The Evrensel Conflict -- Canon Claim

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Name: Ezreal

Series: League of Legends

Canon: Main Runeterra Storyline.


Expertise in archaeology and hextech.

Quick thinking

Mystic shot: A bolt of energy that hits dealing physical damage to the target as opposed to magical damage.

Essence Flux: A orb that once it hits a target it lingers on it, doing nothing. But if given time Ezreal can pop it with his other abilities and detonate it, making it damage the target with magic. Good for highlighting targets.

Arcane Shift: Short Range Teleport.

Trueshot Barrage: Wide semi-circular projectile that phases through everything in the direction fired, doing arcane damage to it. It's pretty powerful but impossible to use more than once.

Equipment: Ne'Zuk's gauntlet, a magical item that gives him all his special abilities.

Name: The Doctor

Series: Doctor Who

Canon: Sometime before Trenzalore

Regeneration: If mortally wounded, a Time Lord can regenerate into a new incarnation with the same memories, though a different personality and physical appearance.
Alien Anatomy: Binary vascular system and a respiratory bypass system, along with greater than human strength and constitution.
Telepathy: Mild, mostly the ability to form a telepathic link between minds through physical contact.
Intelligence: Thousands of years old, the Doctor's vast experience coupled with his species' naturally high intellect make him a genius at solving problems. He's also a tremendously talented, innovative scientist and engineer in a variety of fields.
Plot Armor: While not immune to harm or even death, the Doctor has a remarkable ability to confront armed, hostile entities and talk his way out or execute plans to turn the tables on evil without being simply shot first.

The TARDIS: A time space capsule that is simultaneously ancient and transcendentally sophisticated. It's bigger on the inside than on the outside. Theoretically capable of changing its hull configuration to blend in, as well as accurately piloting between various points in time and space. Reliable at doing neither.
Sonic Screwdriver: A multipurpose tool and scanning device capable of emulating thousands of tools and scanners, while transmitting scanned data through high-burst optical feedback and telepathic impression. Absolutely rubbish when used on wood.
Psychic Paper: Capable of projecting official-seeming authorization to be where he is doing what he's doing. Often takes the form of whatever the subject would believe, rather than what the Doctor means for it to convey. Completely ineffectual on psychics, highly advanced races or sophisticated intelligences.
Dimensionally Transcendental Pockets: Suffice to say, the Doctor typically carries an array of old papers, assorted coins, apples, jelly babies, a child's rattle and so on. Enough to enable a rough MacGuyver ability to improvise in various situations, rarely exactly what's needed though.

Name: Doctor Morgan Yu

Series: Prey (2017)

Canon: Sometime after Project Cobalt

Innate Qualities:

Enhanced Physiology: In her human form, Morgan Yu is better in nearly every way than a baseline human. This includes:
Enhanced Strength: Sufficient to lift a ton of weight with effort, tear open unpowered steel doors, hit things really hard.
Enhanced Stamina: Morgan doesn't need to sleep, though she's capable of it. A minute of rest is usually sufficient to recover from an hour of hard, sustained effort. Her body can sustain quite a bit of damage while remaining functional. Ingesting calories also amplifies her healing factor. A good sandwich and a bottle of water will let her heal a stab wound in a matter of minutes.
Enhanced Mobility: Morgan can sustain a 30 mile per hour sprint for hours and peaks at 45 mph for short bursts. Her reflexes are several times better than baseline humanity, though not remotely good enough to dodge bullets.​

Psionic Aptitude: While most of her specific Typhon abilities create non-psionic effects, the mental processes that trigger and generate those effects are functionally psionic. Psi-disruption can't cancel out Typhon effects but can prevent her from initiating them. She is theoretically capable of learning additional psionic abilities she encounters given the opportunity to collect and study data.

Typhon Powers:
Between Morgan's imitative nature and specific applications of Neuromodding technology, she has a wide range of powers and abilities owing to the Typhon.

The categories include:
Kinetic Blast: Hurl a ball of kinetic concussive force up to 300 yards away, capable of a 7 yard radius explosion. Detonation hurls objects away from the blast point with incredible force.
Lift Field: Manipulate gravity to create a column of upward force. She can lift (or launch) objects or targets into the air up to 12 yards, which can be sustained to trap them for up to 15 seconds or released to drop them with crushing force.
Electrostatic Blast: Hurl an electromagnetic pulse up to 300 yards away, capable of frying or switching off everything electronic in a 5 yard radius. Taser effect optional on biological beings.
Electrostatic Absorption: Ignore low wattage, resist high wattage and use what spills over to fuel Typhon powers. Virtually immune to electrical-based stunning effects.
Superthermal: Project waves of plasma like a flamethrower, up to 50 yards. Create pockets of superheated plasma that can hang suspended until triggered, detonating in an eruption 5.5 yards in radius.
Thermal Absorption: Ignore heat, resist incendiary effects and use what spills over to fuel Typhon powers.​

Mimic Matter: Her core Typhon ability, Morgan can take the form of a nearby object. Details include:​
The object can be as small as a paperclip or as large as a tank or bus.
If the object has moving mechanical parts, those parts function normally if someone 'uses' her, and she's also capable of manipulating them herself.
All mimicked objects appear capable of independent movement, though (i.e. if she turns into a coffee cup, the cup is capable of jumping from the floor onto a desk or able to roll itself under a nightstand or around an obstacle).
Morgan can maintain the transformed shape indefinitely.
Damage done to the transformed object doesn't translate into damage done to her.
She generally needs a nearby object to mimic to use this ability, but she can routinely take the form of any object or person she's had the opportunity to look at.​
Regeneration: When Morgan is wounded, the psychoactive exotic matter she's composed of can 'reset' some of the damage done, activating within a few seconds of a blow. Minor injuries can be completely dismissed while greater injuries will mend less, requiring additional 'natural' healing time to fully repair.
Phantom Shift: Short-distance teleportation, crossing 12 yards in a literal second. This effect leaves a phantom decoy behind, Picard Maneuver style, lasting half a minute unless disrupted.
Phantom Genesis: Create Phantoms out of corpses. These Phantoms appear to be made up of the same semi-solid shadowy purplish exotic matter she is in her natural state. These phantoms will often 'speak' phrases or sentences used by the corpse they came from but otherwise exhibit only animal cunning. They are completely loyal to Morgan when created and have no shelf life.​

Backlash: Create a shield that can absorb 3 attacks. Direct melee attacks are rebounded kinetically, and a strong enough punch against her can send the attacker flying from the force of their own reflected blow.
Psychoshock: Damage the mind and body of a target, while disrupting psi abilities for half a minute at a time.
Mindjack: Take control of biological enemies, can compel them to rush and suicide detonate. Using this power on a target who is already under compulsion results in the disruption of that foreign control.
Machine Mind: Cyberjack machines, forcing computers and robots to be loyal and follow her mental wishes as if they were programmed to do so. By default, the use of this power renders the affected machine unable to recognize proper authorization codes.
Remote Manipulation: Lift objects and push buttons up to 90 yards away.​

Skills and Abilities:

Science: Naturally a prodigy in the field of science, Neuromods and downloaded memories have given Dr. Morgan Yu a breathtaking understanding of the academic arts. Specific abilities include:
Physician: Dr. Yu holds an M.D. and PhD in Neuroscience and is one of the foremost experts on the human brain alive. She's quite capable of diagnosing and rendering medical treatment for most human ailments. She's also the authority on Typhon physiology, giving her some limited proficiency in dealing with the anatomy of other species.
Hacking: She's proficient at gaining access to, and bypassing, computers and their security systems. This includes electronic locks, but not physical locks. It also includes various mechanical systems including robotics.​

Engineering: Morgan Yu is a master at dissembling technology, analyzing it to create blueprints and then repairing damage or fabricating new, similar devices. Specific engineering abilities include:
Repair: Skilled at repairing mechanical and electronic items of all kinds, including robots and machines, Assuming she has the materials on hand, she can even upgrade and reinforce machines to enhance functionality and improve durability.
Gunsmith: She's capable of building, repairing and modifying firearms and energy weapons.
Suit Modification: Able to maintain and upgrade exoskeletons, power armor and space suit functionality.
Dismantle: Morgan's a master at salvaging useful components from broken equipment.​

Security: Due to a variety of Neuromod enhancements, Morgan Yu possesses the tactical ability of a seasoned soldier. Specific security abilities include:
Ability to use pistols, shotguns and a variety of firearms with excellent accuracy.
Proficient in the use of a wrench to smash aliens to death.
Can sprint making virtually no noise at all and has extensive knowledge and experience at sneaking, infiltration, etc.​


PPN-8 Personal Defense Sidearm: The TranStar PPN-8 Pistol is the standard issue weapon for all TranStar security personnel. Small, fast, and quiet, this pistol provides satisfactory damage while maintaining a degree of stealth. It has a magazine capacity of 27 and an effective range of about 35 yards.

S4 Tactical Shotgun: The S4 is a standard pump-action shotgun with a tube magazine that holds 10 rounds. It features an ammunition counter on the side, reasonable close to medium range effectiveness and excellent stopping power.

RSV-77 Neuroelectric Disrupter: This Throne Tactical handheld electroshock weapon immobilizes both humans and machines with a short range electric current. Its effects last for no less than 7 seconds and can induce unconsciousness in targets inexperienced with its properties. It's effective out to a range of 15 yards, can fire ten times before requiring 2 seconds to recharge back to full.

GLOO Cannon (Gelifoam Lattice Organism Obstructor): A bulky but portable cannon that fires gelifoam, a quickly hardening, flame retardant, non-conductive, glue-like foam that expands as it hardens. It can fire 42 times before requiring a reload and has an effective range of 18 yards.

Wrench: The Hephaestus "Heffy" Twist & LOOP Handle Wrench is standard issue for all maintenance personnel employed in TranStar facilities. Good for liberal application of percussive maintenance and mechanical agitation.

Transtar Uniform: A form-fitting full environmental suit that, by default, leaves only the head exposed. It's capable of enveloping the wearer's head in a fabricated glass helmet in a matter of a literal second. It's not only space-worthy but includes reinforcement that makes it effective armor that's reasonably easy to repair. The suit contains anchor points which can support affixed weapon placements. It's also highly modular, with additional functionality available on a plug-and-play basis. Morgan's current chipset configuration includes:
The Artax Propulsion System: A zero g propulsion device that allows maneuverability in space while functioning as a limited jumppack in atmosphere via the Artax Propulsion Gen 1 and Gen 2 chipset upgrades.
Beam, Radiation, EMP, Thermal and Grounding Shielding: Reduces damage from a variety of sources including lasers, heat, electricity, radiation and EMP attacks.​

Psychoscope: A highly advanced piece of neural imaging technology, capable of real-time tracking and analysis of neural activation patterns. It's affixed to the interior of her suit's rim-seal line and features a retractable single-tube sensor with twin eyepieces that fits over a circular lens. This system tags and automatically tracks target locations and their neural activity. Theoretically, analysis of psychoscope data can allow Morgan to devise a Neuromod or internal method for replicating psionic and mind-based powers. Wearing it makes the user immune to most mental attacks or effects that alter the brain or its perceptions in anyway. Like the Transtar Uniform, it's a modular device with the following chipsets included:
Mimic Detection Gen 2: Allows for the identification of disguised, shapechanged mimics. May allow her to perceive other shapechangers on a case by case basis.
Nullwave Shielding: Additional reinforcement of the psychostrope's base psi-defense, making it nigh impossible to read Morgan's mind, affect her perceptions or shut down her own psi-triggered Typhon abilities.​
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Name: Edward Buck

Series: Halo

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): Halo 4 (July of 2557)

Abilities (This includes the character's skills):

All SPARTAN-IV recruits undergo a series of biological and cybernetic augmentations in order to significantly boost their performance and survivability in combat. These enhancements include the following:
  • Fullerene-reinforced skeleton​
  • Strengthened musculature​
  • Reinforced joints and ligaments​
  • Boosted nervous system responsiveness​
  • Bio-fabricated lungs with enhanced oxygen intake and toxin filtering​
  • Enhanced blood circulation​
  • Modified blood composition for faster clotting, healing of wounds, and toxin resistance.​
  • Augmented gut bacteria for greater nutrient absorption from food.​
  • Intestinal bioreactor for enhanced metabolism.​
  • Corneal implants for enhanced eyesight and night vision.​
  • Gene therapy for greatly extended lifespan.​
  • Neural implant for direct interface with implanted electronics, MJOLNIR suit components, and artificial intelligence.
Aside from his greatly enhanced physical abilities, Spartan Buck is a highly seasoned soldier, with over 25 years of active duty experience from the Human-Covenant War and its aftermath. Prior to joining the SPARTAN-IV program, he had already been part of of the UNSC Marine Corps' elite Orbital Drop Shock Troopers for several years. He has attained near-mastery of marksmanship, close-quarters combat, wilderness survival, reconnaissance, and squad-level tactics, and is adept in fighting and survival across a wide range of biomes, including in hard vacuum and microgravity. He is especially adept at improvised, on-the-fly planning.


MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor [GEN2] Helljumper Variant

Powered armor that grants the wearer massively increased strength and mobility, energy shielding, and protection against hard vacuum and other hazardous environments. Features a microfusion reactor for power, a titanium nanocomposite bodysuit worn beneath the outer armor plating, back-mounted thruster modules, biofoam injectors, and integrated nanotech self-repair systems, a motion sensor suite, a VISR system for comprehensive data and communication management, and multiple integrated specialty AIs for various tasks (administrative functions, scientific analysis, tactical analysis, medical diagnostics, suit maintenance, etc.).

H5G-Render-AssaultRifle.pngMA5D Assault Rifle

Fully automatic bullpup assault rifle with an integrated targeting scope and ammo counter. Sports a 32-round magazine with 7.62x51mm FMJ armor-piercing rounds.


M6H Magnum

Semi-automatic large-caliber sidearm with an integrated smartlink scope. Sports an 8-round magazine with 12.7×40mm semi-armor-piercing high explosive rounds.
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Levi Ackerman
Series: Attack on Titan
Canon: Right before the Raid on Liberio.
  • Vertical Maneuvering Equipment: Levi is unbelievably adept at using the vertical maneuvering equipment, to a point that everyone says he is the best at it. He is also said to be as valuable as an entire brigade, far outweighing all of the other soldiers. He was capable of going toe-to-toe with almost all of the Titan Shifters; most notably, he managed to defeat the Beast Titan twice over.
  • Strength: Due to being an Ackerman and a trained soldier, Levi has formidable physical strength, which is no doubt evident by his mastery of the vertical maneuvering equipment. Despite his small stature, his body is well built with heavy muscle, making him very strong, and easily able to defeat his opponents.
  • Intelligence: Aside from his extraordinary battle skill, Levi has shown a profound ability to quickly analyze situations, and make calculated decisions in the heat of battle.
  • Awakened Ackerman Power: On top of having all of the Ackermans' combined combat expertise, superhuman-level physical attributes, and subsonic reaction speeds, Levi's specific Ackerman power is pure instinct: to always know exactly what needed to be done.
  • Vertical Maneuvering Equipment - An apparatus created by humanity to battle Titan-sized opponents and to grant incredible speed and dexterity within forest and urban environments. The gas mechanism is so powerful that it can stop a person from falling without using the hooks. It's stocked with two full gas tanks, and eight (total) spare blades.
  • Handkerchiefs - You're never fully dressed if you're dirty.
Stats (Directly from the Wiki/Manga):
  • Combat: 11/10
  • Initiative: 10/10
  • Wits: 8/10
  • Teamwork: 2/10
  • Cleanliness: 10/10

Name: Bruce Wayne, Batman

Series: Batman: The Animated Series

Canon: Post-Series


As a result of his years of intensive physical training, Batman represents the peak of human physical conditioning. Batman is at the highest human levels of strength, stamina, agility, coordination, reflexes, speed, and durability.

Batman was also a master of stealth and infiltration (all the more remarkable given that he stands 6'2" and weighs 215 lbs), and often revealed himself to his enemies when they least suspected him to. This also allowed him to just disappear from allies in mid-sentence, a habit that frequently annoys the likes of Commissioner Gordon and Harvey Bullock. With his martial arts prowess, occasionally augmented by technology, Batman was usually more than a match for any foe he encountered, human or otherwise.

  • Batsuit - standard as well as heat-resistant, cold-resistant, and underwater versions.
  • Batarangs - of differing size and effect. These ranged from standard, to explosive, electric, remote, etc.
  • Grapple Gun - This item assisted Batman in scaling the various buildings of Gotham City.
  • Utility Belt - Batman's Utility Belt has compartments to hold several items, the contents of which change according to his needs, and often include items such as flashlights, laser cutters, underwater rebreathers, binoculars, a fingerprinting kit, flashbangs, remote controls for his vehicles, acid/base compounds, anti-toxins, mini-computer, and smoke pellets.

Name: Darth Vader
Series: Star Wars

Canon: (Pre-Episode IV)


The Force - Darth Vader is a proficient user of the Dark Side of the Force, which is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be... unnatural.

The Force is a power-source diverse and adaptable enough that it would be difficult to exhaustively list every ability that Darth Vader could access with it, but its most popular techniques involve the use of telekinesis, energy manipulation, precognition, physique enhancement, and even telepathy.

Some of Darth Vader's mastered complex techniques include: Force Scream, Force Speed, Force Barrier, Tutaminis, Force Healing, Force Choke, Dun Moch, Force Stun, Mental Domination, Memory Manipulation, and Pyrokinesis. He favors techniques that can allow him to physically intimidate opponents, or mentally scar them, such as choking people when they say something that displeases him, or torturing and toying with his enemies by subjecting them to terrifying apparitions.

Lightsaber Combat - Darth Vader is an extremely skilled saberist, specializing in the Shien and Djem So lightsaber styles, and is also proficient with the Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Niman, and Juyo forms. Can also use his saber as a boomerang to decapitate opponents. Even against armies of opponents who utilize ranged weapons, Darth Vader is like a vengeful combine who drives forth and cuts them down.

Cyborg Augmentations - Even without using the Force, Darth Vader's cybernetics provide him with greatly increased strength and endurance, at the cost of some manual dexterity and kinesthetic sense. He is also slightly more vulnerable to focused electricity - if he is unable to disperse it with the Force, a lightning attack will surely mean his suit will fail, which can lead to a quick if relatively painless death for Vader.

Skilled Engineer - Even as a young boy, Darth Vader had managed to construct his own protocol droid from nothing but junkyard scrap and scavenged parts of other droids, as well as program it. As an adult, he repeated the feat; creating a protocol droid and astromech units secretly meant for assassination missions. He can also repair and maintain his suit and lightsaber and construct other forms of technology.

At one point in his life, he had used the Force to crush a random droid and used telekinesis to disassemble it into parts, then telekinetically implanted his suit with those parts in order to repair some of the damage it had sustained at an earlier point.

Pilot - Darth Vader is a prodigious star-pilot, known for his terrifying aptitude and a complete willingness to crash his spacecraft into entrenched enemy positions only to eject himself at the last moment to devastate what remains of his foes.


Darth Vader Suit - See, "Cybernetic Augmentations." Very intimidating. The suit is partially made from a metal created through Sith Alchemy, and is resistant to immense forces and heat, including glancing blows from lightsabers.

Lightsaber - Darth Vader's lightsaber, which uses a synthetic red Kyber crystal which acts as an excellent focal point for Dark Side energies. A lightsaber is an extremely powerful weapon that uses ionized plasma with a magnetic containment unit to create a 'blade of light' that carries immense heat. It can even cut through steel in an instant.


Name: Corvo Attano

Series: Dishonored

Canon: Post-Dishonored


Corvo is a skilled warrior and assassin having served as the Empress' old bodyguard, in peak-human physical condition. He has considerable skill in the use of both weapons and in hand-to-hand combat, capable of quite easily taking down grown men in seconds. He is acrobatic enough to climb over tall obstacles and can be stealthy and even use subterfuge to achieve his goals.

Corvo is also in the possession of the Outsider's Mark, which bestows him with a collection of supernatural abilities. Some of the most notable ones are Blink, Dark Vision, Devouring Swarm, Possession, Bend Time, Wind Blast, Vitality, Bloodthirst, Agility, and Shadow Kill. He can use them to deadly effect in conjunction with his gadgets.


Corvo has a great number of gadgets produced for him by Piero Joplin. Among those are his mask, which possesses a telescopic and sound amplifying function, on top of serving as conventional if intimidating armor. He also has a folding blade with a resilient and efficient mechanism, a silent crossbow that can be used to fire darts or crossbow bolts, as well as a common pistol and grenades. Corvo has also utilized traps, rewiring tools, and more arcane gadgets, such as the Heart given him to by the Outsider which has the power to reveal secrets, and Bone Charms which can be used to augment the wearer's constitution and abilities.
"I choose to run toward my problems, and not away from them. Because that-- Because that's what heroes do."

Name: Thor Odinson, God of Thunder

Series: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Canon: Post-Ragnarok - Just after evacuating Asgard, unleashing Surtur to kill Hela which lead to the Destruction of Asgard, Thor was reunited once again with his brother Loki, the God of Mischief, after the Battle of Rainbow Bridge. Having received an eyepatch, Thor stood with Loki as they felt they could finally relax. Before anything else could occur however, Thor was suddenly accosted by a mysterious green light that took him from the Statesman and deposited him elsewhere in the burgeoning Omniverse.

Abilities: As an Asgardian, Thor possesses Superhuman strength, durability, speed, reflexes, agility and stamina and has recently learned that his powers over Lightning, the Weather and Flight all come from within him, as his lost hammer Mjolnir was but a channel, to help him focus his powers until he was ready, though a weapon stronger than Mjolnir would be beneficial, such as the promising, but yet to be forged Stormbreaker, the weapon of Kings and theoretical summoner of the Bifrost. Thor is also capable of donning civilian clothing and disguising his currently in use weapon as an inconspicuous item, but in a flash of Lightning, he can call upon his Asgardian Armour (Appearance varies depending on Thor's wants for its design at the time of summoning.) and reveal his weapon in full.

Equipment: Currently, N/A. Just his fists, powers and whatever weapon he can grab at the time, preferably one that can at least partially channel and withstand his mighty powers. (As of a previous chapter, Thor has come into the possession of a Jedi's confiscated Lightsaber, with a blue crystal.)

"I'd rather be a good man than a great king."
Name: Alan 'Dutch' Schaefer

Series: Aliens VS Predator

Canon: During his time with the OWLF, hunting Predators.

  • Enhaneed Strength: Dutch is, similar to the Yautja, much stronger than even a well-conditioned human. He can smash concrete to splinters bare-knuckled, dent the plating of an armored vehicle with his fists, and even fight on equal terms against a Predator for a short while.
  • Enhanced Durability: Thanks to both his robust physique and the experimental program that spliced his genes with Predator DNA, Dutch is capable of withstanding low caliber ammunition with only a few scratches, as well as stab and slash wounds. His blood clotts extremely quickly, preventing him from bleeding out.
  • Enhanced Speed: While not faster than a Yautja, who are known to be able to run faster than a human eye could track, Dutch is still capable of outpacing a horse at full sprint.
  • Enhanced Healing: Where some would have to spend months recuperating from a broken bone, or weeks healing from a stab wound, Dutch is able to recover in hours or days from gaining an injury.
  • Military Training: In battle, Dutch was a lethal combatant, both aggressive and inventive, often improvising and adapting to great effect. Physically he possessed incredible prowess, and with his expert marksmanship, he is able to defeat even Predators in combat.

  • Dutch's Outfit: Since Dutch's reappearance, he's found himself fighting the Yautja with newer equipment. While most of it is standard military gear, Dutch has taken a few trophies from fallen Predators he has killed, like a Biomask that serves as his pauldron, as well as a Wrist-Computer attached to his forearm. Although the bomb function has been disabled, Dutch still uses it as a hacking tool, capable of cracking even the most advanced computers that Earth has to offer - That is, if one can understand the language.
  • Dutch's Knife: Taken from a Yautja's wristblades, Dutch fashioned it into a Combat blade. It's make is unknown, even to the best scientists of Earth - All that is known is that it's near-indestructible, and capable of cutting through the hardest material known to man like a hot knife through butter.
  • Plasma Rifle: Probably the most deadly tool the OWLF's R&D department has created. The Plasma Rifle uses reverse-engineered Predator Technology, allowing it to fire bolts of superheated plasma at full auto. It has no ammunition, instead it releases excess gas before being reloaded.
  • 2XL Revolver: A Six-Chambered 44. Magnum Revolver. Not an uncommon weapon, but it's deadly nonetheless.
  • Backpack: A military backpack containing several items useful in the field.
    • 3 Field Syrette: A Quick-use health syrette, developed by the OWLF by synthesizing Yautja Blood.
    • 2 Ammo Bags: Several pouches filled with ammunition, mostly 44. Magnum Rounds.
    • Survival Kit: A classic kit filled with the usual items needed to survive: Rations, fire-starter, first-aid kit, tent, and a compass.
    • Canteen: A normal canteen used to hold water.
    • Walkie-Talkie: A normal Walkie-Talkie used to communicate short distances.

Name: Kassandra the Eagle Bearer

Series: Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Canon : Prior to meeting her mother.

  • Horse-riding
  • Archery Master
    • Multi-Shot: Can target and shoot up to four enemies in rapid succession.
    • Spread Shot: Can shoot three arrows at once.
  • Multiple melee weapons (favors heavy blunt weapons or short swords)
  • Hand-to-hand combat (Wrestling focus)
  • Free-running
  • Supernatural Augmentation: The Spear of Leonidas and bloodline gives her many other abilities.
    • Combat Foresight: Ability to see the movements of opponents before they are taken.
    • Enhanced Strength: Able to send normal to giant-sized men flying several feet with a single blow.
    • Limited Regeneration: Can heal from near-fatal injuries.
    • Devastating Shot: Charged shot deals great damage.
    • Fury of the Bloodline: Can attack a single enemy six times quickly, at the cost of being tired significantly.
    • Ring of Chaos: Sudden shocking blast that hits and damages enemies within 7 meters.
    • Second Wind: Revitalizes her health and removes fire, poison.
    • Shield Breaker: Able to cause an enemy shield(physical) to explode, stunning and damaging them.
    • Sparta Kick: A really really hard kick that will knock out most normal opponents and even knock them back several feet.
  • Master Assassin: Can make her slow movements imperceptible to hear when hidden from sight, and uses focused attacks to kill most enemies instantly.


Mighty Herakles Armor: Renders wearer immune to fire and moderate protection from piercing damage.


From left to right: Achille's Bow. Spear of Leonidas. Nemean Claws.
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0 Albert Wesker Resident Evil by KaylglerART on Deviantart.jpg

Name: Albert Wesker

Series: Resident Evil series [Video Games]

Canon: Before Resident Evil 5


Due to the virus he has been infected with, Wesker has gained the ability to move at almost superhuman speeds to where it appears that he is teleporting, have equally superhuman endurance and strength. Able to put a sizable dent in metal or pierce the chest of a regular human with just his hand.

Equipment: A Samurai Edge, which is a modified powerful handgun that Wesker kept from cover as a S.T.A.R.S Captain. Beyond that, he doesn't have anything else as he believes he does not need anything else.


Jonathan Crane
Batman Arkham Series
Before the events in which he was injured in Arkham Asylum
Genius Intellect: A master strategist and manipulator, Scarecrow's genius renders him the most intellectually clever and terrifying criminal mastermind that can dive into the minds of his opponents through nightmarish tactics. Crane also expresses a fondness towards literature including those such as Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and James Joyce's Ulysses, and is shown to be a well-versed individual as demonstrated by his memorization of different poems and often speaks in rhyme.

Psychiatry: As chief psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, Jonathan is a walking textbook on anxiety disorders and psychoactive drugs, and has even conducted fascinating research on how fear is the driving force of everyone's lives and the psycho physiology of phobias. He is highly able to recite the name and description of nearly every known phobia. He even knows how to use words to affect a person's actions, once managing to drive two men to suicide with nothing but words, and uses this insight to find people's mental pressure points and exploit them.

Chemistry: A true weapon of terror, Crane's ingenious panicogenic fear-gas was atomized with the use of mixed chemicals including powerful synthetic adrenocortical secretions and other potent hallucinogens that could be inhaled or injected into the bloodstream to amplify the victim's darkest fear into a terrifying nightmarish hallucination. Its potency has upgraded to an extreme level over the years where it's now capable of prompting almost instantaneous, terror-induced heart attacks, leaving the victim in a permanent psychosis of chronic fear. His other versions were powerful enough that even the most strong-willed minds like Batman and Superman can even be affected; for a Kryptonian, he would need to mix the kryptonite with his fear-toxin to strike their mentalities. To instill his toxin, he often uses a hand-held sprayer in the shape of a human skull and special straws which can be snapped in half to release it. Scarecrow even managed to concoct the homemade chemical containing wild fowl pheromones from his childhood that would cause nearby birds to attack his opponents.

Pedagogy: Earned a professorship at Gotham State University.

Weaponry: He is skilled with farming tools so he tends to use pitchforks, sickles, and scythes. Occasionally, he uses firearms. During the 'Blackest Night' event, Scarecrow is temporarily deputized into the Sinestro Corps by a duplicate of Sinestro's Power Ring. He proves to be very capable in manipulating the light of fear to create constructs, until his ring is stolen by Lex Luthor.

Martial Arts: He is a manic martial artist with full use of his long arms and legs in "violent dancing," Scarecrow's own form of crane-style kung-fu inspired by Ichabod Crane's dancing skills from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Despite his scrawny build, he isn't the type of criminal to be underestimated in hand-to-hand combat whenever forced to fight.


Spray Device - A device running along his hand that can produce a small cloud of fear gas.
Injection Device - His main weapon that delivers a much more potent version of the chemical that normally is in gas form, to cause severe fear and panic in the victim.​


  • 0 Scarecrow Earth 27 Enhanced commission by phil-cho on Deviantart.jpg
    0 Scarecrow Earth 27 Enhanced commission by phil-cho on Deviantart.jpg
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Name: Eleanor Lamb

Series: Bioshock

Canon: Post Bioshock 2

Abilities use ADAM, a resource Eleanor's body produces over time, excessive use would leave her drained and unable to use any of her plasmids.
Superhuman Strength and Agility - able to combat Big Daddies for context and leap several meters into the air
Telekinesis - powerful enough to move living humans through the air.
Pyrokinesis - in the form of explosive, ranged fireballs.
Teleportation - Long-range teleportation, distances up to half a kilometer as long as the destination is known (Can see or has seen recently).

ADAM syringe - usually used to extract ADAM, but otherwise is just a big needle
Big sister diving suit - able to withstand high pressures without impeding movement

Name: Edward "Ed" Elric, also known as the Fullmetal Alchemist

: Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood

Canon: Pre-Series


Direct Combat - Despite Edward's small stature and young age, he is a remarkable combatant. As such, his slight frame belies a compactly muscular build that, in addition to his naturally high energy level and endurance, fuels his considerable strength and agility which allows him to throw people much bigger than he is. Due to Izumi's Spartan training, Edward has become a particularly competent hand-to-hand fighter, able to hold his own against armed opponents and even skilled martial arts practitioners.

Genius-Level Intellect - As suggested by his unprecedented acceptance into the State Alchemist program at such a remarkably young age, Edward Elric is an alchemical prodigy of genius-level intellect. From early childhood, he displayed proficiency for alchemy, acquiring self-taught alchemy skills and comprehension from the advanced literature in his father's abandoned study at an age that shocked even his mother.

Remarkable Alchemist - As a result of having passed through The Gate and witnessing the Truth, Edward became one of the few alchemists who does not require a drawn Transmutation Circle to perform alchemical transmutations. By merely touching his palms together, he creates an energy circulation with his arms and transmutes by using his own will as a substitute for the necessary runes.

With this quick style, Edward becomes a master of his surroundings and uses the substances therein to supplement his physical prowess in battle - creating giant earthen hands to lift objects, columns of stone to gain himself the higher ground and ogre-faced battering rams with which to strike opponents. Ed also specializes in transmuting weapons with which to do battle and often crafts menacing-looking swords and ostentatious lances when necessary, but his primary weapon is his automail right arm, whose forearm plating he transmutes into various blades.

Of course, the true genius of Edward Elric's combat alchemy lies in his aptitude for incorporating the alchemy styles of others into his own after merely having once seen them in action, which makes him very adaptable to various situations.


Automail Arm & Leg - An arm and leg made from automail. Pretty self-explanatory, and pretty damn tough.
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0 Dead Space 2 - Isaac Clarke by offrecord on Deviantart.jpg
[Artwork is Dead Space 2 - Isaac Clarke by offrecord on Deviantart]
Name: Isaac Clarke

Series: Dead Space

Canon: After the events of Dead Space 2

As a C.E.C. engineer, Isaac is extremely resourceful. He displays his best abilities in hacking, repairing and dismantling electronic devices and has extensive knowledge of high-tech mining tools and other weapons which he uses to his advantage when in dangerous situations. An example of this came about during the Sprawl outbreak where he dismantled a Kinesis Therapy machine box in the hospital and removed its Kinesis Module for his own uses along with a Stasis Module some time later. He was also able to improvise a makeshift Plasma Cutter by using a flashlight and a surgical module when he tried to help a survivor. Isaac's occupation and duty of being an engineer for nearly 20 years also took a toll on his posture. Throughout the series, he walks and stands with a very noticeable hunch.

Isaac had no prior combat training before the events of Dead Space, being forced to defend himself against the Necromorphs with whatever that he could use as a weapon. Isaac learned the best ways of dealing with the Necromorphs through the logs that are left behind by the fallen survivors by even keeping one after his ordeal on Titan Station.

Though Isaac was not entirely immune to the Marker's signal, he had a high level of resistance toward some of its effects that it had on others. Though some were driven insane, homicidal or even suicidal by the Marker, Isaac only suffered from hallucinations. After escaping from Aegis VII's destruction and being apprehended by EarthGov, Isaac's exposure to the Red Marker's signal combined with his experiences made him catatonic, making a top candidate of a covert program on Titan Station to build a Marker. This program that was headed by Hans Tiedemann implanted the Marker symbols within Isaac's conscience so he and others could build another Marker. This in affect created the blueprint of a Red Marker within his head, making him a target of EarthGov. These symbols allowed Isaac to understand the messages from those affected by the Marker from which the average person wouldn't be able to understand.

Equipment: R.I.G [Resource Integration Gear] -
User Health Management - The most distinctive feature of the RIG is its health management system, which actively displays the wearer's health in real time via a segmented colored bar that runs along the spine of the wearer, allowing for interface into the wearer's nervous system, and therefore the ability to detect the wearer's health status. These bars will drain and refill depending on the user's health. If a RIG wearer dies, the RIG will give off a flatline sound, identical to an alert cardiograph. The bar changes color depending on the user's overall health; aqua-blue for above 75%, green for above 50%, yellow for below 50%, and red for below 25%. It will blink when the user is near death.

It is unknown what it bases the wearer's health on, be it a rough estimate of damaged body parts or the functionality of internal organs. It is known that if the user of the RIG is harmed, the RIG automatically applies any carried health packs to the damaged area. The RIG could also potentially show signs of bacterial or viral-based illness.

Holographic Display - Utilizing the Holotech Operating System, a RIG has the ability to project a holographic display, which is projected a few feet (about a meter) in front of the RIG wearer. The display also moves with the user if the user walks around at all while it is projected. These displays are used for various features. The main use of the display is for RIG users to communicate with one another through live video chat, or to send live audio messages to one another. The RIG also allows its user to store text logs and the like within the RIG's built-in memory, which are displayed in widescreen projections to make reading easier.

Navigation - This feature projects a colored line on the environment that guides the user to objectives, benches and stores, this system included a 3D map and the line guided users to objectives.

Plasma Cutter
The 211-V Plasma Cutter. Designed and manufactured by Schofield Tools, the 211-V is a tool designed to be used in mining operations. It uses two alignment blades on the side, and three lights on the front, to help the user accurately cut through softer minerals. It uses an internal power source, is compact/light enough to be easily portable, and can be even used one handed (due to its light weight).

The Plasma Cutter delivers a cohesive pulse-stream, or "bolt", of ionized plasma when fired. It is capable of firing bolts vertically (primary firing mode) and horizontally (secondary firing mode). The Plasma Cutter is very accurate, utilizing three blue laser pointers to indicate the desired cutting plane.

On impact with the target, bolt cohesion fails frontward first, penetrating the target with a focused jet of superheated matter. This causes intense localized shear effects as well as a tunneling thermal expansion. When used upon brittle, frozen rocks riddled with faults, it can split them open in one or two shots in skilled hands. Against pliable targets, however, impact will cause minimal damage and thermal expansion will not so much cut as stress the area around the impact site, sometimes requiring several consecutive hits with the non-upgraded tool. Still, when presented with a less than effective alternative against dense organic matter, the 211-V Plasma Cutter retains its utility.
Stasis Module
Stasis is a field of science and technology based on advanced quantum physics. The Stasis Module is used to temporarily slow all motion of both organic and inorganic material, relative to normal time, and functions by creating a temporal stasis field in a designated volume around the targeted object.

Commercially, it is used to slow down dangerous malfunctioning equipment until it can be repaired or replaced. Stasis has found wide applications in the surgical field, as stasis beds can be seen in the Sprawl, where patients who are suffering from otherwise terminal conditions or incredible trauma (such as the loss of whole limbs) can be put into stasis while suitable equipment and staff are assembled and organized to render treatment. Judging from its use in the P-Sec and Soldier RIGs, it is also apparent that the Stasis Module is also used as a non-lethal weapon when apprehending dangerous criminals, presumably freezing them temporarily so that they can be handcuffed.

Kinesis Module
Kinesis is technology that allows human engineers and construction crews to move large masses easily in almost any environment. Hands-on Zero-Point applications have found use not only in space-borne construction, but also on planetary projects where bulkier construction exoskeletons and machinery are neither suited, nor welcome.

Kinesis works by projecting a tube of crackling white energy (an artificial gravity field) from the glove slip's palm emitter pad. Once grabbed by the leading edge of the energy tube, the desired object's gravity is presumably nullified and drawn toward the wielder. Small objects will stop about a foot from the pad, suspended in midair, while movable objects like rail pallets and shutters come as close as their connections allow. Deactivation of the Kinesis effect releases the object, leaving it to fall in the direction of the nearest gravitational center of mass. However, reversing the tube's polarity any time after achieving latch-on causes the object to be thrown away from the wielder with a velocity inversely proportional to the distance from the palm emitter pad.

Unlike with the Stasis Module, Kinesis' energy is drawn directly from the internal power source of the user's RIG, and as such does not require replenishment. Various features of the module can be upgraded at any workbench via nanocircuitry power node amelioration.

The Kinesis Module fits into the top of the Stasis Module armband just forward of its rear focus cylinder, and works in conjunction with a round emitter pad built into the palm of the glove-slip component. The module allows the wielder control over almost any organic and inorganic material with the wave of a hand.

Advanced Suit
This suit relies on highly classified technology and is intended for elite forces operating in dangerous situations and the harshest of environments. Like all other full-body vacuum-rated suits, the Advanced Suit is self-sealing on most occasions, meaning that it will seal itself if punctured or otherwise damaged in a manner which compromises the wearer's exposure. This allows operators to work in the vacuum of space or other similarly hazardous environments.

Oxygen Storage - The suit will become airtight when entering a vacuum (or an area with a toxic atmosphere), allowing the user to breathe using oxygen stored in the suit. This oxygen will refill once the user either enters an area with normal air again, or makes use of an oxygen refilling station or air can. Areas in a vacuum that require long periods of work will often be equipped with Oxygen Recharge Stations, which will automatically refill the suit's oxygen storage to the maximum, and can be used an unlimited number of times.

Zero Gravity Boots - Allows the wearer cling to metal surfaces when in zero-gravity environments.

Maneuvering Thrusters - Maneuvering thrusters allows user to navigate easily in a zero-gravity environment.
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Alphonse Elric

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Having apprenticed under the master alchemist Izumi Curtis, Alphonse has been trained to condition his body through regular workouts and sparring as part of her philosophy, "to train the spirit, first train the body." As such, Al has become a particularly competent hand-to-hand fighter, able to hold his own against armed opponents and even skilled martial arts practitioners. In fact, Edward had stated that Alphonse is an even more skilled combatant than himself and notes that he has never beaten him in a fight, even since before Izumi's training. Additionally, his armor body has several combat advantages including - strengthened offense and defense, imperviability to bullets, inexhaustible stamina, invulnerability against extreme temperatures and an exemption from needing to breathe, eat or sleep. Unfortunately, these are all tempered by the fact that he cannot take any actions that might cause the Blood Seal inside his armor to be damaged so as to prevent his soul from becoming detached.

Like his brother, Alphonse also wields a genius-level intellect and prodigious proficiency in the studies of biology, chemistry, and alchemy. While Edward is apparently the greater mind of the two, Alphonse does not trail far behind and has been able to match wits with his brother since the days they learned alchemy together as children. Alphonse, skilled with words, is capable of solving complex alchemical puzzles and mysteries and has displayed an encyclopedic knowledge of his craft, but seems to lack Edward's amazing sense of focus, instead developing the social skills in which his older brother is so sorely deficient.

Alphonse is a particularly competent alchemist who transmutes quickly, cleanly and with remarkable attention to detail in the style of his master, Izumi. In combat, he uses alchemy to augment his offensive and defensive capabilities, crafting weapons for melee strikes and altering his surroundings to gain the advantage in the same way as his brother - transmuting columns, battering rams, and traps for his enemies, albeit without the gaudy touches that Edward usually gives his works. While in general, his alchemy is more conventional than that of Edward (who often uses it in unusual forms to outsmart his opponents), he has displayed greater creativity when the situation called for it. For instance, when equipped with a Philosopher's Stone, he was able to use his alchemy in unexpected ways, like transmuting flash bangs, flexible swords, and conical earth-prisons to surprise his opponents.​
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Name: Wolf/Sekiro

Series: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Canon: "Well... done... Sekiro..."


Immortal Oath: The blood of the Divine Heir flowing through Wolf's veins. The Dragon's Heritage grants immortality to those it is bestowed upon, either directly or through another. While less potent than his lord's inability to truly suffer wounds, Wolf retains the ability to revive himself innumerable times to fulfill his duty, whatever that may be. This is not without it's costs however, as the life force used to resurrect Wolf is finite. Should he possess no resurrective power or usable life energy upon death, the toll will be taken on his mind and spirit, steadily wearing away at him.

Combat Arts: Wolf is a highly capable warrior, skilled in the arts of samurai, monk and shinobi. He has learned many techniques throughout his journey and uses them to devastating effect. There are simple movements such as the spinning Whirlwind Slash, the staggering Praying Strikes and the agile Nightjar Reversal. But these abilities range into the supernatural as well, with the likes of Dragon Flash cutting distant foes with the wind, One Mind unleashing a storm of attacks at god-like speed after a moment of focus, and Sakura Dance lifting it's user into the air with extended swings that leave beautiful petals trailing after the blade. These are only a few of the many Combat Arts in his arsenal.

Shinobi Martial Arts: Though generally less direct than Combat Arts, often simple skill combinations, these techniques are no less useful. Many have met their ends unbalanced by the Mikiri Counter, a simple stomp on a weapon left vulnerable by a thrust, or the Anti-Air Deathblow, taking advantage of an airborne foe's inability to dodge. This isn't to say it is utterly lacking in eye catching moves, as Living Force's ability to envelop one's weapon in elemental energies would attest. Perhaps most useful is the Lightning Reversal technique, taking in electricity and sending it away in a wide swing or a projectile so long as one does not touch the ground.

Latent Skills: Innate abilities held by Wolf that are either always in effect or activate automatically where applicable. These can be incredibly potent, regardless of their scale. With Night Eye his eyes can adapt to see even in total darkness, Suppress Presence hides him well in stealth or plain sight, he can use the Mibu Breathing Technique to breathe underwater indefinitely and swim with speed more befitting a carp than a man, and Breath of Life replenishes his life force as he deals death to his enemies. Peculiarly enough, even his luck itself is bolstered by Virtuous Deed, mysteriously granting him additional currency and items wherever they may be found. Lastly, though one might attribute it to the Dragon Blood, he appears to benefit from any source of healing more than the average person.

Ninjutsu Techniques: Secret shinobi arts dealing in mystical powers. Bloodsmoke turns the spraying blood of a victim to smoke, allowing one to retake the element of surprise. Puppeteer manipulates the victim like a puppet, temporarily forcing one who should have fled this realm to remain for a time. Bestowal wreathes a blade in the victims blood, extending it's reach and empowering it's edge, forming a cursed sword. Each of these can be completely devastating on their own, yet their weakness lies in the requirement of a victim to utilize them with. For a shinobi there is often no lack of bodies to use, but when forced into a direct confrontation they will find such trickery less than effective. Wolf is also quite familiar with illusion techniques due to his father Owl and his mentor Lady Butterfly, though he rarely uses them.


Kusabimaru: A fine katana given by Kuro to his loyal retainer. It has served Wolf quite well against countless foes, remaining unbroken even in the face of demons and gods. It appears to hold no inherent supernatural abilities, but no tool is as reliable.

Shinobi Prosthetic: An artificial replica of a human arm fitted with a variety of mechanisms, apparently designed with modifications in mind. Wolf himself does not fully understand it, but is capable of making repairs, upgrades and modifications. A collection of weapons and tools are implanted, some with multiple forms that can all be swapped between despite easily exceeding the size of the arm itself when counted together. Most notable among them is the mobility enhancing Grapple Hook. The rest are as follows:
  • Shuriken Wheel: A tool that aids in the launching of shuriken. They can be sent normally or spinning, but either is effective against distant or airborne foes. Additionally, Phantom Kunai generating powerful illusory butterflies and even Coins can be loaded into the wheel. If blessed with lazulite, the shuriken can continue spinning at top speed even after impact, leaving a trail of blue light reminiscent of a shooting star.
  • Shinobi Axe of the Monkey: A powerful black iron axe meant to crush more than cut. While it's weight alone is sufficient for its purpose, the spring-load mechanism which strengthens it and the attached percussion hammer to create flame make it a terrifying weapon to behold. The lazulite blessed blade causes a powerful reverberation capable of dispelling enemy illusions.
  • Loaded Spear: Forged from the remains of Gyoubu's Broken Horn, a spear with a splendid shape that excelled at stripping foes of their armour. Though simple in use, this mighty weapon can be swung and thrust with enough force to generate shockwaves. A percussion hammer has been added to this as well, making it capable of consuming enemies in a fiery blaze.
  • Sabimaru: An ancient kodachi short sword, it's blade mottled with bluish rust. The blue rust poison is highly potent and eats into enemies defences, working especially well on the inhuman Okami it was forged to fight. Having been upgraded with transcendent lazulite, it's now unbreakable blade produces a poisonous mist with every swing.
  • Iron Fortress: A nigh-indestructible iron-ribbed umbrella fitted to the arm. It's tempered magnetic shaft and the blessings of Phoenix and Suzaku upon it make it the ultimate defence against blade, heat and spirit.
  • Robert's Firecrackers: Small explosives from across the sea. They can unleash a blinding flash to disorient people and greatly startle beasts. The tweaked compound black gunpowder emits purple smoke and delays the explosion slightly while magnifying it's intensity. Something about it briefly causes those affected by it to take slightly more damage until they recover.
  • Flame Vent: A flame barrel loaded onto the arm. It's primary use is to create a short-range blast of fire, but it is also able to maintain a continuous stream of flames and can be charged for a massive blast of flames and hot air, sending opponents flying. With the blessing of lazulite imparted on the barrel, holy fire can be called forth to terrorize and destroy apparitions and other spiritual beings. These blue flames are still effective against living beings, but do not burn the same.
  • Mist Raven: An aged feather from an elusive mist raven, fused with smaller crimson feathers. It can be used to disappear and displace like the mist before moving away in any direction and reappearing elsewhere, even past obstructions. Having been partially dyed red to resemble the Great Mist Raven, a god of the land, it can optionally leave a scorching trail in it's wake.
  • Divine Abduction: A large fan that commands the winds. By gathering and releasing a maelstrom of wind, it can easily and immediately turn even large and sturdy foes this way and that, often leaving them vulnerable to a quick deathblow. An illustrious golden vortex can also be used to extract additional items and money from others, to be considered "donations". Certain individuals, such as heretics can be spirited away, vanishing without a trace or even a chance to resist despite their unholy might.
  • Kingfisher: A slender finger fashioned into a whistle and reinforced with the Malcontent's ring. It's piercing sound can be heard freely or by specific targets and enrages beasts, making them unable to distinguish friend from foe. Taking a deep breath before performing a whistle allows for the sound to be delayed. Strangely, the sound also torments demons and apparition-type enemies, rendering them vulnerable in their stupor.

Mortal Blade: The Red Mortal Blade, named Gracious Gift of Tears. A crimson odachi capable of slaying the undying and immortal. Only those who themselves cannot die are capable of wielding this weapon, as it's curse takes the life of any who dares draw it in an instant. The powerful blade leaves deadly wounds and it's energies cannot be wholly blocked by physical means alone.

Kuro's Charm: A secret gift from Kuro to Wolf. This small charm grants a measure of protection to it's bearer, tempering the danger posed by that which assails them. Though it has long aided the Divine Heir's loyal shinobi, he would be no less capable without it.

Dancing Dragon Mask: A dragon's head dancing mask, restored by Wolf after he collected it's three pieces. It was once used in rituals by the Okami warrior women as they performed for the Divine Dragon. This act somehow left them brimming with vigour afterwards. It retains a form of that power even now, as Wolf may use it while resting to empower himself with the memory of his fallen foes.

Recovery Charm: A Dragonrot Recovery Charm created by Emma. With this charm, one can offer a droplet of the Dragon's Blood to restore all those afflicted with Dragonrot to health. It is good then that Wolf himself has been bestowed the Dragon Blood, as although it is less pure than the Divine Heir's own, it could still be useful to one skilled in the art of medicine.

Healing Gourd: A gourd filled with vitality-restoring medicine capable of healing grievous wounds. The seeds within have the strange property of continuously refilling the gourd to it's maximum capacity. Wolf is in possession of three other gourds of differing colours, each providing resistance and relief for a particular ailment. Green for poison, red for burning and purple for the deathly ailment of "terror".

Ceremonial Tanto: The blade known as Devoted Soul, a dagger with a stark white blade and hilt. It can convert one's vitality into spirit emblems, ethereal paper dolls representative of a departed soul's life force. Many supernatural abilities are performed with such energies and though one who's profession lies in taking lives is likely flush with them, it wouldn't do to run out.

Headless Spiritfall: Fallen, headless spirits of old heroes, corrupted and ruined. Ako grants incredible strength, Ungo grants supreme vitality, Gokan grants unyielding defence, Gachiin grants unparalleled concealment and Yashariku grants inhuman might at the cost of one's life force. Seizing their power is not without it's costs, but the benefits are undoubtedly worth the sacrifice.

Nightjar Monocular: A bamboo tube used to see distant objects. While shinobi aready have good vision, looking through this tube with one eye enables one to see even further.

Hidden Tooth: False tooth loaded with a secret shinobi drug, blue in color. Can be used repeatedly. Crush the blue nostrum between the back teeth to die as often as one pleases. Could be useful in certain situations. Surely an unnecessary reminder, but the first death is typically one's last.

Bell Demon: A demonic spirit that has accompanied Wolf for some time. It was sealed within the Iron Bell of Senpou Temple and would possess those who rung it. Though it strengthens ones enemies and confers hardship, it also provides slightly better spoils for overcoming these challenges. Once, it could be banished and forced to return to the bell, but worlds away it may simply become subdued with nowhere to go.

Homeward Idol: A small, palm-sized wooden Buddha. Wolf has owned this since his childhood and it shows in it's worn appearance. By praying to Buddha, one can be shown a path home. In other words, it returns Wolf to the last safe area he rested in.

Quick Items: Limited they may be, Wolf has many useful items on his person. A pill case full of medicinal Pellets, a droplet of Dragon's Blood, a Bundled Jizo Statue that restores resurrective power, various powders to treat differing ailments, Mibu Balloons of Wealth, Possession, Spirit and Soul to attract such things, blessed Divine Confetti to interact with apparitions and spirits, empowering Red Lumps, Ceramic Shards to be thrown, hardened clumps of Ash, small Oil jars, illusion-breaking Snap Seeds, deadly shinobi drugs known as Bite Down and even purses bulging with coin. Truly it is a wonder how so much is held on one's person, as even more is stored by the grace of Buddha elsewhere. Wolf may have deep pockets, but perhaps something else holds the answer to this riddle of space. Replenishing these outside of Ashina and even Japan is unlikely, so wisdom dictates they be used sparingly.
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Name: Steve Rogers -- Captain America

Series: Marvel

Canon: Earth-616 (Comics universe)

Abilities: Super-strength, agility, stamina, and is built like a brick-shit house.

Equipment: All he needs is one thing


Name: Funny Valentine

Series: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure [Part 7]

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): After completing The Corpse

Abilities (This includes the character's skills): Though very intelligent and quite well built, as well as being military trained, Valentine doesn't possess any particular superhuman ability... With the exception of his Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, or D4C, for short.

Originally: D4C allowed Valentine to travel between parallel worlds to his allowing him to reach to his other selves for help when needed, be it as an extra pair of hands, a distraction, or a flat out replacement, as all Valentines shared the same root Valentine with a root world, which was the one where D4C existed and they could take that role if needed. He could also bring others to the alternate worlds, with the risk of them being annihilated on a molecular level if they got too close to their alternate world self. Only Valentine was immune to this.

Current: D4C allows Valentine and objects he is in contact with to be intangible (be it partially or totally) and move along whatever he is phasing through. He can make copies of himself, from which any can become "the base" Valentine, but this is tiresome, casing Valentine to only be four of himself at a time at maximum, needing more and more cooldown time based on injuries suffered by any Valentine. And just like the original, it's a close range Stand. Meaning it's quite powerful, fast and resistant. Only one Valentine can manifest D4C at a time.

Equipment: A Colt revolver and a Bowie knife


Name: Kassandra the Eagle Bearer

Series: Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Canon : Prior to meeting her mother.

Abilities :
  • Archery
  • Horse-riding
  • Multiple melee weapons (favors heavy blunt weapons or short swords)
  • Hand-to-hand combat (Wrestling focus)
  • Stealth assassination
  • Free-running


Mighty Herakles Armor: Renders wearer immune to fire and moderate protection from piercing damage.


From left to right: Achille's Bow. Spear of Leonidas. Nemean Claws.