The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue: Chapter 2B.2 -- From Ashes

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.
In one second, you are in your home world, doing something of great importance, minding your own business, or relaxing in a place you find comfort in. Then, before you could blink, something flashed before your eyes. A bight neon green blinds you, like a camera flash suddenly went off in front of your eyes. Suddenly, your body feels like it's falling. Gravity pulls your left, right and center, spinning you all around as the ground beneath your feet disappear, as if you jumped out a plane, and now gravity was sending you back down to the ground below, with the wind and speed of your falling hitting your face.

As quickly as it began, your feet hit the ground as if you simply jumped only a few inches off it, or perhaps you landed another way, on your face, back, you did feel like you were falling from a great height, so maybe you feel nauseous from such an experience, if you've never fallen like that before. You'd only have a scuff or two on your body from the fall if you didn't land on your feet, no bruises or broken bones. You simply fell, with that lights blinding effect still wavering as your eyes adjust. However, the scenery has changed drastically. Cold wind is blowing at your face, already chilling your face. Snow lightly trickles down from the sky to the ground, with clouds blocking the sky, no way of telling the time of day. Around you are broken down cars and ruined buildings, decades old, with holes around the ground from explosions by artillery strikes. Old skeleton bones rest under the snow, some human, others not.


Ruins of what once was civilization. Now barren and lifeless. There is however a glimmer of hope, as beyond the crumbling buildings lie bright lights, those coming from buildings just like these skyscrapers. Perhaps beyond where you stand now, there is still some part of this city still standing from whatever happened here.

(For new characters joining in. For old characters, see below.)


After running through ten blocks of ruined, abandoned and collapsed buildings, the cowboy and strange man in red and black finally stopped. They were out of breath and completely drenched in sweat. They stopped in an old clothing store called 'Macy's.' "Alright... Think we lost 'em." The cowboy said.

"And we lost three, four pounds with that run!" DP informed them, giving a thumbs up.

"...Yeah." All the cowboy could say. "I'm Arthur. That's Wade."

"Call me Deadpool."

"And trust us. You ain't wanna involve yourselves with that lot. Been killin' folk who arrive here, taking whatever stuff they got on them." He opened his scachel to pull out a cantina of water. He took a swig, then offered it to anyone else that needed a drink. "Been tracking them as they make their way towards the lights off in the distance."

"Guy with the green skirt's from my world. Never really had a long conversation with the guy, but I get the gist of him easily." DP explained. "So! Fun explanation: You're all in another universe!" He tried to make it sound really upbeat, like that was a good thing. "That green flash of light managed to teleport you from your home world, all the way to this one, which we have no clue for why, how, or who did this. All we know is that this is a normal earth, completely infested by monsters, civilization is nearly dead, and we're being hunted by an army of elite soldiers trained to kill us 'scattered.' Which is a word they use to describe people from other universes that end up here. Now, I realize that's a lot of take in and absorb, and you probably have a lot of questions you still need answers for, some of which me and Arthur can't answer, because we don't know those answers. But, I have something to compensate for that..." Deadpool reached behind and somehow pulled out several bottles of whiskey. "Alchohol!"

Arthur grabbed a bottle forcefully out of his hands. "What'd I tell you about going through my satchel?!" Deadpool liked looking inside the cowboy's satchel.​
"Fuck fuck fuck..."
Ayami was running, mumbling curses all the while. At first, she's kind if hestitate to pick a side of that clash . But that didn't lasts long as intuition tells her to follow the cowboy and that annoying man in a black and red bodysuit. Still, running after someone when she doesn't know about their intentions makes her wary.

Running across 10 blocks of building exhausts Ayami, and she lit another cigarette before she start talking

Yeah." All the cowboy could say. "I'm Arthur. That's Wade."

"Call me Deadpool."
"Name's Ayami, or Sköll if you prefers callsign. Nice to meet you."
She politely offered a handshake.

"And trust us. You ain't wanna involve yourselves with that lot. Been killin' folk who arrive here, taking whatever stuff they got on them." He opened his scachel to pull out a cantina of water. He took a swig, then offered it to anyone else that needed a drink. "Been tracking them as they make their way

"Good to know", she said, not fully believe them, but she'd take their words for now.
"Anyways...Not even 10 seconds after I showed up and someone fucking starts a firefight....Well, none of them especially aimed at me this time, which is a pleasant surprise, but anyways...Can any of you tell me where the fuck I am ?"

"Guy with the green skirt's from my world. Never really had a long conversation with the guy, but I get the gist of him easily." DP explained. "So! Fun explanation: You're all in another universe!" He tried to make it sound really upbeat, like that was a good thing. "That green flash of light managed to teleport you from your home world, all the way to this one, which we have no clue for why, how, or who did this. All we know is that this is a normal earth, completely infested by monsters, civilization is nearly dead, and we're being hunted by an army of elite soldiers trained to kill us 'scattered.' Which is a word they use to describe people from other universes that end up here. Now, I realize that's a lot of take in and absorb, and you probably have a lot of questions you still need answers for, some of which me and Arthur can't answer, because we don't know those answers. But, I have something to compensate for that..." Deadpool reached behind and somehow pulled out several bottles of whiskey. "Alchohol!"
"God fucking danm it, really ?" She said, frustration evident on her face. "That son of a bitch portalling me to another dimension ? And a cliche'd ass looking post apocalyptic shithole at that ? And you just tell me there's another group aside from robo skeletor in a green cloak that wants to slaughter us ? Pure fucking perfection.
She said, snatching a bottle from Deadpool's hand , and chugging it.
Not Kong, but good enough.
She said, wiping her mouth.
As for the rest of ya, who are you guys ?

@Wade Von Doom , @Wiggin , @The Wanderer , @Not_Amy , @LenxKaitoYaoi , @TableCloth
Jotaro Kujo

Jotaro's confusion lasted a second before the man collected himself, but just as he was about to ask questions, a fight broke out with gunfire plaguing the air.

He didn't need to be told twice to book it, but just as he did, one of the soldiers jumped out in front of the Stand User. The action more than likely became a regret as Star Platinum materialized, decking the man with a mighty "Ora!" The punch cracking the helmet's goggles in several places and leaving a dent in the armored portion. Jotaro didn't feel the need to continue as the soldier writhed on the ground in pain, so bringing his Stand back into himself, Jotaro followed the cowboy and his odd friend with the others for the entire journey.

At the end of which, his breathing was heavy as he hadn't done such a full sprint like that in years, the last time he did so was way back in Egypt against N'Doul and his Stand after Jotaro threw Iggy the dog to distract N'Doul. The cowboy, now naming himself 'Arthur Morgan' and his comrade now known as 'Wade.'

The two described the situation, which caused something to stir inside Jotaro. If this was a Stand, it was one that caused a sense of fear to build within the normally stoic man. But the fear doubled when a new thought occurred to him. What if this wasn't a Stand?

Which could mean there was no 'beat the User, ending the effect' strategy. Which meant he was stuck here, away from the one thing he held dear. His daughter, Jolyne. Whom would be in Florida with her mother, and whom he often left alone because of his job as a Marine Biologist and duty as a Stand User for the Speedwagon Foundation. An action done so out of necessity so Jolyne would be safe as she had yet to develop the potential for a Stand, and so to avoid the awful outcome of the ironic fate that Stand Users attract one another, where Jolyne would be put in danger.

But now, he had to hope Joseph wasn't affected as well and would follow through with his fallback plan should anything happen to Jotaro, that being that Jolyne and her mother would go and stay with Joseph and Suzie Q in New York.

Using that thought to calm himself just barely. He would ask a question. "How long have you two been here? I mean, 'displaced'?" The question was simple.

And would reveal how long the duo had been here and just what they learned besides their pursuers.
@Wade Von Doom @Signupname


Red Hood

Jason didn't appreciate being tackled and suddenly being teleported away by a man in red and black. But then again, he was no longer in the middle of a shitshow waiting to happen with the armored man in the green cloak pointing his palm at him.

He ran with the others following the cowboy and his teleporting savior the whole way, the ordeal just barely making Jason sweat, as the Bat's training, the Lazurus Pit's own effects and Jason's own workout made him adjusted to sprints like this. Granted he did need to catch his breath, which once he did, the man would say to the person now known as 'Wade' by his cowboy friend, 'Arthur Morgan.'

"Thanks for the save." The phrase was often not spoken, but when done so, it was legit.

The two would explain everything, or at least what they knew. That being they were pulled here, and were now stuck in this ruined hellhole. Someone asked a question, for which Jason would wait ever so patiently for the answer before asking his own. Granted, by patiently, Jason was crossing his arms and tapping his arm with his hand. Said question was one more relevant than the one the man in white asked. "Who are these assholes chasing us?"

@Wade Von Doom
Among the running characters were a blonde girl dressed up like she just came back from a rodeo, an armor-clad girl in blue, and a gray anthropomorphic hedgehog, who, standing next to each other, look pretty comical, sort of like if someone decided to randomly pull them from completely different worlds. It was quite the shock to then be told by the man in red spandex that this was indeed the case.

The girl in blue eyed the man who introduced himself as Deadpool carefully. He did save them just now, but he seemed like the type to cause trouble, and she knew not to let her guard down that easily.

Before any of them could say a word, some girl started swearing heavily before asking for their names.

"I cannot say my true name, as that would put us at a disadvantage..." spoke up the girl in blue, "... but my class name is Saber and you can refer to me like that."

"Oooh, mysterious. I like that." said the other girl. "Name's Yang Xiao Long. Nice to meet ya."

"Um, my name's Silver." introduced himself the gray rodent.

"And what are you exactly?" asked Yang, pulling one of his quills. "Some sort of plush toy brought to life by a lightning or something...?"

"I'm just a regular hedgehog..." replied Silver, slapping Yang's wrist until he let go of him.

"Not the sort of hedgehog I've ever seen." said Saber. "But then again, I've seen stranger things before..."

Just then, two of the other people raised pretty good questions: how long have Deadpool and Arthur been here, and who the hell were they running from.

"Yeah, that would be nice to know. All this inter-dimensional business seems awfully messy, let's at least get the current affairs out of the way." said Yang.

"Right, as much as I don't appreciate the limb-pulling, I agree with the lady: we need to know what we're dealing with." Silver nodded, clenching his fist.

Saber didn't say a word, just nodded too, her arms crossed on her chest.
Among the running characters were a blonde girl dressed up like she just came back from a rodeo, an armor-clad girl in blue, and a gray anthropomorphic hedgehog, who, standing next to each other, look pretty comical, sort of like if someone decided to randomly pull them from completely different worlds. It was quite the shock to then be told by the man in red spandex that this was indeed the case.

The girl in blue eyed the man who introduced himself as Deadpool carefully. He did save them just now, but he seemed like the type to cause trouble, and she knew not to let her guard down that easily.

Before any of them could say a word, some girl started swearing heavily before asking for their names.

"I cannot say my true name, as that would put us at a disadvantage..." spoke up the girl in blue, "... but my class name is Saber and you can refer to me like that."

"Oooh, mysterious. I like that." said the other girl. "Name's Yang Xiao Long. Nice to meet ya."

"Um, my name's Silver." introduced himself the gray rodent.

"And what are you exactly?" asked Yang, pulling one of his quills. "Some sort of plush toy brought to life by a lightning or something...?"

"I'm just a regular hedgehog..." replied Silver, slapping Yang's wrist until he let go of him.

"Not the sort of hedgehog I've ever seen." said Saber. "But then again, I've seen stranger things before..."

Just then, two of the other people raised pretty good questions: how long have Deadpool and Arthur been here, and who the hell were they running from.

"Yeah, that would be nice to know. All this inter-dimensional business seems awfully messy, let's at least get the current affairs out of the way." said Yang.

"Right, as much as I don't appreciate the limb-pulling, I agree with the lady: we need to know what we're dealing with." Silver nodded, clenching his fist.

Saber didn't say a word, just nodded too, her arms crossed on her chest.
Ayami just then noticed the trio. She tried to whole back the laugh when she look at Silver.
Are ya shitting with me right now ?
The girl was frankly astonished. Sure, the rodeo looking girl looks kinda strange, but not out of place amongsts the group , and blue dress girl looks quite normal even. But the third member of their group, was some cartoon hedgehog that looks like a Sonic recolor. In fact, she was pretty sure this one is actually present in a Sonic game.
"That's it. I've gone insane." She muttered. "The cowboy, the leather ninja,..I can accept. But no. Not that thing.
She finally failed to held in and giggles.
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Silver blinked in disbelief. Here he was, trying to make sense of the situation he got put in, and he was getting mocked, even laughed out loud at. He wasn't gonna let that slide like that.

"Hey, what's so funny about me?" he asked rather angrily, staring right at Ayami. Normally, he'd be more timid, but he was worried sick about his friend, Blaze, who could be in trouble right at this moment, somewhere far, far, away. He didn't feel like this was the time to be shy and agreeable. It was the time to be serious.

"In all honesty, you do look pretty odd." Yang admitted. "I mean, your head looks like it has a giant leaf on it. Not sure what sort of leaf, but it does, doesn't it?"

"Perhaps it does, but it serves us no purpose to laugh at our companions, does it?" said Saber sternly. "After all, we've all been pulled from our worlds and need to get back. Surely that's more important than laughing at other-dimension hedgehogs."

Yang was about to say something, but she realized Saber was right. Last she saw her friends, they were all headed towards Atlas. Who knows if they made it there, or if they vanished somewhere too? As much as she hated to admit it, she agreed, but instead of saying anything, she opted to keep quiet and just rubbed one of her hands on her neck as she stood there awkwardly, waiting for somebody else to contribute to the situation.

The situation quickly grew sour as more and more people appeared out of thin air. The main offender seemed to be a man in a red and black jumpsuit, sporting swords and a particularly foul mouth. The green cloaked man, being called "doom," was apparently not happy with the newfound guest, and threw him to the ground. Arc didn't enjoy his presence either, since he was trying to be some sort of "hero" but only escalated the situation. Before the "conversation" developed any further between this jumpsuited man and Doom, a noise came out from behind Arc, followed by even more people. This amount of people wasn't good. An explosion then rang out from Doom. Bullets flew, and Arc was in the middle of an all out shootout.

Arc chose to take cover underneath a car, he didn't know who he needed to shoot and what to shoot out, so hiding was the best option. When the smoke settled, Arc found the street to be emptier than it was before, probably because most of the people had run for it, and the others were dead, to be more precise, it was only the soldiers that had died. "What a shitshow…" Arc mumbled to himself, crawling out from under the car and dusting himself off. "To be honest… you probably shouldn't have even dealt with us, considering we were confused and you were low on supplies, and with those factors, a scuffle was bound to happen seeing as how your friend there is better at talking than you," He said, turning and addressing Doom. His attempt at conversation probably wouldn't go over well, considering how Doom would rather kill potential allies than side with them. "Well, Now what? Killing me is a waste at this point," he said, putting his hands up in a semi-shrug.


Ashwin was very confused when all hell broke loose. One moment they were face to back with a large man in white, and in another moment they were sprinting behind a cowboy and a man dressed in red and black. Ashwin covered the ground in ice, allowing them to slide along the asphalt with ease. Eventually, the group came to a stop. Ashwin was a little late on the stopping, so they slid a little bit past the group and slammed into a parked car, shouting "stop!" over and over several times. "That hurt…" Ashwin groaned, peeling themself off the vehicle. When Ashwin wandered back over to the group, they heard Deadpool, or wade, mention how the group was in another world. "Wait hold on, are we in the spirit world?" Ashwin questioned, taking a look around. If this was the spirit world, it sure was a dump. "Also uh… Hi, I'm Ashwin" they said, awkwardly waving like it was a bonding exercise at an office job.
The Great Sumireko Usami!

"Another universe, huh?"

Right at the middle of the mismatch that is this ragtag bunch, Sumireko made her yet another sudden appearance. Previously when the battle happened and the group supposedly made their escape, Sumireko instead opted to teleport away in panic. However, because she did it in a hurry, Sumireko ended up losing the group and only managed to locate them when she saw Deadpool's bright red suit, which was somewhat sickening to her.

"By the way, I am Sumireko Usami, a high school student so I'll definitely pass on the alcohol. You can also think of me as an occultist, and I can say for sure that I'm quite proud of what I am doing."

As she introduced herself, Sumireko took her hat off and cleanse it from any dust that was left on it.

"You know, for as young as I am, I've been wandering to a lot of places. Pyramid, Great Wall, Nazca Lines, name any place and I most likely have at least one ancient relic from that place," Sumireko smirked in pride as she wore her fedora back, "I've even went to places people never knew existed, and a literal world inside people's dream. And then here I am, teleported into an entirely different universe from where I lived."

The ESPer chuckled at her own words, barely able to believe the situation she had gotten herself into.

"You know what, I don't think this is an entirely terrible situation. Being transported without my consent aside, it's a good chance to learn new stuffs. Yeah sure, it's kinda sad being separated from those precious to you for a while, but the payoff is worth it!"

The brunette then turned to a certain blonde woman in blue dress.

"Saber, wasn't it?" greeted the brunette, "I understand your sentiment about wanting to go back as soon as possible, so I'd like to make a deal. In exchange of helping you find a way to go home, I'd love to have some assistance in researching this universe."

Of course, Sumireko isn't exactly sympathizing with the aforementioned woman. However, ensuring an ally would be a rather good first step for now, and at the very least she need one less disturbance in her quest for knowledge.
Saber, upon hearing the girl's proposal, nodded, smiling.

"See, that's the kind of thing we should be doing. Trying to work together to figure out a solution to this predicament." she said to the others. "I'd be more than happy to help you, though I should say: I'm no scholar, nor a scientist. At best, I could be your sword, in case anything decides to attack."

The knight didn't know what sort of person Sumireko was, but did it really matter at that point? She was eager to do something, and that was what was truly important for her. If she was to reunite with Shirou and Rin, and help others return to their homes, she had to be willing to take a chance.

"If it doesn't bother you, can I tag along?" asked Silver all of a sudden. Saber turned to him, surprised.

"Huh? I don't have any objections, but why?" she asked.

"You know, this whole ruined city reminds me of the bleak future I come from." he explained. "I'm no scientist either, but if what happened here is anything like what happened to my world... I want to know how it happened."

Silver said that, but in all honesty, he volunteered for another reason. He wanted to prove he was more than some bizarre creature, like some have already pinned him as. He wanted to be a useful member of the team.

"Ooh, you're going on a little expedition, can I...?" Yang started saying, but then she noticed Silver's glare on herself. "Not keen on having me there, huh?" she asked. Silver crossed his arms. "It's about the head shape thing, isn't it?" Silver nodded. Yang sighed. "Alright, alright, I don't have to go. Sheesh. I bet I'll also have tons of exciting adventures with these other guys, like... uh... red bodysuit guy! Or, I guess, umm, Deadpool, right? He seems like a cool dude."

"Suit yourself, I suppose." Saber said and shrugged. She wasn't going to intervene between those two anymore, she decided. She then turned to Sumireko. "So, how about him, then? Can he come help us?" she asked.
Silver blinked in disbelief. Here he was, trying to make sense of the situation he got put in, and he was getting mocked, even laughed out loud at. He wasn't gonna let that slide like that.

"Hey, what's so funny about me?" he asked rather angrily, staring right at Ayami. Normally, he'd be more timid, but he was worried sick about his friend, Blaze, who could be in trouble right at this moment, somewhere far, far, away. He didn't feel like this was the time to be shy and agreeable. It was the time to be serious.

"In all honesty, you do look pretty odd." Yang admitted. "I mean, your head looks like it has a giant leaf on it. Not sure what sort of leaf, but it does, doesn't it?"

"Perhaps it does, but it serves us no purpose to laugh at our companions, does it?" said Saber sternly. "After all, we've all been pulled from our worlds and need to get back. Surely that's more important than laughing at other-dimension hedgehogs."

Yang was about to say something, but she realized Saber was right. Last she saw her friends, they were all headed towards Atlas. Who knows if they made it there, or if they vanished somewhere too? As much as she hated to admit it, she agreed, but instead of saying anything, she opted to keep quiet and just rubbed one of her hands on her neck as she stood there awkwardly, waiting for somebody else to contribute to the situation.
Ayami seems to be about to said something. Then she sighed, and replied...
"Ya know what. I'm sorry. It's just that all this shit ? It just gets to my head. Should have been more professional. For that, I apologizes..."
Her apology seems genuine, as the girl takes another drag on her cigarettes. She then asked.
"May I ask though, how did you guys gets here ? This "other dimension" I meant.
She said as she make the quotation marks with her fingers. They noticed that the gun she was holding just earlier was nowhere to be found...
. "Also uh… Hi, I'm Ashwin" they said, awkwardly waving like it was a bonding exercise at an office job.
Ayami , her white shirt is now caked with dirt and some unknown stained that looks like blood. She present a hand for him to shake , while introducing herself.

"Hey, name's Ayami. Dog soldier. Nice to meet ya.".

"By the way, I am Sumireko Usami, a high school student so I'll definitely pass on the alcohol. You can also think of me as an occultist, and I can say for sure that I'm quite proud of what I am doing."
She look to the young girl. Ayami see in her a confident , even abit arrogant but ultimately seems to be a likable person. She's also somewhat similar to her, albeit with an apparently happier life. She spoje: "Name's Ayami. Also technically a high school student. Definitely not pass on the alcohol though. Nice to meet you".

"You know, for as young as I am, I've been wandering to a lot of places. Pyramid, Great Wall, Nazca Lines, name any place and I most likely have at least one ancient relic from that place," Sumireko smirked in pride as she wore her fedora back, "I've even went to places people never knew existed, and a literal world inside people's dream. And then here I am, teleported into an entirely different universe from where I live
"Some sort of scholar ? I would have said you seems to be too young for that, but coming from me, it 'd make me sounds like a hypocrite...."
Seras Victoria

"That'll do it..." Seras commented, to no one in particular, as she finished with a round of targets. She then rested Harkonnen on her shoulder and went to fill back up on ammo. This promised to be an uneventful practice session, she thought, while she made her way back to her shooting spot. It was then that things took a very unexpected turn. She was bombarded by a green flash of light, and the ground beneath her vanished, making her fall. To the left, to the right, the direction she was falling changed from moment to moment. And then, as if nothing had happened, she was back on her feet.

"What..." was all she could think when she opened her eyes. She was on top of an abandoned building. She walked over to one of the edges of the building, trying to find any familiarity to anywhere she had been before. None at all. Worried of the possible implications, mostly leaving Integra without notice, she voiced her concerns "...Pip?" The familiar was quick to answer "Easy, Ma Cher. Integra can hold her own... For now let's focus on where..." Pip stopped mid sentence, since both noticed the ruckus down below, and more concerning than that, the presence observing them. In the blink of an eye, Seras loaded Harkonnen as she slung it off her shoulder, while also turning to aim at the unknown individual behind her. However, she was too late.
A person clad in a black armor, lunged at a great speed at Seras, tackling her at the abdomen with his shoulder. The concrete cracked below them as inertia from the Spear dragged her a couple of meters backwards. She dropped the rifle due to the sudden impact, but had no time to think about that. The armored man was on top of her, and his fist was on its way to greet Seras' face. She twisted her body to the left, managing to get the armored man to miss his shot and lose balance. Seras took the opportunity to shoot spikes from her back, piercing the man's right arm on several spots and push him away by extending them. Seras got up, and though knowing at this point words wouldn't cut it, she still felt the need to ask "What do you want!?" The only answer she got though was a feral growl. A black liquid started to pool at the armored man's feet, from which tendrils started to rise. "Rifle, Ma Cher!" Pip reminded Seras, seeing as she was busy enough looking at whatever the armored man was going to try. Her peripheral vision focused on Harkonnen, and she simply waited for a chance to go get it. The chance appeared quickly enough, as the tendrils darted towards her. She dove to catch the rifle, getting cut in several places by the tendrils as she caught it. The tendrils followed after her, but her arm was fast enough to aim and fire at the man. With a loud bang, the piercing round made a hole through the abdomen of the man. Sending him off the rooftop, the black liquid was dragged away with him. Seras had no time to rest, though. Beams of green started hitting buildings all around, the one she was in also seemed to be under attack. Whatever was firing that, was something Seras wasn't fond of facing at the moment. A dark pair of wings sprouted from her back, and she blasted upwards. A quick look around made her notice two groups, the one from which the beams were being fired, and one escaping said group. At the moment, it felt wiser to stick with the one not wreaking havoc. So, as a crimson arrow darting through the air, she followed the escaping group.
They ran about a kilometer or so before coming to a stop. For a moment, Seras floated above them, wondering if it was actually a good idea to approach these people. Looking around, at the barren landscape. What choice did she really have? Wherever she was, it was clearly abandoned as far as her eyes could see. For now, she decided to eavesdrop on them and check if they actually knew something...
They did. And it was not good.
"Another universe!? What in the..."
Questions were already being asked, but it did seem like a safe bet to join them, at least more than the other three mentioned factions out there. So, Seras went straight down, landing with a heavy thump on her feet, with Harkonnen once again over her shoulder. And slowly walked towards the group a couple of meters in front of her. "Hey there, I'm Seras. I just got here too. And I have a question: How are you so sure of what you just said?"

Agam Azuron

The man he was facing off seemed to think little of him, as Agam was completely ignored. [color=]"Good, that makes you easier to hit with this..."[/color] he thought, as a red, bright sphere started to grow from the tip of his staff. Moments before Agam fired though, a man in red intervened. Giving him, and the group a chance to retreat. Agam made sure to lag behind the escaping group to cover them. As he flew he tossed all sorts of obstacles in several directions, hoping to both delay and confuse the enemy group if they decided to follow them. Some blocks later, the group stopped, and introductions started to be made, along with questions. Wade and Arthur, the ones who orchestrated the escape, proceeded to explain the messy world they all got dragged to... Or what they knew at least. Agam hovered closer to the group, with his spheres still circling above him and staff in hand, just in case something went wrong, one girl asked for names, while taking some of the booze Wade offered. "My name is Agam, Agam Azuron." he said, nodding at everyone as a greeting, while making a mental note of everyone's name. He took particular interest in the creature that classified itself as a hedgehog, it was nothing like any hedgehog he had seen, just like one young girl pointed out. He refrained from bothering him with questions at the moment, there were more important issues at hand.
Agam continued to silently listen to the conversation to move along, with it being mostly introductions and questions. He decided to speak up only when Saber, Sumireko and Silver decided to wander off on their own. "Pardon me, but I would suggest otherwise. I do feel a strong magical signature from both you Saber and Sumireko, so I don't doubt your strength. However, I do think that instead of wandering off in small groups, it would be better if we all joined our strengths... Furthermore, both Wade and Arthur do know more about this world. It would be wiser to work with all the information we can gather, no?" he shared his thoughts with them as he floated over to them, in a calm and collected tone.

Constantine Nero

"Huh? Where the f-" Nero thought as he regained consciousness. Where was he again? Right, the abandoned shithole of a town. But what happened to him? His memory got blurry after he attacked that group of soldiers looking for him... He killed them all, then what? "Am I... falling?" Indeed, he was falling. Just how long did he lose it this time around?... No matter. For now, he should focus on landing. He adjusted his body, barely acknowledging the intense pain coming from the hole in his gut. Just in time, he planted his feet on the snowy ground, with the pool of black blood he had spilled splattering all around him, before slowly dragging back to him, now pooling in the gap in his abdomen. Near all the buildings around him were smoking, as if they just got bombarded. Soldiers were all around him, but weren't the ones hunting him, these were other people's soldiers... And he was pretty confident he found the leader. He casually walked up to him, the armored man with green rags and asked
"Hello, were you fighting scattered hunters?"

@TableCloth @NeonArmageddon @Wade Von Doom
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That green flash had to be her death. Brigid had thought, being in the middle of a battle against Gunners with plasma rifles, that she had been hit and that's what you saw as you're liquefied. But there was no pain for that second. How? If a paper cut hurt then your molecules breaking down had to be a world of pain unlike any other.

Nope. Brigid instead finds herself standing in a city of rubble screaming with her arms out and head held high; a final dramatic pose befitting a General. She slowly stops screaming as she realizes her life didn't end and she looks around with her laser musket shouldered.

"Okay what the hell…what the hell….is going on?" She asks herself. The state of her surroundings was familiar, but it sure wasn't the heart of Boston.

"Wait…flash of light…Institute!" She whips around and cranks the musket expecting any moment now, she would be swarmed by Institute synths. They were the only ones she knew capable of teleportation technology. Did they have some kind of fallback facility? You would think a society of eggheads would have had such forethought. But then why here? In fact where was 'here'?

Nothing swarms her, but she does hear the universal language of combat off in the distance a few clicks West of her.

Brigid stalks through the rubble in that direction saying to herself "Either someone is in trouble, or there's at least someone with answers out that way." The General uses a tried and true pattern of checking the way ahead with the scope of her musket before moving on. She does this all the way from where she was dropped, to about a mile when she sees something red and black come down from the sky. Through the scope, she sees a young blonde woman with a huge cannon land in front of one store then go in. A Macy's apparently going by the weathered sign. Not a store brand she'd ever heard of.


Brigid follows the young woman, having no other recourse at the moment, moving carefully and hears a conversation inside. Not a lot of it makes sense, but everyone speaking sounds just as confused as she is. This wasn't just another part of the world? It was a whole other universe? She can't believe it. Refuses, until she sees the group talking and her mind shifts from disbelief to just confusion.

Well. Least they seem the friendly sort. For now.

Brigid comes out from behind a pillar with hands up and laser musket on her back. "Same here. Except my name is General Brigid Mahoney. Agam? Am I sayin' it right?" She asks to confirm she was saying his name right before going on. "Agam makes a good point. We scatter, we're going to get picked off by whatever or whoever made this city nothing but ruins. Now I ain't sayin' we hold some election or something, just we stay together and figure things out that way." She tips her tricorn hat and smiles "The American way, if you will."
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In one second, you are in your home world, doing something of great importance, minding your own business, or relaxing in a place you find comfort in. Then, before you could blink, something flashed before your eyes. A bight neon green blinds you, like a camera flash suddenly went off in front of your eyes. Suddenly, your body feels like it's falling. Gravity pulls your left, right and center, spinning you all around as the ground beneath your feet disappear, as if you jumped out a plane, and now gravity was sending you back down to the ground below, with the wind and speed of your falling hitting your face.

Kaz was minding her own business it was a nice Saturday morning for her, meaning she didn't have anything to do today, outside of homework. Bounding out of bed she made her way to the shower to freshen up and start her day right. This process took only around twenty minutes before she was out the door and making her way to the workshop on the other side of town, though, something strange happened as she was walking. As she tripped over a rock, normally she would have just rolled with it as she floated away, but instead this time she found herself falling through a green vortex.

After what seemed like falling for a few minutes, an unnatural falling that is, light slammed into her. She saw a world broken and a dead star, the sight made her sick. Plummeting to the ground at speeds that would normally spark joy in any other situation she slowed her velocity as much as she could before letting out a loud "Watch out below!" There was a girl in a red just below her, a blond in fact. She was going way to fast to not land on her... Oh no.

Ayami hide a sighed when she spot more people showed up, 2 women to be exact. One with a cowboy hat and carries what looks like a jury rigged energy rifle. She winced at the sight, firearms with those appearances are 'temperamental' at the best of time, and 'hillbilly' energy weapons are much worse, with the experiences of seeing someone blew up half of his face came back to her mind. But the woman seems friendly, and more importantly, her suggestions has merits. Ayami replied "That's a good ide actually, but still, I have something to ask if you don't mind... your gun,...uh, you sure it's safe ?'
She then turned her attention to the hovering man, and the blond girl , and answers them "Apparently so...Well, we're all displaced from our 'dimension' somehow, whatever that means..."But her attention were quickly drawn to what the blond girl carries..."Wait a minute, is that a Bofors 30mm AT gun ? With depleted Uranium shells, and breach loading mechanism ? Holy shit, how could you carry it, and more importantly, where the fuck did you get it ? They ceased production in the 60s, because of poor sales..."
And with that, professionalism quickly flew out of the window...
So much happened so quickly. There were a lot people just appeared and decided that the man in green did not look threatening enough to stay hidden. Luer only felt confused or perhaps that these people were either careless or just plain stupid, either way though it mattered not when someone started a fight and the cowboy charged. He was not about to get involved in this gunfight, his bow could not fire that fast if he wanted it to. He was just going to stay hidden in his corner until all of this was calmed down. Or not, as the cowboy told him it was time to go. "Where the hell do you suppose we go!?" He asked in return, still hesitant to follow after him at all. The archer whined to himself. Why did he have to get involved with these crazy people?

The trek was not so bad for him. He trained a lot and ran a lot back in the day, never mind some stamina building from even further back in his life. Who would have thought it would come in handy like this? When they arrived at another abandoned store he sighed to himself as he fought his breath. Not another one…

He listened to Arthur and Deadpool before shaking his head. He already knew the gist of things. He then looked over the new group that had formed and he felt the most annoying of dejavus hit him. The hedgehog, annoying girl, the only man who seemed to actually remain calm and the woman who carried around guns. He shook his head, glancing to Ayami and took a deep breath. "He is less annoying than the blue one, at least." He managed, before focusing on the others. It seemed he and the cowboy and the very irritating man in red were the only ones who have done this before. It also seemed like they only vaguely were listening to said irritating man in red as well. He already explained who was chasing them.

He still had a hold of his bow and an arrow at the ready just in case, not seeming willing to let his guard down at all. "My name is Luer Lastez, and I… I do not know how long I have been around here. It feels like months, and to be honest I thought for sure I was dead…" He offered. Arthur and Deadpool were not the only ones who have been around a while, which explains why none of this seemed to come as too much of a shock to the archer like it the rest of the people here.

He looked to Ayami once more and gestured to everyone around. "The same way I imagine all of you did. Blinding green flash… though, as I said, I think that happened to me months ago…" He answered, looking down for a moment. He seriously felt like he lost so much time after the prison was flooded. He thought for sure he was dead… he could only hope the other two got out as well… Hell he was not even sure he was in the same world as he was at that point.

He looked up when a few others joined them, taking a deep breath and resisting the urge to aim their way as they seemed to be all of the same sentiment. So most of these people were new to this. They were the only three that have been around a while. He shook his head to the drinking though. Not a good time to be inebriated by any means. They were not yet safe and he was not about to let his guard down to even think they were.
Jotaro Kujo

Jotaro's confusion lasted a second before the man collected himself, but just as he was about to ask questions, a fight broke out with gunfire plaguing the air.

He didn't need to be told twice to book it, but just as he did, one of the soldiers jumped out in front of the Stand User. The action more than likely became a regret as Star Platinum materialized, decking the man with a mighty "Ora!" The punch cracking the helmet's goggles in several places and leaving a dent in the armored portion. Jotaro didn't feel the need to continue as the soldier writhed on the ground in pain, so bringing his Stand back into himself, Jotaro followed the cowboy and his odd friend with the others for the entire journey.

At the end of which, his breathing was heavy as he hadn't done such a full sprint like that in years, the last time he did so was way back in Egypt against N'Doul and his Stand after Jotaro threw Iggy the dog to distract N'Doul. The cowboy, now naming himself 'Arthur Morgan' and his comrade now known as 'Wade.'

The two described the situation, which caused something to stir inside Jotaro. If this was a Stand, it was one that caused a sense of fear to build within the normally stoic man. But the fear doubled when a new thought occurred to him. What if this wasn't a Stand?

Which could mean there was no 'beat the User, ending the effect' strategy. Which meant he was stuck here, away from the one thing he held dear. His daughter, Jolyne. Whom would be in Florida with her mother, and whom he often left alone because of his job as a Marine Biologist and duty as a Stand User for the Speedwagon Foundation. An action done so out of necessity so Jolyne would be safe as she had yet to develop the potential for a Stand, and so to avoid the awful outcome of the ironic fate that Stand Users attract one another, where Jolyne would be put in danger.

But now, he had to hope Joseph wasn't affected as well and would follow through with his fallback plan should anything happen to Jotaro, that being that Jolyne and her mother would go and stay with Joseph and Suzie Q in New York.

Using that thought to calm himself just barely. He would ask a question. "How long have you two been here? I mean, 'displaced'?" The question was simple.

And would reveal how long the duo had been here and just what they learned besides their pursuers.
@Wade Von Doom @Signupname


Red Hood

Jason didn't appreciate being tackled and suddenly being teleported away by a man in red and black. But then again, he was no longer in the middle of a shitshow waiting to happen with the armored man in the green cloak pointing his palm at him.

He ran with the others following the cowboy and his teleporting savior the whole way, the ordeal just barely making Jason sweat, as the Bat's training, the Lazurus Pit's own effects and Jason's own workout made him adjusted to sprints like this. Granted he did need to catch his breath, which once he did, the man would say to the person now known as 'Wade' by his cowboy friend, 'Arthur Morgan.'

"Thanks for the save." The phrase was often not spoken, but when done so, it was legit.

The two would explain everything, or at least what they knew. That being they were pulled here, and were now stuck in this ruined hellhole. Someone asked a question, for which Jason would wait ever so patiently for the answer before asking his own. Granted, by patiently, Jason was crossing his arms and tapping his arm with his hand. Said question was one more relevant than the one the man in white asked. "Who are these assholes chasing us?"

@Wade Von Doom

"Oh, couple weeks. Me and Wade got into a scuffle with some fellas who arrived with us, but we got them dealt with not too long after. Wanted to stick my knife in his throat, see if that'd shut him up, but turns out, he got some sort've... healing factor, was it?" Arthur asked.

"Yep." Deadpool was busy slightly admiring the teenager Ayami's ability to down half a bottle of Burbon without a sudden feeling of pain in her throat from so much alcohol, you could turn the bottle into a Molotov cocktail.

"He gets pumped with several rounds to the chest by these guys, and somehow, he's still standing like they were just mosquito bites."

"Trust me, I've tried all the ways to die, and the best I could get was 2 minutes in the afterlife." He snagged the bottle back from Ayami, before commenting on her rather filthy mouth with, "Easy there, cupcake, you're more angsty than a Rob Liefeld character... 'cept with normal feet." He looked at her feet when he said that too. "Anymore swearing, I'll need to get the jar and soap out."

"How old are you?" Arthur asked Ayami, since she looked no younger than 15, yet had enough battle scars on her of a veteran soldier.

With Jason's question, Wade answered first. "Guy's name is Doom. Victor Von Doom is his full name, but Dr. Doom is what he likes going by sometimes. Though, I would like to point out, I have never seen him with a degree in medicine at all."

"Guy's been rangling up anyone who's teleported into the city for the week's we've been here, and if you ain't as cold blooded as he is, consider yourself a goner. He ain't taking prisoners, just your stuff." Arthur added.


Speaking of though,

in the clutter of smoke and dust brought on by the explosion of the buildings near them, Doom was barely injured by the bomb Wade had placed on him. It only put black marks along the back of his armor. As it settled, Doom moved forward towards Wesker, Radec and Arc, ripping off his tattered tunic and leaving on the hood over his head. All of Radec's men were dead, as he checked each body for their ammo and weapons.

"I take it we'll go after them?" Wesker asked, cleaning the dust off his glasses.

"It would be a waste of time and resources." Radec commented, putting the ammo in his uniform's pouches. "Those new arrivals were never to join us, it was clear the moment we set eyes upon them."

"This is the third time now we've been set back by this other group though, the longer we allow them to continue to interfere, more join their ranks."

"Our numbers are well greater than theirs."

"Which is why we should send a squad to find them while the trail is still warm."

"Our mission isn't to deal with pests in these ruins, but to amass strength enough to attack--"

"Enough!" Doom interrupted. "Our bickering gets us nowhere. You," he looked to Arc. "Since you didn't run, I assume you see us as the superior force. If you are to stay, you will follow my commands no matter what, understood?" He ordered Arc, the size difference between them great, as Doom towered over the younger man. This was a test, to see how Arc would react. The little man made no difference to Doom, in fact, this excursion to find more people for their group was a waste of time. They had the manpower. It was simply too much caution by Radec and Wesker, Malgus was correct when he said they had enough. Though, what their goal was, it was obvious to see why they were cautious.

A city scale invasion is not exactly a walk in the park. "Radio Malgus." Doom told the two. "Tell him to begin moving out."

"We still have no strategy in place for how you plan to reach the city." Radec told him.

"There is one, Colonel."

"I thought we had agreed that was but a suicidal plan!"

"For those without the confidence and cunning, yes. But to Doom: the impossible is never out of my reach."

With both Wesker and Radec looking to each other, Radec made the call.


So many people had arrived with Arthur and Morgan, it was hard to keep track. The silver hedgehog, this Great Sumireko, the knight, the yellow haired lady, Luer, Agam, Seras, Ashwin, and.... the sound of someone shouting right above them like they were falling. "Ah crap." Deadpool muttered; pushing Seras out of the way, and letting his body be the cushion for the falling Kaz. The lady's body landed right on the top of his head, bending it backwards to the point of his breaking his neck. With Wade's lifeless body on the ground now, Arthur was quick to run over and help Kaz up.

"Jesus Christ, you alright?!" He asked Kaz. "Don't worry, you ain't killed him... though I wish you did."

When Brigid spoke up and approached from around the corner, Arthur was quick to turn around to face her; hand on his still holstered gun. The 'american way' line she made didn't exactly go unnoticed. "Alright, Patton, no need to get all patriotic!" DP spoke up, adjusting his broken neck so he wasn't wobbling his head around like a bobble head. "See?" Arthur told Kaz. "I'm Arthur, he's Wade, you're in another universe, we have no idea why." And with a pat on the back, he left the vampire's side to stand atop a rusty car to get everyone's attention.

"Now!" He called out. "You see those lights off in the distance?" He pointed to the sky, where they were the most visible in the dusk sky. "We are headed there! That's the only.... civilization," he said that with some contempt for the word, "left in this place. We're gonna try finding our way over there, see if they can help us, and explain how we all got here, and hopefully, how to get back. Trust me, I'm as confused as you all are about what the green light was, but standing here ain't gonna get us any answers. Hell, it'll get us killed with the goddamn monsters me and Wade faced when we first got here. So we're gonna stay as one big group, stick to each other's back, and be careful as we find our way over there. Now, if you haven't any weapons or strange powers I am not even gonna try to understand, if those with weapons have any extras, giving them to the defenseless would be good--"

"They're comin'!" An Irish voice echoed out from down the street. Two men suddenly came running out from around the corner, one bleeding from the forehead, and both covered in dust and dirt. "We gotta get the fuck outta here!" The one bleeding shouted, also having an Irish accent.


Murphy & Connor MacManus

"Oh, for the love of-- Were you followed?!" Arthur shouted, marching off the car towards the two.

"No, we got out unseen." The not injured one said. "But, there's a fuck-ton of them comin' our way."

"It's a friggin' army they got!"
The injured one stated.

"This here's Murphy," (Guy on the left in the picture,) "and that's Connor," (guy on the right,) "met these two not too long after me and Wade got dropped here, now, how many did you see?"

"Several dozen, maybe about half a hundred." Murphy informed, placing his brother down on the ground next to the rusted car. Connor was the one injured. "Shit, how the hell did they get so many?"

"That's only what we saw, there could be more comin'!" Murphy added.

"We gotta wait for the others to meet up, we can't leave without them!"

"We stay here, we're fuckin' dead! Those explosions are gonna attract everything!"

"Well I ain't in he goddamn mood to leave people for dead now!"

"Besides, I think we can handle whatever Doom's throwing at us, our numbers got bigger, and I think we've all been in hairier situations." Deadpool pointed out, as many of them had seen heavy combat before, and since they're all protagonists, they can handle some guys with guns, right?

Well.... Something big landed on the far side of the street.


It was a goddamn big dragon.

"Oh... fuck my mouth." Was all Deadpool could say.


Its fire flooded down the street like a wave of water, and when it past, it shot out that white light from its mouth, exploding the ground not too long after it hit.

Jotaro Kujo

After more people showed up, joining their little group. One new individual literally falling out the sky, the fall of which was softened by the body of Deadpool. The fast regeneration, the fact there was a gray hedgehog person among other things were making Jotaro stare on in disbelief somewhat, for Stands were one thing but this was something new to him. But he'd quickly regain his stoic expression after reminding himself to not lose his cool, as it was something he hated doing, and that the current situation didn't need more fuel to the fire.

While the others continued on, Jotaro would go on to converse with the woman who had fallen from the sky, where certain information was revealed and hands were shaken. The only thing that wasn't shared was information regarding Star Platinum. As talking about a manifestation of your soul that no one else can see to someone who didn't know of Stands and how they functioned can make you look more than crazy.

Hell, it'd make people think you were dropped on your head.

That was when two more people ran in, injured and exhausted. Brothers as Deadpool explained, and friends of theirs after being dropped here. The news they conveyed were dire, but not as much as the revelation that not everyone of Arthur and Wade's group were present. And leaving them behind would surely result in potential casualties.

"While we can't wait forever, perhaps some of us ca-" Jotaro never got to finish his sentence as something very large landed on the far end of the street. Flames spilling forth from a head that looked like caked rot that soon turned to a bright white beam of heat that made whatever it hit explode from the sheer heat after a short delay.

A damned zombie dragon of some sort, possible Stand or some nightmarish creature that was dropped in this place as well at some point or another. The head of which, began to look as it were to whip in their direction was flames spilled forth made Jotaro instinctively shout "Star Platinum: The World!" As he ran towards Arthur, pulling the man off the car as Jotaro's Stand stopped time.

Star Platinum began to flip the car the cowboy had been standing on before Jotaro pulled him off so that when the beast beam of white heat came their way, the car would serve as a weak but serviceable shield to buy the others time to dive into cover when time resumed.

One second passed and soon two seconds as Star Platinum slide the car into position just as time resumed. The words "Time has begun to resume." Came from Jotaro as Time Stop ended. Immediately he would shove Arthur towards the buildings while running to cover as well, the situation wasn't good. As the dragon was outside of his range, and with the ability to fly, it'd likely stay that way. And even with their firepower, if his albeit scarce knowledge on dragons due to the fact they weren't real, they had scales that could take a beating. This combined with the fact the thing looked like decayed skin had caked to the point it looked almost as hard as rock meant that ranged weaponry would only earn its ire. And with that beam that it had, any cover would be destroyed within seconds if not less leading by example of the car's brief taking of the brunt of the beam.

Of which looked to be little more than melted metal and torn rusted machinery.

That was when he had an idea. Star Platinum's hit could break nearly everything, so if he could get close enough to the dragon, he might just be able to give the people armed with guns more of a method to actually do harm.

Here's where he hit a snare in the plan. Approaching it head on would be suicide, even with Star Platinum's Time Stop. Which required a short span of seconds to essentially cool down, he'd be dead once he got close enough that the beast could tear him to pieces with the talons on its arms.

But another idea came to mind, one that was ten years old, and was more of a impulsive reaction to another series of events involving another Stand user.

Wheel of Fortune. A car that drenched anyone within range in gasoline and injure them with said gasoline, before igniting the fuel with sparks lighting the poor bastard up. Jotaro barely survived that, but had used his Stand to burrow underground to douse the flames, and to get closer to a deadly Stand and its user.

It had a small chance of working, as the dragon wasn't cocky and the type to talk. But all he needed was to have it remain on the ground.

From behind his cover, he'd shout to the others. "I have a plan, but it requires all of you to keep the damn thing grounded and stationary, if not stationary then at least grounded!" He'd continued "I am gonna approach it from underground and break open the outer layer of its skin, so that we can do damage to it!" He finished shouting as he turned his head to Arthur.

"Arthur, I am gonna to need to spot for me, if that dragon moves around, I need you to call out where it has moved. Or if it takes off, got it?" Jotaro would step away from Arthur as he brought forth Star Platinum once more, not realizing or noticing that his Stand was visible, as Star Platinum unleashed a series of punches to the ground in front of Jotaro with a flurry of shouts that rang out as "Oraoraoraoraoraora!" The pavement becoming dust in seconds, as a impromptu tunnel into the sewers was made. Jotaro and his Stand would drop down into it, walking towards the area closest to the dragon, punching whatever poor creature that dared to get in his way.

He just had to hope that the others could remain safe, and that this plan could work.

@Wade Von Doom @LenxKaitoYaoi @Valkan @Signupname @Jenhal @Henryboy003 @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
"Oh, couple weeks. Me and Wade got into a scuffle with some fellas who arrived with us, but we got them dealt with not too long after. Wanted to stick my knife in his throat, see if that'd shut him up, but turns out, he got some sort've... healing factor, was it?" Arthur asked.

"Yep." Deadpool was busy slightly admiring the teenager Ayami's ability to down half a bottle of Burbon without a sudden feeling of pain in her throat from so much alcohol, you could turn the bottle into a Molotov cocktail.

"He gets pumped with several rounds to the chest by these guys, and somehow, he's still standing like they were just mosquito bites."

"Trust me, I've tried all the ways to die, and the best I could get was 2 minutes in the afterlife." He snagged the bottle back from Ayami, before commenting on her rather filthy mouth with, "Easy there, cupcake, you're more angsty than a Rob Liefeld character... 'cept with normal feet." He looked at her feet when he said that too. "Anymore swearing, I'll need to get the jar and soap out."
Ayami replied "And not being excessively muscular...What ? I read American comics sometimes...not my thing unfortunately, but still though..."

"Har di har har"
She said in response to Deadpool warning , "Fuck you"
"How old are you?" Arthur asked Ayami, since she looked no younger than 15, yet had enough battle scars on her of a veteran soldier.
"Celebrated my sweet 16 in a few weeks ago...Why you ask ?" She answered, although she suspects she knows the reason for his question. Many people in her "business", as it was, started very young. To her , it's not something especially abhorrence ,an understandable reaction of alot of people, but just another fact of life.
"Guy's been rangling up anyone who's teleported into the city for the week's we've been here, and if you ain't as cold blooded as he is, consider yourself a goner. He ain't taking prisoners, just your stuff."
She shrugged, "It's a dog eats dog world dude...But the guy is still like an ass, which is why I go with you guys...
Ayami not especially hate Doom for his actions. She herself has done horrible things in the course of her life in the name of survival...but that doesn't mean she wants to follows some random warlord where she have the alternative, and this group is a good alternative to that, and much larger also. Besides...
" People like him probably subject potential recruits to some pointless edgy 'test' for their loyalty or ruthlessness or other crap, going by what ya say..."
Though, I would like to point out, I have never seen him with a degree in medicine at all."
"Eh," she joked back, "those robo hands would make a bad surgeon anyways..."
A moment of clarity would be welcomed in this situation anyways, she thought
"They're comin'!" An Irish voice echoed out from down the street. Two men suddenly came running out from around the corner, one bleeding from the forehead, and both covered in dust and dirt. "We gotta get the fuck outta here!" The one bleeding shouted,
Ayami immediately turn her attention to the shout. She saw two men wih an Irish accents, both are wounded to some degree. Their state plus the fact that they are clearly running from somehingled her to only one conclusion: Trouble. "Oh come the fuck on, what now ?"
Well.... Something big landed on the far side of the street.


It was a goddamn big dragon.

"Oh... fuck my mouth." Was all Deadpool could say.


Its fire flooded down the street like a wave of water, and when it past, it shot out that white light from its mouth, exploding the ground not too long after it
A dragon. A godsdanmed dragon. 50 feet reptiles of doom. Fire breathing flying machine of destructions. Those things are rare in her world, but each of them are capable of causing horrific destruction. This one's leather is also caked hard, making it seems tougher than steel.Her most prominent emotion is not fear however, but the sheer disbelieving of how she encountered two giant monsters in less than 12 hours.
"Agh ...mother fucking hell, seriously ?"
She immediately jumped to cover. Form the cover, she summons an M60 light machine gun out of thin air, and spray bullets at it.
From behind his cover, he'd shout to the others. "I have a plan, but it requires all of you to keep the damn thing grounded and stationary, if not stationary then at least grounded!" He'd continued "I am gonna approach it from underground and break open the outer layer of its skin, so that we can do damage to it!" He finished shouting as he turned his head to Arthur.
"It's a plan as good as any ." She shouted back, while keep pouring fire to the rampaging monster in front of them. Then , in a blink, she switch her machinegun to an RPG-7, and rocket assisted anti tank warheads start slamming into the blackened hide of the dragon.
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Yang, Saber and Silver all snapped right into battle poses, as soon as the winged beast landed. Yang's shotgun gauntlets clicked, signalling they're ready to go, Saber's vital points got covered by shiny armor, and in her hand appeared an invisible sword, around which air swirled rapidly. Even Silver picked up a whole bunch of rocks that were laying around with his psychic powers.

But just then, a man, Jotaro, proposed his plan.

"Keep it grounded? Alright, can do." Yang said with a smirk. She then shot herself far up into the air using her gauntlets, then firing again in mid-air, came crashing fist-first into the dragon's face.

While she performed that maneuver, Saber nodded, said "I'll assist, then.", and ran towards the dragon on foot, with speeds that were definitely not human. When she was close enough, she leapt onto the side of a nearby building, before jumping onto the dragon, and starting to slash the beast's back while standing on it.

Silver had probably the least combat confidence out of the three, but he wasn't about to let that stop him from helping, so he started chucking debris at the dragon with his telekinesis. He wasn't sure if it was actually harming it, but it was something, at least.

Everyone was mostly situated by the time the dust had cleared from when they were running. From what it seemed like, whatever had brought Ashwin to the destroyed and war-torn planet could only go one way. The flash also seemed to pick people up at different times, so there wasn't any real pattern to it, other than the fact that they were all pretty unique people or creatures, in the case of silver. Suddenly, a shout could be heard from above the group, followed by the snapping of Deadpool's neck. "Oh what in the Caedes!" Ashwin let out, a little startled by how fast Wade's neck had contorted into a direction it was not meant to be in. Arthur tried to assure the group this had happened before, but the fact that wade's bones were popping and crushing back into place was not helping. Ashwin was unsure how to totally react to it, whether to be in awe or to be concerned.

The moment was then interrupted by two men, very similar in physique and with strange accents, running up to the group. One of the two looked to be bleeding from a cut on their forehead, having the blood go into their eyes. The two seemed to be in a sort of panic and running from something. As they arrived, they were shouting something about hundreds heading their direction. "Hold on, hundreds of what?" Ashwin questioned, immediately answered by a large form landing in the street, letting out a big gust of wind from its wings. It's skin was covered in some sort of mold, and the air rotted with the stench of the dead. It was a dragon, Ashwin knew almost immediately. They were extremely rare in Ashwin's world, mainly because humans hunted them down because they were the most powerful among Caedes's creatures. "Not good, NOT GOOD!" Ashwin shouted, raising a wall of ice to block an incoming ray of fire. Ashwin didn't expect the explosion, so the wall was then blasted apart into little icicles. Jotaro then shouted to the group that he had a plan, but it involved everyone grounding the creature. A few people tried to smash it's face into the ground, but that didn't help the fact that it still had wings. This thing needed to be on the ground longer than five seconds at least. "I would suggest that we ru-" Ashwin turned to say, realising that jotaro was already underground and several people were not paying attention. "Ok then, dragon hunting it is!" Ashwin mumbled, releasing a chain made of ice from their wrist, which was attached to a nearby building. A ramp of snow then promptly formed for Ashwin to pull themselves up on. They quickly slide up the ramp and onto the side of the building, not covered in ice. Ashwin's other hand was outstretched, creating a roof of ice over the group, hopefully keeping the dragon on the ground and flying away. Ashwin then quickly had a bow entirely made of ice form in their hand and let off several shots toward the dragon. They probably wouldn't penetrate its hide, but it would at least distract it from the others. Mistakes were made, and Ashwin was hit with an explosion made from the dragon's attempt at shooting the people in the air out of the air. Ashwin was lifted into the air from the amount of force, and landed chest first onto a car next to the people still on the ground. They probably broke a rib or two, and all of the breath was knocked out of them. "Ahhh…" Ashwin sighed out, sliding off the car and hiding behind it. "I think i made a mistake" they said, gripping at their chest.


Everyone was now bickering over their defeat with the group. It seemed that Arc's prediction was right, this really was a waste of the group's resources. Arc was also now able to overhear their goal thanks to the two villain's bickering. A city invasion was to take place. It was a good idea on their part, since it would provide both a base of operations while they figured out what was happening, and it also gave them soldiers to interrogate for information. Arc's head then turned to the looming Dr. Doom. Arc had dealt with this type of intimidation before, but it was mainly suited for mean with large scars and big swords. This man did have a different style to it though, as it showed more intent than actually putting fear into a person. It was to make Arc feel small and weak. Arc bent himself into a bow, trying to respect the man's aura of judgement. "I am at your command" Arc simply said, even though that wasn't all of it. If Arc had any chance of getting what he wanted, he would need to do his own little work of his own, which might or might not conflict with this being. "You can call me Arc, the killer saint" he mentioned, standing back up and staring into the man's eyes. "May I hear of your plan sire?" he asked.