CLOSED MAIN STORY The Dreadnought -- A Fight For Rome

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
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Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.

Deep within the belly of Pathfinder, there was a temple. A literal temple. From some unknown planet, the AI had cut out an ancient temple from the earth and placed it within the station for study. Within the temple rested a large, black rectangular obelisk, which emitted a dark power unlike anything, and had protected the marble walls of its temple from the AI to keep it out. Only for the AI to pick up the whole thing and find a way into it by force. Yet, after the station was liberated, the temple opened its doors to a small team of heroes, and upon closer inspection, teleported them all to a realm of pure darkness.

Within that realm was a man called 'Nux,' claiming he could help them find someone important. Someone who had gone missing, and was vital to the mission. The Doctor. In return, he would keep the black piece of crystal they had obtained from The Doctor himself. It held the same power that fueled the obelisk, and resonated throughout the dark realm Nux lived in. Walking through the dark space of galaxies, Nux showed them that The Doctor was located in Rome, in the year 1500. While he could not say where they were exdactly, he told them to 'look for a box that doesn't belong.'

And in their search of the city, made enemies of the city militia, under command of The Borgia family, and also made contact with a creed calling themselves The Assassin's. With a quick return back to the Pathfinder, a new team now arrives back in the city to continue their search.

What they do not know is that someone is waiting for them. Someone who has been watching them during this whole journey through the eyes of another. And has prepared for a battle massive and deadly. A being referred to as...



Last they were here, the team had agreed to visit the Pyramid of Celcius. They were looking for a group working for the Borgia called 'The Followers of Romulus,' who had been kidnapping scattered beings who have showing up in the sewers and old ruins of Rome. Always, scattered show up under the city, never above. Like something draws them there as they are taken from across the multiverse. There is believed to be an entrance to their lair above around by the pyramid itself, and indeed there was.


There was an old sewer hatch built into the old walls of Rome, with a small skeletal head decorating the top. A sign of whose territory this belonged to. Fortunately, this team wasn't scared by it, and a simple hard kick would open the hatch and let them slide through the opening. It would take them to an old burial ground of skeletal remains, the dead of old Rome that were forgotten by time. Venturing through it would take them through a maze of coffins and skeletons, but the further down they went, the more the architecture changed. From decaying bodies and crumbling ruins, to something more alien.


The pathways that lead down to below even the ruins were recently excavated. The Followers were digging to reach this place. It was massive and awe-inspiring to look upon such strange architecture that seemed to still pulse with foreign energy, even after what may have been thousands of years buried under the ground without anyone to care for them. To touch the rock, which felt more like smooth obsidian glass, would give an electrical buzz to their bodies. These certainly weren't built by the Roman, even during the days of Romulus and Remus. This was older. More complex. Built by beings older than humanity. And at the center of this massive room,

Was a box

One that didn't look like it belonged, even in this place. Moon Knight, who had accompanied the new team to continue this quest, had brought along with him the remains of Thea. Or, her head really. While Thea was currently in a strange limbo existence, her body was still in good enough condition to salvage the sonic technology the Doctor had installed in her. And since she was given some sort of strange frequency while studying the broken sonic screwdriver back in the tomb, it was only natural to try and use that to open the box.

And, while holding her decapitated head with both hands, aimed her screwdriver tongue at the box. With a jolt of electricity from a small battery Moon Knight brought along, the screwdriver buzzed back to life and began scanning the body. It only took a few moments before it began to open. Sitting inside, strapped to a chair, was The Doctor herself. Finally found after all this time. And on her lap was, strangely, a large metal briefcase.​
  • OMG
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Xeir observed the strange box, it didnt belong there, She had been by, with some help from either Ruby or Weiss, she couldnt exactly remember them, the girl had red hair and carried a gun, or was it a scythe ? She couldnt exactly remember as she had never seen Weiss use her own weapons yet, either way, the girl had instructed Xeir on how to make a weapon with the weapon fabricator on the Pathfinder, and she had the new massive fusion sword on her back; she'd seen several Spirit Masters use such weapons before and wanted one for herself.

She still had her bloodgod sword at her hip, but she had repaired and enhanced it using the weapon fabricator and now its blade edge shimmered a pale purple hue of brand new steel. She observed the strange box again, then turned her vision outward. Getting to the Pyramid was easier then expected, so was getting under it.

But somehow they had found what they were looking for, and also possibly what they were looking for. Upon seeing the state of the Doctor however, Xeir said what was on her mind. "She does not look good" She had her attention however split between the design of the ruins of the pyramid, and the fact they never met up with anyone, execept for their Assassin Friends ever so briefly before arriving down there. The ruin reminded her of where her species was possibly from or had visited, a planet simply known as Abeline.

She turned to Moon Knight, as if asking, "What do we do now ?" She was only asked to return to Roma because she too had agreed to visit the pyramid the last time they were there. At first she had no idea where she was, when she first woke up in Roma, but now she was back, and knew who her enemies were and so now she was better prepared. She looked at the group briefly, she saw other then Moon Knight one other that she recognised, Sevestre.

And somehow she felt relief, someone she recognised among a ragtag bunch. She wasnt alone.
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The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

"Oi! Thea, my clever girl! I knew you would find me." The Doctor exclaims upon seeing Thea's face through the doors. Her smile is a beam of light in the darkness until she raises her brows and recoils. "Oh.My.Word. What happened to Thea?! Quick, get me out of this." The Doctor demands, shaking her bound hands urgently.

Once free, The Doctor grabs the case and runs to Thea's head. "Alas poor Thea, I knew her well, Horatio." She says reaching out to first touch the cheek and then to feel around the neck.

"Oh no." The Doctor takes her hand away, rubbing her forehead and sighing. "The beacon module was in her torso. Is the rest of her here? Or do you have another beacon? We need to get this back to the station immediately." She tells the group, holding up the briefcase over her head.
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Confusion was the word of the day.

This was not The Doctor. The person Moon Knight was looking for, the one who made the teleporter he found back on his Earth, was both a man, and also most definitely not a blonde. Did that son of a bitch Nux mislead them?

Did they just give away their most powerful item to that guy over a false lead? Whatever the case, Moon Knight was both confused and very annoyed by the switcheroo, and upon 13 begging to be released from her confinement, he helped pull them off as she frantically fidgeted in her seat like a ten-year-old wanting out of their parent's car to use the bathroom.

She grabbed Thea's skull from his hands, then muttered something about a beacon in her body and needing to bring the case somewhere safe, all of which was said about a mile a minute. "Hold on!" Moon Knight, still controlled by Jake Lockley, physically grabbed 13 by her shoulders to make her stop moving.

"Who are you?" He then asked, "We're here looking for A Doctor. Do you know where he is?"

"I am The Doctor, who are you?" The Doctor asks incredulously and put her hands up, still keeping hold of the case.

"Someone very confused and who you don't want to mess with," MK threatened, "The Doctor we're looking for is not You."

"Oi, calm down, let me explain as succinctly as possible, but let me go first." The Doctor negotiates with her hands still up and her voice calm.

It took a few awkward moments, but Moon Knight decided to see where this was going, and slowly raised his hands off her.

Freed, The Doctor takes a step back from him and nods, picking up Thea's head that had been dropped when he grabbed her.

"I am The Doctor. Unlike most you might have met, I do not exist in one form on one linear timeline. The Doctor you met was a man, correct? Brown hair, gangly? Right, so that was me as a younger man. As I age I take on new forms, so now I'm an older woman. Is that clear enough?"

"So you regenerate, essentially," MK clarified, "good to know. Thea is fine, by the way. She got hacked by one of those AI minions and had to self-destruct before she did any damage to us. The head was all we brought."

"Strange, I didn't see a self-destruct mechanism during her upgrades." The Doctor shrugs, sighs, "Not important. Do you have another beacon?"

"... She had some help," best way to describe her self-destruct at the moment.

"But yes, we have a beacon, we came here to find you and bring you back to our new base. What exactly is in there? He asked next, since she was so determined to get it somewhere else.

"Brilliant." The Doctor lets out a sigh of relief and smiles, slaps the metal case. "A piece of that interesting and dangerous ore. The one the AI is hunting. With this, we will have at least two pieces they don't. Now enough chit-chat, take out the beacon and get us out of here before the AI detects this."

Too late. From out the shadows of the old ruins high above, the sound of an artillery cannon went off, and traveling fast towards the box was a massive white ball of energy. Moon Knight, seeing this approaching from out the corner of his eye, pushed The Doctor away. The ball hit the center of the box where The Doctor was seated only a few minutes before and exploded.

The blast was huge, a twenty-foot radius of pure explosive power that sent a shockwave powerful enough to knock a person off their feet, and even made the ground tremor. Moon Knight was unfortunately only a few feet away from the impact itself. His charred body was blasted off almost halfway across the room, smacking into one of the alien pillars and landing back on the ground with a thud. There wasn't much remaining of his body, and what was left of his suit was now a charcoal gray.

The shooter didn't waste any time in revealing himself, jumping down from his position to the floor. It was a seventy-five-foot drop, and landed with enough force to crack the ground; dust flying everywhere by the wave of wind. It was easy to make out who it was, even in the dim lighting of the room. They saw him not long ago.


"Hello again~" Passchendaele spoke up, his voice calm as back on Pathfinder, but with more menace behind it now that he was finally face to face with them. "So glad you could join me. I was wondering how much longer it would take for you to find this place." He stood up straight from his kneeling position as he spoke, but remained where he landed from the team, about forty feet away from them all. "And so soon after we last saw each other, too. A shame Thea couldn't be with us, I was hoping me and her could have our duel. But, I doubt she would give me a real challenge like the rest of you can~"

He analyzed the team, picking out which among them was the strongest. "So... who goes first?"
  • Wicked
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Both Ryan and L'Arathras remained silent as they moved about after arriving in Rome. They had different reasons, however. Rath wanted to be ready for any inconvenience or major issue that arose. He didn't want to be caught off guard yet again. Ryan wanted the opposite. He wanted to prove his own newfound strength, but also size up the might of certain teammates of his. Who knew? Maybe he'd find a reliable leader here.

And much like the reason for their silence, they both acted differently upon the energy blast pulverizing the Doctor's former prison. Rath dashed towards where the Doctor and Moon Knight were. He caught the lady and jumped away from the blast area, near where the crazy warrior's remains landed. The blue flames incorporated into the undead's head, who looked at the Doctor and Moon Knight while asking "Are you wounded? I'll patch you right up..." to both, as he focused mostly on healing with prana whatever injuries the Doctor may have gotten from that blast... And he had seen Moon Knight survive some stuff that made him question if being charred to a crisp would be too much for the madman. Rath took a symbolic deep breath and scanned the area for his soul, had it actually left his body.

As for Ryan he stood his ground to the blast, feeling the pressure of the shockwave reverberating in his crystalline ribcage. He caught the sound of something heavy falling nearby shortly afterwards, and immediately turned his attention to it. Summoning his blade, he was now face to face with that one machine big fish. "It has been a while since we last met in person, tin can. Have you gotten larger?" in truth, despite remembering his fight against this machine alongside Chika, the details were blurry in his head. Probably the work of the other one, if he had to guess. As for now, the challenge was up once again, and Ryan most certainly wasn't backing down. He considered turning into his dragon form, since this thing was so tall, but he wasn't fighting alone and he certainly would need all the space if he wanted to fight comfortably as a dragon. So that meant he'd have to concede the size advantage. He wasn't conceding much else without a fight, though. His blade ignited a bright red, a thick liquid oozing from it like volcanic lava. "Please, allow me."

Having said his piece, Ryan vanished from where he stood. Instead appearing as a red blur around the hulking robot, dancing in a seemingly random pattern around it before striking from the right side, at shoulder height. From there he made a downward slash in an attempt to slice the robotic arm in half.

Even with all that damage, Rather could sense his soul was still inside his body. Moon Knight wasn't dead yet. Though how he was going to bounce back from this, only his God knew.

Ryan, in the meantime, volunteered first. As he flashed towards Passie, The Dreadnought didn't move at all. As fast as Ryan was, the machine was calculating his movements just as fast and predicting where he would strike first. Even when Ryan appeared right besides him, Passie still hadn't moved. Yet, right as Ryan's blade touched his metal body, an electrical current suddenly formed from underneath the armor plating. Like a flash of lightning, it moved across Passie's arm, up along Ryan's blade, and straight into his chest with enough force to zap him through the alien pillar behind him.

A blast of dust and debris blew into Passie, while Ryan smashed into another wall that broke off into pieces that fell on top of him when he landed back on the ground. The Electrical current would cause Ryan's entire body to seize up; unable to breath until the shock passed. If he was human, that attack would have possibly disintegrated him into chunks of meat like he charged as a Telsa Tower.

And Passchendaele himself was left without even a scratch on his armor, even with the red lava gently dripping down his arm. He slowly took his thumb from his other hand to swipe it off.

"Next," he simply said.
Ichigo was unsure of this place. It was not as eerie as Hueco Mundo, but it had a very alien feeling about it. The large, polygonal structure with the glowing lines and near-silent hum were off-putting on their own as he and his current group of companions explored this hidden place beyond the ruins of Ancient Rome. The out-of-place box only added to the dread, but the woman trying to open said box with what looked to be a toy lightened the mood for the substitute Shinigami with confusion and surprise. Anything to distract him.

Of course, this would only last a mere moment before the source of that dreadful feeling made itself known. A hulking robot had crashed down on the party and the woman, and challenged them for a fight. Normally, such an individual wouldn't faze Ichigo, as they would just be another person looking for a fight. This one, however, was different. The robot itself was not intimidating to Ichigo, but rather its connection to a recent enemy. This large machine supposedly had a connection to the previous robot the boy had fought, and if it was anywhere near as troublesome as the last one… Well, the thought of it concerned him.

At the moment, Ichigo is weakened. After he had been abducted during his rest after the battle against Ywhach, the robots had somehow drained him of his strength. Which resulted in him barely escaping with his life and needing to be healed by a Brotherhood of Assassins in this world. That is to say, he currently does not have the ability to fight this thing on his own. Not only that, he was unfamiliar with the people comprising the group he is with. A mix of acquaintances he had met recently, and new faces from the Pathfinder. He didn't know anything about these people outside of the small bits that he witnessed earlier. Case in point, the man named Ryan. Ichigo didn't know Ryan. He didn't know what he could do. He definitely didn't know the man was willing to charge headfirst on his own with only a few words to serve as a means of communication. Ichigo also didn't know that Ryan, who apparently knew this robot, would go flying after a failed attempt at harming it.

This did not bode well.

Ichigo, whose gaze focused on the robot, drew his weapons.

"Hey, guys", said Ichigo to the others. "I'm going to try and keep this thing's attention. If you think of something that can help. Try to do it fast."

He pointed the shorter one of his two swords at the robot.

"Gestuga Tenshō"

From the tip of the blade, a concentrated blast of energy sped towards its target, and Ichigo dashed forward, believing that just one move would be enough to dismantle it.
Once more, Passchendaele didn't move. He stared directly at Ichigo, watching him form his little 'magic trick,' and waited for the hit. The blast was huge, engulfing the robot in golden light, and causing yet more dust and dirt to fly around him. But, once again, when it all settled, Passie only had a minor scratch on his chest plate from where the strike landed. He moved his hand over it, studying the small particles of metal that had now fallen off his body.

Actual damage. "Good," he commented aloud, "one of you Can kill me. My turn now." The plates along his back extended outwards, revealing over two dozen small launch tubes. In a matter of moments, smoke blew out from under them, and out launched twenty missiles two feet long. Half were aimed directly at the group, the other half flew up around the room to destroy the alien structure itself; blasting off the pillars that kept the room stable for all these centuries. He was trying to bury everyone alive.

At the same time, the machine raised both his arms up at Ichigo. Two large barrels protracted from each of his wrists, one arm aimed at Ichigo himself, another aiming for calculated movement when he attempted to dodge. What then followed was a barrage of gunfire so intense, it vibrated the floor and deafened the whole room. 24,000 plasma rounds per minute, and if none of that hit the Soul Reaper, it would sure as hell hit the others if they didn't get blown up.

There was a reason this twelve foot behemoth of a machine was nicknamed 'The Dreadnought.' They are finding out now why.

Three more of Moon Knight's teammates sprung into action. Katunich Parker, Guardian Warlock, threw his hand in a great arc, tossing bolts of purple Void energy into the air.

They were missiles of magic, hungerous little things which dissolved matter and funneled their material and energy back to the caster, fueling their next attack. The bolts burst when they hit or even before, acting like a mystical wall of flak.

Once more of the path was clear, Omni-Man rose into the air, waiting for a half-second before charging down Passchendaele like a bullet out of one of the robot's guns.
His teammates likely thought Nolan was moving to fight the robot on their behalf, but this fight was personal. They had removed the vast majority of his age and heritage-earned power, and he was going to beat it back out of this sub-commander.

He knew they were a threat to Viltrum because of that, and he wasn't going to let that stand. All of his strength, speed and skill would be behind every attack.
"I'm going to break you like the toy you are," he growled, narrowing in for a crushing blow.

From behind, under the cover of Katunich's psykana, Gregon Ponad, son of Rogal Dorn and apothecary of the Imperial Fists, leveled a weapon he hadn't used in many years.

It was a shoulder-mounted heavy weapon, one rated to destroy the armored, monstrous vehicles of his time and universe - an Astartes *lascannon.*

He lined up his target, waiting for the robot to prepare his counter to Omni-Man's telegraphed attack, aimed at the robot's knee, and then pulled the trigger. Like lightning from the heavens, the cannon fired out a lance of blinding energy, and while a laser has no recoil, the interworkings performing the discharge alone try to bump the weapon out of the space marine's hands.

At the same time, Sevestre had to quickly act on his role as one of the supporting members of the party. He reached his hand out and cast a quick, simple spell. From his hand was a magical string shot out to Ryan, and yanked the man out of the debris and back to the party, capitalizing on Katunich's quick defense.

The next step was to set up Earthly Star, one of the recently developed spells of Leveva, her students, and a Hingan Geomancer. Sevestre was not so prideful that he would reject advancements in Astrologian magicks from a foe that had bested him. Near the center of the area, close to Passchendale, aether began to accumulate and swirl. It was untouchable in that one could pass through it and not be affected. It could not be absorbed, and required no concentration from Sevestre as the caster. The Geomancy aspect would allow it to function without his control. For now, it is simply a decoration, lighting the ground beneath it.

The Sharlayan would quickly draw a card.The result: the Bole. Not quite what he wanted, but there was little time. He bestowed the power of the Bole onto Xeir, the first person he could think of. Her ranged attacks, should she have or use any would more devastating now, while any close combat would only be slightly stronger than usual. This would only last for a small amount of time, so he hoped she worked fast.

Finally, though clearly rushing to perform all these quick actions, his body levitated a bit, and he erected a barrier of sorts around the others as a precaution for any projectiles that may break through Katunich's wall.

The cannon strike hit, bouncing off the robots knee and causing him to kneel before Omni-Man as the Viltrumite went in for a destructive punch to the machine's head. Unfortunately, the electrical defense Passchendaele used against Ryan was still working. The moment the punch landed, Nolan would receive an incredible voltage through his body, causing him to freeze in place as his body seized. The pain would be excruciating, even for him.

The machine itself still didn't look damaged from the blow either. His head was twisted by the force of the punch, but Nolan would actually feel the pain in his knuckles when they collided with the steel. Even the cannon blast made the plating around his knee glow orange from the incredible heat it produced, but once it cooled left only small marks. This wasn't like any kind of metal any of them had seen before.

Quickly, Passchendaele grabbed Nolan's entire head in the palm of his hand; positioning the Viltrumite as a meat shield for another cannon blast, and delivering a hard hitting punch of his own to Nolan's ribcage. A few would feel broken already. "You can't be this weak, surely," Passchendaele commented to Nolan, squeezing his head between his fingers. "Between you and the ginger, I figured you'd put up the bigger fight," Passie then grabbed one of Nolan's legs, raised him above his shoulders, and slammed him down back first on his kneeling knee, before then throwing him back at Kat's little shield; the same time firing yet another artillery shell from his mounted arm cannon


The explosion that nearly killed Moon Knight would throw The Doctor's briefcase across the room; sliding against the alien floor.

It stopped an inch away from someone's foot, while simply, and calmly, picked it up by its handle like nothing else was happening. The man in black was back again, smiling ever so deviously as the fight went on. "Evening~" The Pentaman greeted to anyone who caught wind of his appearing, even giving them a little salute.

He then turned the opposite direction and started walking off back into the shadows where he came from, suitcase in hand.

"Now you wait-wait just a second, you!" The Doctor runs ahead of him, puts her left hand up holding her sonic screwdriver aimed to his geometrically malevolent head.

"Your muscle over there will be reduced to scrap in time, save yourself a messy dismantling and give that case back"

Penta stopped in place as she threatened him at Sonic-point, but his smile didn't disappear. The red-eyes machine just stared her down. He didn't show it, but he was confused why he was still here.

"I wonder..." Penta began thinking aloud, raising up the briefcase. "Ahhhhh, I see," Penta noticed something around the lock of the case, "you made this thing us-proof. A time locked briefcase that can only be opened using the generic sequence of three different time lords from three different periods in time. And, it seems to be blocking my little teleporting trick. I was wondering why I'm still here." It seemed The Doctors didn't want a repeat of last time they got ambushed.

"I'm guessing there's also a trick for making sure we can't just force it open. How about this," Penta moved his head closer to the sonic, "If you open it, I won't have Passie dismember you limb from limb. Your sonic can't do a thing against us."

"You are absolutely correct this does not work on you lot." The Doctor nods then abruptly Penta is struck with a kick to the center of his chest, and a hard grab-twist of his own wrist to attempt to make him drop the case. The empty threat was only a chance for him to gloat and retort, distracting him.

The kick was strong, stronger than you would think actually from a woman of her size and stature. Enough that it made Penta's massive grin die into a surprised look, followed by her SUCCESSFULLY flipping the machine on his butt.

It was so baffling and sudden and shocking, Penta looked confused on what just happened... only to follow that reaction with laughter. "HA! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!~" In the blink of an eye, he teleported away from the Doctor.


Ichigo has been using Shunpo to avoid the projectiles being sprayed all around the place, and now he had used it to catch Nolan and pull him out of the blast radius. He sent another Getsuga Tensho from the small blade towards the robot, knowing it would do little damage.

Given what he had seen from the others' attempts at hitting it up close, the best approach for now would be to take potshots at the automaton until they can figure out a way past that defense.

As Nolan recovered from his impact with the shield, he was admittedly grateful towards Ichigo for saving him from Gregon's lascannon shot. "I could've been hurt there," the viltrumite growled, and the Astartes shrugged.
"I believed in the coordination of the rest of our team."

Nolan's face was ugly with frustration, but ultimately he was useless for now, as long as that shield was up. A fact which Katunich had an idea about...

Using some of the energy and matter he had repurposed from the rocket barrage, the wizened warlock summoned his Void familiar, a child of the old gods of relativity. The rest, he poured into his revolver, aiming it down towards Passchendaele's chest. Quickly, Better Devils began to glow a ghostly white, Light possessing the weapon and granting it staggering capabilities - in a more literal way than the robot might suspect.

The gun rang out, bullet and barrel both infused with the magics of the Traveler, of life itself, and following the bullet was the small Void orb. Then, it would sit next to Passie, vampiric energies gnawing away at his energetic shield and invulnerable armor, sending the energy-matter harvest back to the warlock for repurposing.

As the warlock did this, Gregon let out another lascannon shot, trying to hit, this time, his gun-toting forearms and wrists. If he couldn't hurt the robot, he could at least try to defang it.
If the cannon bolt went for Ryan, Katunich or Ichigo, Omni-Man would try to move them out of harm's way. If it came for himself, he'd merely evade. If it came for Gregon, well, bully for him. And luckily, the Astartes war-plate could take the blow anyhow.

The damage by Kat was all encompassing to the machine, once finding itself kneeling against the ground on both knees as void orb sucked away the energy to its main weapons, and his bullets bounced off Passchendaele's body. While still minor damage, it was damage none the less, and the orbs powerful aura was slowly eating away at his scratched like acid dissolving armor.

Then, Gregon's cannon fired again. The blast was yet again incredible, and this time shot Passie right in the head. The robot recoiled backwards, a whiplash to the impact, and it seemed like they now had a proper upper hand as next Sev's tornado of magical energy began to erupt into a thunderous explosion of energy to strike upon the Dreadnought.


Something started changing in the tornado. The color went from white to red, and the dancing stars around it began to glitch like broken code. The orb illuminated over Passie, and grew in size; spinning faster with enough wind force to push everyone back. Then, when it exploded, it let out a ghastly shriek. The sound of loud, white glitching noise that echoed across the room like a violent scream of a dying woman. Red electricity bounced around the room, zig zagging without any care of what was in its way.

And at the center of the explosion, what should have been celestial stars forming instead turned into a pure red eye, with noticeable cybernetics around the irises and in the center of its pupils. It would feel like it was staring right into all of their souls, like it was trying to stab at them with the force of a thousand knives.

When the eye vanished, and the red glow of the blast glimmered away, smoke and dust covered the impact zone. And out walked Passchendaele, looking totally untouched. All his armor had been repaired by the spell. Someone reversed it.

He stopped once he was past the smoke, letting a huff of steam billow out from his body. It hissed like air escaping an enclosed pipe. "Remarkable," he commented on his repairs, "for lack of a better word, it 'feels'... like victory."

*"I would wait on saying that,"* a female voice spoke up behind him, *"you always over-extend yourself before being anywhere near it."* Ichigo could recognize the voice. The same voice that greeted him back in the station he woke up in. The one that was cutting up pieces of the Soul Reaper's body.

That witch

*"Ichigo-san,"* The robot witch called out to him, *"I'm glad to see you're well. I was worried we had syphoned too much of your power away to fully recover."*

**"Too much,"** Passie added, **"his strength is nowhere near the power he had before his battle with Yhwach."**

*"You would surely be dead by now if he was."*

**"It would be more fun than him playing a scared chicken right now,"** Passie mocked.

Ryan was quite irritated by the machine's electric shield. He was not quite made of flesh anymore, but it still hit hard. As he flew back and fought the induced paralysis, a stream of energy pulled him out of the collapsing pillar falling on him, an acknowledging nod towards Sevestre was his thanks as he quickly focused back on the towering pile of metal.

The urlcerse stabbed the ground with his incandescent blade, and as he did, an aura of red flames engulfed him. And with no more words to say until he righted his wrong of being put on the backfoot so easily, he would simply act. Like a projectile, Ryan blasted towards the larger robot, forming a long and wide blade of superheated magical plasma. Just before being in immediate melee range (past his teammates), he stopped, letting go of the blade, which burst with energy as it flew the remaining distance to the machine's main body. While he did this, a sudden pillar of molten rock and even more red plasma would erupt from beneath the enemies' feet. Coming from the accumulated energy in the blade Ryan left behind.

For a moment, Ichigo was confused as to what had just happened. There was a sudden explosion, and whatever scratches they managed to deal to Passchendale disappeared. For his part, the substitute shinigami was mostly unharmed, but this encounter was getting more difficult by the second. It didn't help that the situation got even worse, as a familiar robot revealed itself.

The Thaumatrix. The feminine machine that had abducted, experimented on, and weakened Ichigo in the first place was now here. The sight of it made Ichigo shake in a mix of intimidation and anger. He knew that he wouldn't have the luxury of holding back now that there were two of them. He took both blades and put them together, before shouting out,


A flood of spiritual pressure made the air heavy. Ichigo's blades merged into one, forming a larger single-edged sword. His facial expression was calmed and focused once more.

With the increase in speed and power, he dashed forward and to Passchendale's side. This time, he was taking quite a bit of a risk. Not only was he about to attack at the same time as Ryan's technique, but he went in to attack with a more direct contact. And just to be sure, Ichigo was letting out a wordless Getsuga Tensho as he swung at the robot.

*"This fight is useless and you know it,"* the witch told Passchendaele, using their interconnected minds to speak before Ichigo and Ryan even had a chance to throw up their blades, as they could respond to each other in mere mili-seconds. *"You lack the necessary force for attrition, and even at their current strength, they still have the plausible force to wound you."*

**"Current estimates suggest otherwise,"** Passie replied back, **"I kill the deranged dragon first, balance out the attacks and defense with the soul reaper, and use distanced artillery to remove the space marine and guardian. The end result should take an hour at most."**

*"With a 74.59% chance of success."*

**"Those odds are still in my favor."**

*"And a waste of time,"* the witch added, *"both of you are like cats playing with mice. Boredom has overtaken your critical thinking, and you're thinking of short-term pleasures instead of long term gains. Enough of it. If you want fun, take it topside, and after we obtain the package."*

**"Fine,"** Passie relented, **"... spoilsport."**

*"Oh you love me and you know it,"* The two sounded more jovial upon their hyper-speed conversation ending, and a new plan was quickly formulated.

When Ryan's flood of volcanic lava thrusted upwards against Passchendaele's legs, the machine decided not to brace for another attack on two fronts. Instead, rockets were ejected out from under his legs and back panels, and using the momentum of the shifting rock and lava, burst off the ground with a blast of steam and smoke. Both Ichigo and Ryan would only be a few feet from where the robot stood, and would watch as the dreadnought flew into the air.

Up and up he went, full blast towards the ceiling of the alien structure, while he continued firing more missiles and artillery blasts and even plasma discharge rounds from his body. Some were aimed towards the heroes, but they were just distractions, as most of the firepower was aimed at the pillars holding up the whole room. Blast after blast caused the black rock of the pillars to crack and weaken, yet not enough damage to fully destroy them. Passchendaele then rotated a hundred and eighty degrees, shutting off his rockets and letting his continued momentum pull him the rest of the way up until his feet reached the ceiling. With a crash, the ceiling cracked against the force of his body, and for a brief moment laid motionless and still.

Then shot back down towards the ground with a thunderous blast-off, going even faster. His body began to glow a mixture of red and orange from his armor warming, while mixed in was a greenish aura that built around him like a shield for each foot he passed. It was surely obvious what he was doing by this point. He was going to bring down the whole room, and was using himself as a bomb to destroy the pillars in one fell swoop.
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