The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 3: New Butyrka

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On level 7:

The deepest part of this prison, only a few things were kept down there. Security was mainly droids and turrets, any humans were limited to a few numbers, as the level had... unique, prisoners. Unique enough to experiment on. Except for one, which they kept in cryostasis, as he posed so much of a threat, they didn't dare try waking him up when he arrived on their world. He was out cold, and they kept him that way. He'd been here two months, and hadn't woken up in that time frame.

Something told the computer system down there to open his chamber up. And now, one of the most powerful scattered on this planet was about to wake up, and be greeted by two giant mechs.
Reinhard Van Astrea

Reinhard was lost. This was an unusual state for him. Literally, he was knowledgeable on many locations and had more than one Divine Protections that could help him find his way. Figuratively, he often kept his wits about him to ensure he understood whatever situation he found himself in, not to mention the Divine Protections he had that also helped him in that regard. No, somehow he was completely and utterly out of his depth now and despite his fondness for uncommon experiences, this was not a good thing.

Firstly, he had been dealing with a terrible tragedy in Lugnica as Puck, the Beast of The End had begun to freeze the entire world over. He had confronted the rogue spirit in an attempt to talk it down, that was when the second event occurred. As he regretfully drew his sword, a green light filled his vision. It didn't seem to be an attack, as he would have naturally detected it ahead of time and been able to avoid it if that were the case. However it certainly had some kind of effect as not only did he feel the temperature change from the bone chilling cold, but he found himself slipping out of consciousness as a gut-wrenching feeling of hands gripping his body being ripped free rippled through him.

Thus it was that he found himself in his current situation, eyes blearily opening to the sight of a cylindrical container around him held aloft by a mechanical arm, a room of metal walls, and two large humanoid creatures of steel turning to face him. In a moment he was free and after another he was moving towards the automatons, his body already drawing in the ambient mana in the atmosphere.

Seemingly little worse for wear despite his extended and unexpected nap, the Sword Saint and Strongest Knight of Lugnica spoke with a smile, already prepared to do battle. "I seem to have found myself in quite the strange predicament. I don't suppose I could simply be given directions back to Lugnica?"
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The droids had placed up shields to protect against Vaars' gunfire, and while a few were injured, they continued operating, even as some of their limbs blew off from the bullets piercing through their bodies... At least until she teleported behind them all. The turrets moved around to firing at her at almost point blank range, while the droids did the same; moving in closer to almost have their barrels touch her armor. They were programmed to kill, not protect themselves too much. All while her scientist screamed out in pain from his legs being completely riddled with lead.
Vaarsiks, Queen-Baron

She laughed off their attempts to pierce her armor, barely causing a scratch as she continued to dismantle the puppets, soon becoming a whirlwind of violence and broken mechanical limbs as she dismantled the droids through sheer brute force alone.

Tossing the scientist away in some corner, Vaarsiks picked up one of the machines and once again threw it into the assembled group hard enough to tear it in two, though that barely slowed her down as she then teleported right underneath a turret, using the momentary cover to rip it from it's base and manually aim it at the rest of the robots while it was still firing. Discarding it much the same way she had the droids when it ran empty.

By the time Vaarsiks was finished, the room was filled with scrap and metal body parts. Bullet holes riddled the walls, with nearly every surface covered in artificial fluids and disposed casings.


Vaas 'Kadam, Arbiter

The moment those doors opened, Vaas charged out, activating her energy sword and skewering the closest guard, droid or human, in the chest, wrenching the plasma blade free before targeting the next one.

It was obvious melee would be a poor prolonged choice, instead the Arbiter simply went for her plasma rifle, wielding it in one hand as she slashed another robot while targeting the taller machine puppets, blasting it with bolts of super-heated gas. The effects on flesh would be devastating, but metal would simply wither and melt away into slag.

Whenever she felt rounds hitting her shields, she would leap away for cover, returning fire or simply turning invisible before relocating.
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John/ Sierra-117

Running as fast as a Spartan-II could, John ducked into the elevator as the panels flew at him. Taking cover in the side near the buttons to work said elevator, the panels embedded themselves in the wall of the elevator as John practically slammed the button to go to any other floor than this one. The doors slowly but surely closing as the storm of ghostly carnage continued to wreck havoc, panels and part of something flew into the elevator, voices saying something unintelligible.

All ceasing the second the doors finally closed and John was off to another floor, but he didn't relax. In fact, he was more poised than a cobra ready to strike, as he was still in unknown territory, meaning that the second the doors opened, he was going to have to continue running til he got a gun or something to defend himself with that wasn't part of the wall.

"Did you get a map of this place?" He asked Cortana, hoping that he wouldn't have to run blind.

@Wade Von Doom
Terry McGinnis

As the cell doors opened, Terry saw that they had a guard looking at them. Rifle in hand and shouting orders to remain where they were. Unfortunately for the guard, not only did he have an issue with authority and listening to said authority. But he was also trained by the original Batman, Bruce Wayne.

One such tactic. 'Wait for their eyes to leave you.' Which the second the guard turned to look at the other cells, Terry made his move. Running forward and barely ignoring the pain from his ribs, he would strike the gun's muzzle away from himself, so that it'd be pointing at the ceiling as he made his next strike.

Due to him not being as strong as Bruce in his youth, and not having the Batsuit, Terry had to rely on basic Judo and striking at joints to properly take down someone bigger than him. So with a sharp kick to the back of the guard's knee to knock him off balance so Terry could then lay down a beatdown with his cuffed hands, essentially performing a rough hammerfist strike. Rough in that he was forced to use both hands rather than just the one.

@Wade Von Doom
When she sees their living tank start to fall before the opposition, worry comes over Brigid for a moment. Their enemy had more than human soldiers in their ranks. Would blame somebody, maybe that soldier who had defected to their side for not warning them, but blame did nobody any good in combat. Brigid is thankful that Morgan is able to heal fast enough and change form to keep going. Her first attacks as that giant dog had at least given them some headway.

For her part Brigid does what she can as she runs and guns forward with the others. Any robots to come in range of her is riddled with bullets at their joints, or the big red target that was their eye. This was far from her first time fighting robots. These things were like taller Sentry Bots.

What I would give for just one Heavyarms from Sturges' workshop. Its mini-guns and mortar rounds would be very useful right now.

Not that the others were not doing good work. Really as they go, there is less opposition. Soon, feet and minutes soon, Brigid wouod be near the balcony and what she assumes is a door and access panel to get in.
Luer looked less impressed the more Kaathe spoke. He did not ask to be an undead, that was the last thing he wanted. He certainly was no harbinger of change, either. Even so, though… the most concerning thing he heard from this creature was the warning of a 'Manus'. That sounded more important than anything else he said up to this point. The Abyss expanding did not sound like a good thing either, granted.

Now what was he to do?

"I will let him know… but I cannot guarantee that I will be of much help to you and your… new age quest." He commented softly. That was the most he could offer. He was not even sure how one brought about a new age of man in another world. The only thing that came to mind was he needed to go to this world and make babies, but somehow he did not think that was all this would entail— besides, he did not want kids.

With that said, he gave an unsure look to the floating thing. "Also… while I am unsure just how to return to them, I am not so sure I really want to. The only reason I am here to begin with is because of them." Brigid shot him, why should he go back? She will just do it again… That and he would rather not like to see the carnage that group wreaked upon his inability to intervene…

"An understandable caution." Kaathe said. "But, one you cannot act upon. All worlds are now hanging in the balance of total collapse and endless chaos, if not for the Abyss, but what now connects our worlds together. If you should wish to see your world again, find the false gods before they destroy all of reality." Kaathe said quickly, before Luer would start to feel as though he was slowly falling, like sinking into a mud pit. "We must go, now!" Kaathe told Luer, before... eating him.


- Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior -

As if his humiliation hadn't already hit a high point today having had to sneak through a prison's sewer system affixed to a insane merc's latex-laden ass, now Artis and the others had fallen through, refuse water included, into the command room of the entire prison in a clumsy and ridiculous fashion. Now they had a fight on their hands; a good way for Artis to work out his frustration, one of the guards being shot by Deadpool, the Warden preparing to kick the Merc with the Mouth in said mouth and the other poor soul readying his firearm.

Artis had landed on his face to top it all off, but in such a position he was able to quickly roll forwards, to the side of the Warden, quickly rising to grab the Warden and attempt to lock him in a chokehold and face the other Guard with a gun. Summoning his Keyblade in Arrowgun form, he would hold the Warden hostage with the weapon pointed to his head.

"Drop the gun or the Warden dies!" Bellowed Artis, aiming to defuse the situation and hopefully interrogate the Warden as necessary. If all else failed, Artis would just kill them and help Deadpool and company figure shit out anyways.

@Wade Von Doom @BobTheNinja @Valkan

The warden was caught by Artis, and struggled to get out of the hold until the arrowgun was pointed under his chin. His soldiers quickly aimed their weapons at the others, but before they could fire, they stopped upon Artis' command to drop their weapons. They were all suddenly in a standoff. Deadpool had his duel wield uzis out, and looked to Ryan to signal his little robot to unlock the doors outside for Brigid's group to enter the facility.

"You're dead, you hear me!" The warden shouted out. "You ain't leaving this place alive. The hell makes you think breaking into a prison was a good idea--" Before he could continue, the lights on the command consoles started going funky. Red lights were going off, green lights were flashing, blue was great, yellow had a giant bright flash of brilliance, and all around things going craacracracracracracracracracracracracraeraeaeaeaeaeaeaeadaeeadadadaeededeedddeadadeadeadadadaeedaeadeadaedeadeaedeadaaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAHA





When everyone could see again, they'd all find themselves with painful headaches, like their brains were inflating to the point of their skulls cracking outwards under their skin. The soldiers within the command room seemed to have the worse of it, dropping their weapons as they clutched their heads with their hands and screamed out in pain. Then, the prison began to shake, as if an earthquake was suddenly happening. The ground beneath Brigid's group would suddenly turn to rust and dissolve away into particles, and the lights slowly morphed from white to a faded red, getting brighter and dimmer with sudden rushes of electrical discharges.


"AHHHHHH!!" Deadpool screamed out, dropping both his weapons, and stumbling backwards into one of the consoles. "Anyone else annoyed by that screeching noise?" He asked, seemingly not affected by the brain scrambling headaches, but rather some sort of noise no one else could hear. "It's so loud!" The only screeching was the soldiers, but he didn't seem to mean them. The floor of the hanger Brigid's team was in started to give way, as the forming of rust started to weaken the supports of this multi-level complex. First, it shook violently as it collapsed downwards by about an inch. Then, the far side of the room collapsed further, making the straight angled floor rotate to a very sudden 40 degree angle, causing everything to slide down to the far side, including the cars.

Holes started to form along the floor as well, growing in size to swallow whole anything that slid into them. What lied underneath seemed to be nothing but a bottomless hole, anything falling in to disappear into a black void. Not even the command center above Brigid was safe, as it also suddenly began to collapse forward into the hanger as it also started to disintegrate into rust. It would cause everyone to be suddenly pushed forward into the windows overlooking the hanger. The warden, quickly thinking, helped push himself and Artis through the window, breaking the glass and making both of them fall 30 feet to the ground below. When they landed, the warden was quick to roll away, while Artis would have one of the prison cars Brigid's team came in with slid towards him on its side; the roof aimed right for him.


The lower floors weren't safe either. As Vaars destroyed the turrets, the walls around her began to collapse from the rust, spreading like a fast growing virus. The ceiling started crumbling on top of her and her scientist, who seemed out like a light; either dead or passed out from the pain. The Chief as well, when asking Cortana about a map of the place, would find his elevator suddenly stopping, with the lights flickering and walls rusting, and quickly falling back down at fast speeds; the cables connecting it to the shaft breaking away when the rust made it too weak to support its weight. It would fall several dozen feet, before smashing into the ground; collapsing the elevator in half.

The prison cells Jack and Terry were stuck in, just as Terry knocked out his guard, the rust then began to infest the blocks above and below them. The balcony Terry was on started collapsing, and acting fast, Jack grabbed Terry's arm and pulled him back into the cell, just as the balcony then fell to the ground below; crushing several guards and escaping prisoners. Their bad luck wouldn't stop though, as their then suddenly began falling backwards. Jack and him would fall into the wall on the far side, as the cell kept falling down; the two bouncing around violently.

Poor Reinhard had it the worst, however. As the two mechs aimed their weapons at him, preparing to attack, the rust began to spread around the ceiling of his cell. And unfortunately, the collapsing floors broke through. Several floors, sections, and even massive vehicles rained down from above, crushing the mechs into rubble. Deafening banging and clattering from the metal and steel echoed throughout the prison, with explosions the only thing to break up the repetition. Several minutes past before it finally stopped, and the aftermath was something to behold.


The complex was now one giant underground crater. How the buildings above didn't also crash down upon them was a miracle, but from the eerie creaking noises and sounds of things still falling apart, it didn't seem like it was long before they could finally see the sun. Terry and Jack's cell landed near the bottom, where Chief's elevator and Reinhard would be. Meanwhile, the command room Deadpool's team was in was somehow still in mostly good shape, though it seemed one small step away from falling off into the abyss below.




Kaathe would drop off Luer within this carnage from the darkness of where the emergency lighting wouldn't reach. "Go, fare human! Manus draws closer to emerging again!" He would simply say, before slithering back into the darkness, and disappearing. Luer would also be close by to where Jack, Terry, Chief and Reinhard would be, but none of them were visible yet.​
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Terry McGinnis

Just when things couldn't get worse, something began to rust everything away. Terry himself nearly falling into the abyss had it not been for Jack pulling him back into the cell.

But even that didn't stop themselves from being affected, as their cell fell from the wall, causing them to be banged about and thankfully not be killed by the impacts. Finally landing in a way that also didn't turn Jack and Terry into a bloody paste, Terry would groan as he crawled out from the wreckage of their cell. He would've quipped had he not glanced up and seen the carnage, a detail that made his hope fly once more. The prison had basically fallen apart, certain sections falling down and into their current area.

One area from a piece of debris that had caused Terry to regain hope. "Storage." Sprawled in typical military fashion, which meant that Terry's Batsuit had to be somewhere underneath the rubble, which meant he could get the mini Buzzsaw off the utility belt and get both of them out of these cuffs.

"Yo, Jack!" He called out before heading to the rubble that looked to be a decent place to start. "Help me dig up some rubble. Wherever they stored my suit could be somewhere around here. I can get us outta these cuffs and possibly out of here." Unless Jack weighed more than estimated, then Terry should be able to literally fly them out of here. Provided the Batsuit's fuel for the thrusters wasn't completely empty.

So Terry began to dig for his suit, tossing aside rusted metal and other such debris for any sign of his suit.

@Wade Von Doom


Cortana's response didn't come as the second she began to speak to him, the elevator was jostled as cables snapped and he along with the elevator was sent back down, at speeds that'd have liquidated any regular human. But thankfully for John, he was not only a Spartan-II, but one wearing Mjolnir armor.

His shields popped at the force of the impact, but overall he was fine.

Next came the issue of getting out of the elevator, which basically meant that John had to pry open the contorted metal doors of said elevator. Reaching his fingers into the gap, the Spartan began to pull apart the doors, practically bending their already contorted frames so he could step out of the broken piece of metal.

His surroundings were not that of a regular prison, but a rusted scrap heap that was falling apart if the creaking and groaning of the ruins above them were any indication. Hell, they might continue to fall apart if he didn't find a way out of here.

"Guess Johnson was right in a way." Cortana said to him, a comment on one made by the formerly alive man.

John didn't say anything as he scoped the area for a way out.
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Brigid Mahoney

Just when it feels like they had made it, that the sonic screwdriver would open a way up into the balcony into the next phase of their mission; the world suddenly falls under her feet. Her boots lose grip with the sudden shift of the floor, and Brigid falls forward before she tumbles down the incline and over the edge into the chasm.

Her fall to the bottom of this place is a flurry of screams from herself and others. Attempts to grab hold of something that result in her arms on fire with pain. Rust covering her entirely. Disorienting noise, until she hits her head and blacks out.

Its nothing short of a miracle that Brigid reaches the bottom of the chasm in one piece. That piece is rust-covered, immobile, and bleeding from a wound on her right side. She lies on top of several dead bodies of troops who had not fared as well.
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For a moment things seemed to be going to plan after the small bump that was the execution of Luer, that was, until rust began to consume the entirety of the complex. The brown-ish red infection came from absolutely nowhere, spreading like a wildfire and covering everything in its decaying glory. The soldiers didn't seem to expect the sudden interruption either, as they each fell into holes leading down and below the floor. Large tunnels burrowed down further into the facility, created from the disgusting decay. The room then gained a slight slant, making everything slide to the side at a 40 degree angle. Large transport trucks housed in the hangar slid down and to the wall, along with several supply crates. A few soldiers were crushed in the process, while the others found their doom within the tunnels.

The first of the group to be subjected to these holes was Brigid, tripping and falling down into the deep darkness. She let out a scream for help, only to have it be swallowed by countless others calling out. All Dusk could do was watch it happen a little ways across the room. He gritted his teeth in frustration, first it was Luer, then Brigid, and soon to be more if this kept happening. It felt like Dusk was punching a wall and only yielding bloody knuckles from it. He had changed form, sure, but that hadn't done anything to help him. His thoughts were immediately interrupted by one of the trucks he was standing near was beginning to be swallowed itself. The hole spread open too fast for Dusk to escape, and so it took him with it.

Down he went, spiraling and hitting the edges of the hole along the way. The speed at which he spun was too fast for him to truly grab onto something, but he eventually was able to situation himself. Finally he reached the bottom, smashing his left shoulder into the concrete floor. There was a loud crack as he impacted it, and his arm felt numb. His body ached, and he could feel bruises already beginning to form on his body. He looked around to see he was in what used to be a warehouse with different types of non-perishable food and ammunition, none of which would really help him in this situation. Then there was the smell, human flesh and blood. Bodies from the upper floors were funneling below, along with small pools of blood. It was there at that moment Dusk realised his mouth had more saliva that it had before, and his stomach felt… emptier. Dusk then sat up, looking to his left to see the truck that had fallen with him had crushed an unsuspecting soldier on the lower floor, his brain matter was sprayed across the floor. Dusk's left arm twitched slightly at seeing it. He tried to ignore the sudden feeling as best as he could, getting up and looking around the room. A little further away he could see Brigid lying atop a pile of bodies, and Dusk's stomach started to feel even emptier. He slowly approached her unconscious body, his breathing was heavy. When he finally stood over her, the saliva in his mouth was now reaching a climax as he reached his right arm out towards her. He then stopped, fear gripped it in place as he took a few steps back and sat on the ground and finally laid on his back staring at the ceiling. "I am not moving…" he whispered to himself. He continued to whisper this to himself as he waited for something else to come by to distract him, for his mind feared what he would do if he continued.
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- Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior -

Before Artis could retort the Warden's claims, he would find himself disoriented and suffering a splitting headache from the command console and lights going haywire, but he would still keep a hold of the Prison Warden for the time being. Shortly after this sensory assault, the walls, beyond all reckoning, would begin rusting and the command room itself would begin to collapse, with the Warden aiding Artis's descent to the ground by pushing against him, causing them both to crash through the window and land hard on the ground after falling 30 feet. Artis was rattled by the landing the most, having been sandwiched between the ground and the Warden, who would make a swift departure once he was on his feet.

Artis groaned in agony, but had no time to bemoan his situation, as a vehicle was now headed straight for him due to the whims of gravity, forcing Artis to scramble onto his feet, gritting his teeth to bear the pain and tapping into the Darkness to increase his agility, enabling him to narrowly avoid being crushed by the incoming transport. "Son of a..." Artis cursed to himself, calling his Keyblade back to him, transforming it back into Oblivion and glared in the Warden's direction.

Without another word, Artis would begin sprinting towards the Warden, whether he had started running yet or not, the entire Prison was in shambles and the only thing the bastard is good for now, is some much needed stress relief.

@Wade Von Doom
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Ryan Zokkendov

Their ambush was somewhat successful, as the guards refused to obey. It was a standoff. Ryan noticed Wade's look out of the corner of his eye. "Right..." getting the message, ANNA started working on making a way for the rest of the group. That was short lived, though.
While the warden was playing tough, something more drastic took place. The lights went crazy to the point of blinding Ryan in a flash of static for a moment. When his eyes could see again, the static went to his ears, as ANNA went crazy, and just projected white noise on his mind. That on top of the sudden brutal headache was enough to incapacitate Ryan for a moment. Dropping to a knee and having one of his swords dissappear while he held the other one tightly due to the pain and some awareness, not even noticing the earthquake. Ryan couldn't think with both the headache and ANNA clouding his thoughts with white noise, so he tried to rid of one of them "ANNA, silence... ANNA silence! Silence... Silence! SILENCE! ANNA, SHUT UP!" Ryan barked in the end, as the thoughts didn't seem to reach the AI. Luckily, now he just had a brutal headache to deal with, so seemed to be the case for everyone. Even Wade was talking about some noise, probably not the same as his though, but he couldn't ask at the moment. On wobbly legs, Ryan got up and tried to assimilate what he just witnessed. "What... Is going... On?"
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lower floors weren't safe either. As Vaars destroyed the turrets, the walls around her began to collapse from the rust, spreading like a fast growing virus. The ceiling started crumbling on top of her and her scientist, who seemed out like a light; either dead or passed out from the pain.
The Queen-Baron

Vaarsiks chittered in agitation, turning to regard the corruption spreading through the hallway. Even through her mask, she could smell the rust in the air, feel the Song of Darkness deep within her, echoing inside her machine body. She had only felt it once before, during the abandonment of their God.

She had been unaware that the Whirlwind had followed her here, but she understood what needed to be done.

The Architects tried to trap her, but Vaarsiks simply shrugged the ruined ceiling off with her brute strength. Her top priority was getting her weapons back, and then turn whatever that had brought this into atomized dust - And only afterward would she escape. Her people would know some revenge, even if they weren't there to witness it.

SIVA called out to her, desperate to be reconnected to the greater swarm. She knew where she would go.

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Terry McGinnis

Just when things couldn't get worse, something began to rust everything away. Terry himself nearly falling into the abyss had it not been for Jack pulling him back into the cell.

But even that didn't stop themselves from being affected, as their cell fell from the wall, causing them to be banged about and thankfully not be killed by the impacts. Finally landing in a way that also didn't turn Jack and Terry into a bloody paste, Terry would groan as he crawled out from the wreckage of their cell. He would've quipped had he not glanced up and seen the carnage, a detail that made his hope fly once more. The prison had basically fallen apart, certain sections falling down and into their current area.

One area from a piece of debris that had caused Terry to regain hope. "Storage." Sprawled in typical military fashion, which meant that Terry's Batsuit had to be somewhere underneath the rubble, which meant he could get the mini Buzzsaw off the utility belt and get both of them out of these cuffs.

"Yo, Jack!" He called out before heading to the rubble that looked to be a decent place to start. "Help me dig up some rubble. Wherever they stored my suit could be somewhere around here. I can get us outta these cuffs and possibly out of here." Unless Jack weighed more than estimated, then Terry should be able to literally fly them out of here. Provided the Batsuit's fuel for the thrusters wasn't completely empty.

So Terry began to dig for his suit, tossing aside rusted metal and other such debris for any sign of his suit.

@Wade Von Doom


Cortana's response didn't come as the second she began to speak to him, the elevator was jostled as cables snapped and he along with the elevator was sent back down, at speeds that'd have liquidated any regular human. But thankfully for John, he was not only a Spartan-II, but one wearing Mjolnir armor.

His shields popped at the force of the impact, but overall he was fine.

Next came the issue of getting out of the elevator, which basically meant that John had to pry open the contorted metal doors of said elevator. Reaching his fingers into the gap, the Spartan began to pull apart the doors, practically bending their already contorted frames so he could step out of the broken piece of metal.

His surroundings were not that of a regular prison, but a rusted scrap heap that was falling apart if the creaking and groaning of the ruins above them were any indication. Hell, they might continue to fall apart if he didn't find a way out of here.

"Guess Johnson was right in a way." Cortana said to him, a comment on one made by the formerly alive man.

John didn't say anything as he scoped the area for a way out.

Jack didn't respond. Instead, he came staggering out of the cell with a large piece of metal impaled through his chest, right where his heart was. As he tried walking to Terry, Jack grabbed the metal with both hands, and while shouting out in pain, managed to slowly pull it out. With blood now started draining out his body, he keeled over to the ground on his back; dead the moment he hit it. There was no way of saving him, and Terry would now find himself alone in this massive, collapsing complex.... For like 12 seconds.


With a giant gasp of breath, Jack's wound began to disappear; his body regenerating the flesh and broken bit of organ. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!" He moaned out, clutching his chest as it fixed itself. "Ahhhhh, that's the worst." He stated, turning over onto his side. "Always feels like I need a giant tube of Pepto Bismol." With that comparison to heart burn, Jack managed to stand back up onto his feet, his shirt still covered in blood, yet the wound was completely gone. He looked to Terry with a concerned look, as he was surely confused on what just happened, and how he was still alive. "I can explain." He quickly said.

When Chief opened the elevator doors, he would find himself not too far from where Terry and Jack were. He was only a couple feet above them, with the elevator doorway collapsed between floors. It would be a simple drop down to them, with Jack already noticing Chief as he was facing his way. "Yo!" Jack shouted out his way. "Down here!" He waved at him to get Chief's attention. He doubt that was supersoldier guard, since his suit seemed too advanced for them to have.

lower floors weren't safe either. As Vaars destroyed the turrets, the walls around her began to collapse from the rust, spreading like a fast growing virus. The ceiling started crumbling on top of her and her scientist, who seemed out like a light; either dead or passed out from the pain.
The Queen-Baron

Vaarsiks chittered in agitation, turning to regard the corruption spreading through the hallway. Even through her mask, she could smell the rust in the air, feel the Song of Darkness deep within her, echoing inside her machine body. She had only felt it once before, during the abandonment of their God.

She had been unaware that the Whirlwind had followed her here, but she understood what needed to be done.

The Architects tried to trap her, but Vaarsiks simply shrugged the ruined ceiling off with her brute strength. Her top priority was getting her weapons back, and then turn whatever that had brought this into atomized dust - And only afterward would she escape. Her people would know some revenge, even if they weren't there to witness it.

SIVA called out to her, desperate to be reconnected to the greater swarm. She knew where she would go.


When she broke through the wall, she was at the edge of the newly made crater. The complex was three miles deep, and all the debris reached to the seven floor where the bottom was. She would be on the fourth, and her gun was right under all that rusted metal scrap. A straight shot down, right where Jack, Terry and Chief were. The scientist on his shoulder was still alive, though his legs were completely shot up, and his breathing was quite slowed. He needed medical attention before he completely died out, otherwise when he woke up again, the shock might just stop his heart for good.

Brigid Mahoney

Just when it feels like they had made it, that the sonic screwdriver would open a way up into the balcony into the next phase of their mission; the world suddenly falls under her feet. Her boots lose grip with the sudden shift of the floor, and Brigid falls forward before she tumbles down the incline and over the edge into the chasm.

Her fall to the bottom of this place is a flurry of screams from herself and others. Attempts to grab hold of something that result in her arms on fire with pain. Rust covering her entirely. Disorienting noise, until she hits her head and blacks out.

Its nothing short of a miracle that Brigid reaches the bottom of the chasm in one piece. That piece is rust-covered, immobile, and bleeding from a wound on her right side. She lies on top of several dead bodies of troops who had not fared as well.

For a moment things seemed to be going to plan after the small bump that was the execution of Luer, that was, until rust began to consume the entirety of the complex. The brown-ish red infection came from absolutely nowhere, spreading like a wildfire and covering everything in its decaying glory. The soldiers didn't seem to expect the sudden interruption either, as they each fell into holes leading down and below the floor. Large tunnels burrowed down further into the facility, created from the disgusting decay. The room then gained a slight slant, making everything slide to the side at a 40 degree angle. Large transport trucks housed in the hangar slid down and to the wall, along with several supply crates. A few soldiers were crushed in the process, while the others found their doom within the tunnels.

The first of the group to be subjected to these holes was Brigid, tripping and falling down into the deep darkness. She let out a scream for help, only to have it be swallowed by countless others calling out. All Dusk could do was watch it happen a little ways across the room. He gritted his teeth in frustration, first it was Luer, then Brigid, and soon to be more if this kept happening. It felt like Dusk was punching a wall and only yielding bloody knuckles from it. He had changed form, sure, but that hadn't done anything to help him. His thoughts were immediately interrupted by one of the trucks he was standing near was beginning to be swallowed itself. The hole spread open too fast for Dusk to escape, and so it took him with it.

Down he went, spiraling and hitting the edges of the hole along the way. The speed at which he spun was too fast for him to truly grab onto something, but he eventually was able to situation himself. Finally he reached the bottom, smashing his left shoulder into the concrete floor. There was a loud crack as he impacted it, and his arm felt numb. His body ached, and he could feel bruises already beginning to form on his body. He looked around to see he was in what used to be a warehouse with different types of non-perishable food and ammunition, none of which would really help him in this situation. Then there was the smell, human flesh and blood. Bodies from the upper floors were funneling below, along with small pools of blood. It was there at that moment Dusk realised his mouth had more saliva that it had before, and his stomach felt… emptier. Dusk then sat up, looking to his left to see the truck that had fallen with him had crushed an unsuspecting soldier on the lower floor, his brain matter was sprayed across the floor. Dusk's left arm twitched slightly at seeing it. He tried to ignore the sudden feeling as best as he could, getting up and looking around the room. A little further away he could see Brigid lying atop a pile of bodies, and Dusk's stomach started to feel even emptier. He slowly approached her unconscious body, his breathing was heavy. When he finally stood over her, the saliva in his mouth was now reaching a climax as he reached his right arm out towards her. He then stopped, fear gripped it in place as he took a few steps back and sat on the ground and finally laid on his back staring at the ceiling. "I am not moving…" he whispered to himself. He continued to whisper this to himself as he waited for something else to come by to distract him, for his mind feared what he would do if he continued.

Dusk wouldn't be alone for long. There was a banging nearby where one of the walls were. The panels that held it up were bent and dented from the collapse; weak enough to push down with a few strong kicks. Someone on the other side was doing just that, trying to break through to where he and Brigid were. When it was finally kicked down, it wouldn't be another one of the soldiers that guarded this place, but rather strangely, someone in a set of black armor.


With his ax to the side, he looked over to Dusk, then to Brigid, seeing how badly injured she was. As Dusk didn't seem to look like a threat, the armored man walked over to Brigid first, ignoring the humanoid. He knelt down beside her, examining her injuries. Deep gashes along her body, and internal bleeding from the fall. Putting his ax down, the man pulled out from one of his pouches along his hip a metallic flask. Along the side of it was a glowing green stripe that showed the liquid inside. With his thumb, the man popped open its cap, and slowly put its rim to her lips, then even more slowly poured it into her mouth so she could swallow small amounts of the liquid easily. She would find her pain begin to ease as the liquid coursed through her body, as whatever it was, it slowly healed her wounds. Once she swallowed enough, he moved the bottle over to her gashes, and poured it over them.


The pain would jolt her awake, as her gashes and cuts healed quickly as the liquid washed over them; leaving just scars of where they were. Her body would still feel sore to move, each limb aching from the fall if she moved it. The armored man then put the flask away and picked her up in a fireman's carry on his shoulders, before walking across the debris to find a way up to the surface.

- Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior -

Before Artis could retort the Warden's claims, he would find himself disoriented and suffering a splitting headache from the command console and lights going haywire, but he would still keep a hold of the Prison Warden for the time being. Shortly after this sensory assault, the walls, beyond all reckoning, would begin rusting and the command room itself would begin to collapse, with the Warden aiding Artis's descent to the ground by pushing against him, causing them both to crash through the window and land hard on the ground after falling 30 feet. Artis was rattled by the landing the most, having been sandwiched between the ground and the Warden, who would make a swift departure once he was on his feet.

Artis groaned in agony, but had no time to bemoan his situation, as a vehicle was now headed straight for him due to the whims of gravity, forcing Artis to scramble onto his feet, gritting his teeth to bear the pain and tapping into the Darkness to increase his agility, enabling him to narrowly avoid being crushed by the incoming transport. "Son of a..." Artis cursed to himself, calling his Keyblade back to him, transforming it back into Oblivion and glared in the Warden's direction.

Without another word, Artis would begin sprinting towards the Warden, whether he had started running yet or not, the entire Prison was in shambles and the only thing the bastard is good for now, is some much needed stress relief.

@Wade Von Doom

As the floor slanted downwards, the warden made a jump for the doorway leading out of the hanger, as the security lockdown system began to fail. Just before Artis could get him, the rust began to eat away at everything around them, and the warden luckily managed to jump to safety in time, as ground beneath Artis rusted away for him to fall through. Seeing the damage done, the only thing the warden could do was run. He had to get out of here before the whole place collapsed. Making his escape, he jogged down the hallway, looking for the exit out of here.

Artis' only chance of surviving the fall would be to cling onto something, and hope nothing fell on top of him.

Ryan Zokkendov

Their ambush was somewhat successful, as the guards refused to obey. It was a standoff. Ryan noticed Wade's look out of the corner of his eye. "Right..." getting the message, ANNA started working on making a way for the rest of the group. That was short lived, though.
While the warden was playing tough, something more drastic took place. The lights went crazy to the point of blinding Ryan in a flash of static for a moment. When his eyes could see again, the static went to his ears, as ANNA went crazy, and just projected white noise on his mind. That on top of the sudden brutal headache was enough to incapacitate Ryan for a moment. Dropping to a knee and having one of his swords dissappear while he held the other one tightly due to the pain and some awareness, not even noticing the earthquake. Ryan couldn't think with both the headache and ANNA clouding his thoughts with white noise, so he tried to rid of one of them "ANNA, silence... ANNA silence! Silence... Silence! SILENCE! ANNA, SHUT UP!" Ryan barked in the end, as the thoughts didn't seem to reach the AI. Luckily, now he just had a brutal headache to deal with, so seemed to be the case for everyone. Even Wade was talking about some noise, probably not the same as his though, but he couldn't ask at the moment. On wobbly legs, Ryan got up and tried to assimilate what he just witnessed. "What... Is going... On?"

As Ryan tried standing up, the room jolted forward towards the edge of the carter by an inch, causing everyone to lose their balance. Deadpool grabbed onto one of the consoles, which surprisingly still had power, and quietly told everyone, "Nobody. Make. Any. Sudden. Moves." The room was hanging on by a thread, and the last thing they needed was to fall to their deaths. The soldiers slowly tried moving to the doorway, still in one piece.
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The robot shatters when it takes the full force of her thunderclap. Morgan keeps running towards their goal, clearing the way of those large robots with combinations of hand-to-hand techniques and her thunderclaps. She thinks for a moment when the ground shakes, that she was overdoing it; then the floor starts to rust rapidly away and holes open up. The Daemon leaps high enough to avoid the first one that forms right underneath her feet, however her feet had no sooner touched down on the floor again before that spot succumbs to rust as well. Rather than flail in fear and try to catch hold of something, Morgan instead curls into a tight ball and allows herself to fall, bounce off other debris and vehicles and droids. There's a lot of pain as flesh is pulverized and bones broken but they mend quickly.

She lands in this ball hard and splays out on her back as her body mends from the impact damage. Not the first time she's had to fall from a great height. At least this time she'd landed on just flat ground, and not a floor of boulders with sharp points or rough round sides.
Now those had hurt really badly.

"Is anyone there?" Morgan calls out rising from the ground when her legs come back together. Her neck had not, but she assisted that by holding her head in place with her hands while it did. There were mostly a couple of the vehicles, robot parts and dead men around her.

"Anyone?!" Morgan calls out again this time more worried. A few of their company might not have survived the fall as well as she had. She walks in one direction for no particular reason and comes around a few walls and a vehicle in time to first see Dusk off in the distance. She almost calls out to get his attention, but then one wall is punched through by an unfamiliar figure in black armor. And he walks to….

"Brigid?" Morgan trots over. Which makes for quite a sight as the gunfire from before the fall had shredded her hoodie and black pants into a crop top and shorts. She stops feet away from Brigid and watches the mysterious stranger tend to Brigid with only a flask of liquid. A healing potion! And a potent one at that. The woman is healed almost as well as Morgan herself in no time at all.

"Thank you." Morgan says softly steps forward to look into the yellow lights of his eyes.

"What is your name? Were you a prisoner here?" She asks.
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Luer nodded lightly. How could he not be uncertain about it? Anyone would be hesitant to return to a group of people that killed them once already. He rose a brow and turned focus back to the Kaathe at his words. He could not? Why? The snake's comments were less sensacle than he expected them to be. Mostly. There was a threat to every world, of that he understood. He gasped to himself at the sudden sinking feeling, glancing around- not that he could see anything though. "Go where- Ah!!" The archer barely had time to react as Kaathe leaned down and swallowed him whole!

Luer groaned with an unceremonious "ack" as he plopped onto the ground on his bottom. He shuddered and shook his head, looking up at Kaathe as he spoke. "H-Hey wait!" He called futilely as the snake vanished in the darkness. His brows creased and he whined, moving to stand and take a look around what was going on. He could say this for sure, he was not where he was when he died. "What the hell…"

He glanced over in one direction when he thought he heard a call, but then became certain someone was over there when a yell sounded out. His brows creased and took off in that direction, it sounded like someone was in pain and needed help. He did not take long to find Jack and Terry, but from where he was, they seemed relatively okay. What was going on here?

As much as he wanted to just turn and find somewhere else to go, honestly, he did not know where he even would or what he should be doing right now. So to hell with it. "Hello!? Is everyone alright??" He called out to them, moving to carefully make his way closer without getting crushed or tripping. What a mess this was.
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Brigid Mahoney

Cool liquid pouring past her lips into her mouth brings back into consciousness. To a lot of pain and the peculiar sensation of the liquid healing her body started with the damage to her head, and down into her chest to heal bruised muscles and a couple racked ribs. She groans and keeps her eyes closed as she bears through the pain.

"Sonofabitch." Brigid swears through grit teeth. She hears Morgan and still disoriented assumes its Morgan healing her with something. Then she feels herself being lifted up and carried over someones shoulder, and it is hard metal not flesh she feels with her hand.

"Kingpin? That you?" Brigid asks. The concoction she had been given was still working on her legs so it was best, if not dignified, for her to be carried until she could move them more than a gentle sway.

Her mind clears as the pain abates. She sighs and opens her eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Brigid asks of her savior on seeing an armored arm and the side of a high-tech helmet as she turns her head about. This question is asked at the same time Morgan asks the same.

"And what did you give me?" She asks in addition.
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The robot shatters when it takes the full force of her thunderclap. Morgan keeps running towards their goal, clearing the way of those large robots with combinations of hand-to-hand techniques and her thunderclaps. She thinks for a moment when the ground shakes, that she was overdoing it; then the floor starts to rust rapidly away and holes open up. The Daemon leaps high enough to avoid the first one that forms right underneath her feet, however her feet had no sooner touched down on the floor again before that spot succumbs to rust as well. Rather than flail in fear and try to catch hold of something, Morgan instead curls into a tight ball and allows herself to fall, bounce off other debris and vehicles and droids. There's a lot of pain as flesh is pulverized and bones broken but they mend quickly.

She lands in this ball hard and splays out on her back as her body mends from the impact damage. Not the first time she's had to fall from a great height. At least this time she'd landed on just flat ground, and not a floor of boulders with sharp points or rough round sides.
Now those had hurt really badly.

"Is anyone there?" Morgan calls out rising from the ground when her legs come back together. Her neck had not, but she assisted that by holding her head in place with her hands while it did. There were mostly a couple of the vehicles, robot parts and dead men around her.

"Anyone?!" Morgan calls out again this time more worried. A few of their company might not have survived the fall as well as she had. She walks in one direction for no particular reason and comes around a few walls and a vehicle in time to first see Dusk off in the distance. She almost calls out to get his attention, but then one wall is punched through by an unfamiliar figure in black armor. And he walks to….

"Brigid?" Morgan trots over. Which makes for quite a sight as the gunfire from before the fall had shredded her hoodie and black pants into a crop top and shorts. She stops feet away from Brigid and watches the mysterious stranger tend to Brigid with only a flask of liquid. A healing potion! And a potent one at that. The woman is healed almost as well as Morgan herself in no time at all.

"Thank you." Morgan says softly steps forward to look into the yellow lights of his eyes.

"What is your name? Were you a prisoner here?" She asks.
Brigid Mahoney

Cool liquid pouring past her lips into her mouth brings back into consciousness. To a lot of pain and the peculiar sensation of the liquid healing her body started with the damage to her head, and down into her chest to heal bruised muscles and a couple racked ribs. She groans and keeps her eyes closed as she bears through the pain.

"Sonofabitch." Brigid swears through grit teeth. She hears Morgan and still disoriented assumes its Morgan healing her with something. Then she feels herself being lifted up and carried over someones shoulder, and it is hard metal not flesh she feels with her hand.

"Kingpin? That you?" Brigid asks. The concoction she had been given was still working on her legs so it was best, if not dignified, for her to be carried until she could move them more than a gentle sway.

Her mind clears as the pain abates. She sighs and opens her eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Brigid asks of her savior on seeing an armored arm and the side of a high-tech helmet as she turns her head about. This question is asked at the same time Morgan asks the same.

"And what did you give me?" She asks in addition.

The armored man turned to face her with Brigid over his shoulders. He simply stared at her when she asked that question. Name. When a few silent seconds passed by, he said, "... Yes." To her prisoner question. The name part he got stuck on. It was only after Brigid then asked again herself that he finally said it aloud. "C-32B." Was all he said, with the helmet altering his voice to sound deeper in tone. "You were given Bacrum. It will keep you alive until we leave." As he spoke, he bent down to grab his ax, and began walking along the sides of the crater to find a way out. The only way was a few hallways that looked intact still, but were two floors above them, meaning they needed to find a way up there.
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Brigid Mahoney

"Interesting name. Must be some kind of android or just a trained soldier. Bacrum, huh? Good stuff. Would like to be able to walk, but atill feel like a puppet." Brigid tries to lift her arms fully, but stops as she feels a slight tearing sensation in both shoulders and at her wrists. She chuckles and lets her head hang.

"Tell it to me straight, Doc. Will I ever play the piano again?" She asks in a joking manner. Not wanting to be useless Brigid surmises the guy who has only a serial number for a name is looking for a way out. Only one to be seen was to get up into the intact halls one level above. She also sees Dusk off to the side looking distressed.

"Hey buddy, when you feel up to it, help Morgan stack up stuff so we can get up there." She instructs him indicating the next floor with an upward sway of her head.

"And while that's going on, uh....Seehthree and I will look for more friendly survivors." Brigid says to Dusk and Morgan. Seehthree would be her name for the guy.

"Come on Seethree. There has to be more down here." Brigid gives him a light tap and points down a path away from their alcove.
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The sudden arrival of an armored knight was certainly the interruption that Dusk had been looking for. The feeling in his stomach hadn't disappeared, but the event was at least keeping his mind off of things. The knight's dark armor looked like some strange mix between sci-fi and fantasy, as it had metal screws and the like but still had the style of fantastical armor. The man's movements made a slight wiring noise, as if hydraulics were being used, but there was nothing of the like to be seen in the man's armor.

When he finally knelt over Brigid, Dusk felt a wild urge to gut the man and eat his insides. There was an instant where Dusk thought 'get away from my prey' along with a build up of saliva in his mouth. The only way he resisted doing it was another interruption from Morgan, arriving with more… revealing attire than before. Dusk had honestly no idea how to act in the situation, as there was a coldness throughout his body whenever he moved. Was it guilt? Regret? Dusk couldn't quite tell. The mysterious knight introduced himself as C-32B. Dusk thought back to strange symbols being on glass tubes back home, maybe it was a name created from something like those, much like how he found his own name on the tube he emerged from. Brigid took to calling him Seehthree, not the most creative nickname, but it worked.

Brigid mentioned going off and finding more survivors, to which the cold feeling flared up in Dusk again, along with a pang in his stomach. He reached a hand out as he was gonna offer to accompany them but then put it down. Dusk then set about arranging boxes with Morgan so the four of them could climb out of the hole they had all fallen into. "Thank you…" He said to Morgan. He didn't care if she didn't understand why, he just wanted to say it.
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Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan wobbled when the floor of the room shook, desummoning his sword to prioritize balance. Wade clung to a panel, from where he warned the others in the room to take it easy. The soldiers started to try and go away. They weren't his priority, however. He racked his head for ways to get himself and his two partners in the room... It took him a hot moment, but it came to him. "Wade, Shirou, jump towards me and hold on tight when I give the signal... Worry not, you'll have something to grab" he advised. Then, he waited for them to approve before springing into action. A fiery blaze consumed him and his figure enlarged showing a big, red tail. "Now!" he said with a deeper and echoey voice, as his body finished transforming. By then, the structure holding them most likely collapsed, if he didn't feel the weight on his tail, a quick swipe would sweep them off the platform before they fell, if they didn't managed to jump on the dragon. He hovered away from the collapsing platform, and then in a circle, trying to size up their next move. With his voice still deep and echoey "I was thinking of going for Artis, any other suggestion?" he said as he flew in the general direction he last saw the fellow swordsman.
If he were to find him, he'd say "Artis, it's Ryan, hop on in!" lowering his hover for him to climb through his static wing.
- Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior -

Before Artis could retort the Warden's claims, he would find himself disoriented and suffering a splitting headache from the command console and lights going haywire, but he would still keep a hold of the Prison Warden for the time being. Shortly after this sensory assault, the walls, beyond all reckoning, would begin rusting and the command room itself would begin to collapse, with the Warden aiding Artis's descent to the ground by pushing against him, causing them both to crash through the window and land hard on the ground after falling 30 feet. Artis was rattled by the landing the most, having been sandwiched between the ground and the Warden, who would make a swift departure once he was on his feet.

Artis groaned in agony, but had no time to bemoan his situation, as a vehicle was now headed straight for him due to the whims of gravity, forcing Artis to scramble onto his feet, gritting his teeth to bear the pain and tapping into the Darkness to increase his agility, enabling him to narrowly avoid being crushed by the incoming transport. "Son of a..." Artis cursed to himself, calling his Keyblade back to him, transforming it back into Oblivion and glared in the Warden's direction.

Without another word, Artis would begin sprinting towards the Warden, whether he had started running yet or not, the entire Prison was in shambles and the only thing the bastard is good for now, is some much needed stress relief.

@Wade Von Doom

As the floor slanted downwards, the warden made a jump for the doorway leading out of the hanger, as the security lockdown system began to fail. Just before Artis could get him, the rust began to eat away at everything around them, and the warden luckily managed to jump to safety in time, as ground beneath Artis rusted away for him to fall through. Seeing the damage done, the only thing the warden could do was run. He had to get out of here before the whole place collapsed. Making his escape, he jogged down the hallway, looking for the exit out of here.

Artis' only chance of surviving the fall would be to cling onto something, and hope nothing fell on top of him.

Ryan Zokkendov

Their ambush was somewhat successful, as the guards refused to obey. It was a standoff. Ryan noticed Wade's look out of the corner of his eye. "Right..." getting the message, ANNA started working on making a way for the rest of the group. That was short lived, though.
While the warden was playing tough, something more drastic took place. The lights went crazy to the point of blinding Ryan in a flash of static for a moment. When his eyes could see again, the static went to his ears, as ANNA went crazy, and just projected white noise on his mind. That on top of the sudden brutal headache was enough to incapacitate Ryan for a moment. Dropping to a knee and having one of his swords dissappear while he held the other one tightly due to the pain and some awareness, not even noticing the earthquake. Ryan couldn't think with both the headache and ANNA clouding his thoughts with white noise, so he tried to rid of one of them "ANNA, silence... ANNA silence! Silence... Silence! SILENCE! ANNA, SHUT UP!" Ryan barked in the end, as the thoughts didn't seem to reach the AI. Luckily, now he just had a brutal headache to deal with, so seemed to be the case for everyone. Even Wade was talking about some noise, probably not the same as his though, but he couldn't ask at the moment. On wobbly legs, Ryan got up and tried to assimilate what he just witnessed. "What... Is going... On?"

As Ryan tried standing up, the room jolted forward towards the edge of the carter by an inch, causing everyone to lose their balance. Deadpool grabbed onto one of the consoles, which surprisingly still had power, and quietly told everyone, "Nobody. Make. Any. Sudden. Moves." The room was hanging on by a thread, and the last thing they needed was to fall to their deaths. The soldiers slowly tried moving to the doorway, still in one piece.

Shirou cried out in surprise as the area around them collapsed again. This time, instead of the team inadvertently putting weight over a weakened section of the sewer floor, which was an extremely unpleasant experience all on its own, this new collapse seemed to be caused by some kind of rapidly-spreading rust. Shirou could sense some kind of power at work here, but there was no time to think about that right now. Nor did he have time to intervene to keep Artis from killing the guard. The continuing collapse of the structure around them saw to that already.

As the floor around them began to tilt, with a flash of crackling blue light and motes of magic, the young mage projected a pair of short, spike-like swords and slammed them part way into the floor, using them as grips to avoid sliding off the edge.

"Okay...what's the plan now Deadpool?" Shirou asked after a breath.

Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan wobbled when the floor of the room shook, desummoning his sword to prioritize balance. Wade clung to a panel, from where he warned the others in the room to take it easy. The soldiers started to try and go away. They weren't his priority, however. He racked his head for ways to get himself and his two partners in the room... It took him a hot moment, but it came to him. "Wade, Shirou, jump towards me and hold on tight when I give the signal... Worry not, you'll have something to grab" he advised. Then, he waited for them to approve before springing into action. A fiery blaze consumed him and his figure enlarged showing a big, red tail. "Now!" he said with a deeper and echoey voice, as his body finished transforming. By then, the structure holding them most likely collapsed, if he didn't feel the weight on his tail, a quick swipe would sweep them off the platform before they fell, if they didn't managed to jump on the dragon. He hovered away from the collapsing platform, and then in a circle, trying to size up their next move. With his voice still deep and echoey "I was thinking of going for Artis, any other suggestion?" he said as he flew in the general direction he last saw the fellow swordsman.
If he were to find him, he'd say "Artis, it's Ryan, hop on in!" lowering his hover for him to climb through his static wing.

Thankfully it seemed that Ryan already had something in mind. Shirou watched in amazement as he transformed into what appeared to be a large red dragon. While this raised all kinds of questions, he wasn't about to get distracted by that right now. Trusting in Ryan, he braced himself against the tilted floor, used reinforcement magic on his legs to give himself an extra boost, and then leapt out toward Ryan's draconic form, landing against a flat section of his back and grabbing hold of one of the spikes along his spine.
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