CLOSED PARALOGUE The Evrensel Conflict: Paralogue 1 -- The Cyber-Hangover

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Fifth Grade Fixer, Oliver

Before the shooting started, Oliver was squatting by his assortment of trophies, his hands idly holding and weighing each of them before, seemingly at random, chucking them out the window or shoving them into his bag. After a few minutes of this, he finally reaches the last of his collection. A pair of wings, massive in scale, tattered with numerous gashes that presumably came from his very own sword. Gingerly picking them up, Oliver considered them for a minute, stock still.
Look, buddy, the only stuff we really needed to grab here's the dragon teeth. Most of this shit you could probably find in a pawnshop, and the rest is just goofy. Like, what the hell are we gonna do with a pair of wings?
That's... hmmmmm...
Need I remind the both of you that capes are not allowed under Downpour Office uniform policy. Besides, they are very impractical.
While logically true, logistically, we still do not have the appropriate bag size or capacity to craft an effective cloak from these wings.
Wait. Something's up.
Suddenly dropping the wings, he turns towards the entrance. Michael or Chicago or whatever, was aiming at something out the window, that one robot from earlier was hopping into cover, and a green circular object was rolling into the room.
That, is a grenade.
A second passed, before Oliver dove out the way, rolling into cover right beside soldier-boy (@The Wanderer) just as the bullets started flying. Bracing against the surprisingly sturdy couch, he crouched, sword already shouldered ready to vault over toward the enemy. Any second now...
It has been 10 seconds. You do not know how long they are supposed to go on for until they blow, but you are sure that 10 seconds is too long.
Someone else must have handled it.
Smaller explosions resounded after, slightly further away from his current position. Peeking out, he saw Flynn shooting a gun by... singing at it. Whatever, he wasn't gonna question it. Glancing over to the entrance, his eye glowed a brilliant amber as the world around him slowed.
The distance between us and the entrance is 20ft. The average rat, armed typically with a switchblade or equivalent, is fast enough to charge and kill an average Nest dweller armed with a pistol or equivalent. Although, this requires that the Nest dweller have their weapon holstered. Furthermore, the rat in question would usually not be a Fixer equipped with expensive augments.
The soldier besides you fires with practiced consistency, an angry war cry spilling from his lips. Words that he has said many times before. Behind you, Flynn and Chicago converse. The latter responds to the former in resignation. We're gonna have to push through.
Maybe do it with a war cry or something of your own? It's a fun little way of hyping yourself up, you know?
Something simple. The motto of the Zwei Association and Downpour Office would not work within this scenario.
After a minute or so of observation from his perspective the world around him resumed it normal pace. Oliver's hand patted the back of Artyom's shoulder, "Nah, best if we just push through the new guys, shouldn't be too bad yeah? Just keep they're heads down with that laser gun of yours." Waiting for a second to ensure Artyom heard him, Oliver braces himself again, sword resting easily on his shoulder, before dashing over the couch. Within an eyeblink, he is on the Advent soldiers, the ones closest to the door suddenly falling into wet sticky halves as Oliver slows down, his augments beginning to cycle. Grabbing one of the soldiers with his off-hand, he bodily tosses them toward the others, using the spin from that maneuver to drop to a knee; dodging a stab from a soldier with a stun prod while also bisecting him at the waist. Standing back up, his augs complete their cycle, the world slowing down again just as the soldiers raise their guns toward him.

He didn't know why, but he was in a really good mood right now.

Say the line man.
Laughing heartily, he charged the poor motherfuckers, "FIXER, ON THE SCENE!"
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Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Nostrils flaring with a glance over David as the fresh red blood on him had its own very distinct scent over Flynn's own and eyed the arm it was coming from. Without a husk for armor she was a rather delicate flight creature but with it she didn't have the same senses. She commented at the Chicago as the long wings folded backward up her arms to cross at the shoulder, "Scent of sugar and acid mixed with old machines lodged in dirt. Hm." @PolyesterH

Flynn looked to Erie as she handed the doctor's bag to David with a vorp of removal from the storage space, "Erie and Oliver have to take point I don't take damage any better. Hand me my rifle, you can handle the pistol, my blood," said Flynn as she eyed Oliver yelling to meet the soldiers headlong, "Off he goes."

Erie's gleeful agreement came while trading weapons though she had a very mechanical disassociation of enemies with people that suffer. The face scrunched with a raise of her brow when some void of abstract wisdom bothered her even while taking an unhesitating firing stance toward the door though glanced back at chicago and alec waiting for them to start moving forward, "Okay, Mom! I hope the enemies are people if I get hit and have to eat some." @Wade Von Doom @PolyesterH

Flynn racked the slider on her weapon back one magnitude though it was less to chamber ammunition than to control how much of herself she spent, "To live we eat who we have to, my blood."

She kept low as Oliver drew fire and took a floor position near Artyom picking a different name for grandfather teeth from recognizing bits of high gothic on his uniform that sounded right as some bastard decendant of latin. It was the same terse voice if a bit more melodic as the one he'd met in the bar, "Other way out invokes the underworks of our Deus Mechanicus and a very bad time. No condition for plane travel. You can't fly. We have to go through." @The Wanderer

Bipod down, she flipped the weapon platform safety as the former thumping explosions were short VREeEeE of burst fires of Incindiary raindrops. The chanting in her own language more a regulator by parameters and a draw upon reality as to her focus of wrath. Flynn tried not to hit Oliver while suppressing the soldiers coming through while the others discombobulated themselves. Smaller packets meant less total ammunition used though she was nearly starving as it was and probably shouldn't make more. @BazusoTheGrey
Where's the kaboom?... There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!

Instead, what the Advent soldiers got were a face full of blue flames that burned through their armor. The ones by the entrance were affected the most, burning into charred corpses by the astounding heat Flynn produced, while the others backed away to avoid the same fate, with Arty's suppressive fire blocking them from making a charge into the suite. They were prepared to hold steady and wait until the group tried coming out, but out came Oliver first. And like the cyberpsycho he was, slashed his way through the troops with Flynn behind to provide even more covering fire. The small unit of Advent were getting decimated, and only a few remained left.

They began to retreat to the back end of the hallway, looking for the staircase down to regroup with the others. Only for the roof to suddenly collapse on top of them, along with a large, four armed, cat-looking behemoth of a humanoid. With a loud splat, the Advent were crushed, and their green blood spraying out across the hallway. The behemoth, Kintaro, tried raising his head up, but after a moment of struggle, passed out instead. On top of him were Jeremy and Jay. Both of them looked battered, beaten, and ready to lay down. Seems Jeremy got into a scuffle with Kintaro up above, and with the help of Jay, managed to beat the Shokan. Though not without a lot of bruises.

Jay simply slid off Kintaro, groaning in pain.

Meanwhile, inside, Alec was struggling to open her eyes as Chicago pulled her out the tub. Whether it was the soap or the gin, her eyes were burning like someone replaced her tear glands with lemons, while at the same time was weeping hot sauce. "AHHHHHHH!!" She screamed, fumbling around the tub, before then fumbling around on the floor. "HOLD ON, GIMME A MIN-- AH!" The floor, still covered in shampoo, was now wet with tub water. And in trying to stand back up with Chicago and Erie's help, all three would just end up falling over again.

Erie in particular, thanks to her unusual... existence, would land right on the edge of the tub, and break off a large chunk of ceramic. The water would flood the bathroom, and wash out into the suite hallway.
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David Caddel, Chicago

As Chicago fell, he was rather grateful that his hands were outside of the trigger area. Gun safety had merits after all. He fell on the ground back first with less of a thud and more of a squish. This scenario was starting to get embarrassing. Not only had he been shot, not only had he been injured, and not only had the thief gotten away, he was now face up shutting his eyes upon hearing a crack against the bathtub. The flow of soap and alcohol did nothing to help the situation. As it washed past him, the floor now thoroughly lubricated, On an appreciable level, he did not want to try and stand up. The fact everyone else would too in a moment which would doubtlessly result in everyone falling down again was a factor, so was the floor's status. The shampoo, probably, made a lot of bubbles. At least it felt that way. His guns were probably all soaped up as well. They'd need serious cleaning work. They may not even fire at this point.

But as his thoughts started to drift more internal about his own failures, especially recently, his will galvanized. Now was not the time for a pity party. Self reflection on his failures could come later, but first he had to a dry place and stand up. He raises his free arm out of the soap and flicks it slightly, getting most of it off. Thankfully, the mask had protected the eyes, allowing him to open them as he sits up. Getting his gun in his other hand, making sure the safety's on, he begins to army crawl over the ground into the suite hallway. Though knowing how things had gone, it would probably more resemble sliding.

His arm was hurting like hell though, mostly due to the alcohol and soap that was forcefully disinfecting it, but also from applying pressure on it. At least he wouldn't die of an infection.
Where's the kaboom?... There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!

Instead, what the Advent soldiers got were a face full of blue flames that burned through their armor. The ones by the entrance were affected the most, burning into charred corpses by the astounding heat Flynn produced, while the others backed away to avoid the same fate, with Arty's suppressive fire blocking them from making a charge into the suite. They were prepared to hold steady and wait until the group tried coming out, but out came Oliver first. And like the cyberpsycho he was, slashed his way through the troops with Flynn behind to provide even more covering fire. The small unit of Advent were getting decimated, and only a few remained left.

They began to retreat to the back end of the hallway, looking for the staircase down to regroup with the others. Only for the roof to suddenly collapse on top of them, along with a large, four armed, cat-looking behemoth of a humanoid. With a loud splat, the Advent were crushed, and their green blood spraying out across the hallway. The behemoth, Kintaro, tried raising his head up, but after a moment of struggle, passed out instead. On top of him were Jeremy and Jay. Both of them looked battered, beaten, and ready to lay down. Seems Jeremy got into a scuffle with Kintaro up above, and with the help of Jay, managed to beat the Shokan. Though not without a lot of bruises.

Jay simply slid off Kintaro, groaning in pain.

Meanwhile, inside, Alec was struggling to open her eyes as Chicago pulled her out the tub. Whether it was the soap or the gin, her eyes were burning like someone replaced her tear glands with lemons, while at the same time was weeping hot sauce. "AHHHHHHH!!" She screamed, fumbling around the tub, before then fumbling around on the floor. "HOLD ON, GIMME A MIN-- AH!" The floor, still covered in shampoo, was now wet with tub water. And in trying to stand back up with Chicago and Erie's help, all three would just end up falling over again.

Erie in particular, thanks to her unusual... existence, would land right on the edge of the tub, and break off a large chunk of ceramic. The water would flood the bathroom, and wash out into the suite hallway.

I have no idea where I am.

I have no idea who these people are.

I haven't felt this bad since Tijuana...both staying there, and fighting there.

Jeremy managed to push himself up, stumble-walking to Jay and patting his shoulder. "We did it, by damn...we can't stay here, partner," he said, hoisting Jay up carefully. He turned back to the group, likely still stunned by the killing of some half dozen hostiles via the dropping of a monster tiger on top of their heads, and casually asked, "I'm looking for a woman, had a pip-boy on her wrist I think? Little machine, like a big watch? Was with a guy - Alec, I think - he had a bad knee, wouldn't shut up about it?"

Hearing the one borged up like a tech priest speak to him to continue to lay down suppressive fire so he could rush him, the Cadian would only nod at the order as he continued to fire intermittently in random sections of the hole at least until the cyborg got close enough to massacre a good number of the enemy combatants as the strange bird alien thing crept next to him. Eyes went to the battery charge indicator on the side of the lasgun, Artyom would scoff slightly. The Xeno spoke of something akin to the Adeptus Mechanicus but with Deus in front of it. Mention of underworks and pushback of a different exit just confused him. "Karking.....I dunno what you're on about but you're right about pushing through. Other option would be making a hole in the floor and descending a floor but seems the cyborg is finishing up. Best we move up and-" Artyom would speak before a loud crash cut him off. Immediately he cut the conversation off and would move up with his lasgun being stowed and the chainsword being raised and activated. He nearly slipped on the bubble water as it leaked into the hallway, a curse thrown towards the trio in the bathroom.

Nearly slipping once more when Chicago slid out, Artyom made his way into the hallway, ready to slice up more of the enemy when the sight before him was quite interesting. Green blood and debris everywhere, dust still settling from the collapsed ceiling. Deactivating the chainsword and stowing it, he braced his lasgun as he looks at the strange four-armed cat person as they lay unconscious. "Make sure to double tap that thing." He would caution as he would flick off the safety on the lasgun and he'd go around to the uncrushed Advent soldiers, examining them for any loot that'd be useful. If he didn't find anything, he'd aim the lasgun and give a double tap to the body. One in the chest, one to the head. Instincts told him to always make sure the enemy was dead. Each shot splattering more of that green blood until he was positive that they wouldn't be shot in the back.

Heading back into the suite, he would see Chicago was wounded. And despite the strangeness of the entire situation, they were allies at least for now. So he would reach out to help Chicago out of the suite where once Chicago wasn't slick with soap, Artyom would begin dealing with the wound. Namely getting the rough disinfectant out of the wound and so he could examine the wound to see just how bad it was before he'd start bandaging the arm and putting pressure on the wound before he tied off the bandage. "Not a field medic but you should hopefully not bleed out until we can get you to a proper medicae." Artyom said as he'd continue to help Chicago however he may.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @PolyesterH @littlekreen @Apothecary Bruce @BazusoTheGrey
Fifth Grade Fixer, Oliver

With covering fire from his two co-workers, and the frankly atrocious melee ability of the soldiers in front of him, Oliver really shouldn't have been surprised that the enemy just began to try running away from the madman with a sword rather than continuing the fight. It still miffed him out however.
Ehhhhh, can you blame em? Guys were using guns mostly, probably don't even know how to melee properly. Besides, running away's natural, you can't get mad at people for running away from things.

Factually speaking, the fact that we are alive despite charging at all of our issues is a statistical outlier when compared with the mortality rate of those who attempt to do the same.
Eh, whatever. Stalking toward the last of the soldiers, he inwardly smiles as they leg it for the door at the end of the hallway. After a second, he books it towards them, only to be met with an onrush of sprayed blood and guts before even reaching them. After a slight pause, he reaches up with his offhand and wipes the blood off his sensors with a slight sigh of disappointment while looking at the three new guys who had just landed, two of which were vaguely familiar.
Well, that's anticlimactic. Say, out of all of the moments we've gotten this uniform messy, where would this moment rank?
Likely 10th, or lower. Most of this mess could be washed off with either a shower or a somewhat dedicated attempt at cleaning. In fact, we can likely do so with the showering unit, when the rest are finished with their attempts at exiting the room.
Vocalizing a lip smack at the thought he turns around just as Artyom enters the hallway. With his sword still shouldered on his right, Oliver motioned at the new arrivals with a point of his left, "Oh hey. These guys ended up crushing the rest of the baddies before we could get to 'em. I sorta recognize the two guys on top of the cat thing, but said cat thing's absolutely new." Turning back to the now recovering... co-workers? Scattered? Whatever the ad-hoc world jumpers he was a part of were called.
Did we ever get context for what happened after waking up from getting kidnapped?
If we have, we have forgotten. However, this can likely be explained by our earlier encounter with the purple eyed man, so it is nothing to worry about.
Eh, best to ask later then. Anyway, turning toward the two new guys, he'd answer Artyom's comment with a mild, "Sure thing man, just gonna talk with these two first." before walking up to them.
Well, looking at this guy, he's obviously probably from Abigail's world or whatever going off of the vibe, so he might be trustworthy? I dunno, he hasn't started stabbing at us and we saw him in the bar. Wait, are we supposed to recruit him? We've sorta been doing that with literally everyone else.
Unknown. Even if that is the case however, it is always prudent to hold another at arm's length before giving up information. Besides that, this is Alec's issue, considering they are the one leading this case.
Right, right. Alright how do we be subtle about this?
Bouncing around his thoughts, Oliver would answer Jeremy, "Yeah, we know 'em. They're actually busy tripping over each other in the bathroom in the room behind us right now. Anyway, I guess you could call us their co-workers or something. Why do you wanna know?"
That was the complete opposite of subtle.
Fuck off, I know
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Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

The warbling of pulse fire stopped when the soldiers broke and retreated away from Oliver, and then Flynn flicked the safety on—listening with a faint curl of her head to keep Artyom in range of her ear hole. Checking her supplies, she found them little better than Artyom's as the flat black eyes looked to the guardsman until she, like him, fixated on the noise.

Water got her notice quickly underneath him as the floor turned a shade of blue with the moist air and scent of soap, leading her to the figures flailing and David sliding his way out of the bathroom. Tch, her blood Erie got more from her pact bearer than Flynn, no water legs.

There were faint slap-clink noises as Flynn's extended partly webbed claw-toes slapped the wet floor. The weapon platform hoisted, and the bipod clicked back as she moved after Artyom with a body that bobbed and weaved far less than the head. She watched Artyom double-tap the soldiers and wrinkled her nose at the smell. She didn't care to try eating whatever they were just saying with her partly wet wings folded back, "I don't have the strength left in me to shoot anything I don't have to. I don't know what karking or cadia is either. I said my Machine demiurge has servants I can call to get out of here, but you don't invoke the Machine unless you want a different problem than you've got."

As Artyom tended Chicago, Jinhai's hooded cowl rose out of her bright blue 'breastplate' with a smooth plate for a face, "Speaking of injuries, host, might I ask why you have fifty-seven partially healed stab wounds?"

She looked down at the servitor she knew wouldn't help David even if she ordered it to, "This place got me drunk, so I tried to escape my life. Your Machine said no. Made me its damned acolyte like my mother."

"Oh, excellent!" it said as Jinhai did what she figured in looking at Chicago's arm before vanishing—cold bastards.

Then Oliver said he knew the two new arrivals and, unlike the guardsman, wasn't inclined to shoot cordial people she didn't need to. She then heard a yell behind her.

Erythronaut 'Erie' - Character Sheet

Erie yelped as she fell backward into the porcelain tub. Her armored hind end could both take and deliver a pounding that cracked off a shard, skittering off to a wall as water poured over the top of her. Created by a water-diving species, her mother, the pistol disagreed with being submerged because of its nature rather than electrical shorts. Emerging from the water would take a moment as she fell forward onto her back from trying to pull Alec out when Alec fell, yet again, and would have knocked the wind out of her if she had any. Instead, Erie's mind is entirely consumed with the idea of a slippy floor rather than Alex and spun in place regardless of whether anyone is on top. Both feet braced on the sides of the tub hole, Erie bent her head back to aim at an object in the direction Chicago went. With a wiggle to aim, she thrust with powerful legs, shooting through the door, though holding any wayward limbs from hitting the sides.

Rocketing out into the living room like a gigantic slip-and-slide, she gleefully stared upside down as she prepared to ricochet. "WHEEEEE!" Said the cheerful noise as she kicked one leg to spin her about and change direction, thrusting again to launch out the doorway. The blasts had rather cleared a path if Oliver had even left anyone in a direct path of the door, but soon she skidded to a stop as the wet soap dried from the back of her clothing, and friction brought her to a halt.

Erie looked upside down at Flynn, who snorted and rubbed her forehead at Erie's excited call, "Hi! That was fun. It's better than having to shoot people. Michael got hurt. That wasn't fun. Are you okay, Michael?"
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Big Anri
Anri (Hungry…)

There was a lot of things that happened that didn't really catch Anri's attention. The slippery little man that squeezed by her. The roof caving in on itself with people standing triumphantly. The ongoing shootout that started up again. There were few things that catch her attention in times like this. What "times", you ask? The times where sudden, deep hunger hits Anri. All those years of hunting down and eating large amounts of food had made her body accustomed to such habits. She had no problem with it during her time in the Dawn Covenant, but in the time after their victory, Anri had experienced more and more instances of sudden hunger. There was no party of comrades willing to help keep their rations plentiful, and she couldn't even remember if she had eaten anything solid since coming on this trip.

So now she was hungry, and she couldn't care less about everything else happening around her… Then she spotted something. It was a monster! A large humanoid monster! It wasn't undead, it wasn't made of some other material, and it definitely did not look like it could even be related to her species! Which, for Anri, it could only mean one thing: FOOD!

The embiggened girl moved quickly to the unconscious Kintaro. She had never seen his kind before. Four arms, short fur, three clawed fingers. It was wearing some sort of harness, so she guessed it was supposed to be a war beast of some sort. It was also still alive, which was a problem. She didn't want it to wake up and fight back or run away. She was hungry NOW not later (yet)! So she had to end its life quickly. Since she was larger than usual, so her hand was able to cover its head. Before it could wake up, she yanked as hard as she could! It did not go as she expected.

Usually when she yanks her prey's head, it snaps or breaks, but remains intact. Apparently not this one. For some reason its head ripped straight off, spine and all. Anri wasn't grossed out by the sight, but she did pause in surprise from the ease of it. Shrugging, she put the now separated head and spine off to the side and continued with the butchering process she was taught, but in a less than delicate manner. She separated the lower half from the upper half so as to prevent the meat from getting soiled. She stripped the fur off without caring for its uses. She opened it up and removed organs that remained intact. Eventually, she would get to the point where she would finally be able to eat. She preferred cooked meat, but her hunger was such that her patience had run out. She took an arm and chomped the flesh off it as if it were a rib, giving little care in chewing.

She looked like a beast herself with the way she ate…
Agatha Brandt

So, saying a lot of things went over her head would be the understatement of the century. Agatha just stood dazed and confused after Anri was freed through some over the top means. Bullets here, explosions there, she could have sworn something about porn was being mentioned at some point, more loud noises all over...

By the time Agatha's brain kicked into gear and started processing what was going on in real time, the scene was even more chaotic than before she fell on her head somehow. She caught a glimpse of the spitter running away, and Chika, at least that's what Agatha thought her name was, reeling back as clearly something other than saliva was mixed into whatever that green stuff all over her face was.

Still somewhat confused, she chose to aid the stoic warrior for now. "Hey, Chika! Over here!" the policewoman guided the potentially blinded ally to the bathroom's sink, where she would open up the faucet, and rinse Chika's face with some water. Metallic appendages like hers weren't the most pleasant for a face massage certainly, but everyone had their hands full with something or other, so this is as best as it gets. That said, Agatha was aware and tried her best to be gentle, but also fast, as it was clear fate didn't want them here. "Keep your eyes shut, don't let more of that gunk into them..." This morning stunk, literally and figuratively.

There weren't many times Chika would have allowed the spirits haunting her to do what they wished to an individual, but this was certainly one of those times. Whatever that man spat at her was foul in all the ways one could possibly think. Her skin felt like it was being stabbed by needles, the stench of the liquid burned her nostrils, and her eyes were squeezed shut. Whoever that was has earned himself her ire. She was twice lucky that the ensuing chaos was not something she was easily fazed by, and that someone was willing to help her get the liquid off.

When she had the chance to speak without needing to worry of the liquid getting into her mouth, she finally spoke,

"Why… How… this happened? Mission… successful… What happened last night?"

Her voice, as usual was that of a hoarse whisper, but she genuinely did not understand what happened. They had succeeded in gathering supplies and weapons, so how in the world did they end up in this bizarre situation?!

Chika was covered in goop, David was bleeding, Anri was savagely eating a tiger-man-thing like some horrifying cannibal, water was spilling all over the floor making things wet, and there were bodies all over the place. How could things get worse?



The floor collapsed. Maybe it was from all the explosions, maybe the building was structurally weaker than it appeared, maybe all that water weakened it to the point it could no longer keep stable. Either way, as visually demonstrated by this:

undefined - Imgur.gif

The fall was quite spectacular. Dust covered the air as the entire suite imploded on itself, and the sound of wood and metal crushing against each other would be deafening. It was hard to say how far down they fell, but it was high enough that landing hurt like hell, and the debris following down with them was going fast enough to crush anyone to death if it landed on top. Poor Alec during all of this was still dealing with the soap in her eyes, the next thing she knew, the world literally caved in under her feet.

She screamed out and tried grasping at anything around her while falling, only to find air. Panic set in, thinking she would break her neck, or a femur would be sticking out of her skin, or god forbid something stab her through the heart and she dies a slow, painful death while covered only by a dirty white t-shirt.

Yet, the moment she landed, poof. It was soft and padded. A little covered in splinters, but surprisingly, kept her fully intact! When she could open her eyes again, she had landed perfectly center on someone's couch! "Aha... AHA! HA HA HA HA!" Alec let out a loud, nervous laugh at how fortunate her luck was. Finally, something went right for a change! "Ooooooooh, phew!" She sighed in relief, brushed her hair out of her face, and slowly stood up from the couch like everything was going to be fine. Until a piece of sheet metal landed on her head, making a loud 'banging' noise.

"AHHHH!" It hurt.


This floor below them seemed to be a large conference hall that connected to several different rooms. But, it certainly didn't look as nice as the corner Alec landed in. Just going down the hallway to the right lead to some disturbing imagery.


The place was littered with graffiti and body bags. Alec couldn't even begin to understand what exactly it said on the wall, but considering all of this was right underneath their penthouse above. What the hell did they do last night?

Not helped was the fact that close by were more of those empty corpses that were littered around Flynn's cage back upstairs. And they were all in a worshiping position to... a large, multi-piece statue that looked exactly like a velociraptor; made from random pieces of metal junk and bits of machinery.

Another odd thing, just across the hallway from there was a car. A wrecked car. A wrecked car that had busted through multiple walls. A wrecked car that was up nearly fifty stories in this building like someone that thrown it up here. It had broken through seven walls, was barely recognizable as whatever it was previously, and its driver was a mangled piece of meat still in his seat.
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The last recollection Xenon retained was sharing a final drink with a captivating Zeltron at the Mos Eisley Cantina. The memory then blurred with a sudden burst of green light, a distant shout, and subsequent inebriated oblivion. She might have continued her slumber indefinitely if not for the literal ceiling collapsing, unleashing a cacophony of chaos.

Jolting awake, Xenon collided with an unseen obstacle, her surroundings now confined within a small, metallic space. As she gingerly rubbed her forehead, she assessed the cramped enclosure and determined its breakable nature.

Externally, anyone observing the remnants of the armored Caliburn would witness its rear section inflating like a balloon, each expansion punctuated by a resounding bang. The inflation culminated in a pink beam of crackling energy erupting from a small aperture, carving a substantial hole through the metal. It appeared that the occupant inside had abandoned their initial escape strategy.

With a crash and metallic scraping, the obstructing metal sheet plummeted to the ground, generating a cloud of dust. Despite the haze, a pair of yellow eyes peered through, revealing the owner's presence amid the aftermath. Emerging from the settling dust was a diminutive crimson Twi'lek, attired in her standard explorer's garb—simple armor weave with flexiplates. In her arms, however, she cradled a far more intriguing possession: a double-bladed pink lightsaber, an exceedingly rare variant of a Kinrath crystal distinguished by its blade color.

"Nope... going back to sleep," she muttered dismissively, convinced that the surreal situation was merely a lingering nightmare, even as the pain from her head's encounter with the car's boot lid persisted.
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Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Flynn was standing there having a different kind of headache as she stared at the carefree Erie. Days without eating had emptied her gut entirely, and she licked her lips while resisting the urge to try and eat David's arm. Anri flooded the entire hallway with the scent of a fresh kill as instinct grabbed her brain and pointed her head toward the discarded head. The rifle immediately swung back to its resting place on her back to resist any dark impulses. Then her wings jerked open from their folded position as reflexes kicked instinct out and said something different, 'We're in the air!' A thought that jolted her senses into slow motion as training reprioritized a problem. A big problem. Buildings sank where she was from, and a developed sense of doom arose with burbling jerks going downward. These ones collapsed.

Bright blue crest feathers and a tail fan tensed hard in an alarm intended for a group that better understood those signals. She now had a grip on some human invectives, though this one, in particular, was something you just understood when you got there. Flynn's black wings with their cobalt flight feathers shot out past Artyom and David though she swore in time with the gouts of air pushing dust through subfloor vents as ducts collapsed, "Fucking Fucked wood fucking building supports!"

Then, she was at eye level with Artyom and David when the floor started to crack and give way in huge sheets. Some significant support was compromised. Her wings were not quite enough as her feet shot out to try and grab onto David and Artyom's back like a bird of prey, although one possibly carrying two coconuts. So, while it wasn't an accelerating fall, it was much faster than any of them would have liked. Those nearby were sprayed with bright blue blood as Flynn's wounds opened from fervent flapping to slow down and avoid obstacles. Midway down, the blue metal of the Jinhai shot up to her head as a rock rammed into her cranium. Some ten feet from the ground, dropping them as she smashed into a pile of bright red body bags, each with their own dry crackles. The blood pressure loss left her dazed as she tried to get up, but her limbs and pulled shoulders shook too much to get further than all fours.

Flynn's voice was hoarse, showing health by little more than sheer indignance. "RrRrRrR! Why would you build your homes out of fuel! Damned rich idiots like the sanguinary!"

Erythronaut 'Erie' - Character Sheet

Erie was on the floor when Mom started the alarm displays, but she didn't understand why. Erie lay on the floor to look around attentively. She didn't see a threat but kept quiet until Mom told her what she was supposed to do. The sodden pistol in her hand went into storage when the floor dropped at the exact moment. The world turned to confusion as she found herself in the air without wings to fly like Mom did. The thought as she pounded into a piece of rebar far below was worrying about her mother and a sudden blast of incoherent noise in her head. A grinding howl of pain rattled the windows as Erie finally felt the rebar impaling her through the back and out the top of her chest. Lucky for her, it was not fatal, and she grabbed the object, sticking through a wound that wouldn't bleed. With her legs lodged under a metal sheet, she just wriggled, trying to climb her way out but lacking the leverage.

From the other side of Alex's cushioned impact, having hit a marble floor, was the armored Erie, who asked plaintively, "I'm stuck, and it hurts. Can someone help me up? I need to see if Mom's okay. Is everyone okay?"
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Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

"I love it when a bluff works out." was the last thing Abby says before a lot of things happen that culminate in the floor giving out beneath them. She thinks fast as this is not the first time a floor has collapsed under her, and jumps onto the nearest couch. It flips in mid-air, protecting her from the rubble that might have crushed her body, armor be damned. Another stroke of luck in her way was that one side of the couch is exposed, allowing her a way out from under it all.

The Death Pod pops out of the cavity first, then Abby squeezes herself out. Mostly. Her unarmored torso comes out fine but her hips get stuck in the opening. She grunts, curses, strains in pushing at the couch and wriggling to dislodge herself.

"Darn it all…Al, you wanna help me out here? I'm stuck, and not in the fun way we did that one time. For real, stuck." Abby calls out to Alec nearby, waving over at him, ceasing her struggle for the moment and looking around. "Oh hey, there's my chest armor." She spies said chest some distance away. "Now I wonder….where does a gal get herself some new boots?"

It is while looking around, that Abby sees the wrecked car. When the trunk starts warping, Abby groans, expecting another thing to get in their way and wishing she had her pod weapon in reach. The red woman that cuts her way out thankfully is not violent, more confused.

"Welcome to the after party, Red! If we had anything to do with you being in that trunk, I'm sorry as I assume I had something to do with it. I do dumb shit when I'm drunk." Abby says to the newcomer and preemptively apologizes to her.
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David Caddel, Chicago

David, crawling on the ground, blinks as the creek happens. His eyes widen, and they adjust their grip on the gun so the hands are almost next to each other. They now hold on tighter on their gun than ever. The floor gives way under him as he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and blocking his eyes. There were a dozen ways he could land on the wrong thing the right way, or the right thing on the wrong way, that could mean that he was a dead man. Armor or not, he had taken a hell of a beating and things were not going great. He was colliding with things on the way down, thankfully mostly protected.

He felt something claw onto the back of his waistcoat, which becomes a welcome development as he slows down. However, his release and subsequent battery causes a premature popping sounds. Not long after, he lands with a thud, completely unprotected. The cartilage in his chest twinges, the front of his arms would soon be heavily bruised not to mention the rest of his body, and there was a general thickness of pain throughout his body. Unfortunately, he had landed on a counter. And him, unable to see, rolls onto his back already writing in agony only to fall another 2 feet in further insult to injury. Thankfully, he doesn't snap anything important, though you would not be able to tell from the very loud yelling.
"Abby!" Alec called out to once she heard her. She rushed over to where her voice was, and seeing her partner stuck between some debris like Winnie the Pooh was when trying to grab that honey, Alec would've laughed aloud at the sight. If not for everything else that happened. "Here, grab my arms," she grabbed both of Abby's firmly, and with a swift tug, the courier popped out; the debris collapsing behind her. "Next time... let's do the fun way again." Alec joked, before slightly laughing aloud.

Humor. Good. Means Alec was finally calming down. Now as long as she stayed level headed, maybe they could find their way back to the ship and get the hell out this city. "Alright, you grab anything you can, I'll go look for the others-- hi, how you doin'--" Alec realized midway through his sentence Xenon was right there, and frankly, he could care less about another stranger involved in this mess, car on the 53rd floor be damned, "and we'll go straight for the ship. Fuck the supplies." It was then she pulled up her omni-tool. She made a little marker of where the ship was on the city map so they knew how to get back to it, but once again, there was another setback. This time in the omni-tool itself.

The device was glitching around her hand. "Oh, for fuck's sake," Alec sighed, "the thing's all broken and corrupted." Must have happened sometime last night, omni-tools were water proof. "I'll have to run a diagnostic and run a repair program. It might take an hour or two, assess the damage to the firmware, but if it's broken beyond fixing, we'll have to just remember how to get there from memory." If they even could at this point. "Thank God I made a physical key. Put a tracker on it, so my omni-tool should still be able to point it out to me--" It was a couple button presses that activated the detection functions, it should still work, even with his tool on the fritz.

In theory. The omni-tool was freezing and bugging out, switching through programs randomly and accessing the wrong functions and apps. Out of frustration, Alec slapped the thing hard to make it work. Instead it brought up the camera mode. And while many of the pictures and videos on it were corrupt and unable to play, one did. His forearm turned into a screen, and audio began to play.

Which was wedding music. Someone was playing a organ. And walking down the isle, dressed in white, was Abby. As the camera panned around the room to follow her, the entire group was standing on their feet, watching her with big smiles on her face. Even David, Erie and, shockingly enough, the Twi'lek were there. Alec simply looked over to her in the broken open car boot out of confusion to confirm, yes, it was actually the same person. Even the damn Bohemian, the guy who seemingly drugged them all, was there. He was the one on the damn organ! They could see him in the background, with tears in his eyes!

".... what." Alec simply said while watching.

And at the alter was Alec, still in male form, dressed in a black and white tux, also crying with joy. The eyes of everyone in the video were a faint purple, meaning they were still under the Bohemians control, yet not the priest. Once Abby was at the alter herself, the priest spoke up "In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit. Amen,"

"Amen," the crowd said back in ceremony, before seating themselves in the the pews.

"... What?" Alec said again while watching.

"Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Be attentive to our prayers, O Lord, and in your kindness uphold what you have established for the increase of the human race, so that the union you have created may be kept safe by your assistance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever." The priest spoke calmly and with a soothing voice, while in comparison, Abby and Alec were more wobbly standing still than a Janga tower.

"Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the church so that in the presence of the church's minister and the community, your intention to enter into marriagemaybestrengthenedbtheLord--" The feed began to cut out, thanks to the omni-tool's glitchiness, and when it came back, it had cut right to the end. "
"Abigail Delano," male Alec told her, "receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit." They wouldn't be able to make out what kind of ring it was being put on.

"In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!" With the priests blessing, Abby and Alec kissed to the cheers of the crowd, while the Bohemian played once more to celebrate their union. The vid then cut out once more, replaced with white noise and static.

All Alec could do in this moment of revelation was turn his head slowly to Abby, face as pale as a ghost, and eyes wide with shock. "... WHAT?!" She then shouted at the top of her voice.
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Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Flynn whined as she backed off the bags in a muffled and indistinct world. A mental wade through kelp to stagger as she got to her feet and finally heard others hollering. Including Erie. Wobbling in her gaze upward at the throb of a dust cloud, she tried her color vision again until the world changed into pronounced darkness. It was hard to tell if the lights were out or if the throbbing pain in her arms had done it. Both probably. She needed water, food, and a Sear. Her blood was better off than she was falling from anywhere. Her arms shook as the wings erratically retreated in stabbing pains where some flight feathers had been torn off by debris. The numb feeling in her head came with the servitor trying to talk to her but not quite being able to focus on it enough to listen. Just a sense of smell as her shaking arms let her lean in to smell the bags. Meat. Hungry? No, not fresh, not voidbrood, something less. Exanguinated. The sheer quantity of body bags underneath her came into focus well after she could stand.

The wings retracted haphazardly, dragging her limbs listlessly. Something was wrong. Get up, get moving; the right thoughts were too big to fit in our heads. Our? Ah, the servitor was doing its best. A gaze over to her blood Erie, but practice triaged David first. Alec and the baby were talking near each other. He smells like blood; we could eat him. She smeared blue on her head as she stopped to focus and slurred melodically, "No, servitor, we do not eat allies." She added with a painful stab in her chest from a strained breathing sac, leaving the latter half hoarse, "Hold on, my blood; we'll get to you!"

The world felt slightly less confined by just speaking her mind. Pulling conscious will away from being controlled by the servitor to keep her alive. She staggered over to David. On his back and screaming, she leaned over him and inspected the mask. We could still eat him. A thought from the servitor who backed off when she mentally glared at it. Feathered hands brushed at David's mask as the blood spatters there flared a bright blue.

"Not good to get my blood in your eyes, red blood." Her hand shook as she reached up to David to press it on the top of his chest, "I need my ally, Servitor, deal with the blood exposure."

A tiny cobalt-robed humanoid drained from between her feathers and walked up to David's mask. The telepathic voice was mirthless and cold and seemed to use a cordial tone like a tool, "Very well, let's return the microelementals where they belong, shall we? We wouldn't want to waste precious resources. It might help with the pain, too. Not a design goal but a side effect nonetheless."

Flynn put her other hand over David and his wounds as she did her part of the ritual, and the tiny Jinhai herded the creatures serving as blood supply back into their pen. Thin tendrils crawled around and out of his clothes and then up like a vortex into her arm. Their angry consumption of neuroelectric current abated their part in David's pain.
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Fifth Grade Fixer, Oliver

With covering fire from his two co-workers, and the frankly atrocious melee ability of the soldiers in front of him, Oliver really shouldn't have been surprised that the enemy just began to try running away from their target rather than continuing the fight. It still miffed him out however.
Ehhhhh, can you blame em? Guys were using guns mostly, probably don't even know how to melee properly. Besides, running away's natural, you can't get mad at people for running away from things.

Factually speaking, the fact that we are alive despite charging at all of our issues is a statistical outlier when compared with the mortality rate of those who attempt to do the same.
Eh, whatever. Stalking toward the last of the soldiers, he inwardly smiles as they leg it for the door at the end of the hallway. After a second, he books it towards them, only to be met with an onrush of sprayed blood and guts before even reaching them. After a slight pause, he reaches up with his offhand and wipes the blood off his sensors with a slight sigh of disappointment while looking at the three new guys who had just landed, two of which were vaguely familiar.
Well, that's anticlimactic. Say, out of all of the moments we've gotten this uniform messy, where would this moment rank?
Likely 10th, or lower. Most of this mess could be washed off with either a shower or a somewhat dedicated attempt at cleaning. In fact, we can likely do so with the showering unit, when the rest are finished with their attempts at exiting the room.
Vocalizing a lip smack at the thought he turns around just as Artyom enters the hallway. With his sword still shouldered on his right, Oliver motioned at the new arrivals with a point of his left, "Oh hey. These guys ended up crushing the rest of the baddies before we could get to 'em. I sorta recognize the two guys on top of the cat thing, but said cat thing's absolutely new." Turning back to the now recovering... co-workers? Scattered? Whatever the ad-hoc world jumpers he was a part of were called.
Did we ever get context for what happened after waking up from getting kidnapped?
If we have, we have forgotten. However, this can likely be explained by our earlier encounter with the purple eyed man, so it is nothing to worry about.
Eh, best to ask later then. Anyway, turning toward the two new guys, he'd answer Artyom's comment with a mild, "Sure thing man, just gonna talk with these two first." before walking up to them.
Well, looking at this guy, he's obviously probably from Abigail's world or whatever going off of the vibe, so he might be trustworthy? I dunno, he hasn't started stabbing at us and we saw him in the bar. Wait, are we supposed to recruit him? We've sorta been doing that with literally everyone else.
Unknown. Even if that is the case however, it is always prudent to hold another at arm's length before giving up information. Besides that, this is Alec's issue, considering they are the one leading this case.
Right, right. Alright how do we be subtle about this?
Bouncing around his thoughts, Oliver would answer Jeremy, "Yeah, we know 'em. They're actually busy tripping over each other in the bathroom in the room behind us right now. Anyway, I guess you could call us their co-workers or something. Why do you wanna know?"
That was the complete opposite of subtle.
Fuck off, I know

"Well, the woman is from the same world as me, best I know. The rest of you, and this Old World nightmare we're in, I have no clue about. So I'm just keen on partnering up with a little familiarity for the time being." Jeremy explained, barely finishing before...


Chika was covered in goop, David was bleeding, Anri was savagely eating a tiger-man-thing like some horrifying cannibal, water was spilling all over the floor making things wet, and there were bodies all over the place. How could things get worse?



The floor collapsed. Maybe it was from all the explosions, maybe the building was structurally weaker than it appeared, maybe all that water weakened it to the point it could no longer keep stable. Either way, as visually demonstrated by this:

The fall was quite spectacular. Dust covered the air as the entire suite imploded on itself, and the sound of wood and metal crushing against each other would be deafening. It was hard to say how far down they fell, but it was high enough that landing hurt like hell, and the debris following down with them was going fast enough to crush anyone to death if it landed on top. Poor Alec during all of this was still dealing with the soap in her eyes, the next thing she knew, the world literally caved in under her feet.

She screamed out and tried grasping at anything around her while falling, only to find air. Panic set in, thinking she would break her neck, or a femur would be sticking out of her skin, or god forbid something stab her through the heart and she dies a slow, painful death while covered only by a dirty white t-shirt.

Yet, the moment she landed, poof. It was soft and padded. A little covered in splinters, but surprisingly, kept her fully intact! When she could open her eyes again, she had landed perfectly center on someone's couch! "Aha... AHA! HA HA HA HA!" Alec let out a loud, nervous laugh at how fortunate her luck was. Finally, something went right for a change! "Ooooooooh, phew!" She sighed in relief, brushed her hair out of her face, and slowly stood up from the couch like everything was going to be fine. Until a piece of sheet metal landed on her head, making a loud 'banging' noise.

"AHHHH!" It hurt.


This floor below them seemed to be a large conference hall that connected to several different rooms. But, it certainly didn't look as nice as the corner Alec landed in. Just going down the hallway to the right lead to some disturbing imagery.

The place was littered with graffiti and body bags. Alec couldn't even begin to understand what exactly it said on the wall, but considering all of this was right underneath their penthouse above. What the hell did they do last night?

Not helped was the fact that close by were more of those empty corpses that were littered around Flynn's cage back upstairs. And they were all in a worshiping position to... a large, multi-piece statue that looked exactly like a velociraptor; made from random pieces of metal junk and bits of machinery.

Another odd thing, just across the hallway from there was a car. A wrecked car. A wrecked car that had busted through multiple walls. A wrecked car that was up nearly fifty stories in this building like someone that thrown it up here. It had broken through seven walls, was barely recognizable as whatever it was previously, and its driver was a mangled piece of meat still in his seat.

Jeremy shook himself, not wanting to pass out again at all. Can nothing go right? Jeremy was rickety, he was old, and he'd just about had it with collapsing floors. "I'm finding this woman, and I'm getting to the goddamn stairs," the ranger complained, pulling out his revolver in case of the next surprise being something he could shoot, before he went off in search of the courier...

Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

"I love it when a bluff works out." was the last thing Abby says before a lot of things happen that culminate in the floor giving out beneath them. She thinks fast as this is not the first time a floor has collapsed under her, and jumps onto the nearest couch. It flips in mid-air, protecting her from the rubble that might have crushed her body, armor be damned. Another stroke of luck in her way was that one side of the couch is exposed, allowing her a way out from under it all.

The Death Pod pops out of the cavity first, then Abby squeezes herself out. Mostly. Her unarmored torso comes out fine but her hips get stuck in the opening. She grunts, curses, strains in pushing at the couch and wriggling to dislodge herself.

"Darn it all…Al, you wanna help me out here? I'm stuck, and not in the fun way we did that one time. For real, stuck." Abby calls out to Alec nearby, waving over at him, ceasing her struggle for the moment and looking around. "Oh hey, there's my chest armor." She spies said chest some distance away. "Now I wonder….where does a gal get herself some new boots?"

It is while looking around, that Abby sees the wrecked car. When the trunk starts warping, Abby groans, expecting another thing to get in their way and wishing she had her pod weapon in reach. The red woman that cuts her way out thankfully is not violent, more confused.

"Welcome to the after party, Red! If we had anything to do with you being in that trunk, I'm sorry as I assume I had something to do with it. I do dumb shit when I'm drunk." Abby says to the newcomer and preemptively apologizes to her.

"Abby!" Alec called out to once she heard her. She rushed over to where her voice was, and seeing her partner stuck between some debris like Winnie the Pooh was when trying to grab that honey, Alec would've laughed aloud at the sight. If not for everything else that happened. "Here, grab my arms," she grabbed both of Abby's firmly, and with a swift tug, the courier popped out; the debris collapsing behind her. "Next time... let's do the fun way again." Alec joked, before slightly laughing aloud.

Humor. Good. Means Alec was finally calming down. Now as long as she stayed level headed, maybe they could find their way back to the ship and get the hell out this city. "Alright, you grab anything you can, I'll go look for the others-- hi, how you doin'--" Alec realized midway through his sentence Xenon was right there, and frankly, he could care less about another stranger involved in this mess, car on the 53rd floor be damned, "and we'll go straight for the ship. Fuck the supplies." It was then she pulled up her omni-tool. She made a little marker of where the ship was on the city map so they knew how to get back to it, but once again, there was another setback. This time in the omni-tool itself.

The device was glitching around her hand. "Oh, for fuck's sake," Alec sighed, "the thing's all broken and corrupted." Must have happened sometime last night, omni-tools were water proof. "I'll have to run a diagnostic and run a repair program. It might take an hour or two, assess the damage to the firmware, but if it's broken beyond fixing, we'll have to just remember how to get there from memory." If they even could at this point. "Thank God I made a physical key. Put a tracker on it, so my omni-tool should still be able to point it out to me--" It was a couple button presses that activated the detection functions, it should still work, even with his tool on the fritz.

In theory. The omni-tool was freezing and bugging out, switching through programs randomly and accessing the wrong functions and apps. Out of frustration, Alec slapped the thing hard to make it work. Instead it brought up the camera mode. And while many of the pictures and videos on it were corrupt and unable to play, one did. His forearm turned into a screen, and audio began to play.

Which was wedding music. Someone was playing a organ. And walking down the isle, dressed in white, was Abby. As the camera panned around the room to follow her, the entire group was standing on their feet, watching her with big smiles on her face. Even David, Erie and, shockingly enough, the Twi'lek were there. Alec simply looked over to her in the broken open car boot out of confusion to confirm, yes, it was actually the same person. Even the damn Bohemian, the guy who seemingly drugged them all, was there. He was the one on the damn organ! They could see him in the background, with tears in his eyes!

".... what." Alec simply said while watching.

And at the alter was Alec, still in male form, dressed in a black and white tux, also crying with joy. The eyes of everyone in the video were a faint purple, meaning they were still under the Bohemians control, yet not the priest. Once Abby was at the alter herself, the priest spoke up "In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit. Amen,"

"Amen," the crowd said back in ceremony, before seating themselves in the the pews.

"... What?" Alec said again while watching.

"Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Be attentive to our prayers, O Lord, and in your kindness uphold what you have established for the increase of the human race, so that the union you have created may be kept safe by your assistance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever." The priest spoke calmly and with a soothing voice, while in comparison, Abby and Alec were more wobbly standing still than a Janga tower.

"Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the church so that in the presence of the church's minister and the community, your intention to enter into marriagemaybestrengthenedbtheLord--" The feed began to cut out, thanks to the omni-tool's glitchiness, and when it came back, it had cut right to the end. "
"Abigail Delano," male Alec told her, "receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit." They wouldn't be able to make out what kind of ring it was being put on.

"In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!" With the priests blessing, Abby and Alec kissed to the cheers of the crowd, while the Bohemian played once more to celebrate their union. The vid then cut out once more, replaced with white noise and static.

All Alec could do in this moment of revelation was turn his head slowly to Abby, face as pale as a ghost, and eyes wide with shock. "... WHAT?!" She then shouted at the top of her voice.

"Well well, congratulations on your wedding," Jeremy said, leaning on an already shattered pillar of concrete nearby, waiting to speak until the hilarious matrimony had concluded. "How about we all get out of here so you two can go on a nice, quiet, preferably not imploding honeymoon? I could also lend you my coat, if you want. It's a little less holey."

He looked to Abby, battle damage and bad circumstances making her look just about like a raider ganger. "While I understand this isn't the right time yet, my amount of questions is bigger than First Recon's kill count."
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Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

"Alright, but its your turn to be stuck." Abby retorts playfully to Alec's joke. She retrieves her chest armor, wiping it off on a busted recliner while Alec fusses with his omni-tool and manages to put it on just before his only working video plays. "Oh we went to a wedding? Wonder who….ohhhh." Abby starts with an amused smile that drops with her jaw seeing herself in white wedding dress. The Courier only stared slack-jawed at the ceremony unfolding in the video until it was over.

I'm married now? Does this even count? I look so happy.

The ranger mentioning First Recon jars her out of her thoughts. She looks down at her right hand as if expecting to be aware of a ring. Seeing none Abby picks up her Death Pod, activates it, and says to nobody in particular "I need some boots before we get running again."

Abigail walks around the rubble and off to one of the rooms, going into the scavenging mode that she has honed over a lifetime. She focuses on the task, pushing away the revelation that has her feeling too many things to sort out. Her foot clangs against something metal, and it is her helmet. She puts this on, glad for the concealment as she struggles to keep a poker face as she searches.
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