The Evrensel Conflict - Prologue - Chapter 3, Mission 1 - Diplomacy

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Ziv wasn't sure what this talk of stopping time was about, but the Doctor had a plan and for now he was going to deal with what was happening at this current point in time. He never liked the idea of splitting up, but obliged without word as he followed the way to the viewing room. As they arrived he winced to himself. There were a lot of people here. He had experienced worse, but he didn't expect it. Shaking his head to try ignoring it, he followed the others. Once they got seated, having removed his sword from his pant leg finally and let it rest on his lap for the moment, his attention first found the screen's information. It wasn't that hard to follow the general gist of the happenings here.

With the understanding of the individual parties and their current topic of discussion, he crossed one leg over the other, leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest as he listened to the conversation being had. It was easy enough to stay impartial, given he neither really knew the state of the economy, the state of any of the parties at hand, nor the recent events that might have sparked this meeting in the first place outside of the 'scattered'… them, in other words.

He glanced to Ashwin briefly during the argument happening, having caught their anger for a moment and the grip they had on the chair. What sparked the reaction though he was not yet sure of. He decided not to comment and continue to listen instead. Until he heard the sigh and Ashwin leaned his way. He offered a small smile and nodded. "As far as the others? If this follows the same rules that most politics even in my world have, then once the arguments are made, they take a vote." He answered. It usually was as simple as yes or no though. This was more complicated.

"Our job is to find someone or multiple someones among the attending that are not entirely threatened by us- that would be willing to listen." He added, taking a deep breath. He agreed with Lee, if he were to be perfectly honest. The military had their reasons, but he felt they were perhaps overreacting to the threat that the 'scattered' posed to them. At least, he, himself, had no intentions of causing trouble. "That said… I do think we have a shot with that Lee fellow… So far he's the most likely to listen and not immediately get us turned in, especially if we can sympathize with his plight."
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Alistia shuddered as the time-stop rippled through and Jotaro's own response was... comforting. "That wasn't just me then?" she asked. She had dealt with time-altering magic plenty of times in her life. She boasted no special resistance to it but knew what it felt like to have the flow of time altered, especially its impact on the Aether. "We need to be careful then. If someone can alter the flow of time even trying to mount a defense may be pointless."

However up next was something she dreaded. Politices. Back in her own world she had served effectively as muscle and she knew it. Diplomacy wasn't her thing and she let others handle politics. The twins usually but there were ample skilled with the tongue all the way up to the Sultina herself whom she considered a friend.

"This place is a democracy then? Or a Republic?" she asked simply enough. It didn't really matter. "Let's be careful though. None of my magic can actually affect a persons mind directly so even at best I can only do so much. Just tell me what you need."
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Jotaro Kujo

Jotaro would soon feel another moment of stopped time, the people around him stopping while his movements stopped after one second and stopping before the next second passed. Still a chill running down his spine, Jotaro didn't look shocked just off-put. He'd cast a knowing look to the Doctor as they continued on to the office where he nearly had [Star Platinum] do something to help but the Doctor and company broke in without no one being the wiser.

As they looked through the office, Jotaro would use his Stand to use its enhanced vision to try and find anything that was so well hidden that it went unnoticed to the others' search. While that was going on, he'd shift through the various folders and paperwork that looked important. Ones that had signatures or names or anything that had something off about it.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @BobTheNinja

While everyone else did their own thing with searching for files, Hei did what he did best and look for hidden switches in drawers and cabinets and around paintings. Anywhere and everywhere that could hide such a switch to reveal a safe or something. "Check places where someone wouldn't look. Who knows what you might find."
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Jotaro Kujo

Jotaro would soon feel another moment of stopped time, the people around him stopping while his movements stopped after one second and stopping before the next second passed. Still a chill running down his spine, Jotaro didn't look shocked just off-put. He'd cast a knowing look to the Doctor as they continued on to the office where he nearly had [Star Platinum] do something to help but the Doctor and company broke in without no one being the wiser.

As they looked through the office, Jotaro would use his Stand to use its enhanced vision to try and find anything that was so well hidden that it went unnoticed to the others' search. While that was going on, he'd shift through the various folders and paperwork that looked important. Ones that had signatures or names or anything that had something off about it.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @BobTheNinja

While everyone else did their own thing with searching for files, Hei did what he did best and look for hidden switches in drawers and cabinets and around paintings. Anywhere and everywhere that could hide such a switch to reveal a safe or something. "Check places where someone wouldn't look. Who knows what you might find."

Jo would feel something different once he had his stand search the folders. It wasn't another time stop, or even something from this office. It was something that felt... dark. Like a strange shadow entered the orbit of the planet. Like looking at the darkness between stars in the sky. It was an odd sensation, but one that passed. He would have a hard time explaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA





Jo would find himself suddenly on the floor, with the faint sounds of the Doctor saying, "Jo?! Can you hear me, Jo!" He would have no memory of how he went from standing to on the ground. He would feel nauseous and light headed, but fine. "Jo!" The Doctor said again, trying to get his attention. "Jo, do you know where you are!"

He would notice that along the wall, a small section of it had opened into a new doorway. Hei's search under the desk found a small button in the wood, like a bump that may wouldn't take notice of if searching. Pressing it showed Kamarov had a secret exit out of his office. Where it led was unknown.



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Jotaro Kujo

Once more would Jotaro feel something. This time was different as it wasn't time stopping, instead it felt similar to when he and the other Crusaders were walking up to Dio's mansion back in Cairo. The overwhelming dread that put you in a cold sweat. Hell, he felt cold. So much so that the sweat that formed on his face felt warm compared to how he was feeling.

Next thing he knew, he heard a voice. Someone said they had seen him before saying something in another language. And he was on the ground, unknown of how he got into this position. The Doctor calling to him. "I'm currently with people searching for documents in an office.." Jotaro paused, taking in slow breathes, trying to ease the light-headedness he had experienced before continuing. "..That was different, Doctor. Does any of your gadgets detect any anomalies? Has Dio gotten closer to us or is there something new....?" Jotaro finished as he lifted a shaky hand to grab the edge of a table to pull himself up.

This was getting weirder.

Especially the fact he couldn't shake the feeling he was in danger. That all of them were in danger in some form. For he felt like he was being watched...

@Wade Von Doom

As the secret compartment opened, Hei would wait as the scene with the man in the weird hat finished up before he'd motion the others to take a look at the open door. "We'll need to be careful, no telling where this could lead." The unknowns in this new discovery made Hei feel uneased.

As who knows what awaited them through the door, would it lead to a treasure trove of evidence? Or armed guards that'd sound the alarm. Far too many to walk in without first consulting what the other thoughts, or if any of them had special tech or powers that'd allow them to scout ahead without having to commit blindly to something that could backfire.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
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So their purpose was to vote, Ashwin had never voted before. Ashwin thought over that for a second. They had never actually dealt with politics before to be honest, the closest thing was probably the monthly check-ins from the capital to make sure that everything was not totally burnt down. "What makes you say that he'll side with us? I mean I agree, but what uh… I don't see much reason for him to do so considering that he would be hunted down from what Scott said," Ashwin whispered to Ziv. They then turned to Alista, who said that she could use magic to assist them as needed. "Y'know I don't think we want to use magic because they might have more stuff like the uh…" Ashwin made a movement similar to what the soldiers did with the scanners while making a buzzing noise, "like those things, y'know?" Ashwin then settled back into their seat, awaiting for the court session to continue.


Once the group had gained access to the official's office, they were met with a room filled to the brim with documents and classified info. On the wall was the projection of a news program talking about the riots outside the very building. Scout went about looking for the most recent info, anything that suggested future plans or of any in progress projects. Past projects would only make the people they showed these files to make them reject its authenticity and say it was a mock up. A recent paper would justify some things that were to be in motion, it would make the person they showed these two ask just where exactly their money was going.

As Scout searched through the piles, the sound of a glass bottle being drunk could be heard behind her. She turned, seeing Arthur drinking from an old alcohol bottle. "Now is not the time for getting drunk, it will affect your judgement and make this whole process all the more difficult," She said, walking over to Arthur and taking the vodka out of his hands, then placing it back on the desk. Scout then went back to searching through the piles, ignoring anything that Arthur would say in response to her actions.

Before Scout could really find anything else however, a passageway opened in the room, and Jotaro's face met the floor. At first, Scout thought it had been Arthur falling to the floor after chugging the vodka. She turned, a look of annoyance on her face. The look soon softened as she saw Jotaro dazed and confused. He was talking of any more anomalies, but what did that have to do with him passing out? "Hey, I understand that you people may be sensing issues in time but I think we should investigate this corridor that opened up," Scout suggested, pointing to the open passageway.
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Robin watched the proceedings carefully. As far as politics went, it seemed surprisingly clear cut who was in the right so far here. Although he supposed the situation back home between Ylisse and Plegia was even clearer despite the crusade by Emmeryn's predecessor. Thankfully Robin's job wasn't to speak up there himself, that would be more than a little challenging. Although if Chrom were here, he would've probably been able to work the crowd towards a just and righteous solution. The leader of the Shepherds always was a far better public speaker than it's Tactician.

Speaking of leaders, each of these political parties had representatives with varied agendas. Acknowledging what he'd seen so far, Robin had a few thoughts on each.

First was Edward Lee, leader of the Citizens Party. That man seemed like a potentially sympathetic person, considering his words and actions while speaking to the assembly. The goals of his party were noble as well, making him even more appealing for the group's objective. His demeanour could be an act, but if so it was certainly a convincing one. He'll be the top priority on who to approach when the opportunity arises.

Next was Jeremy Fleming, leader of the Free Commerce Party. Though not quite as active as the others as of yet, taking into account the group he represented may give some insight into his character. Businesses tended to remain neutral when possible in major political disputes, while leaning towards the faction that could provide them with the greatest profit. The Shepherds worked with Anna and her merchant organization, if you could call her extended family that, so Robin had some experience with the type. Perhaps if he and his fellows could provide a tempting enough offer, that party might be willing to offer aid. Certainly a risky proposition when the reliability of the group was unknown, but still a major possibility to consider.

Lastly was Fyodor Kamarov, leader of the National Defence Party. Though he was not the one to speak on behalf of his faction against Representative Lee, it likely wouldn't be too erroneous to assume he shared the opinions of his subordinate. It might not be impossible to persuade the General to ally with them, but his interests lay in National Defence. While Robin could be wrong, he didn't really consider a loose association of powerful and unpredictable individuals with little regard for the nations rules to be something that a group like this would look on favourably.

There was also the Speaker of Parliament, Oscar Lorenz. But as a member of the Free Commerce Party, he shouldn't differ too much in overall goals to Representative Fleming. On the other hand, he might be an excellent backup avenue for ingratiating their group with the Free Commerce Party if talks with Fleming fell through.

All in all there were a great many possibilities unfolding before them. Robin only hoped one of them would prove fruitful to pursue.

Deciding that keeping his thoughts to himself would do the group little good, he quietly relayed his opinions to the others. Perhaps one of them might find his musings useful?

"There he goes again." Tsunade exasperates when The Doctor takes out some new device from his pocket, and offers a vague explanation of its function. The revelation that follows gives her pause. Missing time? Tsunade finds this hard to believe; she had been alert from the hotel and onward, how could she miss any time? Had it been so seamless as to not be noticed? Had to be.

Clerical work was one of the most tedious things Tsunade had done as the Fifth Hokage. All her life she had heard about the prestige; how to be named Hokage was acknowledgement of your skill as a shinobi; that you could be trusted to represent the best of the village; and defend it from all dangers.

There was no mention until it was too late how much paperwork needed to be done daily. Tsunade was at least grateful they were not expected to actually do the paperwork, only search through it all for what The Doctor advises: words or phrases repeated.

Tsunade works at the papers like a machine. For someone able to move faster than a normal human can perceive movement, a stack of papers were at most an annoying obstacle. In her training alone she had been tasked with more challenges.

She speed-reads through stacks of documents, putting aside only documents with similarities beyond the circumstantial. It is only after she has gathered papers that together were thick as a pointer finger, that she stopped and snapped her fingers to get The Doctor's attention.

"Doctor, review these if you will. These are purchase orders, proposals that seem to link one tower with an underground 'listening outpost'"

This was in the moment before Jotaro fell to the floor, and a section of the wall opened up. Tsunade is over Jotaro in what is to some the blink of an eye; helping him to his feet and looking him straight in the eye while searching him for any signs of illness, one very strong hand holding him by the chin.

"Follow my finger." Tsunade instructs while moving her finger first up and down, side-to-side, and in a slow circle. She notes any delay while also looking for any redness as his eyeballs move.

"No signs of trauma, at least physically." Tsunade states aloud and releases Jotaro.
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Scott nodded at the Doctor. "The most surefire place I can think of that would contain the evidence we're looking for would have to be the office of the JDF's top representative in Parliament, General Fyodor Kamarov. I know for a fact he's visited the prison complex at least once before on an inspection, so he definitely knows of their existence. It's likely he'll have either physical documents of it, or has access to that information from his personal computer station. But we'll have to be very careful. If security here suspects for a moment that we're trying to gain unauthorized access, they'll be on us like an angry hornets nest."

Scott took a moment to activate a smartpanel on the nearby wall, which brought up a floor plan of the Parliament building. After a minute of searching, he found what we was looking for. "There, just a couple floors down from the main Parliament chamber, in the JDF party offices," he said, pointing to their destination. He also took a moment to point out the location of the viewing gallery for the main chamber for Ziv, Robin, Ashwin, and Alistia.

"Right, let's get a move on. Parliament is in session now, but that won't last forever," he said as he led his part of the group to one of the elevators, pressing the button for the floor they were heading toward. The elevators were mounted in a shaft with windows showing the outside city, giving them an incredible view of New Moscow as they were ferried over a hundred stories upward.

Scott walked forward with a sense of purpose, with the Doctor again covering for their entry to the JDF offices section with his psychic paper. This time nobody got in their way as they proceeded further into the complex. Soon enough, they approached their destination, a corner office with Fyodor Kamarov's nametag on the door. An electronic door panel indicated that it was currently locked, and there were two separate security cameras monitoring the corridor that led up to the door.

"Alright Doc, do your thing," Scott whispered as they approached.

@Wade Von Doom @The Wanderer @Wiggin @Amber Franklin

Meanwhile, Ziv, Robin, Ashwin, and Alistia stayed in the elevator and went a few more floors up. From there, it was just a matter of following the signs to the viewing gallery overlooking the main parliamentary chamber.


It wasn't hard at all to find empty seating in the viewing gallery, as the seats were only filled up about half way. Each seat had a fold-out smartscreen that would allow any viewers to see the current composition of Parliament and the members currently in attendance, as well as information on the topics being discussed by Parliament for the day.

It appeared that there were three main parties that made up Parliament. The Citizens' Party was the left-most group, representing the workers and ordinary citizens that made up the vast majority of people in New Moscow, with a focus on protecting their rights and wellbeing. They were led by Representative Edward Lee, an African American man in his late 30s, wearing a standard black suit with a white undershirt and a red tie, with a rose pin on his lapel. They were the smallest party within Parliament, constituting about 25% of their members.

The Free Commerce Party was the center-right party, representing the majority of medium-to-large businesses and industries within the city, with an agenda mostly focusing on reducing regulations and restrictions on private commerce. Ostensibly this was in service of allowing the economy to fluorish for the benefit of everyone. They were led by Jeremy Fleming, an white man in his late 50s with neatly styled, partly greying brown hair, wearing a dark grey double-breasted suit with a beige tie . They made up about 35% of Parliament.

Finally, there was the National Defense Party, the right-wing bloc representing the Joint Defense Forces and all its branches, with its representatives all drawn exclusively from the military. They were the largest party in Parliament, making up 40% of its membership, and their stated agenda was the maintenance of peace and order, and the defense of the last of humanity. They were led by General Fyodor Kamarov, a lean white man in his early 60s with grey, close-shaved hair and a full, neatly trimmed moustache. He was wearing his full dress uniform, a deep, almost black shade of blue with gold buttons, a fairly large array of ribbon segments on his left chest, along with a few silvery pins above it, a nameplate on his right chest, and three thick gold stripes on his shoulder boards.

Currently on the agenda was a review of the government's current policy of stricter taxing of civilian assets and the expansion of the JDF's law enforcement powers.

"Fellow representatives, I feel that the today's events speak for themselves regarding the folly of this latest expansion of military powers," said Edward Lee, who currently held the floor. "The regular people of New Moscow are being squeezed tighter and tighter. Not only are they not being provided with adequate wages and resources to care for themselves and their dependents, but now certain departments of the JDF are insisting on violently suppressing the protests against their conditions. Need I remind everyone here that freedom of speech against injustice is a fundamental right enshrined in the United Earth Constitution's Charter of Rights? Yet elements of our government are trampling all over this sacred right in the name of "upholding law and order", while the rest of the government stands by and does nothing."

Edward Lee paused as a low din of murmuring passed through the assembly hall in reply. It was as this point that a white female representative from the National Defense Party rose her hand, her placard identifying her as Representative Susan Fletcher. "Speaker Lorenz, I motion to request one minutes of time to reply to Representative Lee," she spoke.

The Speaker of Parliament, Oscar Lorenz, was a heavyset man in his mid-fifties with greying black hair, who appeared to be of Mediterranean descent, wearing a one-piece grey suit with a light blue tie. He was listed as a member of the Free Commerce Party. He nodded in response to the military representative's request. "Motion is granted, Representative Fletcher. Per protocol, Representative Lee will be given equal time afterward time to respond."

"Thank you Speaker," Representative Fletcher replied. "Representative Lee, are you suggesting that the blatant acts of violence performed by on the steps of Parliament just minutes ago are in any way acceptable? Rioters literally tried to set the lobby of Parliament on fire! And similar acts of violence have been terrorizing the city for the last few months! These are not peaceful protestors advocating for a change of policy, they are radical insurgents who are deliberately trying to agitate lawless violence out of a deeply warped and misplaced sense of political entitlement. Our government has no place negotiating with those who recklessly court such destructive chaos, especially with the threat of the Scattered on the rise once more," she finished before seating herself.

Edward Lee chuckled instinctively at that. "Representative Fletcher, with all due respect, how do you suppose that this state of affairs over the last few months came to be? Popular protests against social and economic injustice have been flaring up for the past few years now. And in spite of that, the military's budget has grown ever-larger, as have the subsidies for the corporate sector, and the common people have consistently been left with bare scraps, if that. People have been protesting peacefully, and instead of listening to them and taking action, the military police administration has cracked down on them harder and harder, trying to silence them because of the "inconvenience" their protest represents. They are now resorting to riots and molotov cocktails because this government has pushed them to the edge of the thin ice, with no recourse!"

"Point of Order, Representative Lee," Speaker Lorenz spoke up, giving Lee a stern look. "Making unsubstantiated claims about the motives of the military police contrary to their lawfully-enstated policy is against the code of conduct of this chamber. Mind your behavior and stick to the facts of the matter."

Lee gritted his teeth in frustration. He very much looked like he wanted to bite back at that remark in particular, but he relented. The discussions of the chamber continued, with arguments and counter arguments regarding the civil situation and military powers continuing between the Citizens' Party and the National Defense Party, but it seemed that the NDP always maintained the advantage. It didn't help that Speaker Lorenz always seemed to find ways of siding with the NDP, either by sidelining certain pieces of evidence from the Citizen's Party or giving minor censure against heated arguments similar to Lee's.

@LenxKaitoYaoi @Snowtwo @Hero

As the elevator went up, The Doctor watched as the dust cloud off in the distance slowly blew up into the darkened clouds. An ominous sight, as the doctor already figured out what it was. "Take it that ain't a dust cloud?" Arthur commented, also looking out the window.

"Good eye, Arthur." 10 complimented.

"Wait, how can you tell?" Scott asked next. "We've had dust storms in the past."

"Yeah, but most dust storms have wind blowing the dust forward like an explosion. That's ain't movin' forward." Arthur pointed to the ground, where the group could see where Arthur could tell the difference. "It's bein' kicked up like a herd stampedin'."

"Scott, how often does the city deal with beasts in larger groups?" The Doctor asked back.

"The wall has automated turrets and drones that can usually scare them off, like fire, or warning shots. There's never been a large enough herd willing to attack the wall." He explained. "If that's a herd... why is it so big?"

"Why's it coming towards us?" The Doctor questioned, as he was one to ask the more important question others didn't realize yet.


Once in the hallway, The Doctor worked his magic. Scientific magic that is! Before Scott could finish, 'Doctor, do your thing,' the door was already opened. "You were saying something?" The Doctor cheekily asked, giving Scott a smile. He worked quickly, and did the same for the cameras, quickly pointing his screwdriver at one. As the sonic sound echoed in the hallway, the camera under its black visor shot out sparks bright enough to see. "Short circuited the feed in this area, they won't see us, but they'll notice, so we'll need to work quickly." He told the group, signaling them to get inside. Once they were in the office, The Doctor closed the door, and short circuited the panel both lock it, and make sure guards on the other side couldn't open it with the other panel.


"Who's Kyodor Kamarov?" The Doctor asked Scott, as he looked around the place, reading the labels on the binders and folder that were scattered around here.

"He's one of the record keepers here. All laws, projects and debates are recorded on paper, then he scans them into the mainframe." Scott answered.

"Hasn't done a good job organizing all this, has he?" The Doctor noticed that the labels had dates on them, and each were vastly different by days and months, even years around the office.

"I heard they cut most of the staff for budget concerns in the building. Probably hasn't been able to keep up with the work."

Arthur grabbed one of the files under a large stack, knocking it over onto the floor. "... This one's five years old." He told the group as he found the date on it.

Going over to the computer, the Doctor put on his glasses and typed into the keyboard some basic command codes, and with a scan of his screwdriver, along with some more typing, he easily got into the computer. "Ohhh, very basic encryption... almost too basic." He noted aloud. The desktop had many unorganized files and folders that had random numbers and labels that didn't make sense. Clicking on a few showed reports and dictations from previous parliament sessions, but out of curiosity, he checked to see if there was something hidden away. The layout of the office, the random folders and files all around with different years and months, the messy computer. It didn't seem like a record keeper struggling to keep up with the work, it felt more like a distraction almost. He found his way into the OSS, and scanning through, he noticed an odd assortment of dead code, stuff that wouldn't affect the source, yet someone clearly typed it in. Putting his hand on his chin, he thought for a moment, before he was startled by Arthur going, "Oh my god!"

He turned quickly, and saw Arthur had opened up a desk cabinet. Inside was a brand of Vodka, a glass, and a revolver. Arthur opened up the bottle and took a swig. "Ahhhhhhh~" He let out. It had been so long since he last had booze... soooooooo looooooong. "Anyone need a drink?" He offered to everyone.

"I'm... good, thanks." The Doctor replied, turning back to the computer. A sudden thought entered his mind. Needless code, what if it was rearranged and put together. Typing on the computer, and with the help of his screwdriver, he put together all the coding in the OSS that didn't affect the software, copy/pasting each part and forming them together into their own little folder. "AHA!" He shouted, once he began to realize the importance of the code. "Looks like Kamarov was a clever man, encryption within encryption. There's something hidden within the OSS code, like if someone broke into his computer, they would only see the top layer of information on it, like all those files and folders on the desktop, hiding away any important information underneath." The Doctor asked, forming his thoughts as he spoke aloud.

"Do you think he has something incriminating?" Scott asked.

"Well, can you think of another reason why a record keeper would need to hide records inside a parliament building?" The Doctor said back. "Everyone, check all this paperwork, see if you can find something in it, like repeated words and names, or projects that keep popping up." He told everyone turning to face them.

As the Doctor peeled away at the layers of encryption, patterns began to emerge that when pieced together, ultimately revealed the digital pathway to Kamarov's most protected data files. With a final bit of decryption work, he was able to access them.

Just about everything related to the black site prisons was laid out in stark detail. Construction and logistics plans, military asset allocations, personnel rosters, budgetary calculations, and most damningly, operational procedures and standing orders, including "enhanced interrogation", experimentation, and disposal of Scattered bodies. There were even some files regarding "noteworthy" results data from experiments conducted on prisoners. It was all here.

The others were also able to find some related documents regarding certain "special assets", hidden in locked safes within the office. Mostly in the form of budgetary and logistical outlines, they didn't directly reference the blacksites or their details, but when combined with the data recovered from Kamarov's terminal, it painted a pretty clear picture.

While the Doctor continued to browse through the information, a certain fileset stuck out to him. It was a record of children who had been born from prisoners at the black site. Most of them had been...disposed of. However, there were a few survivors. One of them was the child of one Tatyana Bernhardt, a female human with "storm giant" lineage who had self-identified as a Champion of something called the Fireheart Order. In addition to the cruel experiments she was subjected to, it seemed that one of the black site overseers had taken a twisted liking to her. A child was born as a result, and was subsequently smuggled out of the prison by a security officer who had apparently had enough of the rampant evil that he had been forced to abide by. Tatyana expired shortly thereafter.

The child had been dropped off at an orphanage in New Moscow, and that guard had later been apprehended and summarily executed, his death ruled as an operational accident in the public record. But for whatever reason, the prison leadership had decided that trying to capture the child would draw too much attention, and apparently decided to simply keep an eye on him from a distance.

He was given the name Scott Steiner by the family who adopted him.
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Jotaro Kujo

Once more would Jotaro feel something. This time was different as it wasn't time stopping, instead it felt similar to when he and the other Crusaders were walking up to Dio's mansion back in Cairo. The overwhelming dread that put you in a cold sweat. Hell, he felt cold. So much so that the sweat that formed on his face felt warm compared to how he was feeling.

Next thing he knew, he heard a voice. Someone said they had seen him before saying something in another language. And he was on the ground, unknown of how he got into this position. The Doctor calling to him. "I'm currently with people searching for documents in an office.." Jotaro paused, taking in slow breathes, trying to ease the light-headedness he had experienced before continuing. "..That was different, Doctor. Does any of your gadgets detect any anomalies? Has Dio gotten closer to us or is there something new....?" Jotaro finished as he lifted a shaky hand to grab the edge of a table to pull himself up.

This was getting weirder.

Especially the fact he couldn't shake the feeling he was in danger. That all of them were in danger in some form. For he felt like he was being watched...

@Wade Von Doom

As the secret compartment opened, Hei would wait as the scene with the man in the weird hat finished up before he'd motion the others to take a look at the open door. "We'll need to be careful, no telling where this could lead." The unknowns in this new discovery made Hei feel uneased.

As who knows what awaited them through the door, would it lead to a treasure trove of evidence? Or armed guards that'd sound the alarm. Far too many to walk in without first consulting what the other thoughts, or if any of them had special tech or powers that'd allow them to scout ahead without having to commit blindly to something that could backfire.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Missed

Once the group had gained access to the official's office, they were met with a room filled to the brim with documents and classified info. On the wall was the projection of a news program talking about the riots outside the very building. Scout went about looking for the most recent info, anything that suggested future plans or of any in progress projects. Past projects would only make the people they showed these files to make them reject its authenticity and say it was a mock up. A recent paper would justify some things that were to be in motion, it would make the person they showed these two ask just where exactly their money was going.

As Scout searched through the piles, the sound of a glass bottle being drunk could be heard behind her. She turned, seeing Alec drinking from an old alcohol bottle. "Now is not the time for getting drunk, it will affect your judgement and make this whole process all the more difficult," She said, walking over to Arthur and taking the vodka out of his hands, then placing it back on the desk. Scout then went back to searching through the piles, ignoring anything that Arthur would say in response to her actions.

Before Scout could really find anything else however, a passageway opened in the room, and Jotaro's face met the floor. At first, Scout thought it had been Arthur falling to the floor after chugging the vodka. She turned, a look of annoyance on her face. The look soon softened as she saw Jotaro dazed and confused. He was talking of any more anomalies, but what did that have to do with him passing out? "Hey, I understand that you people may be sensing issues in time but I think we should investigate this corridor that opened up," Scout suggested, pointing to the open passageway.

"Here," Arthur told Jo, handing him the glass with a little whiskey inside. "Help you wake up a bit." Looking to Scout after, he told her, "You're lookin' through these. I'm watchin' the door." Which was fair, keeping an eye on it was good, but it was that he hadn't a clue what to look for in these papers, and everyone else probably had a better idea than him. Besides, Tsunade already found several important documents in the few minutes they were in here. And The Doctor would find even more information in that computer thing.

"Jo, just keep yourself calm. We'll keep searching, you can sit down and collect yourself." This was worrying to the Doctor. If they weren't busy here, he would head out to where the anomalies were. But right now, they needed to find the evidence.

And evidence there was. A lot of it.

"There he goes again." Tsunade exasperates when The Doctor takes out some new device from his pocket, and offers a vague explanation of its function. The revelation that follows gives her pause. Missing time? Tsunade finds this hard to believe; she had been alert from the hotel and onward, how could she miss any time? Had it been so seamless as to not be noticed? Had to be.

Clerical work was one of the most tedious things Tsunade had done as the Fifth Hokage. All her life she had heard about the prestige; how to be named Hokage was acknowledgement of your skill as a shinobi; that you could be trusted to represent the best of the village; and defend it from all dangers.

There was no mention until it was too late how much paperwork needed to be done daily. Tsunade was at least grateful they were not expected to actually do the paperwork, only search through it all for what The Doctor advises: words or phrases repeated.

Tsunade works at the papers like a machine. For someone able to move faster than a normal human can perceive movement, a stack of papers were at most an annoying obstacle. In her training alone she had been tasked with more challenges.

She speed-reads through stacks of documents, putting aside only documents with similarities beyond the circumstantial. It is only after she has gathered papers that together were thick as a pointer finger, that she stopped and snapped her fingers to get The Doctor's attention.

"Doctor, review these if you will. These are purchase orders, proposals that seem to link one tower with an underground 'listening outpost'"

This was in the moment before Jotaro fell to the floor, and a section of the wall opened up. Tsunade is over Jotaro in what is to some the blink of an eye; helping him to his feet and looking him straight in the eye while searching him for any signs of illness, one very strong hand holding him by the chin.

"Follow my finger." Tsunade instructs while moving her finger first up and down, side-to-side, and in a slow circle. She notes any delay while also looking for any redness as his eyeballs move.

"No signs of trauma, at least physically." Tsunade states aloud and releases Jotaro.
Scott nodded at the Doctor. "The most surefire place I can think of that would contain the evidence we're looking for would have to be the office of the JDF's top representative in Parliament, General Fyodor Kamarov. I know for a fact he's visited the prison complex at least once before on an inspection, so he definitely knows of their existence. It's likely he'll have either physical documents of it, or has access to that information from his personal computer station. But we'll have to be very careful. If security here suspects for a moment that we're trying to gain unauthorized access, they'll be on us like an angry hornets nest."

Scott took a moment to activate a smartpanel on the nearby wall, which brought up a floor plan of the Parliament building. After a minute of searching, he found what we was looking for. "There, just a couple floors down from the main Parliament chamber, in the JDF party offices," he said, pointing to their destination. He also took a moment to point out the location of the viewing gallery for the main chamber for Ziv, Robin, Ashwin, and Alistia.

"Right, let's get a move on. Parliament is in session now, but that won't last forever," he said as he led his part of the group to one of the elevators, pressing the button for the floor they were heading toward. The elevators were mounted in a shaft with windows showing the outside city, giving them an incredible view of New Moscow as they were ferried over a hundred stories upward.

Scott walked forward with a sense of purpose, with the Doctor again covering for their entry to the JDF offices section with his psychic paper. This time nobody got in their way as they proceeded further into the complex. Soon enough, they approached their destination, a corner office with Fyodor Kamarov's nametag on the door. An electronic door panel indicated that it was currently locked, and there were two separate security cameras monitoring the corridor that led up to the door.

"Alright Doc, do your thing," Scott whispered as they approached.

@Wade Von Doom @The Wanderer @Wiggin @Amber Franklin

Meanwhile, Ziv, Robin, Ashwin, and Alistia stayed in the elevator and went a few more floors up. From there, it was just a matter of following the signs to the viewing gallery overlooking the main parliamentary chamber.


It wasn't hard at all to find empty seating in the viewing gallery, as the seats were only filled up about half way. Each seat had a fold-out smartscreen that would allow any viewers to see the current composition of Parliament and the members currently in attendance, as well as information on the topics being discussed by Parliament for the day.

It appeared that there were three main parties that made up Parliament. The Citizens' Party was the left-most group, representing the workers and ordinary citizens that made up the vast majority of people in New Moscow, with a focus on protecting their rights and wellbeing. They were led by Representative Edward Lee, an African American man in his late 30s, wearing a standard black suit with a white undershirt and a red tie, with a rose pin on his lapel. They were the smallest party within Parliament, constituting about 25% of their members.

The Free Commerce Party was the center-right party, representing the majority of medium-to-large businesses and industries within the city, with an agenda mostly focusing on reducing regulations and restrictions on private commerce. Ostensibly this was in service of allowing the economy to fluorish for the benefit of everyone. They were led by Jeremy Fleming, an white man in his late 50s with neatly styled, partly greying brown hair, wearing a dark grey double-breasted suit with a beige tie . They made up about 35% of Parliament.

Finally, there was the National Defense Party, the right-wing bloc representing the Joint Defense Forces and all its branches, with its representatives all drawn exclusively from the military. They were the largest party in Parliament, making up 40% of its membership, and their stated agenda was the maintenance of peace and order, and the defense of the last of humanity. They were led by General Fyodor Kamarov, a lean white man in his early 60s with grey, close-shaved hair and a full, neatly trimmed moustache. He was wearing his full dress uniform, a deep, almost black shade of blue with gold buttons, a fairly large array of ribbon segments on his left chest, along with a few silvery pins above it, a nameplate on his right chest, and three thick gold stripes on his shoulder boards.

Currently on the agenda was a review of the government's current policy of stricter taxing of civilian assets and the expansion of the JDF's law enforcement powers.

"Fellow representatives, I feel that the today's events speak for themselves regarding the folly of this latest expansion of military powers," said Edward Lee, who currently held the floor. "The regular people of New Moscow are being squeezed tighter and tighter. Not only are they not being provided with adequate wages and resources to care for themselves and their dependents, but now certain departments of the JDF are insisting on violently suppressing the protests against their conditions. Need I remind everyone here that freedom of speech against injustice is a fundamental right enshrined in the United Earth Constitution's Charter of Rights? Yet elements of our government are trampling all over this sacred right in the name of "upholding law and order", while the rest of the government stands by and does nothing."

Edward Lee paused as a low din of murmuring passed through the assembly hall in reply. It was as this point that a white female representative from the National Defense Party rose her hand, her placard identifying her as Representative Susan Fletcher. "Speaker Lorenz, I motion to request one minutes of time to reply to Representative Lee," she spoke.

The Speaker of Parliament, Oscar Lorenz, was a heavyset man in his mid-fifties with greying black hair, who appeared to be of Mediterranean descent, wearing a one-piece grey suit with a light blue tie. He was listed as a member of the Free Commerce Party. He nodded in response to the military representative's request. "Motion is granted, Representative Fletcher. Per protocol, Representative Lee will be given equal time afterward time to respond."

"Thank you Speaker," Representative Fletcher replied. "Representative Lee, are you suggesting that the blatant acts of violence performed by on the steps of Parliament just minutes ago are in any way acceptable? Rioters literally tried to set the lobby of Parliament on fire! And similar acts of violence have been terrorizing the city for the last few months! These are not peaceful protestors advocating for a change of policy, they are radical insurgents who are deliberately trying to agitate lawless violence out of a deeply warped and misplaced sense of political entitlement. Our government has no place negotiating with those who recklessly court such destructive chaos, especially with the threat of the Scattered on the rise once more," she finished before seating herself.

Edward Lee chuckled instinctively at that. "Representative Fletcher, with all due respect, how do you suppose that this state of affairs over the last few months came to be? Popular protests against social and economic injustice have been flaring up for the past few years now. And in spite of that, the military's budget has grown ever-larger, as have the subsidies for the corporate sector, and the common people have consistently been left with bare scraps, if that. People have been protesting peacefully, and instead of listening to them and taking action, the military police administration has cracked down on them harder and harder, trying to silence them because of the "inconvenience" their protest represents. They are now resorting to riots and molotov cocktails because this government has pushed them to the edge of the thin ice, with no recourse!"

"Point of Order, Representative Lee," Speaker Lorenz spoke up, giving Lee a stern look. "Making unsubstantiated claims about the motives of the military police contrary to their lawfully-enstated policy is against the code of conduct of this chamber. Mind your behavior and stick to the facts of the matter."

Lee gritted his teeth in frustration. He very much looked like he wanted to bite back at that remark in particular, but he relented. The discussions of the chamber continued, with arguments and counter arguments regarding the civil situation and military powers continuing between the Citizens' Party and the National Defense Party, but it seemed that the NDP always maintained the advantage. It didn't help that Speaker Lorenz always seemed to find ways of siding with the NDP, either by sidelining certain pieces of evidence from the Citizen's Party or giving minor censure against heated arguments similar to Lee's.

@LenxKaitoYaoi @Snowtwo @Hero

As the elevator went up, The Doctor watched as the dust cloud off in the distance slowly blew up into the darkened clouds. An ominous sight, as the doctor already figured out what it was. "Take it that ain't a dust cloud?" Arthur commented, also looking out the window.

"Good eye, Arthur." 10 complimented.

"Wait, how can you tell?" Scott asked next. "We've had dust storms in the past."

"Yeah, but most dust storms have wind blowing the dust forward like an explosion. That's ain't movin' forward." Arthur pointed to the ground, where the group could see where Arthur could tell the difference. "It's bein' kicked up like a herd stampedin'."

"Scott, how often does the city deal with beasts in larger groups?" The Doctor asked back.

"The wall has automated turrets and drones that can usually scare them off, like fire, or warning shots. There's never been a large enough herd willing to attack the wall." He explained. "If that's a herd... why is it so big?"

"Why's it coming towards us?" The Doctor questioned, as he was one to ask the more important question others didn't realize yet.


Once in the hallway, The Doctor worked his magic. Scientific magic that is! Before Scott could finish, 'Doctor, do your thing,' the door was already opened. "You were saying something?" The Doctor cheekily asked, giving Scott a smile. He worked quickly, and did the same for the cameras, quickly pointing his screwdriver at one. As the sonic sound echoed in the hallway, the camera under its black visor shot out sparks bright enough to see. "Short circuited the feed in this area, they won't see us, but they'll notice, so we'll need to work quickly." He told the group, signaling them to get inside. Once they were in the office, The Doctor closed the door, and short circuited the panel both lock it, and make sure guards on the other side couldn't open it with the other panel.


"Who's Kyodor Kamarov?" The Doctor asked Scott, as he looked around the place, reading the labels on the binders and folder that were scattered around here.

"He's one of the record keepers here. All laws, projects and debates are recorded on paper, then he scans them into the mainframe." Scott answered.

"Hasn't done a good job organizing all this, has he?" The Doctor noticed that the labels had dates on them, and each were vastly different by days and months, even years around the office.

"I heard they cut most of the staff for budget concerns in the building. Probably hasn't been able to keep up with the work."

Arthur grabbed one of the files under a large stack, knocking it over onto the floor. "... This one's five years old." He told the group as he found the date on it.

Going over to the computer, the Doctor put on his glasses and typed into the keyboard some basic command codes, and with a scan of his screwdriver, along with some more typing, he easily got into the computer. "Ohhh, very basic encryption... almost too basic." He noted aloud. The desktop had many unorganized files and folders that had random numbers and labels that didn't make sense. Clicking on a few showed reports and dictations from previous parliament sessions, but out of curiosity, he checked to see if there was something hidden away. The layout of the office, the random folders and files all around with different years and months, the messy computer. It didn't seem like a record keeper struggling to keep up with the work, it felt more like a distraction almost. He found his way into the OSS, and scanning through, he noticed an odd assortment of dead code, stuff that wouldn't affect the source, yet someone clearly typed it in. Putting his hand on his chin, he thought for a moment, before he was startled by Arthur going, "Oh my god!"

He turned quickly, and saw Arthur had opened up a desk cabinet. Inside was a brand of Vodka, a glass, and a revolver. Arthur opened up the bottle and took a swig. "Ahhhhhhh~" He let out. It had been so long since he last had booze... soooooooo looooooong. "Anyone need a drink?" He offered to everyone.

"I'm... good, thanks." The Doctor replied, turning back to the computer. A sudden thought entered his mind. Needless code, what if it was rearranged and put together. Typing on the computer, and with the help of his screwdriver, he put together all the coding in the OSS that didn't affect the software, copy/pasting each part and forming them together into their own little folder. "AHA!" He shouted, once he began to realize the importance of the code. "Looks like Kamarov was a clever man, encryption within encryption. There's something hidden within the OSS code, like if someone broke into his computer, they would only see the top layer of information on it, like all those files and folders on the desktop, hiding away any important information underneath." The Doctor asked, forming his thoughts as he spoke aloud.

"Do you think he has something incriminating?" Scott asked.

"Well, can you think of another reason why a record keeper would need to hide records inside a parliament building?" The Doctor said back. "Everyone, check all this paperwork, see if you can find something in it, like repeated words and names, or projects that keep popping up." He told everyone turning to face them.

As the Doctor peeled away at the layers of encryption, patterns began to emerge that when pieced together, ultimately revealed the digital pathway to Kamarov's most protected data files. With a final bit of decryption work, he was able to access them.

Just about everything related to the black site prisons was laid out in stark detail. Construction and logistics plans, military asset allocations, personnel rosters, budgetary calculations, and most damningly, operational procedures and standing orders, including "enhanced interrogation", experimentation, and disposal of Scattered bodies. There were even some files regarding "noteworthy" results data from experiments conducted on prisoners. It was all here.

The others were also able to find some related documents regarding certain "special assets", hidden in locked safes within the office. Mostly in the form of budgetary and logistical outlines, they didn't directly reference the blacksites or their details, but when combined with the data recovered from Kamarov's terminal, it painted a pretty clear picture.

While the Doctor continued to browse through the information, a certain fileset stuck out to him. It was a record of children who had been born from prisoners at the black site. Most of them had been...disposed of. However, there were a few survivors. One of them was the child of one Tatyana Bernhardt, a female human with "storm giant" lineage who had self-identified as a Champion of something called the Fireheart Order. In addition to the cruel experiments she was subjected to, it seemed that one of the black site overseers had taken a twisted liking to her. A child was born as a result, and was subsequently smuggled out of the prison by a security officer who had apparently had enough of the rampant evil that he had been forced to abide by. Tatyana expired shortly thereafter.

The child had been dropped off at an orphanage in New Moscow, and that guard had later been apprehended and summarily executed, his death ruled as an operational accident in the public record. But for whatever reason, the prison leadership had decided that trying to capture the child would draw too much attention, and apparently decided to simply keep an eye on him from a distance.

He was given the name Scott Steiner by the family who adopted him.

The papers she gathered mentioned that the listening outpost had a massive construction budget, being dug nearly two miles under the ground, and around 52.4 square miles in length. The layout was mentioned as bizarre in the architectural blueprints, as it was designed more like a hanger. There was also mentions of the base housing 'Project Exodus.' Typing it into Kamarov's computer showed he was researching how the budget for the base was double what it should have been, and that the details on the purpose of this post were vague at best, yet it passed through parliament with flying colors. The man who proposed it was someone called 'Kane.' Any information on the outpost is considered classified only to Kane and his inner circle.

Curious, he also researched Kane as well. He had been within the city for years, having been raised in the upper class sections. But, he had no birth certificate, or any previous records of existing before he made his way into the political world. He became in charge of the military sections within a year of his career, and since then, its budget quadrupled, and several major advancements had been made in droid manufacturing, VI programming, and even genetic engineering. He had been a major proponent in the science and engineer departments, yet completely disregarded the civilian sections, which have become neglected by government officials. Riots and protests have risen, and the city is on the brink of civil war because of Kane's influence. Kamarov even proposed this was Kane's plan, creating this disruption to weaken the city for his own benefits. If the government is considered weak and ineffective, he could possibly throw a coup to make himself the sole leader. But, it was a theory.

Kane's name was also constantly involved with the blacksites and prison files. The atrocities were in the dozens, with human rights thrown out the window in the name of 'humanity's progress to a better age,' as Kamarov quoted. All the corruption and villainy to scattered all came back to Kane and his inner circle. It didn't help that half the military soldiers and commanders were on his payroll. Oddly, a report on uniforms came up. It said that a soldier wounded in the field was in a medical emergency, and was given emergency surgery. During it, a doctor found a hidden patch under the official one all soldier's have on their uniform. The soldier managed to survive, but was placed under different care by his commander. The doctor who performed the surgery drew out the patch's logo.


When Kamarov found out the report, an investigation found that several soldier and commanders had this patch hidden on their uniforms. Before anything could happen, it was quickly ended by government officials who found the investigation a waste of time and energy. The uniforms belonged to soldiers who are under Kane's payroll. "So, Kane puts the entire city's efforts into these blacksites and prisons, along with science and engineering departments, puts half the army under his command, and has a secret facility even Kamarov couldn't find information on." Again, The Doctor typed up the word 'experiments.' Records showed there were reports of cloning technology, and another mentioning of 'Project Exodus.' Except this time, it mentioned a 'Fusion capacitor.' A very powerful one, as the report says. Though again, it was completely classified even as Kamarov investigated.

"So why the hell did this guy do all this?" Arthur asked, since this seemed very convenient to find. "First room we check for evidence, and we find more than we even thought possible. Anyone else think that's suspicious?"

"It is a bit too convenient, yeah..." The Doctor said, rubbing his chin as he looked over the screen. "Alistia, Ashwin, anything interest to report?" He asks over radio.

Ziv wasn't sure what this talk of stopping time was about, but the Doctor had a plan and for now he was going to deal with what was happening at this current point in time. He never liked the idea of splitting up, but obliged without word as he followed the way to the viewing room. As they arrived he winced to himself. There were a lot of people here. He had experienced worse, but he didn't expect it. Shaking his head to try ignoring it, he followed the others. Once they got seated, having removed his sword from his pant leg finally and let it rest on his lap for the moment, his attention first found the screen's information. It wasn't that hard to follow the general gist of the happenings here.

With the understanding of the individual parties and their current topic of discussion, he crossed one leg over the other, leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest as he listened to the conversation being had. It was easy enough to stay impartial, given he neither really knew the state of the economy, the state of any of the parties at hand, nor the recent events that might have sparked this meeting in the first place outside of the 'scattered'… them, in other words.

He glanced to Ashwin briefly during the argument happening, having caught their anger for a moment and the grip they had on the chair. What sparked the reaction though he was not yet sure of. He decided not to comment and continue to listen instead. Until he heard the sigh and Ashwin leaned his way. He offered a small smile and nodded. "As far as the others? If this follows the same rules that most politics even in my world have, then once the arguments are made, they take a vote." He answered. It usually was as simple as yes or no though. This was more complicated.

"Our job is to find someone or multiple someones among the attending that are not entirely threatened by us- that would be willing to listen." He added, taking a deep breath. He agreed with Lee, if he were to be perfectly honest. The military had their reasons, but he felt they were perhaps overreacting to the threat that the 'scattered' posed to them. At least, he, himself, had no intentions of causing trouble. "That said… I do think we have a shot with that Lee fellow… So far he's the most likely to listen and not immediately get us turned in, especially if we can sympathize with his plight."
Alistia shuddered as the time-stop rippled through and Jotaro's own response was... comforting. "That wasn't just me then?" she asked. She had dealt with time-altering magic plenty of times in her life. She boasted no special resistance to it but knew what it felt like to have the flow of time altered, especially its impact on the Aether. "We need to be careful then. If someone can alter the flow of time even trying to mount a defense may be pointless."

However up next was something she dreaded. Politices. Back in her own world she had served effectively as muscle and she knew it. Diplomacy wasn't her thing and she let others handle politics. The twins usually but there were ample skilled with the tongue all the way up to the Sultina herself whom she considered a friend.

"This place is a democracy then? Or a Republic?" she asked simply enough. It didn't really matter. "Let's be careful though. None of my magic can actually affect a persons mind directly so even at best I can only do so much. Just tell me what you need."

Eventually, the parliament entered recess, and its members broke off from their seats to either talk amongst each other, or head off to the back rooms to eat their lunch. Lee would stay within the court, talking with other officials. They would see from his face he was having an argument with them, though they wouldn't hear what from behind the glass. A guard watched over the entrance they entered in from, and two cameras watched from the ceilings in opposite corners of each other. The only other way out was a backroom door that looked locked unless they could force it open, get the key, or pick it without being seen.


As The Doctor waited for a response, that's when he came across Scott's own file. Upon reading through it, all he could say was, "Oh no..." He then looked to Scott. "I'm so sorry." This was not gonna be easy to handle.

Arthur did not help. "Well, well, well! Looks like you're in the vile vermin club!" He said aloud, patting Scott on the back. "I'd say I'd feel pity for you, but... well, I doubt you need even more lies in your life."
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Jotaro Kujo

The Stand User kept a cool head, wiping the sweat from his brow. He followed the instructions given by Tsunade as she held his face with one hand while using the other hand for a simple 'follow the finger' check up.

"Thanks." He said in Japanese, an afterthought as he was more focused on trying to get himself together than using the proper language. At the offer to sitting down and resting, Jotaro shook his head.

"I'm fine." He said, before going back to searching for more files when Arthur brought up a rather interesting and concerning point. This was too convenient for them. They had found what they were looking for and then some, as if they were supposed to find it. Jotaro's paranoia sparked his next phrase.

"Someone keep an eye out on the door, if you hear or notice something off. Hold your hand up like this." Jotaro would hold up three fingers, his index, middle and pinky finger being the only ones up. The thumb and ring finger weren't up. He'd continue. "Arthur, you have quick reflexes, right? You watch that person, and if they give the signal. You know what to do." He'd walk towards the open doorway that was formerly hidden. Slowly and cautiously with his Stand poised once more inside him to strike out or if need be, stop time.

This thing could be useful if shit went south.

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Amber Franklin @BobTheNinja

After finding the hidden door, Hei went about searching the room for any more hidden switches or anything else. Once the info about Scott had been revealed, Hei didn't quite show a reaction. But Scott had his sympathies.

As for the rest of the information, it wasn't a surprise that a shady government had classified intel, or did bad things. He had seen far too much in his time when working for the Syndicate and especially when dealing with other organizations and stealing intel from them. All of them trying to figure out more ways to use Contractors, or how to enhance their powers or in some cases. How to eliminate them without the hassle of retaliation.

But it was too much, Hei knew that this smelled weird the second everyone found more and more evidence. Part of him just hoped that he was wrong about his gut feeling. But he'd kept an eye on the door and whoever was posted for keep watch.
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Ziv hummed to himself. "It looks like a democracy from here." He answered Alistia's question, leaning back in his seat as he watched the proceedings. Though, they didn't look to really be getting anywhere. They were going around in circles from what the swordsman could tell. He managed a quiet chuckle, gesturing to Ashwin. "That, and I think it best we refrain from using magic at all. The less we try to force them, the more likely they are to see us as not a threat, but maybe an ally." He commented. Trying to use magic to force their will would only prove why they should fear them to start with. That wasn't going to help their cause at all.

As for what Ashwin said though… "To be honest, I only think we have a small chance of anyone listening to us. If they're all as scared as the military seemed to be, the chances are low anyone is willing to give us a second thought. To them we are the invading army that seeks only to take control… Well, I can't say I personally give a damn about controlling anything but my freedom to continue what I set out to do in the first place. There's a small chance Lee here would be willing to hear us out on the premise that not all of us 'scattered' want to take anything from them, but instead help them in their own problems."

If they could do that, then it was just a matter of weaving through which scattered were truly trying to hurt them, which were willing to help, and those that just want sightsee and stay out of it entirely. Ziv fell in the latter category, if he had the choice to. He had no issues just traveling the new worlds to see what they had to offer- there's a chance his goal was in one of them, after all. But staying out of it wasn't an option, not when said goal was at risk like this. If she became one of the victims to these people… he'd never forgive himself for not trying to put a stop to it and save her…

When the discussion went into recess, Ziv stretched. "Alright. Now may be a good time to try getting a hold of him." He stated, though paused for a moment. Out of the ones that were watching this go down, and those involved in the argument, Ziv was probably the only one dressed to blend in with them. "Alistia my dear. Would you hold on to this for me?" He asked, holding his sheathed sword to her. "The less weapons the better for this." I hope. Her coat was probably the best option to hide it, as opposed to keeping on him like before. This did, however, mean that the raven haired man was leaving himself defenseless. "Shall we?" He asked, glancing around to find a way to reach Lee. Though, he had an idea.
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The negotiations during the hearing had all turned into a white noise by the time recess had started. Ashwin had nearly fallen asleep by the time everyone was getting up to gather their thoughts. It probably wasn't the best time to be groggy, but the boredom had really gotten to Ashwin. They were nearly leaning on Ziv's shoulder when the time came for recess. When the officials had finally left the room the group had found a decent spot to be away from the guards and security cameras. Ashwin was a little confused when people explained the bricks on the ceiling could "see" them, but didn't bother to ask anymore about it and just blamed it on weird magic.

Speaking of the weird magic, the other weird brick that had been handed to everyone and was called a "radio" and sprung to life. It was the voice of the doctor coming through it, along with Arthur's in the background. Ashwin was a little startled by the sudden noise, and almost dropped the thing trying to take it out of their pocket. "I uh.. Um…" Ashwin mumbled after pressing the button, a little off guard by the way of communicating. They quickly looked to Alista with a concerned yet confused look and mouthed 'I don't know!' before speaking again. "I think things are all good here uh… we are trying to recruit some guy named Lee," Ashwin said before releasing the button. They then waited to see if Alista would say anything about the manner. They then gave Ziv a shaky thumbs up, still trying to recover from the sudden rush of adrenaline out of their grogginess.


Scout looked over all of the files scattered about the office. They looked to be almost purposely put into place, as they were placed in an order to incriminate Kane. Every single detail was laid out in these files, from where the money was going to strange symbols on mens' uniforms. "So these symbols I'm guessing are to point out which soldiers are under Kane's command and which are not…" Scout thought aloud. Arthur also brought up a good point, it felt almost too easy to get into the office. A normal person would put these items into a safe or secret stash, but these were out in the open. All signs pointed to the possibility of a trap, as everyone soon figured out. Jotaro seemed ready for soldiers to bust down the doors any minute. Scout silently slid next to Jotaro, she found him to be the most tactical out of the group so far, which was a useful trait. It was also a good idea for her to be there in case Jotaro fainted again, as she would be there to catch him before his head would bounce on the floor.
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"You're welcome." Tsunade responds to Jotaro also in Japanese. She listens and watches The Doctor explain what the documents found amount to, waiting for a time to include her own thoughts.

"In my village, we had a similar nefarious influence, called Root as it was claimed by its leader, Danzo, to be dedicated to protecting the village from its 'roots' deep underground, in secrecy even from the Hokage. It became evident Root was actually for his own benefit, and was dismantled. That is why, likely, their parliament approved such gross expenses. To the grave detriment of their citizens, hence that riot outside. Despicable, but sadly, understandable." Tsunade says to the group.

"Yes, although convenient is relative, as I did pass many other forms to find the bulk of it. The usual mundane details of running a city this large. That said," Tsunade looks at the doorway "Could mean this man is well aware of what this Kane is doing, and maybe this is his personal escape to this underground facility. It is at least somewhere to go, should we need."

Scott's revelation, while she is not privy to the details, makes her see this soldier as another victim of this chaotic world. The blonde woman scowls at Arthur Morgan's unhelpful words. She approaches Scott, puts a hand on his shoulder.

"We are not only where we have come from. We are also what we do. Remember that, Scott." Tsunade offers him words that are like those given by an attentive master to his overwhelmed pupil when she felt the pressure of her lineage was too great.

"What is our course now, Doctor? I do not think lingering will be good for long." Tsunade asks.
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Alistia took the sword and brought it under her coat to hide it. "Don't worry. Even without a weapon I've got enough power. Plus I don't think they'd realize my magical tools are weapons; so we're safe." She doubted they'd think a staff, a rod, or a tome would count as weapons. But that was neither here nor there right now. The only thing that mattered was that she was hidden. She approached the back door. "I can bust this open easily enough if you want. Shouldn't be a detriment in the slightest, but is that what you want me to do? Break the door down I mean. Probably at least relatively quietly as well." As a monk her own strength would be more than augmented enough to simply crush the handle and any locking mechanism as well as the frame itself. That WOULD make noise, but it wouldn't be a lot relative to other methods.

She looked to Ziv and Ash for approval of the plan or denial.
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"You're welcome." Tsunade responds to Jotaro also in Japanese. She listens and watches The Doctor explain what the documents found amount to, waiting for a time to include her own thoughts.

"In my village, we had a similar nefarious influence, called Root as it was claimed by its leader, Danzo, to be dedicated to protecting the village from its 'roots' deep underground, in secrecy even from the Hokage. It became evident Root was actually for his own benefit, and was dismantled. That is why, likely, their parliament approved such gross expenses. To the grave detriment of their citizens, hence that riot outside. Despicable, but sadly, understandable." Tsunade says to the group.

"Yes, although convenient is relative, as I did pass many other forms to find the bulk of it. The usual mundane details of running a city this large. That said," Tsunade looks at the doorway "Could mean this man is well aware of what this Kane is doing, and maybe this is his personal escape to this underground facility. It is at least somewhere to go, should we need."

Scott's revelation, while she is not privy to the details, makes her see this soldier as another victim of this chaotic world. The blonde woman scowls at Arthur Morgan's unhelpful words. She approaches Scott, puts a hand on his shoulder.

"We are not only where we have come from. We are also what we do. Remember that, Scott." Tsunade offers him words that are like those given by an attentive master to his overwhelmed pupil when she felt the pressure of her lineage was too great.

"What is our course now, Doctor? I do not think lingering will be good for long." Tsunade asks.

The sound of a pistol's hammer cocking back was suddenly heard from behind the group. When everyone turned to see, a man stood in the secret passage doorway Hei had opened open. He held a P-96 to them all, yet he was an overweight man in official uniform, with balding grey hair, and a big mustache with stubble around his chin and cheeks. Heavy, dark bags were under his eyes, like he hadn't slept in days, kept awake by fear and paranoia. The Doctor slowly put his hands up, while looking between the man with the gun, and everyone else in the office. "Easy." He softly told them. "We don't want trouble." If they had a fight in here now, someone was sure to come investigate, and they didn't need security coming after them in one of the most important buildings in this city.

"Why am I not surprised a traitor brought savages into our city? Have you turned traitor to your own race now?" The man said. The Doctor could see a nametag on his uneven uniform jacket. 'Kamarov.' The man who owned this office. "Unless.... You are the child." He then realized, seeing the emotions on Scott's face. "The adopted scattered. Have you come to see humanity to its extinction?"

"We're not here to see anyone killed." The Doctor then spoke up. "We're here to understand, and to help. We were brought here against our will, and we want to know why."

"Bah. What is to understand from a dead race?"

"Everything." The Doctor answered back. "Or have you forgotten your job?" With Kamarov being the man in charge of organizing the history of this city and its secrets.

"My job matters little. This city will fall, and you will be left with only remains, if you survive what's coming." Kamarov clearly knew too much.

"Then tell us. If you're having a crisis of faith, we might just be what you need to not only see your people, but see to it justice is given to Kane and whoever did this to your planet." The Doctor pleaded.

"And why should I trust the word of a freak?"

"Because you have fifteen rounds in that gun, and I doubt you could even fire a shot before one of us got to you." Besides Jotaro, Hei and Tsunade could easily move in close to him in the blink of an eye and remove his gun. Weighing his options, Kamarov slowly put his gun down, before looking to Arthur.

"May I have a drink?" He asked. Arthur decided to hand it over, giving Kamarov the glass and bottle. The Georgian sounding man took a heavy sip from the bottle itself, before wiping away what remained off his lips. "So how may I help? I'm a damned man even without talking to you all." Kamarov told the group, as Kane was looking to remove him from the scene anyway.
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The sudden entrance was not all that surprising to Scout, as the secret entryway had to have some type of use. Currently that use was to hide Kamarov in all his tired splendor. His general body told a story of tired decay, hair slowly had recoiled from stress off his head, and his eyes were an almost hollow color. He looked like the type of man to be more used to legal documents spread across desks and to be bathing in his wealth rather than a person helping orchestrate the downfall of a nation's political system, at least, that's what Scout took him to be from his first appearance and slight overweightness.

Scout didn't bother inputting any words into the initial pacification of the man. The doctor looked to have had it under control, and he had a point about the man being dead before firing a bullet. Scout adjusted her hat when the matter had been dealt with and walked over to the desk, leaning on it slightly. "I would like to know a few things, if you don't mind me asking," Scout interjected. "Do you know if there was any sort of event that caused these sudden teleportations, such as a divine being arriving? What have your scientists learned overall from the tests in these papers?" Scout tapped a pile of sheets with her finger, "Has there ever been a disappearance of one of these 'scattered' where they could have somehow gone back to their land? Finally, do you know of any solutions people have discovered that may lead to the salvation of your race, because so far all I have seen is scrambling for something that is not entirely there." Scout finished by turning to the others in the group, seeing if they had any other questions. Even if the group knew the answers to these questions, Scout wanted to know what Kamarov knew and what he would be willing to tell them.


It looked like that what Ashwin had said into the radio was good, and there hadn't really been a response. So far the plan was to sneak in through the back door, Alista said she was ready to break through the door, but that probably wouldn't be the best case since the guards and officials would hear it. "Well I'm not totally sure that breaking an entering is the best course of action here since um…" Ashwin stopped and pointed their thumb at the guards at the far end of the room. "I think I might have a sneakier option… If I can get it to work…" Ashwin suggested as frost had gradually formed on their right hand. "I think I might be able to make a key out of ice, but I would need a couple minutes or some type of distraction so the guards don't really see me. I'm sure you guys could handle that," Ashwin finished, shrugging. Ashwin then looked to Ziv, him being the most well dressed of the group and most likely being the one doing most of the negotiating. "Ehm… What are your thoughts? You're the one in the suit," Ashwin asked.
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Ziv put his hands up lightly in a motion for Alistia to wait. "Let's not go that far. We don't want them to feel threatened." He stated lightly. Breaking in the door would likely give that exact impression. Even if it didn't, it still wouldn't make them look good and that could be an issue. He took a deep breath, trying to think about how to go about this.

He turned to Ashwin, nodding in agreement. That was part of the reason too. They didn't need caught either. He tilted his head though, gesturing the other to continue when they offered having an idea as well. The swordsman rose a brow, curiosity piquing in his eyes at the suggestion. Now that might just work, though how it does he wouldn't begin to fathom.

He chuckled though and shrugged. "I'm not sure my attire makes me the expert, but I would hazard a guess I'm the oldest here…" Not that he was sure that qualified him for anything either. Oh well. "That said. I do like your idea, so I think we can manage it. The lady and I can cover you."
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Jotaro Kujo

As the man appeared from where the former hidden door was, holding a gun. Jotaro nearly unleashed [Star Platinum] onto the tired disheveled looking man, but fortunately for the man in question, The Doctor spoke out against the armed man taking action, as nearly all of them could take him down before he could even get a shot off.

Hell, the man was well within two meters of Jotaro, meaning that the second the finger on the trigger moved, he'd find his finger broken and barely useable while receiving a beatdown on par with Dan of Steel or Kira's before his demise. But the man now known as the owner of the room they were standing in, Kamarov poured himself a drink while lowing the weapon. Asking them for what they wanted, Scout spoke up first, asking about the Scattered. The causes for such events and if any got back home.

When she was done, Jotaro would add in his two cents. "We'd like to also know about the leverage on who and what Kane and his cronies have a hold on, so we can perhaps get rid of that corruption." The goal was simple enough and one of many questions that were going to be asked.

Meanwhile, Jotaro could feel an all too familiar chill from years ago return with full force, putting him in a slight cold sweat. The dread from whatever occurred a bit ago combined with the dread now to form something that'd falter anyone other than Jotaro. Which meant only one thing.

He was going to be meeting an old face. Jotaro just hoped he had the strength to do so once more.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
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Robin had somehow managed to briefly get himself lost, likely because he was lost in thought. Thankfully it wasn't too difficult to catch up to the others. As he came up to them, he caught the tail end of their discussion. It seemed they were improvising a plan to get through the door to get in contact with the potential ally. Though the plan was definitely workable as it was, he had an idea that might just make things go even smoother.

Having steadily made his way over, Robin addressed Ziv, Alistia and Ashwin sheepishly. "Sorry for falling behind, I got a bit overwhelmed by the crowd. It's good to see you've made some progress towards our goal. I actually heard some of the plan as I arrived so you don't have to repeat it for me, but i'd like to offer my assistance to speed things up a little." He grinned and flexed his fingers. "I happen to have picked up a variety of skills back home in my time with the Shepherds. Notably, my friend Gaius taught me how to pick a lock." He looked and gestured at Ashwin before continuing. "So rather than spending time making an entire key of ice, if you could make a simple thin icicle of the appropriate size, I could open this door for us swiftly and quietly."

Given the advanced technology of this world Robin guessed the locks might be equally as advanced. But if it could be opened with a key, it could probably be picked. At least he hoped that was the case, for the sake of his reputation...

@LenxKaitoYaoi @Snowtwo @Wiggin