• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life


In the beautiful country of Vundergren they host a parade once a year to celebrate the many years of peace between the participating countries of the United Peace Treaty! However, this year's masquerade turned into a bloodbath as a band of raiders disguised as Jesters tried to assassinate Child Empress Cherivundaluna Unalin Amalthea, the third of her name, Lady of the Wintergreen Forest, Scourge of the Mountain Goblins... Well, her title is a long mouthful, but she is the only living heir to quite a valuable kingdom and she was kidnapped by a group of Death Cultists.

A brave party has managed to find the Empress - except now she has been aged into a young woman, corrupted by the teachings of the Death Cult and considers herself the Harbinger that shall destroy this world. Our Party's attempts at teaching this young woman about the joy of human life might've been for naught, as she's shown impressive power - enough to shift the very shape of beings!

A chicken-turned-dragon has taken the Empress and this very well may be the end of times. Can the party find them before it is too late?

We open to a volcanic mountain...


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: This is a SEQUEL! You do NOT need to be someone from the past charps to join! Returning characters can return with ease. New characters can be from anywhere, people still searching for the empress, OR anyone really that has stumbled into this adventure!

WHERE: Join us in the CHILD EMPRESS chat room. You'll find the link to our chats in the CHAT tab when it's time to play.

HOW: This is a ACTION SETTING WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. There will be action moments, where strange events will happen and your characters will have to work together to resolve it. With this ChaRP "lol random" behaviors are discouraged -- what your character says and does will have in game consequences, so choose wisely!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction. You can also reference our MINI CHARP GUIDE!

Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: Monbon
Reserved for bios.
Reserved for bonus content.
This is todaaaaay!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
This charp is coming up Nov 30th! :D
  • Love
Reactions: Zarko Straadi
this is todaaaay!

  • Diana:

    Today at 12:44 PM

  • Diana:


    THE CHILD EMPRESS IWAKU CHATBOX 2023-11-30T14:00:00-6 In the beautiful country of Vundergren they host a parade once a year to celebrate the many years of peace between the participating countries of the United Peace Treaty! However, this year's masquerade turned into a bloodbath as a band of...

    Today at 12:45 PM

  • Diana:
    This is a high fantasy setting with kingdoms and magic and cultists. Our magical empress turned a chicken into a dragon and then was kidnapped by the dragon! Will our motely crew be able to save/stop her before the end of the world is brought about a crazy chicken?

    Today at 12:46 PM

  • Diana:
    TYPE SHORT TYPE FAST! If you write too much or take too long, you will miss the action and people may not be able to read your posts fast enough. Keep it to 10 sentences and under.

    Today at 12:46 PM

  • Diana:
    Put you character name in the first sentence of your post so we know who is playing who. You can also use bbcode color to differentiate your posts from others!

    Today at 12:46 PM

  • Diana:
    Game Master posts are in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding the story!

    Today at 12:47 PM

  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY, so don't worry about typos and mistakes. If you get confused or need a little direction, I am in the main chat to help!

    Today at 12:47 PM

  • Diana:

    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)

    Today at 12:47 PM

  • Diana:
    Our wayward adventurers are presently attempting to make their way up a mountain in following the path of the chicken-turned-dragon, hoping to get to the stolen empress before a terrible, terrible, prophecy can unfold...

    Today at 1:10 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Mei-Ling trudged up the mountain trail, glad for her jade staff to help her balance through some of the rougher terrain.

    Today at 1:23 PM

  • Diana:
    Beere Bitterale, the mighty green menace was presently holding the bulk of their gear hoisted on his back as her trailed behind Mei-ling. The man, And, had shot ahead, or elsewhere... Beere didn't understand a damn word the man had said. Something about the chicken bringing about the end. All Beere really cared about was reclaiming the little lady and sending her back where she was safe and sound. Then eating himself something roasted. Perhaps a giant dragon's leg if he got the chance. "Why dragons always roost in mountains instead of nice level valleys?" he grunted.

    Today at 1:25 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara watched the pair of travelers closely from her hiding place in a cleft of rock above the trail. The foreign lady had to be rich, despite the commoner's hooded cloak she wore. She just had a graceful and dignified way of carrying herself, even when she was tired. Even more telling was her hulking Orc bodyguard. Not just anybody could hire one of those. So, she had to be loaded. But...humungous Orc bodyguard, so maybe not the best mark...

    Today at 1:28 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Probably...for this very reason," Mei-Ling replied. "It makes...attacking them difficult."

    Today at 1:29 PM

  • Diana:
    "Stupid dragons," huffed Beere. But he dutifully shuffled along. Ever so often pausing to take a deep sniff sniiiiff of the air. Something didn't quite smell like mountain forest, but it didn't seem to be a scent that alarmed him, so he said not
    hing of it for now. "Beere did not know the small lady was a sorceress," he added in conversation. Maybe the others had noticed or sensed something, but he sure hadn't!

    Today at 1:34 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Wait, she's a sorceress? Shara thought. So she's right out. But...what if they're on some kind of big adventure?

    Today at 1:45 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Wha?" Mei-Ling sputtered. The sudden change of subject took a moment for her tired mind to process. "I am not a sorceress. I know some healing and illusion magic and martial arts, but my primary training is in the art of diplomacy," she said, trying to keep the sadness out of her voice. They were on this march because she had failed at the one thing she was supposed to be good at, talking to people and negotiating with them.

    Today at 1:50 PM

  • Diana:
    Beere gave a heart sudden laugh, so booming loud that it scattered birds in the trees and jostled animals in the forest. "HAAA! HA HA! Beere did not mean the guardian yourself! The small lady, the empress grown. That power she wielded was not... was not natural, was it?"

    Today at 1:52 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Oh!" Mei-Ling said, covering her mouth for a chuckle. "I do not think she had such power before the cultists took her."

    That big Orc is suspicious. Can he smell me? Shara thought. By a leap of intuition, she made a choice. Shara popped up and waved to the travelers. "Uh...hello. I heard you coming, and since it's just me, I figured it would be safest to get off the trail and hide until you passed. But, uh...can I join you?" she said.

    Today at 1:55 PM

  • Diana:
    "RAAAAAAAGHHHH!" came Beere's bellowed reply, along with the swing of his axe! Only stopping a foot or two shy of slinging the thing down on Shara once he realized this was only another tiny helpless thing and not a danger to the ambassador. "Joining us is dangerous... we are after a chicken dragon."

    Today at 1:58 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    As the gigantic orc came at her with swinging axe gleaming in the late afternoon sun, Shara nimbly dove over a rock, out of the path of the axe, and rolled to a crouch. She did not reach for her sword though. In this situation, her best option would be to run the hell away. Shara couldn't outfight that Orc, but she bet she could outrun him if she headed upslope into the rough terrain. He had his Lady to protect, so he couldn't chase her too far anyway.

    Instead of continuing his attack however, the Orc changed his mind, going from terrifying to merely scary. "A...chicken dragon?" Shara said.

    "It is a long story," Mei-Ling said. "But we are headed toward the top of this mountain," she said, pointing toward a ridge high up toward the peak, where she had seen the dragon disappear. "We expect it will be a long and difficult journey. But at the end of it there will be a dragon. That used to be a chicken, yes, but a dragon just the same." She examined the young girl closely. The way she moved, the way she ended up in a balanced stance, ready for action...Mei-Ling had been trained in the art of appraising people, and she just had a feeling that this girl was more than some traveling waif. But...she could sense no malice beyond the mischievous quirk of the girl's eyebrow when she repeated Beere's words.

    The girl's eyes followed her finger, blinked with surprise, then turned thoughtful. "That one? The third one up from us, with the big white rock near the top?" Mei-Ling nodded, and watched as the girl's eyes switched to confusion. "'re probably going to think I'm crazy, but...I got this map from an old man in Snowdrop Hollow--he might have been a fae or wizardfolk or the like--and that's one of the destinations it leads to..."

    Mei-Ling gave the girl a smile. "On any other day, I would never have believed such a tale. But today, I am going in search of a chicken dragon. So if it is alright with Beere," she said, nodding to the Orc, "you are welcome to join us."

    Today at 2:34 PM

  • Diana:
    "Are there also snacks in that pack?" Beere asked, genuinely curious. A convenient girl with a map was no worry or suspicion to him. After all, the journey they were on was already so strange that anything could happen at this point! "Come along then Jumpy Legs! Another companion to battle this dragon with can bring even more glory to us all!"

    Today at 2:36 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara tried not to flinch at the new nickname the Orc was offering her. She really tried. Just let it paaaaass, maybe he'll forget about it. " this an actual, honest-to-goodness dragon, and not, say, a dragon the size of a chicken?" Shara said. A flash of memory: a moment back in Snowdrop Village when the old man was spinning his tale of long ago, of a time when dragons soared through the skies. She'd wondered what it would have been like living in such a world.

    "Yes, it is a true dragon. Her name is Paul. We first knew her as a chicken who accompanied another companion of ours who is on another mission. She was not an ordinary chicken though, so perhaps the dragon is her true form. I do not know." Mei-Ling hesitated for a moment. Could she trust the girl? She took a deep breath and let it out. Whatever her failures had been, they had not been due to trusting someone who did not deserve it. "The...Empress Cherivundaluna turned her into a dragon, or reverted her to dragon form. She--the Empress, not the chicken dragon--had been abducted by cultists, and we were trying to rescue her..." she said, then briefly recapped the party's adventures, and the Empress' mysterious transformation from child to young woman.

    Shara's eyes went wide. "The...Empress?" She had never been to the Capital, or any of the great cities of the Nations of the United Peace. The doings of kings and Empresses...all lightning in faraway clouds as far as her life had been concerned. Nor had she ever seen anyone who looked like the Lady before. "I' if I can," she said. BIIIIIIIIIG ADVENTUUUUUURE! " we actually have to battle this dragon? She was a friend of yours--of a sort, wasn't she?"

    43 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "The chicken dragon snatched the small lady, and so we must get her back. Even if Beere must smash that chicken dragon's head in and roast it over an open fire." Of which Beere didn't sound upset by in the slightest. In fact, he'd probably been trying to eat that damn chicken the whole time but never had the opportunity. "...but to avoid bloodshed would make the ambassador happy. It would be nice to not upset the small lady as well."

    37 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Ambassador?" Shara said.
    "Ah, yes, I am Mei-Ling Yin, Ambassador to the Court of Vundergren from the Jade Temple," the Lady said with an elegant bow. Shara gave a slow nod, mouth agape. This wasn't just a rich person, she was an important person. And did she just... "Uh...pleasure to meet you Milady," Shara replied belatedly, fumbling a curtsy. Mother had taught her how to imitate a noblewoman for...purposes of creative wealth redistribution. But she was way out of practice, and in this particular moment, caught entirely off guard. "I'm...Sharandula Molchaniye Zoloto. But my friends call me Shara." Shara felt a little stab as the words came out of her mouth. She didn't exactly have any friends now, did she?

    26 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "And Beere is.... BEERE BITTERALE. WARRIOR OF THE THORN MOUNTAIN CLAN." he yelled at the very top of his lungs, once again displacing all the critters in the nearby area and even making several rocks tumble down the side of the steep mountain trail. "Jumpy Legs may call me Beere."

    21 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shara gave a pouty look at Beere's repetition of that nickname. "If you must call me by a nickname, I am also known as the Golden Fox," she said, keeping her tone light.

    Mei-Ling quietly observed the girl as she joined their party. She moved with an athletic, gung-ho energy. Mei-Ling had never heard of such a character as 'The Golden Fox,' but that meant nothing. She was foreign to this land, and if 'The Golden Fox' was following a map, she could be well away from wherever she was 'known.'

    10 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Beere squinted at the girl, heaving a big heavy sigh. "Yes, yes, Jumpy Fox then." he agreed. He didn't really see the fox resemblance, but if it was the girl's name, who was he to judge! "We will be mighty companions."

    1 minute ago

  • Diana:
    AND SO THE TRIO CONTINUED THEIR WAY UP THE MOUNTAIN IN SEARCH OF PAUL'S DRAGON LAIR. Would Mei-Ling ever make it back to her own kingdom? Could Beere's bottomless stomach ever be satisfied? Was Shara going to get sucked into a portal before seeing the result of her prophecy touched involvement? Where was And? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON THE CHILD EMPRESS!
Child Empress has two scheduled days in Feb! 8D
  • Love
Reactions: Zarko Straadi
Fingers crossed for Team Cherivundaluna to be able to attend today...