species of dragon, the Malachite is often mistaken for the Black for the number of features that are similar. Like Blacks, Malachites have a trident-like head with thick, curling horns and a sharp muzzle. Unlike Blacks, however, the face of the Malachite is narrower at the base and comes to a finer point at the muzzle. Malachite dragons can range in a wider blend of coloration, as many scale patterns contain some form of green pattern. Some Malachites are mostly green with black patterning while most are black with green patterning. The Malachites found on the hidden isles off the south-western coast of Ethos are particularly nasty, however, as they were introduced to a unique form of parasite thousands of years ago. This parasite is ooze-like in quality and has a base intelligence that allows it to communicate both with the host and with others of its kind. The parasite also seems to have some form of hive mind, though it is difficult to say how much connection there is between individuals. This parasite, when attached to a Malachite, gives a similar effect to their scales as the acid on the Black, constantly dripping from their scales.

Bartholoman is a bit different from others of his kind, however, perhaps because he has been trapped inside of his egg for so long with the parasite. His body has all but deteriorated, having no natural way to fight the ooze that infected his egg. The entirety of the young Malachite's jaw has been eaten away and replaced with a unique form of ooze tentacles that connect with the dragon's digestive system. This allows the ooze to control how many nutrients go to each organism. Bartholoman has also lost a good portion of his protective scales and some of the webbing in his wings, but much of this is replaced by the ooze, allowing for some adaptation to the lost skills. Bartholoman is mostly black in color with few hints of green, but the ooze is a vibrant, unnatural green that almost glows with its own light. His eyes are also alite with the strange color, leaving little to see for his pupils, though they are still there.
Incautious- heedless of potential risks, He rushes into conflict not looking for the dangers ahead

Fickle- He has no loyalty to anyone but to his own, and if his life is in danger he will save himself over saving the life of others

Destructive- On purpose or by accident, he has a tendency to destroy an unnecessary amount around him

Steely- is coldly determined and will stop at nothing to reach the goal he set out for

Abrasive- shows little concern for others and is perfectly ok with taking advantage of those around him if it means he comes out on top
Can cover an entire field with complete darkness where only they can see through it

Can detach a tentacle at a living creature that is smaller than Bartholoman, making it apart of the slime hivemind draining its life

Can consume a creature with a tentacle to revitalize itself

Anything that the slime has control over is now apart of the Hivemind and can do his bidding but can only control lesser creatures due to not being apart of the hivemind
Due to the slime being unlinked from the hivemind he has more control over its feedings and decide when to feed

the slime covering the dragon has otherworldly healing able to quickly heal most mortal wounds within minutes of gaing it making the dragon extremely hard to wound

With the slime growing inside the dragons body, some of his scales have fallen off and require the slime to protect it

Slime is separated from the hivemind making it extremely weak until it has spread enough

Relies on the slime to continue living

Continually hungry and must consume

needs moisture to keep the slime at full strength. If it is unable, it begin to dry up making the entire dragon brittle
His Egg was infected by a slime symbiote who requires a host to feed off of. But due to the separation of the egg and the rest of the Hivemind, the slime that has stuck with the egg is no longer apart of that hivemind and seeks to create its own. That being said though, Bartholoman has much more control of the slime due to this separation making it so he can decide what it feeds on
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Hey, just an update: I added some minor things to the first and second posts for any possible confusion. I haven't reviewed sheets in full just yet, but I will do so this weekend and message each individual in turn on tweaks I feel are necessary. My lovely lady is almost done; I just need to finish up her abilities.
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Okay, I've got my ladies up and going. I cannot guarantee that they'll remain this way, but it's a good first draft at least. Let me know what you guys think!

Takaya Mai Verrud
Ta•Ki•Yah aka Ki•Yah
28 | Female | Gold Team Leader

Place of Origin | Divak District of Cinidum

Height | 68" (173cm)
Weight | 150lb (68kg)
Hair | Brown w/ dark red lowlights
Eyes | Amber w/ flecks of green

Gentle waves of chestnut hair flowing with hints of deep auburn fading in and out of view cascade around sloping shoulders to a curving waist. Framed by the waves of thick hair is an almond face with strong nose, full lips, and sharp eyes of amber and small bursts of emerald. Her body is lean, lined with sinewy muscle beneath warm sepia skin that could remind one rich sand blanketed with the light of dawn. Mottled with scars and the fading color that marks her vitiligo, she is a unique sight to behold when not fully clothed. However, much of her scarring and discoloration is almost always covered by her airy, long-sleeved tunics, which are always tucked into her well-worn leather trousers and traveler's boots. Her sling is stored on the right side of her belt while the falchion is stored at the left in its scabbard. Her hair is only ever let down from its usual thick braid to wash, brush, and re-braid.

Img Courtesy of Fernanda Suarez
Even after seeing so much in the Ashlands, Takaya finds herself captivated by the idea of something new, especially when it comes to her life as a Collector. She is the kind of person who wants to dig deeper into understanding a new thing or idea, as long as she can do it safely.

A hard road through life makes Kaya exceptionally wary of threats around her. This can be both in the Ashlands and outside of them, having had enough encounters with less-than-savory people. She is sensitive to the sounds around her, as her entire life as well as the lives of those around her often depend on the slightest changes in noise. She would rather play it safe than risk losing someone.

In terms of leading her team, once in the Ashlands, Takaya expects her word to be law. Revisions to how they operate are allowed to be mentioned while resting at the Outposts, but Kaya does not do well with pushback from team members. On her own, Kaya has always been someone who could not be swayed easily from her goals. This has not changed with age.

What better way to hide one's grief than with humor? Takaya loves to mention the irony in a situation with a laugh, make jokes in even the most serious situations, and often laugh whole-heartedly at a tricky situation. Though this definitely does not mean she doesn't take things seriously, many have thought of Kaya as a little too flippant with things. This is often where her facetious nature quickly turns sarcastic.

Having experienced a great deal of loss and grief in her time, Takaya understands the heavy burden it has on someone. She can quickly pick up on these feelings coming through in others, and she is generally quite respectful of how that person feels, doing what she can to help them or simply giving them space.
Skills & Abilities
Martial Arts | Though not quite at an expert level, Kaya has trained in various forms of martial arts for most of her life. Her training has consisted of hand-to-hand and Bojutsu primarily, making her exceptionally skilled at beating off her attackers with strength and speed.

Diplomacy | Having a childhood full of diplomatic and political relations, Takaya has a natural skill when dealing with government officials. She is not necessarily the greatest of silver tongues, but often she finds that she can ease her way towards a goal or out of a tough situation.

Mending Hand | With a simple touch of her hand, Takaya can will the flow of Life through her own body and into another. This can allow her to heal wounds and potentially save lives. At the beginning of her use of Arcana, she can only perform simple tasks, such as minor burns, cuts, or scrapes. As she gains skill, however, she learns how to change the flow of energy from herself into her target. This skill, though using much of the Arcana from her Element, requires a great deal of her own life essence as well. Thus, she could not possibly bring back a lost life without sacrificing her own. This ability also cannot work without her touching the other being.

Invigoration | Feeding from the energy bestowed to her by Life, Kaya is able to sustain herself with significantly fewer calories than an ordinary being. Though she cannot go completely without food or water without detriment, she can go greater lengths of time before starvation or severe dehydration sets in. As this skill is practiced and maintained, she will also learn how to transfer some invigorating capabilities to other living beings without sacrificing too much of her own life energy. Eventually, she will even be able to "surge" life energy into a given target, allowing them to have regenerative qualities for a short time. This transferral, like Mending Hand, requires touch to be done.

Sensing Life | Once she unlocks the potential of Life, Kaya will also unlock a deeper connection with the flow of life essence all around her. At first, it will be overwhelming, like a great ocean of feeling beneath her feet. As she hones this skill, however, she will be able to pinpoint where the flow of energy rises above the Surface and into vessels. This will eventually allow her to point where those vessels are and even how they are feeling (ie if their hearts are racing or normal). This sensation has a very limited range, no more than sixty feet (18m) from where she's standing for a clear picture. It also requires a great deal of concentration to eliminate the sensation of an ocean beneath her every time she taps into this ability.

Weapon Choice
Sling & Stone Pouch | 2lb (907g) | Though Kaya is not the most accurate long-ranged fighter, she has found the sling to be a wonderful universal weapon. Plus, good pebbles can be found almost anywhere. She keeps a small pouch of round stones tied to her waist for easy access.

Bo Staff | 1lb (454g) | For more up-close and personal fighting, Kaya prefers her fire-treated hardwood bo staff. This also makes for a very good walking stick. It is heavily scarred with the repeated abuse it sees in the Ashlands, yet it remains a sturdy companion.

Taliya's Falchion | 2lb (904g) | Though she prefers sharp weapons the least, this cusped falchion has particular sentimental value to Kaya. The blade is made of a type of steel forged by the dwarves of Lordhan, allowing for a lighter build that holds a sharp edge for longer than anything made by varonian hands.

Img Courtesy of Man at Arms

Element | Life~

Experience | The Ashlands is all Takaya really knows. She lives and breathes every sound, feeling, sight, and smell of the place. She is a quick navigator within the desert of ashes, and she almost seems to have an internal compass that allows her to find her way in and out of the place. She also knows when the mountain is about to lull in its eruption, making her an effective team leader for every part of a Collector's journey.

Empathy | Due to her own troubled past, Kaya can quickly and easily connect to other kindred spirits. When she does take the chance to get to know someone, she's able to relate to them in simpler ways, such as the pressures of life weighing on her spirit as it tends to do for many.

Fake It 'Til You Make It | Having learned about keeping your composure as a young Collector, Takaya's poker face is one to be admired. Her philosophy is very much along the lines of figure it out as you go because, frankly, some rules haven't yet been written…and others are just meant to be broken.

| Between the family that shuns her having power within the Ashen Empire, the loss of those she turned away from that family for, and the many mistakes she has made throughout her life as a Collector, Takaya feels a deep burrow of shame. This internal dialogue between her and the imposter's voice within her mind often causes a great deal of self-doubt, which will sometimes arise in situations that require quick thinking and decisiveness.

Loss | Kaya's first encounter with Amethyst Team saw her first real brush with death. Though she made it out alive, not everyone on her team did. Over the course of another five years, she watched each other member lose their lives to the ashes. This atop the loss of her daughter and husband and the hidden feelings of not seeing her family or having never felt love from them burns a deep well inside her. She buries it as much as she can, but it is due to this that Kaya is not a person who opens up to her team.

Overbearing | Having lost so many to the ashes in the past, Takaya tends to be particularly protective of those under her leadership. She is not fond of someone ignoring the rules she's put in place to keep the team safe, and she would rather leave someone home than take a reckless, crazy sod into the fray where they can cause harm to the rest. When in the Ashlands, she is a stickler for rules, and she generally doesn't do well with those who break them. This can often lead to dissent from her team, who feel caged by her mother-hen nature.

Lack of Experience | Outside of Cinidum, the Outposts, and the Ashlands, Kaya has absolutely no experience, and she often tends to find herself easily overwhelmed when out of her element.

Scarred | On her very first trip into the Ashlands, Kaya was touched by an Ashborne. Though it touched the fabric of her protective suit, the burn it left on her body was severe enough to need months of healing before her next journey in. It still aches with a ghostly feeling of burning flesh. Since then, she has had several encounters much the same, and her skin is mottled with various scars of burns, tears, and breaks. The mental scarring of losing team members is also there, which can often hinder her views as a team leader and be a little over-protective of her charges.

The Breath of Ash | Having spent a decade making regular trips to and from the Ashlands, Kaya's body has slowed considerably due to the toxicity of the air she breathes. Though her mask does a great deal to keep her safe, she has been exposed enough to the air that her reflexes are no longer at their height. She has also begun to develop a sensitivity to dirty air, whether the toxic fumes of the Ashlands or simply the smell of sewage in the city.
Brief History
As a young heir to a family vying for a position within the Mahan District, Takaya was put under a great deal of pressure from the very beginning. She was expected to learn only the finest forms of combat, wear only the finest clothes, have only the finest manners…everything. To say woe was her wasn't necessarily true, as she didn't have the great many worries of those born to lesser homes. And yet she found herself wanting for more.

The Instructors made their rounds in her zone when she was seven years old, and though her parents turned them away with disdain, Kaya found herself curious. Even so young, she had learned how to sneak out of her home unseen, so she snuck away and followed the strangers. After catching up to them, she learned about Ash Collectors and the Academy. In this, she found her purpose. She begged them to let her train, but they shook their heads solemnly and told her it was up to her family.

Angry at her parents for their severe limitations, Takaya vowed to practice on her own and keep up her strength to one day make her way to the Academy. She trained with instructors as well as on the streets of some of the lesser districts, always sneaking away during the night. But by the age of fifteen, her world found itself turned upside down. She found a young man and fell deeply in love.

Knowing that her family would never approve, she openly rejected them and walked from her life of wealth and comfort forever. Less than a week later, she and the young man, Arnoud, were married. Neither had money, but Arnoud's family took the two in as best they could and welcomed Takaya with loving arms. Kaya admitted her dreams to Arnoud, and he agreed that she could follow them on one condition: give him one year to build their name first. She agreed.

Soon enough, Takaya found herself with child. In the Kaia District, birthing children was a much greater risk. But there was no going back. Turning her back on the dream of the Ash Collector, Kaya set her sights on the life before her.

When their daughter was born, the Verrud family found themselves overjoyed. Arnoud's parents took time off, and the community around their small business celebrated the new life. Kaya took a great deal of time to recover, but she did. Within six months, she was back to her old strength again. But that strength seemed to come at the cost of her sweet Emota's health. The babe had become sickly. Arnoud begged Kaya to go to her family and ask them for help. Swallowing her pride, she did so, and just as she expected, she was turned away.

Having nowhere else to turn, Kaya had an idea. She headed for the Mahan District and straight to the Academy. Within, she begged for help in return for her services. The advisors in charge smiled and agreed. They sent a doctor to see the babe, Kaya following closely behind. The doctor assessed Emota and said that the child would need medicine for a long while yet, as her condition was very severe. Arnoud was furious, but he knew that what was done could not be undone. Saying their goodbyes, Takaya was escorted back to the Academy to begin her training as a Collector.

By the time she was eighteen, Takaya had become a fully-fledged Collector. Upon her request, the Verrud family was moved to the Rune District, after which she was sent on her first journey into the Ashlands. This journey would change her outlook on things forever.

Upon her return home to heal, she learned an even more horrible truth. Emota's health had failed completely. Struck too deeply by his grief, Arnoud had taken his own life. Takaya was alone. Save for her in-laws, who remained ever-vigilant in their son's absence. Since then, she has kept her eyes on what her original life goal was, and when someone asks about her past, she never mentions her family.

Aniya Lynette Aguethier | Mother | 53 | Mahan (Palace) District
Engeram Raollin Aguethier | Father | 55 | Mahan District
Azemar Engarrand Aguethier | Brother | 25 | Mahan District

Jowella Sazane Verrud | Mother-In-Law | 56 | Bahuman (Rune) District
Bletmir Laze Verrud | Father-In-Law | 60 | Bahuman District

Arnoud Mighell Verrud | Husband | Deceased
Emota Seollul Verrud | Daughter | Deceased

Varrik Deatus Conthier | Amethyst Team Leader | Deceased
Taliya Anastia Estielon | Amethyst Team Second | Deceased
Malkaris Xanthos Raseul | Amethyst Team Third | Deceased
Used Colors
For Dialogue & Titles | #FFD700
For Life | #008080
Other Colors Used | #F6B300 #6B8E23 #B21807

Een • Zrah • Nah aka Zrah • Nah
Female Hematite Dragon


Like the Hematite Dragons unique to Ethos, Ihn'Xrana is a lithe creature with scales that grow in a dense, criss-cross pattern across her body. Her neck is long, and it along with her head take up about a third of her total body length. Her head is narrow and long, coming to a rounded point at the snout and ending with two horns, which point directly behind her in waving lines. Her eyes rest along her cheek bones, which stretch out to allow her to see both to the side and partially in front of her, and they are an orange so vibrant, they are like the molten fires of a volcano. From her nostrils is a line of scales that follow the shape of her face, shielding her eyes both above and below and stretching out beyond her jawline. Along the sides of her head are long, curving shapes that lead to her ears lined with long, fragile scales. As she ages, more spikes and scales will grow around these protrusions to better protect her ears. More scales that break the criss-cross pattern stretch along her jawline, looking almost like feathers in shape. These scales are much more likely to break.

Her legs are weighed heavily by similarly-shaped scales, making her appear bulkier beneath than her muscles actually allow. The bones and muscle which hold the sensitive webbing of her wings are also caked in overgrown scales, which break off and regrow at intervals. When a longer scale does not break off, it can often cut into the webbing, so her wings are often held folded at her sides to keep this from happening. At the end of her body is a long, rudder-like tail that can whip and crash around her if she's not careful. All along her spine, from between her horns to the end of her tail, are long spines made of the same, iron-like material as her scales rather than the denser material of her horns. Like her scales, these spines can be broken off periodically and regrown.

The most notable thing about Ihn'xrana's appearance, however, is her color. Being a Hematite Dragon - particularly an Iridescent Hematite - Xrana is a dragon whose color should often reflect the rainbow, each criss-cross of scales sparkling with a wide array of color. However, her scales are dull like old scrap iron found in a forge. Along her maw and down her body is a line of rust coloring, and much of her body is mottled this way as well. As she grows, however, her color may just begin to change.
Images Courtesy of Alejandro Olmedo
Youthful Xrana


Older Xrana


Hematite Images Used as References
Sample Courtesy of the Cleveland Natural History Museum. You can ask my husband just how crazy I went in the entire mineral section of that museum. I have over 40 pictures. Anyway, this is the inspiration of the criss-cross patterning of the scales of an Ethos (Iridescent) Hematite Dragon.

Iridescent Hematite - Image Courtesy of Check there for more images or just Google it if you're curious. The rainbow effect will be the eventual appearance of Xrana's scales.
Whether from her lack of socialization or simply due to her very nature, Xrana is almost completely oblivious to humor. She is a very literal creature, taking most spoken things at their base level of description. She often misses the point unless it is blatantly spoken to her.

Grief-stricken and lost, Ihn'xrana displays a sorrowful nature. The world to her is not hopeful. It is not all beauty and light and life. For Xrana, the world is despair and darkness and fear. It is often only her rider and the other dragons who can keep her going.

The world she knows is dying. All around her is ash and sickness and monsters waiting to destroy her. Ihn'xrana is filled with fear, and sometimes that fear can get to her.

Xrana sees no point in frivolity or the excess of things. She finds no sentimentality in inanimate objects and values life and friendship much more. She is insightful and sometimes intuitive to her senses, possibly due to Kaya's training linked with her own heightened capabilities. She is a quick thinker and always tries to find the fastest route away from the problem.

In social situations, Xrana prefers to keep to herself. She does not enjoy open communication, even with her rider. She often tries her best to shield herself by pulling away from those that care for her the most.
Scale Thrash (to be replaced) | Due to the fragile nature of her scales, Xrana has discovered that she can use them to her advantage. With a quick burst of Arcana, she can blast shards of her scales out in all directions. These shards act like small razors, which can do a great deal of damage to multiple enemies. However, this also has the slight problem of friendly fire. Oh, and she doesn't always have full control over when it happens…sometimes, it's just a reaction.

Rejuvenation | Having a direct connection to the life energy that flows beneath the Surface, Xrana has discovered that she is able to pull a surge of that energy into her own body to replenish her weary and broken body after a particularly arduous task. At first, this simply allows her to grow back some lost scales. As she ages and gets farther away from the Maw, however, she realizes that it can also allow her muscles and joints to revitalize as well. However, this is not a skill, she seems to be able to pass on to others. Perhaps due to the amount of energy needed just to keep her own body going.

STOP! | Unlike her rider, who can only allow Life to flow from her own body into that of another, Ihn'xrana has found that she can draw life energy directly to her from another. Though she can never pull enough of another being's life energy to cause death (for that's just the wrong Element at work), she can pull enough to stun them, cause temporary dizziness, and sometimes even knock them unconscious. As this ability grows, Xrana will find that she can also use this energy much like she would her own Arcana.

Clairvoyance (to replace Scale Thrash) | Much later down the line, as Ihn'xrana ages and develops, her childlike and anxious nature will diminish enough for her to gain much the same ability as her rider - her connection to the flow of Life beneath the Surface. Unlike her rider, however, Xrana will be able to use this ability to show her the path that lies before her. She can use this ability to better determine of that path is passable or not.

Iron Dust | Like all Hematite Dragons, Ihn'xrana has the natural breath weapon of super-heated, dust-like particles of iron. These particles spray from her maw in a series of sparks that can stretch up to half her own body length in a cone shape, not only burning her enemies but also lodging tiny splinters of iron beneath the flesh. If her target is close enough, these sparks are enough to kill quickly, but those on the outer edges of the breath weapon might just be hurting for a little while…and maybe eventually get poisoned from too much iron absorption.

Problem-Solver | Due to her practical nature, Ihn'xrana is quick to find the fastest route away from a tough situation. She sees routes where others often miss them and can simplify a plan that she feels is too complex for her friends. As long as her anxiety or pacifism don't get the best of her, she is also very quick to decide how to handle a fight when things go sour.

Reactive | Whether as a result of fear or simply instinct, Xrana has a surprisingly quick reaction time. When it comes to a fight for her life, she is probably the fastest to react, as though pure instinct takes over, leaving internal thought for later.

The Last of Her Kind | Hatching with the knowledge that her entire Family was wiped out centuries ago, Ihn'xrana is often left with feelings of loss, uncertainty, and sometimes even emptiness. Her grief is so confounded that often she loses interest in the idea of moving on, even with the help of her rider.

Fractured Memory | Though all dragons are conscious within their eggs and often aware of their surroundings, Ihn'xrana has very little memory of the time before her hatching. She doesn't know what happened, who caused the mountain to die, or why her entire Family was wiped out. And in order to unlock those memories, she must face her own fear, which she isn't necessarily ready to do.

Gentle Nature | Despite being a fierce predator, Xrana has a big heart that tends to get in the way of some of her more basic needs. She hates killing, even for self-defense, and often, she loses herself to shame when she reactively kills another sentient being as a result of fear for her own life. Because she doesn't have the memories of what her Family taught her as an egg, she must learn about the circle of life from scratch and gain the understanding that all beings have their place.

Rusting Scales | The sickness that destroyed her Family also affects her. As such, the scales that should shine with an iridescent quality instead fall away to a rusted heap. They often break off painfully, as with her claws and sometimes her teeth and even horns. Her body is weaker than many of the other dragons due to this, and she seems even more susceptible to the toxic air of the Ashlands.

Panic-Stricken | Hatching into the bones of her own Family, only to find that the entire world around her is collapsing, and there are monsters waiting just outside to slaughter her really gets to Xrana. She sees herself as weak and helpless, and she often forgets her strengths. This can lead to her lapsing into a full-blown panic attack, which can often slow her movement or even stop her in her tracks.
Dialogue & Titles | #00CED1
Other Colors Used | #553982 #B86500 #0041C2 #800517
Three out of three characters provided have been accepted! I'm waiting on a response from @Phi Chisym to see when we will start the IC. If I don't receive one by the first, I'll get the IC up and running.
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Finishing my CS after work. Sorry about the wait.
Alrightly, post #7 is now full of a decent size CS. I still have a few bobs to add, but the major bits are in place for inspection.
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Okay, after @Phi Chisym's character drop and the request of a new player to join up, I'm going to take some time to review the sheets before the story starts.

This also gives me time to meet a couple of deadlines I may or may not have forgotten about, hehe.......T_T Work, sadly, must come first. Phi, I'll take a look at that charrie tonight if I can. And hopefully, that gives @Tybalt time to get something going! XD

Name: Wohan 'Woe' Thurgyl

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Place of Origin: Cinidum (Sotto)

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 185 pounds

Hair: Dark unkempt hair

Eyes: Gold ochre


In addition to his unkempt hair, disheveled and clearly thrown together attire, his skin tone was actually the main source of strife between Woe and his peers. With skin as light as snow it was often rumored Woe was the discarded offspring between a varonian woman of pleasure and a Dalin Elf. A rumor that has been flung in his face so often it rarely originated into a fight anymore.

The rest of his appearance is fairly standard, standing around 6 feet with a lean build, not quite athletic but not skin-over-bones either. No marks or piercings anywhere to be seen except for a few scars on the left side of his neck and jawline, barely noticeable when passing him though as they are simple thin short lines of healed tissue crossing his skin in random directions. An all too common trait of having been born and raised in Sotto.


Aloof - Being borne with such a pale complexion in a district where standing out was anything but desired, Woe quickly learned to fend for himself, both verbally and physically. Over the years and after many fights, he learned to raise walls around his heart and grow a thick hide around his skin instead. Not as easily provoked into physical combat anymore, he mostly kept to himself and if it weren't for his caretaker he could spend weeks without acknowledging the existence of others. Even though his tongue could still snap harder and swifter than any whip, he often refrained from being goated into a back and forth as it usually resulted in combat, and Sotto residents weren't the type to fight fair. It was a place where the weak turned to numbers, the wicked to their blades and the strong to their wits. He liked to believe he was one of the latter, a little white lie he liked to believe to consolidate the fact he was outnumbered… and out of options.

Reserved - His caretaker was a bounty hunter, a profession that was a double-sided blade. While a person holding that job title, and being around his 40s, showed he had much more than luck on his side. To have survived the harsh land and the tough missions he obviously had skills, which resulted in living a relatively 'carefree' life in Sotto. This was also one of the main reasons Woe was still alive. After all, there are few safer places than standing at eye-level next to a 'monster'. The downside was that it wasn't easy to reach out to anyone but colleagues, as most residents of Sotto held contempt for vigilantes for hire. Often knowing at least someone who was hauled off by one of those bounty hunting mercs. Resulting in a pretty lonely childhood for Woe.

Analytical - Quick wit doesn't quite cut it when describing Woe's cold method of thinking. Always weighing the pro's and con's of things. This became apparent when on a mission during his prepubescent years. It came to a very dark grey morale choice to make, one that kept even the veteran mentor puzzled. Until Woe quickly declared the benefits of doing what his mentor could barely stomach to do were too beneficial and even needed for their successful completion of the mission. He eventually caved and even thanked Woe for his quick thinking. Still, Woe could easily make out the condemning look his caretaker inadvertently shot him while turning back away.

Brave - a trait honed by the place he called home, the caretaker he called mentor and the missions he called education.

Loyal - He wasn't one to turn on the few he could call loved ones. Damning all the weighing of benefits in this case. Home is where the heart is and there weren't enough consequences in the world for him to betray his heart. It helped that his loyalty and companionship were hard-earned, but once done so. Woe would go through anything to protect those in need.

[spoiler="Skills & Abilities" ]

Lightning bolt : by using the arcane from his pact with the Blue Dragon, Woe can temporarily enhance his reflexes, body and even mind by using lightning attuned arcana on himself. Strengthening his body this way gives a large boost in combat. There aren't many that could defend against an onslaught of strikes with a lightning fast blade.

The downside to using this ability is that his body can not handle the increase in speed and reaction time for very long. Soon after the effect dissipates, the body will feel heavy and weary for rest. With numb limbs and a dazed mind, the user will need to rest for a short time before the overloaded body returns to its normal state.

Spiritveil: by using the Spirit Element's arcana, Woe is able to spread out a thin mist covering a relatively large area around him, causing any foes and allies in the mist to confront things they're most afraid of or haunted by, in a dreadful manner. Someone fearless in combat yet afraid of something benign as an irrational fear of spiders, will - for example - see a giant spider spin its way down on top of him. This spider will be completely feel like the real deal to the poor soul's senses, except for one, touch. None of the illusions evoked by this arcane ability can be touched. Upon trying, one would strike nothing but mist. While that in itself is quite a down side, the main one is that this ability doesn't differentiate between friend or foe. It spreads out in a point blank area of effect manner, emanating all around Woe's position and effecting all but himself for a relatively short time.

After image : this is an elemental arcana. By clouding his target's senses he can quite literally create after images of himself, confusing and debilitating his opponent in combat. While there aren't all that severe downsides to this ability all it does is simply confuse the enemy by creating lingering visions of where Woe was a second ago. They can't harm the enemy in any way, but it can create openings for Woe to strike. He can only maintain this for a fairly short time though but there are no other downsides to it except if he uses it in succession or for a prolonged time. If doing so, he will be fatigued much like if he used Lightning bolt.

Mounted combat: Fairly proficient with the light crossbow and Falchion, even while mounted on a horse. The javelin is less desired to use while riding but with some luck it could still hit true.
Weapon Choice:

Light Crossbow

Element: Spirit/Ynxir

Strengths: Loyal, Brave, Analytical, Proficient in combat, Contact with the underbelly of society through his bounty hunting upbringing, Blunt, holds true to his principles

Weaknesses: Lone wolf, hard to crack the walls around him, cold, tactless, avid drinker and gambler

Brief History:

While much has already been said, truth be told. Nobody knows how or where Woe came from. The only thing his caretaker mentioned, and that was only once during a particularly drunk night, was that he found Woe. Cast aside, amidst rubble, rat droppings and barrels in an alley. Whoever left him there clearly didn't want Woe to be traced back to him or her. There were probably even darker reasons as to why they tossed him aside in such a manner. If his mentor didn't stumble that narrow dark backalley that night, the poor runt would have either starved to death or been gnawed to it by the abundant rats or wild dogs in the area. After this revelation, Woe never talked or thought about it again. For all he cared was that he was here and with the person that saved him from that dreadful fate.






Name Ul-Thaan 'Blight' Alkazar

Species: Blue dragon

Gender: Male



While Blight is the more mature and often more rational between him and his bonded partner, he can be surprisingly childish at times as well. For example, after having learned Woe is a nickname he received during his childhood, he didn't reply to any calls from Woe to his true name anymore, insisting to receive a nickname of Woe's choosing. After being dubbed Blight, he was so extatic that it even influenced Woe's own state of mind and became surprisingly more social for a few days.

Abilities: lightning breath, illusionary techniques on other dragons and impressive combat efficiency on land.

Strengths: his flexibility. If needed he can hold his own on land or escape through the skies while fooling his enemy with a trick of the mind, making the assaulting dragon see that which is not there. Sort of like an improved After image ability. He's also quite fast and steady on rough terrain thanks to his physique.


His airborne combat abilities are generally subpar and even on land there are many behemoths who can 'out-tank' him. Making choosing the right battles and options paramount.


His state while shelled in his egg is volatile to say the least, shocking any foolish enough to touch the egg or even be nearby at the wrong moment. As Blight grows he learns to control this but not immediately upon hatching.

Mounted combat: Fairly proficient with the light crossbow and Falchion, even while mounted on a horse. The javelin is less desired to use while riding but with some luck it could still hit true.
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You guys are killin it! We have one more slot available, but whoever decides they wanna join can absolutely do so even if we get going before they find it. I'll update the announcement section. We will start no later than Tuesday, February 8th in the morning (Korean time, so night time February 7th for those in the US). I've caught up with most of my other endeavors, though I certainly have to go back and tweak some things, as usual, haha! Writing is never a perfect process, is it?

If you guys have particular questions involving things that would affect your characters directly, don't hesitate to ask! I'd be happy to help fill in the blanks with the world-building I haven't completed on paper.