The Evrensel Conflict - Prologue - Chapter 3, Mission 1 - Diplomacy

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As The Doctor waited for a response, that's when he came across Scott's own file. Upon reading through it, all he could say was, "Oh no..." He then looked to Scott. "I'm so sorry." This was not gonna be easy to handle.

Arthur did not help. "Well, well, well! Looks like you're in the vile vermin club!" He said aloud, patting Scott on the back. "I'd say I'd feel pity for you, but... well, I doubt you need even more lies in your life."

Scott felt his stomach drop out as he read the files, his head beginning to swim with feelings of horror and disorientation.

He had always felt like...something was a bit off in his life. It was some minor nagging sense that something was out of place, and he could never put his finger on why. And it had grown worse when he was posted at the black site. And now he knew why.

These...monsters had taken his real mother from him after torturing her. They lied to him and made him complicit in their atrocities.

He staggered back, his back bumping against the wall of the office as he tried to keep himself from just falling over, tears streaming down his face and his breathing hitching as a raging swell of pain and anger threatened to overwhelm him.

Scott's revelation, while she is not privy to the details, makes her see this soldier as another victim of this chaotic world. The blonde woman scowls at Arthur Morgan's unhelpful words. She approaches Scott, puts a hand on his shoulder.

"We are not only where we have come from. We are also what we do. Remember that, Scott." Tsunade offers him words that are like those given by an attentive master to his overwhelmed pupil when she felt the pressure of her lineage was too great.

Scott was on the verge of mentally breaking down when he heard Tsunade's words, her presence breaking through the haze of misery and rage that clouded his mind.

He considered those words, and remembered they were still on a mission. He couldn't afford to let himself fall apart. Not right now.

He breathed in. He held his breath for a few moments. He breathed out. Rinse. Repeat.

Gradually, the swell of horrible feelings simmered down. It was by no means gone, but he had put a lid on it for the time being.

He wiped the tears from his face. "Thank you, Tsunade," he said, his voice thick and unsteady.

The sound of a pistol's hammer cocking back was suddenly heard from behind the group. When everyone turned to see, a man stood in the secret passage doorway Hei had opened open. He held a P-96 to them all, yet he was an overweight man in official uniform, with balding grey hair, and a big mustache with stubble around his chin and cheeks. Heavy, dark bags were under his eyes, like he hadn't slept in days, kept awake by fear and paranoia. The Doctor slowly put his hands up, while looking between the man with the gun, and everyone else in the office. "Easy." He softly told them. "We don't want trouble." If they had a fight in here now, someone was sure to come investigate, and they didn't need security coming after them in one of the most important buildings in this city.

"Why am I not surprised a traitor brought savages into our city? Have you turned traitor to your own race now?" The man said. The Doctor could see a nametag on his uneven uniform jacket. 'Kamarov.' The man who owned this office. "Unless.... You are the child." He then realized, seeing the emotions on Scott's face. "The adopted scattered. Have you come to see humanity to its extinction?"

"We're not here to see anyone killed." The Doctor then spoke up. "We're here to understand, and to help. We were brought here against our will, and we want to know why."

"Bah. What is to understand from a dead race?"

"Everything." The Doctor answered back. "Or have you forgotten your job?" With Kamarov being the man in charge of organizing the history of this city and its secrets.

"My job matters little. This city will fall, and you will be left with only remains, if you survive what's coming." Kamarov clearly knew too much.

"Then tell us. If you're having a crisis of faith, we might just be what you need to not only see your people, but see to it justice is given to Kane and whoever did this to your planet." The Doctor pleaded.

"And why should I trust the word of a freak?"

"Because you have fifteen rounds in that gun, and I doubt you could even fire a shot before one of us got to you." Besides Jotaro, Hei and Tsunade could easily move in close to him in the blink of an eye and remove his gun. Weighing his options, Kamarov slowly put his gun down, before looking to Arthur.

"May I have a drink?" He asked. Arthur decided to hand it over, giving Kamarov the glass and bottle. The Georgian sounding man took a heavy sip from the bottle itself, before wiping away what remained off his lips. "So how may I help? I'm a damned man even without talking to you all." Kamarov told the group, as Kane was looking to remove him from the scene anyway.

Frankly, the moment Scott laid eyes on Kamarov, he had half a mind to leap over at him and smash his skull into the wall, repeatedly, until he stopped moving, almost not caring that he was armed.

But the Doctor as ever was very persuasive. He was right after all. If Karamov really was willing to turn on Kane, then they needed him alive, here and now. But it sure as hell didn't make him feel good about it.

There was so much he wanted to say, to scream at the piece of shit standing in front of him right now. He bit his tongue and kept his mouth shut. But there was no mistaking the look of fury in Scott's eyes as he gazed at the man partly responsible for everything they were trying to stop.
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The sudden entrance was not all that surprising to Scout, as the secret entryway had to have some type of use. Currently that use was to hide Kamarov in all his tired splendor. His general body told a story of tired decay, hair slowly had recoiled from stress off his head, and his eyes were an almost hollow color. He looked like the type of man to be more used to legal documents spread across desks and to be bathing in his wealth rather than a person helping orchestrate the downfall of a nation's political system, at least, that's what Scout took him to be from his first appearance and slight overweightness.

Scout didn't bother inputting any words into the initial pacification of the man. The doctor looked to have had it under control, and he had a point about the man being dead before firing a bullet. Scout adjusted her hat when the matter had been dealt with and walked over to the desk, leaning on it slightly. "I would like to know a few things, if you don't mind me asking," Scout interjected. "Do you know if there was any sort of event that caused these sudden teleportations, such as a divine being arriving? What have your scientists learned overall from the tests in these papers?" Scout tapped a pile of sheets with her finger, "Has there ever been a disappearance of one of these 'scattered' where they could have somehow gone back to their land? Finally, do you know of any solutions people have discovered that may lead to the salvation of your race, because so far all I have seen is scrambling for something that is not entirely there." Scout finished by turning to the others in the group, seeing if they had any other questions. Even if the group knew the answers to these questions, Scout wanted to know what Kamarov knew and what he would be willing to tell them.

Kamarov sat down on the couch opposite to them all, putting his pistol on his lap as he downed his whole drink while Scout asked her questions. "The first event of a known scattered appearing was a dragon attacking the US." Kamarov stated bluntly, pointing to a file of the dragon. "It appeared suddenly in the sky in a flash of green light, before it came crashing down over the city, bringing with it red lightning that destroyed buildings, and set fire to the remains." When the file was opened, it revealed a stunning white dragon autopsy photo.


"We called it Ares. It moved across the coast of the US, down to the Mexican border, flew across the Caribbean, and ravaged most of Brazil. The whole world came together to stop this creature, and by that I mean most of the world's nuclear weaponry, and by the time it died, the body was still intact, like we barely did any damage to it. If it was a divine being who brought us this creature, many religions had their own take on it. The wrath of god, rapture, judgement day, name it what you will. All I know is that creature started this crisis. After him, more creatures started appearing, each summoned in critical cities across the world. Paris, London, Moscow, Tokyo, New York, heavily populated capital cities that seemed more like strikes from an unknown enemy combatant than a simple random event. Soon, diseases that had never existed before appeared, along with armies of alien creatures that appeared in the same green flash as the others, each raging a war with humanity, and each time, costing us millions in lives." Kamarov reached for the bottle again, with Arthur handing it over.

"We don't believe the dragon caused all of this, but we do believe something brought it here. All tests from captured scattered showed a unique radiation signature, like a fracture in space, yet any theories about why came up short without proper evidence. You have a group like yourself, individuals who can think and act, yet we also have demons, monsters, large creatures, kaiju, and even Nazi's appear here. Nothing seems to make sense as to why you are all brought here... However," Kamarov added, taking another sip of his now full glass.

"Individuals like yourself have come and gone here. There was one time we found a man who could control fire from his fingertips, yet dressed like a ninja. We captured him, held him in one of our prisons for 48 hours, then," he snapped his fingers. "Vanished into another green flash. The same energy signature as what brought him in, but our scientists found that the shape of how he arrived and left was different. The vortex of the fracture from when he arrived was pointing outward from where he landed. When he disappeared, it was pointing inward, like a small tornado had sucked him in and out. Infrared scans show the vortex's are not natural, they seem artificial, like a vacuum cleaner. It's what makes us believe someone purposefully puts you all here, and why I think it is not a divine being. Something artificially creates these fractures, and sucks up those like yourselves to be put here. Why though... I am not sure."

For salvation though, Kamarov scoffed. "Salvation. I'm sure you saw his name in those files. Kane. He is not salvation, unlike what others would suggest. He stokes the fires of our dying race to benefit himself. He came here years ago, finding his way into our government, and bribed and scared and intimidated his way into having sway over everything. Only a few stand up to him, but it is not enough. The only reason anyone believes his bullshit is because with his help, we have an escape plan. His team of scientists found out a way to open a fracture of our own, and with a ship, he plans to cross it to find a new world for us to live on."

"Exodus." The project in the computer, the Doctor muttered.

"But is not Exodus. It is one man saving himself. And damning the rest of us to a slow death.
Jotaro Kujo

When Kamarov explained things, bringing up the first of the scattered. A dragon of some sort, causing so much destruction that for once the world united to fight the new threat. Only for the beast to be only the herald of the hell that awaited this world.

Then the man revealed that one of the scattered appeared, and was just as quickly pulled out by an unknown force. This made Jotaro uneasy, as from the sounds of it, there was no evidence of an outside force being close by to pull said person out, or the ability to fight back. At least from Karamrov's words.

And then came the idea that they were put there, added some more uneasy for the Marine Biologist. Someone intentionally put them there, which could potentially mean there was a reason for all of them. At least that was the idea forming in Jotaro's mind.

At egotistical as it sounded, he could understand himself as he was a Stand User, and one that could stop time. Even if said duration at the moment was two seconds. But what about the others, there must have been a good reason, a desire to remove a viable threat. Another idea could be that some of the others were the result of the 'gaps' in other places indirectly pulling in other people, and the pulling out of said people could've whoever was doing this, correcting a mistake.

"What if that's the purpose of the enemy? To 'port' in creatures to a world, make it uninhabitable and then port people of importance there so they'll eventually be dealt with?" He said mostly to the others. He'd ask later what each world they lived in, had that was so important that they'd had to be ported here, but for now, he asked Kamarov another question. "What else is there to reveal Kane's plan?"

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @BobTheNinja @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
Alistia sighed in relief. "Good. If you've learned how to pick a lock then I don't need to bust this door down and we can continue on quietly." she said, feeling her ears relax under the hat. She knew full-well that busting the door down wasn't a viable option and a last resort at best. But she didn't know if the party had reached such a resort so early on. She made sure to stand aside to give Robin as much space as possible to pick the lock.
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Tsunade gives Scott another reassuring rub on his shoulder.

"If you need someone to talk to when we get through this, I will listen." She tells him. Gives him hope for this missions success.

It was right then that Kamarov arrives, gun in hand.

"A gun. How cute." Tsunade says staring down the barrel of the man's gun as a mother would her child's water gun. The annoyance of a wet spot to wipe up at worst. Her eyes are trained on the trigger finger all the same. A single gun posed no threat to her or others inherently, but a single gun not taken seriously was a threat to any. Should he make a single movement of his finger Tsunade was prepared to rush him at the speed of sight; raise the gun to the ceiling, and rip the gun from his grip to crush it.

The Doctor makes the man see reason and stand down. They get more detail on how this planet came to this state. She is very interested when Kamarov mentions a man dressed like a ninja. Could it have been someone from her home universe? Tsunade almost interrupts to ask if he knew the name of this man but thinks better of it. What good would that do to know? Let her hold out hope she might meet someone from Hidden Leaf? Maybe some solace in the possibility this was not all done by random. That there was someone or something behind it all that could fix it. Set people back where they belonged, where they wanted to live out their twilight years.

Jotaro proposes this was some manner of execution planet for key people in certain worlds.

"If that were the case, then my successor, and any number of younger people of my village alone should be here, not me. I was going full into retirement before that green flash took me here. And you would surely have come to know Naruto Uzumaki by now." Tsunade politely counters Jotaro.

"This Exodus is about to be revealed. Our allies and Miss Frost are by now taking this ship as we speak. Assuming and hoping that mission has not gone too wrong for them to fix." Tsunade reminds the others and informs Kamarov, a man she can sense would enjoy this Kane's plan being averted.

"I really don't think we want to look like thieves in here, so I'm going to go with my plan if that's alright," Ashwin commented. The soldiers in this facility believe that their magical devices could detect people like the group, and so they wouldn't suspect someone who was just inspecting a door. If someone were crouched down and sticking things into the lock however, that would definitely cause problems in the negotiation department.

Ashwin gently placed their hand over the lock, trying to visualize the ice filling every crevice as the rest of the group hopefully caused some sort of distraction while they did their work. Within around 3 minutes Ashwin had gotten a solid shape, and was able to manipulate the door into opening. Once the door was open, the ice in the lock quickly began to melt, only leaving a small water stain on the door. "Um… ladies and gentlemen first I guess…" Ashwin said, awkwardly shuffling to the side and presenting the way in for the rest of the group.


So the whole teleportation had been orchestrated by some sort of otherworldly being beyond anyone's perceptions… That didn't narrow it down that much but it was a start at least. This Kane fellow was also a big opponent in their way, having created a plan and dubbing himself Salvation in it. "That man has quite the ego from the sound of it," commented after Kamarov described how the man thought of himself. Scout sat there for a moment trying to piece everything together, but found no such answer. She held no more importance than her mistress, and it would make more logical sense to transfer her mistress to this world instead of her bodyguard. Perhaps they thought of Scout as a threat? No, that couldn't be it as the elves in her world held way more substantial powers than whatever she possessed. She shook her head, clearing the thoughts. There was no use trying to think about it now as she needed to gather more info. She waited for the response to Jotaro's question.
Jotaro Kujo

When Kamarov explained things, bringing up the first of the scattered. A dragon of some sort, causing so much destruction that for once the world united to fight the new threat. Only for the beast to be only the herald of the hell that awaited this world.

Then the man revealed that one of the scattered appeared, and was just as quickly pulled out by an unknown force. This made Jotaro uneasy, as from the sounds of it, there was no evidence of an outside force being close by to pull said person out, or the ability to fight back. At least from Karamrov's words.

And then came the idea that they were put there, added some more uneasy for the Marine Biologist. Someone intentionally put them there, which could potentially mean there was a reason for all of them. At least that was the idea forming in Jotaro's mind.

At egotistical as it sounded, he could understand himself as he was a Stand User, and one that could stop time. Even if said duration at the moment was two seconds. But what about the others, there must have been a good reason, a desire to remove a viable threat. Another idea could be that some of the others were the result of the 'gaps' in other places indirectly pulling in other people, and the pulling out of said people could've whoever was doing this, correcting a mistake.

"What if that's the purpose of the enemy? To 'port' in creatures to a world, make it uninhabitable and then port people of importance there so they'll eventually be dealt with?" He said mostly to the others. He'd ask later what each world they lived in, had that was so important that they'd had to be ported here, but for now, he asked Kamarov another question. "What else is there to reveal Kane's plan?"

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @BobTheNinja @Whoever-Else-I-Missed

Tsunade gives Scott another reassuring rub on his shoulder.

"If you need someone to talk to when we get through this, I will listen." She tells him. Gives him hope for this missions success.

It was right then that Kamarov arrives, gun in hand.

"A gun. How cute." Tsunade says staring down the barrel of the man's gun as a mother would her child's water gun. The annoyance of a wet spot to wipe up at worst. Her eyes are trained on the trigger finger all the same. A single gun posed no threat to her or others inherently, but a single gun not taken seriously was a threat to any. Should he make a single movement of his finger Tsunade was prepared to rush him at the speed of sight; raise the gun to the ceiling, and rip the gun from his grip to crush it.

The Doctor makes the man see reason and stand down. They get more detail on how this planet came to this state. She is very interested when Kamarov mentions a man dressed like a ninja. Could it have been someone from her home universe? Tsunade almost interrupts to ask if he knew the name of this man but thinks better of it. What good would that do to know? Let her hold out hope she might meet someone from Hidden Leaf? Maybe some solace in the possibility this was not all done by random. That there was someone or something behind it all that could fix it. Set people back where they belonged, where they wanted to live out their twilight years.

Jotaro proposes this was some manner of execution planet for key people in certain worlds.

"If that were the case, then my successor, and any number of younger people of my village alone should be here, not me. I was going full into retirement before that green flash took me here. And you would surely have come to know Naruto Uzumaki by now." Tsunade politely counters Jotaro.

"This Exodus is about to be revealed. Our allies and Miss Frost are by now taking this ship as we speak. Assuming and hoping that mission has not gone too wrong for them to fix." Tsunade reminds the others and informs Kamarov, a man she can sense would enjoy this Kane's plan being averted.

"I can't say I know the name." Kamarov comments, as no records showed Naruto's name ever coming up. If he was here, he had evaded capture then. "But what makes you think you are not important?" He then retorted. "Your friends theory," he nodded his head to Jo, "if my world was made to be this, then your importance might not be what you think it means. Perhaps instead, he is still needed in his world, or another, and the ones behind this just need him without his friends and allies. Remove the level headed leaders, and allow those who are more emotional to lead. It's what happened here. Many heads of state were assassinated or died from scattered attacks, and in their place came men who were willing to do whatever necessary to stop the invaders. This could be happening in your homes, but instead of killing you, they need you alive longer for some other reason."

Upon Tsunade mentioning they had a team going after the ship, Kamarov couldn't help but laugh, and laugh hard. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" He clapped his hands together out of joy, and even started coughing as he ran out of breath. "Th-Then maybe there is hope after all." He said after calming down. "If you can get the ship, then all I can say now is, help my people." His voice turned serious, and almost desperate. "Forget removing these men from power, they have no left to wield. The people do not trust them, and they are worth saving more than old men with dying ideologies. They have paid their penance. Now give them a chance to escape this nightmare."

They would still need someone to lead them if they were saved. Someone Ashwin, Ziv, Robin and Alistia were soon to meet.


"I really don't think we want to look like thieves in here, so I'm going to go with my plan if that's alright," Ashwin commented. The soldiers in this facility believe that their magical devices could detect people like the group, and so they wouldn't suspect someone who was just inspecting a door. If someone were crouched down and sticking things into the lock however, that would definitely cause problems in the negotiation department.

Ashwin gently placed their hand over the lock, trying to visualize the ice filling every crevice as the rest of the group hopefully caused some sort of distraction while they did their work. Within around 3 minutes Ashwin had gotten a solid shape, and was able to manipulate the door into opening. Once the door was open, the ice in the lock quickly began to melt, only leaving a small water stain on the door. "Um… ladies and gentlemen first I guess…" Ashwin said, awkwardly shuffling to the side and presenting the way in for the rest of the group.


So the whole teleportation had been orchestrated by some sort of otherworldly being beyond anyone's perceptions… That didn't narrow it down that much but it was a start at least. This Kane fellow was also a big opponent in their way, having created a plan and dubbing himself Salvation in it. "That man has quite the ego from the sound of it," commented after Kamarov described how the man thought of himself. Scout sat there for a moment trying to piece everything together, but found no such answer. She held no more importance than her mistress, and it would make more logical sense to transfer her mistress to this world instead of her bodyguard. Perhaps they thought of Scout as a threat? No, that couldn't be it as the elves in her world held way more substantial powers than whatever she possessed. She shook her head, clearing the thoughts. There was no use trying to think about it now as she needed to gather more info. She waited for the response to Jotaro's question.

Ashwin got the door unlocked successfully, and no one spotted them.


An alarm still went off, as the cameras completely saw what they did, and those within the security room quickly alerted everyone in the building to what was going on. Two guards that were nearby quickly came walking over, hands on their holsters and ready to pull out their pistols if need be. "Oi! What are you doing?!" One shouted at them, approaching Ashwin first, since they opened the door.

It seemed that the unlocking of the door had started some sort of alarm system. Did they get fully out of sight of those magical seeing devices or whatever? Ashwin was just about to go and look around, but a few of the guards across the room grew suspicious of what was happening and walked over to start questioning what was happening. "Oh uh.. Y'know how it is with these doors and such. They tend to be all fiddly and stuff sometimes and uh…" Ashwin stopped to glance over at Ziv "and I was trying to help this nice official here get into the room because his key didn't seem to be working. I'm a uh… lock maker y'see and I couldn't help with assisting him. Please don't arrest me or kick me out! I'm sorry and I won't do it again!" Ashwin tried to lie their way out of this situation, since all that could've been seen was the fact that Ashwin had put their hand on the door and it was suspiciously cold. They also didn't want to start an unnecessary battle with the guards, as the group was locked in at this point. The genuinity of them saying sorry might've helped too, but Ashwin just hoped they wouldn't focus on the strangeness that was a locksmith watching a political hearing. "Can you um… please let us off the hook, I was only trying to help!" Ashwin quickly said after finishing, putting their hands up in response.


This place was run much differently than what Scout was first led to believe. The idea that someone held supreme power over the officials and the people just let it happen almost sickened Scout, but that was for another time, away from the middle of enemy territory. "Well if that's the case we should find some-" Scout started to say, but then a loud beeping interrupted her speaking. It was an alarm of some sort, but for what? "Is this room safe, or are we about to see several guards knocking on our door?" she asked aloud, slowly preparing for battle if it did come to that.
Ziv nodded lightly, simply crossing his arms as he waited for Ashwin. For the moment no one bothered them and he wasn't concerned with creating any obvious distractions. If anything that might make things worse. He actually wasn't expecting it to take as long as it did, but Ashwin managed to open the door eventually. He chuckled and gave the other a pat on the back. "Well done."

Then the alarm sounded. Perhaps he spoke too soon. Damn, how did that happen? The technology was both fascinating and proving to be annoying.

As the guards approached he turned- specifically to hide his sword from their line of sight if they hadn't noticed it yet -and offered a smile, putting his hands up in a 'calm down' manner. "Easy my good men." He started, though looked to Ashwin when they spoke up. He gave a small laugh and nodded, patting the other on the shoulder lightly. "Indeed. Damn thing never works when I actually need it to. I brought my friend here to help fix the issue, since I figured it had to be something with the lock. No one informed you?" He asked, though turned to Ashwin again. "Easy my friend, you did well." He hoped. With any luck they would buy that lie. It was a good one, he just hoped it would pass since he didn't have any real form of identification on him.

"I needed to discuss an important matter regarding the… civil case with Mr. Lee, to answer your question fully."