PARALOGUE The Evrensel Conflict: Paralogue 2.2 -- The Usual Suspects

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
Original poster
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  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
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  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.
While Batman, Columbo, Morgana and Otto dealt with investigating the crime scenes, it was up to Ryan and Luer to interrogate the suspects of these crimes. That was to say, 'suspected' criminals. Many of the suspects in question, like Morgana, were being accused without much evidence besides rumor and innuendo. And they had been running so rampant now, some fights were starting to break out across the station, much like the one in the bar. So, it was down to the two Evrensel Detective Agents™ to go down the list of suspects, and determine who, if any of them, could be the thief behind these strange crimes.



Van's questionable past, and incredible skill for stealing, made him a prime target for accusations of the burglaries. But was he?​
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Suspect 1- Van

For some people, being locked into a rather cramped room that is definitely more suited to closed doors interrogations and torture would be more than plenty to have them crack down and try to cooperate. After all, there's no doubting the tension that is an environment designed to be explicitly hostile against you.

However, anybody who deserves to be in or work there would know its purpose isn't misused. Being put in this place would mean hostilities are given to be high for both sides of the room.
It's only a matter of whether he gives them a reason to use force or not...and whether they give him any either.

Gods know it's gonna be hell to catch him if he manages to slip out and starts running with the intention of avoiding contact after all.

So as Ryan and Luer enter the room, they'd see the first suspect sitting atop the table, slouched to rest his chin on his hand, resting upon a bent knee. (Is as comfortable as he can get in this place without just brooding in a corner, and he doesn't want his back to a wall here)

One silent glance from Van to the two tells plenty that this ain't his first time in this situation (even if it is his first time here).
And given his silence, he doesn't intend to spill info until he knows what he can afford to spill.
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This was stupid.

Luer had several strong feelings about how the investigation he was doing with Ryan had to be done. Why was it necessary for this tiny room? Why did they have to bring anyone all the way here? Would it not have just been easier to talk to them right then and where they were when they found them? He sighed to himself. This is so stupid…

He looked to Ryan and shrugged. They had no choice. He went in then, looking to Van as he sat on the table- why were there no chairs? Hell Luer was sure this is the first time he had ever even seen this person. He cleared his throat, offering a short bow. "Sorry for this, it was not my idea. My name is Luer Lastez, and we are trying to find the culprit behind several thefts around the station as of late." He offered.

He leaned against the wall across from Van now. To be honest, since he had never met this man, he was entirely unsure where to even start. "Did you know about the thefts happening lately?" It would be a surprise if he did not, but then, Luer himself only knew because he had heard it in passing.
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Ryan Morganyag

This was going to be a pain.

Interrogating was never his strong suit, he worked far better when he had to give some "motivation" for people to speak... Or so he would've thought, but those days are behind him. So what remained from him to be helpful? Pretty much nothing. But someone had to do the job, and he trusted that Luer could get anyone's tongue loose. Meaning he was here mostly to make sure nobody tried any funny business, and cheer Luer on.

Unlike Luer, who approached the guy already, Ryan closed the door behind him and leaned against it with his arms crossed. Choosing to stay silent and let his boyfriend do his thing. Hopefully he'd have no need to intervene, but one never knows.
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Suspect 1- Van

A raised eyebrow on Van's part is what the two can notice as a gut response to Luer's question. Not in the sense of prodding the key to deeper info, but more akin to mentioning...something familiar? Either he's well-connected regarding information, or he's got experience.

In what, is unknown however, besides what feels like obvious guesses.

A rhythmic tap rattles through the table as the boy's idle hand makes itself busy as he thinks of a response, one that is found easily.
"Van-" A name that's already known given his position. "-and no, I do not know about the recent thefts happening."

Honest or not, there's little to really dig into with him. Besides his answer and the few reactions (the only reaction at that), his stare is firm and steady in being mildly heated.
Luer glanced to Ryan when he got situated at the door. Well, at least he was assured Van was not getting out of here without a fight. Turning attention back to said man he noted the brow raise, but said nothing of it for now. He gave a nod and offered a smile. "Ah, then you have not lost anything. That is good." He said. So whatever thief was around had not bothered or gotten to Van yet. He was thankful he had not lost anything yet either.

With that said, though, he relaxed his posture a little. "There have been things going missing lately. Nothing expensive and nothing largely… important, actually. Small things that end up more an inconvenience than a true loss- but a problem nonetheless." He explained. "Ryan and I are trying to get an idea on who might be the one stealing things and making life more irritating for everyone here." He paused, making a small pout. "Though I would not be surprised if the culprit was the multiverse itself trying to fuck with us further…" A grumbled thought and he shook his head of it quickly.

"But that is not relevant yet. Is there any chance you have seen or noticed anyone- or any thing, I guess- acting strange or with things they otherwise should not have? Anything is helpful since we really do not have much to go on right now." The archer could only hope. They were grasping at straws with no true lead as it was. That and, if Van is the thief, his words would give him some sense of security in not being caught knowing they had no leads to truly mark him as their man.
Suspect 1- Van

Luer's hope would be smashed unceremoniously by a blunt response. Not spoken swiftly out of desperate cover-up, but out of speaking the obvious as more of a witness than anything.

"No, I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. At the very least I don't even meet people that much in the first place and those I do see..." There's a particular look he gives Luer. One that is read very easily, and is more sarcasm visually delivered.

'You think anybody on this station doesn't act bizarre and out of place?'
Ryan Morganyag

Ryan inhaled deeply and calmly walked up to the opposite side of the table from Van and Luer, and slammed his fist against it, leaving a visible dent on the table. "Listen kid, we are not here for your witty remarks, let alone sarcasm. Just answer the damn questions, and this'll be over soon enough" Ryan walked back to the door and stood as he was before "That is, if you are not our culprit." Ryan exhaled. Seeming clearly bothered by this whole ordeal. "Now then. Do please tell me, what was your profession before being dragged here?"