OPEN SIGNUPS The Dionysian Enactment Signups & OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Nonbinary
  2. Transgender
  3. Agender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Nonbinary
As the lights dim, a seductive haze envelops the theater, caressing the air with the intoxicating scent of rich wine and heady incense. The audience settles into plush velvet seats, their anticipation as palpable as the smoke that hangs in the air.

Dionysus steps forward, his presence commanding attention. Clad in flowing garments that whisper with each movement, he exudes an otherworldly charm. His voice ebbs and flows like a river of indulgence as he addresses the gathered souls:

"Welcome, seekers of the forbidden, to a realm where senses awaken and boundaries dissolve. Behold the maddening tapestry that unravels before your very eyes! I, Dionysus, conjurer of revelry and a master of masks, bid you entry to the labyrinths of the human psyche.

My dear audience, in this realm where pleasure and pain intertwine, your hidden cravings may stir, yearning to break free. Can you resist the call? Will you confront the demons that dwell within, lurking beneath the surface of propriety? Or will you suffer the same fate as those chained to the stage?"


Welcome! This is my first time creating a group roleplay thread, and I'm equally nervous and excited to dive into it.

The world I've created takes place on modern-day Earth and within the boundaries of Greek mythology, which is to say, whatever exists inside the mythology exists in this world. However, this is not like the Percy Jackson series. The gods will not answer your pleas, nor will a horned friend be there to catch you when you fall.

Involved with a struggling theater troupe, a group of aspiring actors and actresses discover an ancient manuscript tucked away in the depths of an abandoned theater called The Elysian Playhouse that their acting company had recently acquired. The manuscript is said to be penned by Dionysus, promising unrivaled success and fame to those who dare to perform the play contained within its pages. Excited by the prospect, they decide to stage the play, unaware of the forces they are about to unleash.

As rehearsals commence, the boundaries between performance and reality begin to blur. The actors find themselves caught in a nightmarish loop, unable to distinguish the stage from the real world. Their performances elicit powerful emotions, tapping into their deepest desires and fears, while strange occurrences haunt them both on and offstage.

General Knowledge/Rules
Posting requirements are at least once a week (if you need longer, that's fine, you can PM me and let me know). Writing level doesn't matter, but please write at least one paragraph per post!

Be warned that this is a horror plotline with some hard stops (no depictions of SA, please, off the top of my head) and whatever else you aren't okay with. I've included a line for you to write in your hard stops on your character sheets.

I'm looking for at least four people to start. Of course, I could handle more, but this is the bare minimum I can kick this off with.

If you'd like to play a non-human character, don't be afraid to PM me to work out the details if you want more than just a decorative flair for your character. The other caveat is that there is no Mist, and you are limited in disguise, but I refuse to say nothing in that aspect is impossible or unworkable. If Daedelus created leg coverings for your hooves, or you managed to get a spell from Hecate's brood or something, fuck yeah.

For the character in the play, you can also make them non-human if you so wish. That one is more limited, but again, I'm willing and able to work with you on this! I'm a character-driven DM, so I start with a rough outline and center your characters just as I would in a one-shot or campaign.

Main Character
Content No-Gos:
Best Quality:

Character in the Play:
Fatal Flaw:

The Play and Reality
The story takes place in modern-day Chicago, where the Elysian Playhouse, a once-thriving cultural haven, stands as a forgotten relic in one of the city's northern neighborhoods. With its grand facade now weathered and worn, the theater carries a sense of melancholy and nostalgia, a testament to its former glory.

How it will work is that I will play both Dionysus and the character I create for the mortal realm; they will be my tools in guiding you along between reality and Dionysus's realm. The further we get into learning the play, the more often you will witness... Strange things. "Visions of the Unbound" is a haunting and macabre tragedy that weaves together elements of body horror, psychological torment, and existential dread, delving deep into the darkest recesses of the human psyche. The play follows a diverse group of individuals who unwittingly stumble upon a hidden realm known as the Obsidian Vale after a night of drinking and debauchery. Dionysus, pleased with their chaotic merriment, makes them an offer: spend the night in his grove and receive their greatest desire, or return to the mortal realm and leave the Obsidian Vale as a distant dream.

Let me know if I missed everything! :bsmile:
  • What a TWIST
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Main Character

Content No-Gos:
Sexual assault
Name: Nicholas
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 27
Species: Human
Gender: Cisgender man
Orientation: Aromantic asexual
Appearance: Nicholas exudes an edgy and alluring presence. Standing at a lean 6 feet tall, he possesses a striking combination of rugged charm and a hint of danger. His piercing cobalt blue eyes hold a glimmer of mischief, and his tousled, jet-black hair falls in artful disarray, accentuating his angular features. Nicholas prefers a rebellious fashion style, often seen in worn leather jackets, fitted band t-shirts, and ripped jeans, embodying an aura of nonconformity.
Personality: Nicholas exudes a quiet intensity that signals his unwavering passion for acting and storytelling. The stage serves as his sanctuary, allowing him to escape the confines of reality and immerse himself in a world of endless possibilities. His deep love for the craft drives him to constantly refine his skills and seek out roles that challenge and inspire him. His sharp wit and sardonic humor serve as both a shield and a weapon, concealing a vulnerable and profoundly introspective side.
Background: Nick grew up in a tumultuous environment marked by constant turmoil and instability. His household was filled with raised voices and lingering tension from a father that refused to seek help for his ailments and a mother too wrapped up in her escape to raise him and his younger brother, Oliver. As a result, Nick was forced to navigate a complex web of emotions and responsibilities from a young age, assuming a role of self-sufficiency and resilience. Acting became a sanctuary, a means for him to express himself and find solace amidst the chaos.
Best Quality: Nicholas's best quality lies in the unapologetic embrace of his darkness. He delves into the shadows, unafraid to confront his deepest fears and hidden cravings. His willingness to navigate the treacherous depths of his psyche showcases his resilience and unwavering determination to uncover the truth, even when it veers into unsettling territory.

Character in the Play:

Pronouns: He/him
Species: N/A
Gender: Genderqueer
Orientation: Pansexual
Appearance: Dionysus appears as a youthful man, with an ivy crown settled atop his golden locks of hair(couldn't find a picrew with ivy crowns or laurel wreaths :cry:). His eyes shimmer with a mischievous glint, reflecting the ever-changing emotions that dance within his soul. Clad in flowing, vibrant garments adorned with ivy and grapevine motifs, he possesses a soft, almost feminine figure. He always carries a thyrsos-- a pinecone-tipped staff--with him.
Personality: Dionysus embodies the duality of celebration and excess, joy, and madness. He is known for his magnetic presence, drawing others into his orbit with ease. He is a patron of artistic expression and the pursuit of pleasure, encouraging his followers to embrace their desires and revel in the freedom of their passions. Dionysus possesses a wild and unpredictable nature, capable of great kindness and compassion, as well as fiery wrath when crossed. He is fiercely protective of those who honor him, but can also be capricious and prone to erratic behavior.
Fatal Flaw: Dionysus's fatal flaw lies in his insatiable desire for excess. While his pursuit of pleasure and ecstasy can be liberating and transformative, it also carries the inherent risk of losing control and descending into unbridled chaos. Dionysus's intoxicating presence and influence can lead others down a dangerous path of hedonism, dancing on the line between indulgence and self-destruction. His fatal flaw stems from his inability to find balance and moderation, often succumbing to the temptations of excess and pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior.
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I'd still really like to host this if people are interested~:bouncy:
I'd still really like to host this if people are interested~:bouncy:
si, si! the weekends are just typically my relax days, so i dont go out of my way to get online stuff done!

a few more questions tho:
- what kind of faceclaims would u prefer us to use (anime-style like yours above or is any realistic art ok?)
- character sheets are my nemesis, but could i do a "Character Audit" that includes all of the prerequisites above? (appearance, persona, bg's, etc.)
- im hesitantly thinkin of having my gal play the "lost daughter of aphrodite" but before i delve down that route, would that be ok?
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: Orionis
I'd still really like to host this if people are interested~:bouncy:
si, si! the weekends are just typically my relax days, so i dont go out of my way to get online stuff done!

a few more questions tho:
- what kind of faceclaims would u prefer us to use (anime-style like yours above or is any realistic art ok?)
- character sheets are my nemesis, but could i do a "Character Audit" that includes all of the prerequisites above? (appearance, persona, bg's, etc.)
- im hesitantly thinkin of having my gal play the "lost daughter of aphrodite" but before i delve down that route, would that be ok?
It's been a long time since I've started a bigger project like this, so I got a little anxious. Nothing on y'all, I just gotta be patient! 💚
Any face claims you want to use are a-ok with me. :) Demigods and their descendants are allowed yes!!
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Lorem Lorem
Main Character

Sometimes... beauty's a curse. An invitation for the uninvited, a saccharine treat for the eyes and the twisted fragile soul within. When she was younger, her beauty elicited all she could ever ask for: open arms and flushed smiles and the melodic tempo of happiness. The giggles that spilled into laughter and the sweet, sweet hums that morphed into gentle lullabies. Yet as she grew older, the eyes were no longer saccharine, the mouths were no longer open in smile but bared, fangs and all. The worst were the smiles that were hungry, insatiable, intent. They begged for a feast she was not willing or interested to give. All she craved were the kind, sensitive smiles of her childhood, the genuine embrace of someone who adored you, and rarely was she able to find them.

Daphne Tychea Onasis, she/her

Born on October 23rd, 24 years old

Daphne received her three names the day she was found in the garbage bin. A newborn, wrapped in thick, bloody cotton, unable to make a sound. Daphne, because it was the name of her mother's mother. Tychea because it was her father's favorite literary character. Onasis from Onasis Eatery, which they had just left before crossing the road and finding the bundled miracle. She had a sweet life after that, her parents made sure of it. They were kind, protective, and an ever-flowing well of encouragement and they died in a multi-vehicle collision when she was seventeen and off at college-preparatory. She managed to successfully graduate, but never ended up furthering her education, taking side-jobs and gigs wherever she could find them with the certificates she'd already manage to earn.

Perceptive; she can feel the eyes on her, perceived or not, Daphne always seems aware of her surroundings provided she's not somewhere off in a dream. Altruistic; to receive good is to do good, and does it feel good to be good. Indistinct; it is instinctual by now, to be as unperceivable as possible. By the time she was fifteen, she was dressing in oversized men's clothes, disrupting every curve and angle that was visible. Openness to the unknown; a curious heart lies within her and she craves to experience and learn as much as she can.

Uses acting, singing, and dance as an escape from this reality. She is prone to maladaptive daydreaming, though it definitely aids in getting into character.

Virtue: Gentleness

Daphne craves the soft, loving embrace of a loved one. The saccharine hug of a dear friend. The tart-tongued bestie who'd never lead you astray. The kind, elderly words of an experienced soul passing on invaluable knowledge. To this, she treats others how she wishes to be treated, testing the waters of trust and love and personal care, going out of her way for those she can when she can.

Lorem Lorem
Dramatis Personae

The Lost Daughter is a somnolent figure— a pink haired, heavy-lidded, naked augury whose bewitching and saccharine presence in Visions of the Unbound is often a precursor to the more macabre elements of the play. Her prophetic silver-tongue was cursed by the god who stole her first kiss and the divine crushed-coral crown that appears near the end of the play often causes her to weep seafoam tears as the weight burrows into her temples. Despite the obvious nakedness, nothing of note is ever seen; thick and voluminous coral pink hair stretches past her calves and is always, always inexplicitly in the right place. Affixed to her pale peachy skin are five different accessories of aged-gold. The golden bracer attached to her left arm. The pair of thick armlets, intricately designed. The coral-depicting armband. And the delicate wristlet whose seafoam filigree make the faintest twinkle with every sashay.

Harmatia: Paranoia

Whispers of the unseen and the yet-to-come crush her under the weight of destiny. Barely able to speak without the fear of further persecution, the Lost Daughter is just that; lost in the world and upon the stage of ecstasy and delight and burning with the wrath of production lights and the righteous anger of mightier gods.

Main Character

Sometimes... beauty's a curse. An invitation for the uninvited, a saccharine treat for the eyes and the twisted fragile soul within. When she was younger, her beauty elicited all she could ever ask for: open arms and flushed smiles and the melodic tempo of happiness. The giggles that spilled into laughter and the sweet, sweet hums that morphed into gentle lullabies. Yet as she grew older, the eyes were no longer saccharine, the mouths were no longer open in smile but bared, fangs and all. The worst were the smiles that were hungry, insatiable, intent. They begged for a feast she was not willing or interested to give. All she craved were the kind, sensitive smiles of her childhood, the genuine embrace of someone who adored you, and rarely was she able to find them.

Daphne Tychea Onasis, she/her

Born on October 23rd, 24 years old

Daphne received her three names the day she was found in the garbage bin. A newborn, wrapped in thick, bloody cotton, unable to make a sound. Daphne, because it was the name of her mother's mother. Tychea because it was her father's favorite literary character. Onasis from Onasis Eatery, which they had just left before crossing the road and finding the bundled miracle. She had a sweet life after that, her parents made sure of it. They were kind, protective, and an ever-flowing well of encouragement and they died in a multi-vehicle collision when she was seventeen and off at college-preparatory. She managed to successfully graduate, but never ended up furthering her education, taking side-jobs and gigs wherever she could find them with the certificates she'd already manage to earn.

Perceptive; she can feel the eyes on her, perceived or not, Daphne always seems aware of her surroundings provided she's not somewhere off in a dream. Altruistic; to receive good is to do good, and does it feel good to be good. Indistinct; it is instinctual by now, to be as unperceivable as possible. By the time she was fifteen, she was dressing in oversized men's clothes, disrupting every curve and angle that was visible. Openness to the unknown; a curious heart lies within her and she craves to experience and learn as much as she can.

Uses acting, singing, and dance as an escape from this reality. She is prone to maladaptive daydreaming, though it definitely aids in getting into character.

Virtue: Gentleness

Daphne craves the soft, loving embrace of a loved one. The saccharine hug of a dear friend. The tart-tongued bestie who'd never lead you astray. The kind, elderly words of an experienced soul passing on invaluable knowledge. To this, she treats others how she wishes to be treated, testing the waters of trust and love and personal care, going out of her way for those she can when she can.


Dramatis Personae

The Lost Daughter of Aphrodite is a somnolent figure— a pink haired, heavy-lidded, naked augury whose bewitching and saccharine presence in Visions of the Unbound is often a precursor to the more macabre elements of the play. Her prophetic silver-tongue was cursed by the god who stole her first kiss and the divine crushed-coral crown that appears near the end of the play often causes her to weep seafoam tears as the weight burrows into her temples. Despite the obvious nakedness, nothing of note is ever seen; thick and voluminous coral pink hair stretches past her calves and is always, always inexplicitly in the right place. Affixed to her pale peachy skin are five different accessories of aged-gold. The golden bracer attached to her left arm. The pair of thick armlets, intricately designed. The coral-depicting armband. And the delicate wristlet whose seafoam filigree make the faintest twinkle with every sashay.

Harmatia: Paranoia

Whispers of the unseen and the yet-to-come crush her under the weight of destiny. Barely able to speak without the fear of further persecution, the Lost Daughter is just that; lost in the world and upon the stage of ecstasy and delight and burning with the wrath of production lights and the righteous anger of mightier gods.
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@OKSaiph lemme know if i need to make any edits, i kinda just hit a vibelength and ran with it!!
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@OKSaiph lemme know if i need to make any edits, i kinda just hit a vibelength and ran with it!!
I absolutely ADORE what you wrote so don't worry!! It makes me excited to see what other people do. :)
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I am so down for this!
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Lorem Lorem


Main Character​

Prismarine "Prism" Magdalene Mendez, she/her

Born on December 4th, Sagittarius, Age 21

Female, Bisexual Biromantic

Prism was born the second and final child of John and McKenzie Mendez, their only other child being Prism's older sister, Zeppelin (named for their father's favorite band, Led Zeppelin). The two girls grew up normally until Prism was about four, at which point their mother found out she had cancer. After a two year long fight against it, she tragically passed away just days before Prism turned six. The poor girl's birthday happened on the same day as her mother's funeral. Her father would eventually remarry her mother's best friend, Belladonna, who ever so kindly offered to help him run his diner. He agreed, but unbeknownst to him, she was using the money they made for her own personal purposes. This continued for two years until John died tragically in a plane crash when Prism was eight. That's when the horror truly began. Bella used the girls to keep the restaurant running, as well as practically slaves in their own home.
During this time, Zep did all she could to protect her sister, eventually befriending Karma, a student at her school that was only two years older than her and six years older than Prism. As soon as Karma learned of their problems, they managed to... deal with her. Prism isn't sure how, as Zeppelin never let her know, and neither did Karma, for that matter. But what Karma did do was make sure that she was able to have the freedom to be an actress like they both wanted to be, and eventually, the two decided to head to the Elysian playhouse, with the potential for a very important show.

Prism is, above all, a kind and sensitive soul. whose emotions oftentimes get the better of her. She is very trusting of other people, which often turns into her getting into situations that she sometimes can't easily get out of. Despite this, her genuinely good and empathetic nature is the most often to shine through, and she is shown to be incredibly compassionate. She is also considered incredibly smart, being naturally able to notice problems and strange things without giving anything away due to her upbringing.

Virtue: Kindness

Lorem Lorem


Dramatis Personae​

The Branded One is first seen as a gentle figure, a naive, but kind creature that is the object of devotion of the young imp Azazel. Later on in Visions of the Unbound, when she is cursed by the goddess Aphrodite for Azazel's comments about her beauty to be the object of their obsession, she is shown to be afraid, cowering away from sounds and seen flinching away from the center of the scene, losing her innocence and naivety in exchange for an acute sense of awareness and an utter sense of fear. Her appearance on stage gradually changes with each act. She begins the play in a pale blue toga, with wavy tousled blonde hair and bare feet. Later on in the play, during the curse, her appearance becomes more frazzled, ending the play in a tattered red toga and a red mark on her right shoulder blade. She is also seen wearing tan sandals near the end of the play, and her hair is incredibly disheveled.

Harmatia: Naivety

Hoping something good was around the corner. Hoping that every corner you turn has something good behind it is just plain foolishness, even if that happens to be true. This is where the Branded One's greatest fault lies, in the fact that she cannot truly distinct between what is bad or what is good for her eventually brings about her tragedy.


code here
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Lethe Sheridan

She/Her | Female | June 1 | 21 years old​

Lethe Sheridan is an up and coming name within the industry, a fresh graduate from Juilliard that is hoping to kickstart her career now in Chicago. Yet, the glamourous life she had been dreaming off has hasn't happened yet and she finds herself quickly forgotten within an industry where to be 'forgotten' is fatal.

Of Amazonian height Lethe is, like her peers, known for her versatile beauty and ever-changing face that can morph into every character needed. However, if there is one role for which she is most casted (if she gets casted) it is that of a side-character, the one meant to kick up a laugh, or leave an impression, but should be forgotten just as quickly as not to take the spots away from the main stage. The classical beauty that isn't quirky enough to be found endearing or relatable to the crowd.

Lethe's virtue lies in her confidence. Not arrogant, nor cocky, Lethe knows exactly what her worth is and who she is and who she wants to be. She knows of her own qualities and is aware of her shortcomings. It enhances her charm, and lifts the mood when all seems dire, as no one ever has to feel lost in her presence. Some have even suggested that she should try directing instead of acting with her natural leadership skills as well as organisational skills. A thought that Lethe is considering more and more as her career doesn't seem to start off. Though, even for directing one needs an established career to be successful.


Name: Styx

The river that forms the boundary between the living and the underworld, and the goddess upon whom all oaths are made. Styx is the name invoked to make a vow and the name called upon to honour the word. It is the honour of the gods and the sacredness of their word, though it has caused many a paradox that has lead to tragic deaths like Semele's, mother of Dionysus, or Phaethon's, son of Helios. Forgotten tales like the memories left behind when the souls who past the river Styx leave their mortal memories behind.

Not much is known of Styx, other than that she is diligent in her job in both offering her water to the souls moving on, and to remind the gods of their vows. Too diligent, perhaps, and some may describe it as her fatal flaw, as sometimes her reminders lead to unforeseen consequences she never intended. Styx is pragmatic, however, not allowing emotions or her own morality to get in the way of her duties, nor to linger onto the past.

  • I'm SHOOK
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Waiting for at least one more or for the lovely monkeydoll to finish crafting their character. Whichever comes first! :bouncy:
Sorry, I am super late! Is it only one we can make or can it be two?
Sorry, I am super late! Is it only one we can make or can it be two?
I figured you were busy, no worries! If you think you can handle two pairs, go for it! If it ends up being a bit too much for you we can always RP it out :bouncy:
Perfect! Im shoving my two new favorites in here to suffer :)
Does anyone have cool form templates i could use?
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Where would I find said form you used?