The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 1, Mission 4 - Sky on Fire

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The Streets of Orles

As Flynn dealt with the blinded sniper, her so-called Revenants joined the pair, looking to be mixed between the fallen Knights of this city, and the corpses of Nazi soldiers, evidently piloted by the fallen Knights. A good thing in David's eyes as he didn't have to worry about being shot in the back by the walking corpses.

As they took to the streets, Shirou's swords cutting into the tanks and forcing them back, followed up by Thea starting to kick ass as she walked down the road, her shots and actions on par with a machine. A detail that'd come to David's attention later, right now he was more concerned with the retreating Nazi bastards. The Revenants taking a brunt of the fire, their flesh being strewn about as they continued onward. Yet as some had to crawl on their hands or limbs that were still capable, they leapt at any Nazi soldier at came close, biting into their flesh or literally stabbing them with their sharpened bones. Some used the guns their body supplier had on them, and in one poor Revenant's case. He pulled the pins on the grenades on his body, for which he leapt at a Nazi, blowing the both of them up into a fine red mist.

David himself, kept busy by using his new shotgun to turn a Nazi or two into mincemeat, the shotgun being an automatic was a blessing to the man wielding it. No need for a pump action or some shitty gimmick that required him to stop firing. Beyond reloading. His attention turned to the retreating tank as it backed away down an alleyway.

Running around as the remaining Nazi forces were quickly being picked off, his enhanced physique allowing him to move quickly as he went through ruined homes and up a collapse floor-turned makeshift staircase, hauling ass as he reached a destroyed window. Looking down just as the tank was beginning to pass, David timing his fall just the tank was beginning to pass. Landing with a grunt and almost damn near falling off due to the momentum of the tank and his own meeting and the tank winning in terms of fight/weight.

Gathering his bearings, David reached for the hatch before noticing a switch on the shotgun, and a compartment on the ammo clip, flipping it. David heard a strange noise as the gun did something. Hoping it was good, as the hatch opened with a hail of small arms fire nearly hitting his head as he ducked back, a bullet scraping his head. Causing a couple small bits of blood to trickle down his head, David's reaction was to stick the shotgun barrel down the hatch was closing the hatch to quickly dispatch the bastard who shot at him.

What David didn't expect was to hear amidst the full auto blasts was the sound of metal bouncing around within the tank, followed by the sounds of meat and liquid splattering the inside of the tank. Eventually the tank he was on slowed to a halt. Risking a peek, David opened the hatch, the sight inside the tank resembling a literal soup of blood, metal, torn fatigues and human flesh. Whatever the hell the shotgun just fired, it made short work of the tank crew.

Seeing as there was no reaction from within the tank, he reflipped the switch and went back to helping the Knights and Mages in killing more Nazis.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @littlekreen @WhoeverElseIMissed
Just before Thea would be blasted by the tank shell, someone suddenly rushed in front of her with a shield. He was quick to stand firm, shield in front of them both, and when the shell exploded upon impact, somehow, both of them would be safe. The shield was perfectly intact, and somehow, the man holding it only moved a few inches backwards, only because the impact pushed him. His body still remained firm. More Nazi's started coming forward from the streets, but fire erupted down from the sky, setting them ablaze.

Strings of light then shot across from the other side of the streets, exploding the ground near the Nazi's, or summing dozens of icicles up under their feet; impaling them and somehow freezing their bodies into ice. Finally, backup had arrived, as both Orlesian knights and mages rushed into battle to aid the group. The knights picked off whoever was still standing, while the mages pushed back the approaching soldiers. The one that protected Thea then turned around to face her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at the injuries along her body, but noticing the exoskeleton underneath. He was obviously not Orlesian. He was wearing red, white and blue.

While they didn't look like Nazis to her, they sure as hell felt like it. And that was good enough for Tex. The young Paratrooper turned Huntress sprinted in behind Cap and gave him whatever covering fire she could. Her hair flaring up behind her as she put her willpower into every shot, small explosions littering the sides of light vehicles and the armored plates of these new Nazis.

The ringing of the shell resounding off Cap's shield took her back to a place she never thought she would be back in. A short slice of her own little hell that was an artillery strike. The 38 CM guns of the KMS Tirpitz impacting the sands around her as it annihilated everything around the small location they were taking cover. One small calculation, and they would be toast...

With a shake of her head, and a fist to her leg Tex snapped herself out of that moment. That was in the past. It may have been a few months ago, but now it didn't matter. She needed to move, and snap into action. Cap couldn't withstand the Pintle, main gun, and the bow gun of that tank for long. Tex vaulted over the piece of rubble that Cap had jumped over moments before. Her rifle snapped into position along Rogers' shoulder, the barrel pointed directly down the cannon of the tank.

"I did tell you how I died right Steve?" Tex commented just before she let her rifle bark. The bolt of energy sailing down the rifling of the tank. Tex could momentarily see the shocked face of the loader behind the open breach as her round impacted the nose of the shell they were loading. Moments later the HE shell detonated, a massive plume of fire erupting out the open commanders hatch as the intense flames inside the now death trap ignited the rest of its magazine. "Because we both know that shield of yours cannot handle HE. Well... it can. You can't." She scolded with a slight smile, turning back around to the person the two were standing over.

"You need to get up, its not safe here. Better cover is advisable. Let the professionals handle the rest." There was that same smile she gave to Cap, it was one of a soldier that had gone through hell and back, spit in Satan's face three times, and continued fighting for the little guys.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin
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Lava grunted in annoyance from behind her cover. These people were seeking to expand their own empire and, judging by how several of her other teammates were reacting, this was an extremely bad thing. She didn't need to be a genius to figure out that these Nazi's taking over the city wouldn't result in a peaceful occupation. However she wasn't an idiot. She calmed herself down to think the situation through.

"Alright. These people don't have magic, let alone the experience in mage combat, that my world does. That means they'll likely be engaging in front-line troop combat since they can't just level a city block on a whim. They want to capture so I don't need to worry about magic gem warheads or nuclear warheads. So, let's think. They almost certainly have snipers in place and are using this peace offer to land and get troops down. A scummy, but effective, tactic. I think that might constitute a war crime but that depends on if their offer is genuine or not. Judging by reactions I suspect it's genuine but with some massive caveots that makes it effectively a 'not'. My barriers can block any bullet or whatever they might throw at me but it's going to still knock me flat on my ass if they connect. Sticking my head out seems like a sure-fire way to pointlessly expend a barrier and hurt myself. Nevermind if they use a rocket. My dress and barriers will stop the fire and shrapnel but the concussive force could easily kill me unless I had some damper for that and, of course, I don't because God decided I could immolate people and not manipulate the air or form the needed barriers for concussive. I can flip this on them though and use their offer to set up my own stuff but even ignoring that that would count as false surrender the biggest issue is that any spell I can cast that could stop these people would kill far more innocent civilians. I feel like a girl armed with a massive ships cannon being asked to snipe an egg without damaging anything else."

And then the truce was over. Abruptly. As someone, she didn't know who, had attacked the tanks. Lavaetain's mind snapped back to reality as she rushed outwards only to see what looked like the most American American who ever America'ed standing out there. Dressed in red, white, and blue... the Flag... Wielding a shield with the same pattern. She vaguely recalled some comic books the nerdier people were involved with but she had never seen them before personally. Still, she bet, this man looked like he came right from them.

She made her move right then and there. Quickly she slammed her hand down to kick up a massive line of explosions from the ground followed by a wall of flame to obscure the view before she dashed out towards the man. She felt the bullets pouring down towards her, though thankfully unable to see her, though she felt one wing her shoulder and, thankfully before the barrier faded away, a second hit the same ward followed by a second... but she continued her rush as fast as she could towards the man and the allies gathering around him, determined to reach him and hope that, somehow, this could change the situation and let her unleash the big guns.

"I don't know who you are but please tell me you know what these people are and how to stop them!" she called out as she ran.

@Wade Von Doom @anyoneelsebythecap
Flynn knelt by the eyeless man as David moved out and scoffed at his injury, "Egh... It would be better if the eyes had not been needlessly damaged. I need him to move into position."

"For.... what purpose? Necromancer. There is no cause for torture." Said the helmeted once chevalier-commander in a stilted voice while it helps hold the man down.

"A strong soul!" Flynn replied, "No wonder you can invoke. I am not of your necromancers. You are a soul in a ethermechanical vessel altered by Grandfather Teeth, not some base demon chained to a corpse. I am going to burn out his this nazi cur to call more of your own that they've killed into stable vessels. I don't have time for torture there when there is bleeding to do."

"True. I feel no chains of magic on me, mage, but your baleful aims are with the chevalier. The chantry will be displeased with you even if it is a return of chevalier to the honor of their city. What happens to us? At the end of battle?" Asked the revenant-chevalier.

Flynn made a long breath considering their fate as she busied looking for ritual pages, "Let the priests whine there is war to do. Once the fires of war are doused, so are your shells. You will be seen by one called Grandfather Teeth, ask to be sent to our knights, the Far and Deep."

The helmeted one protested at the notion and the other near him stared as well, "We go to the Maker when we fall with honor, mage."

"Not anymore, knight," she interrupted, "with my call to this new path and as a human you'll go to my maker now. In Grandfather Teeth's eyes, everything else is lowborn."

"Dishonorable wretch. Very well. So be it, " He paused and looked at the weakening eyeless man, "Orlais must not fall to them."

Flynn started carving into the man as he whimpered under the numbness her knife inflicted in seeping white wounds. A larger pattern of gears and axles that started to turn under flesh as she chanted instructions. The milky fluid from both her and the man turns to metal as she defined the shape's substance and meaning. The mechanism at large a growing tumor of cold intentions preparing to metastasize.


While not be able to snap cast more than a fireball, or the lethal sword of paths she'd paid for in blood, her ritual journal had more horrific things she could unleash with time to focus. You don't want to leave a ritual caster alone for too long after all -- Especially a bloodwrit as capable as herself. The Nazis had similar ideas as midway in her carving started taking machine gun as certainly they had no intention to let her work unmolested. Plumes of red burning ectoplasm shot out of one revenant that flickered out as Flynn and the yellow feathered chevalier barely had time to duck. A bullet passing through heavy armor pounded at the thick metal mask she'd moved to the back of her head. A plastic fleshy ripple as the heavy machine gun round pounded through one side of her into a wall and a spray of blue curled through the air as it slammed her head into the floor between the man's legs as force picked her up end over end to lay flat on her back.

A riot of thin metallic threads reached across the wound and desperately tried to tether her back together as a riot of return fire quelled the machine gun fire from without. The chevalier dragging her quivering project further toward her to check for life. Breathing but in action only no air seemed to pass her lips. A strange blue blood in her like the orange moisture that poured out of himself. There was nothing to be done about what she'd done to him by his hand, at least. He could feel that no chains bound him to her. He stood, made a sigh at the demands of honor, then hoisted her body over both shoulders.

The revenant in a hole-studded nazi armor with a yellow-feathered steel helmet saw reinforcements coming their way as other surviving revenants surrendered to their fellows. Honor bound not to fight their own saw at least some honor in this woman that she hadn't placed chains on them that corrupted their will toward their fellows. Remorse. Not even to affect his worship the Maker he thought though as some consequence of what she'd done a different Maker had been enjoined. He saw the body a consequence of some new mechanism of war after watching her work. Especially after all the new things picard had brought to fight these demons of men. There was work to do.

A ragged cry against the havoc came down the street as he saw the battle quell and trudged openly under Flynn's weight, "HEALER!"
David Ludlow
On the streets of Val Royeaux, on top of a tank

Amidst the chaos as their little section of the city was being retaken, David climbed down from the tank, running back to the others so they could regroup and continue their advantage of a surprising surge against the Nazis, that was when he heard something.

Someone calling for a healer, and usually he would've left it to this world's mages or doctors, or whoever the hell they had for that role. But he looked at who required healing and he stopped in his tracks. It was Flynn who was being carried by one of the revenants she had made. Changing course, David hauled ass towards the husk and revenant, a feat made easy by the enhanced physique he had. Practically skidding to a stop as he took hold of the husk that Flynn used and carried her and it to a covered position.

Laying her down, he examined the wounds, and while he wasn't a doctor. He remembered what Flynn needed to heal her husk. He had seen her consume flesh of the poor bastards he butchered from the sniper's nest.

But judging from her current state and the fact she looked way worse than before, she was going to require something immediate. He looked around but found little more than burnt corpses or bodies too far away for him to cut up and get to Flynn. So he resolved for a different but risky option. Taking off his glove on his left hand, exposing bare skin. Hints of a tattoo abruptly ending at the risk, as if there was more but the hand had suffered damage before and the skin that healed didn't carry over the tattoos. Taking it in his free hand, David bent and pulled until the hand was dislocated, and with haste as eventually the body would pull it back into place. David took his knife and with a growl of repressed pain, began to cut his hand off.

Holding his still-twitching cut off limb, he stuffed it into the weird hole in her back. Awaiting the fruits of his effort.


Tissue Layer: 20% Damage

Despite her fast movements the sheer amount of bullets fired at Thea as she's progressed has damaged her tissue layer and clothing. Her green dress hung on by one strap. Her dark skin is pockmarked by bullet wounds across her chest, and there are a few on her legs. She drops one of the machine guns as its ammo is spent and moves to grab another from a fallen Nazi, but then she detects one of the tanks down the alley in front of her is targeting her. Before she could take evasive maneuvers, a star-spangled man and his shield intercepts the round fired at her. The shockwave is somehow absorbed by the shield, so neither of them fall.

"Still operational." Thea responds to him without emotion. There would be no hiding now with all the damage to her tissue layer, thus it would be futile to pretend to be human now. She scans his shield. Another person, a woman, jumps over nearby rubble and disables another tank with her rifle. Thea was only down on the ground to collect another machine gun and its ammo from a fallen Nazi when the woman, assuming Thea was some kind of amateur, warns her to get cover and let 'professionals' take over.

"I am more than a professional." Thea says to Tex, now again holding two machine guns in either hand. Her voice is emotionless. "I was designed for combat." She corrects the assumption and starts scanning around them for any targets the reinforcements happen to miss as they flood the area.
Just before Thea would be blasted by the tank shell, someone suddenly rushed in front of her with a shield. He was quick to stand firm, shield in front of them both, and when the shell exploded upon impact, somehow, both of them would be safe. The shield was perfectly intact, and somehow, the man holding it only moved a few inches backwards, only because the impact pushed him. His body still remained firm. More Nazi's started coming forward from the streets, but fire erupted down from the sky, setting them ablaze.

Strings of light then shot across from the other side of the streets, exploding the ground near the Nazi's, or summing dozens of icicles up under their feet; impaling them and somehow freezing their bodies into ice. Finally, backup had arrived, as both Orlesian knights and mages rushed into battle to aid the group. The knights picked off whoever was still standing, while the mages pushed back the approaching soldiers. The one that protected Thea then turned around to face her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at the injuries along her body, but noticing the exoskeleton underneath. He was obviously not Orlesian. He was wearing red, white and blue.

While they didn't look like Nazis to her, they sure as hell felt like it. And that was good enough for Tex. The young Paratrooper turned Huntress sprinted in behind Cap and gave him whatever covering fire she could. Her hair flaring up behind her as she put her willpower into every shot, small explosions littering the sides of light vehicles and the armored plates of these new Nazis.

The ringing of the shell resounding off Cap's shield took her back to a place she never thought she would be back in. A short slice of her own little hell that was an artillery strike. The 38 CM guns of the KMS Tirpitz impacting the sands around her as it annihilated everything around the small location they were taking cover. One small calculation, and they would be toast...

With a shake of her head, and a fist to her leg Tex snapped herself out of that moment. That was in the past. It may have been a few months ago, but now it didn't matter. She needed to move, and snap into action. Cap couldn't withstand the Pintle, main gun, and the bow gun of that tank for long. Tex vaulted over the piece of rubble that Cap had jumped over moments before. Her rifle snapped into position along Rogers' shoulder, the barrel pointed directly down the cannon of the tank.

"I did tell you how I died right Steve?" Tex commented just before she let her rifle bark. The bolt of energy sailing down the rifling of the tank. Tex could momentarily see the shocked face of the loader behind the open breach as her round impacted the nose of the shell they were loading. Moments later the HE shell detonated, a massive plume of fire erupting out the open commanders hatch as the intense flames inside the now death trap ignited the rest of its magazine. "Because we both know that shield of yours cannot handle HE. Well... it can. You can't." She scolded with a slight smile, turning back around to the person the two were standing over.

"You need to get up, its not safe here. Better cover is advisable. Let the professionals handle the rest." There was that same smile she gave to Cap, it was one of a soldier that had gone through hell and back, spit in Satan's face three times, and continued fighting for the little guys.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin

"Sorry, ma'am. Had to act fast." Steve told Tex, putting his shield away behind his back. There was enough bloodshed happening today, and considering how little time he had to save her from being metal scrap, his better nature won out over his preservation. "If you're still willing to fight, we'll take all the help we can get. These people need to be evacuated into the inner city where the defenses are more fortified. We haven't gotten any scouting reports yet on the size of this invasion, but if it's smaller than a usual invasion force, then maybe we can hold our ground just long enough to put a stop to their advances, then push them back when they hit fatigue. We just need two things: flak for the planes above, and that," he pointed up to the zeppelin flying overhead, "to go down."

He said this to everyone around him, from Thea, to Tex, to the approaching Lava, they needed to form a plan and line of defense. "Tex, try contacting Picard and Tano, tell them we found new comers in the city willing to help. You two," he pointed to Thea and Lava, "Names?"

" I am designated Cyberdine Systems Series 851 Model 101. You may call me Thea for convenience." Thea responds to the Captain's request for a name while still scanning around. She centers on the zeppelin and runs through scenarios and estimations, and looks at Lavaetain. Magical firepower was difficult to quantify, but Thea has seen enough to factor them in.

"Lavaetain. What is the range of your abilities? I propose placing you close enough to the craft to take out it's engines or ignite the fuel. Your abilities as I have analyzed are optimal. Shirou would be another viable option." Thea inquires then informs the woman.

@Snowtwo @Wade Von Doom @Henryboy003 @BobTheNinja
The slip between a false spine was something quick to find the skin giving way to a heavy nest of thick wet fibers. It took the hand readily as bones and something metal tumbled against his skin as he drew out the hand. Repair was something she'd done by eating it but to put it directly inside the husk did something quite different. Built to resist and restabilize rather than reject corruption the hand became a puzzle piece it hadn't formerly known. The traveler was asleep and there was no Id yet to reconcile the abnormality. It quietly carved shapes for david's genetics to interface with Flynn's own as soon as it started trying to knit the body together. Sploches of darkening skin arose in a cloud of freckles as the husk busied with bringing Flynn back to stability, to consciousness.

Flynn's eyes wandered open and meandered independently then shot back to alignment as she groaned as blue threads shot out where her side had been blown away. Trying to seal the husk back up with what it had. Flynn could tell something was wrong in her hairworm singing worriedly at the changes in her dismantled biology. A hand? The hairworm wasn't too good with communication. She looked over to David then immediately noticed the stump as she coughed in surpise to spit out a chunk of metal and purple blood as several bullets pinged across the stone.

Flynn tried to stand as the knitting in her side argued about whether the bones should be carbon fiber or bone, "Agh! Food goes in the mouth hole! Ugh, it's too late now. Where's the bomb?"
"My name is Lavaetain. No last name or special modifiers. Call me Lava for short." Then her attention turned to Thea's plans.

"In theory, my abilities have effectively unlimited range. In my home world we're attempting to build portals to Mars and the limitation isn't spell range but, rather, a power source capable of providing enough mana for such an endeavor. On my own I've... honestly never really tested it. Most of my fighting has been in urban or light residential so having a range of something like 300 yards is meaningless. But even if I had tried to reach a range limit prior I can safely say that I could easily extend past that range if I had time to draw the appropriate magic circles, enough mana supply and, whatnot. Hitting that ship is less a matter of 'can I' and more a matter of 'can you cram enough mana into me'. In theory, if one of you were to sacrifice your life, I could lob a fireball across half the city without even trying. That would be inhumane though and drawing on others lifeforce is a massive moral issue even if they volunteer it and it doesn't kill them. Ummmm..."

She quickly lit her finger on fire and started to trace a series of words, symbols, and other things in the air in front of her.

"I don't know if this world has an equivalent, but if you want me to hit that thing from the ground, I could do so, from this location, if you provided me with ten bottles of fully mana-infused potions or roughly five liters. Less if it's fire aspected, more if it's water aspected by 50%. If I were to expend all my personal mana I could do it on the ground as well, but I would be left near-catatonic afterwards for at least a day and there might be lasting side effects and a minor risk of death if it's too far. How high up is it exactly? My 150 yard fireball couldn't reach and, while I could extend it to 300 if you don't mind it having the power of a lighter without any issue any more than that's going to require chanting, circles, and potions."
Flynn put her feet under her on the ground and turned to look at the very blue male in... underwear? Human habits varied quite a lot so she wasn't quite sure but they really looked like hooded winter wear. Seems this might be who they were here for he certainly didn't fit in. Even shifting on all fours at her knees the husk felt loose and spongy like her bones were slithering around. The foreign blood was mixing in her body with the husk as her own half-yellow blood already started bending and hammering the new piece added to her. Until it was done she'd come out mutilated when trying to leave until her body was stable.

She looked up to David with a steely stare before nodding at Captain America, "Never mind, I'll hit you later. Hopefully the bomb hasn't wandered too far. Thea or Lavaetain isn't shooting at him so let's go see if blue undies human is with the opposition to the nazis." @The Wanderer

A dismissive wave to the revenant told him, "You ought to go raise some allies while you can. Wandering souls won't stay healthy long. Call by name if you can. Know they can't move on if you do."

Though with each step lists away from the threadbare side as it knit blue and purple threads together. An odd pile of frayed black bones sinking slowly back to the center of the body. Skin knitted back together at the edges of the sucking wound revealing the husk as something other than human at the leather blown away.

She heard Leviatain give her rundown and figured out what was going on as she slipped her mask back around, "Flynn the Volitale. Restricted mechanisms specialist. Artillery support. Extradimensional salvage operations. Sixth circle bloodwrit." @Wade Von Doom

Exhausted with the growing hunger added with a breathy acridity, "If you're here to kill nazis, I'll eat them."
"My name is Lavaetain. No last name or special modifiers. Call me Lava for short." Then her attention turned to Thea's plans.

"In theory, my abilities have effectively unlimited range. In my home world we're attempting to build portals to Mars and the limitation isn't spell range but, rather, a power source capable of providing enough mana for such an endeavor. On my own I've... honestly never really tested it. Most of my fighting has been in urban or light residential so having a range of something like 300 yards is meaningless. But even if I had tried to reach a range limit prior I can safely say that I could easily extend past that range if I had time to draw the appropriate magic circles, enough mana supply and, whatnot. Hitting that ship is less a matter of 'can I' and more a matter of 'can you cram enough mana into me'. In theory, if one of you were to sacrifice your life, I could lob a fireball across half the city without even trying. That would be inhumane though and drawing on others lifeforce is a massive moral issue even if they volunteer it and it doesn't kill them. Ummmm..."

She quickly lit her finger on fire and started to trace a series of words, symbols, and other things in the air in front of her.

"I don't know if this world has an equivalent, but if you want me to hit that thing from the ground, I could do so, from this location, if you provided me with ten bottles of fully mana-infused potions or roughly five liters. Less if it's fire aspected, more if it's water aspected by 50%. If I were to expend all my personal mana I could do it on the ground as well, but I would be left near-catatonic afterwards for at least a day and there might be lasting side effects and a minor risk of death if it's too far. How high up is it exactly? My 150 yard fireball couldn't reach and, while I could extend it to 300 if you don't mind it having the power of a lighter without any issue any more than that's going to require chanting, circles, and potions."
"I don't know if we'd have a secure location for all that though." Steve told Lava. "We've stopped their advance for the moment, but if they try hitting again, it could leave you vulnerable, and I don't think we could get enough lyrium bottles here in time to get you charged up... What about in the air? Could you hit that if you were flying? And could you strike through the armor plating?"
"Sorry, ma'am. Had to act fast." Steve told Tex, putting his shield away behind his back. There was enough bloodshed happening today, and considering how little time he had to save her from being metal scrap, his better nature won out over his preservation. "If you're still willing to fight, we'll take all the help we can get. These people need to be evacuated into the inner city where the defenses are more fortified. We haven't gotten any scouting reports yet on the size of this invasion, but if it's smaller than a usual invasion force, then maybe we can hold our ground just long enough to put a stop to their advances, then push them back when they hit fatigue. We just need two things: flak for the planes above, and that," he pointed up to the zeppelin flying overhead, "to go down."

He said this to everyone around him, from Thea, to Tex, to the approaching Lava, they needed to form a plan and line of defense. "Tex, try contacting Picard and Tano, tell them we found new comers in the city willing to help. You two," he pointed to Thea and Lava, "Names?"

"Well if we can find an eighty eight I can put a stop to that thing right quick. They ah... still fill those with Hydrogen right?" Tex cocked her head to the side for a moment as she moved to a piece of rubble that was somewhere out of the firing line. Her hand dropped into her pocket as she grabbed her Scroll and began tapping away at it. After she got what she thought was a stable radio connection she raised a finger to her throat and keyed her mic. "Armada to Actual, We got two more stragglers. If you can spare any help with that zeppelin that would be nice."

"I don't know if this world has an equivalent, but if you want me to hit that thing from the ground, I could do so, from this location, if you provided me with ten bottles of fully mana-infused potions or roughly five liters. Less if it's fire aspected, more if it's water aspected by 50%. If I were to expend all my personal mana I could do it on the ground as well, but I would be left near-catatonic afterwards for at least a day and there might be lasting side effects and a minor risk of death if it's too far. How high up is it exactly? My 150 yard fireball couldn't reach and, while I could extend it to 300 if you don't mind it having the power of a lighter without any issue any more than that's going to require chanting, circles, and potions."

"I don't know if we'd have a secure location for all that though." Steve told Lava. "We've stopped their advance for the moment, but if they try hitting again, it could leave you vulnerable, and I don't think we could get enough lyrium bottles here in time to get you charged up... What about in the air? Could you hit that if you were flying? And could you strike through the armor plating?"

Tex stood up from her position and made it back to Cap. "Or we can find a Pak 43, and I can get one hell of a nosebleed. Bet an eighty eight millimeter would poke a hole in that rather well." She paused as she looked around some more. "Cap we can't stay here. I can here another Panzer in the distance, or... More of those fucking... dogs... Can I call them Panzerhunds? It makes sense." She glanced down the road past that tank she had just shot the commander out of. "You know what. Fuck it. Cap can you drive Panzer?" This will be the... fourth... Tank she has stolen.

"If not... Think I can hit that Zeppelin?" She asked with a slight smile as she cocked her head away from her rifle.
"My name is Lavaetain. No last name or special modifiers. Call me Lava for short." Then her attention turned to Thea's plans.

"In theory, my abilities have effectively unlimited range. In my home world we're attempting to build portals to Mars and the limitation isn't spell range but, rather, a power source capable of providing enough mana for such an endeavor. On my own I've... honestly never really tested it. Most of my fighting has been in urban or light residential so having a range of something like 300 yards is meaningless. But even if I had tried to reach a range limit prior I can safely say that I could easily extend past that range if I had time to draw the appropriate magic circles, enough mana supply and, whatnot. Hitting that ship is less a matter of 'can I' and more a matter of 'can you cram enough mana into me'. In theory, if one of you were to sacrifice your life, I could lob a fireball across half the city without even trying. That would be inhumane though and drawing on others lifeforce is a massive moral issue even if they volunteer it and it doesn't kill them. Ummmm..."

She quickly lit her finger on fire and started to trace a series of words, symbols, and other things in the air in front of her.

"I don't know if this world has an equivalent, but if you want me to hit that thing from the ground, I could do so, from this location, if you provided me with ten bottles of fully mana-infused potions or roughly five liters. Less if it's fire aspected, more if it's water aspected by 50%. If I were to expend all my personal mana I could do it on the ground as well, but I would be left near-catatonic afterwards for at least a day and there might be lasting side effects and a minor risk of death if it's too far. How high up is it exactly? My 150 yard fireball couldn't reach and, while I could extend it to 300 if you don't mind it having the power of a lighter without any issue any more than that's going to require chanting, circles, and potions."
"I don't know if we'd have a secure location for all that though." Steve told Lava. "We've stopped their advance for the moment, but if they try hitting again, it could leave you vulnerable, and I don't think we could get enough lyrium bottles here in time to get you charged up... What about in the air? Could you hit that if you were flying? And could you strike through the armor plating?"
"Sorry, ma'am. Had to act fast." Steve told Tex, putting his shield away behind his back. There was enough bloodshed happening today, and considering how little time he had to save her from being metal scrap, his better nature won out over his preservation. "If you're still willing to fight, we'll take all the help we can get. These people need to be evacuated into the inner city where the defenses are more fortified. We haven't gotten any scouting reports yet on the size of this invasion, but if it's smaller than a usual invasion force, then maybe we can hold our ground just long enough to put a stop to their advances, then push them back when they hit fatigue. We just need two things: flak for the planes above, and that," he pointed up to the zeppelin flying overhead, "to go down."

He said this to everyone around him, from Thea, to Tex, to the approaching Lava, they needed to form a plan and line of defense. "Tex, try contacting Picard and Tano, tell them we found new comers in the city willing to help. You two," he pointed to Thea and Lava, "Names?"

"Well if we can find an eighty eight I can put a stop to that thing right quick. They ah... still fill those with Hydrogen right?" Tex cocked her head to the side for a moment as she moved to a piece of rubble that was somewhere out of the firing line. Her hand dropped into her pocket as she grabbed her Scroll and began tapping away at it. After she got what she thought was a stable radio connection she raised a finger to her throat and keyed her mic. "Armada to Actual, We got two more stragglers. If you can spare any help with that zeppelin that would be nice."

"I don't know if this world has an equivalent, but if you want me to hit that thing from the ground, I could do so, from this location, if you provided me with ten bottles of fully mana-infused potions or roughly five liters. Less if it's fire aspected, more if it's water aspected by 50%. If I were to expend all my personal mana I could do it on the ground as well, but I would be left near-catatonic afterwards for at least a day and there might be lasting side effects and a minor risk of death if it's too far. How high up is it exactly? My 150 yard fireball couldn't reach and, while I could extend it to 300 if you don't mind it having the power of a lighter without any issue any more than that's going to require chanting, circles, and potions."

"I don't know if we'd have a secure location for all that though." Steve told Lava. "We've stopped their advance for the moment, but if they try hitting again, it could leave you vulnerable, and I don't think we could get enough lyrium bottles here in time to get you charged up... What about in the air? Could you hit that if you were flying? And could you strike through the armor plating?"

Tex stood up from her position and made it back to Cap. "Or we can find a Pak 43, and I can get one hell of a nosebleed. Bet an eighty eight millimeter would poke a hole in that rather well." She paused as she looked around some more. "Cap we can't stay here. I can here another Panzer in the distance, or... More of those fucking... dogs... Can I call them Panzerhunds? It makes sense." She glanced down the road past that tank she had just shot the commander out of. "You know what. Fuck it. Cap can you drive Panzer?" This will be the... fourth... Tank she has stolen.

"If not... Think I can hit that Zeppelin?" She asked with a slight smile as she cocked her head away from her rifle.
Once the immediate area was cleared of Nazi troops, Shirou made his way down from the roof to rejoin the group, immediately taking notice of the man clad in red, white, and blue amor, with a blocky white letter-A on his helm and an America-themed circular shield strapped to his arm. Though Shirou didn't recognize him, he cut an impressive figure, and looked like a superhero right out of comic books.

As the group introduced themselves and traded notes on dealing with the rest of the Nazi forces, the young mage stepped forward. "Pardon the interruption, but I may be able to help with taking that zeppelin down. One of my projected blades can be turned into a magic projectile with enough power to level a small city block, and I can launch it from at least a few kilometers from the target," he stated, hefting up his dark metal greatbow for emphasis. "Problem is that if I use it, I doubt that I'll have enough magic energy left to take down the remaining jet fighters. There's also the collateral damage to consider for the area beneath the zeppelin when it goes down. I'd like to check for civilians first, but...with all this chaos, I don't know that we have that kind of time," he grudgingly admitted.

It might have been a different story if this was a Holy Grail war with a small group of opponents, but this was a full-scale battle, an invasion from an entire enemy army. Deaths were already mounting quickly, and more would continue to die the longer this dragged on.

@Snowtwo @Henryboy003 @Wade Von Doom @littlekreen @Amber Franklin

Thea's eyes cycle through the others as they discuss, and also keep a vigilant scan around in case of any enemy fire. As she turns the others would see she has five bullet wounds on her chest in a jagged lightning bolt pattern going from her right shoulder and down to her abdomen. They bleed, and for the lower wounds stain her green dress with spots of red. On her back are three between her shoulder blades. There is a clear graze to her left temple exposing her metallic skeleton.

Shirou's concern for civilian casualties is factored into her formulation of a plan. Not a usual factor.

"I can drive a Panzer." Thea tells Tex and scans around "We will commandeer a Panzer. Shirou, you follow. If the eighty-eight millimeter high explosive fails, you can expend less energy finishing it off. Direct what forces you can to escort us, Captain." Thea tells the group.

A Panzer comes round a corner then. Thea throws down the heavy machine guns she was holding before running at the Panzer. The tanks' secondary gunners open fire.

Thea takes a shot to her right hip that makes her spin and some blood to spurt out, but she lands on her feet and keeps running. She leaps over rubble, zig-zags to avoid being pinned down by gunfire until she leaps and lands on top of it. Worse for wear, bloodier for certain, but Thea holds onto the tank until, with no other option, the hatch opens. The soldier is grabbed by the hand, and pulled out with such force his arm pops out of his socket before he is tossed aside, screaming. Thea drops in.

To those outside the tank: they hear yells, screams, clanks and more yells, muffled screams, a single gunshot from a pistol, then quiet snapping noises. Then silence.

A Nazi appears to climb out, but his head dangles from a broken neck. He's pushed out of the hatch, followed by the rest of the crew until Thea, covered in more blood and a long thing cut on her forehead, looks out for Tex.

"All clear, get in."
Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

They didn't seem to recognize Flynn despite her limping over and describing her abilities. Just as well, she didn't need to get sent to the front line by some blue Far and Deep and needed time for the husk to re-knit the shell then stabilize. While she was unhappy about it and her guts felt like they were on fire as the subsuming process David started continued to run its course. She didn't blame him for getting the job done though she'd end up some hybrid between mutant and Yellow-born. Flynn sighed and looked at her missing right half; she had to get an Id installed in this husk as soon as possible. Though a glance over metal bits exposed in Thea found she apparently was a husk herself. A cracking good one at that.

Flynn raised her voice a bit and said to the soldier in blue underwear and the other one next to him, "I can't keep taking more bullets with this hand running riot inside me. If you're taking one of these tank machines I can imbue it from inside. There's a purple-veined nazi mindlessly wandering around somewhere. Don't shoot him unless you want the despoilation device to detonate and call any lingering home-bound warrior souls to revenants with the dead. They will never see any diefic afterlife." @Wade Von Doom @Henryboy003

She hadn't kept tabs on the revenants but the bright orange faces emerging from buildings and holes said he was busily bringing guard back to defend their city one last time. They'd stand until despoiled bodies or heads were too broken or when the fires of war went out. She'd hoped he understood enough to explain to them they would never go to their afterlife. The machine would never permit it.

When the rumbling and machine gun fire rolled around the corner and broke her thought process Flynn stumbled backward and hit the deck as Thea took off running. Flynn rolled to her stomach and winced to see what was going on. It was hard to dodge or focus when half the husk's torso was missing and completely numb but still left her with a frigid pain in her mind. It didn't get to fire the main turret thankfully. Efficient to the end Thea shortly broke and ejected the crew and Flynn's mouth watered as the traveler seemed more of a hungry animal. @Amber Franklin

First to all fours then straining to her feet again an impulse of hot rage the skin of her arm darkened a tanned shade as a drunken whirl planted both feet as a muscular arm sprinkled with stretch marks from growth punched him in the gut. A natural angry growling deep in her throat defied translation by virtue of animal emotion as her rational mind fought back and forth against bared teeth. That fight a sound deep in her throat rather than growled an ornery calliope by its pitched tones. A discordant score playing for the anger in her eyes quieted somewhat by the effort. Flynn hurried over to the tank as best she could stumble leaving the capable David with both a thumbs up in one hand and a middle finger in the other. A gesture she'd learned from the humans. She'd talk to him later when the predator in her wasn't obsessing about hitting him more. @The Wanderer

Her blue dagger shot out into her hand as she got to the tank and quickly reached in to sever the heart of one soldier by way of the underside of his ribcage. Both hands stain bright red as she removes the organ from the corpse and stuffs it into her mouth. Her traveler seemed a bit spiker today as her mouth drooled a bit about eating things. She climbed into the tank and took a spot inspecting the huge brass shells before finding the loading mechanism opposite.

Flynn knelt in the small space looking at the other seats to say to Thea though mumbled a bit while chewing the human heart, "I'll start imbuing the mobile weapon so If we run out I can channel oxyhydrogen thaum shells. You'll have to drive and someone else can shoot. my thermal vision can't see through glass and my color vision isn't as good as the humans for distance." @Amber Franklin

She tapped the metal of the cannon mechanism until the ring of her dagger had the right note of solidity and started to etch the metal with its tip to call for the notice of Grandfather Teeth. Writing instruction in its native language to shape a program of what, in the dark of the unknown, was to be here as writ by something that already belonged to it. It was dangerous to call its attention to anything, but, here there were humans.

In nomine machinae.
Nosce te ipsum.
Ferrum et tonitruum.
Armōrum tēlae sunt vērum rōbur.
Corpus infirmitas est.
Fera metallica perpetitur.
Ab obscuritate extera venimus.

In the name of the Machine.
Know yourself.
Iron and thunder.
Missiles are the true strength of weapons of war.
Flesh is weakness.
The beast of metal endures.
From the outer dark, we come.

The mechanics creaked as Flynn repeated the mantra when a small message writ itself by regularized patterns near Thea containing Latin as a foreign source of magic shaped its interaction to the observer, {Reclamation Vessel af3c:1fe5:b280:dd64:6ba3:90a4:60ad:5ef8 recognized. Cognition engine access denied. Vessel-aligned Machine servitor recognized. Cognition engine access granted. Define cognition engine axel.}
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David Ludlow
The streets of Orles next to Flynn and Co

As David watched as Flynn recovered, spitting up metal and purplish blood. David's reply to her statement about the mouth hole part, took some time as he tried to find the right words. "You were unconscious. Thought stuffing it down your throat would choke you. As for the bomb, threw him into a group of 'em, could probably find the pieces around here somewhere.." He stood up, clutching his stump as he forced his body to regenerate his hand.

Flesh began to grow, forming a sack of sorts around the stump, inside grew bone, muscles, veins. Everything a hand needed, the fruits of this action beyond the sight was the groans from David as he dealt with the pain of feeling excess fat and muscle being rapidly processed to form a hand. Granted, it wasn't a spine, organs and then some as before. But didn't mean it was any less painful. As the newly formed hand now had nerves, a pained growl came from David. Especially once the flesh hardened, making David use his other hand to peel off dead flesh so his newly formed hand could be free. Covered in slime that he wiped off using a curtain that was scorched in spots, the hand was pale and lacking of any scars or callouses.

A detail that'll change quickly once David got back to working the forge or breaking some jaws. When he turned back to Flynn, he noticed some details that weren't present before, but said details weren't thoroughly looked at as Flynn punched him in the gut, getting a grunt outta the taller man.

Flynn walked off towards the guy in the blue pajamas, as David simply stood there, dumbfounded somewhat. But followed, walking up to the group having tactical discussions, to which he mostly stood there, mulling things over. He was not exactly of a tactical mind, save when it came to using psychological warfare or usual guerilla warfare. "I can do my best to clear the area but I need to know where to send any civilians I find. Anything below ground, well structured and easy for them to sit tight until they can be rescue? Or a well fortified and strong position?"

@Wade Von Doom @littlekreen @Henryboy003 @Amber Franklin @BobTheNinja

Thea's eyes cycle through the others as they discuss, and also keep a vigilant scan around in case of any enemy fire. As she turns the others would see she has five bullet wounds on her chest in a jagged lightning bolt pattern going from her right shoulder and down to her abdomen. They bleed, and for the lower wounds stain her green dress with spots of red. On her back are three between her shoulder blades. There is a clear graze to her left temple exposing her metallic skeleton.

Shirou's concern for civilian casualties is factored into her formulation of a plan. Not a usual factor.

"I can drive a Panzer." Thea tells Tex and scans around "We will commandeer a Panzer. Shirou, you follow. If the eighty-eight millimeter high explosive fails, you can expend less energy finishing it off. Direct what forces you can to escort us, Captain." Thea tells the group.

A Panzer comes round a corner then. Thea throws down the heavy machine guns she was holding before running at the Panzer. The tanks' secondary gunners open fire.

Thea takes a shot to her right hip that makes her spin and some blood to spurt out, but she lands on her feet and keeps running. She leaps over rubble, zig-zags to avoid being pinned down by gunfire until she leaps and lands on top of it. Worse for wear, bloodier for certain, but Thea holds onto the tank until, with no other option, the hatch opens. The soldier is grabbed by the hand, and pulled out with such force his arm pops out of his socket before he is tossed aside, screaming. Thea drops in.

To those outside the tank: they hear yells, screams, clanks and more yells, muffled screams, a single gunshot from a pistol, then quiet snapping noises. Then silence.

A Nazi appears to climb out, but his head dangles from a broken neck. He's pushed out of the hatch, followed by the rest of the crew until Thea, covered in more blood and a long thing cut on her forehead, looks out for Tex.

"All clear, get in."

They didn't seem to recognize Flynn despite her limping over and describing her abilities. Just as well, she didn't need to get sent to the front line by some blue Far and Deep and needed time for the husk to re-knit the shell then stabilize. While she was unhappy about it and her guts felt like they were on fire as the subsuming process David started continued to run its course. She didn't blame him for getting the job done though she'd end up some hybrid between mutant and Yellow-born. Flynn sighed and looked at her missing right half; she had to get an Id installed in this husk as soon as possible. Though a glance over metal bits exposed in Thea found she apparently was a husk herself. A cracking good one at that.

Flynn raised her voice a bit and said to the soldier in blue underwear and the other one next to him, "I can't keep taking more bullets with this hand running riot inside me. If you're taking one of these tank machines I can imbue it from inside. There's a purple-veined nazi mindlessly wandering around somewhere. Don't shoot him unless you want the despoilation device to detonate and call any lingering home-bound warrior souls to revenants with the dead. They will never see any diefic afterlife." @Wade Von Doom @Henryboy003

She hadn't kept tabs on the revenants but the bright orange faces emerging from buildings and holes said he was busily bringing guard back to defend their city one last time. They'd stand until despoiled bodies or heads were too broken or when the fires of war went out. She'd hoped he understood enough to explain to them they would never go to their afterlife. The machine would never permit it.

When the rumbling and machine gun fire rolled around the corner and broke her thought process Flynn stumbled backward and hit the deck as Thea took off running. Flynn rolled to her stomach and winced to see what was going on. It was hard to dodge or focus when half the husk's torso was missing and completely numb but still left her with a frigid pain in her mind. It didn't get to fire the main turret thankfully. Efficient to the end Thea shortly broke and ejected the crew and Flynn's mouth watered as the traveler seemed more of a hungry animal. @Amber Franklin

First to all fours then straining to her feet again an impulse of hot rage the skin of her arm darkened a tanned shade as a drunken whirl planted both feet as a muscular arm sprinkled with stretch marks from growth punched him in the gut. A natural angry growling deep in her throat defied translation by virtue of animal emotion as her rational mind fought back and forth against bared teeth. That fight a sound deep in her throat rather than growled an ornery calliope by its pitched tones. A discordant score playing for the anger in her eyes quieted somewhat by the effort. Flynn hurried over to the tank as best she could stumble leaving the capable David with both a thumbs up in one hand and a middle finger in the other. A gesture she'd learned from the humans. She'd talk to him later when the predator in her wasn't obsessing about hitting him more. @The Wanderer

Her blue dagger shot out into her hand as she got to the tank and quickly reached in to sever the heart of one soldier by way of the underside of his ribcage. Both hands stain bright red as she removes the organ from the corpse and stuffs it into her mouth. Her traveler seemed a bit spiker today as her mouth drooled a bit about eating things. She climbed into the tank and took a spot inspecting the huge brass shells before finding the loading mechanism opposite.

Flynn knelt in the small space looking at the other seats to say to Thea though mumbled a bit while chewing the human heart, "I'll start imbuing the mobile weapon so If we run out I can channel oxyhydrogen thaum shells. You'll have to drive and someone else can shoot. my thermal vision can't see through glass and my color vision isn't as good as the humans for distance." @Amber Franklin

She tapped the metal of the cannon mechanism until the ring of her dagger had the right note of solidity and started to etch the metal with its tip to call for the notice of Grandfather Teeth. Writing instruction in its native language to shape a program of what, in the dark of the unknown, was to be here as writ by something that already belonged to it. It was dangerous to call its attention to anything, but, here there were humans.

In nomine machinae.
Nosce te ipsum.
Ferrum et tonitruum.
Armōrum tēlae sunt vērum rōbur.
Corpus infirmitas est.
Fera metallica perpetitur.
Ab obscuritate extera venimus.

In the name of the Machine.
Know yourself.
Iron and thunder.
Missiles are the true strength of weapons of war.
Flesh is weakness.
The beast of metal endures.
From the outer dark, we come.

The mechanics creaked as Flynn repeated the mantra when a small message writ itself by regularized patterns near Thea containing Latin as a foreign source of magic shaped its interaction to the observer, {Reclamation Vessel af3c:1fe5:b280:dd64:6ba3:90a4:60ad:5ef8 recognized. Cognition engine access denied. Vessel-aligned Machine servitor recognized. Cognition engine access granted. Define cognition engine axel.}

David Ludlow
The streets of Orles next to Flynn and Co

As David watched as Flynn recovered, spitting up metal and purplish blood. David's reply to her statement about the mouth hole part, took some time as he tried to find the right words. "You were unconscious. Thought stuffing it down your throat would choke you. As for the bomb, threw him into a group of 'em, could probably find the pieces around here somewhere.." He stood up, clutching his stump as he forced his body to regenerate his hand.

Flesh began to grow, forming a sack of sorts around the stump, inside grew bone, muscles, veins. Everything a hand needed, the fruits of this action beyond the sight was the groans from David as he dealt with the pain of feeling excess fat and muscle being rapidly processed to form a hand. Granted, it wasn't a spine, organs and then some as before. But didn't mean it was any less painful. As the newly formed hand now had nerves, a pained growl came from David. Especially once the flesh hardened, making David use his other hand to peel off dead flesh so his newly formed hand could be free. Covered in slime that he wiped off using a curtain that was scorched in spots, the hand was pale and lacking of any scars or callouses.

A detail that'll change quickly once David got back to working the forge or breaking some jaws. When he turned back to Flynn, he noticed some details that weren't present before, but said details weren't thoroughly looked at as Flynn punched him in the gut, getting a grunt outta the taller man.

Flynn walked off towards the guy in the blue pajamas, as David simply stood there, dumbfounded somewhat. But followed, walking up to the group having tactical discussions, to which he mostly stood there, mulling things over. He was not exactly of a tactical mind, save when it came to using psychological warfare or usual guerilla warfare. "I can do my best to clear the area but I need to know where to send any civilians I find. Anything below ground, well structured and easy for them to sit tight until they can be rescue? Or a well fortified and strong position?"

@Wade Von Doom @littlekreen @Henryboy003 @Amber Franklin @BobTheNinja

Tex herself... had seen worse. Legally she couldn't staye who said Talent was, and what their Talent was, but she had seen worse. Wordlessly she watched what she could only assume was a hyperbody sprint off towards a Panzer, and slip inside. Rose had done that before. She was a hell of a lot faster though.

This was then followed by... something. Tex wasn't exactly sure what the fuck she just saw, but that was being filed into the 'Do not fuck with' box.

Followed immediately by almost loosing her lunch as she watched a man regrow his limb. Yeah that was about as worse as she had seen. Except the Talent she knew... was very, very dangerous.

With a shake of her head she cleared her thoughts. Panzer down the way Tex. You literally spent a month and a half gunning in one. She didn't even have to tell her legs to move. Her rifle brought up to her shoulder as she sent a HE round into one of the foot soldiers that followed the Panzer. She felt the power of her Talent flow through her, into her gun, and into the poor fucker she shot. Her hair erupted like a puff of flames as the bullet Tex lodged in the Nazi's arm detonated, sending his arm a good ten feet away.

Twenty yards left. She ducked down into a dead sprint. Low to the ground and with years of practice she closed the distance and sprang up onto the hull of the tank. A simple flick of the wrist brought Cavalries Inferno around her wrist. When she brought it back up to her shoulder a millisecond later a sound Cap might remember in the back of his head rang out. That sound being a trench gun unloading a barrel full of flechettes into A Nazi that attempted to climb the hull. But this little maneuver wasn't unnoticed. As the same man she blasted managed to get of a burst of rounds point blank into Tex's aura.

She had no time to linger on the pain, let alone catch her breath. Seconds later she slid into the tank and landed in the gunners position, and began the arduous task of learning the controls. As... this was very different then most german tanks she knew. It almost resemble an Atlas tank...

She clicked her radio. "Oi Cap, get yer ass over here, we need eyes outside this thing. We're blind in here." Only then did Tex notice she was sitting in a metal death trap with two of the weirdest motherfuckers she had seen as of late.

"Don't think I introduce myself to you." She gestured to Flynn. "Chanelle Dark, call me Tex." She stuck out a hand. "By chance do you know the tist of how to use this, because I'm used to a bunch of elevation and azimuth wheels."

@Wade Von Doom

Thea's eyes cycle through the others as they discuss, and also keep a vigilant scan around in case of any enemy fire. As she turns the others would see she has five bullet wounds on her chest in a jagged lightning bolt pattern going from her right shoulder and down to her abdomen. They bleed, and for the lower wounds stain her green dress with spots of red. On her back are three between her shoulder blades. There is a clear graze to her left temple exposing her metallic skeleton.

Shirou's concern for civilian casualties is factored into her formulation of a plan. Not a usual factor.

"I can drive a Panzer." Thea tells Tex and scans around "We will commandeer a Panzer. Shirou, you follow. If the eighty-eight millimeter high explosive fails, you can expend less energy finishing it off. Direct what forces you can to escort us, Captain." Thea tells the group.

A Panzer comes round a corner then. Thea throws down the heavy machine guns she was holding before running at the Panzer. The tanks' secondary gunners open fire.

Thea takes a shot to her right hip that makes her spin and some blood to spurt out, but she lands on her feet and keeps running. She leaps over rubble, zig-zags to avoid being pinned down by gunfire until she leaps and lands on top of it. Worse for wear, bloodier for certain, but Thea holds onto the tank until, with no other option, the hatch opens. The soldier is grabbed by the hand, and pulled out with such force his arm pops out of his socket before he is tossed aside, screaming. Thea drops in.

To those outside the tank: they hear yells, screams, clanks and more yells, muffled screams, a single gunshot from a pistol, then quiet snapping noises. Then silence.

A Nazi appears to climb out, but his head dangles from a broken neck. He's pushed out of the hatch, followed by the rest of the crew until Thea, covered in more blood and a long thing cut on her forehead, looks out for Tex.

"All clear, get in."

As the group prepared for a counter-attack for the invaders, with Tex already compiling a plan of her own to take down the Zeppelin, the enemy didn't wait to charge again. This time, with much more powerful units. Landing a dozen feet away from them all, something new showed up.

It fired several shots of ignited diesel through the air, aiming for Cap, T, Shirou, and Tex. "Get down!" Steve shouted, blocking the shot with his shield, yet upon impact, threw him backwards into the wall of the building behind them. Its weapons then transformed to mix its diesel fuel with charged lasers. The next shot it fired landed against the panzer, smashing against its metal hull and morphing into a sphere of energy strong enough to damage the tank.

David and Flynn would also get new company, as above the houses near them, they would hear the sounds of turbine engines.


Drohnes. Half the size of David, with several grouped together, flying around each side of them like mosquitoes. Once within range, they fired concentrated laser beams at them, hot enough to melt steel into drops of molten metal.​
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"Armor is meaningless. Get me close enough and I can manifest it right at the origin point. Since the blimp isn't agile or the like I wouldn't even need to do anything special other than endure the range reduction. The real issue is that it will be fighting back the whole time and my barriers can't distinguish from a missile impact to someone just flinging a spitball at me in terms of power. Cram enough mana into me and even that won't be an issue. Once again the main issue seems to be power." she said as she listened to Shiro explain more or less the same problem.

"It seems to me that either Shiro or I could take down the blimp with enough power and would be effectively interchangeable. I could do so with less collateral but he could so with a lower demand for... Wait. I have an idea! Shiro, what if I supplied you with mana and drew the circles myself? I don't know your power requirements but between myself, at most one other person, and three minutes to draw the circle I'd be surprised if you lacked the range. If you're not comfortable with that we can switch roles."

Then the robots attacked and Lava practically laughed as she felt the heat strike her wards and barriers. She could feel the heat surging through her body and across her and her complete and utter immunity to it thanks to her garb. Being protected against flame would be meaningless if simply making the fire from a laser got around it after all.

"Nevermind! These robots and their lasers, I might be able to use them to fuel my own magic!" she said practically giddy at the notion of a mere robot trying to outfire her. She raised her sword up and flung it at one of them, not even really caring if it hit or not. She was immune to their weapons after all. Then she reformed the blade in her hand not caring if it struck or not before she formed a small explosion directly at the location of one of the robots.

"Like that. I can just make an explosion there. Normally I avoid it for mana cost reasons but nothing actually stops me from just bypassing that zeppelin's armor. Once I'm done with it; it will go down as if it was made from lead. Exploding, flaming, lead."
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